Pensions for sailors. Conditions for early appointment

Rail transport (subsection 1 of Lists Nos. 1 and 2)

Sea and river fleet (List N 1, section XXIsubsection 2,

Civil aviation (List No. 1, section XXI, subsection 3)

The transport system of Russia is a large and complex economic complex located throughout the country. It includes: land transport (railway, road), water (sea and river), air and pipeline.

Section XXI of List No. 1 and Section XX VIII of List No. 2 provide for the following types of transport: rail (metro), sea and river, air (civil aviation).

Consider the right to preferential pension provision for employees of each type of transport.

Rail transport (subsection 1 of Lists Nos. 1 and 2)

The right to a pension in accordance with subsection 1 XXI and XX VIII, respectively, of Lists No. 1 and 2, is enjoyed by employees of the railway transport system working in depots, at repair plants and other enterprises and organizations that are not directly involved in organizing transportation and ensuring traffic safety on the railway transport.

So, the right to preferential pension provision under List No. 1 (section .X XI, subsection 1) are used by bandages, fillers lead-tin alloys, punchers-blowers pipes, mechanics for the repair of rolling stock, employed in the repair of tanks from under ethyl liquid, as well as in the repair, filling and changing the valves of tanks.

Along with lead-tin alloys, other alloys are used, which may contain lead, its content, as a rule, is negligible. Smelters of such alloys (such as bronze) are not eligible for pension benefits.

Workers, regardless of the name of the profession, employed in the internal cleaning of tanks from oil products and chemicals, enjoy the right to preferential pension provision under List No. 1 (section .X XIII"General Professions").

Retirement benefits for mechanics for the repair of rolling stock under List N 1 are provided if they are engaged in the repair of tanks from ethyl liquid or perform work on refueling and changing the valves of tanks, which, as a rule, are carried out at washing and steaming stations and maintenance points, points preparation of tanks for transportation to preliminary steaming, cleaning, ventilation and degassing.Works on partial cleaning and steaming of tanks, prior to repair, refueling and changing of valves of tanks, should not deprive mechanics for the repair of rolling stock of the right to a preferential pension under List No. 1.

At the sleeper impregnation enterprises of the railway transport system, work is carried out on the impregnation of sleepers. Pension benefits under List No. 2 are established for impregnators of lumber and wood products employed in work with the use of harmful substances of at least the third hazard class. Often there are questions about the possibility of assigning a pension in connection with the special working conditions for loaders, slingers of sleeper impregnation enterprises. It should be borne in mind that these and other workers engaged in transportation, sorting, loading at sedimentation sites, at warehouses for storing sleepers, as well as at areas where they are impregnated, pension benefits not installed.

At locomotive building and locomotive repair enterprises carry out work on testing diesel engines and diesel generators. The right to preferential pension provision under List No. 2 (section .X IV, subsection 12) are used by workers involved in testing diesel engines diesel generators with a gas turbine supercharged power of 800 hp and more and the number of revolutions of the turbine is not less than 17 thousand rpm, as well as on rheostatic tests of diesel locomotives. Foremen employed in these jobs (other than rheostatic testing of diesel locomotives) are also entitled to pension benefits in accordance with this section.

Employees of locomotive crews, as well as employees directly involved in the organization of transportation and ensuring traffic safety in railway transport and the subway, a pension due to special working conditions is assigned in accordance with paragraph "d" Article 12 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On state pensions V Russian Federation", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 24, 1992 N 272. These include employees of railway services, energy services. For men, a pension is assigned upon reaching 50 years of age, if they have worked, respectively, for at least 12 years and 6 months and 10 years at work, giving the right to a pension in accordance with the said paragraph.

The circle of employees of railway transport and the subway who have pension benefits in accordance with paragraph "e" of Article 12 of the Law contains a List of professions for working locomotive crews, as well as professions and positions of employees of certain categories who directly organize transportation and ensure traffic safety in railway transport and the subway.

Sea and river fleet (List N 1, section XXI subsection 2,

List No. 2 section XX VIII, subsection 3)

Pension benefits under List No. 1 are provided to workers of two professions: boiler cleaners, employed on ships cleaning boilers, and stokers of solid fuel ships. The specified workers are granted a pension regardless of which ships they work on and whether they are seafarers or not.

IN section .X XVIII List No. 2 provides for employees of the sea and river fleet of two categories: the ships of these fleets and the coastal staff. The pension under List No. 2 is not assigned to all members of the crew of the sea and river fleet, but only to employees of the engine crew: stokers of ships running on liquid fuel, machinists and minders of all kinds, mechanics, electricians. These employees are provided with pension benefits if they are employed on ships of the service and auxiliary fleet and ships of the port fleet, permanently operating in the port water area (except for service and traveling, suburban and intracity traffic).

It must be remembered that not all persons on board the ship are seafarers. It is approved for each type of vessel by the shipowner. As a rule, it is composed of persons who are members of the ship's crew. Persons who are not members of the ship's crew, although they are included in the list of people (ship's list) on board the ship, do not belong to the ship's crew.

The question of which ships work gives the seafarers the right to preferential pension provision, in each specific case is decided by the shipowner or a higher organization. The basis for issuing a certificate may be an order (instruction) of the shipowner on the registration of the fleet, the ship's staffing table or the salary scheme.

Preferential pensions in accordance with this section are provided to employees of the sea and river fleet on ships engaged in the transport of goods and passengers. Depending on the conditions of transportation, service areas, length of lines, duration of trips, types of services provided and other features, passenger lines are divided into: transport, tourist, sightseeing and pleasure. Transport lines, in turn, are divided into: transit, local, suburban, intracity and ferry. Sections XXI and XX VIII of Lists Nos. 1 and 2 do not apply to employees of ships engaged in the production of fish and fish products.

As mentioned above, pension benefits for C squeak N 2 are provided to the employees of the engine crew of the crew of the ships of the sea and river fleet specified in section XXVIII. When determining the right to a preferential pension for employees of these ships, it matters what service of the ship they belong to ( ship-mechanical(engine team), radio engineering, medical and sanitary, training and ship, service for the extraction and processing of fish and others).

From the coastal staff of the sea and river fleet, pension benefits have been established for bilge minders, explosives and painters employed in painting and sanding ships at the docks. Moreover, painters receive a pension for C squeak N 2 is assigned regardless of what paints and varnishes they are busy with.

Seafarers and river fleet employees are entitled to pension benefits not only under List No. 2 (section .X XVIII), but also in accordance with paragraph "and" Article 12 of the Law. The right to this benefit is acquired not only by the crew of the engine crew of the ships of the sea and river fleet, but also by the crew of all services of these ships, as well as the crew of the fishing industry fleet, engaged in the extraction, processing of fish and other work related to their conduct.

The right to a pension in accordance with paragraph "and" Article 12 of the Law are employees of the floating staff of all ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing fleet, regardless of the type of their activity, except for port ships, permanently operating in the port waters, service and auxiliary, traveling , suburban and intracity communication, regardless of the name of their profession and position. When determining the right to these benefits, questions arise related to attributing them to the crew of those ships, work on which gives the right to pension benefits.

As mentioned above, these issues in all cases are decided by the shipowner or a higher organization. However, pension authorities should be aware of the following.

In accordance with the current USSR Merchant Shipping Code (Article 9), "a ship means a self-propelled and non-self-propelled floating structure" used by the shipowner for various purposes.

Vessels that are part of the port fleet and perform specific functions related to its activities are classified as port ships.

Instructive letter of the Department of Maritime Transport and the Council of the Trade Union of Water Transport Workers of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 1992 N SM-39/1223 recommended that shipowners by their orders (orders) annually determine the list of ships permanently operating only in the port water area.

Service auxiliary vessels are vessels that perform the functions of servicing and ensuring the operation of ships, towing floating facilities, landing stages, ships of other objects, if these works were not included in the plan for the transportation of goods, coastal facilities and port waters.

The service and crew vessel is not in commercial operation and is used to ensure the official activities of the shipowner's personnel.

Suburban ships connect port points located on the territory administratively subordinated to the city (district) and are used to transport passengers and goods between the city and adjacent suburban settlements located on waterways.

An intracity ship connects points within the same city and is used to transport passengers.

Seafarers are understood as the ship's crew, consisting of the captain, other officers and ratings (statutes of service on ships of the Ministry of the River Fleet of the RSFSR), providing control, movement, survivability and safety of the ship's operation, serving both the ship's personnel and passengers ( Rules of the Russian River Register, ship service charters navy RSFSR).

Medical workers sent to ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet and included in the staff of the medical and sanitary service of these ships are seafarers. They are subject to the Charter of service on these ships and the terms of remuneration for seafarers. Therefore, the positions: general practitioner, surgeon, ship's doctor, head of the first-aid post and other medical personnel on the staff of the courts belong to the floating composition.

Training and production ships do not belong to service-crew, service-auxiliary, suburban and intra-city traffic, therefore, the issue of preferential pension provision for the crew of such ships (sea river fleet) should be considered in accordance with the section of the List N 2 "Transport" and paragraph . "and" Article 12 of the Law.

There are research vessels in the sea and river fleet and the fleet of the fishing industry. Since the legislation does not provide for what specific work should be performed by the ships provided for in this section of List No. 2, the seafarers of research ships can also enjoy the right to preferential pension provision as the seafarers of ships of the sea and river fleet and the fishing industry fleet.

When resolving issues of preferential pension provision for replacement crews of ships of the sea and river fleet, as well as the fishing industry fleet, it should be remembered that the seafarers of the replacement crews of these ships may enjoy the right to preferential pension provision under List No. 2 or in accordance with paragraph "and" Article 12 of the Law if the nature of their work and working conditions correspond to the nature of work and working conditions of the seafarers, i.e. in those cases when, after the replacement of the crew, the ship goes on a voyage to fulfill the planned task.

The direction of the replacement crew to the next ship should be reflected in the documents of the shipping company (management, fleet base), orders, orders, protocols of the dispatch meeting, etc.

The working hours of replacement crews as part of repair crews whose main task is to perform repair work (i.e. crew members are not included in the ship’s crew to fulfill the planned task, but are sent to repair the ship), in a special seniority for the appointment of a pension in connection with special working conditions is not included.

The special experience includes the time of work as part of the crew of the ships of the sea and river fleet, as well as the fleet of the fishing industry, engaged in the transport of passengers and cargo, fishing, fish processing and other work during the voyage.

Along with these works, separate periods immediately preceding or following these works are counted in the special length of service.

The periods of work following the end of the voyage include: stops in the port for loading and unloading operations, inter-voyage maintenance or repairs, as well as periods of crew members staying in the main and additional holidays, paid reserve and time off, on leave to care for a child until he reaches the age established by law (until October 6, 1992), periods of temporary disability, business trips and other cases when an order to transfer to another job is not required (i.e. not changing the nature and working conditions).

The periods preceding the dispatch of the ship's crew to perform a voyage task include: paid reserve, repairs, etc. periods when a member of the ship's crew works in his specialty, and upon completion of work is sent as part of the ship's crew to perform a voyage task.

A fully completed navigation period in water transport is counted in accordance with Article 94 of the Law at a double rate.

Civil aviation (List No. 1, section XXI, subsection 3)

Subsection 3 is additionally included in Section XXI of List N 1 by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of July 23, 1991 N 497.

Flight attendants (without any conditions) enjoy the right to a pension in connection with special working conditions under List No. 1. According to the previous legislation, it was mandatory to confirm that they had flown at least 500 hours per year. Now there is no such requirement, therefore, for the period before 1992, the flight attendant also does not need to confirm that he has flown at least 500 hours per year.

In addition to flight attendants, employees of the air traffic control service have pension benefits under List No. 1: air traffic controllers, instructor air traffic controllers, senior air traffic controllers, and flight directors. A pension is assigned to all of them if they directly control air traffic in the areas of airports, air hubs, in airfield control towers, regional auxiliary centers and their sectors, local control centers with the highest intensity or complexity of traffic, i.e. serve regular civil aviation flights.

Flight managers who directly control air traffic in specialized areas with the highest intensity and complexity of traffic during test flights in the process of development, experimental and research work in the field of aviation and other equipment also enjoy the right to preferential pension coverage.

The list of such air traffic control zones was approved by the Ministry of Industry of the Russian Federation on January 24, 1992 (agreed with the Russian Ministry of Labor on January 29, 1992). It includes:

Air traffic control areas of test aerodromes (including jointly based aerodromes), with the exception of visual control areas (launch areas).

Air traffic control zones for aircraft carriers.

Air traffic control zones for aviation firing and tactical ranges.

The list has been developed based on the requirements of the Manual for Test Flights in the Aviation Industry.

V.G. Belyakin

Persons working as seafarers on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet have the right to early appointment of an insurance pension (with the exception of port ships permanently operating in the port water area, auxiliary and crew ships, suburban and intracity ships).

Seafarers are understood as the ship's personnel who carry out labor activities to manage the ship and maintain it in proper condition. As follows from the text of the article, the right to an early insurance pension is granted to the crew of ships that perform work, according to their purpose, outside the port water area, that is, at a considerable distance from the coast in difficult weather and climatic conditions. The seafarers of ships operating within the port water area do not enjoy the right to early assignment of an old-age insurance pension, since the work of the seafarers of these ships proceeds in more favorable conditions and in a different mode.

When determining the right to early retirement on this basis, it is essential what kind of work is performed by the courts. Seafarers of auxiliary and crew vessels, whose task is to service and support other vessels and the activities of the shipowner's personnel, working both in the port water area and outside it, are not provided with early retirement benefits. The crew members of intra-city and suburban ships are also not entitled to early retirement benefits.

The right to an early insurance pension for persons of this category is established regardless of the name of the profession of a member of the crew. To confirm this work, in addition to an entry in the work book, a clarifying certificate from the shipowner is often required that this position refers to the seafarers, and the ship on which the labor activity was carried out does not belong to the port, constantly working in the port waters, service and auxiliary, traveling, suburban and intracity communications. The basis for issuing a certificate may be the staffing of ships (staffing), technical specifications (specifications) of ships, registers of personnel of the shipowner, ship registers, time sheets and other documents from which it is clear that the employee is a member of the ship's crew , which refers to those ships, work on which gives the sailors the right to early appointment of an old-age insurance pension.

Men who have at least 12 years 6 months of experience in these jobs and at least 25 years of insurance experience with an individual coefficient of at least 30 are entitled to receive an old-age insurance pension upon reaching the age of 55;

Women who have at least 10 years of experience in these jobs and at least 20 years of insurance experience with an individual coefficient of at least 30 are entitled to receive an old-age insurance pension upon reaching the age of 50 years.

(retirement earlier by 5 years) is provided in accordance with sub. 9 p. 1 art. 27 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter - Law No. 173-FZ), provided that they have worked for a certain period (men for at least 12 years 6 months, women for at least 10 years ) on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port ships permanently operating in the port water area, auxiliary and crew ships, suburban and intracity ships) and have an insurance record of 25 and 20 years, respectively.

The seafarers of these ships shall acquire the right to early retirement benefits, regardless of what work is performed by the ship and directly by a member of the ship's crew (seafarers). This may be the transportation of goods, passengers or production, processing of fish and seafood, acceptance of finished products in the fishery, icebreaking and raid work, as well as other non-transport and fishery work. It also does not matter the name of the profession and position of a member of the ship's crew, provided for in subpara. 9 p. 1 art. 27 of Law No. 173-FZ.

Employees, including seafarers, who have worked (men for at least 25 years and women for at least 20 years) on the ships of the navy of the fishing industry in the extraction, processing of fish and seafood, receiving finished products in the fishery (regardless of the nature of the work performed ), as well as on certain types of vessels of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (the List of such vessels was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.07.1992 No. 467), in accordance with subpara. 12 p. 1 art. 27 of Law No. 173-FZ, an old-age labor pension is assigned regardless of age.

The right of these workers to an early retirement pension applies to all workers, regardless of their profession and position, engaged in the performance of work on the extraction, processing of fish and seafood, as well as those who receive finished products in the fishery. It does not matter the nature of the work of a particular employee. It also does not matter the type of vessel belonging to the marine fleet of the fishing industry.

The features of work on the listed vessels are due to weather and climatic conditions and the remoteness of work from the shore: some employees are employed on ships during the navigation period (mainly the crew of the river fleet, including ships of the fishing industry fleet), others work on ships for long periods without days off and holidays public holidays rest, which the floating composition of ships uses after the completion of the voyage (mainly ships of the navy, including ships of the fishing industry fleet).

According to paragraph 13 of the Rules for calculating periods of work, giving the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Articles 27 and 28 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation", approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 11, 2002 No. 516, work during the full navigational period on water transport is taken into account in such a way that when calculating the length of service that gives the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension, its duration in the corresponding calendar year amounted to full year. The duration of the navigation period does not matter, it depends on the natural and climatic conditions of the region and therefore may be different.

Navigation is a period when navigation is possible according to local climatic conditions.

The duration of the navigation period is determined depending on the climatic conditions of individual regions of the country, which allow navigation work on water transport not all year round, but for a certain period of time.

In some cases, for reasons beyond the control of the employee, the start of navigation in the work area does not coincide with the date of the ship's departure, and the end does not coincide with the date of its actual return after completion of work to the ship's home port. Due to the fact that not all ships can go on a voyage at the same time, orders are issued for the commissioning of specific ships, which indicate different dates for their entry into service, and orders for the preparation of ships for layup or repair, in accordance with which ships can return to the port a few days before navigation closes. The time spent by the ship in voyage during such a period should be considered as a full navigational period.

In cases where an employee has not worked the entire navigation period on a ship, the time of his work is included in the length of service in the relevant types of work according to its actual duration, regardless of the reason why the work did not start at the beginning of the navigation period or was terminated before its end. The seafarer employee finished work during the navigation period 20 days earlier due to going on vacation without pay. In this case, the time of its operation in navigation cannot be considered as a full navigation period. This period is counted in the length of service in the relevant types of work, giving the right to early retirement benefits, according to its actual duration.

In accordance with the Regulations on working hours and rest time for employees of the floating composition of ships of the navy, approved. According to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 11 dated February 20, 1996, the working hours of the ship's crew members (seafarers) include the time they perform work on servicing the ship and maintaining it in normal operational and technical condition during the performance of the voyage task with the inclusion of auxiliary, preparatory, repair and other work that provides the basic functions of the seafarers, which is consistent with clause 5 of the clarification of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 05/22/1996 No. 5. According to clause 5 of the specified clarification, working hours (full time) include the time for performing auxiliary, preparatory, and for workers, performing work with the help of mechanisms, as well as the time for performing repair work of a current nature and work on technical operation equipment. It may also include the time of performing work performed outside the workplace in order to ensure basic labor functions.

Thus, in the length of service, giving the crew of the ships of the sea, river fleet and fleet of the fishing industry the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with subpara. 9 and 12 paragraph 1 of Art. 27 of Law No. 173-FZ, it is possible to include the time of performing all the work performed by the crew during the period of the voyage task, including the time of loading and unloading operations in the port, inter-voyage maintenance or repair of the vessel, paid reserve (duty) and the performance of other work by the crew before leaving of the vessel on a voyage or after the return of the vessel to its port of registry, if these works are related to the provision of the main labor functions of the crew, which he performs during the voyage.

The issue of offsetting to the length of service, which gives the right to employees of the seafarers of ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet for early retirement, summed days of rest (days off) for unused days off during the voyage of the vessel and in some cases for overtime, may be considered in in accordance with the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 29.01.2004 No. 2-P and the ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 12.07.2006 No. 261-O, which explains that the length of service of employees with a special nature of work (these include employees of seafarers of sea vessels, of the river fleet and the fleet of the fishing industry), which gives the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension, includes both the period of work and the period of rest. It follows from this that if in the accounting period the number of hours actually worked by the seafarers of these vessels was not less than the normal number of working hours established Labor Code Russian Federation (Article 91), then the time of inter-voyage rest (time of processing and summed days of rest for unused days off during the performance of the voyage task) should not be excluded from the total calendar period, which forms the length of service, giving the crew of the ships of the sea, river fleet and fleet fishing industry the right to early retirement.

For various reasons, ships of the sea and river fleet (inland transport fleet) and the fishing industry fleet (fishing fleet) can be laid up for a long time, mothballed (for which an order is issued by the shipowner) or stand at the quay wall in anticipation of sailing. In all cases, such ships do not perform the work corresponding to their intended purpose, therefore they cannot be classified as ships, the work of the seafarers of which gives the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension.

In view of the foregoing, the periods of the ships of the sea and river fleet (inland transport fleet) and the fishing industry fleet (fishing fleet) in layup, on conservation, as well as periods of a long stay of the vessel at the quay wall in the length of service, giving the right to early appointment of a labor pension according to old age in accordance with sub. 9 p. 1 art. 27 of Law No. 173-FZ, do not count.

Of the 28 types of old-age insurance pensions assigned ahead of schedule, 24 are assigned in connection with the performance of a certain type of activity. One of the professional categories of citizens entitled to early appointment of an old-age insurance pension due to difficult working conditions includes those working in the crew of ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port ships permanently operating in the port water area, service auxiliary and crew vessels, suburban and intracity vessels).

The PFR branch for Moscow and the Moscow Region pays pensions to 2,663 citizens included in the category of seafarers, of which 1,344 are in Moscow and 1,319 are in the Moscow Region.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", the right to an early old-age pension is granted to men upon reaching the age of 55 years and women upon reaching the age 50 years in the event that they have worked, respectively, for at least 12 years, 6 months and 10 years as seafarers on ships and have an insurance record of 25 and 20 years, respectively.

Right to early retirement regardless of age, it is provided to men and women who have worked, respectively, for at least 25 years and 20 years on ships of the navy of the fishing industry in work on the extraction, processing of fish and seafood, receiving finished products in the fishery (regardless of the nature of the work performed), as well as on individual types of ships of the sea, river fleet and fleet of the fishing industry.

The seafarers of these ships acquire the right to preferential pension coverage regardless of what work the ship performs: transportation of goods, passengers or production, processing of fish and seafood and other work, and also regardless of the name of the employee’s profession, position, what service of the ship he is applies. To assign a pension in connection with special working conditions, it is necessary that the employee be enrolled in a floating train, and the ship on which he works does not belong to the port, constantly working in the port waters, service and auxiliary and traveling, suburban and intracity traffic.

If in a certain period of time the ship, for various reasons, does not perform work (sediment, conservation, demurrage at the quay wall in anticipation of sailing, etc.) corresponding to its intended purpose, then in any case such a period is not included in the special experience and should be reflected in a certificate confirming preferential service. When applying for a pension, a certificate must be submitted to the Pension Fund without fail.

The period of work during the full navigation period on water transport is taken into account in such a way that when calculating the length of service giving the right to early retirement benefits, the length of service in the relevant types of work is a full year. If navigation, regardless of the reasons, is not fully worked out, then periods of actual duration are included in the length of service in the relevant types of work, i.e. in calendar terms, including periods of receiving state social insurance benefits during the period of temporary disability, as well as annual basic and additional paid holidays.

In some cases, if a number of conditions are met, seafarers may be entitled to a double reduction retirement age. For example, if an employee has 15 years of work experience in the Far North, or 20 years in areas equivalent to them, and has worked out the necessary experience in the crew, the age established for early appointment insurance pension is reduced by another 5 years.

The PFR branch for Moscow and the Moscow region conducts early work with insured persons retiring in the next 12 months, including with citizens whose pension is assigned ahead of schedule. Advance submission of documents enables PFR specialists to form a pension (disbursement) file, if necessary, request the necessary certificates from the archives of organizations (if they are not available) and assign a pension in a timely manner and in full.

1. I am a sailor, 46 years old. Sakhalin experience 23 years, when should I retire if I have 12.5 years of sea experience?

1.1. It depends on what sea experience. At 50 or 55.

Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 (as amended on March 6, 2019) "On Insurance Pensions"

Article 33

2. Persons who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in areas equivalent to them and who have the old-age insurance pension required for early assignment of an old-age insurance pension, provided for in paragraphs 1 - 10 and 16 - 18 of part 1 of Article 30 of this Federal law, insurance period and length of service in the relevant types of work, the age established for the early appointment of the specified pension, reduced by five years.

2. How long should a seafarer have to retire?

2.1. Options are possible if we are talking about an insurance pension.

Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 (as amended on December 27, 2018) "On insurance pensions"
Article 30

1. insurance pension in old age is assigned before reaching the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law, if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 to the following persons:

9) men upon reaching the age of 55 and women upon reaching the age of 50 if they have worked respectively at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years in the crew on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port ships permanently operating in the port water area, auxiliary and crew vessels, suburban and intracity ships) and have an insurance record of at least 25 years and 20 years, respectively;

12) men and women who have worked respectively at least 25 years old and 20 years old on ships of the marine fleet of the fishing industry at work on the extraction, processing of fish and seafood, the acceptance of finished products in the fishery (regardless of the nature of the work performed), as well as on certain types of ships of the sea, river fleet and the fleet of the fishing industry;

3. I am interested in a lawyer who deals with sailors' pensions, preferential.

3.1. Valentine, either ask your question here on the wall, or contact any lawyer on the site in private messages.

3.2. Hello, please send me a private message and I will help you.

4. I am a sailor born in 1970 when can I retire if I have worked out the northern and the sea!

4.1. If you were to retire at age 50 - in 2020, then add 24 months according to
Federal Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Appointment and Payment of Pensions" dated 03.10.2018 N 350-FZ

The law also states that if the pension was laid down in 2019-2020, then retirement is reduced by another six months.

5. On this moment the retirement age has increased, at what age does the pension begin for seafarers who have worked at sea for 12.5 months.

5.1. Good afternoon, Andrey, the age of early retirement for those working in the seafarers remained the same for men at the age of 55, women at 50.

6. Is studying at a maritime technical school in Soviet times included in the experience for obtaining preferential pension for sailors.

6.1. No. Periods of study are not counted either in the insurance period or in the special one required to determine the right to early retirement.

7. Seafarer experience 31 years. I live in the North. 2019 marks 50 years. When will I retire on benefits?

7.1. If you enter the mentioned categories - at 55 and leave, their exit period does not change.

Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 (as amended on November 12, 2018) "On insurance pensions"
Article 30

1. An old-age insurance pension is assigned before reaching the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law, if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 to the following persons:

9) men upon reaching the age of 55 and women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked respectively for at least 12 years, 6 months and 10 years as seafarers on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing fleet (with the exception of port ships permanently working in water areas of the port, service and auxiliary and crew vessels, suburban and intracity ships) and have an insurance record of at least 25 years and 20 years, respectively;

12) men and women who have worked, respectively, for at least 25 years and 20 years on ships of the navy of the fishing industry in work on the extraction, processing of fish and seafood, receiving finished products in the fishery (regardless of the nature of the work performed), as well as on certain types of ships sea, river fleet and fleet of the fishing industry;

8. What is the minimum length of service for a sailor's pension?

8.1. Seafarers are granted the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension (retirement earlier by 5 years) in accordance with subpara. 9 p. 1 art. 27 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter - Law No. 173-FZ), provided that they have worked for a certain period (men for at least 12 years 6 months, women for at least 10 years ) on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port ships permanently operating in the port waters, auxiliary and crew ships, suburban and intracity ships) and have an insurance record of 25 and 20 years, respectively.

9. What is the procedure for the retirement of overseas fleet sailors. And what is the retirement factor. My husband was told that his coefficient is 2.4 A according to the law 1.2. And they appointed a very small pension, absolutely not taking into account the salary certificates.

9.1. Hello! The coefficient of the ratio of the salary of a future pensioner to the average salary in the country when assigning a pension is taken into account in the amount of 1.2. Even if the coefficient is higher, the coefficient of 1.2 will still be used, because it is the maximum.
If you do not agree with the amount of the pension, contact the higher authority of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, or go to court.

10. I am a sailor by profession. 1962 year of birth. He retired on a preferential pension at the age of 55.
How long and how long can I receive my part of the funded pension.

10.1. You need to apply to the PFR with an application for the payment of pension savings (if you entered into an agreement on the transfer of savings to a non-state pension fund, then you need to apply there with a certificate of the amount of the assigned insurance part of the pension). As a rule, they are paid in a lump sum if the amount of savings is less than 5% of the amount of the assigned insurance part of the pension.

11. At what age do sailors, as well as captains, retire.

11.1. Hello.
In accordance with paragraph 9 of Art. 30 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions":
The old-age insurance pension is assigned earlier than the established age, if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 to the following persons:
men upon reaching the age of 55 and women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked, respectively, for at least 12 years, 6 months and 10 years as seafarers on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing fleet (with the exception of port ships permanently operating in the port water area , auxiliary and crew vessels, suburban and intracity ships) and have an insurance record of at least 25 years and 20 years, respectively;

12. On October 5, 2017, he wrote an application for the appointment of a preferential pension, as a seafarer with a total experience of more than 25 years, of which more than 12.5 years of preferential service. November 5, 2017 marks 55 years. However, the Pension Fund has not yet appointed or refused to assign a pension. On the phone they said they were waiting for the missing documents. And they have the right to do so for 3 months by law. Is it true that more than a month has already passed since the application was written?

12.1. Good afternoon, everything is legal, since you have a preferential pension, the Pension Fund makes requests and after receiving supporting documents they will refuse or assign you a pension, the verification period is no more than 3 months .. Good luck and success to you!

13. I am a sailor. He retired at the age of 50. What kind of pension should I receive? Worked and lived on Sakhalin.

13.1. Hello. We will not be able to answer this question for you. We are not clairvoyant.
You must be receiving early retirement. And its size depends on many factors: length of service, period of work, salary, and much more.
All the best to you and good luck with your problem. Thank you for choosing our site.

14. I have a question. I am now retired, I am 53 years old, I am a preferential pension, I am a sailor in Murmansk for 32 years .. it so happened that I lived in a civil marriage and do not have my own housing. Can I solve this issue somehow.

14.1. Good day! You can decide. Military who have served 10 years or more and need improvement living conditions, without their consent, cannot be dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff measures without providing them with housing or subsidies for its purchase (link Guarantor). Contractors who have served for more than 3 years are entitled to purchase housing with the help of a preferential savings mortgage.

14.2. Good day. You can apply to the administration at the place of residence on the issue of improving housing conditions, you will need to stand in line in the manner prescribed by law to be recognized as needing better housing conditions and the poor, this is provided for in Article 51 of the Housing Code.

14.3. If you need to improve your living conditions, you need to contact the department of housing policy of your city with an application for placement in the housing queue. Good luck

15. My husband is a sailor, after the institute he worked on Sakhalin since 1985, he retired on a double benefit - as seafarers and work in areas equated to the red north, they accrued a pension of 8000, moved to the mainland for 2 years, they began to remove the coefficient, most likely he was calculated a pension according to the 1: 1 scenario, he does not have enough insurance experience, only 23 years old, but is it possible for him to recalculate the insurance period according to scenario 1 / 1.5-?

15.1. Good day! The amount of the old-age insurance pension is calculated according to the formula: SP=PC×S×K×FV×K, of which: SP-old-age insurance pension; PC is the sum of all annual pension coefficients, the so-called citizen points. C - the cost of one coefficient on the day the pension is assigned. K-increasing coefficients to the insurance pension and fixed payment. PV - fixed payment. In general, the size of the old-age insurance pension depends on: 1. the amount of accrued and paid insurance premiums, which directly depends on white wages. 2. from age. 3. The time of being dependent on disabled family members. 4. from the time of retirement upon reaching retirement age 5. from the formation of pension savings.

16. Can count on a preferential pension for a sailor, citizen of Russia, lives in Estonia since 1984.

16.1. If there is the necessary length of service, which was received before 2000, then in principle he can count on a pension, including a preferential one.

17. Does the special (preferential) period for assigning a pension to sailors include periods of passing an annual medical examination, attestation, military training.

Yours sincerely
Erokhin Sergey.

17.1. Hello. Must enter. But the FIU will throw these periods away. They just want to scare people away. Not everyone will go to court. Should be included in judicial order.
Before you do anything - be sure to consult with a specialist. This will save you a lot of problems in the future. All the best. Thank you for choosing our site.

18. To receive a preferential sailor's pension, if you have a service of 12.6 years, do you also need Sakhalin experience? I live in Sakhalin.

18.1. Good day! It is necessary to have at least 12.5 years of insurance experience and work for at least 10 years as part of the seafarers.

19. Preferential pension, seafarer, work in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Bering Sea, northern Kuriles, there is an experience of 18.5 years, the South Sakhalin pension fund was refused twice!

19.1. Good evening. You need to get a written refusal and appeal this refusal in court. Good evening to you.

19.2. Theme - Housing issue.
Content - The Pension Fund refused twice.
You formulate the question properly!
In Russian, a question is a sentence with a question mark at the end.

19.3. Hello! Rejection of the pension fund in the appointment early retirement You can appeal to the district court at the location of the pension fund.

20. When applying for a preferential pension, will the northern benefit be considered for a sailor if the home port is Vladivostok, but he fished in the Bereng Sea?

20.1. Hello. To assign a pension, the region of registration of the employer will be taken into account. If the work itself was carried out in other conditions, then the employer is obliged to issue a confirming certificate.
All the best. Thank you for choosing our site.

21. My dad is a sailor, lives in the far north and works. Retirement in the regions of the Far North for men - at 55 + he works on a sea vessel. Is it possible early exit on retire?



Leshukonsky District Court

presiding judge Kazakova H.T.

Under Secretary FULL NAME 4,

With the participation of the plaintiff FULL NAME 2, the representative of the defendant FULL NAME 5,

Having considered in open court a civil case on the claim of FULL NAME 2 against a state institution - the Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on inclusion in the length of service for the appointment of an early retirement pension for old age periods labor activity, recognizing the right to an early labor old-age pension in connection with work in the seafarers, forcing the appointment of an early labor old-age pension in connection with work in the seafarers from DD.MM.YYYY,


FULL NAME 2 filed a lawsuit against Government institution- To the Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation c (hereinafter referred to as the PFR Department c) on the inclusion in the length of service in the seafarers, giving the right to the appointment of an early retirement old-age pension, periods of labor activity in the positions of seafarers (sailor-minder, mechanic-assistant captain) when work at the m / c "Lesnik", b / t "Vostok", owned by the Mezensky Timber Plant, OJSC "Mezensky Timber Plant" in the periods from 1986 to 2002, recognizing the right to an early retirement pension in connection with work in the crew and forcing the defendant to appoint early retirement old-age pension in connection with work in the crew from DD.MM.YYYY of the year.

In support of the claims, the plaintiff indicated that he worked at the Mezensky timber plant, JSC "Mezensky timber plant" in positions related to seafarers, on ships that are not related to port ships, constantly working in the port waters, service and auxiliary and crew ships, suburban and intracity ships messages. Having reached the age of 50, he DD.MM.YYYY applied to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the appointment of an early labor pension, but the department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, having included in the special experience only 4 years 10 months 11 days of his work as seafarers, refused him appointment of an early labor pension for old age.

At the court session, the plaintiff clarified the claims according to the periods that he believes should be included in the special experience, indicating that the PF Department on the eve of the court session made a different decision and did not include the previously credited periods of work in the positions of seafarers in the special experience, that is, it did not include and 4 years 10 months 11 days.

The plaintiff asked to oblige the defendant to include in the special length of service, giving the right to an early retirement pension, the following periods of his work as seafarers: from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as a sailor-minder of the m / c "Mars" at the Mezensky lumber mill ; from DD.MM.YYYY to 03/01/1987, from DD.MM.YYYY to 08/05/1987, from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as a minder-sailor of the m / k "Vostok" at the Mezensky sawmill; from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY by a mechanic - assistant. captain of the m / k "Vostok" at the Mezensky sawmill; from DD.MM.YYYY to 03.07.1988; from DD.MM.YYYY to 02.11.1989; from DD.MM.YYYY to 04.02.1991; from DD.MM.YYYY to 06/02/1991, from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as a minder-sailor of the Vostok b/t at the Mezen timber mill; from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY by a mechanic - assistant. captain of the b / t "Vostok" at the Mezensky sawmill; from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as a minder-sailor of the Vostok b/t at the Mezen timber mill; from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as a sailor-minder of the Vostok b/t at the Mezen timber mill; from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as a minder-sailor of the b/t "Vostok" in JSC "Mezensky Timber Plant"; from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY a sailor-motor operator of the Vostok c/t in Mezensky Timber Plant JSC; from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY by a mechanic - assistant. captain of the b / t "Vostok" in JSC "Mezensky timber mill"; from DD.MM.YYYY to 05/04/1996, from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY sailor-motor operator of the Vostok b/t in Mezensky Timber Plant JSC; from DD.MM.YYYY to 07/25/1996, from DD.MM.YYYY to 1/17/1997, from DD.MM.YYYY to 07/06/1997, from DD.MM.YYYY to 01/26/1998, from DD.MM.YYYY according to DD.MM.YYYY mechanic - pom. captain of the b / t "Vostok" in JSC "Mezensky timber mill"; from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY by a mechanic - assistant. captain of the b / t "Luch" in JSC "Mezensky timber plant"; from DD.MM.YYYY to 16.04.2000, from DD.MM.YYYY to 02.02.2001, from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY by the mechanic-assistant. captain of the b / t "Vostok" in JSC "Mezensky timber mill"; from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as a mechanic - shift captain of the Vodnik b / t, a mechanic - pom. captain of the b / t "Luch" in LLC "Mezensky LDK"; from DD.MM.YYYY to 25.10.2003, from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as a mechanic - see the captain of the Vodnik unit at Mezensky LDK LLC; from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as a mechanic - see the captain of the military vehicle "Vodnik", a mechanic - see the captain of the military vehicle "Lesovod" at Mezensky LDK LLC; from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY as a captain-shift mechanic of the Vodnik c/t at Mezensky LDK LLC; asked to recognize his right to an early retirement retirement pension in connection with work in the positions of seafarers and to oblige the defendant to assign the specified pension with DD. MM.YYYY (vol. 2 pp. 74-76).

The plaintiff explained that the defendant does not dispute that during the disputed periods he worked in positions related to seafarers. The ships "Mars", "Vostok", "Vodnik", "Luch", "Lesovod" on which he worked, being ships of the river fleet and did not belong to the port, constantly working in the port water area, service - auxiliary and crew ships, suburban ships and intracity communications. The work of these vessels at the Mezensky sawmill, and after the privatization of the enterprise at JSC "Mezensky sawmill" (JSC "Mezensky sawmill"), and then at LLC "Mezensky LDK" took place a full navigation period and consisted in guiding rafts from downstream, accepting rafts , putting them in places of sludge, removing rafts, towing rafts from sludge places to elevators in, towing barges with sawlogs and equipment from the village, as well as in. All of these works took place outside the port water area, since the work was related to the forest, and all the forest stands of the Mezensky sawmill (OJSC "Mezensky sawmill") were located outside the port water area. When working at LLC Mezensky LDK, the vessels went far upstream, as well as downstream, then by sea with a call to escort barges with timber and equipment. Vessels "Mars", "Vostok" "Vodnik", "Luch", "Lesovod" are towing vessels, were the property of the Mezensky sawmill, and then OJSC "Mezensky sawmill" and were accepted for qualification registration in the Northern branch of FIO 1 of the River Register. Then the ships "Mars" and "Vostok" were decommissioned, and the ships "Vodnik", "Luch" and "Lesovod" were transferred after the liquidation of OJSC "Mezensky Lesozavod" to LLC "Mezensky LDK", which continued to work at the technical base of OJSC "Mezensky Lesozavod" ". The enterprises were located in the water area of ​​the Mezen seaport, but all the forest sites were located outside the port water area upstream behind the town of Bely Nos, which is the boundary of the port water area, since the forest sites were not allocated to the port water area due to ebb and flow. At the beginning of navigation, the vessels made voyages upstream of the Mezen River to the village, which is 350 km. upstream to tow rafts to forest sites in the area. Vessels "Vodnik" and "Vostok" worked together with other tugboats "Luch", Lesovod", since the volumes of rafts were large and these rafts could not be towed by one vessel. Each vessel kept ship logs, which were subject to registration in the port. All ship and logbooks were handed over at the end of navigation for storage at the plant management. But not all ship's logs have been preserved, since in the building of the plant management DD. MM.YYYY there was a fire. In addition, these documents are not documents of permanent storage and, in accordance with clause 7, article 14 of the Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation, are stored for 3 years. Only ship's logs for the period of operation of Mezensky LDK LLC have been well preserved, which were not archived by the enterprise. At present, OAO Mezensky Timber Plant and OOO Mezensky LDK have been liquidated, so the enterprises cannot issue clarifying certificates about the work of specific vessels. He submitted a clarifying certificate from the external manager of OJSC Mezensky Lesozavod, full name 3, which reflects that he (full name 2) worked on tugboats that are not related to port ships, constantly operating in the port waters, auxiliary and crew boats, suburban and intracity communications. In the found logbooks of other vessels "Luch" and "Lesovod", there are records that these vessels worked together with the tugboats "Vodnik" and "Vostok" outside the port water area towing rafts, floating cranes, towing barges with equipment and cargo, in including Pinezhsky and s. He also found some orders that confirm his work on these ships outside the port. In the ship's logs of the vessels "Vodnik", "Luch", "Lesovod" for the period of their work in LLC "Mezensky LDK" it is reflected that these vessels constantly worked outside the port water area.

The defendant denied the claim. The representative of the defendant FULL NAME 5 at the hearing explained that DD.MM.YYYY of the year, the plaintiff, having reached the age of 50 years, applied to the GU - Department of the FIU with a statement on the appointment of an early retirement old-age pension. The appointment of an early labor old-age pension under subparagraph 9 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Law dated DD.MM.YYYY “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” FULL NAME 2 DD.MM.YYYY was denied due to insufficient special experience. The length of service in the positions of seafarers on ships of the river fleet (with the exception of port ships, permanently operating in the port waters, service and auxiliary, traveling, suburban and intracity traffic) was determined by FULL NAME 2 in the amount of 4 years 10 months 11 days, namely work on positions of seafarers on the b/t "Luch", b/t "Vodnik", b/t "Lesovod" in OAO "Mezensky timber plant", LLC "Mezensky LDK" in the periods from 1999 to 2006. These periods were included in the special experience on the basis of certificates available in the observation cases of these enterprises that the vessels are river tugboats, are not port ships and do not belong to service-auxiliary and service-roaming ships. The navigation area of ​​these vessels, namely the fact that the vessels worked outside the port water area, during these periods was determined by the PF Department according to the ship's logs. But DD.MM.YYYY, the Pension Fund Department revised its decision and determined that on the date of applying for a pension, the insurance period of full name 2 in calendar terms was 31 years 5 months 16 days, the length of service in the regions of the Far North was 21 years 4 months 12 days, work experience with difficult working conditions on a preferential basis up to DD.MM.YYYY (internal combustion driver at the Mezensky sawmill from DD.MM.YYYY to 09/30/1985) - 2 months 12 days. All periods of work in the positions of seafarers at the Mezensky timber mill, JSC "Mezensky timber mill", LLC "Mezensky LDK" Department of the Pension Fund did not include in the special experience of the plaintiff for the appointment of an early labor pension under paragraph 9 of paragraph 1 of Art. 27 of the Law, since there were no clarifying certificates from the employer confirming that the ships of the organizations for which the plaintiff worked give the sailors the right to early appointment of a labor pension. The watch logs of the ships, which were submitted to the PF Department, cannot confirm the work of the plaintiff, since the liquidated enterprises were not archived. The representative of the defendant at the hearing did not dispute the fact that during the disputed periods the plaintiff worked as a seafarer, but the defendant does not have documents confirming that during the disputed periods the courts "Mars", "Vostok", "Vodnik", "Luch", Lesovod » were not port ships, permanently operating in the port water area, service and auxiliary, traveling, suburban and intracity traffic. Therefore, the disputed periods in calendar terms are 13 years 10 months 26 days, and in preferential terms (1 year for 1.5 years before DD.MM.YYYY or navigation for a full year of work) 21 years 7 months 2 days by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation department in no included full name 2 in the special experience. For the appointment of an early retirement old-age pension according to paragraphs. 9, paragraph 1, article 27 of the Law of DD.MM.YYYY, it is necessary that men work as seafarers on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing fleet (with the exception of port ships that constantly operate in the port water area, service and auxiliary, traveling, suburban and intracity communication) 12 years 6 months. And since FULL NAME 2 has not been confirmed such length of service, and the length of service with difficult working conditions was only 2 months 12 days, the appointment of an early retirement pension FULL NAME 2 is denied.

After hearing the plaintiff, the defendant's representative, questioning the witnesses, examining the case file, the court found the following.

In accordance with Part.Ch.1,2 Article. 39 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation everyone is guaranteed social Security by age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for the upbringing of children and in other cases established by law.

In accordance with paragraph 9 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, an old-age labor pension is assigned to men upon reaching the age of 55 years, if they have worked for at least 12 years 6 months as a crew member on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port ships, permanently operating in the port waters, service and auxiliary, traveling, suburban and intracity traffic) and have an insurance record of at least 25 years.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 28.1 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" to persons who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in areas equivalent to them and who have the old-age labor pension required for early assignment of an old-age pension provided for in subparagraphs 1-10 and 16-18 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of this Federal Law, the insurance period and length of service in the relevant types of work, the age established for the early appointment of the specified pension, is reduced by five years.

The Decree of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2004 No. 2-P establishes that the calculation of the duration of the insurance period for the period up to DD.MM.YYYY should be carried out according to the rules and norms of the Law "On State Pensions in the RSFSR" dated DD.MM.YYYY No. 340-1, which provides for the calculation of the length of service of a citizen in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them in one and a half times. After the specified date, the experience is taken into account in calendar order.

Clause 13 of the rules for calculating periods of work, which gives the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Articles 27 and 28 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions of the Russian Federation", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 11, 2002 No. of the navigation period in water transport are taken into account in such a way that when calculating the length of service that gives the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension, the length of service in the relevant types of work in the corresponding calendar year is a full year.

38.2. Hello!
Try to consult with the labor inspectorate, they can tell you the procedure by phone. And so, apparently, it will have to be in court.

39. How do the accruals of the preferential pension (sailors) differ from the old-age pension at 60?

39.1. Hello! The basis for calculating harmfulness pensions is the length of service (general and special), and the length of service for making mandatory payments to the pension fund.
In calculating the old-age pension, the ratio of your salary to the national average.

40. Sample application to the Pension Fund for the appointment of a preferential retirement pension for a sailor of the Fishing Industry. Thank you.

40.1. Sergey, the pension fund prints out all applications from a computer, contact them, your data will be entered into the computer and the application will be printed.

41. On the upcoming retirement. My friend and I were sailors of the Estrybprom association in the 80s, now we live in Russia. Do you solve such issues?

41.1. We solve any, please contact

41.2. contact

42. I am now 54 years old. At the age of 55, I have to retire on a preferential basis for sailors. When should documents be submitted for verification? Thank you.

42.1. Hello! You can already apply. Verification of documents takes a long time, especially if the pension is early.

42.2. Submit for a month. The decision on the appointment of a pension must be made after 10 days, payment - not earlier than the right to a pension arises (not earlier than the age of 55).
Federal Law "On insurance pensions".

43. How was the pension calculated for seafarers in areas equivalent to areas of the Far North until 2001.

43.1. Article 27

Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001
"On labor pensions in the Russian Federation"

1. An old-age labor pension is assigned before reaching the age established by Article 7 of this Federal Law, to the following persons:
9) for men upon reaching the age of 55, for women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked respectively for at least 12 years, 6 months and 10 years as seafarers on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing fleet (with the exception of port ships permanently working in port waters, auxiliary and crew vessels, suburban and intracity ships) and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively.

The said Federal Law contains all the calculation formulas, including those until 2001. Read the law, it is freely available, there is no point in throwing several pages of text here.

43.2. Hello, Egor. If you are talking about the special experience of the seafarers, which gives the right to early appointment of an old-age insurance pension, then until 12/31/2001 it was taken into account in one and a half size, like the insurance experience. This rule was established by Art. 94 of the Law "On State Pensions in the RSFSR". Since 01/01/2002, in connection with the entry into force of the law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation", special experience and insurance experience in the North are calculated on a calendar basis (in a single amount).

44. I live in Vladivostok. He retired in 2013 as a sailor after working in the far north. Pension 12340 rubles. Filed income certificate for 5 years from 1987 to 1992 with a very high average. I think they cheated. They said that for last years there was a small salary, since he worked purely formally, so that the total experience was at least 25 years. Whom should I contact to get it right? And if I was really deceived, will I be able to sue the shortage for these 2 years?

44.1. The pension is calculated based on income for three pre-retirement years

45. Retired to a sailor's preferential pension. Do I have the right to renew my old-age pension when I get old?

45.1. Hello!
Yes, you will have the right to go to the old-age pension

46. ​​When a seafarer retires on a preferential pension on ships of the navy with 10 years of service, purely working days on the ship are considered, or time off, vacation, while working in the same organization are also taken into account.

46.1. Everything counts

47. At what age do seafarers retire and how many years of service are required?

47.1. Good evening Alexander, Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ, provides for the early appointment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with subparagraph 9 of paragraph 1 of Article 30, for men upon reaching the age of 55 years, if they have worked, respectively, for at least 12 years and 6 months as seafarers on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing fleet industry (with the exception of port ships permanently operating in the port water area, auxiliary and crew ships, suburban and intracity ships) and have an insurance record of at least 25 years, respectively.
In addition, persons who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in areas equivalent to them, and who have insurance experience and experience in the relevant types of work for early assignment of an old-age pension, the age established for early appointment is reduced by five years.

48. I am 50 years old. Sailor. Maritime experience 14 years. Total experience 25 years. Now I don't work. Can I get a pension at 50? Respectfully Andrey.

48.1. Good afternoon. yes you can

49. Are there any retirement benefits for a submariner who went to autonomy.

49.1. there are no such benefits.

49.2. Hello! Yes, you are eligible for early retirement.

49.3. like all military personnel all benefits

50. I want to know if my pension was calculated correctly. I am a sailor with a long experience, but I have a pension of about 12 thousand. I worked as a chief engineer for many years. I know for sure that the pension should be higher (other sailors retired with payments much higher than mine), but I don’t know where to turn with this question.

50.1. If you do not agree, file a complaint with the prosecutor's office.
