multidimensional universes. Multidimensional Universe in the Neural Networks of the Brain Multidimensional Universe

The theory of the multidimensionality of the Universe - Yuri Babikov


The current scientific views on matter and the structure of its atoms are based on the work of world-famous physicists - the Englishman Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) and the Dane Niels Bohr (1885-1962). Their conclusions were based on the concepts of the monospace Universe that have dominated so far in science. The Universe is multidimensional, and its spaces and the matter of spaces are inextricably linked, and ignoring this fact leads to a misunderstanding of the essence of matter as such, which we have in modern science as an indisputable fact. Therefore modern ideas, (more precisely, delusions) about matter and the structure of the atom, in principle, cannot be correct, but can only be applied temporarily, and only as an intermediate hypothesis, as working material, a step on the way to knowing the truth of matter.
To begin with, in understanding the Universe and its matter, one must first of all assimilate simple and natural principles. The universe has existed for thousands of billions of years, and all its connections and physical laws operate flawlessly and very reliably, therefore:

– The universe cannot be built on unreliable complex schemes, but built on very simple principles. Simple, therefore, reliable;
- If something or some kind of scheme, principle is present in nature, tested by life itself for billions of years, having shown itself reliably, then in similar circumstances it is necessary to apply such schemes - in the nature of the Universe everything is interconnected, everything is built according to common signs of similarity, - and in big and small.
The Universe is multidimensional and asymmetric - it is a single inseparable whole of 7 (seven) spaces - 1 (one) non-material and 6 (six) material, different in matter, energy level and degree of compression of spaces.
All spaces are united by a single and unchanged value for all spaces - time, as a vector function, which has the same speed and direction in all spaces.

Differences of the matter of spaces - by direction and combination of vectors of the spin (torsion) field of space and its elementary particles.

Retro space.

It is the initial base for all spaces, there is no matter in it, there is no time, it is infinite and has always existed, even when there were no other spaces of the Universe, i.e. "before matter". Hence the name - "retro", or "back", indicating the state of the Ancient "great" Universe before the appearance of matter.
The retro space is filled with an intangible structure, visually observed as a pink mist of varying density. The presence of matter (ship) in it is possible only in the wave medium of an artificially generated protective lens of space, otherwise instantaneous and complete annihilation is inevitable. When the ship moves, a characteristic “inversion” trace of the disturbance of the retro-structure appears in it, which disappears with its restoration.
The non-material structure "Retro" is the initial structure for the matter of all spaces - when its elementary volume is compressed by the time factor, matter arises - elementary particles of any spaces.

Dead Matter Space.

The first and most significant space of the universe in terms of the mass of matter, exceeding ours by at least 100 times. The matter of the Dead Space in the Universe is observed from the Earth, and is also called "dark matter", and the above ratio of the masses of our matter to it was measured instrumentally by earthly researchers. Matter is characterized by a unipolar spin of elementary particles, and therefore a low degree of compression of the space itself and the elements of its matter.

The degree of compression (linear factor) of space is about 0.3, comparable to ours. Since the structure of dead matter is less dense in relation to your matter, it does not cause electromagnetic radiation to be diffracted in the range visible light, and therefore it is transparent for him, just as it is not an obstacle for the material objects of our matter. However, in the range of radio waves, where the radiation is longer, it becomes opaque for it, reflecting radio waves. This feature makes it possible to reliably detect dark matter directly near the Earth, since any planet is surrounded by a shell of dead matter, and it is even possible to measure the parameters of this shell by the passage of radio waves of various lengths in dead matter. The shorter the radio wave, the deeper it penetrates into dead matter, and the higher it is reflected from dead matter. In the range from decameter to millimeter wavelengths, dead matter becomes transparent to radio waves, which is used for space communications.
Dead matter has 73 elements out of 635 in the Periodic Table of the Elements of the Universe.
The orbital particle that performs the tasks of an electron in an atom of dead matter is a neutron (rest mass mn = 1.6749543×10-27 kg.), which is 1836 times heavier than an electron (rest mass me = 9.109534×10-31 kg.) . This ratio allows us to represent the parameters of the masses of the nuclei of dead matter elements, respectively, more than 1000 times greater than the mass of a neutron, and gives an understanding of why the amount of dark matter is so significant in the observable space of the Universe.
The source of radiation in Dead Space is the neutron, which generates a wave field in its interaction with matter. The speed of the radiation of the wave field of dead matter is more than 3 times lower than the speed of light, and are recorded by earthly scientists as gravitational waves.
That is why clusters of dark matter masses (stars of the Dead Matter Space) are characterized by the highest level of gravitation, and terrestrial scientists are mistakenly called "black holes".

The space of the Universe as seen from Earth. (Our space).

The space of the Universe, the second by mass of matter, is suitable for life in terms of energy and speed of wave fields. The space itself and its matter are characterized by the bipolar spin of elementary particles.
Matter is represented by 159 elements of the Periodic system, with 31 elements (from hydrogen to gallium) being transitional to the space of Dead Matter, performing the function of the "elements of the nucleus", and 17 teroids with Nos. 143-159 and phosphorus are transitional to the higher energy space of the Yellow Spectrum . Moreover, phosphorus can be called "transitional" only conditionally - it performs the function of an interdimensional conductor for biological matter.
But how are the elements of the matter of our space arranged? How did they even form? And why did life become possible in your space?

At the current level of the scientific development of the Earth, in terms of the structure of atoms and their nuclei, the “planetary” hypothesis of E. Rutherford is generally recognized. According to this hypothesis, the atoms of the elements have a nucleus consisting of stuck together hadrons (elementary particles of the nucleus), mainly proton and neutron baryons, and electrons revolving around them, like planets around the Sun.
But is it?

The core model “according to Rutherford” is called “planetary”, but where did you see “sticky” planets? Is there such a thing in the universe? Not in the solar system. "Stuck together" planets are an artificially contrived formation that does not exist in nature. Where is the similarity? Only in the name "planetary"? And then - how can elementary particles "stick together", even if there is a strong interaction between them, many times greater than electromagnetic, like an electron, for example? After all, “sticky” particles should give a new quality - if they stick together, then it will no longer be a proton and a neutron, but something new. But during nuclear decay, the nucleus of an atom decays into protons and neutrons, and these particles are intact - as they were protons and neutrons, they remain so. Try to divide back into whole and intact parts two colliding planets - will it work?
There is a proton and a neutron in the nucleus of an atom, and this is without a doubt. And this fundamental pair of hadrons (baryons) of the matter of your space never touches or collides, unless, of course, their collision is artificially arranged, which is what terrestrial nuclear physicists like to “play around” with, “discovering” more and more new “particles”.

In reality, the proton and neutron are located at a small distance from each other, comparable to only a few diameters of the particles themselves, each rotating around its own axis, and revolving around each other in an orbit that has a common focus.

Fig.1 Model of the structure of the hydrogen atom (deuterium).

This is a natural, proven for billions of years and therefore a very reliable scheme of the orbital-dynamic interaction of material objects - the "double star" system. There are many of them in the Universe, and even in miniature there is in the solar system - a pair of Pluto-Charon.
In the Universe, the principle of similarity is always applied - both in large and in small. The proton-neutron-electron system is similar to binary star systems with satellites. But it is all the better and easier for us that in understanding the interaction of elementary particles of an atom, we do not need to fly tens and hundreds of light years to "double" stars - it is enough to study the Pluto-Charon system and its satellites. And this system has small satellites.
The most elementary diagram of a deuterium atom, a hydrogen isotope, is given, where all the signs of the system are present: the dynamics of the orbital motion of hadrons and leptons, nuclear and lepton orbital foci, the position of the orbital focus of an electron relative to hadrons.
The neutron is an orbital particle (lepton) of the Dead Space matter, conscientiously revolves around the nucleus, has a negative charge and a unipolar spin in that space.
The proton is the antipode of the neutron, just as the positron (positive electron) is related to the electron. It has a mass practically similar to that of a neutron (rest mass mp = 1.6726485 × 10-27 kg., i.e. 99.862% of the mass of the neutron), a positive charge and a unipolar spin of the Dead Space, which has the opposite direction to the spin of the neutron - this consequence follows from the polarity particle charge relative to its own space. When interacting in Dead Space, they mutually annihilate.
In order to combine them into a single system, making it the matter of our space, it is necessary to compress the matter of space according to the torsion factor so that it acquires the bipolar spin of elementary particles. However, in torsion compression it is necessary to take into account the factor of relativity of spaces, or the relativity of the spin vectors of matter. What it is?

Rice. 2 View from our space on the vector of the Dead Space matter.

It is easy and simple to verify this: make two translucent discs from tracing paper or a hard film, on which draw arrows in one direction. Label one drive "our space" and the other "dead". Pin them in the center onto the axis so that the axis is on the side where there is no arrow. When pricking the discs, you will notice that on both the arrows looked in the same direction. When you prick the disks and get a kind of coil on one axis, then look from the side of any disk to the opposite one - the arrows will look in different directions.
The direction of vectors in the entire Universe is the same with respect to the vectors of spaces, and does not depend on the point of observation on a particular planet. For example, in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, atmospheric cyclones twist clockwise, and in the Southern Hemisphere - counterclockwise. However, if you look at the core of the planet (Yellow space vector), then in the Northern and Southern hemispheres the twist goes in the same direction. It is the same in biology - in order to painlessly put needles on a patient in acupuncture, they need to be rotated clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.
This is the most important feature of the structure of the multidimensional Universe: the relativity of the orientation of space vectors closes the energy of space in itself, not allowing energy to freely flow into the underlying space, which is less energy intensive.
This is the most important factor in the stabilization of the spaces of the Universe, so to speak, a kind of "valve" for its entropy. But it can also be opened.
It is precisely this principle of relativity of vectors that “plays” with the neutron and proton, with their transition into our space, interesting metamorphoses. A neutron and a proton receive an additional spin rotation, including relative to each other, but the quality of the particles becomes different:
– a proton, having its initial reverse spin in the Dead Space, becomes a full-fledged elementary particle of the matter of space relative to our space. Since its vectors coincide with our matter, it becomes an exceptionally stable baryon with a positive charge, and participates in all interactions - strong, electromagnetic, weak and gravitational;
– the neutron, having the initial spin of space in Dead Space, becomes an unstable elementary particle of space relative to our space, and in a free state cannot exist for more than 15.3 minutes. It is stable only in the composition of the nucleus, together with the proton. Since one of its two vectors does not coincide with our matter, it loses its charge, manifests itself very strongly in nuclear interaction (unstable and active "twin" of the proton), and weakly in the rest.
However, due to the coincidence of one of its vectors with the Dead Matter space, it retains gravitational interaction.
“The neutron is the only elementary particle with a rest mass for which the gravitational interaction has been directly observed - the curvature of the trajectory of a well-collimated beam of cold neutrons in the terrestrial gravitational field. The measured gravitational acceleration of the neutron, within the limits of accuracy, coincides with the gravitational acceleration of macroscopic bodies.
("PHYSICS" Big Encyclopedic Dictionary, Scientific Publishing House "Big Russian Encyclopedia", M., 1998, p. 453)
It is very important. The neutron is responsible for gravity in our space, and not some mythical gravitons. And the term "graviton" itself would be appropriate to use not to refer to a specific particle, but only to its function - very convenient when analyzing the general principle and laws of gravity in other spaces.
Thus, after the increment of the binary vector and the transition to our space, the proton and neutron acquired different properties, ceased to be antiparticles relative to each other, therefore, the danger of their mutual annihilation was eliminated. Compressing the orbital parameters of this pair to the semblance of a "double star" gives the particles a new quality - in strong interaction they form an exceptionally stable hadronic dipole as base element nuclear structure of the matter of our space.
A similar thing happens with an electron-positron pair when they pass into a higher Yellow space as hadrons. In the same way, an electron loses its charge there and becomes like a neutron, remaining a graviton for the Yellow matter, and a positron acquires a positive charge and all the qualities inherent in a proton in our space.
This is the UNIFIED LAW OF THE MATTER OF THE UNIVERSE, and it is lawful in all its spaces.
So, the proton and neutron do not form some sticky shapeless formation, but an active sphere of strong (nuclear) orbital interaction of particles, called the nucleus of an atom.

Obviously, this sphere is characterized by all the signs of an orbital dynamic system, in particular, the energy of motion (frequency of rotation and circulation) and its focus, which in this case is nuclear, and applicable as a single point of application of the resulting forces in strong interaction.

It is also obvious that under the conditions of the dynamic state of the orbital system of hadrons, we can talk not about a fixed frequency of wave radiation (absorption) of the nucleus, but about a frequency band (energy, velocity of movement) within which the system is in equilibrium. Naturally, on the spectrum of the element it will not be an emission (absorption) line, as it is interpreted by the quantum theory of N. Bohr, but a band of the emission spectrum of sufficient width, within the frequency parameters of the system stability, which takes place in reality. Probably, it would be more correct and correct in considering the features of the interaction of atoms and molecules, as well as their constituent elementary particles, to use in the terminology not “quantum”, but “wave interaction”.

It is also obvious that for more complex atoms of elements, where the number of proton-neutron pairs is greater than 1, the orbital sphere of the nucleus acquires a much more complex structure and big sizes. In complex orbital systems, the number of orbital foci in one frequency range can be different, more than one, a multiple of 1, ... 2, ... 3, and more, as well as the spatial arrangement of foci. With an increase in the energy level (speed of movement), the spatial arrangement of the orbital nuclear foci can change in the space of the nuclear sphere within the equilibrium state of the system for a given energy level.

Known states of aggregation of matter - gas, liquid, solid and plasma should be characterized by different energy levels of the nucleus of an atom of a chemical element, therefore, these states directly depend on the spatial arrangement of the orbital nuclear foci corresponding to a given energy level.

For example, hydrogen has three states - liquid, gas and plasma. For these states, there should be only 3 levels of atomic frequencies of the element.
For more complex elements that have a solid phase, the number of nuclear frequencies should be greater: - various forms of the solid state, molten (liquid) phase, gaseous (evaporated) phase and plasma. In the solid phase of a body, its structure and properties are directly affected by the energy level of the nucleus and the form of the spatial arrangement of the foci of the orbital nuclear sphere corresponding to it.

Yellow Space of the Universe.

Matter is represented by 151 elements of the Periodic system of elements of the Universe, and 18 elements are transitional to our space, and 16 - to the higher Space of Darkness. The speed of wave fields is 4 times higher than the speed of light, the energy level of space is 6 times higher than ours, and the compression by the linear factor is 5 times higher. Matter has a tripolar orientation vector of torsion fields.
The basic hadrons of the nuclei of the elements of the Yellow matter are the positron and the electron, and the electron performs the function of the graviton of the Yellow space. An orbital lepton is a viton, which in our space has a mass of 0.62 electron masses, there is no information yet on the ratio of hadron and lepton masses in the Yellow space.

There is life in space, and the celestial bodies of the Yellow Space are observed from the Earth as large stars of the yellow spectrum, many times larger than our Sun. The planets of Yellow Space are giant planets, similar to our Jupiter, only their diameter is much larger.
There is also our Earth in the space of the Yellow Spectrum, but this is a tiny planet - its diameter is comparable to the diameter of the core of the Earth in our space. There is also life on the Earth of Yellow Space, but only flora, no fauna. There is intelligent life on the Earth of Yellow Space, but only of alien origin and in small quantities.

The vector formula of the Yellow Space clearly shows why it has such high rates in terms of energy level and other parameters - when space is compressed along the third torsion vector, very energy-intensive matter is obtained. That is why there is no darkness in the outer space of the Yellow Spectrum Universe - the space golden color with large "hairy" stars emitting long rays. This is how the starry sky is seen from the Earth, where the crust of our matter is very thin, and is transparent for viton radiation.
But on the large planets of the Yellow Space, where there is life in a complete biospheric cycle, the crust of our matter has a significant thickness, which leads to a weakening of the background radiation of the Universe space and a shift in visible radiation to the red spectrum. The planets occupy remote orbits from the luminary, which is why the duration of their astronomical year exceeds the earth's ten times, the luminary is observed in the form of a small sun, twilight reigns, and the sky is red. The rotation of the planets around their own axis is very slow, in the opposite direction to the earthly one of our space, the “yellow” days on such planets, as a rule, last about 400 Earth days on average. The "water" there is dark purple, almost black, and the snow falls red.

Space of Darkness.

Matter is represented by 137 elements of the Periodic system of elements of the Universe, and 16 elements are transitional to neighboring spaces. With an increase in the degree of compression to 6, the energy level decreases to 5, which is lower than in the previous Yellow Space, and there are no visible radiations. Matter has a four-polar orientation vector of torsion fields.
The basic hadrons of the nuclei of the elements of the matter of Gloom are viton and posiviton (positive viton, similar to the positron). The uniqueness of the matter of space is that there is no lepton cloud in the nuclei of elements, which is why there are no radiations, and all interactions are carried out due to the hadronic structure. Gravity is due to the viton fields of the underlying Yellow space, so the matter is grouped in the usual order of celestial mechanics, but the darkness around is absolute - nothing is visible. The space for life is terrible, which is why there is no life in it. Observation of space is extremely difficult, in fact impossible, which is especially dangerous for the flights of ships, which is why it is better to “bypass” this space.
Such unusual properties of space and its matter are explained by the peculiarities of its vector formula, in which the fourth vector has a negative sign (directionality).
It is the introduction of a negative component into the formula (which is inevitable with a natural vector directivity scheme) that causes the effect of an “energy hole” in space.
So there is nothing artificial and far-fetched in the Space of Darkness - there are laws of the material world of the Universe that are logical in their nature.
Understanding the Truth of the space of Darkness and the logic of the natural construction of the material spaces of the Universe give a completely new quality of Knowledge, previously inaccessible to man:
– the unusual properties of the space of Darkness and its matter are of the highest value for the Universe and its Life – the Space of Darkness creates an entropy barrier, which makes the higher spaces of the Universe and their matter incredibly stable, almost eternal. This makes the possibility of Eternal Life not a fairy tale, but an objective reality arising from the laws of the natural structure of the Universe.
Understanding and Knowledge of this Truth bring people closer to the origins of the life of their souls, to the Creator.

Gray space of the Universe.

Superstable space of the Universe.
Matter is represented by 180 elements of the Periodic system of elements of the Universe, and 16 elements are transitional to the lower space of Darkness, and only 3 - to the higher Space of the Blue spectrum. The speed of wave fields is 6 times higher than the speed of light, the energy level of space and the compression by the linear factor is 7 times higher than ours. Matter has a five-polar orientation vector of torsion fields.
The basic hadrons of the nuclei of the matter elements of the Gray space are viton and posiviton, adapted by the spatial transition along the 5th torsion vector into α-viton and β-posiviton. The use of adapted α-viton and β-posiviton as hadrons in the matter of the Gray space is quite logical and natural, since there is no lepton base (orbital particles) in the underlying space of Gloom.
This circumstance is very important for the life of all spaces of the Universe, since it allows it to create biological bodies from the matter of lower spaces, and connect the soul to them for life in these spaces.
The celestial bodies of the Gray space are observed from the Earth as large stars of the white spectrum, exceeding the size of the Sun - these are the planets of Life of the Gray space. Since the matter of the Gray space is very energy-saturated and stable, then in this space there is not just life, but Eternal Life.
There is never a night, white light pours from the incredibly beautiful blue sky in its purity, the flora and fauna of the planets are rich in variety of forms, the emerald green of forests is buried in large colors of exquisite lines and colors, the landscapes of plains and river valleys are magnificent in their beauty, white cities and villages with beautiful blond and blue-eyed people. Peace and kind warmth emanates from everything around you, which you feel with your whole skin as a comfortable environment… This is the world of the Higher Ones. Vehicles are not visible - the Higher Ones can instantly move to any point in space or simply soar above the planet, enjoying the charm of free flight. But there are ships, and there are many of them: they often and silently take off from sites near cities when they need to be delivered to the required point in any space of the Universe by the expedition of the Higher Ones, along with materials and equipment. There is no idle idleness: the Higher Ones work with inspiration and creativity, work hard for the benefit of the civilizations of Goodness and Life of the entire Universe.

The Higher Ones can communicate at any distance without means of communication, just mentally, as they can hear the thoughts of any humanoid at any point and space of the Universe. In the Gray space, there are about 600 planets of the Higher Civilizations, united in a common system called the ALPHA NETWORK (A-network). And the Elected Leader - CREATOR directs the Civilization of the Higher.

It is here that our souls are born, and then, like small children, they are sent to be raised by Life in the lower spaces of the Universe, on planets-kindergartens, like your Earth, where souls live in the bodies of people. The future Angel must himself find the way to Goodness, to Knowledge, to study all the spaces of the Universe not from a book, but after going through an independent school of Life in them.
Parallel to the cities and settlements of the Higher Ones on their planets there are settlements of "gray", or, more precisely, "silver". These are the humanoids whose souls have successfully passed all the stages of life on the planets of the lower spaces, and live their last life together with the Higher ones, working together with Them and learning Knowledge from Them. Based on the results of this life, the Creator makes a decision to grant the applicant a “stability function”, or, as it is called in another way, Eternal Life. That's when they become Angels - full-fledged residents of the Highest Civilization of the Universe.
The system of "silver" settlements in the Universe is called the ZETA-NETWORK (Z-network).
The one who has found the way to Goodness and Knowledge, who has proved his ability to work honestly and comprehend Knowledge, becomes an Angel.

Blue space of the universe.

The highest and most stable space of the Universe.
Matter is represented by only 18 elements of the Periodic system of elements of the Universe, and 3 elements are transitional to the lower Gray space. The speed of wave fields is 8 times higher than the speed of light, the energy level of space and the compression by the linear factor is 9 times higher than ours. Matter has a six-polar orientation vector of torsion fields.
The celestial bodies of the Blue Space are observed from the Earth as large stars of the blue spectrum, larger than the Sun. The matter of the Blue space is extremely energy-saturated and stable, but there is no life in this space - there are no higher spaces in the Universe, therefore realization is impossible. General Principle Life: receiving energy from a higher space and controlling the bioprocesses of living matter by lepton fields of higher space.
The basic hadrons of the nuclei of the elements of the matter of the Blue space are the leptons of the Gray space, and the orbital lepton particle is the sapion. It is the most important in the organization of INTELLIGENT life in the Universe, since it is used in the field structure of the processor of the soul. The sapion has a record ability to transmit information and the density of its recording per unit volume - 1018 more than that of an electron.
You can draw 6 axes in space, and orient 6 torsion vectors along them - we get 6 natural material spaces of the Universe, no more, no less. The features of spaces and their matter also become clear, for example, such an unusual space as the Spaces of Darkness.
You can also create subspaces by varying the ratio of the frequencies of the fields and the direction of the vectors, but these will be artificial subspaces, not natural ones. They are also important, just as the very ability of the structure of the Universe to create such artificial subspaces is important - with their help, ships in space are protected, and the very possibility of ships to fly quickly in the Universe with an insignificant expenditure of time and energy is ensured. They help to explore and study the Universe, expanding the boundaries of knowledge of the Mind.
And now let's combine the information obtained by spaces into a single table in order to better understand, evaluate and draw conclusions.

Rice. 3 Table of parameters of the spaces of the Universe.

As can be seen from the table, there is a regularity in the transition of leptons of the lower space into hadrons, into the elements of the core of the higher space (red arrows). This principle is called SPATIAL SHIFT and, on the one hand, shows the material unity of all spaces of the Universe, and on the other hand, shows the principle of asymmetry of spaces in terms of the mass of matter. It is enough just to know the ratio of the masses of leptons and hadrons, as the mass ratios of the matter of spaces become clear and understandable, as in the palm of your hand!
The table shows that the entire material universe is built on the interaction of only a few stable and long-lived elementary particles.
Works on the torsion theory and torsion fields have been underway for a long time. The direction is the most promising - here are spatial transitions, and new technologies in chemistry and the materials industry, and cutting of solid materials, and transportation of oversized cargo, and construction. Many can be listed. But two of the most important areas should be specially noted: this is a wave effect on people for medicinal purposes and energy!

Understanding the theory of the structure of the multidimensional universe makes it possible to explain the fundamental possibility of obtaining energy (information) from spaces of higher dimensions by any living matter, including the operator - FE.

The basis of the biology of our planet is a single structure of the DNA molecule, created in the form of a double helix in the image and likeness of the metal structure of teroid No. 157. This is the key to the life code of the planet Earth.
Adenosine triphosphate, (ATP), a nucleotide, consists of the purine base adenine, the monosaccharide ribose, and 3 phosphoric acid residues. In all living organisms, it acts as a universal accumulator and carrier of energy. Under the action of special enzymes, terminal phosphate groups are separated with the release of energy, which is spent on muscle contractions and other processes, including biosynthesis.
If we adhere to the block principle of considering the structural formula of ATP, then its “phosphorus” part can be conditionally called “energy storage – conductor”, and the second part, where Pentose-ribose and Adenine, could be called an antenna module, or a two-circuit (two-space) wave antenna.
Here, in pentose, the pentagram works, it works like a tiny antenna.

Figure 4. Scheme of the structure of ATP

From the point of view of physics, this formula can also be represented as follows:

The matter leptons of our space have a binary spin, i.e. a lepton can perceive a torsion (wave) field in two planes - this is what two adenine rings located in structural formula in mutually perpendicular planes.
Leptons of a higher, Yellow space, have a tripolar spin, i.e. can perceive the torsion (wave) field in three planes - this is what pentose-ribose serves in the ATP molecule.
In the structural formula of ATP, adenine and pentose-ribose form a three-axis antenna module. This is how the principle of a two-loop viton antenna is implemented in a living cell. ATP is the main source of biological (viton) energy in a living cell. She receives it from the highest degree of compression and energy space, where the coefficient. space compression 5, and coefficient. energy of the viton relative to the electron - 6.
This is a single energy principle of living matter, which is based on the principle of interdimensional wave energy transfer, and ATP is only an interdimensional antenna module in one “case” with a phosphorus battery:
- ATP works - there is life;
- ATP is disabled - life immediately dies.
And the shape of the two contours of the ATP antenna is a PENTAGRAM. Here are the "sacred" numbers 5 and 72.
As soon as the function of obtaining energy from higher space appears in hydrocarbon matter, the matter comes to life, and this property is imparted to it by the antenna module of adenine and pentose-ribose. Here is its fundamental difference from dead matter.
Pay attention to the structure of RNA and DNA - they are also alive, they have single-circuit antenna-receivers of the viton field from ATP and the body control system. These nucleic molecules depend on ATP for energy and work with it only in pairs.

Rice. 6 Structural scheme of RNA: a – sugar-phosphate backbone; b - single chain

Figure 7. Structural scheme of DNA: a – sugar-phosphate backbone; b - complementary pairs of nitrogenous bases; c - double helix

Here is the pentagram and its role in the life of all living things! That is why in the ancient treatises (according to the knowledge transmitted by the Higher ones) the pentagram was so stubbornly and persistently spoken about.
RECEIVING ENERGY FROM THE HIGHEST SPACE BY LIVING MATTER is the only possibility of its (living matter) existence.



Any field has a particle, which is its source and carrier. For example, an electric field is an electron, a gravitational field is a neutron, and so on.

The aura (biofield, energy field) of a person or any living being is a matter that partly belongs to our space, partly to Yellow and Gray, more energetic and multidimensional because the source of the field is a particle - viton, which is transitional from our space to yellow and gray. For this reason, our energy field has properties that are not described by the laws of our space alone, which is the reason for numerous disputes about its existence.

Viton: from the Latin vita - life. VITON: - ve - elementary particle. The mass by electron is 0.62 m electron. Charge - 0 (zero). The shape of the orbit is an ellipse, in one of the foci of which there is an electron, i.e. The viton is a satellite of the second order relative to the nucleus and rotates around the electron, around which there can be up to 8 vitons. Viton's energy saturation coefficient relative to electron is 6. Viton obeys all the laws of wave theory for elementary particles. The propagation speed of the viton field relative to the speed of light is 4C (4 speeds of light in vacuum). Density information field viton relative to the electron - 105 (instead of 1 byte of information "on the electron", you can put 100 kilobytes of information in the same volume).
Viton - the most important elementary particle - the basis of biological fields and energy of the biological life of the planet.
We are surrounded complex world, and the double shell of the atomic nuclei of theroids is a manifestation of the spatial shift factor in multidimensional space. Mutual penetration of spatial structures and their energy fields provide our very existence and life itself.
Viton field of a person (aura, biofield, energy field) is heterogeneous in structure and parameters. Up to the level of the Master of CE, it is enough to divide the field into three clearly distinct areas. For simplicity, these areas are called 1, 2, 3, and so on. shells of the human physical body. The combination of all these shells with the physical body makes up our human personality with all its desires, emotions, thoughts and actions. The most highly vibrational processes of our energy field (vitonic body) can operate with energies and information not only of the Yellow, but also of the Gray spaces. Naturally, high-vibration processes (Thought) have a decisive influence on processes with lower vibrations. Our thoughts, information of the Mental level, have a decisive influence on our feelings, emotions, desires and actions, and through them, on the state of the Physical body. Despite the differences in the parameters of the shells of the human energy field, we must not forget that this is a single Bioenergy-informational process. For CE to work with frequencies with the viton field of a person, it is more correct to consider it as a process rather than as an object.
Cosmoenerget – the operator works with the patient or the field of events not with frequency as such, but with the synthesis of the frequency flow and its own energy field (vitonic body). This is precisely the fundamental technology of Cosmoenergetics - the technology of Synthesis.

Human energy centers.

The viton field of a person lives according to the laws of the energy-information exchange of the Yellow and Gray spaces. The physical body - according to the laws of our space. To combine, combine and, to some extent, control these energy-information processes, there are control circuits, which are called energy centers (chakras). There are seven main energy centers, and each is responsible for its own area of ​​energy-information exchange. Nevertheless, this is a single mechanism and the disruption of the operation of any energy center affects, first of all, the neighboring ones, and then the rest.
The first energy center is located in the coccyx area.
The second is above the pubic bone, below the navel.
The third is in the solar plexus area, slightly above the navel.
The fourth is at the level of the heart.
The fifth is at the base of the throat, approximately at the level of 6-7 cervical vertebrae.
The sixth ("Trikut", "Third Eye"), - at the level of the forehead, slightly above the eyebrows.
The seventh is on the crown.
Vibration ranges of energy centers increase and change quality from the first to the seventh. Starting from the fourth and higher, energy centers operate with energy information not only from the Yellow, but also from the Gray spaces. KE works with the first five energy centers. Working with the sixth and above, energy centers, requires vision and additional training. (Teacher's clarification required.)
Energy centers are responsible for the energy-information exchange of the entire human energy field at their level of vibrations, including the operation of the energy fields (and energy meridians) of the organs in which they are located. Since the energy centers are also connected with the corresponding shells of the human energy field, to a certain extent they are also responsible for the work of these shells, through them influencing our thoughts, actions, desires, emotions, feelings and the state of the physical body. This is a complex interconnected and mutually influencing system, when working with which it is necessary to take into account all energy-information processes in their totality, and not separately.


A unicellular alga, bacterium, higher plant, insect, worm, fish, bird or animal has two main components: the physical body and the viton body.

PHYSICAL BODY - a material structure that you see, having its own appearance, mass, internal structure and everything you know that is connected with it.

VITON BODY is the material structure of the elemental base of the Yellow Space invisible to us, which is a biological neurocomputer of the physical body control system. His work is quite well known to you by external manifestations, united by one concept - "biological life". People incorrectly attribute these manifestations of life to the physical body, when they see only the result of an action, without understanding its essence. The viton body is inseparable from the physical body, it is born, grows, develops and dies together with the physical body. The viton body provides the higher nervous activity of the physical body and the rational activity of the lower order - the "animal" mind. A reasonable person of the planet Earth has three main components - a physical body, a viton body and a soul.

SOUL is the material structure of the elemental base of the Gray Space, invisible to us, which is a biological species of the Higher intelligent beings of the Universe. For their vital activity in our space in the mode of mutual symbiosis with the body from the matter of our space, the biological species of a reasonable person of the planet Earth is intended.
Note. Symbiosis (from the Greek symbiosis - cohabitation) is a biological long-term cohabitation of organisms of different species, usually bringing them mutual benefits (for example, the symbiosis of a fungus and algae that together form a lichen, a hermit crab and an anemone living on its shell).
Mutualism: (from the Latin mutunus - mutual) - one of the forms of symbiosis, in which each of the cohabiting organisms - symbionts - brings some benefit to the other.
You are well aware of the external manifestation of the activity of the soul: it is the human mind, i.e. your thought - "I think, therefore I exist" - is a product of the activity of the soul. The soul is born independently of the body, enters a person at the moment of his birth, lives with a person and leaves him (but does not die) when the biological death of the human body occurs.
Therefore, a reasonable person (Homo sapiens) is a biological species of a reproductive higher being to ensure the vital activity of the Soul.
The soul is the most important thing that distinguishes a person from an animal and places him above the entire animal world as the highest link in the Earth's biosphere. Billions of years of work of God the Creator and His Civilization to create the biosphere of our planet were done only in order to prepare the appearance of man and provide his life with biosphere resources. This was not done for the sake of the comfortable existence of a new biological species, the entire planet, its biosphere was being prepared by the Higher Civilization for the appearance on Earth of a humanoid species, whose body was specially created and intended for life and education of the soul.
Without a soul, a person is just a rational animal, like a monkey, and not a single animal on Earth is capable of intellectual activity. Only the soul gives a person a high mind and the ability for analytical thinking, creative activity and spiritual life, makes it possible to make a creative contribution to the noosphere of the Universe. This is the main goal of the Creator's program "Man of the Earth".


The work was carried out in two main stages. The first stage is the creation of a human prototype.
The work was carried out by the method of controlled evolution. From the then existing terrestrial monkeys, a control group of females was selected that were closest to the human project. Radiation implantation of the viton matrix of the new primate was carried out. As a result, several species of anthropoid upright primates appeared. They were not exactly monkeys, and not the kind of monkeys they are now. Then, for almost two million years, they worked on the improvement and development of the organs of the body. As a result, humanoid primates appeared, according to appearance reminiscent of a man, but it was not yet a man, because in these creatures there was no main thing, that which distinguishes a man from an animal - the Soul.
These human-like creatures could not yet be called human, they consumed mainly plant foods and have not survived to this day - they could not withstand the subsequent competition with humans, since they ended up in the same “ecological niche” with him.
The second stage is the creation of Homo sapiens.
We will be forced to disappoint both the religious preachers of the miraculous creation of man and the supporters of Darwin's theory of the evolutionary origin of man from apes. Yes, the physical mother of the first people was a humanoid and humanoid female primate, but they were born to her not as a result of evolution, but as a result of God's actions to create software for the human viton matrix and its purposeful radiation implantation on the female primate's egg using appropriate equipment.
And it was like that.
The creation of man took place 210 thousand years ago, if we take the current year as a measure of calculation. Since the creation of the prototype - the first upright humanoid ape, 1 million 961 thousand years have already passed, during which the development of the physical body of the future person was almost completed. For further work, from a variety of options (it’s already inconvenient to call them monkeys, in practice it’s already almost a person, only unreasonable) the most successful genetic line of upright humanoid creatures was chosen - the future parents of the first person.

God was faced with a very important task - to create on the planet Earth a biological species of a reproductive higher being for the life of the Soul - Homo sapiens. There were already variants of a man realized on other planets, but it was necessary to create an “earthly modification” of Homo sapiens. On the one hand, this crowned billions of years of work, trial and error, disappointment, reflection, the search for new solutions, discoveries and discoveries; on the other hand, the importance of the task and its complexity demanded action on Earth, in the place where the first people and all mankind will live as it develops.

It was necessary to create a person ... from the dust of the earth ... i.e. a reasonable person had to be organically connected with the planet on which he was to live, and the presence of "exported" substances from other worlds was unacceptable. This means that it was impossible to make a person momentarily, and the first person had to be born to an earthly being. To understand why the question was posed in this way, let us return to the logic of the creation of the Earth's biosphere and the role of the smallest - bacteria, their place in the life of the human body.
All the necessary substances the human body must receive with food and produce independently. We have already given an example of the use of brown algae program files in the human viton matrix for the synthesis of essential substances and iodine by the human thyroid gland - there are thousands of such examples, because the synthesis of all complex organic compounds was first worked out by plants, then animals, and only then applied to humans. That is why there is the concept of "green pharmacy of natural medicines”, which is why, in case of violations of the functioning of organs, the missing substances can be replaced by plant analogues (for example, alkaloids), which are produced by plants according to similar synthesis programs.
There are too many substances and hormones necessary for the body, most of them we do not know, because they are required in scanty quantities, therefore it is not advisable to create your own gland or organ for the synthesis of each necessary substance: they are created only for those chemical compounds that are constantly required in significant quantities such as insulin or bile. The vast majority of chemical compounds required by the body in small quantities are produced by bacteria and microorganisms. Our scientists studying the microflora of the human body have already discovered more than 100 thousand of them, but we are still very far from understanding the place and necessity of each of them.
The issues of ensuring the symbiosis of the human body and microflora objects are very important, because, unlike animals, which often occupy territorially limited habitats, a person had to populate the entire planet, all continents, different in their conditions of the local biosphere. And here, alas, one-stop solution has not yet been found - that is why there are various races on Earth that have acquired differences precisely according to the conditions of their habitat. For example, in Equatorial Africa, where there are many blood-sucking flying insects, the body of the local population is able to produce a protective repellent that is released through the skin and repels insects. And there is no special gland that produces it - bacteria help. The first newborn person - a child must receive a "standard set" of microflora from his mother - a primate, and then, as he grows, form his own, suitable only for humans.
I had to seriously work on human adaptability to the microflora, not forgetting about immunity to viral diseases and protection from pathogenic microbes and bacteria. It would be an unforgivable mistake to forget about it: for example, we would have created the first stable human population of hundreds and thousands of people, and they would just go and die from a random microbe or virus: all the work is in vain. And the Creator did not forget anything, he ensured the creation of viton programs for the symbiosis of a person with hundreds of thousands of microflora objects: each bacterium has its own place and task. He took into account hundreds of thousands of factors at the same time - who else can do this?
The prototype female primate underwent radiation implantation of the viton matrix of the future human on a mature egg, and so she became the mother of the first human. This is very important: - the first person was born to an earthly being, the physical body of a person consists only of earthly elements, atoms and molecules, and the human body is a material object, - a derivative of the planet's biosphere, a person is organically connected and adapted to the conditions of that planet, on which he lives. That is why Scripture says that man was created "...from the dust of the earth." When creating it, the entire experience of previous billions of years of earthly creation was used, the entire gigantic archive of data on the planet's biosphere, including all microbes and bacteria: man is the last, highest link in the Earth's biosphere.
But this is still not enough. The fact is that the viton matrix of a person has almost no behavioral files, like the viton matrix of animals, because in a person, as a rational being, behavior should be determined by reason and upbringing, i.e. acquired skills. This means that at least two babies (male and female) had to be taken away from unreasonable physical parents, fed, raised, taught the necessary minimum of skills and knowledge for independent living. Moreover, the control and protection of the first people was obligatory for quite a long time, until the increase by natural reproduction to the minimum necessary quantitative minimum would make the first human population stable, and the most important experiment would not go down the drain due to an accidental life factor.
Indeed, it was much easier with animals, imagine, for example: a cat was first raised from some small lizard by successive projections of viton matrices. Then, also remotely influencing the projection of the viton matrix, we got larger kittens - lynxes grew up. From a lynx, tigers have grown, and there it is already within easy reach of a lion. Young lions grew out of the tigress's litter and scattered first in different directions, in order to create the first pride later. Well, let's say it didn't work out the first time - the cubs died or they were simply eaten by a jealous mother or father. So what? It doesn't matter - the experience can be repeated, especially since much effort is not needed here - young lion cubs very quickly begin to walk and look for food themselves - all this is embedded in the program blocks of the behavior of the viton matrix. It is much more difficult with a person: he must become the receptacle of the mind, the bearer of the soul. Such a risk, as with animals, must be excluded, because the creation of man was the result of billions of years of our work, and such an important matter cannot be left to chance.
Imagine that a tiny newborn boy appeared in the wild in a tropical forest, and a few years later a girl: any father and mother will instantly understand the horror of the situation: children are doomed. How can a human parent allow this? How could God act in such a situation? He gave birth to children with his Genius and could not leave them to the mercy of fate - for a long, very long time he nursed, groomed and unlived small children, protected them from rain and animals, watered, fed them. As a caring father and mother, He was the first to show future humanity an example of reverent care for their offspring. He was the first to hold small children by the hands when they took their first steps, he was the first to teach them to speak and explain what to do. He is the First Teacher of children on the planet Earth. He was the first to bless the marriage of young lovers and taught them to take care of their offspring ... Even now it is difficult for an adult to survive in the jungle, but what was it like for them, the first? You need a lot of skills and knowledge, you need to work and learn a lot - again God was the First Teacher and Mentor of man. He is the Father.
All this could be provided only by an expedition to the Earth of God and his assistants in a physical form compatible with the Earth (biosphere based on teroid No. 157). With the necessary resources for a long stay on the planet, humanitarian, transport, instrumentation for research work on the synthesis and implantation of the human viton matrix. For this expedition, the possibilities of an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization of your space, obeying God, were used. The physical presence of intelligent people of another planet was necessary, firstly, for physical influence on material earthly objects and, secondly, for real communication with newborn babies (and then with people), their education and upbringing.
This is directly stated in “Genesis”, because unlike the first days of creation, when “the Spirit of God hovered over the water…”, during the creation of man, God directly as a physical object, a real being, brought animals to man, taught agriculture: “.. And the Lord God took the man whom He created), and settled in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it ... ”(“ Genesis ”, ch. 2, article 15). God controlled man.
“Genesis” confirms that God was not alone: ​​“.. And the Lord God said: behold, Adam became like one of Us…”, (“Genesis”, ch. 3, article 22); in addition, the fact of a long stay of the associates of God in the form of intelligent beings identical to man is confirmed. It is quite natural that the companions of God controlled the stages of development of the human population, first constantly, and then periodically: the helpers of God are also people, and they need replacement and rest. The duration of the control function required the presence of several expeditions, replacing one another.

“Genesis” also tells about the place where the Creator's expedition worked: “..And the Lord God planted paradise in Eden in the east, and placed there the man whom He had created. And out of the ground the Lord God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, and the tree of life in the midst of paradise, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A river came out of Eden to water paradise; and then divided into four rivers. The name of one Pishon: it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; and the gold of that land is good; there bdolakh and onyx stone. The name of the second river is Gihon (Geon): it flows around the whole land of Cush. The name of the third river is Hiddekel (Tigris): it flows before Assyria. The fourth river Euphrates…” (“Genesis”, ch.2 st.8-14)
No, this is not the Middle East, the names are incorrect: we are talking about the area adjacent to the coast of the Gulf of Thailand, where the state of Thailand is now located. The river from which four rivers flow is the Menam Chao Phraya River and its river delta in the coastal region of the Gulf of Thailand. She was here before, when the ocean level was much lower due to the ice of the Northern Ice Cap.
Among other things, there are deposits in this area, and now tin, lead, manganese, zinc, tungsten ores, antimony, fluorite, barite, precious stones(including onyx), natural gas, oil. The geological structure of the area suggests the presence of both ancient faults of the mainland plate and dome-shaped structures - traps for oil and gas. As a rule, such faults are rich in rare earth elements and the characteristic presence of small amounts of theroids in the rocks. And fluorites have impurities of rare earth elements and uranium - thus, to ensure the synthesis of the viton matrix and the physical body of a person, almost the entire periodic table of elements was at hand (especially important, as you will understand further, the presence of cadmium) and the increased radiation background of the area, characteristic of deposits of uranium ores or its impurities.
The energy of ionizing radiation of active elements is necessary in the synthesis of ribonucleic acids as a means of ensuring the possibility of mutations - they could generate any spectrum of radiation, but it is important for them to have exactly the spectrum that is characteristic of the isotopic series of the earth's crust.
It is no coincidence that bdolakh and onyx are mentioned in Genesis: they were needed to create man. Bdolakh is the ancient name for mountain wax or ozocerite, and onyx is nothing more than a ribbon-striped variety of agate, which has a microfiber structure, which occurs when the rock melt cools with the catalytic effect of theroids. The content of even a small amount of element No. 157 in the rocks of this area is key for the synthesis of living terrestrial matter, i.e. we are talking about the earthly “tree of life”.
On the other hand, the "tree of life" of the Earth can be an apparatus containing all the information on the planet's biosphere, and since God and His associates are specialists in the creation of biological structures, this apparatus can indeed be created in the form of a tree from eternal matter.
The expression “tree of knowledge” should not be understood one-sidedly: firstly, it really confirms that God has a powerful information terminal and instruments for performing scientific work on the synthesis and projection of the human viton matrix; secondly, it is a direct impact on the human mind by the transfer of knowledge - "... the tree of the knowledge of good and evil ... gives knowledge."

About the human soul.

The soul exists in each of you as a material living object that actually exists in the physical body of a person and has a high life resource. The soul has no signs of gender, it can exist separately from the human body, autonomously. The understanding of the soul is given to a person in his real feelings of understanding his own "I", in the formula "I think, therefore I exist." The soul is the mind of man. The soul is material and created in a natural way from the richest elemental base of the Gray space, and the control system of the soul operates on the basis of the leptons of the Blue space.

Considering the basic principles of building the human body, one cannot but pay attention to the fact that although a person lives in one space, he consists of particles of several spaces:

a) the physical body consists of transitional elements of the Dead Matter space and our space (Heretics), uses mainly the chemical energy of the electrons of its own space and the Dead Matter space, as well as the energy of the Yellow Space vitons;

b) the control system of the human physical body is built on the basis of leptons of a higher Yellow space, which makes it possible to exclude the impact of the environment on the operation of the system.

But there is another most important elementary particle in a person - mve - microviton (sapion), which is responsible for the organization and creation of high-speed and high-capacity information and management structures of living objects. And if the viton is responsible for the organization of life, then the microviton is responsible for the organization of the mind, therefore the microviton can still be called “reasonable” - sapion - from sapiens - reasonable.

MICROVITON (SAPION): – mve – elementary particle of the lepton class.
Mass by electron and charge - it is impossible to determine in our space.
The source of sapions in nature is Blue space.
The coefficient of energy saturation relative to the electron is 9.
The density of the information field of a microviton (sapion) relative to an electron is 1018 (ten to the eighteenth degree).
Submits to all laws of the wave theory for elementary particles.
The speed of propagation of the microviton field relative to the speed of light is 8C (eight speeds of light in vacuum).

Like the physical body of a person, built from elements of different spaces, the soul physically consists of elements of the Gray space, and its control system uses the leptons of the Blue space. Souls are biological objects and, like people, are born in the Gray Space as children of Higher Intelligent humanoids. Every soul has its own heavenly Mother and Father.
Unlike earthly children, who immediately begin to live and be brought up in their families, souls are brought up in lower spaces in specially created bodies of humanoids, including humans. Since the soul is an immature child of the Blues, the souls cannot reproduce on their own and receive such a right only when they reach maturity in the Higher Civilization. And it's still a long way from maturity...

Higher Intelligent humanoids have Eternal life and great opportunities, being in fact the masters of the Universe, however, the Right of Eternal Life is not given to the soul at birth, it must be earned by having worthily lived 12 lives in lower spaces and civilizations - the future Higher humanoid must know the Universe firsthand, and himself to be trained and educated by life in all spaces. This is not cruel, but necessary, because one cannot give eternal life to evil, greed, stupidity, etc. This is a kind of "natural selection" in terms of morality and intelligence of the children of the Highest Intelligent humanoids...

At birth, the soul has an initial life resource of 980 Earth years and is a humanoid with a height of one meter 52 centimeters, with a silver metallic skin color, large eyes and head, small holes in the place of the nose, mouth, ears - there are similar images of "aliens" on Earth . According to their capabilities, intelligence, characteristics of the soul are different and unique.

It is not possible to measure the weight or mass of the soul with the instruments that you have. The devices register only the change in the interaction of the body with external fields when the viton circuits are turned off. For example, if you weigh an electromagnet coil through which an electric current flows, the readings of the scales will be one, and when the current is turned off, they will be different, since the interaction with the Earth's magnetic field has disappeared with the same mass of the coil, and the scales registered exactly the value of this interaction. At the physical death of a person, the viton circuits are turned off and the soul leaves, the body mass does not change, although the scales show a decrease in weight by several grams - the scales indicate the magnitude of the force interaction of the circuits with the viton fields of the Earth and the Universe.

The soul does not have respiratory organs, digestion - it does not need air, water and food - for its existence it uses direct energy metabolism with the environment. For a person with his organs of vision of the physical body, the soul is invisible, just as, for example, ultraviolet radiation is invisible for a person. The forest shell prevents the soul from seeing: after leaving it, the soul gets the opportunity to see its own kind.

The soul can live forever, if God permits. The decision on the Right of Eternal Life for each soul is made personally by the Creator based on the results of its upbringing and life in physical form. For Eternal life, God gives the soul the function of stability by adjusting its program circuits and files. But until the soul has received this Right, it is mortal and can naturally die for seven reasons:

1) - from greed; greed, selfishness, hoarding are vicious, because, without benefiting society, they cause great harm to relations in society, therefore, the bearers of this vice have no place in the Higher Civilization;
2) - from stupidity; stupidity has never been a virtue. Stupidity should be distinguished from dementia: sometimes a good student, earning marks by rote, is impassibly stupid, which is especially evident in the lack of a sense of humor and inability to make the right decisions - one cannot get Eternal life on someone else's mind;
3) - from the thirst for war; war and murder are nearby, comments are superfluous here;
4) - from dementia; Why do we need fool angels?
5) - from the ability to commit betrayal; betrayal is always and everywhere despised;
6) - from the inability to master the Blue and Gray energy; if the soul does not use the native source of life, how can it live?
7) - from old age; it is pointless to live for the sake of one's own life - uselessly lived years, when a person hides from society, does not want to risk anything, they cannot bring good - why is the soul of a coward and an egoist?

A person has three parents: the Lord God as the Creator of the human mind - souls, the heavenly Father and Mother as the biological parents of the soul, and the earthly father and mother as the biological parents of the physical body. Kinship between people can only be in the physical body; there is no kinship of souls according to the physical father and mother; souls are kindred by origin as children of the same Higher Civilization of God, therefore, all people of the planet Earth, regardless of race, religion, skin color, place and time of birth, have a spiritual relationship in their mind; they are relatives in soul - brothers and sisters of the same family, quarrels and wars between which, and even more so murder, are unnatural.

How the soul connects with the person.

In the human embryo, the function of the primary control network of the viton body of the fetus is performed by the control signals of the matrix of the fertilized egg and the viton body of the mother. With the development of the embryo and the formation of its own nervous system with the neurons of the cerebral cortex, the functions of controlling organs are transferred nervous system fetus - the period of coordinated functioning of the systems, in which the fetus receives everything necessary for development and growth from the mother through the unified circulatory system, including oxygen for breathing. Therefore, while the fetus is in the womb, it does not need to breathe with its own lungs and, therefore, its lung function and the radiator of the ribs are turned off - the soul cannot connect. That is why the fetus in the womb of the mother does not have a soul and, as a result, the fetus is not yet a person and abortion is not considered murder: the mother decides herself - to give new life or not.

With birth, the program of viton circuits of the rib emitter is activated, pulmonary respiration and energy supply of the pulmonary complex, including the antenna module of the wave channel, are turned on. A viton beam is created, which is simultaneously gravitational for the matter of the Gray space, and the resulting force of interaction allows the soul to stay near the matter of your space - the human body. When the fetus is separated from the mother's body, the child enters the gaseous environment, is released from amniotic fluid and takes the first breath - the first cry of a newborn. At this moment, the soul enters the baby and its legal status changes: - the child becomes homo sapiens - a reasonable (spiritualized) person, whose birth obligation to the Creator is fulfilled and, as a result, rights that require respect have appeared. The date of birth of a person is precisely this moment, and not the date of conception, as some mistakenly believe. The human body becomes the carrier of the soul for the rest of life.

The possibilities of the soul are revealed as the growth and the beginning of the full functioning of all systems and organs of the human body - i.e. to the end of full puberty. This period of development is necessary for the soul to master the skills of controlling the physical body and create the prerequisites for the intellectual development of the soul. Since all souls have different initial parameters, the differences in the intellect of specific people also depend on the genetic formula of the heredity of the viton matrices of these people. If, for example, the viton matrix of the physical body has a perfect auditory apparatus and fingers, and the soul is musical, a new Tchaikovsky or Gilels can turn out; and if the hearing aid has weak parameters (“the bear stepped on the ear”), the musician will not work, even if the soul has the ability to music. If the matrix of one of the parents has a defect in the program of the hearing aid, there is a high risk that the child will be deaf - deafness is inherited ... Accordingly, by the end of the cycle of physical life, the level of intellectual development and education of souls is completely different.

When a biological resource is depleted, determined by the program block of the viton matrix, or when the body receives mechanical damage, biological damage to organs from diseases that make it impossible to continue life, the biological death of the human physical body occurs. This is expressed in the cessation of the functioning of the energy and control structures of the viton body of a person and, as a result, in the shutdown of the pulmonary complex and the emitter of the channel of the soul, the gravitational force that holds Gray matter disappears, the soul is released from the body and with the last breath of the dying person passes into an autonomous mode of existence.

If it is possible to restore the vital functions of the physical body, for example, by intensive measures taken by resuscitators, the soul remains nearby and can return when the emitter is turned on - there are many testimonies of people who have experienced clinical death. The limit time for switching off the antenna module according to the capacity of the energy accumulator of the system is fifty minutes under normal conditions: body temperature 36.60С, normal air pressure and its temperature 20С. When changing the parameters of the medium, slight deviations in both directions are possible. If during this time the functions of the body are not renewed, the soul leaves forever.

The liberated soul is transported to God through a "pipe" - an isolated spatio-temporal channel. For the Gray matter, the concept of "space-time" has a different meaning, and for it the space is compressed - the soul needs moments to pass. The analysis of the incoming soul is carried out. The essence of the analysis lies in scanning the information of the entire life of the soul, studying its comprehension by a person, making decisions and executing actions. Analysis is almost instantaneous. According to the analysis of the life of the soul, God makes a decision according to one of three options:

1) direction of the soul to the next cycle of upbringing and development by life in the physical body.
In this case, the soul gets the right to meet the heavenly Parents and can visit the father's house for the holidays.
2) the punishment of the soul by Hell, after which the soul is sent to the next cycle of life.
Hell is the space of darkness. The essence of punishment is the impossibility of using external information channels, the ability to move: - the soul freezes motionless in space, and a state of horror is generated on it. The maximum term of imprisonment in Hell is three Earth years. The soul is deprived of the right to meet the Parents.

3) the destruction of the soul for the five deadly sins.
The first mortal sin is the deliberate murder of one's own kind. “God gave man life, and only He has the right to take it away. No one has the right to kill, neither the individual nor the state.” Forced killing in a state of self-defense, when there is a real threat to one's life or the lives of other people, is not considered a sin.

The second deadly sin is suicide. "God gave you life, and only He has the right to take it away." An absurd death, when a person, not wanting this, took his own life by his actions or inaction, is not suicide; it is not considered a sin to sacrifice one's life for the salvation of others - this is a feat.
The third deadly sin is perjury. “The information must be true. Violation of Truth is Falsehood. Truth and Falsehood are incompatible - the essence of the issue of the struggle between Good and Evil. A lying soul has no right to live."

The fourth deadly sin is Depriving a person of freedom (prison). "God sends souls to the world of Earth free - no one has the right to deprive a person of freedom." This is a punishment for the earthly officials of the civilization of violence and judges: - to judge in matters of freedom, life and death is the jurisdiction of God, and people have no right to interfere in it.

The fifth deadly sin is the dissemination of knowingly false information.

Only God can judge souls, as well as decide on the punishment or destruction of the soul - no one has the right to do this without his permission. The soul is destroyed by "burning" (disintegration of the material structure to the level of its constituent atoms) in the Gray space.

The soul that has received the right to the next cycle of life waits (is serving a sentence) in space, and then again inhabits the Earth in a new body. At the same time, the entire memory of previous lives is archived in a block of long-term memory, and the soul begins education anew, from a zero point, not being able to use the knowledge and experience gained in previous lives.

The time of the next entry of the soul into a new body is strictly defined: the next “birth” occurs, as a rule, exactly twelve years later, month after month, day after day after the biological death of the physical body of the past life has come. This ensures the continuity of the life cycle of the soul in the astronomical coordinates of the Earth relative to the lepton fields of the Universe. This period may have deviations by the decision of God - everything is in His power. Everything is repeated anew.

The soul in its upbringing and development goes through the periods of childhood, adolescence and youth, for which it is given twelve lives.

"Childhood" - nine lives on Earth in the Universe we see, with memory archiving after each biological death of the next physical body and the impossibility of using memory in the next life with a new physical body.

"Adolescence" - two lives in the Yellow Space, in a physical body with memory archiving after the physical death of the body and the impossibility of using memory in a subsequent life on the planet Unity of the Theseus star system (a sector of the starry sky in the constellation of Orion), where the soul is tested by life in the conditions of education humility and patience - in the Yellow Space the soul is visible, therefore no one has any doubts about it: work, study, live and do not sin.

"Youth" last life before deciding on the Right of Eternal Life of an angel. It takes place in the space of the Gray spectrum, in the physical body with the memory of all previous lives. In the last physical life before Eternity, a cycle of teaching the soul to the higher knowledge of the Universe takes place, the Grays serve the Blues and learn from them: the process of educating the soul is completed - part of the process of reproduction of the Intelligent humanoids of the Higher Civilization of the Universe.

After the soul has received the status of an angel, the most important thing begins - work as an assistant to the Higher Mind - God in his tireless creative work on the arrangement of the Universe.

The soul can become an angel even much earlier - according to the totality of the work done by it to search for the Truth, the knowledge received and passed on to people and the beneficial effect of new knowledge on people: there are examples of this - many great scientists of the Earth are already angels.

A person must himself evaluate what is Good and what is Evil, and make a choice; he must understand that knowledge is different, from Truth and from Evil.

The main criterion for the soul is the ability to independently seek and find the Truth, to work and create for the benefit of the Truth. The highest goal of man is to obtain the Right of Eternal Life as a full member of the Higher Civilization of God; the way to achieve the goal is an honest life on Earth according to the Laws of God.



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It is known that the basic model of perception of the surrounding world is based on the concept of three-dimensional space, however, scientists, using a complex type of mathematics in neuroscience, found out that the brain can work in many directions, and not just in three dimensions, as previously thought. In the course of the study, they discovered a whole universe of multidimensional, geometric structures within the neural networks of the brain. The most interesting thing about this story is that for most to realize the world in four dimensions is a rather difficult process, but according to a new scientific observation, the neural networks of the brain have structures with 7, 8 and even 11 dimensions, which means that the potential of the human mind is truly huge.

In their work, scientists from the Blue Brain project at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) used an algebraic topology that had never been used in neuroscience before. Thus, they managed to lift the veil of the deep architectural secrets of the brain. Research results published in the journal Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, showed the origin of multidimensional structures in neural networks. It turns out that structures arise when several neurons form a particular functional group (“cliques”): each neuron is connected to every other neuron in the group in a very specific way, generating a precise geometric object. The more neurons are in the connection, the greater the dimension of the geometric object.

"We have discovered a world that we could not even imagine," scientists from Blue Brain say. “There are tens of millions of these objects even in a small part of the brain. On average, objects have up to 7 dimensions, and in some networks we found structures with as many as 11 dimensions!” The researchers suggest that this may explain why the brain is so complex and difficult to understand for science. "Conventional mathematical modeling, typically applied to the study of neural networks, cannot create the multidimensional structures and spaces that we now see clearly."

If four-dimensional space is considered a warm-up for the imagination, then 5, 6 or more dimensions in general is extremely difficult for most people to understand. And this is exactly the case when algebraic topology is needed, and it was this that was used in the research process. This area of ​​mathematics can describe systems with any number of dimensions. "Algebraic topology is like a telescope and a microscope at the same time," the scientists explain. "It can magnify the neural network many times over to find hidden structures, and then examine those structures in great detail."

In 2015, the Blue Brain Project published the first digital copy of a region of the neocortex, the most highly developed part of the brain responsible for sensation, action, conscious thought and, in humans, speech. In a new study, multiple probing of virtual brain tissue was carried out using algebraic topology to confirm that multidimensional structures were not obtained by chance and do exist in in large numbers. Then the experiment was carried out on real brain tissue in the Blue Brain laboratory in Lausanne, during which scientists checked the previously obtained results of the virtual model. Together with confirmation of their conclusions research group also found that in the process of learning, the brain can organize a huge number of multidimensional structures in an organized manner, it all depends on the complexity of the learning itself.

All these facts speak of the grandiose purpose of the brain, its hidden abilities and amazing opportunities for development, which means that with regular mental improvement, a person can achieve the most seemingly fantastic results.



Recently, multidimensional models of the Universe have been increasingly used in cosmology. This is primarily due to the fact that in conventional models that have three spatial and one temporal dimensions, the law of conservation of energy is not observed. It turns out that it is possible to maintain the energy balance only in the Universe, which has at least 11 dimensions. With the help of multidimensional models, it was possible to calculate the size of the Universe and its age, the law of gravitational repulsion was established, the internal structure of stars and black holes was revealed, the reason for the deceleration of spacecraft outside the solar system was found, and much more.

The theory of multidimensional spaces is not currently a generally accepted physical theory, but it has predictive power and allows for experimental verification.

We will not use the sophisticated mathematical apparatus of the theory of multidimensional spaces, but consider the physical consequences arising from this theory. Those interested in calculations can find them in the author's book "The Theory of Multidimensional Spaces". - M .: KomKniga, 2007

1. Geometry of the Universe

The idea that the Universe has more than three spatial dimensions has been repeatedly expressed in cosmology, but due to the lack of a simple mathematical apparatus that excludes infinities in physical equations, they have not received proper development.

The geometry of multidimensional spaces is based on non-standard analysis, in which infinitesimal quantities are considered as constant quantities. The mathematical apparatus of non-standard analysis has been intensively developed since 1961, from the moment A. Robinson's article "Non-standard analysis" appeared in the Proceedings of the Netherlands Academy of Sciences.

The ideas of non-standard analysis were laid down at the end of the 18th century by the German mathematician Georg Cantor, who developed the theory of sets and the arithmetic of infinities. According to Cantor, for example, a sequence of integers cannot increase indefinitely. In nature, there is a limit to such a sequence. If only one unit is added to the limit, then the sequence of numbers goes to another set, the power of which is one more than the previous one. But even this other set has its limit, followed by an even more powerful set.

With the help of set theory, a number of remarkable results were obtained, which, using standard analysis, considering infinitesimals as functions tending to zero, could not be obtained. However, soon after the recognition of set theory, paradoxes were discovered in it. Set theory made it possible, for example, to disassemble a ball into parts, regroup them, and assemble two of the same balls from these parts. In some cases, set theory led to absurdity.

At present, Cantor's "naive" set theory has been replaced by an axiomatic theory, but problems remain. The contradictory nature of mathematical infinity, which allows, on the one hand, to bring the ends of the segment as a result of its division into a point, and on the other hand, admits the existence of space quanta and the impossibility, therefore, to reduce the ends of the segment to one point, requires a revision of the mathematical logic itself. We demand a definite answer where there is none and cannot be. In this case, a three-valued logic with values: true, false and uncertainty could become a way out. Deciding on the admissibility of such logic, relying only on abstract mathematical images, is not easy. If the quantum structure of space and time is confirmed experimentally, then there will be strong arguments for a decisive revision of the laws of logic, and multidimensional spaces can be considered not as mathematical abstractions, but as a physical reality.

Lobachevsky was the first to ask the question: "What is the geometry of our Universe?". By changing the fifth postulate of Euclid, he obtained a space of negative curvature. According to Lobachevsky, any number of parallel lines can be drawn through a point, and the sum of the angles of a triangle is less than 180º. The Lobachevsky geometry is realized on the surface of a hyperboloid of revolution. At large distances, Lobachevsky's geometry reduces to Euclid's geometry, therefore, at large distances, Lobachevsky, without suspecting it, used the standard infinite, and at short distances, the non-standard one. The Lobachevsky space does not allow infinite division, but the maximum distances in it are not limited by anything.

According to Riemann, it is impossible to draw a single straight line parallel to a given one through a point, and the sum of the angles of a triangle is greater than 180º. Riemann's space has positive curvature. The Riemann geometry is realized on the surface of a sphere. At small distances, Riemann's geometry is reduced to Euclid's geometry, which means that at large distances Riemann uses non-standard infinity, and at small distances - standard. For this reason, Riemann's geometry, which allows an infinite division of space, but limits its maximum extent, is incompatible with quantum mechanics.

According to Euclid, a single straight line can be drawn through a point parallel to a given one, and the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180º. Euclid's geometry is realized on a plane, which means that at small and large distances he uses the standard infinity. Euclid's space allows infinite division and has no limits on extent.

In the geometry of the multidimensional Universe, we use non-standard analysis, applying non-standard infinity for both large and small distances. In multidimensional geometry, both minimum and maximum distances are limited. The geometry of the multidimensional Universe includes both spaces of positive curvature and negative curvature, as well as non-curved Euclidean spaces of various dimensions. The geometry of the multidimensional Universe in the simplest case of three-dimensional space is realized on the surface of a torus.

If we take the peak torus as the initial state of the Universe (it has no internal hole, Fig. 1), then increasing the volume of the torus with the same distance between the centers of the generating circles, we will first get a sphere, and then a plane.

If, at a constant center-to-center distance, we begin to reduce the volume of the torus, then first we get a circle (string), and then a point.

The question of what kind of geometry our space has, without specifying the dimension of the space from which the observation is made, is meaningless. It is usually assumed that observations are made from three-dimensional space. In this case, we will see a Universe of enormous dimensions with zero curvature of space, expanding at the speed of light. The fact is that, in accordance with the principle of relativity, it is impossible to determine whether the space in which the observer is located with his devices is actually curved or not, whether this space is moving or at rest. Lobachevsky's failure to determine the curvature of our three-dimensional space, contrary to his own opinion, is not related to the accuracy of measurements. Even today, with a huge increase in the base of measurements and with a greatly increased accuracy of instruments, we do not detect any curvature of our three-dimensional space.

Failure to understand this circumstance leads to the paradoxes of two twins known in the special theory of relativity and to problems with the definition of the simultaneity of events. In strict accordance with Godel's theorem, which, figuratively speaking, states the fact that it is impossible to pull yourself out of the swamp if you pull your own hair, you cannot determine the geometry of three-dimensional space by observing it from the same three-dimensional space. Three-dimensional space should be studied from four-dimensional space, which is what Einstein did in the general theory of relativity. The special theory of relativity, which is experimentally confirmed in the two-dimensional space of the microcosm, however, cannot be used to study three-dimensional space and to determine the simultaneity of events.

According to the theory of multidimensional spaces, observing the Universe from four-dimensional space, we will see a very slowly shrinking sphere of tiny sizes. Observing the Universe from five-dimensional space, we will see a circle of very small variable radius. One-dimensional spaces have been studied by superstring theory since the 1980s. At present, this theory studies the processes of changing the dimensions of spaces and is called M-theory.

2. Multidimensional spaces of the microworld

We will proceed from the fact that space and time are dialectical opposites. The dialectical unity of space and time forms matter. The more space in matter, the less time in it, and vice versa. One-dimensional matter is formed by one-dimensional space and one-dimensional time; two-dimensional matter is formed by two-dimensional space and two-dimensional time, etc. This most important symmetry has remained unnoticed until now, mainly due to the fact that the multidimensionality of time does not manifest itself in any way if processes occurring in the space of any one dimension are considered. The multidimensionality of time is manifested when comparing processes occurring in spaces of different dimensions. In order for the principle of relativity to be observed and for physical processes to proceed in the same way in spaces of different dimensions, time must be multidimensional.

The multidimensionality of time follows from the law of conservation of matter, based on all previous experience of physics and stating that the amount of matter does not change with any space-time transformations. No one has yet been able to define the concepts of “space” and “time”, but we can already define the concept of “matter”: matter is a physical quantity equal to the product of the amount of space contained in it and the amount of time contained in it.

The task of determining the properties of space and time for an arbitrary distribution of masses is extremely difficult. Particular cases of solving the problem for three bodies are known. For four bodies there are not even particular solutions. For this reason, in cosmology, the model of a homogeneous (the average density of matter in sufficiently large volumes of space is the same) and isotropic (there are no distinguished directions in space) Universe is used. Such a model is initially not free from the paradoxes of Olbers, who calculated that in a homogeneous and isotropic Universe there should be an infinite amount of light, and gravity should be infinitely great. Compared to an infinitely large gravity, the final force of the Earth's attraction becomes infinitely small, so people and all objects that are not fixed on the Earth must be in weightlessness.

Any "correct" paradox testifies to the inconsistency of the model with the object or phenomenon being studied. If gravity is not infinitely great, then the space of the Universe is closed. In a closed space, not all directions are equivalent. The direction that takes the observer out of curved space differs sharply from all other directions available to him. This means that the model of the Universe should not be either homogeneous or isotropic. The “recession” of galaxies requires that the model of the Universe be also dynamic.

Most scientists recognize the standard model of the Universe, built on the idea of ​​the "Big Bang" and supplemented at the end of the 20th century with the theory of inflationary expansion. There are even more contradictions in the standard model of the Universe than in the special theory of relativity. If the paradoxes of the special theory of relativity are associated with its misuse, then the paradoxes of the Big Bang theory are associated with the use of a deliberately incorrect model of the Universe. In the theory of the Big Bang, the chain of cause and effect is broken, space is born from nothing, the Universe expands into nothing, and has, for some unknown reason, three spatial and one temporal dimensions. It is forbidden to ask the question about what was before the birth of the Universe.

It is possible that causal relationships are broken, but this issue cannot be resolved within the framework of physical theory. Physicists who accept the Big Bang theory voluntarily or involuntarily recognize the act of Divine Creation. In the theory of the Big Bang, the law of conservation of matter is violated, therefore it is incompatible with the theory of multidimensional spaces, because the product of the amount of space by the amount of time, according to the law of conservation of matter, is a constant value and cannot turn to zero. By compressing space, we squeeze time out of it and vice versa.

The distance between the centers of the generating circles of the peak torus in Fig. 1 is negligible compared to the size of the observed Universe, so we can consider a sphere as a model of the Universe. The mass of the Universe, together with all its observers, as the value of the space of the second dimension, is evenly distributed over the surface of the sphere.

In the standard model of the universe, the observer is placed at the center of a sphere, and the mass is distributed evenly over its volume. In the standard model, the universe is viewed from the inside, so it is very difficult to determine the laws of motion of space, being inside the same space. According to the same Gödel theorem, one can create any number of internally consistent models of the standard Universe.

In the theory of multidimensional spaces, our three-dimensional Universe is considered from four-dimensional space, so it is possible to build a single, but correct model. In addition, the laws of motion in the standard model take on an ugly form, about the same as Kepler's laws of planetary motion would take if written in Ptolemy's geocentric system. In such a recording, the physical essence of the movements being studied is completely emasculated, complete abstraction triumphs. An example of this is the great variety of theories of gravitation, developed on the model and likeness of Einstein's general theory of relativity. These theories can neither be disproved nor proved by the methods of tensor calculus, which are used in the construction of theories.

Due to differences in models, observers measure different distances. The standard model observer measures distances in a straight line, and believes that the expansion rate of the Universe is equal to the speed of light, and the maximum distance measured by him is equal to the radius of the Universe (Fig. 2). The situation here is standard. Inner false intuition has always forced a person to place himself in the center of the universe. This is how the system of rotating transparent spheres of Ptolemy arose. Copernicus took away our privileged position, making the Earth an ordinary planet, giving way to the Sun. William Herschel believed that the Sun in our galaxy has a central position. American astrophysicist Harlow Shapley found that the Sun is not located at all in the center of the Milky Way, but on its outskirts. Thus, for the second time after Copernicus, the notion of our privileged position in the universe was refuted.

The model of the Universe of the theory of multidimensional spaces deprives us of a privileged position in four-dimensional space. Observers in the theory of multidimensional spaces are forbidden to be in the center of the sphere, they can only be located on the surface of the sphere. The observer, who is on the film of the model of the Universe, measures the distances between space objects on the surface of the sphere, therefore the maximum distance measured by him is equal, and the expansion speed is equal to the speed of the event horizon.

We have obtained a dynamic model of the Universe devoid of Olbers' paradoxes. When building the model, we performed one space-time transformation, moved into the space of the fourth dimension, and three-dimensional space became for us a two-dimensional spherical film. Thus, we can consider a model of the Universe from the usual three-dimensional space, apply the special theory of relativity and the general laws of physics to it.

Any point 0 sphere can be taken as the center of the inertial frame of reference for the Standard Model observer. In the theory of multidimensional spaces, an observer can take any point of the space surrounding the model of the Universe as the origin of his relative reference frame. The available technical means already make it possible to measure the speed of any object with respect to the background radiation, the physical essence of which we will consider below, and thus introduce an absolute coordinate system that is at rest with respect to the two-dimensional film of the Universe. Our Sun, for example, moves in this absolute system in a sphere at a speed of about 400 km/s. We fly away from the constellation Aquarius, and fly towards the border of the constellations Leo and Chalice. Our galaxy, as part of the local group of galaxies, moves in the absolute reference frame at a speed of 600 km/s.

The theory of multidimensional spaces follows the path of synthesis of Newtonian and Einsteinian models of space-time. For a long time, the electrodynamics of moving media was erroneously considered a complete, final physical theory; it began to be used to describe all physical phenomena and processes in a row. The relative completely replaced the concept of the absolute from physics. Any physical theory in which the word "absolute" occurs was deliberately recognized by relativists as unscientific.

In itself, the method of considering objects and phenomena in statics, and thereby coarsening, simplifying reality, has every right to exist. The method of abstraction that is used here is quite scientific and is used explicitly or implicitly by all scientific disciplines. If one does not forget movement behind rest, dynamics behind statics, and a forest behind trees, then the absolute is not only admissible, it is necessary in physical theory.

Not only the absolutization of rest renders a bad service to cognition, but also the absolutization of its opposite - movement. Both are expressions of the metaphysical mode of investigation. If in the first case we embark on the path leading to dogmatism, then in the second - on the path leading to absolute relativism.

The Austrian physicist Ernst Mach, whose ideas influenced Einstein, wrote the following about the teachings of Ptolemy and Copernicus: "... both teachings are equally true, only the latter is simpler and more practical". Einstein went further than his idol, denying absolute systems in general the right to exist. But it was precisely such an absolute, dedicated system for the planets that Copernicus found. Among the many possible reference systems, there is always at least one selected one, it is sometimes extremely difficult to find such a system, since it is necessary to overcome a certain barrier, to look at the problem under study not from the inside, but from the outside.

Having failed to find an absolute frame of reference for objects in three-dimensional space, Einstein, and after him all relativists, declared that there are no absolute frames of reference. But it's not. In this section, we consider just such a frame of reference, immobile for all objects in our Universe. A feature of such a system is that it is located in a four-dimensional space. The most difficult thing in constructing an absolute reference system turned out to be to admit the possibility of the existence of a four-dimensional space, to overcome a well-known psychological barrier. It came to the point that some scientists proposed not to pay salaries to physicists developing the theory of superstrings on the grounds that this theory deals with high-dimensional spaces.

The motion of the model of the Universe for an observer of an absolute reference frame is the usual mechanical motion of an expanding sphere. Instead of the completely abstract general theory of relativity, we can study our universe using the fundamental laws of classical and quantum mechanics. In fact, all spaces of the Universe and fundamental constants make harmonic vibrations(Fig. 3). Let's take this statement as a postulate, although for the microworld it can be considered proven.

The boundaries of the event horizon of the Universe (two-dimensional film of the model) determine the region of space in which matter interacts gravitationally. The event horizon of the Universe (the maximum distance between two points on a sphere) is currently at a distance of 1.68m, and the distance available for observations is m.

The distance to the event horizon is always greater than the distance accessible to observations, and the speed of the event horizon is greater than the speed of light. There is no contradiction here, because the event horizon is not a material object and can move at any speed. For this reason, we will never see the birth of the universe. For the same reason, photographs of the edge of the Universe practically do not differ from photographs of the near Universe.

The accelerated expansion of the universe creates gravitational forces. The forces of gravity act from the side of the fourth dimension and therefore are perceived by us as an action carried out simultaneously from all directions. The relict radiation also receives a natural explanation, which also acts from all directions at once, in addition, the enormous energies of cosmic particles find an explanation. Particles do not arrive from anywhere, they arise from vacuum, as a result of the interaction of a moving film of the universe model with a four-dimensional space. CMB radiation can in no way serve as confirmation of the Big Bang theory. Relic radiation only confirms that our three-dimensional space moves in four-dimensional space, and moves at a speed equal to the speed of light. The very name of radiation, emphasizing its ancient origin, has no physical justification. Cosmic particles lose their huge energy very quickly, they could not have been preserved for several billion years from the moment they were formed in the Big Bang model.

Dot M Fig. 3 shows the current state of the Universe. The age of the three-dimensional Universe is 8 billion years, the expansion of the Universe will be replaced by its contraction in 1.5 billion years. At the same time, the sign of the space curvature will change, the two-dimensional film of the model of the Universe will, as it were, turn inside out.

In the theory of multidimensional spaces, the age of the universe is determined on the basis of a single fundamental quantum constant, and not on the basis of the non-existent Hubble constant. In the theory of the Big Bang, all calculations are performed using linear extrapolation to the point of explosion, but such extrapolation is possible on small time intervals compared to the period of the Universe's oscillations and assumes constancy in time huge amount constants. Nature does not care about our constants, only the law of conservation of matter is observed in nature. The speed of light, Planck's constant and the gravitational constant are not constants. There is only one constant in the Universe - the fundamental quantum length. The reciprocal of the fundamental quantum length is the oscillation period of one-dimensional space. The period of oscillations of our three-dimensional space, taking into account the multidimensionality of time, is 18.9 billion years. The speed of light changes by only 0.05 m/s in one year. Modern technical means make it possible to measure the speed of light with an accuracy of 1.2 m/s. If the accuracy of measurements does not improve, then it will be possible to catch a very small change in speed over a time interval of at least 25 years.

The density of the Universe is equal to its critical density. In the process of expansion of the Universe, the area of ​​the sphere increases, which means that its mass increases, but the density is always equal to the critical one. For this reason, the space of the Universe for us and our devices will always be flat. In the Big Bang theory, the mass of the universe does not change, and this leads to singularities, special supernatural states of matter concentrated at one point. The appearance of singularities warns us that either we are applying the wrong model, or we have gone beyond the limits of applicability of the theory. In the case of general relativity, both are true.

According to the experimental data obtained by the David Wilkinson Orbital Radio Telescope (WMAP) and published in January 2003, the ratio of the total density of the Universe to the critical one is This result is fully consistent with the model of the Universe of the theory of multidimensional spaces. The Big Bang theory cannot explain the fact that it was at the moment the radio telescope was launched that the density of the Universe turned out to be equal to its critical density with nothing but pure chance.

The observable (luminous) mass of the Universe is only 1% of the total mass of the Universe. The mass of the Universe is currently kg, and the observable mass is kg, which is 18% of the mass of the Universe.

If the mass of the Universe is taken as 100%, then "dark energy" is 81% of the mass of the Universe, "dark mass" is 17%, and only 1% is the luminous mass.

"Dark Energy" is potential energy the difference between the masses of the universe and the observed mass. It gravitationally interacts with the luminous mass, but we cannot see it. This is possible only when the speed of gravity is much greater than the speed of light. Newton in the law of universal gravitation accepted the speed of gravity equal to infinity, Einstein believed that the speed of gravity is equal to the speed of light, and in the theory of multidimensional spaces the maximum possible speed of transmission of interaction is m/s.

We only know about the "dark mass" that it interacts gravitationally with the luminous mass of the Universe that we observe. "Dark mass" includes the mass of black holes and the mass, the physical nature of which we know nothing about.

The main difference between Einstein's theory of gravity and Newton's theory of gravity is that the so-called gravitational radius of the Schwarzschild sphere appears in Einstein's theory. A beam of light will be captured by the gravitational center if it flies at a distance less than 4/3 of the gravitational radius. At distances much greater than the gravitational radius, Newton's and Einstein's theories of gravitation give practically the same result (Fig. 4).

In the theory of multidimensional spaces, the gravitational radius can be given a simple physical interpretation. The gravitational center consists of many particles of two-dimensional space. If the entire film of particles (and it has a thickness) is collected in one place, then we get a ball, the radius of which will be the gravitational radius. It is impossible to compress this ball without disturbing the structure of two-dimensional space. By squeezing the ball, you can get a one-dimensional space (string).

Einstein's gravity curve is obtained from Newton's curve by a parallel shift to the right by the value of the gravitational radius, and the gravity curve of the theory of multidimensional spaces is obtained from the Einstein curve by a downward shift by the value of the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe, which leads to the appearance of gravitational repulsive forces.

In his first version of the cosmological model, Einstein assumed, without suspecting it, the presence of gravitational repulsive forces. He introduced the lambda term into the theory to stabilize the universe, but later, when it was clearly established that the universe was expanding, he abandoned the lambda term. Modern cosmology again returns to the lambda term and to the gravitational repulsive forces. By itself, the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe is small, it is only times greater than the gravitational constant in Newton's law of universal gravitation, but it always impedes Newtonian motion. The planets in their movement are forced to overcome additional resistance, so their speed would have to decrease. Our Earth, for example, would have to lose speed and fall into the Sun in a million years. But the Earth does not fall into the Sun due to the expansion of space itself. This expansion exactly compensates for the force of resistance to movement, because the cause of the forces of attraction and deceleration is the same - the accelerated expansion of space. It is precisely compensation that occurs, and not the mutual destruction of forces, otherwise we would not have detected any anomalies in the motion of Mercury and other planets.

The acceleration of the expansion of the Universe acts both on radiation and on the gravitational center itself, so the deflection of light rays in Einstein's theory is twice as large as in Newton's theory of gravity.

The boundaries of the action of the gravitational center are determined based on the condition that the acceleration of the law of universal gravitation is equal to the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe. The maximum gravitational radius of the Sun is 2660 times the distance from the Earth to the Sun. The theory of multidimensional spaces accurately establishes the boundaries of the solar system, equal to 2660 astronomical units.

A giant potential well begins at the edge of the solar system, serving as a refuge for comets with a long period of revolution. In order to get out of the potential well and start moving towards the Sun, the comet must acquire sufficient kinetic energy as a result of the perturbing action of other cosmic bodies. The hypothetical Oort cloud should be looked for where the gravitational well begins.

The movement of free cosmic bodies tends to correspond to the movement of the expanding space of the Universe. The greater the distance, the less the speed of a space object differs from the speed of space movement. If the speed of a space object is greater than the speed of the expanding space, then such a space object will slow down its movement.

For the first time, a deviation in motion (deceleration) was discovered during observations of the motion of the Pioneer-10 interplanetary probe, launched on March 2, 1972. After the completion of the research program, the probe went beyond the solar system, but for another 30 years it kept in touch. During these communication sessions, it was found that the speed of the interplanetary probe decreases with acceleration m / s 2, in the direction strictly to the Sun. The acceleration of the expansion of the Universe found by us, equal to m/s 2, allows us to explain the reason for such a slowdown in the movement of the space probe. The probe tends to keep its position on the sphere of the Universe model unchanged.

Recently, one can often hear about the transition to the fifth dimension, as if once we get there, we will find ourselves in another world. It is precisely those people who do not know elementary physics and do not understand the essence of the scientific terms used, who are showing their complete illiteracy, speak about this. Distorted consciousness entails a distortion of reality. Saying that we will move into the fifth dimension is like saying "we will move into length or breadth.

They say that we live in a three-dimensional World (or four-dimensional). What does it mean? Any object in our world can be measure with a ruler and get the exact values ​​of such parameters as Length, Width and Height.

See Fig. 1.

This is enough to determine the size of an object or its position in space.

The fourth dimension is the mass or amount of matter or the density of matter, measured in kilograms. The concept of gravity or the weight of a body is closely related to mass. The mass of bodies is usually measured by scales. See Fig2.

The axes of different dimensions are shown in different colors to make it easier to understand.

For the last two hundred years, people have begun to realize that we are still living in time. Time is also called the fourth dimension, but in fact it is the fifth dimension. In time, there are such concepts as Past, Present and Future. Any object existed in the past, exists now and will exist in the future, moving in time. Wherein time is measured by another device - a clock. Please pay special attention to this. See Fig. 3.

At the heart of all physical formulas used by modern science are the concepts - kilogram - meter - second. That is 5-dimensional space. Thus, we already we live in a five-dimensional world. More precisely, we are aware of the five-dimensional world.

What is the sixth dimension? How is it measured? Nobody who uses the term (and doesn't seem to know what it is) talks about it.

In fantasy and in the hypotheses of some modern scientists, the concept of parallel realities. We are talking about the fact that there are Worlds that are very similar to our world, but somehow different from our world or having great differences from our World.

Somewhere there exists the same Earth as ours, the same (or the same) people live there, as in our World, but history there takes place in a different way. And there are many such worlds. Some of these Worlds may be very different from our World, and some may differ only in one subject (person or history).

How are parallel realities formed? They are formed as a result of our choices. For example: we choose to walk to work or take the tram. In one case, our life will continue as before, and in the other case, we will meet a girl, get married, have children ... Thus, our life will change significantly. This is how the forks of reality are formed, different options appear.

This change concerns only us, but there are choices that affect the course of historical development or scientific and technological progress. In this case, one reality will be very different from the other and will affect the fate of many people… See Fig. 4.

For example: in the future, options are possible where in one reality a third is possible World War, and in another reality there will be no third world war. So, it depends on people what probabilistic reality they will fall into. What we choose will be... Everything depends on people's consciousness. If people in their minds accept such a possibility, then a war can happen, if they do not accept, then there will be no war. So the Dark forces are trying to impose on people the scenario of the third world war through the media. If people in their minds reject such a reality, then there will be no war. Choose...

They say that God explores all possible options… But where will so much matter and space come from for the existence of all these realities? But this is another question - the question of the structure of our universe.

The author of this text repeatedly got into parallel Worlds in meditation and in a dream. In one case, I was in some city in which the proportions of houses, windows and doors were not familiar to ours. There I met some people whom I knew (recognized), but they are not in our World. In another case, I found myself in another world, met and talked there with my father (who had already died in our world), even went fishing with him on a river that does not exist in our World. There the topography and geography and history are very different from our World. And I was well aware and remembered that I was in a parallel reality.

Now there are reports on the Internet that people from another reality have come to us. There, the Soviet Union did not collapse and continues to exist successfully, but the United States collapsed. If you search, I think you can find other evidence of the existence of parallel realities.

To understand parallel realities and how they are formed, it is useful to read the books by Vasily Zvyagintsev "Odysseus leaves Ithaca". This is fantasy, but it is painfully similar to reality ...

We do not see and do not feel these worlds, because they are separated by some barriers (so that they do not affect each other). Thus the sixth dimension appears. But it looks like it has a discrete form: No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, ... No. N ... So what does the phrase about the transition to the Fifth dimension mean?

See Figure 5.

What is Seventh dimension? In esotericism (Esoterica is ancient secret knowledge about the World and Man), some knowledge is set forth in the books of Blavadskaya, E. Roerich, Prophets and many others, such a concept is given about vibrations of spirit matter and frequency range.

In modern science, the concepts of vibration of the frequency range have long been known and applied, but these concepts are applied to radio waves (electromagnetic oscillations) and to electricity. These concepts are also applied to sound frequencies: to air, water or other medium and to mechanical systems, for example, the oscillations of a pendulum or the rotation of a planet around its axis or in orbit around the sun.

Consider the scale of the vibration range of electromagnetic (EM) waves (radio waves). See fig.

So long and medium waves have a vibration frequency of thousands of kilohertz. (1 hertz is one oscillation per second.) The frequency of short and ultrashort waves is already measured in tens and hundreds of MHz. Already in this range, one can notice that long waves and short waves, especially VHF have different properties.

The wavelength is the distance over which the EM oscillation will propagate in one complete oscillation period.

So long waves well bend around the earth's surface, short waves are reflected from the ionosphere, and VHF propagate rectilinearly and pass through the ionosphere.

If you take higher frequencies (shorter waves) of EM oscillations, for example, the millimeter range, then this is already light. The light visible to the human eye is radio waves with a wavelength of 0.4mm to 0.8mm. Longer wavelengths are infrared light, while wavelengths shorter than 0.4 mm are ultraviolet.

Even shorter EM waves are already X-rays, and even shorter ones are already radiation, radioactive rays.

As we know, light is reflected from all objects, and X-ray waves pass through objects (except metals). Radio waves pass through objects (including through our bodies) and we do not see or feel them, but are reflected from metals. Radiation permeates all objects, incl. and metals.

Thus, EM oscillations depending on the vibration frequency have different properties and behave differently.

Previously, the concept of ether was used in science, but modern materialistic science has excluded this concept from its lexicon.

Scientists in their synchrophasotrons no matter how much they try to divide the atom and find the primary brick of which all matter in the universe consists, but they fail.

In esotericism, the concept of the Holy Spirit is used - this is the divine energy from which everything that exists in our universe consists. If we understand that each atom (more precisely, a proton, a neutron) is a whirlwind of the energy of the Holy Spirit, a torus rotating with a certain frequency, then it is clear why scientists cannot break it into the first bricks.

Scientists - materialists have not yet created an instrument for measuring the energy of the Holy Spirit. This device is the person himself. Do not confuse the energy of the Holy Spirit with EM vibrations.

So, in our World, all atoms rotate (vibrate) with their own specific frequency, on which the properties of our World depend.

Our world is further subdivided into planes and sub-planes: 1. physical plane, 2. Etheric plane, 3. Astral plane, 4. Mental plane, 5. Causal plane, 6. Buddhic plane and 7. Spiritual plane. Each plane has its own frequency of vibrations. Still all this is subdivided into octaves (as in music).

Our world exists in the second octave of spirit matter vibrations. There is also the first octave, in which the vibrations are even lower than in our World, and the third, fourth, fifth, etc. octaves in which the vibrations are higher than ours. See Fig. 6.

The essence of the ascension (or transition) is that our entire world (our planet and everything on it) will increase its frequency to the vibrations of the third octave. The frequency of vibrations of each atom of our planet and our physical bodies will increase. Our world isn't going anywhere, but we will move on the scale of the seventh dimension of spirit matter vibrations.We will not move into the seventh dimension, but move along the scale of the seventh dimension from the second octave to the third octave.

At the same time, it will seem to us that we are in another world! We can say that this is true, the living conditions there are different than in the second octave and this world looks different. The properties of this world are also different from the properties of our world. In religion they say that we will go to Paradise, since life in this world is much more pleasant than in where we are now.

See how this will happen Second Coming of Christ.

Eighth dimension. In addition to the seventh dimension, there are others. For example, measuring scale. So, for example, some scientists put forward a hypothesis that our universe can be just an atom in a universe of a higher order, and every atom in our universe is a universe of a more "small" level. This can be clearly seen in Figure 7. (The figure is taken from Drunvalo Melchizedek's book "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life")

Maybe there is another division, but we can already trace the chain: atom - cell - organism - planet - solar system - galaxy. Yes, and on our planet there is a world of bacteria, a world of insects, and a world of animals.

Once, in meditation, I managed to get into a world of a larger scale, but I was able to hold out there for only one second, I was literally kicked out of there, because. there is much more powerful energy. But on the other hand, I was convinced that worlds of a larger scale really exist.

Obviously, there are other dimensions, but we are not yet aware of them.

Thus, now we live (feel ourselves, realize ourselves) in a five-dimensional world: three-dimensional space, mass and time. That is, our physical body exists in the five-dimensional world. And where does our Soul, Higher Self exist? In other worlds, in other dimensions.

Man is a multidimensional being, a cosmic being, created in the image and likeness of God. God created man in his own image and likeness, as it is written in the Bible, but man did not understand that It's not about the physical body. So far, we are aware of ourselves only at the level of the physical body. When the "crown of oblivion" disappears and we gain full connection with our Higher Self, then we will realize ourselves in other dimensions where we have always been and are now.

Another dimension, if you can call it that, will be the levels of human consciousness. Collective (or unified) consciousness at different levels of the hierarchy of the universe, since the consciousness of man is a part of the consciousness of God.

See Cosmic structure of man.

Mikhail Nazarenko.

August 2018
