Access to the subconscious. Access to the subconscious through symbols Communication with the information field of the Universe is possible only through the subconscious

It is no secret that many of our actions are unconscious and even directly contradict consciousness.

For example, a smoker is well aware and aware that smoking is harmful. But if some kind of trouble happens, and his hand itself reaches for a cigarette. What controls it in this case? Subconscious.

Strictly speaking, everything bad habits(overeating, alcoholism, gambling, smoking, etc.) are implemented by the subconscious. So, in order to get rid of them, you need first of all recode your own subconscious.

Today I want to talk about one of these methods.
But I'll start from afar, with a little explanation of what consciousness.

Consciousness arose in the course of human evolution, and it arose as an adaptive mechanism that helped primitive people communicate with each other.

How did primitive people communicate? They communicated by signs - certain postures, certain sounds, certain hand movements, and later drawings and speech.

Those. consciousness arose in order to process the symbols with which primitive people exchanged information.

The main function of consciousness is symbol processing . That is why in consciousness there are only symbols and nothing but symbols, it operates only with symbols.

It was important for primitive hunters to agree on how to drive, for example, a deer. But not any particular deer, but ANYONE deer.

Realizing that all specific deer are united by something invisible (now we say that the word "deer" is a symbol of all deer), primitive man called this something invisible - "spirit". Because all objects and objects of the world had their own name, then everything had a “spirit” - there was a “spirit of water”, “spirit of a house”, “spirit of a rock”, “spirit of a wooden spoon”, “spirit of a deer”.

According to the ideas of primitive people, the process of persuading the "deer spirit" to give his representative to be devoured was much more important than the process of hunting itself. Therefore, for the persuasion of the "spirit", whole rituals were developed, long preparations were made, rock paintings and sacrifices were made.

So, the whole world that surrounds a person consists of symbols.

Words, names of objects (chair, house, mug), letters, numbers, etc. are all symbols.

But there are two subtleties here:

1. Communication occurs through continuous shift symbols (words are built from letters, sentences are built from words).

2. The symbol does not exist by itself. The symbol always exists on some unchanged background.

An important conclusion: symbols replacing each other is the main object for the work of consciousness, and, what is very important, the unchanging background is not recognized.

And experimental psychologists do confirm this conclusion - " that which does not change is not realized "- they say. In psychology, this is known as James Law.

Here is how G. Spencer wrote about this: " Everyone agrees that consciousness is impossible without a change: when the change in consciousness stops, then consciousness also stops.".

So, the unchanging background escapes consciousness.

We are in our Everyday life we meet this phenomenon at every step: for example, we very quickly cease to pay attention to the usual contact of clothes with the skin, or to wedding ring on the finger, the townspeople quickly get used to the noise of cars on highways, etc.

That which does not change is forced out of consciousness.

Many interesting experiments have been carried out on this topic and it has been shown that this rule is true even in the case of strong constant signals.

Here are some of those experiments:

1. Bright color image stabilized relative to the retina using contact lenses. After that, the image always moved along with the eyes, i.e. wherever the beholder looked, this image was always in the same place for him. It turned out that after 1-3 seconds the captured image ceases to be perceived - it fades and the field of view becomes completely empty (P. Kolers, 1970).

2. Most experienced typists hit the spacebar thumb one hand (usually right). D.Norman (1985) conducted a survey of these typists and asked them how and with what hand they make spaces. The typists were unable to answer this question until they imagined their work and "observed" how they used the spacebar. D.Norman concluded that monotonous actions are not kept in the mind.

3. T. Ribot (1912) described an experienced violinist who was subject to fits of instantaneous loss of consciousness. The violinist continued to play, even if these seizures took place during the performance of the piece. The conclusion is that consciousness is not needed to perform automated actions.

4. M.V. Ivanov (2000) conducted classes in groups of adults, where he presented two drawings to the participants with the task of finding differences in these drawings. Each participant found almost all the differences. But only one person out of 40 paid attention to the following difference - the inscription " Find differences in two pictures " was placed only above one of the pictures (and was even superimposed on that part of the image where smoke was coming from the chimney). But this inscription was perceived as a background and therefore disappeared from consciousness - when looking for differences, they did not pay attention to it.

There are many examples on this topic, but I want to draw your attention to the fact that the language that a person is fluent in is also a common unnoticed background for him. For example, a person who is fluent in two languages ​​(bilingual) does not always realize what language he thinks in. M. Polanyi (an American of Hungarian origin) once wrote that once he read a letter and was well aware of its content, he could not remember in what language it was written.

Sometimes professional simultaneous interpreters, who are fluent in several languages, after some hitch, continue to translate, but already into another language, without noticing it.

So, consciousness pays attention to changing symbols and does not pay attention to the unchanging background - this is the basic law of the work of consciousness.

It is on this law that one of available methods encoding your own subconscious.

This method consists in the following: with the constant pronunciation of the same words, the words become the background and cease to be realized. So, they begin to fall directly into the subconscious.

A good example of how this technique works is G.N.Sytin's moods. G.N. Sytin's settings are multi-page, with repeating blocks that need to be read or listened to several times a day - this great way reprogramming your own subconscious. They are optimally suited for hospital conditions, where a person has the opportunity to fully concentrate on their ailments.

This method of continuously pronouncing a certain set of words is widely used in religious mystical practices.

Muslims call this practice "dhikr", Hindus - "japa", Buddhists - "nyanfo", Jews - "kavana", Orthodox - "imyaslavie" (or "hesychasm").

Despite the different names, the essence of all these practices is the same - religious mystics use continuous prayer (including pronouncing the name of God), which must be repeated all the time of wakefulness.

With constant repetition of the name of God for many hours, prayer becomes the background and encodes the subconscious.

The result is an extraordinary feeling. grace which practitioners describe as "union of the soul with God"like state"in which you constantly remember God and his love, and are inextricably linked with him mentally to such an extent that even when you talk to someone, your heart is not with this person, but is still before God".

Of course, this methodAccess to the subconscious is not easy and time consuming, but the fact that it has been practiced for several thousand years by residents of different continents and religions speaks of its high efficiency.

Try it and you can use it to eliminate any bad habit.


A little reminder.

Friends, I remind you that soon ( February 01, 2014) the validity period of the New Year's promotion ends. And if now you can purchase the last month of the course (mini-course within the course) and the "Slimming" course itself at a reduced cost ( 1000 rub for the 4th month and 7000 rub for the entire course), then soon this opportunity will no longer be.

If you want to have time to participate in the action - you still have time.

We fear what we hate instead of focusing and creating what we love...

The subconscious controls a lot of things in our life. From the moment the sperm and egg meet and the life-shaping process begins, you are subconsciously controlled by your mother and yourself. The subconscious mind is the force that tells your heart how to beat, when to stop, when to feel hungry.

All of your physiological functions are the work of your deeper mind. It also has a huge impact on how we perceive the world. The subconscious mind works very fast, constantly analyzing the world by finding patterns. In metaphysical terms, the subconscious mind is a force that can create or destroy our creative and spiritual processes. In many ways, the subconscious mind is a truer reflection of your soul—it is the foundation upon which the ego and the conscious mind are built.

So how do we get him to obey?


Chances are we've all heard about the benefits of meditation. All you need to know is that when you meditate, you blur the line between the conscious and the unconscious and start a kind of integration process.

As we relax, we become a fusion of the subconscious and the conscious until we eventually unite and move into the superconscious state. It is during this process that we can very easily release old paradigms and establish new ones. Just visualize your intention while meditating. The whole personal paradigm is a story that we subconsciously tell ourselves all the time until it becomes real. It's time to write new history with a happier ending.

2. Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis works like meditation, the only difference is that someone will guide you every step of the way.

Many people find that meditation and visualization don't work because they get distracted, their phone starts ringing, or they just can't figure out how to relax. A good hypnotherapist can help with all of these things.

Most likely, he will turn off your phone at the beginning of the session. His calm voice and instructions will keep you in the spotlight, and the fact that you probably paid money to host this session will make you much more focused.

He will teach you how to relax in an environment where you can feel more relaxed.
There are other methods, as well as many meditations and hypnosis online, for free.


Do you fall asleep thinking about work, fighting your loved one, all the errands you have to complete tomorrow, or just being alone?

This is a bad habit that teaches us to fight and fear what we hate instead of focusing and creating what we love. This is especially unfortunate because since you are in a sleeping state, you are simply pouring these ideas directly into your subconscious.

As you fall asleep, think about what you want. Imagine yourself with your loved one, visualize yourself, your ideal job, imagine your dream vacation. This begins to fill the subconscious with positivity. You will wake up the next day feeling great and your subconscious mind will start working towards these positive goals.

Access to the subconscious

Both the conscious and the subconscious react to the situation. But they do it in completely different ways.

Consciousness operates simply and linearly. Analyzes the situation and acts according to the algorithm. We want to get into the circus, immediately in the head a chain of actions: get on the bus, take a ticket at the box office, take your seat, a clown will come out - start laughing.

But life is a complicated thing, containing many surprises. When a native walks through the jungle, the dangers are endless.

There are dangers that are easily visible. Tigers, leopards, a group of elephants merrily running at you.

There are subtle ones. Creeping snakes, slithering karakurts, piranhas swimming by.

There are some that are completely invisible. Fat bacteria and skinny viruses.

And the situation is no better for the city dweller. Going to the bakery is no less dangerous than hunting for a mammoth. You cross the road - a cheerful group of humming cars rushes at you. You walk past the plant - you are enveloped in a cloud of some kind of chemistry. You walk past a construction site - a brick falls. And you also need to remember about open hatches, slippery sidewalks, slipping pickpockets. And since then, bacteria have become even fatter, and viruses even more harmful. And they walk the streets with boorish muzzles.

If we lived only by consciousness, then the very first walk through the African jungle, even through the city, would turn out to be the last.

But, fortunately, we have a guardian angel - our subconscious. Therefore, we can, whistling, walk along the street, loading our minds with important thoughts about who will take the cup this time. We analyze, we reflect, we estimate the chances.

But the subconscious mind works just the opposite. Not analysis is an algorithm, but saw - reacted. To do this, each dangerous situation is provided with a small label in the preconscious, and as soon as something similar is nearby, the subconscious begins to act, without waiting for the owner to figure out what's what.

Each situation has its own label: “Do not fit in, it will kill you! Don't try, poison! Beware of gas! Caution - in the eye! You walk down the street, only the labels click. But safe and sound. Thank you subconscious!

Even if it is reinsured. On a dark night, he will take a tree for a suspicious person. Something seemed and immediately clicked the protection tab. It doesn't matter what's there. It is important to immediately report the danger. And let the consciousness sort it out: is it a tree or a robber.

It may seem that the subconscious lives according to the principle: "Crowed, and then do not dawn." But it’s also not worth thinking about the subconscious so dismissively. There are so many labels that all together they can give a fairly accurate vision of the situation. We call this process intuition.

Intuition is quite unsteady, and if you rely only on intuition, then you can play tricks. But we can train just like any other. And trained intuition is already a serious weapon in the fight against the dangers of life.

To manage intuition, you need to be able to manage labels.

What are these labels? And these are symbols. The subconscious is symbolic through and through. Photos of relatives in the wallet, a flag on the desktop, a badge on the chest - all these are symbols of subconscious control.

Symbols speed up thinking a lot. To explain that there is a danger zone there is a long time, it is a conscious level. And if a sign with a skull hangs, then there is no need to explain anything. The person subconsciously stops.

Or a brick is drawn. You don't have to be silly. Sticking in - you'll get a brick!

Symbols appeared along with the human race. Primitive peoples have many symbols: spirits, totems, talismans.

The child grows up among fairy-tale symbols: gold fish, magic wand, Aladdin's lamp.

And the adults of these symbols are a dime a dozen - a banner, carcasses, a parade, shoulder straps, medals, titles, positions, diplomas.

And all these symbols are needed for the subconscious control of a person. You can either blindly control them, or choose how much the symbols rule you.

Symbol appearance

On an early spring morning, you entered the forest. A riot of greenery, the aromas of herbs, the singing of birds fell upon you. It is easy for you to breathe, and it is pleasant to walk on soft grass. The golden rays of the sun break through the crowns of the trees. And you noticed that a red squirrel is looking at you with curiosity from a nearby branch.

You feel very good and you want to remember this state. To do this, just call this picture: "Morning with a squirrel." And then just pronounce this combination, as you again plunge into this state. And you can put a small figurine of a squirrel on your desktop. And a simple piece of plastic will easily return you to the state when you were fine.

The impression itself is not stored in memory by itself. It is immediately included in the whole system of signs, symbols, and is included in the smooth rhythm of thinking already changed.

It's like a deck of cards. Each impression is recorded on one of the cards. And then they are shuffled in descending order of intensity of experience. In our case, the most striking impression of the forest was a squirrel. Therefore, the card with the squirrel lies on top.

The top card of the deck becomes not only an impression, but also turns into a symbol for which the entire deck is drawn.

This process of symbolizing the subconscious brings a lot of trouble to people of art.

Anatoly Papanov has played many roles, but the top card will always be the Wolf from "Just you wait!". Papanov himself was indignant at this and said: "The wolf ate my acting career." But poor Wolf has nothing to do with it. This general rule symbolization of the subconscious the top card becomes a symbol.

Faina Ranevskaya was annoyed by the phrase: “Mulya, don’t make me nervous!” Wherever she appeared, she heard this phrase.

The interview with Alexander Zbruev was titled: “I am not Ganzha!” So the artist wanted to get away from the constant mention of this character.

At the presentation of the Triumph Prize at the Maly Theater, composer Gia Kancheli, whose symphonic music is performed by all the best orchestras in the world, took the stage, waiting for the solemn anthem. But the orchestra of the Maly Theater began to play "Chito Grito". In his room, the usually very polite Kancheli cursed for a long time. But in vain.

"Chito Grito" is a symbol that allows you to instantly remember a person. No more. Many great people have their own symbols:

Count plowing the land;

The writer burning the second part of the novel;

A poet who calls himself a son of a bitch.

All of them had trump aces in the deck: "War and Peace", "Dead Souls", "Eugene Onegin". But they also have simple and bright cards that make them easy to remember.

It doesn't matter which card is on top. It matters how many aces you have in your deck.

Symbol life

As soon as the symbol is rooted in the subconscious, it begins to live its own life. Bright edges become even brighter. And the dull edges are completely erased. We can easily imagine the rose flower and its fragrance. But the leaves, stem, fruits, and even more so the roots of this shrub, we will not remember. Although with a relative of the rose - wild rose, the opposite is true. We remember the taste and appearance of fruits, but we do not remember the appearance and smell of flowers.

That is why birds on coats of arms, according to the rules of heraldry, are supposed to be depicted without legs. And rightly so. And then a knight rides a war horse. All in iron from head to toe. And the horse is covered in iron from ears to tail. And on the chest of the knight is an eagle on thin paws. It will evoke pity rather than fear.

The symbol is not only causes desired state, but change it in the right direction. We can say that a squirrel on a tree is a symbol of wildlife. Some feelings. And we can say that this is a symbol of the Motherland. Other feelings.

As soon as the squirrel moves to the coat of arms, it will perform other duties. It will personify not only a specific morning, but a certain way of life, thoughts and even life purpose. How high our squirrel climbed!

Badges, coats of arms, logos - these are all tools for evoking certain feelings. Their strength is that they directly affect the subconscious, bypassing the mind.

Symbols live a very long time. And often outlive their owners. And sometimes symbols survive entire empires.

The double-headed eagle appeared in the ancient state of Sumer. Then it became a symbol of the Holy Roman Empire. When the Roman Empire collapsed, the eagle flew to the Byzantine Empire. And when it collapsed, he flew to Rus', and became a symbol of the Russian Empire. In 1917 he was driven away. He flew, flew, and now he has returned and is sitting again.

Symbol firing

Knowing that symbols trigger automatic behavior makes it easy to understand a wide variety of human problems.

Why are people overweight? In Nizbet's experiment, subjects were asked to eat. They went into a room where there was a table and a refrigerator.

The first group had one sandwich on the table. And they were told that in the refrigerator they could take as much as they needed. Three sandwiches were waiting for the second group on the table. But with the same condition. If you want more, take it in the fridge.

The experiment showed a curious difference in the behavior of obese people. People with normal weight in both groups behaved like this:

Or left sandwiches not eaten;

Or take it out of the fridge.

But the fat men behaved strangely at first glance: they ate everything they were given, but they NEVER took it from the refrigerator.

Why? But because at the sight of food they have automatically feeling of hunger starts. And they eat everything they see. But food is not visible in the refrigerator and the automatic reaction “I saw the food - I ate it” does not start.

In obese people, Gromozeka always looks out and sniffs out everything that is edible nearby. And having found it, he immediately commands: “Eat it!” And a person cannot resist it. It's useless to fight. The process of devouring is inevitable, like an avalanche.

The kind of food becomes button that changes human behavior. Show him a fat chocolate brownie and do whatever you want with it.

The actuation of a button gives rise to an unconscious intention in a person to do something. And he immediately begins to realize this intention. After all, behavior is completely determined by the subconscious.

As long as the button works automatically, a person cannot be considered a rationally thinking being. What's the point if he understands everything, but can't do anything?

By the way, such a well-known fact is also explained by a subconscious mechanism. Any diet leads to short-term weight loss. This fact is difficult to explain rationally. Indeed, among the heaps of various diets, the lion's share is made up of advice that is meaningless from the point of view of physiology. But they work!

And the casket is easy to open. While a person is mastering a new diet, he CONSCIOUSLY controls the process of eating. Therefore, he eats as much as necessary. And as soon as the diet has become habitual, he again obeys the subconscious. And it joyfully shouts: “Here it is - delicious! Let's eat!" And the person again begins to swell like a pie in the oven.

Kaleidoscope of moods

Let's go to the kitchen. Let's see what is being cooked on the stove, open the refrigerator, smell the smells, taste it. How will we feel?

And it depends on how hungry we are. If you just ate, then it will not make any impression. But if you haven’t eaten for a couple of days ... Then something completely different happens here. We already like not only the taste and smell of food. The very atmosphere of the kitchen will be pleasant to us. Knives, forks, plates - all this will bring pleasure. After all, they are associated with FOOD.

And now let's go to the kitchen of a chic restaurant. Here, the abundance of cooks in white caps and waiters with butterflies, the brilliance of dishes and the abundance of products will make a completely different impression. We want something refined, unusual, exotic.

Items in the kitchen or in the restaurant are not only practical. They serve as symbols that create the appropriate mood. Each room has its own mood.

Energetic atmosphere gym, dumbbells, shells, the sound of iron, peppy music creates a physical lift. I want to rush to the nearest simulator and cheerfully throw up a bunch of metal blanks.

Twilight library, soft light table lamps, silence, the noise of turning pages makes you want to delve into a thick tome and find out some secret of the Universe.

Our mood is shaped by external symbols. If you want to learn how to manage your mood, learn to deal with the symbols around you.

The subconscious life of symbols

The appearance of the symbol is quite simple. Experiences are a set of images. Most vivid image experience becomes a label that this experience restores in the soul. Therefore, we store old things, take photos for memory, bring them from different places souvenirs.

But the life of a symbol inside our subconscious is much more complicated. Symbols don't just sit side by side on the shelves of our memory. They go, meet, exchange impressions. Some characters are stronger than others. They order weak symbols to obey them in everything.

You had romantic date on the bank of the river. And now a photo of a flowering meadow on the banks of this river evokes romantic feelings again ... unless you quarreled and parted with your passion. Then the same photo will only cause a desire to break it.

And if you are in bad mood, then any souvenirs will resurrect only unpleasant memories.

The symbol looks like a switch. The chandelier was turned on and the room was lit up with bright light. And if you turn on the nightlight, then the room will light up with a pinkish twilight.

Imagine a summer beach. Burning heat. Dark blue sea. Volleyball on the sand. The screams of splashing children. Sea air. Burning sand underfoot.

Now turn the switch. The same beach at night. Silence. Cool wind. Light splash of waves. Path of moonlight going beyond the horizon.

What have we done now? We took your memories and changed them. But in the subconscious there will now be real memories, and those that you have constructed. Imaginary memories have the same effect on the subconscious mind as real ones. Therefore, we easily perceive fairy tales and fantasy. It is easy for us to construct new worlds and live in them.

We control images with words. Words can evoke pleasant memories, combine them, erase unpleasant ones.

The word is the main tool for working with the subconscious.

The world is too diverse to be perceived by consciousness. And the subconscious not only perceives the whole world, but has many imaginary worlds.

If we want, we can bring imaginary images to life. To do this, you just need to think rationally. Successful man- This is a person who knows how to handle his images.

Soul Inventory

Let's take the barn book and go down into the subconscious. We need mental order, and order begins with accounting. But as soon as we descended the stairs and opened the heavy door, we recoil in horror. We expected to see a small pantry, and before us the abyss spreads. Many worlds live in the subconscious and they are all fighting for our attention.

Since childhood, we have been told fairy tales about the world. All these fairy tales continue to live in our subconscious. The sleeping princess is also sleeping, the smart cat walks along the chain and the mermaid sits on the branches and thinks: “What am I doing on a tree? I'm a waterfowl!"

As we got older, we learned about Captain Nemo, Captain Grant's children, and Professor Dowell's head. And they also settled in the catacombs of the subconscious.

And we also gained life experience: we saw a snake for the first time, fried an egg, got a salary. Sounds are heard from nearby caves: the hiss of a snake, the sizzling of scrambled eggs and the rustle of banknotes.

But the office gave us a certificate: “He can live perfectly. Summer". No, not like this: “He can live. Adult".

And we have already planned our wonderful future: what laws we will adopt when we become president, where we will store Olympic gold and what we will spend the Nobel Prize on. And everything is stored here too. And the presidential limousine, and a jar for medals and a mountain of ice cream.

The dungeons of the subconscious are endless. And we will not walk for a long time, so as not to get lost. Our job is inventory.

We write, in the subconscious are:

Action patterns (scratch, swim, cross-stitch);

Images-memories of real events (exam, kiss, prize);

Imaginary images (witch, mermaid, Martian);

Shortcut symbols for managing images (dangerous, tasty, at least once);

Words for managing labels and constructing new images (“The mind gave us steel arms-wings, and instead of a heart, a fiery motor”).

All this lives by itself, determining our mood, well-being and contentment with life.

Let's take the goblin. It doesn't matter if he lives in the forest or not. In the caves of the subconscious, he lives for sure. And everything is determined by the fact whether it affects our behavior or not. If we do not go to the forest because we are afraid of the goblin, then our behavior is controlled by the goblin. And if we say: “What the hell?!”, then the goblin will hide in the cave and look out frightened from there, and we will do as we want.

Putting things in order

The most important thing in the subconscious is a bunch: a stamp-template. In any situation, the subconscious mind first puts a stamp: "Greeting, farewell, traffic light, the cat crossed the road." And then the action template is included:

Say hello!";

Say "Bye!";

Red - stand, green - run;

Stay until another passer-by gets caught.

Any subconscious action is Sh-Sh, a template stamp. No matter what happens, a hissing Sh-Sh is heard inside us, and we, like broken record, we issue the same action.

He said, "Hi!" We hissed: "To his greetings, our greetings." And we also said, "Hi!" We didn't digress for a second. Everything worked by itself.

Under the same conditions, we behave in the same way. Even if it is unpleasant for us, even to the detriment, even if it threatens life. But when you see the stamp, the template turns on. "Well, for health!" - and another portion of the poisonous potion is poured into the throat.

The best example of the use of stamps is Ellochka the cannibal. She scored thirty stamps for herself and used them in all occasions:



"Don't teach me how to live!";

"Ho-ho!" and so on.

You can put a similar stamp on any situation in life. And that's it. And do nothing more. Stamping cuts off thinking, so punchers are the easiest to deceive. Ostap Bender had only to pick up the right stamp and exchange the chair he needed for the strainer he didn't need. The strainer went under the stamp "Famous!"

While we are not aware of the Sh-Sh connection, we are robots. But you can change it if you specifically dive into the worlds of the subconscious and find it there.

First you need to notice it. To do this, stop stamping the situation. Until we put a stamp, the template will not work.

Here is a woman can not establish relationships with men. Because as soon as they start flirting, she puts a stamp: “Harassment!”, Well, she acts accordingly. What if you don't stamp? And look closely at the man. Listen to what he says, how he says it, how he looks, how he sighs. And the usual pattern: "Wouldn't you go ..." will no longer turn on.

We find a bunch of Stamp-Template;

Change the stamp by changing the image;

If there is no suitable image, then we imagine it.

Let's say we don't like to respond like a parrot: "Hello, hello." We can rummage through our memory and find an option: bow, curtsy, curtsy. And if you don’t like it, come up with your own greeting: pull the ear, jump up, hit the jaw. A non-standard greeting will provide you with a non-standard day.

Don't like it too? It's OK. Say hello like an Eskimo - rub your nose against your boss's nose. Or think of how the Nightingale the Robber, the Serpent Gorynych, Koschey the Immortal would greet. And now colleagues are hiding in the corners only when they see you. The template has changed - boredom has passed. Gray state everyday life has turned into a life full of adventures.

The worlds we live in

We can get bored with more than just greetings. Every aspect of life can become boring and monotonous. The subconscious mind only hisses at everything. Remove the stamp and change the template. Find the image of yourself that you like best. If you search properly, you will always find a suitable option.

And there is where to look. Thanks to the subconscious, we live in three worlds at once. Two worlds within us: the world of experience and the world of dreams. Outside of us is the world around us. A person is mentally healthy when all three worlds are harmoniously combined. We like to live, we dream with pleasure and every day we rejoice in our success.

If the dream world is completely fabulous, then it is impossible to realize it in the real world. Hence the constant failures, defeats, disappointments. A person falls into depression, and in severe cases completely moves into an imaginary world. In the real world, he is moved to an insane asylum.

If the world of experience is too chaotic and unpredictable, then a person is like a leaf in the wind. He is constantly thrown and twirled. He has both success and failure. He considers the outside world a roulette wheel and refuses to do anything, considering himself a toy in the hands of circumstances. Although most often it ends up in the hands of the owner of the roulette wheel.

And, finally, if a person firmly grabbed the tail of luck, but stopped dreaming, then the energy of life dries up and he begins to wear out a monotonous and boring life.

The three worlds of a person make up his worldview. In a healthy person, these are the worlds:

The dream world is real;

The world of experience is wonderful;

The outside world is worth living in.

Fulfillment of desires

Only the subconscious can live simultaneously in three worlds. Consciousness is too narrow for that. Therefore, consciousness jumps here and there. Either we sit down, dream, then memories will flood in, or a hefty uncle will step on our foot in a crowded bus and we will return to reality again.

The subconscious doesn't care. It can dream and remember and act at the same time. The problem is what exactly it will remember and where it will rush. But we would like it to lead us to our dream. But, unfortunately, this does not always work out.

The very fulfillment of desires looks very simple. painted beautiful picture, arranged the control symbols, started the engine and briskly rushed to the target. But here's the problem. Along the way, we met other symbols: “no”, “dead end”, “no entry”, “no entry”, “no exit”. Here we have arrived.

And even worse:

- Don't go there. Come here.

- And I go there!

– Who cares?

There are no straight lines in life. Around the ravines, swamps, cliffs and abysses. Wishes can be fulfilled. Quite. Just not dumb. It takes skill, dexterity, method and system.

Consciousness is just the tip of the iceberg. Very little. All power is in the subconscious.

But summoning this power is not easy. There is an optimistic direction in psychology called NLP. Nelpers recommend as soon as you have good mood, click your fingers to "anchor" this state. And as soon as you feel sad, the snap of your fingers will bring you joy again. Ah, if only it were that easy!

You can only anchor the top card of the deck. And the deck has been shuffled for a long time. Therefore, it is not known what will give a snap of the fingers there.

Competent work with the subconscious resembles the work of a commander. You can only order headquarters. The adjutants will rush to deliver your orders to the divisions, the divisional commanders will already send their orders to the regiments. Orders multiply and descend deeper and deeper into the troops, until Anka the machine gunner fills the machine gun belt and presses the trigger. And it’s very good if she doesn’t shoot at her own.

You can decide anything, but your finger will not move until it receives instructions from the command neuron. And before it, the path from the brain is not close and lies through the subconscious. Through which cave the messenger will go and which goblin will scare him is unknown.

Journey of the messenger through the worlds of the subconscious

You came out from the boss with the question: "Why haven't you prepared proposals for improvement improvement yet?"

You return to your desk, put a sheet of paper in front of you and think: “What would I write like this?” The subconscious receives the order: "Turn on inspiration."

And the messenger jumps on his horse and takes off into the distance. Let's follow him. A hot horse easily crosses a small river, raising a bunch of spray. And he goes up the green hill towards the white manor with columns. This is Oblomov's estate.

Oblomov welcomes the messenger cordially.

What does the owner need?

“The master needs to prepare a report,” the messenger answers.

- The report is good. The main thing is to take a comfortable posture. And start right. You see, I always start by sharpening my feathers.

He doesn't need to sharpen his feathers. He has a pen.

- So what, the pen also needs to be painted. And then be sure to relax. Inspiration will come by itself. Better yet, take a nap. The best thoughts come in dreams.

- Understood! - the messenger answers, sits on a horse and gallops on.

Lieutenant Rzhevsky meets him at the edge of the forest.

- Where are you going?

The owner needs inspiration.

- Seduce a woman?

- What woman? - the messenger looks around, - there are no women here.

“I have good binoculars,” Rzhevsky explains.

- No, write a report to him.

- Well, fine. Cherche la femme. She will write, - Rzhevsky rejoices. “Better yet, cherchet la bunch of femme.”

On the threshold stands Manilov in a dressing gown and says:

- I know what you'll ask. I have everything thought out. Why make such a short summary? You need to write a serious report. The boss will gasp and raise the salary. No, he will make a deputy. Not even, he will make him the head, and he himself will become the deputy.

- What about inspiration? – the messenger is interested.

- You are right. Need to learn shorthand English language and the yoga system. Then you can use foreign sources and write a report in the lotus position. Yes, and then - this report can be published and receive the Nobel Prize.

– Where to start? the messenger asks.

- I have a whole list here: surfing, rafting and powerlifting.

“All right, I’ll pass it on,” the messenger says and jumps into the saddle.

– Did I forget to tell you about the harem? Manilov shouts after him. “Better than two harems.”

- I see, again, the work of the owner? asks Gargantua.

Yes, he needs inspiration.

- It's easy. First you need to have a good meal.

So the owner has just returned from dinner. And so devoured, - the messenger objects.

- It's not scary. There is always a place for pudding in life!

- And then? – the messenger is interested.

- Then no. Inspiration comes at the moment of eating. Look how inspired I will be to eat capon.

And so the messenger arrives at the gate of the body. He is met by a bodyguard.

- Well, what do we do with the body? he asks the messenger.

- Yes, how to say. For inspiration you need: a comfortable position, sleep, a woman and a pudding. I didn't remember the rest.

“Okay,” the bodyguard says, and starts to press the buttons.

And the chief finds the following picture. You sleep sweetly in an armchair with your feet on the table. In your sleep, you smack your lips as you greet the wives of your harem who bring you pudding.

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