Nod in the preparatory group cognitive research activities. Abstract of the GCD on the cognitive and research activities of children of the preparatory group on the topic: “Academy of Miracles

Synopsis of GCD on experimental research activities older preschoolers preschoolers. Theme “Liquids. Solutions.

Description: This summary of the GCD on experimental research activities will be useful to teachers of preschool and additional education.
Educational area " cognitive development»
Develop an interest in experimenting with different materials.
Clarify and consolidate ideas about the properties of liquid and bulk substances (water, vegetable oil, milk, food coloring, salt, sugar, flour).
To consolidate the methods of recognizing observation: the ability to identify the properties and qualities of the proposed materials through experiments.
Exercise in the ability to analyze the results of their own experiments.
Expanding the horizons of children in terms of elementary ideas about the world around them.
Educational area "Social and communicative development":
To create conditions for an independent search for information about the world around.
Develop mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions.
Cause joy from the discoveries obtained during the experiments.
To cultivate a desire to cooperate, to agree in the course of joint activities.
Development of free communication with adults and children.
Cultivate friendship, mutual assistance and accuracy.
Create a joyful mood in children.
Arouse a desire to help, activate children to resolve a problem situation.
Continue to teach children to observe safety rules during experiments.

Educational area " Speech development»:
Replenish the children's vocabulary with the words: emulsion, solution, molecule, particle, crystals, refined sugar.
Match adjectives to nouns, use comparative turns of speech.

Material and equipment for experiments:
For demonstration: bottle, funnel, balloon, soda, vinegar; plate, milk, food coloring, 3 pipettes, cotton swabs, dishwashing liquid.
For each child: a tray, 5 containers, 5 spoons, vegetable oil, water, table salt, flour, sugar.

The progress of the experiment.

Guys! I invite you to the experimental laboratory.
We got together again
To make it more interesting!
We learn a lot of new
So guys, let's get started!

Guys, many materials are made by mixing different components. In the course of experience, you will be able to determine which liquids mix well and which do not mix at all. Tell me, is vegetable oil a liquid or a bulk material?

Children: Liquid.
We need water and vegetable oil. Pour some water and oil into a container and stir them with a spoon. What are you observing? Did water and oil mix?
Children: the answers of the children, they draw the conclusion on their own: no matter how they mix the oil with water, even after mixing they separate again.
Educator:(complements the output of children)
A layer of oil is on the surface of the water. This is because oil particles and water particles repel each other. A mixture of liquids that do not mix is ​​called an emulsion.

Take a bowl of sugar. Do you know what this sugar is called?

Children: children's answers.
That's right - refined. For the experiment, we need water and refined sugar. Now put one piece in a jar of water. See what's happening to him?
Put in all the sugar and stir with a spoon. Does sugar mix with water?
Children:(answers) Sugar disappears, dissolves in water.
The teacher adds: sugar is broken into small particles that are mixed with water. Such a mixture is called a solution.

For this experiment we need water and flour. Tell flour - is it a liquid or bulk material?
Children: Loose.

Educator: Take a container of water and add a full spoonful of flour.
Stir with a spoon and tell me what did you get? Did the water mix with the flour?
Children. Children's answers. Conclusion: everything was mixed up, an opaque, sticky liquid turned out.
Yes, flour and water are mixed. Unlike butter, flour mixes with water and forms a thick mass.

Say salt: is it a liquid or a bulk material?

Children: Loose.
We need salt and water. Fill a clean container halfway with water, then add five full tablespoons of salt and stir. What's happening?
Children: The salt has dissolved.
Add five more full spoons and keep stirring. Add salt until it no longer dissolves. How much salt is dissolved in the water?
Children: A lot, not enough water to dissolve all the salt
Educator (complements the conclusions of the children): No matter how much you stir, you cannot make the salt dissolve in the water completely. There simply weren't any free water particles left in the jar to separate the salt crystals.

What do you think, is it possible to draw on liquid materials: for example, on water, milk?
Children: (answers)
Teacher: Let's check your assumptions.
We will need: milk, food coloring, cotton swab, dishwashing detergent.

Experience progress:

Put some food coloring into the milk. What do you think will happen? (listens to the suggestions of the children, together with the children they observe the changes that occur with milk: the milk begins to move, patterns, stripes, swirling lines are obtained). Try adding a different color and blowing on the milk (children comment on their observations, draw conclusions). Now try cotton swab Dip in dish soap and place in the center of the plate. What do we see? (Children's explanations: dyes begin to move quickly, mix, form circles. Formed in a plate various patterns, spirals, circles, spots).

Why do you think this happens?
Children:(answers, children's guesses)
Milk is made up of fat molecules. When detergent molecules are broken, which leads to their rapid movement. Therefore, dyes are mixed.
Guys, today you conducted experiments and experiments, learned a lot of new and interesting things. I have prepared an experience for you - a trick with a balloon and a bottle.
Experience is demonstrated without explanation to children.
I insert the funnel into the neck of the balloon. Gently pour two tablespoons of baking soda into the funnel and shake it into a ball. I pour vinegar into the bottle about 2 cm, then carefully fix the ball on the neck of the bottle. I pick up the ball and shake it so that the soda gets into the bottle. What will happen to the ball?
There were many answers, both right and wrong. Let's do it. You will come home today and tell your parents about our focus experience and try to find the answer to the question together with them, how did it happen that the balloon was inflated? Tell us tomorrow. I wonder who will find the answer first.

Goals and objectives:

  • Expand children's ideas about plants, and the importance of plants in human life; about natural dyes.
  • Expand children's vocabulary: "cotton", "dyes".
  • To teach children by experience to receive paints and dye white fabric.
  • To educate in children a careful attitude to everything that surrounds them, an aesthetic attitude to nature and to their activities.

Materials for the lesson: A bottle with a letter, an audio recording "the sound of the sea", a screen, a doll-glove "a boy in clothes made of leaves", a branch of cotton, cotton wool, a chest: cotton white shreds of fabric, magnifiers, containers with natural dyes, grater, gauze, clothespins, aprons, wet wipes, gloves, boards (for plasticine), saucers; vegetables: beets, carrots, onions.

Course progress.

Educator: Imagine that you are at the seaside. Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes, listen to the noise of the sea, the waves splashing, the warm wind blowing: (listening to an audio recording).

Now open your eyes and look around (find a bottle).

Some bottle. Where do you think she came from? (children's answers).

It’s true, the sea washed ashore, and there is something in it (they take out a letter).

"S.O.S. Help, I'm on a desert island, freezing.

Here are my coordinates: 80°S. and 20° E Flint."

The letter says S.O.S. - what does it mean? (children's answers).

That's right, someone needs help.

What do we do? (need help)

Well, let's go to the rescue, to a desert island.

What are we sailing on? Let's sit in the "boat" and swim (imitation of rowing).

Here we are on the island, and here, probably, is our little man Flint.

flint(because of the screen): - Hello, how glad I am to see you!

Educator:- Did you have a problem?

Flint:- I have been living on this island for a long time. It is so amazing this island, both vegetables and fruits grow here, but I did not figure out what to make clothes from. My clothes made of leaves do not warm well and they are not as bright as yours.

Educator:- We will think about how we can help you, while you bask in the sun.

Educator: Having sailed to the island, in order to save your life and health, do not go far from each other, and do not take anything in your mouth. How can you help Flint?

Look guys, I found an interesting plant. How many of you know what it's called? (children's answers).

This is cotton, the plant that clothes us. How can it dress us? This plant grows in warm countries. It grows in a bush, boxes grow on the branches, inside of which there are seeds covered with small, white fluff, the fluff grows from the box. This fluff is used for the manufacture of matter. When cotton matures, it is harvested and transported to processing plants. Then, fabric is made from it.

caregiver: What is this? Box! Let's see what's there? (we take out pieces of matter - white shreds of cotton fabric). This fabric is made from cotton, it is called cotton fabric.

There are some more glasses here. What are their names? (magnifying glass or loupe).

Let's examine the fabric with magnifiers. What do you see? (weaving of threads: longitudinal and transverse).

Compare with cotton wool: cotton wool is soft, and cotton threads are thick. This natural fabric, it is made from plants. What you are wearing is all made of fabric, try to find clothes made of cotton (children examine the clothes they are wearing, comparing with the sample).

Educator: Are you tired? And let's have a little rest and dance (children perform movements to the song "Chunga-changa").

Guys, why are your clothes so bright? And our fabric is white! (children's guesses).

How can it be dyed?

Modern paints are made from petroleum and minerals (shows paint bottles)

And a long time ago, people began to dye fabrics using vegetable dyes. On the way to the clearing we saw vegetables, please come back and collect them.

Guys, you can make paints from these vegetables.

What vegetable made dark red paint? (from beets)

But as? After all, the beets are solid, and the paint is liquid. With the help of a grater. What can be done with beets using a grater? You can grate, and then take gauze and squeeze out the juice (demonstrate 2 children).

Now guess how the orange paint turned out? (children's answers). From carrots. But as? (children's answers).

What about brown? (children's answers). In order to make paint from onions, they remove the husk from the onion, boil it, and filter it.

And now you can, like people in ancient times, dye the fabric in different colors. Together with me, we take a piece of white fabric with clothespins and lower it into a shard with vegetable paint, let it drain, and put it on a board to dry (children dye the fabric).

So we helped our friend (Flint appears).

Educator:- We leave you multi-colored pieces of fabric, now you can sew your own clothes.

Flint:- I am grateful to you. Thank you. Goodbye!

Educator: Well, it's time for us guys to go home, we swam back

Guys, did you enjoy our trip? What interesting, new things have you learned? (children's answers).

Educator: now we know that plants give us not only food, but also paint. Guys, for you I have homework: what other plants (vegetables, or fruits) can be used to dye the fabric.

Name: Summary of experimental experimental activities"Journey to the Underworld".
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, experimental activities, Preparatory group

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MDOU kindergarten of combined type No. 46
Location: Khabarovsk Territory, Komsomolsk-on-Amur

Cognitive research activities with children of the preparatory group on the topic "Journey to the Underworld".


Children in the process of experimental activities will learn to name the features of the soil; explain the importance of soil.


1. Introduce children to the soil, its features.

2. Expand children's understanding of the importance of soil for plants, animals, humans.

3. Develop the ability to make assumptions, prove your point of view through the organization of experimental activities.

4. Raise an elementary ecological culture.

The group includes Sineglazka.

Sineglazka:“Oh guys, help me, tell me what to do! I lowered the flowers of the bores into the water, I decided to grow beautiful flowers, here are the bores in a vase with roots, and what should I do with them, I don’t know at all?

Children: They need to be planted in the ground.

Sineglazka: And where can I get it?

Educator: Guys, Sineglazka, I know you can ask for land from the King of the Underworld, but for this we have to go on a journey. You are ready?

Children: Yes

Sineglazka: And how to get there?

Educator: Let's take a closer look around, maybe we'll find a clue.

The guys disperse in a group, find the gate, but they cannot open it, there is a note near the gate: "Whoever guesses the cherished word, he falls into the underworld."

1 3 2 5 4

We compose the word (soil) and go through the gate, the king appears on the screen.

Tsar: I am the king of the underworld, with what business did they come to me?

Children: We really need land to help Blue Eyes plant flowers.

Tsar: The land is the main wealth of my kingdom, I won’t give it up so easily, complete my tasks, then I will give you land.

King's tasks:

1. Tell me, what will we find in the ground?

The children make their guesses. Then they “sit down in a clearing” (on a carpet), take a scoop from a “pantry” (basin with earth), scatter the earth on a sheet of paper and examine it through a magnifying glass. After checking, they draw a conclusion and draw up a layout on the flannelograph “Floors of the underworld. The king explains that the top layer is the most fertile (give an interpretation of the word)”, it is called soil.

Conclusion: The earth consists of roots, pebbles, sticks, insects, sand.

2. What are the layers of soil?

The children make their guesses. The king offers to mix soil, sand, clay and pebbles in a jar, then fill everything with water and leave it.

Tsar: Let it stand for a while, and then you tell me what you saw in the bank. In the meantime, I propose to go further on a journey through my kingdom.

Also an interesting synopsis of experimental activities:

3. Guess, guys, is there air in the soil?

Children express their assumptions, confirm with experience. They approach the "underground river" (a jar of water) and throw pieces of soil into the water. Bubbles appear in the water.

Conclusion: there is air in the soil and it is visible in the form of bubbles.

4. Is the soil breathable?

Children pour water on the ground in a pot, and water appears in the pan.

Conclusion: The soil is permeable to water.

Tsar: And where do you pour dirty water in the country?

Children: To the ground.

Tsar: What do you think is happening to the soil?

Children are doing the experiment How does soil pollution occur? (Pouring soil in a pot with soapy water). Express their opinion about soil pollution.

Educator: Now let's go back and see what happened at the bank, shall we?

Children examine and see that the largest particles were at the bottom, and the smallest ones at the top, list the layers of soil: soil. sand, clay, stones.


I see that you love nature, so I will give you a royal gift! (gives children a basket of earth).

The children thank the king and return to the group. Flowers are planted together with Sineglazka. Everyone chooses a pot for himself, pours earth into it, makes a recess and plant a flower shoot, water it, cover it with earth and water it again.

Sineglazka: Thank you guys, you helped me a lot. Now take good care of the flowers. (leaves)

Nomination: Kindergarten, Abstract of classes, GCD, experimental activities, Senior age

Summary of the lesson on experimental research activities in the senior group of the preschool educational institution "Water and Oil"

Subject: Water and sunflower oil.

Target: Improving children's ideas about, introduce the properties of oil


Development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;

the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness;

Develop observation, the ability to compare, contrast, draw conclusions;

Demo material:

Illustrations of plants, Euler circles, a diagram of the properties of water, two dark-colored bottles with sunflower oil and water.

Handout: work cards for research, red and green chips, disposable cups, spoons, salt, brushes, a set of pictures of a sunflower and drops of water, glue, napkins, planks.

Preliminary work:

A conversation about water.

Examination of illustrations and paintings depicting sunflowers.

Experimental activity with water, comparing stone with wood using study sheets.

A tour of the kitchen.

GCD progress:

1. Conversation of the teacher with the children about the time of year.

What season?

How has the environment changed?


The phone rings.

Educator: Sorry, guys, can I answer. Perhaps something important.

(Phone call asking to help the chef determine which bottle of oil is in.)

Guys, our cook called me, she asks to help her. It is necessary to determine which bottle contains oil and which contains water. Quite by accident, she poured water and oil into 2 identical opaque bottles. It's time to cook dinner, and she is afraid to make a mistake and spoil the food. Can we help? Will we manage

3. Conversation.

Teacher: What is oil? Why does a cook need oil? What is butter made from and what is it called?

Title: Abstract of the GCD on cognitive and research activities in the senior group of the preschool educational institution "Water and Oil"

4. Didactic game "Name the plant."

Children stand in a circle, each is given a picture with a plant. The teacher first shows, names the plant and the oil that is formed. (Pumpkin, walnut, olives, tomato, corn, sunflower, mustard, flax,

burdock, cotton, grapes, cucumber.)

Please place on the magnetic board the plants from which the oil is made.

5.Research activity.

We will conduct research. It is necessary to put on aprons, we take places at the table. You have sheets for research, we will stick red circles if there is no given property, green circles if the substance has this property.

Let's remember the properties of water: transparency, colorlessness, no smell, no taste, no form, solvent. (The teacher puts pictures of the properties of water on a magnetic board)

Let's move on to research.

6.Practical activity.

The children come to the table. where the experiment is taking place.

The contents of 1 bottle are poured into cups and experimental activities are carried out.

1. Children sniff water.

2. They taste it.

3. Put sugar and stir.

4. Pour some water into a plate.

After the experiments. children fill out the research sheets, answering the questions:

Does water have no color? (Yes - green circle)

Is the water clear? (Yes - green circle)

Water has no shape? (Yes - green circle)

Has no smell? (Yes - green circle)

Has no taste? (Yes - green circle)

Solvent? (Yes - green circle)

Can you wash your hands? (Yes - green circle)

7. Fizminutka.

Two sisters - two hands

Cutting, building, digging,

Tear weeds in the garden

And wash each other.

Two hands knead the dough -

Left and right

Sea and river water

They rake while swimming.

8. Continue experimenting with 2 bottles.

Define transparency.

Does the substance have a color?

Is there a smell;

Does sugar dissolve in our case;

Whether there is a trace on the hands.

9. Conclusion.

We read, children, what we got on the sheets.

Which bottle of water? Why?

We glue the sunflower to the line, a drop of water to the water according to the signs.

We check the teacher's checklist.

10. Working with Euler circles.

In the red circle we place signs of water, in blue - oils.

What common? What feature will we place at the intersection?

(see sheet)

11. Working with a microscope.

Everything that surrounds us still has an internal structure, which can be examined and seen only through a microscope.

(the microscope is connected to a laptop).

A glass with a drop of water is placed, then a glass with a drop of oil.

How are the images different?

(a drop of yellow oil)

Summary of the lesson.

What did you learn new? What else would you like to know?

Did we do a good job?

In the next lesson, we will talk about how butter is made.

And now we need to give the butter to the kitchen so that they cook dinner for us.

Prepared by the teacher Klishina V.V.

The last year in kindergarten is a transitional stage for schooling. Children 6-7 years of age have a transition from visual-figurative thinking to verbal-logical, there is an interest in complex games with the distribution of roles and the implementation of rules. Older preschoolers are inquisitive, emotionally receptive, tend to take the initiative in mental and practical experimentation.

Organization of cognitive research activities with preschoolers 6–7 years old

The modern education system is moving away from teaching children through the direct transfer of knowledge, but develops in them the desire to search for new information in a variety of ways. The formation of research skills in a child and the ability to independently search for information is the goal of organizing cognitive research activities in kindergarten in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. The teacher instills in the child the motivation to find answers to emerging questions, encourages curiosity. Cognitive research activity is also manifested in independent studies that accompany gaming activity. The ability to raise a question in connection with the emergence of an unknown or still little studied object and find an answer indicates a high level of mental and mental development of future first-graders.

Cognitive-research activity of pupils of the preparatory group becomes more independent

The more the child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and learned than big amount he disposes of the elements of reality in his experience, the more significant and productive, other things being equal, will be the activity of his imagination.

L. S. Vygotsky

"Imagination and creativity in childhood"

Age features of older preschoolers

When developing a system of classes on research activities in the preparatory group, the teacher takes into account the age characteristics of children 6–7 years old:

  • The ability to self-regulate behavior. Older preschoolers have more perseverance, they are able to independently plan the pace and quality of practical activities so as to avoid overwork. In the preparatory group, long-term studies can be carried out during cognitive activities and walks.
  • A high level of development of dialogical speech, the formation of monologue speech skills. In conversations with the teacher and in the group, children actively exchange statements, clearly formulate questions and give answers. By the end of kindergarten, the child is able to compose small oral monologues (congratulations to the audience on an event, project presentation, research report).
  • Development of mental abilities. Children of this age are guided in spatial and temporal indicators, compare the qualities and properties of objects, and are capable of generalizing and classifying the information received. The ability to establish causal relationships is improving, children build logical chains from many links.
  • Creativity. Older preschoolers often make spontaneous decisions, perform tasks in an unexpected way. A creative approach is observed in various types of children's activities: in oral stories, drawing up stories based on visual material, in drawings, during games, experiments and experiments.
  • Formation of self-esteem skills. By the age of seven, the child begins to realize the level of his abilities, abilities and knowledge. He evaluates the results of his activities, but for most older preschoolers there is a tendency to overestimate self-esteem.

Older preschoolers already have successful experience of speaking in front of an audience

Tasks of cognitive research activity

The cognitive and research activities of older preschoolers in kindergarten are aimed at solving a number of problems:

  • Expansion of ideas about the objects of the surrounding world.
  • Learning to independently plan the stages of research activities.
  • Improving speech skills, enriching the active vocabulary with special terms.
  • Development of the analytical type of thinking: improving the skills of comparative analysis, generalization, classification, summing up productive activities.
  • Encouragement of initiative and independence in work, creation of positive motivation for experimentation.
  • Creating a friendly atmosphere and cohesion children's team development of the ability to work in a team.

On the implementation of the tasks set, the educator works together with the children in the classroom various kinds: on the study of the surrounding world (GCD), the formation of elementary mathematical representations(FEMP), preparation for literacy, speech, creative, sports and music classes.

For example, studying the differences between vowels and consonants, you can start by conducting a study: “Pronounce the sounds [a], [o], [y], [and]. Is the mouth open? Where is the language? How does the voice go? (Free). “Now say the sound [b]. Was the mouth open? Let's pronounce the sound [r]. Where is the language? How does the voice go? (There is an obstacle - lips, teeth). The conclusion of the study is formulated: when pronouncing consonant sounds, the voice encounters some obstacle on the way, while pronouncing vowels, it passes freely.

The children also gain new knowledge during a walk, observing objects of animate and inanimate nature. Senior preschoolers participate in long-term studies, observing changes in the object: plant growth, changes in precipitation depending on temperature conditions, the movement of the luminaries during the year, the phases of the moon.

The results of experiments surprise preschoolers, so they tend to experiment again and again.

Methodology for organizing research activities

The teacher needs to create conditions in which children can show their research abilities:

  • The presence of a situation or question that activates the desire to solve the problem, to answer the question. The experiment is not carried out for the sake of entertainment or entertainment, but is a method of understanding the world order.
  • Conducting an oral analysis of the problem situation. In the preparatory group, children analyze on their own, the teacher controls the degree of immersion in the problem and the correctness of the presentation of thoughts, directs, if necessary, clarifying questions.
  • Definition of a hypothesis for practical confirmation / refutation (experiment, experience, observation, study of a layout or model).
  • Fixing the results of the study (in special journals, on cards, etc.) and formulating conclusions.
  • Creating a situation of success. In a lesson with a research focus, each student should be given the opportunity to make assumptions, voice the results obtained during the experiment.
  • The teacher controls the practical activities of children and monitors the implementation of safety precautions, the provisions of which are repeated before each experiment.

Interest is supported by success, interest leads to success. And without success, without the joyful experience of victory over difficulties, there is no interest, no development of abilities, no learning, no knowledge.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The attention and interest of children are maintained through various forms of organization of research activities. Pupils of the preparatory group are fascinated by such forms of work as:

Table: types of cognitive research activities of older preschoolers

Preschoolers may need aprons and masks to experiment with some materials

Types of research activities

Cognitive research activities in preschool educational institutions are embodied in the following types of activities for preschoolers:

  • Classes GCD on the study of the world. The classical form of organizing cognitive research activities in kindergarten. Older preschoolers show a greater degree of independence in oral tasks and practical actions. It is possible to diversify GCD classes by combining various forms of work (conversations, studying visual material, observations, experiments, didactic and outdoor games, including audio materials). Children 6–7 years old perceive verbal descriptions of images that are outside their sensory experience (cosmic objects, stories about other continents, ancient animals), for this the topic of the lesson should interest pupils, which is the motivating beginning of each lesson.
  • Integrated lesson. It is a synthesis of cognitive, socio-communicative and artistic and aesthetic areas and research activities, which is realized in the forms of work: listening to an artistic text or musical composition, cognitive conversation, situational conversation, experimentation, observation, productive activity. The purpose of an integrated lesson is a versatile study of a topic or a problem situation.

    For example, in the lesson “What is air?” in the preparatory group, the disclosure of educational areas is realized in conducting a heuristic conversation and experiments (“Cognition”), physical education minutes “Inflatable toys” (“Physical”), pronouncing the research plan and discussing the results (“Speech”), creating an application “The wind shakes the trees” ( "Artistic and Aesthetic").

  • Non-traditional activities: performance, puppet show, quest, concert, KVN, Mind games(quizzes, “Own game”, “Oh, lucky!”, “Experts are investigating”), consultation (children act as consultants for younger comrades). These forms of classes contain an entertaining component, preschoolers actively perform creative tasks and follow the development of the topic.
  • Ecological actions. Carrying out activities in support of respect for nature requires extensive preliminary work: the study of any environmental problem, forecasting in the event of an unfavorable development of events (air, water and soil pollution, death of plants and animals), searching for information on ways to solve the problem, practical contribution.
    Variants of environmental actions in the preparatory group kindergarten: “Dress the tree” (actions to protect trees on the territory of the kindergarten from frost - wrapping), “Feed the birds!” (creation of feeders and providing food for birds that remain to winter), “Battery Disposal” (action to collect used energy carriers and transfer them for recycling), “Green Landing Force” (action to plant greenery on the territory of a preschool educational institution or to clean the surrounding area from garbage).

Participation in environmental events teaches preschoolers to take care of their native nature

Conducting a lesson on cognitive research activities in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution

According to the norms of SanPiN, the GCD class in the preparatory group is held in the first half of the day (preferably in the middle of the week, when mental abilities are at their peak of activity) and lasts no more than half an hour. Research-oriented observations can be made during a morning or evening walk for 7–15 minutes.

Forms of children's activities should be varied. In the preparatory group, one task for physical activity is enough (exercise, dance warm-up or an outdoor game). As a change of activity, musical pauses are held, watching an animated episode on the topic of the lesson, collective memorization of sayings, poetic passages.

Spiritual fullness and saturation of life can only be given by a broad, versatile education, an inquisitive knowledge of the world, an active desire for knowledge, the joy of knowledge.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

"About education"

Conducting experiments with balloons clearly demonstrates to preschoolers that air has weight.

In the preparatory group, the teacher gives verbal instructions and descriptions for performing experiments, children learn to perform research according to a graphic scheme. The live show is used to demonstrate complex experiences and on a one-to-one basis for children with difficulty. Senior preschoolers are offered tasks to predict the results of the study and fix the information received. The guys are working on the creation of herbariums and collections, keeping diaries of weather and experimental observations, filling out an experiment card, supplementing the empty template of the experiment scheme with symbols.

Table: scheme for constructing a research plan

Research phase An example of the course of children's experimentation
Statement of a question Motivational start. The children received a video letter from a fairy-tale character, in which he says that he saw how the guys conducted experiments on the buoyancy of various materials. Preschoolers found that iron sinks. The character is interested in whether all metal objects sink, for example, ships. Pupils formulate the question: “Why do not all iron objects sink in water?”.
goal setting Pupils offer solutions to the problem, come to the conclusion that the buoyancy of various metal objects should be observed in the laboratory.
Hypothesis The guys are thinking about how to determine the conditions for the buoyancy of iron objects (to conduct an experiment with lowering objects of different volume and shape, made of the same material, onto the surface of the water).
Hypothesis testing Experimenting in the laboratory with an iron plate, a cube, a bar, balls, a bowl, a boat.
Analysis of the results The children saw that metal objects of the same weight behave differently when immersed in water (smaller ones sink, with big size float on the surface, have buoyancy).
Summing up the results of the study, formulating conclusions Those metal objects do not sink in water, the total density of which is less than the density of water.

Preschoolers in practice are looking for an answer to the question why some metal objects sink in water, while others float

Motivating start to class

The extent to which the child is interested in the topic of the lesson depends on his initiative in directly research work. The teacher captivates the children with leading questions, examining unusual visual material. Problem situations, elements of the game, surprise moments stimulate interest. Predicting a positive perception of the initial stage, the teacher builds a lesson in a general direction (helping a fairy-tale character, traveling through an unknown world, searching for an answer to an important question).

Unusual visual material can be used at the beginning of the lesson, which activates the cognitive activity of preschoolers

The final result of research activity largely depends on the motivation and emotional mood of preschoolers at the beginning of the lesson.

Table: examples of a motivating start to a session

Topic of cognitive research Motivating start option
Formation of ideas about a natural phenomenon - a volcanic eruption (lesson "Fire-breathing mountain - volcano").
  • Surprise moment. The group receives a video letter from a fairy tale character. He reports that he saw the model of the mountain that the guys made in the last lesson. The hero tells the children the legend of the fire-breathing mountain and asks them to explain to him what kind of mountain it is.
  • Conducting a conversation using visual material (schemes of the structure of the volcano, photographs of dormant volcanoes, awakening and erupting).
Expansion of ideas about the properties of solid materials: wood, plastic, polystyrene, metal, paper, fabric, rubber (lesson "Journey to the island").
  • Creation game situation. The teacher invites the children to go on a sea voyage to an amazing island. Outdoor games “We are jellyfish”, “Octopussy”, “The sea is worried - once!” are held, an audio recording of the noise of sea waves is played.
  • Surprise moment. The guys find a bottle (“Children, the waves brought us a message in a bottle!”), It contains an algorithm for conducting experiments to study the buoyancy of various materials.
Acquaintance with the environmental problem of air pollution and its possible consequences for nature and the human body (lesson "We are researchers"). Conducting a heuristic conversation:
  • "What is air?"
  • Why does a person need air?
  • How can we see the air?
  • "Can the air become harmful to plants, animals and humans?".

Table: card file of topics on cognitive research activities in the preparatory group

Topic of the lesson Research objectives
  • "Water and Ice"
  • "Snow Kingdom"
  • "Where did the puddles go?"
  • "Journey of a Drop".
Expansion of ideas about the properties of water, its forms (liquid, solid, gaseous) and the conditions for the transition from one form to another.
  • "In the Light and in the Dark"
  • "Moisturizing and drought",
  • "Warm or cold."
Formation of ideas about the conditions of plant growth.
"Invisible and Close" Expansion of ideas about the properties of air, its importance for life on Earth.
"Where does the sound come from?" Formation of ideas about the vibration of objects.
  • "Shadows on the Wall"
  • "Light is everywhere."
  • Expansion of ideas about light sources (natural and artificial).
  • Formation of ideas about the importance of light for life on Earth.
"Mirror, mirror" Expansion of ideas about the properties of mirrors and their use.
Why do objects move? Familiarity with the concepts of "traction" and "friction force".
"Why doesn't the ship sink?" Acquaintance with the dependence of the buoyancy of objects on the shape, size, weight.
"Sugar" Expansion of ideas about the properties of sugar, methods of its production and use.
"Salt" Expansion of ideas about the properties of salt, methods of its extraction and use.
"Glue" Acquaintance with various types of glue (PVA, silicone, instant) and their properties.
"Cement" Familiarity with the properties of cement and how to use it.
  • "Air cleaning",
  • "How to clear the soil?",
  • Why is the water dirty?
Acquaintance with the concept of "environmental problem".
"Measuring the length of objects"
  • Learn how to measure length.
  • Formation of the ability to work with a ruler, centimeter, curvimeter.
  • "Iceberg",
  • "Volcano",
  • "Coral Reef"
  • "Only mountains can be higher than mountains."
Acquaintance with natural objects by studying layouts.
  • "We are explorers"
  • "Young Scientists"
  • "We learn, we explore, we create."

Pupils of the preparatory group can be trusted to work with a microscope

Temporary lesson plan in the preparatory group

The summary of the GCD lesson and the integrated lesson with a research orientation is developed by the teacher, taking into account age features pupils and the mandatory inclusion of physical and game elements. The preparatory group research session lasts 30 minutes and consists of the following components:

  • Organizational moment - 1 minute.
  • Motivating start of the lesson - 3-5 minutes.
  • Building a research plan - 2-3 minutes.
  • Physical activity - 2-3 minutes.
  • Practical research (observation, experimentation, experimentation) - 10–15 minutes.
  • Fixing the results of the study - 1-2 minutes.
  • Summing up - 1 minute.

Table: examples of a temporary lesson plan on various topics

Topic of the lesson Organizing time Motivating start Speaking out the stages of the study (planning) Physical activity Practical work Fixing the results Summarizing
"Journey to the Age of Dinosaurs" 1 minute.
  • Creation of a game situation. With the help of an impromptu time machine, the guys are transported to prehistoric times.
  • Watching videos.
2 minutes. Mobile game "Dinosaurs".
3 minutes.
The study of various types of dinosaurs (according to the figures and materials of the illustrated encyclopedia).
13-15 minutes.
Distribution (classification) of pictures with dinosaurs on the card by subgroups: herbivores and carnivores; floating, land, flying.
1–2 minutes.
1 minute.
"Yellow leaves are spinning over the city" 1 minute. Surprise moment. A squirrel comes to the group (the role is played by the pupil senior group) and asks to help her in answering the question: “Why did the leaves on the trees in the forest begin to turn yellow and fall?”.
3 minutes.
2 minutes. Fizkultminutka "The tree is getting higher."
2 minutes.
Examination of tree leaves with a microscope (presence and absence of chlorophyll).
14 minutes.
Herbarium page layout.
2 minutes.
1 minute.
"Save water!" 1 minute.
  • The study of visual material (posters, photographs, video) about water pollution.
  • Conducting an informative conversation about this environmental problem.
3 minutes. Charging “Droplets - boom! droplets
- jump!
2 minutes.
Experienced in water treatment.
15 minutes.
Filling out the study card.
1 minute.
1 minute.

Exploring dinosaur species will take preschoolers to wonderful world prehistoric nature

Table: an example of a summary of cognitive research activities in the preparatory group

Author Kovalevskaya N. N., educator of MBDOU D / s "Rainbow", Isilkul, Omsk region.
Name "Herbarium. Trees in the kindergarten area
Target To expand and enrich the knowledge of children about the features of autumn nature and trees in the kindergarten area.
  • To consolidate the knowledge of children about the structure of the leaf.
  • To systematize knowledge about trees in the kindergarten area, about how leaf fall occurs.
  • Continue to acquaint with seasonal changes in wildlife.
  • Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.
  • To form the ability to use knowledge gained by experience.
  • To create conditions for the creative activity of children.
preliminary work
  • observations,
  • conversations,
  • reading fiction,
  • together with parents, planting trees on the site of the kindergarten,
  • search work on the selection of illustrative material on the topic "Trees",
  • viewing trees on a walk, excursions in kindergarten and at home.
Forms of organization of activities
  • Solving a problem situation
  • situational conversation,
  • work in the creative laboratory,
  • conversation,
  • guessing riddles.
  • Leaves of different types of trees
  • presentation "Sheet",
  • white cardboard,
  • PVA glue, napkins,
  • illustrations of trees with names,
  • magnifying glass,
  • simple and colored pencils.
Lesson progress motivational stage.
V .: We have worked very well for a month. We studied the structure of the leaf, found out why the fall of leaves in autumn. What else have we done? (We collected leaves for the herbarium).
We have worked like real scientists-researchers. Do you think we did everything? (No, not all, scientists record their research in special books - encyclopedias).
And can we create a small encyclopedia about the trees of our site? What do we need for this? (Answers of children).
Main stage.
V .: Before starting work, let's repeat what we know about trees and leaf fall.
  1. A conversation about leaf fall.
    • It smells like rain in the air
      It's getting colder every day.
      Trees change their dress
      Leaves are slowly disappearing.
      It is clear to everyone how twice two -
      Came ... (Autumn time).
    • The days got shorter
      The nights have become longer
      The harvest is being harvested.
      When does it happen? (Autumn).
      Q: Why did you decide that these are riddles about autumn?
      By what signs can you determine that autumn has come? (It has become cold, birds have flown away, leaves are falling, etc.).
      What is the most beautiful sign of autumn?
      What happens to the leaves before they fall off?
      Why do leaves change color?
      Why are the leaves falling?
      What is formed at the base of the petiole? Where is the base of the petiole located? (Listen to the children's answers to each question).
  2. Repetition of the leaf structure (presentation).
    V: You said everything correctly. Now remind me of the structure of a leaf. (The leaf consists of a leaf blade and petiole).
    And can we look into the middle of the sheet? (Look through the microscope). Have we looked at leaves through a microscope? What did you see there? (A mesh is visible on the leaf blade. The mesh is the vessels through which water and nutrients move).
    But if you look into the middle of a leaf through a scientist's microscope, which magnifies it thousands of times, we will see that each leaf is full of wonderful green grains. What are these green beans called? Who remembers? (Chlorophyll).
    In addition to green grains in the leaves, there are others - yellow, red, burgundy. While the green seeds were working, no other seeds were visible, but the green ones dissolved - and only yellow, red, burgundy ones remained. The leaves have changed color.
  3. Conversation "Trees of our site."
    V .: We remembered the structure of the leaf and what leaf fall is, but did not tell anything about the trees themselves. What trees grow on the kindergarten site? (Elm, birch, mountain ash, maple, oak).
    Do all trees have the same leaves? How do we know which tree a leaf is from? (In the form of a sheet).
    Are all leaves the same color in autumn? (At a birch it is yellow, at a maple it is yellow and red, at a mountain ash it is burgundy, at an oak it is brown).
  4. Research and productive activity.
    V: Well done! Now you are ready to do your scientific work.
    We will need to be divided into 5 groups of 2 people. Each group will collect material about one tree. (An illustration of a tree, a leaf from a herbarium, a drawing of a leaf - how it looks when viewed through a microscope).
    You can once again examine your leaves through a magnifying glass. Consider the leaf shape. Come to the tables. Get to work.
    Each subgroup talks about their tree. The teacher completes.

Final stage.
Questions for reflection:

  • What did we do today?
  • Did you like it?
  • What is your mood?

Examples of the organization of cognitive research activities in the preparatory group

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the experience of conducting classes in a preschool educational institution on research activities and experimentation with children 6–7 years old.

Video: open lesson on experimentation "Molecules and bubbles" Video can't be loaded: Molecules and bubbles open class on experimentation (

Video: experimental activities in the preparatory group (study of the properties of water) Video can’t be loaded: Experimental activity in the preparatory group (

Video: experimental activity "Winter Water"

Video: open lesson "Secrets of the lemon" Video can’t be loaded: Lemon Secrets Open Lesson Preparatory Group (

Video: GCD on cognitive and research activities "The Most Important Magician" Video can’t be loaded: GCD with children of the speech therapy preparatory group for cognitive research activities (

Video: NOD "Journey to the Laboratory of Professor Pochemuchkin" Video can’t be loaded: NOD “Journey to Professor Pochemuchkin’s Laboratory” (

Analysis and diagnostics of cognitive and research activities of pupils

To evaluate the results and effectiveness of the cognitive and research activities of pupils, the teacher conducts diagnostics according to the following criteria:

  • problem posing skills;
  • correct formulation of questions;
  • building an action algorithm to solve the problem;
  • hypotheses;
  • choice of research methods;
  • the ability to describe observations during the research process;
  • the presence of mental skills (analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization);
  • the degree of independence at each stage of the study;
  • ability to draw conclusions, conclusions, summing up.

The teacher assesses the degree of independence of the pupil during the experiments, the ability to formulate conclusions

The high level of cognitive research activity is evidenced by the presence of a stable motivation to solve problem situations and search for answers to the questions posed, independent construction of a research algorithm and practical work (experiments), competent formulation of the information obtained, correct drawing of conclusions. A child with a developed research type of thinking takes the initiative in choosing materials and tools for conducting observations, is not afraid to put forward hypotheses and test them empirically, brings what he has begun to the end in order to obtain compliance with the voiced hypothesis or its refutation.

To identify the attitude of pupils to experimental activities and determine the level of mastery of research skills, the educator may offer the children to keep a special journal in which the results of the work done are recorded. At the same time, the teacher is recommended to keep diagnostic cards for each pupil, in which he enters data from his own observations of the research activity of children.

Diagnostics can also be carried out in the form of an individual conversation using special tasks.

The development of cognitive activity as a topic for self-education of a preschool teacher

The teacher of the preschool educational institution constantly improves his professional skills, improves his qualifications and develops. Being engaged in self-education on the topic of the development of cognitive activity of older preschoolers, the educator studies methods and approaches to create conditions for the formation of the foundations of cognitive, intellectual, personal and creative development in children.

Only that knowledge is durable and valuable, which you have obtained yourself, prompted by your own passion. All knowledge must be a discovery that you have made yourself.

K. Chukovsky

The teacher should pay much attention to creating conditions for children's experimentation. A research corner or science center is organized in the group's premises. It is possible to prepare a separate room for the functioning of a circle for cognitive research activities. Space should be allocated in the research corner or laboratory for demonstration of pupils' projects or for thematic exhibitions. To store educational literature, materials for experiments and instruments, racks are allocated, access to which will be open to all children. For the experiments, a place is thought out: a demonstration table, student desks and chairs. Safety rules for experiments should be clearly presented (for example, in the form of a poster).

If the children have difficulties during the experiments, the teacher always comes to the rescue.

Table: stages of work on self-education of the educator within the framework of the topic "Development of cognitive activity of preschoolers"

Stage of work on self-education Activity content
Theoretical stage
  • The study of regulatory documents and scientific and methodological literature, which talk about the significance and methods of organizing the cognitive and research activities of preschoolers (FSES and the curricula developed within its framework).
  • Studying the practical experience of colleagues on topics of interest: in pedagogical journals and information portals on preschool pedagogy, materials on the organization of experimental activities of children are widely presented (carrying out projects in terms of preschool, abstracts of individual classes and walks of a research orientation).
  • Development thematic planning: setting general goals and objectives of the proposed course of study with a table of specific classes for each age group preschoolers.
Practical stage The prepared theoretical base is being put into practice. The teacher organizes research activities in accordance with the curriculum in the morning or opens a circle on additional education. During school year the educator conducts thematic meetings or consultations for parents, in which he introduces them to the tasks of the experimental activity and shows the results achieved by the children. The teacher should strive to involve children in project activities, participation in city and regional competitions. The educator reports on the effectiveness of the work at teachers' councils, seminars and round tables for colleagues.

Photo gallery: examples of creating conditions for research activities of preschoolers

The research corner houses various materials for experiments Materials of the research corner should be freely available to children When working in a mini-laboratory, safety precautions must be observed When organizing a research corner, it is important to provide a space where children will work with materials Working with a microscope requires accuracy, but leaves children with unforgettable impressions not all children can do the laboratory, but only the most motivated The teacher necessarily introduces the pupils to the equipment of the research circle

The competent organization of cognitive and research activities in the preparatory group, taking into account the age characteristics and interests of the pupils, develops the personal qualities necessary in the modern world for children. Future first-graders are unusually inquisitive, initiative and independent. They re-learn the world, and the task of the teacher is to form research qualities in them and positive motivation for new discoveries in the history of mankind.

Education - higher philological, master's degree in philology. Specialty - teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher of history. Studying the contemporary literary process is part of my life. As an educator last years I interact more with children preschool age, so I actively explore the experience preschool educators I study the latest developments in teaching preschoolers.

The last year in kindergarten is a transitional stage for schooling. In children of 6-7 years old, there is a transition from visual-figurative thinking to verbal-logical, there is an interest in complex games with the distribution of roles and the implementation of rules. Older preschoolers are inquisitive, emotionally receptive, tend to take the initiative in mental and practical experimentation.

Organization of cognitive research activities with preschoolers 6–7 years old

The modern education system is moving away from teaching children through the direct transfer of knowledge, but develops in them the desire to search for new information in a variety of ways. The formation of research skills in a child and the ability to independently search for information is the goal of organizing cognitive research activities in kindergarten in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. The teacher instills in the child the motivation to find answers to emerging questions, encourages curiosity. Cognitive research activity is also manifested in independent studies that accompany gaming activity. The ability to raise a question in connection with the emergence of an unknown or still little studied object and find an answer indicates a high level of mental and mental development of future first-graders.

Cognitive-research activity of pupils of the preparatory group becomes more independent

The more the child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and learned, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, other things being equal, the activity of his imagination will be.

L. S. Vygotsky

"Imagination and creativity in childhood"

Age features of older preschoolers

When developing a system of classes on research activities in the preparatory group, the teacher takes into account the age characteristics of children 6–7 years old:

  • The ability to self-regulate behavior. Older preschoolers have more perseverance, they are able to independently plan the pace and quality of practical activities so as to avoid overwork. In the preparatory group, you can conduct long-term research during cognitive activities and walks.
  • A high level of development of dialogical speech, the formation of monologue speech skills. In conversations with the teacher and in the group, children actively exchange statements, clearly formulate questions and give answers. By the end of kindergarten, the child is able to compose small oral monologues (congratulations to the audience on an event, project presentation, research report).
  • Development of mental abilities. Children of this age are guided in spatial and temporal indicators, compare the qualities and properties of objects, and are capable of generalizing and classifying the information received. The ability to establish causal relationships is improving, children build logical chains from many links.
  • Creativity. Older preschoolers often make spontaneous decisions, perform tasks in an unexpected way. A creative approach is observed in various types of children's activities: in oral stories, drawing up stories based on visual material, in drawings, during games, experiments and experiments.
  • Formation of self-esteem skills. By the age of seven, the child begins to realize the level of his abilities, abilities and knowledge. He evaluates the results of his activities, but for most older preschoolers there is a tendency to overestimate self-esteem.

Older preschoolers already have successful experience of speaking in front of an audience

Tasks of cognitive research activity

The cognitive and research activities of older preschoolers in kindergarten are aimed at solving a number of problems:

  • Expansion of ideas about the objects of the surrounding world.
  • Learning to independently plan the stages of research activities.
  • Improving speech skills, enriching the active vocabulary with special terms.
  • Development of the analytical type of thinking: improving the skills of comparative analysis, generalization, classification, summing up productive activities.
  • Encouragement of initiative and independence in work, creation of positive motivation for experimentation.
  • Creating a friendly atmosphere and cohesion of the children's team, developing the ability to work in a team.

On the implementation of the tasks set, the educator, together with the children, works in various classes: studying the world around us (GCD), forming elementary mathematical representations (FEMP), preparing for literacy, speech, creative, sports and music classes.

For example, studying the differences between vowels and consonants, you can start by conducting a study: “Pronounce the sounds [a], [o], [y], [and]. Is the mouth open? Where is the language? How does the voice go? (Free). “Now say the sound [b]. Was the mouth open? Let's pronounce the sound [r]. Where is the language? How does the voice go? (There is an obstacle - lips, teeth). The conclusion of the study is formulated: when pronouncing consonant sounds, the voice encounters some obstacle on the way, while pronouncing vowels, it passes freely.

The children also gain new knowledge during a walk, observing objects of animate and inanimate nature. Senior preschoolers participate in long-term studies, observing changes in the object: plant growth, changes in precipitation depending on temperature conditions, the movement of the luminaries during the year, the phases of the moon.

The results of experiments surprise preschoolers, so they tend to experiment again and again.

Methodology for organizing research activities

The teacher needs to create conditions in which children can show their research abilities:

  • The presence of a situation or question that activates the desire to solve the problem, to answer the question. The experiment is not carried out for the sake of entertainment or entertainment, but is a method of understanding the world order.
  • Conducting an oral analysis of the problem situation. In the preparatory group, children analyze on their own, the teacher controls the degree of immersion in the problem and the correctness of the presentation of thoughts, directs, if necessary, clarifying questions.
  • Definition of a hypothesis for practical confirmation / refutation (experiment, experience, observation, study of a layout or model).
  • Fixing the results of the study (in special journals, on cards, etc.) and formulating conclusions.
  • Creating a situation of success. In a lesson with a research focus, each student should be given the opportunity to make assumptions, voice the results obtained during the experiment.
  • The teacher controls the practical activities of children and monitors the implementation of safety precautions, the provisions of which are repeated before each experiment.

Interest is supported by success, interest leads to success. And without success, without the joyful experience of victory over difficulties, there is no interest, no development of abilities, no learning, no knowledge.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The attention and interest of children are maintained through various forms of organization of research activities. Pupils of the preparatory group are fascinated by such forms of work as:

  • The study of phenomena and events of social life, natural phenomena. An exploration of what is happening in the present. This can be observing the appearance and disappearance of a rainbow during a walk, an excursion to a production or enterprise (to a store, an industrial plant, a library, a post office), studying the technology of laying asphalt and other road works, the preparation and use of cement, its properties when repair in kindergarten.

    Solar observations will require pupils to wear sunglasses.

  • Examination of visual material. It is interesting for older preschool children to study layouts and models of objects that allow you to learn about their structure or functioning (models of planets, a volcano, a coral reef, a model of a submarine, a loader robot, a lunar rover, a space satellite). Information search is also carried out by examining illustrated encyclopedias and thematic posters. In the preparatory group, research work can be carried out using mnemonics: the guys get acquainted with some process while looking at special cards. Mnemocards are a sequence of information pictures.

    Older preschoolers are interested in models and layouts of real objects

  • Collecting and classification. Searching for items on a specific topic is a long and exciting process if the goal is to study objects in a comprehensive way by comparison and systematization. Children arrange the collected objects into mini-exhibitions, herbariums, albums, boxes. Older preschoolers know how to write in block letters, under the supervision of a teacher, they sign copies of the collection, assign numbers.

    Making a collection of seeds will help the children consolidate their knowledge about vegetable crops

  • Experiments and experiences. Senior preschoolers independently carry out practical studies of objects according to verbal instructions, carefully observe the demonstration of complex experiments by the teacher. In the preparatory group, children's experimentation may retain elements of play activity.

    Experiments with water - one of the most favorite among preschoolers

  • Travel games. They are organized to search for information about remote territories and areas: the North Pole, Africa, the Universe, the jungle, the ocean floor. The structure of the game consists of the virtual movement of the children into the world under study, the solution of cognitive tasks, and the generalization of new information. During the trip, children study geographical maps, photographs and illustrations, video materials. Movements can be carried out spatially and temporally (during the era of dinosaurs, the ice age, visiting primitive people, during the construction of the pyramids in Egypt, etc.).

    Preschoolers are happy to get involved in the work of creating models of research objects

  • Research projects. Senior preschoolers work on group and individual projects to study topics in various areas: "Ecology", "Socio-social activities", "Animals and flora", "Space", "Geography". The results of project activities are drawn up in the form of information stands, posters, photo albums, lapbooks, layouts. A presentation of the completed project is organized, at which pupils tell the audience (parents, children junior groups, invited guests) about the importance of studying this topic, the tasks set, the stages of the study.

    The winners of the research projects competition are awarded certificates and prizes

Table: types of cognitive research activities of older preschoolers

Preschoolers may need aprons and masks to experiment with some materials

Types of research activities

Cognitive research activities in preschool educational institutions are embodied in the following types of activities for preschoolers:

  • Classes GCD on the study of the world. The classical form of organizing cognitive research activities in kindergarten. Older preschoolers show a greater degree of independence in oral tasks and practical actions. It is possible to diversify GCD classes by combining various forms of work (conversations, studying visual material, observations, experiments, didactic and outdoor games, including audio materials). Children 6–7 years old perceive verbal descriptions of images that are outside their sensory experience (cosmic objects, stories about other continents, ancient animals), for this the topic of the lesson should interest pupils, which is the motivating beginning of each lesson.
  • Integrated lesson. It is a synthesis of cognitive, socio-communicative and artistic and aesthetic areas and research activities, which is realized in the forms of work: listening to an artistic text or musical composition, cognitive conversation, situational conversation, experimentation, observation, productive activity. The purpose of an integrated lesson is a versatile study of a topic or a problem situation.

    For example, in the lesson “What is air?” in the preparatory group, the disclosure of educational areas is realized in conducting a heuristic conversation and experiments (“Cognition”), physical education minutes “Inflatable toys” (“Physical”), pronouncing the research plan and discussing the results (“Speech”), creating an application “The wind shakes the trees” ( "Artistic and Aesthetic").

  • Non-traditional activities: performance, puppet show, quest, concert, KVN, intellectual games (quizzes, “Own game”, “Oh, lucky!”, “Experts are investigating”), consultation (children act as consultants for younger comrades). These forms of classes contain an entertaining component, preschoolers actively perform creative tasks and follow the disclosure of the topic.
  • Ecological actions. Carrying out activities in support of respect for nature requires extensive preliminary work: the study of any environmental problem, forecasting in the event of an unfavorable development of events (air, water and soil pollution, death of plants and animals), searching for information on ways to solve the problem, practical contribution.
    Options for environmental actions in the preparatory group of the kindergarten: "Dress the tree" (actions to protect trees on the territory of the kindergarten from frost - wrapping), "Feed the birds!" (creation of feeders and providing food for birds that remain to winter), “Battery Disposal” (action to collect used energy carriers and transfer them for recycling), “Green Landing Force” (action to plant greenery on the territory of a preschool educational institution or to clean the surrounding area from garbage).

Participation in environmental events teaches preschoolers to take care of their native nature

Conducting a lesson on cognitive research activities in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution

According to the norms of SanPiN, the GCD class in the preparatory group is held in the first half of the day (preferably in the middle of the week, when mental abilities are at their peak of activity) and lasts no more than half an hour. Research-oriented observations can be made during a morning or evening walk for 7–15 minutes.

Forms of children's activities should be varied. In the preparatory group, one task for physical activity is enough (exercise, dance warm-up or an outdoor game). As a change of activity, musical pauses are held, watching an animated episode on the topic of the lesson, collective memorization of sayings, poetic passages.

Spiritual fullness and saturation of life can only be given by a broad, versatile education, an inquisitive knowledge of the world, an active desire for knowledge, the joy of knowledge.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

"About education"

Conducting experiments with balloons clearly demonstrates to preschoolers that air has weight.

In the preparatory group, the teacher gives verbal instructions and descriptions for performing experiments, children learn to perform research according to a graphic scheme. The live show is used to demonstrate complex experiences and on a one-to-one basis for children with difficulty. Senior preschoolers are offered tasks to predict the results of the study and fix the information received. The guys are working on the creation of herbariums and collections, keeping diaries of weather and experimental observations, filling out an experiment card, supplementing the empty template of the experiment scheme with symbols.

Table: scheme for constructing a research plan

Research phaseAn example of the course of children's experimentation
Statement of a questionMotivational start. The children received a video letter from a fairy-tale character, in which he says that he saw how the guys conducted experiments on the buoyancy of various materials. Preschoolers found that iron sinks. The character is interested in whether all metal objects sink, for example, ships. Pupils formulate the question: “Why do not all iron objects sink in water?”.
goal settingPupils offer solutions to the problem, come to the conclusion that the buoyancy of various metal objects should be observed in the laboratory.
HypothesisThe guys are thinking about how to determine the conditions for the buoyancy of iron objects (to conduct an experiment with lowering objects of different volume and shape, made of the same material, onto the surface of the water).
Hypothesis testingExperimenting in the laboratory with an iron plate, a cube, a bar, balls, a bowl, a boat.
Analysis of the resultsThe children saw that metal objects of the same weight behave differently when immersed in water (smaller ones sink, larger ones float on the surface, have buoyancy).
Summing up the results of the study, formulating conclusionsThose metal objects do not sink in water, the total density of which is less than the density of water.

Preschoolers in practice are looking for an answer to the question why some metal objects sink in water, while others float

Motivating start to class

The extent to which the child is interested in the topic of the lesson depends on his initiative in direct research work. The teacher captivates the children with leading questions, examining unusual visual material. Problem situations, elements of the game, surprise moments stimulate interest. Predicting a positive perception of the initial stage, the teacher builds a lesson in a general direction (helping a fairy-tale character, traveling through an unknown world, searching for an answer to an important question).

Unusual visual material can be used at the beginning of the lesson, which activates the cognitive activity of preschoolers

The final result of research activity largely depends on the motivation and emotional mood of preschoolers at the beginning of the lesson.

Table: examples of a motivating start to a session

Topic of cognitive researchMotivating start option
Formation of ideas about a natural phenomenon - a volcanic eruption (lesson "Fire-breathing mountain - volcano").
  • Surprise moment. The group receives a video letter from a fairy tale character. He reports that he saw the model of the mountain that the guys made in the last lesson. The hero tells the children the legend of the fire-breathing mountain and asks them to explain to him what kind of mountain it is.
  • Conducting a conversation using visual material (schemes of the structure of the volcano, photographs of dormant volcanoes, awakening and erupting).
Expansion of ideas about the properties of solid materials: wood, plastic, polystyrene, metal, paper, fabric, rubber (lesson "Journey to the island").
  • Creation of a game situation. The teacher invites the children to go on a sea voyage to an amazing island. Outdoor games “We are jellyfish”, “Octopussy”, “The sea is worried - once!” are held, an audio recording of the noise of sea waves is played.
  • Surprise moment. The guys find a bottle (“Children, the waves brought us a message in a bottle!”), It contains an algorithm for conducting experiments to study the buoyancy of various materials.
Acquaintance with the environmental problem of air pollution and its possible consequences for nature and the human body (lesson "We are researchers").Conducting a heuristic conversation:
  • "What is air?"
  • Why does a person need air?
  • How can we see the air?
  • "Can the air become harmful to plants, animals and humans?".

Table: card file of topics on cognitive research activities in the preparatory group

Topic of the lessonResearch objectives
  • "Water and Ice"
  • "Snow Kingdom"
  • "Where did the puddles go?"
  • "Journey of a Drop".
Expansion of ideas about the properties of water, its forms (liquid, solid, gaseous) and the conditions for the transition from one form to another.
  • "In the Light and in the Dark"
  • "Moisturizing and drought",
  • "Warm or cold."
Formation of ideas about the conditions of plant growth.
"Invisible and Close"Expansion of ideas about the properties of air, its importance for life on Earth.
"Where does the sound come from?"Formation of ideas about the vibration of objects.
  • "Shadows on the Wall"
  • "Light is everywhere."
  • Expansion of ideas about light sources (natural and artificial).
  • Formation of ideas about the importance of light for life on Earth.
"Mirror, mirror"Expansion of ideas about the properties of mirrors and their use.
Why do objects move?Familiarity with the concepts of "traction" and "friction force".
"Why doesn't the ship sink?"Acquaintance with the dependence of the buoyancy of objects on the shape, size, weight.
"Sugar"Expansion of ideas about the properties of sugar, methods of its production and use.
"Salt"Expansion of ideas about the properties of salt, methods of its extraction and use.
"Glue"Acquaintance with various types of glue (PVA, silicone, instant) and their properties.
"Cement"Familiarity with the properties of cement and how to use it.
  • "Air cleaning",
  • "How to clear the soil?",
  • Why is the water dirty?
Acquaintance with the concept of "environmental problem".
"Measuring the length of objects"
  • Learn how to measure length.
  • Formation of the ability to work with a ruler, centimeter, curvimeter.
  • "Iceberg",
  • "Volcano",
  • "Coral Reef"
  • "Only mountains can be higher than mountains."
Acquaintance with natural objects by studying layouts.
  • "We are explorers"
  • "Young Scientists"
  • "We learn, we explore, we create."
  • Improving experimentation skills.
  • Mastering project activities.

Pupils of the preparatory group can be trusted to work with a microscope

Temporary lesson plan in the preparatory group

The summary of the GCD lesson and the integrated lesson with a research orientation is developed by the teacher, taking into account the age characteristics of the pupils and the mandatory inclusion of physical and game elements. The preparatory group research session lasts 30 minutes and consists of the following components:

  • Organizational moment - 1 minute.
  • Motivating start of the lesson - 3-5 minutes.
  • Building a research plan - 2-3 minutes.
  • Physical activity - 2-3 minutes.
  • Practical research (observation, experimentation, experimentation) - 10–15 minutes.
  • Fixing the results of the study - 1-2 minutes.
  • Summing up - 1 minute.

Table: examples of a temporary lesson plan on various topics

Topic of the lessonOrganizing timeMotivating startSpeaking out the stages of the study (planning)Physical activityPractical workFixing the resultsSummarizing
"Journey to the Age of Dinosaurs"1 minute.
  • Creation of a game situation. With the help of an impromptu time machine, the guys are transported to prehistoric times.
  • Watching videos.
2 minutes.Mobile game "Dinosaurs".
3 minutes.
The study of various types of dinosaurs (according to the figures and materials of the illustrated encyclopedia).
13-15 minutes.
Distribution (classification) of pictures with dinosaurs on the card by subgroups: herbivores and carnivores; floating, land, flying.
1–2 minutes.
1 minute.
"Yellow leaves are spinning over the city"1 minute.Surprise moment. A squirrel comes to the group (the role is played by a pupil of the older group) and asks for help in answering the question: “Why did the leaves on the trees in the forest begin to turn yellow and fall off?”.
3 minutes.
2 minutes.Fizkultminutka "The tree is getting higher."
2 minutes.
Examination of tree leaves with a microscope (presence and absence of chlorophyll).
14 minutes.
Herbarium page layout.
2 minutes.
1 minute.
"Save water!"1 minute.
  • The study of visual material (posters, photographs, video) about water pollution.
  • Conducting an informative conversation about this environmental problem.
3 minutes.Charging “Droplets - boom! droplets
- jump!
2 minutes.
Experienced in water treatment.
15 minutes.
Filling out the study card.
1 minute.
1 minute.

The study of dinosaur species will take preschoolers into the wonderful world of prehistoric nature

Table: an example of a summary of cognitive research activities in the preparatory group

AuthorKovalevskaya N. N., educator of MBDOU D / s "Rainbow", Isilkul, Omsk region.
Name"Herbarium. Trees in the kindergarten area
TargetTo expand and enrich the knowledge of children about the features of autumn nature and trees in the kindergarten area.
  • To consolidate the knowledge of children about the structure of the leaf.
  • To systematize knowledge about trees in the kindergarten area, about how leaf fall occurs.
  • Continue to acquaint with seasonal changes in wildlife.
  • Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.
  • To form the ability to use knowledge gained by experience.
  • To create conditions for the creative activity of children.
preliminary work
  • observations,
  • conversations,
  • reading fiction,
  • together with parents, planting trees on the site of the kindergarten,
  • search work on the selection of illustrative material on the topic "Trees",
  • viewing trees on a walk, excursions in kindergarten and at home.
Forms of organization of activities
  • Solving a problem situation
  • situational conversation,
  • work in the creative laboratory,
  • conversation,
  • guessing riddles.
  • Leaves of different types of trees
  • presentation "Sheet",
  • white cardboard,
  • PVA glue, napkins,
  • illustrations of trees with names,
  • magnifying glass,
  • simple and colored pencils.
Lesson progressmotivational stage.
V .: We have worked very well for a month. We studied the structure of the leaf, found out why the fall of leaves in autumn. What else have we done? (We collected leaves for the herbarium).
We have worked like real scientists-researchers. Do you think we did everything? (No, not all, scientists record their research in special books - encyclopedias).
And can we create a small encyclopedia about the trees of our site? What do we need for this? (Answers of children).
Main stage.
V .: Before starting work, let's repeat what we know about trees and leaf fall.
  1. A conversation about leaf fall.
    • It smells like rain in the air
      It's getting colder every day.
      Trees change their dress
      Leaves are slowly disappearing.
      It is clear to everyone how twice two -
      Came ... (Autumn time).
    • The days got shorter
      The nights have become longer
      The harvest is being harvested.
      When does it happen? (Autumn).
      Q: Why did you decide that these are riddles about autumn?
      By what signs can you determine that autumn has come? (It has become cold, birds have flown away, leaves are falling, etc.).
      What is the most beautiful sign of autumn?
      What happens to the leaves before they fall off?
      Why do leaves change color?
      Why are the leaves falling?
      What is formed at the base of the petiole? Where is the base of the petiole located? (Listen to the children's answers to each question).
  2. Repetition of the leaf structure (presentation).
    V: You said everything correctly. Now remind me of the structure of a leaf. (The leaf consists of a leaf blade and petiole).
    And can we look into the middle of the sheet? (Look through the microscope). Have we looked at leaves through a microscope? What did you see there? (A mesh is visible on the leaf blade. The mesh is the vessels through which water and nutrients move).
    But if you look into the middle of a leaf through a scientist's microscope, which magnifies it thousands of times, we will see that each leaf is full of wonderful green grains. What are these green beans called? Who remembers? (Chlorophyll).
    In addition to green grains in the leaves, there are others - yellow, red, burgundy. While the green seeds were working, no other seeds were visible, but the green ones dissolved - and only yellow, red, burgundy ones remained. The leaves have changed color.
  3. Conversation "Trees of our site."
    V .: We remembered the structure of the leaf and what leaf fall is, but did not tell anything about the trees themselves. What trees grow on the kindergarten site? (Elm, birch, mountain ash, maple, oak).
    Do all trees have the same leaves? How do we know which tree a leaf is from? (In the form of a sheet).
    Are all leaves the same color in autumn? (At a birch it is yellow, at a maple it is yellow and red, at a mountain ash it is burgundy, at an oak it is brown).
  4. Research and productive activity.
    V: Well done! Now you are ready to do your scientific work.
    We will need to be divided into 5 groups of 2 people. Each group will collect material about one tree. (An illustration of a tree, a leaf from a herbarium, a drawing of a leaf - how it looks when viewed through a microscope).
    You can once again examine your leaves through a magnifying glass. Consider the leaf shape. Come to the tables. Get to work.
    Each subgroup talks about their tree. The teacher completes.

Final stage.
Questions for reflection:

  • What did we do today?
  • Did you like it?
  • What is your mood?

Examples of the organization of cognitive research activities in the preparatory group

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the experience of conducting classes in a preschool educational institution on research activities and experimentation with children 6–7 years old.

Video: open lesson on experimentation "Molecules and bubbles"

Video: experimental activities in the preparatory group (study of the properties of water)

Video: experimental activity "Winter Water"

Video: open lesson "Secrets of the lemon"

Video: GCD on cognitive and research activities "The Most Important Magician"

Video: NOD "Journey to the Laboratory of Professor Pochemuchkin"

Analysis and diagnostics of cognitive and research activities of pupils

To evaluate the results and effectiveness of the cognitive and research activities of pupils, the teacher conducts diagnostics according to the following criteria:

  • problem posing skills;
  • correct formulation of questions;
  • building an action algorithm to solve the problem;
  • hypotheses;
  • choice of research methods;
  • the ability to describe observations during the research process;
  • the presence of mental skills (analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization);
  • the degree of independence at each stage of the study;
  • ability to draw conclusions, conclusions, summing up.

The teacher assesses the degree of independence of the pupil during the experiments, the ability to formulate conclusions

The high level of cognitive research activity is evidenced by the presence of a stable motivation to solve problem situations and search for answers to the questions posed, independent construction of a research algorithm and practical work (experiments), competent formulation of the information obtained, correct drawing of conclusions. A child with a developed research type of thinking takes the initiative in choosing materials and tools for conducting observations, is not afraid to put forward hypotheses and test them empirically, brings what he has begun to the end in order to obtain compliance with the voiced hypothesis or its refutation.

To identify the attitude of pupils to experimental activities and determine the level of mastery of research skills, the educator may offer the children to keep a special journal in which the results of the work done are recorded. At the same time, the teacher is recommended to keep diagnostic cards for each pupil, in which he enters data from his own observations of the research activity of children.

Diagnostics can also be carried out in the form of an individual conversation using special tasks.

The development of cognitive activity as a topic for self-education of a preschool teacher

The teacher of the preschool educational institution constantly improves his professional skills, improves his qualifications and develops. Being engaged in self-education on the topic of the development of cognitive activity of older preschoolers, the educator studies methods and approaches to create conditions for the formation of the foundations of cognitive, intellectual, personal and creative development in children.

Only that knowledge is durable and valuable, which you have obtained yourself, prompted by your own passion. All knowledge must be a discovery that you have made yourself.

K. Chukovsky

The teacher should pay much attention to creating conditions for children's experimentation. A research corner or science center is organized in the group's premises. It is possible to prepare a separate room for the functioning of a circle for cognitive research activities. Space should be allocated in the research corner or laboratory for demonstration of pupils' projects or for thematic exhibitions. To store educational literature, materials for experiments and instruments, racks are allocated, access to which will be open to all children. For the experiments, a place is thought out: a demonstration table, student desks and chairs. Safety rules for experiments should be clearly presented (for example, in the form of a poster).

If the children have difficulties during the experiments, the teacher always comes to the rescue.

Table: stages of work on self-education of the educator within the framework of the topic "Development of cognitive activity of preschoolers"

Stage of work on self-educationActivity content
Theoretical stage
  • The study of regulatory documents and scientific and methodological literature, which talk about the significance and methods of organizing the cognitive and research activities of preschoolers (FSES and the curricula developed within its framework).
  • Studying the practical experience of colleagues on topics of interest: in pedagogical journals and information portals on preschool pedagogy, materials on the organization of experimental activities of children are widely presented (conducting projects in a preschool educational institution, abstracts of individual classes and research walks).
  • Development of thematic planning: setting general goals and objectives of the proposed course of study with a table of specific classes for each age group of preschoolers.
Practical stageThe prepared theoretical base is being put into practice. The teacher organizes research activities in accordance with the curriculum in the first half of the day or opens a circle for additional education. During the school year, the educator holds thematic meetings or consultations for parents, in which he introduces them to the tasks of the experimental activity and shows the results achieved by the children. The teacher should strive to involve children in project activities, participation in city and regional competitions. The teacher reports on the effectiveness of the work at teachers' councils, seminars and round tables for colleagues.

Photo gallery: examples of creating conditions for research activities of preschoolers

Various materials for conducting experiments are placed in the research corner Materials of the research corner should be freely available to children When working in a mini-laboratory, safety precautions must be observed When organizing a research corner, it is important to provide a space where children will work with materials Working with a microscope requires accuracy, but leaves children have unforgettable impressions Not all children can study in the experimental laboratory, but only the most motivated ones The teacher necessarily introduces the pupils to the equipment of the research circle

Education - higher philological, master's degree in philology. Specialty - teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher of history. Studying the contemporary literary process is part of my life. As a teacher in recent years, I have more often interacted with preschool children, so I actively explore the experience of preschool teachers, study the latest developments in teaching preschoolers.

Synopsis of the GCD in the preparatory group for cognitive research activities "Take care of your health!"

Completed by: educator MADOU "D / S No. 18" Pogrebnaya E.Yu.

Target: to develop the child's cognitive interest in their health.

Tasks: develop observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize; to develop the cognitive interest of children in the process of experimentation. Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to draw conclusions. Cultivate an emotionally valuable attitude towards the world around.

Material: color illustrations, balloon, magnetic board.

caregiver: Guys, are you in a good mood today? (children's answers) Am I in a good mood too? Did you guess why? (children's answers) The most important of all that you have listed is health! Do you know where health is hiding?

caregiver: Today we will find the answer to the question: "Where is health hiding?" Sit back and listen to the legend:

“Once upon a time, on Mount Olympus, the gods lived. They created seas and mountains, forests and oceans... The gods got bored and decided to create a human being and populate our planet Earth. They began to decide: what should a person be like?

And the gods decided to hide the most important thing that a person has - health. They began to think and decide: where to hide health? They offered to hide health behind high mountains, in the blue sea. And one of the gods suggested: health should be hidden in the person himself.

This is how people have been living since ancient times, trying to find their health. Yes, not everyone can find and save the priceless gift of the gods - HEALTH.

This means that health turns out to be hidden in me, and in you, and in you, and in each of us. Guys, do you feel healthy? Listen to yourself. What does it mean to be healthy? And what do you think? Are you healthy? Why? (children's answers)

I'll tell you a secret! Our health can be compared to the sun, which has many rays, these rays live in every cell of your body.

The first ray of your health is strength! What kind of people do you consider strong? (children's answers). Where is the power hiding? (children's answers). Strength is hidden in the muscles. Check your muscles. Are they strong? What needs to be done to keep the muscles strong? (children's answers). You need to do exercises, lift weights, push up from the floor. Proverb: Strength strengthens human health.

Here is the first beam! (I expose an illustration - athletes)

To find out the second ray, I will show you a trick. (from hot air balloon release air). What happened in the ball? (children's answers). What kind of invisible person was sitting in the balloon? (children's answers). That's right - air!

There is no life without breathing, Without breathing, the light fades, Birds and flowers breathe, He breathes, and I, and you!

Let's check it out!


    Try taking a deep breath of air.

    Cover your mouth and nose with your palm.

What do you feel? (children's answers). Why couldn't they be without air for a long time? (children's answers).

Right! It was every cell in our body that rebelled and demanded air. Without air, we will die. Where is the cleaner air? (children's answers). In order for us to go to the “street”, we need to get dressed. Let's get dressed!


We bought mittens, and of course felt boots. We put on a warm coat, a warmer hat. And let's go for a walk soon ... We walk through snowdrifts, over steep-browed snowdrifts. Raise your leg, pave the way for others. We walked, we walked, our legs were tired. We'll rest a little and then we'll go to play!

caregiver: Breathe through the nose, breathe correctly. Guys, what is in the air? (children's answers).

The composition of the air includes oxygen, which is released by plants. Air that is rich in oxygen is clean air. It is always easier to breathe in the forest, especially in coniferous. And who's to say why? (children's answers). Coniferous forests contain many volatile substances - phytocides, these substances kill harmful microbes.

The second ray of health is air! (illustration of trees)

Let's talk about the third ray of health - healthy food. Why does a person need food? Food is the fuel of the body, food contains vitamins. Without food, a person becomes weak, he Bad mood, pale skin. Guys, do you know how to choose healthy products? Now let's check!

Didactic game"To the grocery store"

Well done! You know how to choose healthy products!

A conversation about vitamins contained in vegetables, fruits, products that are useful for the human body.

The next ray is water!

Why water is health? (children's answers)

Proverb: Cleanliness is the key to health.

To be healthy, you need to follow the daily routine, wash your hands before eating, temper and be in good mood.

May all illnesses recede and health be strong!

Yushina galina Mikhailovna, teacher of the first qualification category
city ​​Novosibirsk

Purpose: Development of cognitive interests of children. Tasks: Expanding horizons in terms of elementary ideas about the world around us Develop an interest in experimenting with different materials Clarify children's knowledge about water in the world around us, about the inhabitants of reservoirs Strengthen the ability to convey one's attitude to nature in stories and productive activities Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships ( dirty water - fish will die) To consolidate the methods of recognizing observation: the ability to identify the properties and qualities of the proposed materials through experiments Exercise the ability to analyze the results of their own experiments Continue to teach children to observe safety rules during experiments Develop mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions

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Scenario of a lesson on cognitive research activities in the preparatory school group "Smile"

prepared by the teacher of the 1st category Yushina Galina Mikhailovna

Purpose: Development of cognitive interests of children.

Expanding horizons in terms of elementary ideas about the world around

Develop an interest in experimenting with different materials

Clarify children's knowledge about water in the world around us, about the inhabitants of reservoirs

To consolidate the ability to convey their attitude to nature in stories and productive activities

Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships (dirty water - fish will die)

To consolidate the methods of recognizing observation: the ability to identify the properties and qualities of the proposed materials through experiments

Exercise in the ability to analyze the results of their own experiments

Continue to teach children to follow safety rules during experiments

Develop mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions

Materials and equipment: multimedia presentation “Water and its inhabitants”, 2 cups of clean water for each child, a cup of dirty water for each child, a spoon for each child, a bowl of sea salt for each child, a bowl of vegetable oil, a filter for each child, a globe, cards for writing conclusions, colored pencils

Lesson progress:

We got together again

To make it more interesting!

We learn a lot of new

So guys, let's get started!

Today, guys in our lesson, we will talk about water

SLIDE No. 1 (Globe), model of the globe (globe)

Look at the screen, what do you see?

CHILDREN: this is our planet Earth

Yes, this is the Earth, but why is there so much blue on it?

CHILDREN: it's water

How is water represented on our planet?

Children: in the form of the ocean, seas ...

And what is the water in the sea?


And what inhabitants inhabit the seas and oceans?

Indeed, the water in the seas and oceans is salty, because it is necessary for marine life, they will not be able to live in fresh water. Today in our laboratory we will try to make sea water. But first, we will repeat the rules of our laboratory:


Put on protection

Try nothing

Do everything consistently


Well, here we are ready, come to the tables.

Remind me how to make water salty?

CHILDREN: you need to mix water and salt

Quite right, for our first experiment, you need to take a glass under No. 1 spoon and a bowl of salt. Pour one tablespoon of salt into the water and mix well, but gently stir. What did we get?

CHILDREN: the salt has dissolved and the water has become salty.

There are cards in front of you, we need to write down our experiment, card number 1



Salt dissolved in water is a solution

Let's return to our planet earth, not only seas and oceans exist on it, but

What else is water in?

CHILDREN: rivers, lakes, streams

How is sea water different from river water?

CHILDREN: in the sea the water is salty, and in the river it is fresh

Of course, tell me which river flows in our city


Do you know the inhabitants of the rivers?

CHILDREN: fish….

I invite you to our laboratory, look, I brought some water from our river, what it is

Children: muddy, dirty

What to do with such water, is it suitable for human use, and will the fish be comfortable in it? Why?

Children: people should not drink such water, and such water is a threat to fish, the sun's rays do not pass through this mud, which means algae will grow poorly, fish will have nothing to eat, they may die from such water

And why did the water become so dirty, who or what pollutes it, what do you think?

Children: people throw garbage, boats pollute with gasoline ...

I suggest you purify this dirty water, make it a little cleaner, with what can you purify the water?

Children: using a filter.

In front of you is glass No. 2, there is dirty water in it, there is also an empty glass, it remains for us to make a filter for this, we will take a piece of gauze, put cotton wool in it and cover it with another layer of gauze on top, how many layers are in our filter?

Well, let's try? We pour water

What happened

And now we will write down the course of our experiment on card number 2

The children sketch

Dirty water + filter = clean water

The game "Inhabitants of the seas and rivers"

Of course, we have not completely purified the water, but this is just a drop in the ocean, but how to purify the seas and rivers? What can we do to keep our river clean?

Children: do not pollute it,


Look at the screen - it's purification facilities that purify great amount water


What do you see here

Now we will conduct an experiment that will prove to us that oil is very dangerous for the inhabitants of reservoirs.

Oil is a kind of oil

We need a glass of clean water, a spoonful of oil, add oil to the water and stir, wait a bit, what do you see?

Children: the oil did not dissolve

On card number 3, we will make a brief record of our experiment.

Water + oil = not dissolved

Similarly, oil does not dissolve in water, lies on the surface and prevents sunlight from penetrating, oxygen, and animals suffer greatly from this.

This is what oil pollution causes

Today in our laboratory we talked about water, what was interesting to you, what was difficult, what did you like? What will we conclude from this lesson?



When I call a sea dweller, you clap 1 time, and when you call a river dweller, you clap 2 times

Shcherbinina Olga Anatolievna
Job title: caregiver
Educational institution: MBOU "Podgorodnepokrovskaya secondary school"
Locality: Podgorodnyaya Pokrovka village, Orenburg region
Material name: Methodical development
Subject:"Card file of cognitive and research activities of children"
Publication date: 13.02.2019
Chapter: preschool education

Card file

cognitive research activity of children

(preparatory group)

Prepared by the MBOU teacher

"Podgorodnepokrovskaya secondary school"

Shcherbinina Olga Anatolievna

"Flying Seeds"

Target: to acquaint children with the role of wind in plant life.

Move: Give the children one "flying" seed and one "non-flying" seed.

Offer to raise your hands as high as possible and simultaneously release both

seed from the hands (for example: beans and maple seeds).

Conclusion: the seeds have various adaptations for flight, the wind helps

seeds to move.

Plants' need for water

Target: educate children about the importance of water for life and growth

plants. Teach children to draw conclusions in the course of experimentation, to make

logical inferences.

Move: Choose one flower from the bouquet, you need to leave it without water. Through

for some time to compare a flower left without water, and flowers in a vase with

water: how do they differ? Why did this happen?

Conclusion: plants need water, without it they die.

"How Water Gets to Leaves"

Target: to show by experience how water moves through the plant.

Progress: Cut chamomile is placed in water tinted with ink or

paint. After a few days, cut the stem and see that it is stained.

Split the stem lengthwise and check to what height it has risen

colored water during the experiment. The longer the plant stays in

dye, the higher the colored water will rise.

Conclusion: water rises up the plant.

"The sun dries things"

Target: Observe the sun's ability to heat objects. Develop

curiosity, broadening one's horizons. Teach children to draw conclusions.

Move: Hang washed doll linen in a sunny area,

watch how it dries during the walk. Touch the bricks

which the kindergarten building was built on the sunny side and the shady

Conclusion: the sun heats things.

"Sunny Bunny Transfer"

Target: Show with an example how you can reflect light repeatedly and

item image. To develop the cognitive activity of children in

the process of conducting experiments.

Material: mirror.

Stroke: On a sunny day, children look at the "sunny bunny". How is he

it turns out? (Light is reflected from the mirror). What happens if in that place

on the wall where the “sunny bunny” hit, put another mirror? (He



Target: introduce the rainbow as a natural phenomenon. Bring up

Material: basin with water, mirror.

Hod: Have you ever seen a rainbow after the rain? Do you want to look at

rainbow right now?

The teacher puts the mirror into the water at a slight angle. Catching a mirror

sun rays and directs them to the wall. Turns the mirror until

until a rainbow appears on the wall. Water acts as a prism that decomposes

white color to its constituents. What does the word "rainbow" look like? What is she?

Show an arc with your hands. From the ground, a rainbow resembles an arc, but from an airplane it

seems to be around.

"Air is invisible"

Target: to acquaint with the properties of air - it does not have a specific shape,

spreads in all directions, has no odor of its own.

Develop children's cognitive interest in the process of experimentation,

to establish a cause-and-effect relationship, to draw conclusions.

Move: the educator suggests taking (successively) flavored

napkins, orange peels, garlic and feel the smells,

spreading in the room.

Conclusion: air is invisible, but it can transmit odors from a distance.

"Air Movement"

Target: show that you can feel the movement of air. Bring up

interest in experimental activities, love of nature. Continue

develop logical thinking, imagination.

Action: Invite the children to wave their hands in front of their faces. What is the feeling? Blow on

hands. What did you feel?

Conclusion: air is not invisible, its movement can be felt by fanning


Target: Prove that wind is the movement of air. Develop cognitive

activity in the process of experimentation, to expand knowledge about the air,

activate speech and enrich the vocabulary of children (laboratory, transparent,


Progress: Children make sailboats. Dip them in a container of water. Children

blow on the sails, the boats sail. Big ships move too

thanks to the wind.

Questions: What happens to the boat if there is no wind? And if the wind is very

Conclusion: Wind is the movement of air.

"Looking at sand through a magnifying glass"

Target: determination of the shape of the grains of sand. Contribute to the formation in children

cognitive interest, develop observation, mental


Material: sand, black paper, magnifying glass.

Move: What is sand made of?

From very small grains - grains of sand. They are round and translucent. IN

sand, each grain of sand lies separately, does not stick to other grains of sand.

"Sand Cone"

Target: introduce the property of sand - flowability. Contribute

Move: Take a handful of dry sand and release it in a trickle so that it falls

to one place.

Gradually, at the place where the sand falls, a cone is formed, growing in height and

occupying an increasing area at the base. If you pour sand in for a long time

in one place, then in another, there are rifts; sand movement is like

Conclusion: sand is a bulk material.

"Properties of wet sand"

Target: to introduce the properties of sand. Contribute to the formation of

children of cognitive interest, develop observation, mental


Material: sand, molds.

Move: Pour dry sand into the mold and turn it over, what happens?

Sprinkle sand in a stream on the palm of your hand. Then wet the sand and do those

the same operation.

Conclusion: wet sand can take any shape until it dries.

When the sand gets wet, the air between the sand grains disappears and they stick together.

"The state of the soil depending on the temperature"

Target: to identify the dependence of the state of the soil on weather conditions.

Promote the formation of cognitive interest in children, develop

observation, mental activity.

Stroke: On a sunny day, invite the children to examine the earth, touch it

hands: warm (the sun warmed it), dry (crumbles in hands), light

brown. The teacher waters the earth from a watering can, offers again

touch it, examine it (the earth darkened, became wet, sticky,

sticks together in lumps cold water the soil got colder)

Conclusion: changes in weather conditions lead to a change in state

"Water and Snow"

Target: consolidate knowledge about the various states of water. Contribute

the formation of cognitive interest in children, to develop

observation, mental activity.

Move: Bring snow and ice into the group - which will melt faster?

Place loose snow in one bucket, compacted snow in the second, and compacted snow in the third

Conclusion: loose snow will melt first, then compacted, the ice will melt


"Snow melting"

Target: introduce children to the properties of snow. Cultivate interest in

experimental activities, love of nature. Continue to develop

logical thinking, imagination.

Progress: Pick up snow in a glass jar on a walk with the children.

Bring to the group and put in a warm place. Snow melts and water forms.

Draw the children's attention to the fact that the water is dirty.

Conclusion: the snow melts under the influence of temperature, turning into water.

"Protective properties of snow"

Target: to introduce the properties of snow. Develop observation skills

compare, analyze, generalize, develop cognitive interest

children in the process of experimentation, establish the causal

investigative dependence, to draw conclusions.

Action: Place jars with the same amount of water on the surface

snowdrift, buried shallow in the snow. Bury deep in the snow. Watch out for

the state of the water in the jars.

Conclusion: The deeper the jar is in the snow, the warmer the water will be.

The roots under the snow and the soil are warm. The more snow, the warmer the plant.

"Water Freezing"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of water. Bring up

cognitive interest in the natural world.

Action: Pour water into the bucket and onto the tray. Take out to cold. Where is the water faster

freeze? Explain why water on a tray freezes faster.

"Transparency of Ice"

Target: to introduce the properties of ice. Develop curiosity

expand horizons. Teaching children to draw conclusions

experimentation, make logical conclusions.

Progress: Put small objects in a transparent container, fill with water and

put in the cold. Consider with children how frozen people can be seen through the ice


Conclusion: objects are visible through the ice because it is transparent.

"Street Shadows"

Target: show children how a shadow is formed, its dependence on a light source

and the subject, their mutual arrangement. Development of cognitive interest

children in the process of experimentation, establishing causal

investigative connections, the ability to draw a conclusion.

Move: Examining the shadows from various objects. When does the shadow appear?

(when there is a light source). What is a shadow? Why is it formed? (This

dark spot, it is formed when light rays cannot pass through

through an object, there are fewer rays of light behind this object, therefore it is darker)

Conclusion: the shadow appears in the presence of light and an object; outline of the subject and

the shadows are similar; the higher the light source, the shorter the shadow, the more transparent

object, the lighter the shadow.

"Measuring Image Dimensions with Different Lenses"

Target: introduce an optical device - a lens; form

ideas about the property of a lens to magnify images. Teach children

draw conclusions in the course of experimentation, make logical


Material: magnifiers, glasses, various objects: feathers, blades of grass, twigs.

Move: looking at a magnifying glass, observing changes in the size of objects

and images through a magnifying glass.

Conclusion: when considering objects, their sizes increase or

decrease depending on which lens is used.

"Funny boats" (buoyancy of objects)

Target: learn to mark the various properties of objects. Develop

cognitive activity of children in the process of conducting experiments.

Stroke: The teacher, together with the children, lowers objects made from

different materials (wooden blocks, sticks, metal

plates, paper boats). Observe what objects sink, and

which ones stay afloat.

Conclusion: not all objects float, it all depends on the material from which they are
