Nervous state in early pregnancy. Why should pregnant women not be nervous? After birth, he may show

Know why! As always, during pregnancy, the hormonal background is to blame for everything, or rather, its hurricane changes, literally taking it out of future mother soul. These hitherto unfamiliar radical mood swings make her experience not only positive emotions.

By the way, for many women, the signal of the onset of pregnancy is just:

  • unexpected tearfulness,
  • sudden onset of anxiety
  • a sudden feeling of childish helplessness (which also does not add calmness).

It is believed that it is in the first trimester that expectant mothers experience the strongest nervousness, because the female body has just begun to adapt to the recently begun, but already very rapid changes, and reacts to them, including with emotional swings.

There is nothing strange or unhealthy in this: we say “hormones” - we mean “emotions”, we say “emotions” - we mean “hormones” (may Vladimir Mayakovsky forgive me).

Which pregnant women are more prone to mood swings than others?

On early dates During pregnancy, expectant mothers who:

  1. Unnecessarily nervous in life or had neurological diseases before pregnancy.
  2. They suffer from hypochondria: they are used to worrying about their own person, and now the health of the unborn child is an inexhaustible source of anxiety.
  3. They got pregnant unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the pregnancy was not planned.
  4. They do not receive moral support from close people during pregnancy: husband, relatives, friends.
  5. Even before pregnancy, they had disorders of the endocrine system or acquired complications along this line with its onset.

Possible consequences of nervous breakdowns and tantrums during the period of bearing a child

The question of why pregnant women should not be nervous, in my opinion, makes expectant mothers even more nervous. During the period of bearing a baby, a woman has a hormonal storm in her body, and she is constantly reminded: “You can’t be nervous and cry, remember, this will harm the child, forget about your feelings, step on your throat with your emotions!”

In my opinion, such advice triggers a mechanism similar to an anecdotal one: to know the truth, drink a specially prepared potion and DO NOT THINK ABOUT A WHITE MONKEY IN ANY EVENT! It's the same with pregnancy: don't be nervous, don't be nervous, don't be nervous!

The expectant mother gets nervous involuntarily if she is constantly reminded of this. In addition, even non-pregnant people cannot keep calm all the time, except that 100% phlegmatic people succeed. Sometimes even “calm as elephants” people become furious, let alone pregnant women experiencing crazy hormonal changes. Everything is just good in moderation.

Dear pregnant future mothers! If you want to cry - cry a little, if you want to be annoyed - release your anger. Just do it consciously. Don't go to extremes. In other words, don't get hysterical, because it's really dangerous.

Yes, you have an excuse: along with all the other hormones, the release of the stress hormone cortisol also increases. But please, be aware that it is in your power to cope with negative emotions, and refrain from tantrums and nervous breakdowns.

Risk of miscarriage

In the early stages, nervous breakdowns can lead to miscarriage. A sharp release of cortisol tones the uterus and causes it to contract. This is dangerous throughout pregnancy, because at the beginning it can provoke a miscarriage, and towards the end - premature birth.

This, in fact, is the main danger of tantrums and nervous breakdowns during the bearing of a child - here lies a direct threat to the life of both the unborn baby and the expectant mother.

In addition to "incompatibility with life", there are a number of negative consequences emotional incontinence during pregnancy.

Negative impact on the psyche and development of the unborn child

Firstly, a nervous mother makes the fetus nervous, which has a detrimental effect on the formation of the child's nervous system and psyche. Correlations have already been found between maternal stress during pregnancy and the development of schizophrenia or autism in the infant.

Especially strong maternal nervousness affects the psyche of boys. Perhaps the desire to avoid such a prospect for your baby is a good antidote to the need to be nervous during pregnancy.

The threat of developing stress in the crumbs before and after birth

Secondly, even if serious mental illness in the unborn child is excluded, maternal stress during childbearing can lead to prolonged stress for the baby before and after birth.

While the baby lives in the mother's womb, he receives hormones through the general circulatory system and through the placenta of the pregnant woman. cortisol changes chemical composition blood and tissues of the placenta, which, in turn, makes it difficult for the fetus to breathe, plunges it into hypoxia and slows down development.

When the baby is born, all this hormonal cocktail received from the nervous mother continues to prevent him from living peacefully: the baby cries a lot, sleeps poorly, feeds with difficulty.

closes vicious circle stress: the mother was nervous during pregnancy - the fetus received unwanted hormones. As a result, born nervous child, he sleeps and eats poorly, which means he does not let his parents sleep. His unstable development upsets the mother - as a result, the woman does not get out of stress.

The threat of weakened immunity in the unborn baby

Thirdly, an even more distant prospect for the deterioration of the health of future sons or daughters due to the nervousness of the mother is a weakened immune system and hyperactivity, which means a painful childhood and reduced learning ability.

Factors that provoke increased nervousness during pregnancy

Constantly changing hormones

We have already described the main factor: it is an unstable hormonal background. It is hormones that are responsible for emotions, and, consequently, for mood, and not only in pregnant women, but all this affects future mothers more strongly.

And here it remains only to get used to the idea that the body is now pregnant, which means that emotions can change, because the endocrine system is being rebuilt, and all this happens inside me as a pregnant woman. This factor is internal.

There are, however, some reasons that can change a woman's mood from the outside (and again, not only in pregnant women, but in them it is somehow more noticeable).

weather sensitivity

It is clear that this sensitivity itself is also an internal and completely hormone-dependent factor, but it is provoked by weather changes: when it rains, you want to cry, the wind increases anxiety, temperature drops - headache and melancholy, the sun - quiet happiness.

Or vice versa, anger: I, the unfortunate pot-bellied one, am suffering here, and this “yellow muzzle” has crawled out again!

Lunar cycle

Since ancient times, it has been known that the menstrual cycle is connected with the moon, because blood is a liquid, and all the tides on earth are controlled by the moon. In pregnant women, of course, menstruation stops, but, firstly, the body still “remembers” about these cycles for about the entire first trimester.

And, secondly, the womb of a pregnant woman is filled with all sorts of additional water like amniotic fluid, plus the volumes of blood, lymph and intercellular fluid increase, so that the moon has something to control in the pregnant body. And when there are ebb and flow inside, the mood will inevitably begin to change, if only because of changes in well-being.

Psychological atmosphere around a pregnant woman

Well, here we are talking about well-known things such as support for the father of the child, the parents of the pregnant woman, her various relatives and friends, girlfriends ... When all this is there, the pregnant woman feels that she and the baby are loved, there is somehow more peace in the soul.

Although here, too, the medal has two sides: I have repeatedly heard complaints from young mothers that after the birth of a child, everything has changed, the husband and other relatives concentrate on the offspring, and she, the poor thing, no longer gets as much care as she did during pregnancy. So too good is also bad.

unexpected pregnancy

I really don’t want to mention such a reason for the hysteria of the expectant mother, but, nevertheless, it exists: the pregnancy was not desired. Awareness of the "unplanned" position, coupled with an unstable hormonal background, increases the nervousness of a pregnant woman and can lead to nervous breakdowns.

How to learn not to be nervous during pregnancy?

It's pretty easy to do this.

  1. If possible, do what the pregnant body wants: eat, drink, sleep, walk. If the body only wants to lie down and eat, turn on the brain and take yourself for a walk.
  2. Seeing the right doctor, listening to him and following the recommendations: among other things, it is calming. In addition, the doctor knows well that one should not be nervous during pregnancy, and will decide what to do in a pinch: he will prescribe a sedative.
  3. Attend classes for pregnant women - gymnastics, swimming, a bath (unless, of course, all this is not contraindicated due to the characteristics of your pregnancy). Confident care for yourself and your unborn child also gives peace of mind.
  4. Take care not only about the body, but also about the soul: read interesting books, specialized publications for future parents, study your pregnancy. If you are a working pregnant woman and love your job, work for your health, this is an excellent prevention of intellectual stagnation.
  5. And finally, one more piece of advice. It is harsh, but often works, so this simple method is actively used in sports. If you can’t calm down in any way, and you are literally sausage, think about the child and say to yourself: “Come on, pull yourself together, rag!”

Hormonal changes affect every aspect of a pregnant woman's life. An increase in estrogen and progesterone leads not only to physiological changes, but also to psycho-emotional ones. So, irritability during pregnancy is considered a normal psychological manifestation and often indicates a lack of certain trace elements and vitamins.

When and how does irritability occur during pregnancy?

Immediately after conception, the female body begins to rebuild in order to create comfortable conditions for the embryo inside the womb in order to successfully preserve and bear the fetus. A pregnant woman begins to feel completely different. Taste preferences change, the sense of smell becomes aggravated, some irascibility and tearfulness are possible.

Irritability during pregnancy rarely occurs in the early stages, more often some psychological instability is observed in the second trimester and before childbirth. The reasons for this condition are due to several factors:

  1. Significant production of progesterone is the main cause of irritability. It can be seen that before the onset of menstruation, a woman is always somewhat quick-tempered, respectively, during pregnancy, progesterone also increases significantly, which leads to more nervousness.
  2. Increased physical and emotional stress, together with a change in hormonal levels, accumulate irritability when a pregnant woman has too much trouble not only at home, but also at work.
  3. The psychological component is that a woman during the period of bearing a child is very vulnerable, she needs to feel the warmth and care of her loved ones. Many pregnant women experience fear of childbirth and future motherhood, so the appearance of some nervousness is quite natural.
In the third trimester, strong irritability is not desirable, since at this stage the child develops nervous system. Emotional upheavals and instability threaten the normal development of the fetus, which will lead to hypoxia, oxygen starvation, or even premature birth.

Poor mental health and mood swings later dates should be more or less controlled. If everything annoys a woman, then it is better to consult a doctor for advice, perhaps the gynecologist will consider it necessary to prescribe light sedatives that will not harm the baby.

Why is my husband annoying during pregnancy?

The closest people most often suffer from the irritability of a pregnant woman, since it is easier to scream and flare up at relatives. The spouse during this period is not easy, since almost all 9 months will have to endure the mood swings of his second half.

Many women complain that their husband is very annoying during pregnancy. The reasons for this phenomenon are not only in hormonal changes, but also in the psychological component. There is an opinion that nervousness in a woman occurs on subconscious level. Thus, a pregnant woman tries to prepare a man for possible problems and quarrels in the future, after the birth of a child, when there will be sleepless nights or an emergency situation arises.
Irritation during pregnancy can and should be controlled, since it has long been proven that negative emotions adversely affect the intrauterine development of the fetus. The baby needs positive energy, a sense of security and all-encompassing love.

Doctors recommend trying as little as possible to get tired and learn to relax. This can be helped by doing what you love, a hobby that makes you concentrate, driving away negative thoughts. Yoga, fitness, or swimming will not only help you stay physically active, but will also raise your levels of serotonin, the hormone of happiness.

Many psychologists believe that drawing reduces irritability and calms. If a woman is deprived of artistic abilities, then you can use anti-stress coloring pages with small drawings.

Among medications, doctors often resort to prescribing B vitamins and magnesium B6, which stimulate the functioning of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system. At the same time, the daily diet can be varied with walnuts, spinach, tomatoes and fish dishes. Strong nervousness is helped to reduce herbal teas with lemon balm or chamomile. Before use folk remedies it is better to consult a gynecologist so as not to harm the child.

Of course, men think that the process of waiting for a baby for a future mother is a carefree happy time, but they do not even suspect how many emotions a woman experiences every second. The health issues of the developing fetus, changes in the body and of course the constantly jumping hormonal levels do not pass without a trace. All this and much more is reflected in the expectant mother, as a result, it all manifests itself in irritability, apathy and frequent mood swings. Let's talk in our article about how you can deal with this or at least suppress their manifestation.

Scientists single out the first and second trimesters as the sharpest peaks of pregnant irritability.

If we talk about the general features and causes of irritability, scientists distinguish:
physical changes;
Hormonal changes.
The expectant mother is emotionally thrown from side to side regularly, and as a rule she breaks down on the closest to those who are always at hand.

In order to overcome this condition, try to independently identify the cause of this and as soon as you begin to notice that the situation is heating up, immediately begin to move away from the conflict (although pregnant women explode instantly).

Irritability and apathy are also one of the primary signs of pregnancy, they begin to appear even when the expectant mother is still probably not even aware of her condition.

Causes of irritability in the early stages

So, understanding the causes of women's irritability during pregnancy, let's remember the hormone progesterone, which we have talked about many times in our articles. The hormone progesterone begins to be produced from the very moment of fertilization of the egg, dramatically affecting the hormonal background of a woman and causing some changes not only with the body, but also with the body. But its importance is also very significant during the period of fetal development and even for the period of conception, this female hormone is extremely important for successful conception.

So it is precisely the influence of this hormone that has such a strong effect on the psycho-emotional imbalance of the expectant mother. Although in fact, usually women are looking for superficial reasons without understanding what lies at the basis. Speaking superficially, the reasons can be attributed to:
Harsh and unpleasant sounds;
And here it is worth noting that, having received a reason, for example, in the morning, a woman can react with irritability to her only in the evening, when there is a sufficient audience of loved ones nearby. IN this moment scientists came to the conclusion that the causes of irritability during pregnancy are laid down by nature. As it turned out, in this way, the expectant mother first of all sets herself and her partner up for the upcoming difficulties and sleepless nights, and even more interesting is the fact that the fathers whose wives' pregnancy went smoothly more often than the prepared ones leave the family during a period of difficulties.

Irritability in the third trimester

If we talk about pregnancy in general, then for the expectant mother this is a time of reassessment of values, then what once seemed completely meaningless will now cause awe in the heart and even a drop of lack of attention can fall into a big tantrum. This is especially true of the third trimester of pregnancy, when the long-awaited meeting with your baby will take place very soon.

The third trimester is a time of intense anticipation and increased anxiety, because a new life is already fully formed inside you.

The state of irritability in late pregnancy is aggravated by the fact that physiological changes by this time have also become very noticeable:
Firstly, it is a grown belly;
Secondly, an enlarged uterus;
Also, the state of fatigue by the third trimester will be as high as possible;
Insomnia also exacerbates the situation (it becomes difficult to sleep not only because of the stomach, but also a lack of oxygen);
Concern about the imminent arrival of the baby.

All this in the aggregate, of course, results not only in a state of apathy, but also constant irritability, both from lack of sleep and from various thoughts and information that you now perceive even closer to your heart.

How to deal with irritability during pregnancy

We have already found out that the main cause of irritability during pregnancy is hormonal changes, of course, it is impossible to fight hormones. But if you start to take care of yourself a little, you can learn to control yourself and significantly reduce outbursts of irritability during pregnancy. The most important way in the fight against excessive irritability will be the first step - to find something that calms you and gives you pleasure. Your hobbies or generally accepted ways to calm down can come to the rescue here, for example:
Yoga for pregnant women is a great way to relieve stress and keep your body in good shape;
Meditations and mantras;
Classical music;
Dancing in front of a mirror (may seem funny, but it's a great stress reliever);
Relaxing shower;
Walks in the open air;
Warm tea with sweets.

This is not the whole list of what can relax you, and it is even quite possible that, on the contrary, something from this list annoys you, but the main thing here is to find what suits you and gives you pleasure. It is also important to note that you just need to get away from conflicts in every possible way avoiding them, as soon as you feel that it starts to cover you, for example, you can go to the shower and stand under warm water until you feel relaxed or go out for a few minutes to walk.

How can a man deal with the irritability of a pregnant woman

This question worries many future fathers because it is they who constantly fall under a hot frying pan. Probably, the word fight is not appropriate here.

You don’t need to fight this, but rather accept the fact that your wife is now like a glass vessel, but periodically like a kettle on the verge of boiling, so you just need to become more sensitive to the condition and differences of your woman, because it is she who has been wearing your general for nine months. a miracle in her heart and with her body, many changes are happening.

Try to move away from conflicts and at any outbreak, talk about how you love and appreciate her.

Your participation in the development of the baby is also important, go to clinics with her and communicate with her belly, in a word, don’t let the thought in her head for a second that there is something more important for you than the future child and wife. But there is a fine line to madness, it lies in the fact that your woman does not start twisting ropes out of you, remember that she is still an adult and reasonable person. During the time, put it in its place and indulge only those whims that seem adequate to you.

Calmness is a prerequisite for a future mother, and nervousness during pregnancy is extremely adverse event. However, as practice shows, every pregnant woman has plenty of reasons to worry, and it can be very difficult to keep an emotional balance and a positive attitude.

It is especially difficult to keep your emotions for those of the expectant mothers who were previously prone to mood swings. In addition, women who have previously experienced a miscarriage or the birth of a dead child experience great emotional stress. Strong nervousness is present if pregnancy is undesirable for the woman herself. Women with a strong character, inclined to lead, often perceive their pregnancy as a weakness, and forced dependence on others becomes an extra reason for them to worry or worry.

However, whatever causes anxiety and anxiety, it is extremely important to get rid of them. An even mood in this position is very important not only for the woman herself and the fetus, but also for the proper development and well-being of the child after birth. It has been proven that if the mother was nervous and worried too much while still pregnant, the child subsequently is restless, sleeps poorly, and is prone to mood swings “for no reason”. It can be very difficult for such children to adapt to any changes. In addition, scientists have found that there is a direct relationship between the emotional state of a pregnant woman and the weight of her child. It is not uncommon for children to be born with a lack of weight precisely because of the nervousness of the mother during pregnancy. Maternal depression significantly increases the risk of developing asthma in a child.

It is especially important to pay attention to suppressing nervousness in the second half of pregnancy, when the baby's nervous system is actively developing, and he becomes very sensitive to mom's anxiety. If during this period the mother experiences severe stress and shock, the harm to the child can be very great, up to the development of hypoxia.

Even while realizing all the risks and understanding how important it is to remain calm, a pregnant woman often cannot cope with herself. This is due, in part, to hormonal changes in the body, due to which the reaction to quite normal events can be truly unpredictable. The expectant mother may burst into tears for no apparent reason, raise her voice, be aggressive.

Patience and understanding of close people who should be able to listen to the expectant mother and create an appropriate atmosphere for her can help in such a situation. Good for overcoming nervousness watching positive films, pleasant music, aromatherapy, walks in the fresh air. Gentle sedatives are recommended to be used no earlier than 16 weeks. Usually, expectant mothers manage with such means as valerian and motherwort decoction. On the recommendation of a doctor, magnesium-containing preparations, glycine can be used. In no case should you take any funds at your own discretion: it can be dangerous for the child.

Sometimes women experience real nervous breakdowns during pregnancy - in such a situation, the pregnant woman quickly gets tired, loses the ability to concentrate, her sleep and heart rhythm are disturbed, severe anxiety and headache appear. This condition requires the intervention of a specialist. To avoid such cases, a pregnant woman should accustom herself to relax - albeit not for long, but completely abandon all problems and focus exclusively on pleasant things. To achieve complete relaxation, there are various breathing exercises Such exercises help to restore the psychological mood and calm, saturate the blood with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the child and improves the health of the future mother.

In most cases, nervousness during pregnancy is easy to overcome - and the expectant mother has every chance to quickly get rid of such a problem. Concentrate on the positive, think not only about yourself, because you have such a joyful event ahead of you. Be happy and healthy!
