New Year's time travel script youth. Scenario of the New Year's play "Time Travel"

Scenario New Year's performance
for children 5-7 years old
Musical director: Pototskaya Tatyana Valerievna
Art. Giaginskaya
Participants of the show:
Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Nehochuha, Host - adults.
Tiger cub - boy 5 years old
Snowflakes - girls 5 years old
Savages - boys 6-7 years old
Goldfish - girls 6-7 years old
Sand grains - girls 6-7 years old
Host: Our dear guests!
We hasten to congratulate everyone!
May they come in the coming year
Good luck and success to you!
Let for everyone good people,
Not afraid of worries
It will not just be NEW,
Children enter the hall to the soundtrack of any New Year's song, perform a simple mass dance.
1 child: Again, blizzards and blizzards came to us today,
They put white hats on birch and spruce.
There was a lot of snow. Can't be seen around the earth.
If it snows together, it means soon - New Year!
2 child: A pretty Christmas tree was brought to our house.
Needle to needle on a forest dress!
3 child: Look at the Christmas tree, how smart, good!
The Christmas tree combed her bangs, dressed up slowly!
They hung lanterns, balls on the branches,
Monkey - a cap in a box. And a lot of tinsel!
4 child: Everyone rushes to the Christmas tree for the holiday,
And quiet and prankster
Waiting for Santa Claus
Will bring gifts!
5 child: Dances, music and songs!
Are there any better holidays?
Jokes, laughter, a mountain of inventions!
The tree is waiting for its guests!
Round dance "NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY"
Presenter: Guys, guests, adults!
Happy New Year!
It's just amazing why Santa Claus hasn't come yet! Let's call him together!

Presenter: Apparently someone did not shout,
Looks like someone was talking!
They call again.
Instead of Santa Claus, Nekhochukha runs in.
Song of Nehochuhi:
- I am Nehochuha, I am Nehochuha! I do not want anything!
Do not invite, because I go everywhere myself!
I'll conjure, I'll ruin everything! The holiday will not come to you!
Well, who wants, well, who wants without Frost New Year!
- Oh, look at them, sit down, celebrate! Santa Claus is waiting, oh I can’t!
Well, wait, wait! He will not come! I bewitched him!
Presenter: How fashionable to bewitch Santa Claus? After all, he is a magician!
Nehochuha: Oh, so you still don't believe me? Well, everything! Now me and you all
I will bewitch!
Presenter: And nothing will work for you, Nehochuha!
Children, let's show Nehochuha how we can laugh!
Nehochukha: But it’s not true that all your children are funny! There is a little tiger cub sitting under the Christmas tree and crying. (laughs, runs away)
Presenter: Guys, the Tiger cub is really crying. What's up with him
It happened?
Host: So you missed your jungle? I think our
Santa Claus will help you! Children, let's call him again!
All: Santa Claus! Come soon!
Many children are waiting for you at the holiday!
D.M.: Hi guys, girls and boys!
I went through storms and snowstorms to achieve my goal!
And I thought of one thing - I dreamed of getting to you for a long time!
And the desired hour has come! I am very glad to see you!
Come on, mischievous people, who will sing me a song?
Presenter: Thank you, D.M., for hearing us, coming to visit us! We
You were very much expected! You are a magician! Help us!
DM: I see something happened to you!
Presenter: Nekhochuha came running, she wanted to bewitch the children so that they would not
laughed, but only cried. But she didn't succeed.
Only now the little Tiger Cub is crying!
D.M.: Children, maybe it was you who offended him? Why is he crying? Home,
wants to go to the jungle? Don't cry, Tiger cub, I just have a ticket to
warm countries. And so that you are not bored, all the guys will go with you
(Conjures, the ticket gets big)
Presenter: Here we are in a hot country! For some reason, no one is here.
Let's stomp and clap, maybe someone will appear.
Host: What fun! But do they have Santa Claus?
(asks the children, it turns out that Grandfather JAR lives in hot countries, who also plays with children and brings
(Give out one snowball to the children)
Presenter: Well then, let's call D.Zh. to us for the holiday.
All: Father Heat! Come soon!
Many children are waiting for you at the holiday!
Presenter: Our D.Zh. got into trouble. While the savages have run away, let's help
To him! We happened to have a bag of snowballs. If you throw snowballs at the fire, they will melt and cover the fire.
Grandfather Zhar: Thank you kind people!
Who you are? Where did they come from?
Host: (Explains the situation)
Grandfather Zhar: Well, I can help, I'm burning!
There, behind the palm tree, we have the sea ...
There is no snow - on the contrary ...
Let's dance under the palm tree!
Round dance "THIS IS A PALM"
A roar is heard, Nehochuha runs out, followed by savages.
Santa Claus: What happened, who are you?
Nehochuha: I am a great sorceress! Now I'll bewitch everyone!
Grandfather Zhar: Why didn’t you enchant our savages?
Nehochukha: I forgot all the magic words from fear. Well, now I
I will enchant your snowflakes.
Snowflakes dance the traditional "DANCE OF SNOWFLAKES".
Nehochuha: Abra-kadabra, sibbi-dobi!
Turn snowflakes into water!
Host: Oh, what will happen now?
Grandfather Zhar: And that's what!
Abra cadabra, palm trees, boots!
Turn snowflakes into grains of sand!
Dance of grains of sand "MAMBA"
Nehochuha: Well, think about it, it didn’t work out a little! Anyway, I'm your holiday
I'll ruin it! I will cast the most evil spell on you!
Grandfather Zhar: And what do you think we can't handle?
Nehochuha: In order for my sorcery to lose its power, I must say three times
WANT! Just don't make me!
Grandfather Zhar: And we are not going to force. We will play, and you, if you want,
also stand in a circle.
I don't want to: I don't want to!!!
Grandfather Zhar: Well, no need, we can do without you!
The game "IF YOU HAVE FUN ..." (after the first figure, NIHOCHUKHA shouts: "I WANT to play too") Grandfather Fever: Something got me hot. Give some water to drink. (drinks from a glass).
Thank you. But one glass is not enough for me, give me a bucket.
(Comes out Gold fish)
Golden Fish: Let me go, Father Zhar, back to the blue sea, I will do it
whatever you wish.
Grandfather Zhar: Oh, yes, this is the Golden Fish that got into the bucket ...
Nehochuha: And I WANT the fish to dance.
Golden Fish: Although you are not Santa Claus, but once you said I WANT - please!
Dance of the GOLDEN FISH.
Grandfather Zhar: And now guess my riddles!
I don't want to, will you guess?
I don't want to: I don't want to!!!
Grandfather Zhar: Well, no need! And the guys guess!
What kind of stars are carved on the coat and on the scarf?
All through, lace, and take it - water in your hand?
Nehochuha: Snowflakes!
Grandfather Zhar: You didn't want to guess!
Nehochuha: And now I WANT!
Santa Claus: Continue!
Boards and legs run along the path! (skis).
It is prickly, like a hedgehog, always in the same outfit.
And the New Year will come to us - the guys will be happy! (Christmas tree).
Grandfather Zhar: So you are left without your harmful magic, three times
said I WANT!
The bad girl is crying.
Santa Claus: Don't cry! Look how fun the guys are celebrating the New Year!
Nehochuha: And I want to play with the children too! I even have balls for this
Stocked up! Let's play jumpers!!!
The game "WHO IS FASTER AROUND THE PALM" (on fitballs).
Grandfather Zhar: It's time for you to return to your Giaginskaya, Grandfather
The frost has been waiting for you, and your Tiger-child has cheered up.
And at parting, let's dance my favorite dance!
DM: Welcome! How was your trip? I hope not with you
Did anything bad happen?
And our holiday continues!
Nehochuha: Grandfather Frost, what a beautiful Christmas tree you brought to the guys
V kindergarten! How many toys and decorations are on it. I want
so that it sparkles with different lights!
D.M.: Wow! Nehochukha flew to Africa, but WANTED to fly in!
Presenter: Grandfather Frost, we are all looking forward to when our Christmas tree will sparkle.
D.M.: Let's all say the magic words together!
- One, two, three - Christmas tree burn!
Children repeat the words three times.
D.M .: The whole Christmas tree is shining, glowing with lights!
Music plays loudly, invites us to a round dance!
Round dance around the Christmas tree.
Games with Santa Claus.
Poems for Santa Claus.
Round dance "Little Christmas tree"
D.M .: I say goodbye to the round dance, I congratulate you on the New Year!
And, of course, as always, on New Year's Eve, get ... get ....
Where is my bag?
D.M.: Hello! Airport! For us luggage? New Year's bag with snowflakes?
Oh, with gifts! Yes, it's probably us! Guys, what is the address of your kindergarten? When to expect? Already picked up? Nehochuha drags the bag, followed by Ded Zhar.
Grandfather Zhar: Well, I couldn’t sit at home on such a holiday, I decided to bring it too
gifts for you...
DED Moroz and Ded ZHAR distribute gifts each from his bag, Nehochuha helps them.

Actors and performers:

Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Bulgarians (2 people)
Germans (2 people)
Khazar Jews (2 people)
Greeks (2 people)
court lady

On stage, an inventor. She is passionate about doing something. Musical beat. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter.

Father Frost(very solemn)
Who knocks on my door
With a bag of presents on your back?
Who's bringing the Christmas tree to us?
With whom does the New Year come?

The inventor pays no attention to the visitors. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are at a loss.

Father Frost: And who came to you? Who brought gifts for such a cute girl?

Inventor(without turning around, waves his hand away): Leave me alone, I have no time to be distracted by all sorts of nonsense. My time machine won't start!

Father Frost: Glu…Glu…Nonsense? Snow Maiden, I'm sick! I feel bad!

The Snow Maiden waves at Grandfather, bustles around him.

Snow Maiden: Girl, do you know who we are?

Inventor: I know I know. You are this, whatever it is, Snow Maiden. And the old man is your ancestor, that is, grandfather. But I really don't have time. And I, by the way, am not just a girl, but a laureate of the young programmers contest. You see, I invented a time machine. But she doesn't want to work.

Father Frost: Time machine you say? What is she doing, your car?

Inventor: In fact, a time machine should take a person into the past or into the future. But this, of course, is impossible. These are fairy tales, like you.

Snow Maiden: How are we a fairy tale?

Inventor: Well, the real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. You are not real, but simply mummers. From some company. Here is my fake time machine. In fact, this is just my website on the Internet, so it is called, in which you can find out everything about historical events and figures. Only it won't start.

Father Frost: So you don't believe we're real?

Inventor: What do you think I look like underdeveloped?

Father Frost: Do you want me to prove it to you?

Inventor: How is that? Will you sneak gifts under the Christmas tree?

Father Frost: I will make your site become a real time machine and take us to the distant past!

Inventor: You're kidding, right?

Father Frost: Do not believe? Well look!

Musical beat. Hermes appears on the scene.

Inventor: What is this? Who is this? Where I am? Where is my room? Where are we?

Hermes: Welcome to Olympus!

Inventor: Where?

Hermes: Listen, buddy, who did you bring me this time? She doesn't even know what Olympus is?

The guys tell the Inventor what Olympus is.

Inventor: Santa Claus, how does he know you?

Father Frost: I have always existed, even in Ancient Greece. After all, the New Year is a holiday associated with time. And people even in the most ancient times tried to understand - what is time? Why can't the past be brought back? How to predict the future? And I - I am the embodiment of people's thoughts about time. It's clear?

Inventor: Y...yes. That is, no. And who is he, what is he doing on Olympus?

Snow Maiden: Let me introduce Hermes, god of trade and commerce, patron of merchants, business people, as well as scammers and rogues.

Hermes: Come on, don't give away all my secrets. Especially since you got to the feast. Today is the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. And since you are guests, you can take pride of place at the table of Zeus.

Enter Zeus, Hera, Athena and Aphrodite.

Zeus: ABOUT! It's time to visit us! And who are your wonderful companions?

Father Frost: This is my granddaughter and assistant. And this is a guest from the far, far future.

Zeus: Now it's time for me to introduce the inhabitants of Olympus. With Hermes, as I understand it, you have already met? This is my wife Hera, queen of the gods. This is my daughter Athena. And this is Aphrodite.

Inventor: Very nice.

Gera: Let's continue our feast! Ambrosia and nectar are delicious like never before! By the way, my great husband forgot to say that I am the goddess of the air, the patroness of family and marriage.

Athena: Oh, mother, this is of little interest to anyone. I am, by the way, the goddess of just war and victory, as well as wisdom, knowledge, arts and crafts.

Gera: Don't you dare call me mother! First of all, I didn't give birth to you! Secondly, you don't have any mother at all! Thirdly, I am too young to have such an adult daughter!

Zeus: How tired I am of these arguments! By the way, here's a riddle for you, a guest from the future: how did Athena come into the world if she really doesn't have a mother?

Inventor: I don't know... Maybe someone can tell me?

The audience is suggesting.

Aphrodite: I think everyone forgot that there is another goddess at this table. And I, by the way, the goddess of beauty and love!

Zeus: So, the third connected ...

Hermes runs.

Hermes: Zeus! Zeus! Trouble for us! Woe to us!

Zeus: Well, what else is there?

Hermes: We forgot to send the invitation to the Eris feast! She showed up unannounced! She is furious!

Inventor: Who is this Eris?

Father Frost: Eris - goddess of discord! Where she is, there are quarrels and squabbles!

Inventor: Yes, you can't hate this one! I imagine what kind of disassembly will now begin.

Eris appears on stage to the sound of thunderous music.

Eris: Are you feasting? Bon appetit!

Zeus: I... We... Thank you...

Eris: Please! Ah, everything is here! The whole color of Olympus! Thief Hermes! Damn Hera! Manly Athena! And even Aphrodite, as I see it, crawled out of her bubble bath?

All those named are indignant, each in their own way, arranging a hubbub.

Gera: Zeus, how can you sit still when your wife is insulted? Are you the king of the gods or not?

Zeus: Listen, Eris, am I a king or not a king? Ugh, I wanted to say that I am the king of the gods and I will not let you call my guests names! I will demote you to death! I'll drive you from Olympus! Be silent!

Eris(pretends to be very frightened): Oh, forgive me, king! I've already recovered! I take back all my words! Your guests, and especially the guests, are wonderful! I will even make one of them, the most beautiful, a gift! See this apple? It was stolen by Hercules in the gardens of the Hesperides. I will write on it only the word "most beautiful" - and I will throw it on your table. Let the most beautiful of the goddesses take it! And I - I'm leaving!

Eris disappears with a laugh. Hera, Athena and Aphrodite rush for an apple. A small dump is formed.

Zeus: Stop it! I'm ashamed of you in front of the guests!

Gera: Then tell these sassy guys that the apple is mine. I am the queen of the gods! I am your wife! Is it not clear to every mortal and immortal that Zeus married the most beautiful!

Athena: Daddy, tell your wife and Aphrodite that the apple should rightfully be mine! I am your daughter! I'm like you! How can I not be the most beautiful in the world?

Aphrodite: Oh great Zeus! I bring people love and beauty! Take away your quarrelsome relatives and give me the apple!

Goddesses sort things out among themselves.

Hermes: Oh Zeus! You must urgently give one of them an apple, otherwise it will be bad for all of us here!

Zeus: And if I give an apple to one, then the other two will bring me to death! No thanks! Take all three beauties, grab our guests, don't forget the apple, and go down to earth! Find some mortal there, let him decide who to give this damned fruit to! And I urgently need a rest - my immortal head ached from this scream as if a second Athena would emerge from it!

Hermes(grabs an apple): Everyone is behind me! Let a mortal decide which of you is the fairest.

Everyone leaves. Paris appears tending sheep. Suddenly, Hermes, three goddesses, Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and the Inventor appear in front of him.

Hermes: What is your name, mortal?

Paris: Paris. And why did you scare the sheep to me? You will now fly away to your Olympus, and gather sheep for me here?

Hermes: Listen, we have important business. You see, Zeus told you to take this apple and give it to the most beautiful of the three goddesses.

Gera: Oh, Paris, if you give me the apple, I will give you power over people.

Paris: Power? Well, that's good, that's good...

Athena: Take your time, Paris, look at me. If you give the apple to me, you will be famous for your military success and no one can defeat you!

Paris: Hmm, well, it turns out to be a judge at a beauty contest!

Aphrodite: Paris, I want to introduce you to someone!

Helena comes out to the music.

Paris: Who is this? I have never seen such a beauty among us mortals!

Aphrodite: Don't be afraid, come to her!

Paris: What is your name, O miracle of beauty!

Elena: My name is Elena, Elena the Beautiful! But how dare you, shepherd, so easily address me, a person of royal blood! Wow, sheep! What a terrible smell! And in general, move away, you block the sun for me!

Paris moves away, saddened.

Aphrodite: Well, how did you like Elena?

Paris: Oh yes, she is really beautiful! But so arrogant, arrogant ...

Aphrodite: Would you like Elena, the most beautiful of earthly women, to love you?

Paris: You're laughing at me, Aphrodite!

Aphrodite: Oh no! You forgot that I am the goddess of love. Give me the apple and Elena will love you!

Gera: Power! There is nothing stronger than power!

Athena: Don't you dream of victories?

Paris: I give the apple to the most beautiful of you - Aphrodite!

To the music, all Greeks disappear.

Inventor: wow, actually interesting place everything is over. I wonder what happened next?

Father Frost: Nothing good came of it. Here, maybe one of the guys will tell you what happened after Elena fell in love with Paris.

Guys suggest.

Father Frost: But our journey through time is not over yet! We will go to Russia, during the time of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich.

Vladimir sits sadly, surrounded by servants, in the background is a feast. Dobrynya approaches him.

Vladimir: Hello, Dobrynya, my uncle and dear friend!

Dobrynya: Let me ask you, prince... This question has not given me peace for a long time.

Vladimir: Ask!

Dobrynya: Why are you unhappy? What do you think? Your squad is strong, the borders are strong. The Russian people sing your praises, for once again you have returned peace and tranquility to them.

Vladimir: I don't believe in idols, uncle. It can be seen that the wise Greeks speak the truth: there is no more truth in them than in wooden decks. Shame on our people to worship the stumps and make sacrifices to them. We need a different faith.

Dobrynya: You wait, prince, to refuse idols. It will always work out. First, let's find out what kind of faith someone has. We have many trading guests in Kyiv - there are Mohammedans, and cunning Khazar Jews, and people of the Latin faith, and wise Greeks. Let's ask them.

Vladimir: So be it! They told the overseas merchants: if they go to Rus' another time, they would take learned people with them. Let learned men tell us about their faith. Whose love will be for us, that we will accept with all our people.

Musical beat.

Servant: Kama Bulgarians!

First Bulgarian: Hello forever and ever, Grand Duke!

Second Bulgarian: We learned that you want to accept a new faith.

First Bulgarian: You are the prince of a great people, and the true law is unknown to you. Come to your senses and serve Mohammed. There is no faith more correct than Mohammedanism.

Vladimir: What do you believe in?

Second Bulgarian: There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. Mohammed teaches us: live righteously, do not eat pork, and after death the prophet will give everyone up to seventy beautiful wives.
Vladimir: Do my merchants tell the truth that according to your faith you cannot drink wine?

First Bulgarian: Is it true.

Vladimir: Why are you silent about it? No, we do not like this kind of faith. Rus' has fun to drink, it cannot exist without it ...

The Mohammedans left with nothing, and they didn’t even have time to leave, and German Catholics had already grown up in the doorway of the gritnitsa.

Servant: Germans are Latins.

Vladimir: Well, do you drink wine?

First German: We believe in forgiveness by force. If someone drinks and someone eats, then everything is for the glory of God, as Paul taught us.

Second German: And the vicar of God on earth is the Pope of Rome, true Catholics should worship him.

Vladimir: Go home, Germans. Our fathers did not accept your faith, nor will we. We want to worship the true God, but not the Pope.

As soon as the disgraced Germans left with nothing, the already swaggering Khazar Jews enter the grid.

Servant: Khazar Jews!

The first Khazar Jew: Glad to see you, bright prince!

Second Khazar Jew: We are glad to tell you about our faith! Our faith is better than Christian!

The first Khazar Jew: Christians believe in the one whom we crucified and betrayed to shameful death on the cross.

Vladimir: Well, what do you believe, Jews?

Second Khazar Jew: In the one God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Dobrynya: What is your law?

The first Khazar Jew: Do not eat hare, do not eat pork, keep Saturday, that is, do not do any work on Saturday.

Vladimir: Almost like the Mohammedans. Well, where is your land?

Second Khazar Jew: Our land is in Jerusalem. But our God was angry with our fathers and took our land away from us, and expelled us and scattered us throughout the world.

Vladimir: How can you, Jews, teach others if you have angered God to such an extent that he has deprived you of your land and scattered you into foreign countries? Get out and don't come back!

Musical beat. The Greek embassy enters.

Servant: Greeks from Constantinople!

Vladimir: What do you Greeks believe in?

First Greek: We believe in one God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten…

Vladimir: The Jews told me: the Greeks, they say, believe in the one whom they crucified on the cross and betrayed to a shameful death. Is this true? Is it conceivable that the almighty God would allow the Jews to crucify himself, for he would have wanted to and with one glance turned his executioners into ashes?

Second Greek: We truly believe in Him, for so the prophets also taught: one, as our Lord is destined to be born, and others - that He will be crucified and buried, and on the third day rise and ascend into heaven. They betrayed such prophets to be beaten, but all the same, according to their prophecy, it came true. Jesus resurrected and ascended into heaven to his Father. They wanted to betray Him to shame, but this served only to His great glory.

Vladimir: I learned from you about what happened. Now tell me what will happen. Do you know about it?

First Greek: The Lord set one day when He will come with glory to judge the living and the dead, and there will be no end to His Kingdom. He will reward all those who have lived and are living according to their deeds, and the righteous will be sent to paradise, and the sinners will be doomed to eternal torment.

Second Greek: Look, here is the judgment seat of the Lord. The Lord Almighty sits on the throne. By right hand in great joy the righteous go to paradise, on the left hand, with weeping and groaning, sinners march into eternal torment.

Vladimir: I would like my people to be with those on the right, and not with those on the left.

First Greek: If you want to be with the righteous, then be baptized.

Musical beat.

Inventor: And I know what piece of history we have just seen. It was Vladimir who chose the religion for Rus'.

Snow Maiden: And let's ask the guys what nickname Prince Vladimir had.

The guys answer.

Father Frost: Did you like Kievan Rus?

Inventor: Liked. Where are we going now? To another country, or will we stay in Russia?

Father Frost: We will stay in Russia. And we will find ourselves in a time when Russia was ruled by the daughter of Peter I, Elizaveta Petrovna ...

Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and the Inventor end up in Elizabeth's palace. The court lady enters, says something, notices those present.

Lady: So, the mummers have already complained. Somehow I don’t recognize your faces, but the costumes are not bad, in folk style. Only you, my lady, look somehow incomprehensible ... However, I have no time, mother Elizaveta Petrovna ordered me to make sure that our ball was a success ...

The lady runs away.

Inventor: Interestingly, in honor of what they have a ball today? I'll ask that girl over there, she's heading straight for us.

Catherine enters.

Inventor: Hello, could you please tell us...

Catherine(with an accent): Excuse me, I speak poor Russian. I understand darns, goforite more slowly.

Inventor(toward Santa Claus): Well, they ran into some foreigner. (Tries to speak slowly and loudly). Tell me, please, what holiday is today? In honor of what is the ball today?

Catherine: Oh, today there is a ball in honor of Christmas! It will be a lot of fun! But my aunt is zofet me, I must hurry!

Ekaterina leaves, a lady approaches the Inventor and bows.

Lady: I'm sorry, I don't recognize you, but now I see that you are a very important person. Are these your servants?

Inventor: They are not servants. And where did you get the idea that I'm an important person?

Lady: Oh, I saw with whom you were talking so nicely here.

Inventor: Are you talking about this foreign girl? Who ran away to her aunt?

Lady: Girl? Foreign? To Aunt? Oh, every liberty has its limits! Even at a Christmas masquerade ball, you can’t talk like that about the highest persons!

Inventor: What is she the highest person, if she is not higher than me?

Lady: This girl is Grand Duchess Ekaterina, and her aunt is our queen mother, Elizaveta Petrovna. Ah, I think my name is.

The lady runs away.

Inventor: Oh, how disgraced I am! I completely forgot that Catherine II, the great Russian Empress, was a foreigner ...

Father Frost: Yes, and she came to Russia as a girl. And Queen Elizabeth was the aunt of Catherine's husband, the future Peter III. Well, don't be upset. It seems that Catherine was not offended by you. Look who's coming here.

Enter Elizabeth, Catherine, and a Lady.

Elizabeth: Is everything ready for the masquerade ball?

Lady: Everything, Your Majesty!

Elizabeth: Oh, dear Katenka, how much I love fun, balls, dances. So I came up with the idea of ​​​​celebrating Christmas with a masquerade ball, to please myself and you. And then you are bored, I suppose, in our cold Russia.

Catherine: Oh, what are you talking about, auntie! Sofsem I don't get bored! I fell in love with Russia with all my heart. And the Russian language is happy to study, although it is very difficult!

Elizabeth: You, Katenka, well done, you will be of good use. But business time - fun hour. Let's see who invented what costume for our masquerade. And for the next ball, I will tell the ladies to wear men's suits, because such a suit really suits me! Let the mummers come in!

As the lady names the participants in the ball, all the actors of the performance enter and bow to Elizabeth and Catherine.

Lady: Gods and heroes of Ancient Greece…Prince Vladimir and his uncle Dobrynya with his servant… Bulgarian ambassadors…German ambassadors…Embassy from Khazar Jews…Greek embassy…Guest from the future…Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Elizabeth: Well, your costumes are great! And Santa Claus is here, to the right place, at the Christmas ball. And where Santa Claus is, there are gifts! Grant everyone, Santa Claus, both small and old, and ancient and future ...

Santa Claus gives gifts.

Baba Yaga's Tricks




BABA YAGA - Nechaeva N.P.

LESOVIK- Shipunova T.V.

KARABAS-Adamovich A.A.

BURATINO- Cherepanova D.A.

FATHER FROST - Tyryshkin V.S.

SNOW MAIDEN-Cherepanova D.A.

Skomorokh1 Get over here, folks.

There are many wonderful things in store for us today.

A world of magic, miracles and miracles!

Hurry - time is running out.

Skomorokh2 Come in, come in in a merry crowd,

Bring a smile and a song with you!

Our holiday will be very successful,

If you are not gloomy.

Mysterious music sounds

Skomorokh 1 Not in some realm

Not in the old days

But in our state

She happened.

Skomorokh 2 Before the New Year

One of the many schools

Such a wonderful event

We have happened.

The buffoons run away and take out the box, something clicks there, a light comes on.

Skomorokh1 Hooray! Happened! We are saved! Hooray!

Skomorokh 2 Time Machine! Real!

Skomorokh 1 Now we will roll up such a Christmas tree, which no one has ever dreamed of!

Skomorokh 2 Extraordinary! The very best! After all, we have a fabulous time machine!

Skomorokh 1 Maybe we will hold the Christmas tree not in the palace?

Skomorokh 2 Exactly! Let's go to the forest! Do you guys agree?

Skomorokh 1 Guys, do you want to go to the forest in a time machine?

Skomorokh 2 Then quickly come to us. Closer to the center!

Skomorokh 1 Close your eyes with your palms. Don't peek.

Skomorokh 2 Turn on the time machine!

Unusual music sounds. Counting down: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

The music ends.

Skomorokh 1 Open your eyes, dare!

Skomorokh 2 We are with you in the winter forest!

Skomorokh 1 And each of you has your own forest!

Skomorokh 2 Do you hear the blizzard blowing? Snowflakes flew to us along with a blizzard. Dance the dance of snowflakes.

Skomorokh 1 Is it cold in the forest, guys? And in order not to freeze here, let's play the game "Centipede"

After the game, a disgruntled guardian of the forest-Lesovik crawls out from under the tree.

Lesovik What's that noise? What's the hum? Who you are? Here I am, for example, Lesovik. I went around my possessions, and suddenly ...

Skomorokh1 And we are Skomorokhs.

Skomorokh 2 We made the Time Machine. And with her help ended up in this forest.

Lesovik Time Machine! (looks at her curiously)

Skomorokh 1 Dear Lesovichok, stay with us on our holiday.

Lesovik Yes, I won’t be able to sing or dance according to yours.

Skomorokh2 And we will quickly teach you this. Let's teach, guys, Lesovichka to dance?

Dance of Skomorokhov.

buffoons And let's invite the heroes of fairy tales through the Time Machine here, to our holiday.

Skomorokh 1 Oh how great! Who will we invite?

Skomorokh 2 And now we'll ask the guys. Guys, who would you like to invite to the Christmas tree?

Suddenly there is a whistle, crackling, hissing. The light on the car goes out. Baba Yaga bursts into the hall on a broom.

Baba Yaga Hello…Apchi! Where did I get to? Ugliness! I almost broke my neck! Apchi!

He takes out binoculars, looks around, notices the guys.

And what are you doing here?

Skomorokh 1 We are celebrating the Christmas tree.

Baba Yaga And who did you ask for permission?

Skomorokh 2 We ourselves. On the time machine...

Baba Yaga Themselves with a mustache. Call the forest commandant and his retinue to me. (Blows the whistle)

Appears Queen of Spades with a crowd of gypsies.

Baba Yaga I called the commandant!!! And what are you up to?

Gypsy So he fell ill, overeat the hare, so I'm for him.

Baba Yaga Did you ask them for permission to have a Christmas tree?

Gypsy Didn't have time, your vile Yagischestvo.

Baba Yaga Yeah, you keep having fun, you keep singing, dancing, and extorting money from forest dwellers!

Gypsy I sing, I dance, well, I extort a little.

Baba I ha Are you dancing, you say? Come on dance!!!

Gypsy dance.

Baba Yaga Ai, well done!!!

Baba Yaga Do you think my vigilance was lulled by dancing? It wasn't there!

So, if they do not have permission, I will not let you hold a holiday here. This is my territory! We will arrange our holiday here! (Blows the whistle) Hey, where are you, my true friends? Fly, run, hurry!!!

A whistle sounds. Rogue character melody. Appears, dancing, forest evil spirits.

Forest evil (in chorus) Why did you deign to call, dear? We had so much fun? Show?

Baba Yaga Well, tell me already!

Dance of the Forest.

Forest evil spirits are grouped around Baba Yaga, gesticulating, passionately discussing without words - how to send children and forests out.

Baba Yaga blows the whistle.

Council decided! (The evil spirits echo the words of Baba Yaga) If you fulfill our requirements, then we will allow you to spend a holiday here, and if not ...

Forest evil Tickle to death! Let's turn into spiders and frogs! Let's not live in peace.

Skomorokh 1 Fine. We accept your condition.

Skomorokh 2 Guys, don't let us down.

Baba Yaga Our first condition is this: we will dance, and you try to repeat all the movements after us. Let's see which one of you dances better. Maestro, music!

Dance performed in modern rhythms.

Baba Yaga (after the dance) Well, you did a good job with this task. Here is a game to try.

Volume control game

Skomorokh 1 Well, is Baba Yaga happy?

Baba Yaga Okay, stay. We are so formidable and angry in appearance. In fact, we love children very much.

Suddenly there are shouts: “Hold him! Hold him!" Pinocchio runs out. Karabas-Barabas is chasing him.

The song "Pinocchio" sounds

Pinocchio Oh oh oh! Save! Help! Karabas is chasing me!

Runs around the hall, hiding behind the children.

Karabas You won't leave, you dirty boy! I'll still get you!

The song of Karabas sounds

buffoons Run to us, Pinocchio! We won't let you get hurt!

The guys put the bandwagon, tie Karabas!

Pinocchio And I'm here, Karabas Barabas!

Karabas (tries to free himself) Ah, there you are!

Pinocchio And here is my golden key! (shows key)

Karabas Give it back, give it back to me now. This is my key, mine!

Pinocchio And that's not yours. Guys, whose key is this?

Children's screams : "Yours, Pinocchio, yours!"

Pinocchio Oh, guys, something has worsened my mood, this one tortured me ... (points to Karabas) Maybe you will dance with me?

Dance Pinocchio

Game "Gender, nose, ceiling"

Buffoon 1 He is incorrigible.

Skomorokh 2 I figured out what to do with it

Buffoon 1 What?

Skomorokh 2 He must be sent to a desert island.

Skomorokh 1 Right. Let it fix it.

Skomorokh 2 We have a time machine.

Karabas Me? For what?

Baba Yaga (referring to Carabas) Hey hey hey! Let him go! I won't let you hurt my friend. (Affectionately.) Please!

Carabas is untied.

Baba Yaga (turning to Karabas) And shame on you. It's time to stop trying to take the key away. Still, nothing will work. It’s better to play some game with the guys, but have fun with us at the holiday.

Karabas Persuaded! So be it! I will no longer offend Pinocchio! And my game will be like this. I want to check how you know foreign languages. My game is called foreign languages. And I would also like the guys to dance.

Dance of Karabasikov

Baba Yaga (claps his hands) Bravo, bravo, Karabas! But only something my legs also ask to dance.

Dance of grandmothers Yozhek.

buffoons It's time to light our Christmas tree.

Baba Yaga Now! (Conjures) One! Two! Three! Ready!

The tree does not light up.

I don't understand anything. Ah, I get it. While I was jumping and dancing with you, I lost all my magical power. Hey, you, my loyal subjects, help me light the Christmas tree!

Forest evil Once! Two! Three! Christmas tree-burn!

buffoons Nothing works for you, Baba Yaga. Guys, who will help us light the Christmas tree?

The answer of the children from the hall "Santa Claus"

buffoons Let's call him guys


Here is the Christmas tree.

And the lights are all on fire.

So the holiday is coming!

But someone is missing!

We need to call him

You have to scream out loud.

Who is louder? Here is the question!

Come on, guys ... (Santa Claus)

Hey girls, keep your nose up!

Let's shout together ... (Santa Claus)

Father Frost Hello dear viewers:

Children, teachers, parents!

We haven't seen you for a long time

Thank you for inviting us to the party.

Snow Maiden To everyone who came to us -

We will give joy.

Here we will make anyone have fun!

All participants To make it brighter here

To make it more fun-

Christmas tree, Santa Claus, light it up

Have fun guys!

Father Frost Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

green needle,

Light up different lights

Green and red.

Shine in honor of the year of the former

And the coming year!

Once! Two three!

Shine, shine, burn!

Hits with a staff. The tree lights up.

Snow Maiden In honor of the beautiful Christmas tree

We'll sing a song.

In honor of the beautiful Christmas tree

We'll go dancing.

A traditional Christmas tree song is sung.

Father Frost And now we'll play.

Who is not afraid of frost

And are you ready to fight me?

The game "Freeze" is held

Snow Maiden That's Santa Claus!

He froze everyone to tears.

Look at the guys

How icicles all stand.

Play hotter music

Invite everyone to dance!


Snow Maiden Carnival! Carnival!

I gathered everyone in the hall today.

Here are Pierrot and Pinocchio,

Karabas and Chippolino,

Here is Malvina, the Gray Wolf,

Everyone in costume knows a lot.

Hold hands, friends, take

Yes, walk to the music

The best will get a prize today

What a prize - bye surprise!

Waltz music is playing. All children move in a round dance. The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus are examining children's costumes. The most interesting costumes are given tokens to receive prizes at a designated location.

Santa Claus and all participantsSo, at the Christmas tree

No wonder we spent time:

Played, danced, sang,

And they could visit the fairy tale.

Happy New Year to you, friends!

Happy New Year!

Good luck! Happiness! Health to everyone!

Happy winter holidays!!!

A round birthday date is an occasion to fulfill a cherished dream and go on a trip, and if it is in this moment impossible, then arrange a holiday for yourself on the theme of travel and, as it should, have fun. To organize such a festive trip, you will need: a pleasant company of guests - "fellow travelers", a delicious feast, music and a good one on the topic. We offer one of options - Scenario of the anniversary of the man "Time Travel", it includes both active and table entertainment, which all end with congratulations, toasts or joke gifts to the hero of the day, which makes it possible to give him a lot of attention.

The musical arrangement is attached in separate folders at the end of the scenario.

Scenario of the anniversary "Time travel"

While the guests are gathering Track 1, 2, 3 sounds in the background. The music stops. Out, leading. Track 4 starts playing in the background.

Presenter: Good evening, Dear guests! I am glad to welcome you here in this cozy hall. Today is an unusual day! We have gathered with you to congratulate ... So, stop! Not this way. (music cuts off abruptly).

Track 5 starts playing in the background.

Presenter: Ladies and Gentlemen! (pauses). Stop, what gentlemen, what ladies? (music cuts off abruptly). Not at the ball, after all, and not at the opera house. Sorry. Double three.

Presenter: Hi all! Friends, turn around! Inhale deeply. Feel the aroma of the holiday, fun and good mood. Look at each other and find the eyes of the happiest, youngest, most beautiful man ___________! (name of the hero of the day). Loud starts to sound Track 6. These eyes radiate so much energy, so much positive and kindness. Let's give him a big round of applause and shout "Congratulations!" loudly. The music stops.

Presenter: Love, attention and care. Here are the main companions in life ______ (name of the hero of the day). After all, the most important thing is neither money, nor fame, nor success. The most important thing is to feel the warmth of family and friends. That is why, at the very beginning of our evening, I would like to give the floor to the dearest and most beloved people - parents! (if they are not, then the wife or children of the hero of the day).

Congratulatory speech. A small musical break.

Sounds Track 7, 8.

Presenter: Well, what? Our hero of the day is a serious person, but on his birthday he said that he would agree to everything)) Track 9 (applause). Birthday is the most desired holiday. It is on this day that the closest and beloved people surround you. It is on this day that a flurry of congratulations, wishes and a sea of ​​hugs falls on you from early morning. And no matter how old the hero of the day is 5 or 55, he is still waiting for ... gifts! Track 10 (applause). All those invited in this hall came today with a gift, someone with an envelope, someone with a contract, someone with car keys, and someone with a handmade postcard (smiles at the children). I didn't come empty-handed either. Track 9 (applause). A few hundred years ago, a scientist invented a time machine. Unfortunately, this device was confiscated from him for lack of a license to operate and quality assurance. However, the scientist was prudent, and hid the instructions for this machine. Moreover, as it turned out, this scientist is a distant relative of our ___________ (name of the hero of the day), counting the numbers, he knew that it was today __________ (date of the anniversary), our ___________ (name of the hero of the day) will celebrate his birthday. And as a gift, I sent this bundle by pigeon mail (shows)

Sounds like track 11

Game moment "Mysterious message"

The presenter hands a bundle tied with a festive ribbon or better twine to the hero of the day. Track 12 plays in the background, the hero of the day reads the message (picture No. 1). To make a sheet with a message resemble a historical document (paper), you can use coffee or tea. There are many ways on the Internet how to age paper. To make the effect more interesting, you can make a message not in A4 format, but in A3 or A2.

Message text

"This handsome, clear falcon ___________ (birthday name)!

With your permission, please accept sincere congratulations. I wish you endless luck. Life deep to old age. Upper room bright, full of human people. Health heroic and ringing of gold coins. Accept a noble lady as a gift, she is endowed with incredible, secret knowledge and will send you on an unforgettable journey, through the ages, through the centuries different ”

Your friend is faithful.

The smartest of the smartest

Arkady Shnobelevsky.

The music stops. The host makes a mysterious appearance.

Sounds track 13

Board game to activate the guests "Time Machine"

Presenter: Allow me to introduce myself, lady. Please love, feed and favor. The music stops. Today I invite you to take a trip in a time machine. Ask me where is the car itself? (guests ask). I answer: she is invisible, but eats various salads, sandwiches, meat and semi-dry white wine (points to the festive tables). But to go you need the POWER OF THOUGHT. To do this, each of you has such a thing (points to his hand). In the common people it is called "palm". Show me that everyone has (guests show their hands). Great, so, but does everyone know how to use it? Need to do it like this (the presenter puts her palm to her forehead, as if she is tired or someone is tired of her). The main thing is to do it with feeling, gracefully.

On the count of three, the guests put their palms to their foreheads, and at that moment track 14 sounds (the "Ah" sound).

Presenter: I remind you that we are going on a journey through time. Today we will visit different centuries. We will plunge into the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, the 80s, the 2000s, and also look into the primitive time. So, in order to start, your palms need to be filled with your thoughts. Now we put it to the head and think about the upcoming trip. background track 15 sounds.

table musical competition"Thinkers"

Conditions of the competition:each participant has a palm charged with the power of thought of its owner. The leader's task is to find out all the information. The presenter selectively approaches the guests, asks to lean okay against the microphone and asks a question. In response to the presenter's question, music tracks (phrases from films and songs) begin to sound.

Question: I'll start with a banal question. What are you going to travel in?

Answer: track 1. (from the "Mislishki" folder)

Question: What do you like most and what do you expect from this trip?

Answer: track 2. (from the "Mislishki" folder)

Question: Let's continue the conversation. Very interesting, but what it should be. Describe her?

Answer: track 3. (from the "Mislishki" folder)

Question: Mmm, yes we have a romantic! We will definitely meet her, wherever - be in the 18th century, everyone was unusual there. Question to the birthday man: Could you, please, voice your wishes to all those present?

Answer: track 4. (from the "Mislishki" folder)

Question: As you understand, time travel is an extreme activity. If it turns out that you find yourself in the desert nose to nose with a lion. What will you tell him?

Answer: track 5. (from the "Mislishki" folder)

Question: So, what is your speech to the king of beasts?

Answer: track 6. (from the "Mislishki" folder)

Question: I wonder what the bravest, strongest and most courageous man will do and what will he say? a huge lion (the presenter chooses the largest man).

Answer: track 7. (from the "Mislishki" folder)

Question: Comrade guests, look at this citizen, our hero of the day, something is wrong with him. Lost eyes, blank look. Something happened?

Answer: track 8. (from the "Mislishki" folder)

Question: Why are you sad?

Answer: track 9. (from the "Mislishki" folder)

Question: Maybe I can help you with something?

Answer: track 10. (from the "Mislishki" folder)

Money does not bring happiness, maybe there is another dream?

Answer: track 11. (from the "Mislishki" folder)

Presenter: I will tell you a secret, real happiness is to share joy with loved ones, with true friends. Happiness is knowing that you are needed. Happiness is on the most festive day, on your birthday, to hear the most sincere confessions and wishes. And I invite everyone to prepare their hands now to give our birthday boy a whole storm of emotions and congratulations.

Tatyana Ryabova
Scenario New Year's party for older groups "New Year's Time Journey"

Scenario New Year's party for older groups.

« Christmas time travel» .

Musical director

Ryabova T.V.

MBU Kindergarten No. 147, o. Tolyatti

matinee was held last year. Passed on "HOORAY"!

The hall is twilight, the Christmas tree is not lit, fabulous music sounds. Four snowflakes fly into the hall.

1 snowflake:

2 snowflakes:

3 snowflake:

Are you here?

4 snowflake:

We are here.

They fly towards each other. Looking around.

1 snowflake:

Ah, where did we go?

2 snowflakes:

We are in a large spacious room.

Remember how we flew -

Past the pines, past the firs?

3 snowflake

This is Santa Claus

Brought us here with the wind.

1 snowflake:

So this is kindergarten?

But I don't see the guys...

2 snowflakes:

Everything is ready, what are we waiting for?

Let's call guys!

3 snowflake

Let's say that Santa Claus

He brought the Christmas tree to the kindergarten.


Everyone run here

Gather in this room

If you want to see

New Year's carnival!

1 snowflake:

We invite only those

Who laughs the loudest

2 snowflakes:

Who will dance and sing here

Round dances will lead.

All snowflakes:

Play music louder

Christmas tree, meet the guests!

Entrance-dance "Blizzard covered"

1 child:

A fun holiday has come to us -

Dreamer, joker, prankster!

He calls us to a round dance,

This is a holiday -

Children: New Year!

2 child:

He will give songs, fairy tales,

Everyone will be swirled in a noisy dance,

Smile, wink.

This festival -

Children: New Year!

3 child:

Christmas tree, we were waiting for you

Many, many days, nights.

We counted for a moment

To see quickly.

4 child:

We won't get tired today

Sing, laugh, dance

We invite you to join us

New Year, friends, meet!


Doors wide open, like in a fairy tale

The round dance is dancing!

And above this round dance,

Talk, songs, ringing laughter!

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year to all-all-all!

Song "Zimushka". Children sit on chairs

To the music appears Scattered. In a winter coat buttoned with the wrong buttons. On the head - a frying pan, on the legs - gloves. He is holding a mobile phone in his hands.

scattered: Hello Hello! I am a scattered person. Came from Basseinaya Street on an important mission. Today, on this day, the eighth of March, I congratulate all women, girls on the holiday. And let me give you these flowers!

Leading: Listen, Absent-minded, today is a completely different holiday - the New Year.

scattered: Oh yes! I have an important mission. It's up to me to start new year celebration . I need to dial the numbers for the New Year and then it will come. Well, it's a simple matter!

Looking absently into the hall, he presses the numbers on the phone.

scattered (without noticing the error): So I did the job (multimedia - 1702)

On stage - court ball. Ladies dance with gentlemen. The distracted one stands with his mouth open.

Children perform a dance "Polka"

Master of Ceremonies: how lovely New Year's ball!

scattered: Oh my God! It looks like I messed something up and got in the wrong place. What a strange dance!

Master of Ceremonies: Happy New Year 1702! His Imperial Majesty convey best wishes every lady and every gentleman. They will be here soon. In the meantime, keep dancing and get ready to meet the diplomat from France. He will arrive in a few minutes. (Notices the absent-minded.) Oh, sorry, it looks like he's already here.

The master of ceremonies with a bow approaches the Distracted Man and, taking him by the hand, leads him to the guests.

Lady: IN new new fashion in Paris!

The ladies pull the frying pan from the head of the Distracted and try it on.

Lady: This hat must be at a great price.

Master of Ceremonies: Ah! How amazing! Gloves on your feet! Charm! Paris has great taste.

scattered: I'm from Basseinaya Street. I am not guilty. This is my distraction.

Lady: Not from Paris? Fiiii! How tasteless!

Master of Ceremonies: What a shame! What fear!

Lady: Frankly, what a bad manners!

Master of Ceremonies: Into the conspirator's confinement!

The Master of Ceremonies with the Lady runs after the Distracted around the Christmas tree. The absent-minded one comes to the fore, and the Master of Ceremonies and the Lady quietly retire.

scattered (in panic): How much grief I drank! Got into another story. Where is the New Year?

Hastily presses new numbers (multimedia - 7210)

Under the light music is performed "Galactic Dance". Absent-minded rubs his eyes.

Children sit on chairs.

People of the Future come out to the music.

He (solemnly): Friends! By tradition, we will raise the tablets and eat for the New Year 7210!

People of the future raise white peas and eat at the same time.

She: I received a lightgram. We are in for a surprise New Year's gift , expelled from the Galaxy, with the wishes of health and long years. The gift will arrive in one flash of light. (Notices the absent-minded.) Look, he's already here!

The people of the future are looking at the Scattered One from head to toe.

He: Wow, they sent us some kind of space fossil. (Pointing to the handle of the frying pan.

scattered: I'm from Basseinaya Street. By chance.

She: Talking robot!

He: Extremely interesting!

She: Science forgot about such curiosities!

He: Having such a rarity, it is necessary to decorate the Galactic Museum!

She: How lovely! This should be placed under glass immediately!

The people of the future are trying to cover the Distracted One with a transparent cap, which, escaping from their hands, rushes about stage.

scattered: I don't want to go to the museum! Let go! Help!

She: There is a problem with the power circuit.

He: Hold on! It runs like it's alive!

The Tomorrow People fire lasers and disappear. (The boys leave to change into heroes)

scattered: I don't want to go to the museum! I want New Year! In your! Where is my phone? (Fumbling in pockets.) Dials a number (multimedia - 1270).

A stone is brought to the middle of the hall. scattered is reading: if you go to the right - you will lose your horse, if you go to the left - you will find the enemy, if you go straight - you will find happiness. Absent-minded consults with the children in which direction it is better to go.

The boys perform the dance of the Bogatyrs.

1 boy: I am a glorious hero, Russian

I am the hope of all Rus'!

Your suits are tight for me,

And do not ask to try on!

2 boy: My sword is sharp, famous!

He is on holiday with me.

I am covered with chain mail

Drive the enemy home!

The game is being played "Voevoda". Children sit on chairs.

The players roll the ball from one to the other in a circle, pronouncing:

An apple rolls into a round dance circle,

Whoever raised it is the governor ...

The child who has the ball at this moment is the governor. He speaks:

Today I am a warlord.

I'm running from the round dance.

Runs around the circle, puts the ball on the floor between two players. Children in chorus They say:

One, two, do not crow

And run like fire!

Players run in a circle in opposite directions, trying before a partner grabs the ball. The one who first touched the ball won.

The absent-minded examines the sword of one of the heroes.

Governor: And who are you? Doesn't look like a hero! A foreigner has set his sights on Russian soil!

Governor: Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

Marusya takes the ball, swings it and throws it at the Scatterbrain.

Governor: Well done Marusya. I have a sharp zhinka.

The Voevoda with a sword runs after the Scattered One.

Absent-minded dials a number (multimedia - 0127).

On scene the carcass is brought out on a spit, fire and drums.

The leader comes out

Group children performs the dance of the Savages.

Leader: Wu-u-u

Chief's wife: wow

They ask each other what to do with the Distracted.

The leader offers his wife to roast the Scattered One on a spit.

The wife agrees. The leader rubs his hands. (The whole conversation is based on the pronunciation of vowel sounds, accompanied by facial expressions of gestures)

scattered: What they want? I do not understand anything.

The leader to the music begins to prepare for the capture of the Victim.

Scattered in a panic, he rushes around the hall.

scattered: Stop bullying! I'll report it to the police! I'm completely confused by the years! What year should be taken? Repeat in chorus one more time!

Absent-minded dials a number (multimedia - 2017)

The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus appear.

scattered (smiles): Hooray! I told you that I always cope with all public assignments! True, every time I get into some kind of story. (Exits.)

Father Frost: Happy New Year to all children!

Happy New Year to all guests!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, you didn't say hello.

Father Frost: Oh, I old, head with a hole. How am I so? Well, this is fixable.

The game is being played "Hello"

Snow Maiden:

Put on your masks

Start dancing together

To call everyone to fun

New Year's carnival!

Children sing a song - round dance "Russian Santa Claus".

surprise moment "Gifts are boiled in a saucepan".

Note: The roles of adults in a couple in different eras performed by the same teachers.
