Official congratulations on the Day of National Unity: how to compose correctly. Congratulations on National Unity Day Congratulations on National Unity November 4

: sms-congratulations and congratulations in verses. November 4 Russia celebrates the Day national unity. The holiday is a state holiday, and therefore the Russians have a day off on this day. This fact cannot but rejoice people. For this reason, the mood of many is cheerful and pre-holiday.

On this wonderful day, people will exchange congratulations and wishes. Beautiful congratulations in verse will certainly delight your loved ones.

National Unity Day 2017: SMS congratulations and congratulations in verse.

Happy National Unity Day, I congratulate you,


National unity - Holy holiday,
All good hearts beat in unison,
When we are together, nothing is scary
My Motherland lives and rejoices.
Let me congratulate you on the holiday,
Wish you happiness, peace and good luck,
Good health, prosperity, prosperity,
And let luck not make you wait long.

Let the hearts be united in thoughts,
And the arguments are always undeniable,
So that as a family we always live together,
Love always appreciate each other.
And this day of national unity,
May he bring peace and tranquility to the country,
Let adversity and atrocities disappear,
After all, the house under the sun is one for all.

As long as we are united - we are invincible -
The slogan is simple but correct!
I congratulate everyone on Unity Day -
Holiday necessary and correct!
Let there be peace and let there be harmony
All over the vast country!


We are Family,
And we call each other brothers
And we are always ready to help
When someone is having a hard time.
Let's never forget
What is better to be friends than to fight!


Happy National Unity Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness, an ocean of health.
May our whole country prosper
Let life pass without sorrows and without evil.

The unity of the people is not just words,
In the unity of the people, strength is powerful,
The people of Russia - it's time for everyone to unite,
And the country will not be afraid of trouble.
Happy National Unity Day, I congratulate you,
May the sky be peaceful over you and grace,
Let it be good, and friendship holds everyone together,
And we can proudly stand up for each other.

Great strength is the unity of the people,
After all, Russia is strong in peace and friendship,
The more kind, the more united we will be,
The more beautiful, the happier our land will be.
Today we celebrate National Unity Day
I congratulate you with all my heart,
I wish you great happiness, a peaceful sky,
Good luck and heartfelt warmth.

We congratulate you on the day of national unity,
A holiday of light, love and kindness.
Enlighten your soul, give the time you please,
For the eruption of light and heat.
May this day be your hope
A sign of strong and big changes.
Know that even under plain clothes,
Superman often hides.

Happy holiday, Russians! Be happy! Congratulate each other, love each other, take care of each other!

Congratulations With National Unity Day. I sincerely want to wish you to always remember your roots and history, be proud of the exploits of your ancestors and centuries-old traditions, strive for the good of society and the strength of our people. I wish you self-confidence and stability in well-being.

Congratulations With National unity day

Congratulations happy holiday, National Unity Day! I wish that human qualities are always high and filled with dignity. So that tolerance, tolerance, mutual respect and support are the basis of friendly and peaceful coexistence of all peoples and nationalities living nearby. Happy holiday!

Congratulations With National unity day

WITH National unity day! I wish you sincere kindness and respect, a peaceful sky, a sunny mood and earthly happiness. May failures and disagreements bypass you, the days will always be radiant and delightful, and your relatives will flourish in harmony and will always be inseparable from your heart.

On the day of national unity
I wish you all consent
Let us all be one
I wish you this holiday.

I wish by nationalities
Do not share each other
And in the country as one family
Always lived together.

Unity is strength, they say
And there's nothing to be ashamed of
Today life dictates itself
We all unite.

Russia is a nation of people
And will not tolerate savagery
And she won't lose now
Popular unity.

Let the enemies come out with poison,
Like evil old women
We are Russians and we are proud
With our one spirit!

Let them grow stronger year by year
Strength and Potential
Indeed a great people,
To make him happy!

WITH National Unity Day!
You never quarrel
Let goodness sparkle in our hearts
Trouble will not enter the house!

WITH National Unity Day
Congratulations to everyone today.
All of us together is strength
And no one will break us
I wish you stronger
We all held hands
And tear the country apart
Nobody was allowed.
To stand in one line
We are close, shoulder to shoulder,
Our Motherland - Russia,
To love passionately.

Congratulations on Unity Day,
Looking ahead with pride
We wish everyone and everyone
Appreciate our friendship.

Peace - let the man rule
There will never be a warrior.
So that trust and friendship
We have always been ruled.

Let it triumph today
The unity of all peoples on Earth.
Let there be love between us
Let no one think of evil.

Let's be closer to each other
Those who are weaker - help.
Let's hear those below
Giving grace to each other.

The Russian land remembers ruin and turmoil,
Robbery, robbery, bribery - were beneficial to someone.
But the people united and gathered a large army,
To expel the army of foreigners from their land.

There were many trials, experienced many troubles,
Together we won many glorious victories.
History will remind us that our strength lies in unity.
Our success and our pride is the prosperity of Russia!

May all nations be united
Only peace brings us unity,
When we are together we are invincible
It doesn't matter - Russian, Tatar, Bashkir!

Let's always live in harmony
In goodness, prosperity and grief do not know!
When happiness is in every look,
There is nothing more we could wish for!

This day is a symbol of wisdom, article,
Testament to the power of the state.
For Russia, it is very useful -
Need a symbol for the people, an answer
To the question of who we are, who we will be.
In unity there is only life!
Together we will cool all the hot ones,
Our country will rush up.

Russians of different faiths once rallied,
To resist the insidious enemy,
And on the day of national unity it's so nice
That I can congratulate my countrymen.

Let me hope that it will be peaceful,
Cloudless skies over my country
That brotherly love in our hearts is mutual,
That we will keep the peace of our native land.

The holiday is wonderful
He is benevolent
It helps to believe
Calls for friendship!

National unity,
Of course, super power
'Cause we're invincible
When everything is united!


Congratulations With National unity day. May the connection of our people be strong and stable, may everyone be proud of their history and power, may every day be happy, clear, peaceful and joyful for our people.

Congratulations With National unity day and I wish to become stronger in spirit, to gain new strength, believe in your luck and spare no effort for a common cause. May our country prosper, may our people live a happy, amazing, fulfilling life.

On National Unity Day, I would like to wish respect for each other and kindness, understanding and mercy, sincere relations and generosity. Let our people remember our roots, our exploits, our land and our great development. May everyone be happy and healthy, patriotic and freedom-loving!

Congratulations With National Unity Day! We must not forget the history of our people and ancestors, because it was she who made us what we are now. Many people of different nationalities live on our land, and we must remember that we are united. On this day, I would like to wish strength of mind, unity of nations, freedom, independence, stability and confidence. And most importantly, a peaceful sky over all of us, so that not a single person sees the war!

Congratulations on National Unity Day! We wish that not only today, but every day we feel the strength and spirit, culture and power of the Motherland. To understand that we are all one! Each person is a grain. And at the same time, he is a link in a huge and powerful chain, that is, humanity! Good luck to all, prosperity and strength of mind!

Congratulations happy national unity day! A holiday of the strength of our people, a mighty spirit and invincible will. I wish you good health, reinforced concrete stamina, pride in your land and outstanding ancestors. Peace, prosperity, kindness!

Congratulations With National unity day and with all my heart I want to wish brave goals and undoubted success, successful undertakings and optimism of the soul, striving for the universal good and good, bright hopes and a single strong force, happy life and respect.

Today is a serious holiday - the day of national unity. I would like to recall a little bit of history, when on November 4, 1612, the people's militia under the command of Pozharsky and Minin liberated the Kremlin from foreign invaders. And since then this day has become a day of unity. I congratulate you on the holiday. I wish peace, prosperity, good luck in everything. Remember the history of our state and pass it on to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Be proud that you live on the great Russian land, which has a wonderful past.

400 years ago, November 4 went down in history as the day of national unity. And now we are celebrating this significant holiday. I want to congratulate you on such a joyful and powerful event. I wish you good health, optimism, peace and prosperity. Give good to people, do everything so that your soul never becomes stale. Love your neighbor and help as much as you can. Know that good will always return to you a hundredfold. Be a patriot of your country. Good luck to you in everything, happiness.

Russian people with a great past. On November 4, 1612, the feat of arms of our ancestors took place when they defended their independence. This must be remembered. And today we celebrate this event with a holiday. With all my heart I congratulate you on this date. Be vigilant and attentive, appreciate the history of Russia and pass it on to the younger generation. Learn to love the Motherland, as our ancestors loved and appreciated it. I wish you good luck in everything, success in labor activity, good health, peace. Happy holiday!

The Day of National Unity is a bright holiday, and so I would like to thank our ancestors for the fact that they withstood all the trials and defended our independence. Appreciate the history of our state. Be proud that you were born in a mighty, strong, large country that has a very interesting past. Make sure that the new generation cherishes and loves Russia's past. Allow me to congratulate you on the holiday. I wish you good health, prosperity in all matters, peace. Let nothing ever cloud your life.

Celebrating National Unity Day, we show love and respect for the past of our state. This holiday is a symbol of pride for our ancestors who defended their independence. The patroness of this holiday, the Kazan Mother of God, may she keep and protect you from all troubles and bad weather. Pass on your pride and love for the past of our Motherland to the current generation. May your life flow calmly under a peaceful sky. Good luck with everything! Happy holiday to you!

National Unity Day is a wonderful story of our ancestors. Thanks to them, our mighty Russia is now flourishing. National Unity Day is a huge holiday. A holiday of great history, a holiday of pride in our Fatherland. Let the memory protect history like a shrine. I sincerely congratulate you, wish you good health, long and happy years of life, good luck in everything. May your house be protected by a guardian angel. Always remember and be proud that you live on the land of the Great Russian State.

Our pride knows no bounds for the fact that we walk on a land that is saturated to the smallest grain with the past. And the past is history that we must honor. We are obliged to preserve the heritage that our ancestors bequeathed and pass it on to our children. Today is the holiday of national unity. This day once again underlines our attitude to the past of the Fatherland. May history always live in the memory of all Russians. I wish you good luck, always be self-confident, clearly defend your positions. Peace to you, goodness, prosperity.

On this day, we are united like never before. Our country is a single family, and the hearts of the members of this family beat in unison. On National Unity Day, I would like to wish you good health, unity not only among the people, but also spiritual unity in the family. And, of course, happiness Everyday life. Happy holiday to you!

On this significant day for everyone - the Day of National Unity - you somehow especially feel the unity with the people, our unity of spirit and invincible strength. I would like to wish everyone to love their native country, fortresses of self-consciousness, friends of all nationalities in different parts of the world! And let there always be a calm sky above your head, the sun shines brightly, and a great mood in your soul. Happy holiday, friends!

We will hold together and stand up for each other, we will multiply and multiply our strength - in order to use it at the right time, as Kuzma Minin did many years ago. Happy National Unity Day!

On this unforgettable and glorious day for our people, I would especially like to wish to be united and free. To be united, like brothers and sisters, to love our land, Motherland. To be free from human wrath, from bad language, from enmity among themselves. Happy national unity day!

We remember history and remember how we once were a single power. As a people, we are all still together. Congratulations on the Day of National Unity, may it forever remain in our hearts and souls, regardless of the cordons and borders between us now or in the future.

Every year, remembering the events of the distant 1612, about the liberation, we remind ourselves of how people should behave in the face of trouble, how to respect their own culture, not to succumb to third-party influence, not to give up. So let the Day of National Unity become not only for us, the Slavic peoples, but also for those who want to impose their opinion and culture on us, an example of how people can unite in the struggle for their homeland. Let, having studied the experience of past years, those who plan to come to our lands to conquer, leave their unfulfilled dreams.

There are many people. There are many fates. But the best ones arise only with joint support and spiritual unity. This is strength, this is a stronghold, this is a fortress! It is only thanks to him that any nation, any people can reach the highest point of its development. So let's unite together! Let's get stronger, stronger, stronger! And we will leave discord and quarrels for the weak in spirit! I wish you happiness, warmth, joint success and aspirations on this day! After all, no one in this world is able to survive alone - only joint efforts bring desired result and give joy! Lend a helping hand to your neighbors, do not turn away from each other! Happy holiday everyone!

In memory of the events of 1612, all of Russia celebrates National Unity Day. And although it was again considered a holiday only in 2005, the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was always celebrated on the same day. And although it is customary to celebrate the unification of large Slavic peoples only on this day, we all need to always remember this. We are all equal - Russians, Kazakhs, Ukrainians, Belarusians, which means that we all need to always help each other. Today I want to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday, National Unity Day, and wish you to find friends from all over the world. We are all equal and we are all one, even if we live in different states. Happy holiday to you!

Today is National Unity Day! I wish you on this holiday to feel real unity with your people, and, finally, remember, consciously remember who you are and where you live. I wish you strong self-awareness and love for your native country, which gave birth to you and gave you the opportunity to live and enjoy life! Let close people, your family, neighbors and residents of our country, at least on this day, unite and feel like one whole! Let at least today people sincerely smile at each other, understand, support and wish happiness! I wish you joy, peace and harmony with yourself and with others!

On National Unity Day, on this important and very bright day, I congratulate you! Let us remember that our spirit is one and that our strength lies precisely in unity. Let's understand that we all, regardless of mentality and skin color, equally wish happiness, love, prosperity and, most importantly, of course, health! I wish that no one could ever break our national spirit, because every person wants peace and life without wars and tears! Let's congratulate each other as sincerely as we would like to be congratulated! Our power is in unity, our peace is in unity! Let nothing overshadow the clear sun and good mood! Happy holiday!

I congratulate you on National Unity Day. There are many public holidays in Russia, but this one is one of the most important! It gives Russians the opportunity to demonstrate unity around the national idea - the construction of Russia for everyone and for everyone, regardless of nationality, social status and religion. Such a holiday allows all of us to realize our involvement in the great history, stable present and bright future of our country. I wish you all the best - health, happiness, success in work and prosperity. And may Russia always be your real Motherland, the most beautiful country in the world.

My friend! Today, in a wonderful, indeed folk holiday, I would like to put something more into this word than "a pleasant conversationalist" or "a close acquaintance." Ever since the militia of the merchant Pozharsky and citizen Minin drove the hated invaders out of Kitai-Gorod, national unity has become a symbol of our country. In difficult times, we were always together, and this always helped us repel enemies and win. Let us continue this sacred tradition of community and never, under any circumstances, try to divide our great people! Happy holiday to you! Happy National Unity Day!

Today is National Unity Day! On this day, we return to understanding the importance of such concepts as the unity of the people. We are the people of our state, and we are united regardless of our religion or nationality. Our country is our home, which we jointly defend, together we are proud of the achievements of our citizens, and we also mourn the grievous losses together, we are experiencing sad events.
National Unity Day is our holiday, because we believe in our country, its strength and its might. As before, when the liberation of Moscow in 1612 united all the people and stopped fratricidal wars and bloodshed, so now, we believe in our national unity! Happy holiday to you, we wish you civil peace and well-being, stability and prosperity!

National Unity Day is the youngest holiday with a long history. On November 4, 1612, our ancestors - all as one, forgetting about the difference in social status, origin and religion - managed to unite and liberate the Moscow Kremlin from foreign invaders. Today, November 4, I want to congratulate all of you, my dear compatriots, on this significant day! May the heart of each of us be filled with a sense of pride for the feat of our ancestors, and may their holy covenant - to protect the Motherland - be strictly observed. Let's keep traditions and rituals, share the breadth of the Russian soul, be proud of the expanses of our beautiful land! Happy People's Unity Day - a people with a heroic past and a bright future!

In unity, our strength and victory,
In unity, all the people of Russia are kinder and wiser,
In unity, the world is subject to the entire planet,
In unity, friendship is stronger and stronger.
Happy National Unity Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness, an ocean of health.
May our whole country prosper
Let life pass without sorrows and without evil.

Let congratulations fly from heart to heart
This day is the fourth of November!
Our strength is in friendship, in unity!
And you can't forget about it!
May the country live and prosper
Like one big happy family!
Happy national unity day, Russians,
Happiness and joy to you, friends!

Congratulations on the holiday, National Unity Day! I wish that human qualities are always high and filled with dignity. So that tolerance, tolerance, mutual respect and support are the basis of friendly and peaceful coexistence of all peoples and nationalities living nearby. Happy holiday!

Let the people of Russia
Will always be one
So that troubles do not mow down,
To make people happy
So that happiness is bright
Like the joy of motherhood
In the heat of a hot embrace
Popular Unity!

The unity of the people is not just words,
In the unity of the people, strength is powerful,
The people of Russia - it's time for everyone to unite,
And the country will not be afraid of trouble.
Happy National Unity Day, I congratulate you,
May the sky be peaceful over you and grace,
Let it be good, and friendship holds everyone together,
And we can proudly stand up for each other.

On the day of national unity
I want to tell you:
This holiday, though new,
But it's nice to celebrate.
The day off will not be superfluous
Everyone can rest
With this I congratulate you
To brag about poetry.
It's not hard for me to compose.
For you try glad
I always: yesterday, today,
Like many years ago.
I wish the holiday
In honor of the unity of all people
He gathered us in his arms
Like a wizard in a fairy tale.

On this significant day for all - the Day of National Unity - you somehow especially feel the unity with the people, our unity of spirit and invincible strength. I would like to wish everyone love for their native country, a fortress of self-consciousness, more friends of all nationalities in different parts of the world! And let there always be a calm sky above your head, the sun shines brightly, let there be a great mood in your soul. Happy holiday, friends!

All Russians are one.
And this is our essence
Russia is unharmed!
Her path is fearless.
And I wish you
Loving native people
Congratulations on unity!
Well, Russians, go ahead!

National unity is a bright holiday,
All good hearts beat in unison,
When we are together - nothing is scary,
My Motherland lives and rejoices.
Let me congratulate you on the holiday,
Wish you happiness, peace and good luck,
Good health, prosperity, prosperity,
And let luck not make you wait long.

Holiday of all free Russians,
Regardless of class and rank.
Accept congratulations, family
Gathering relatives from the flanks.
This holiday of unity in everything:
In joy, in work, in family, in worries,
In the country in which we live
We go to work we love.
May hopes and words come true
With best wishes and prosperity,
From success, let your head spin
And diligence gives miraculous results.

On National Unity Day, I would like to wish respect for each other and kindness, understanding and mercy, sincere relations and generosity. Let our people remember our roots, our exploits, our land and our great development. May everyone be happy and healthy, patriotic and freedom-loving!

Today is a holiday - the day of unity,
What can I tell you?
In the life of rudeness, disgust
Try not to!
Be kinder to those around you
Even though it's hard at times...
After all, living in unity is more fun,
If there is respect and peace!

Everyone who remembers and respects
Honors, believes in goodness and appreciates care.
Congratulations on National Unity Day,
Being human is not easy, and sometimes difficult work.
Believe in honesty, transparency and sincerity,
Be generous, kind, pure.
Do not feel sorry for yourself, so that the truth,
Broke through with pure thoughts.

We were red and white
We've been right and left
And the Motherland pitied everyone
And she was a mother to everyone.
And now we've become a nation
And in this new nomination
We are stronger and wiser twice,
Russified in heart and soul.
From now on, we are one people,
Down with the legacy of the camps!
It is a sin to make the Motherland a foreign land
For sons and daughters!

Congratulations on National Unity Day! We wish that not only today, but every day we feel the strength and spirit, culture and power of the Motherland. To understand that we are all one! Each person is a grain. And at the same time, he is a link in a huge and powerful chain, that is, humanity! Good luck to all, prosperity and strength of mind!

There are many peoples in our country,
And this is the color of the country.
Let them go the right way
Faithful sons of the fatherland!
And on the day of national unity
I only wish you well
So that outrages were alien to everyone,
Let the people shout - "Hurrah"!

We congratulate you on the day of national unity,
A holiday of light, love and kindness.
Enlighten your soul, give the time you please,
For the eruption of light and heat.
May this day be your hope
A sign of strong and big changes.
Know that even under plain clothes,
Superman often hides.

We are the day of national unity
We meet with joy in our hearts.
And for good reason - four centuries
Since that date is memorable already.
But there's another reason
She is more important than all the reasons -
Our country is flourishing
As long as its people are united!

Congratulations on National Unity Day! We must not forget the history of our people and ancestors, because it was she who made us what we are now. Many people of different nationalities live on our land, and we must remember that we are united. On this day, I would like to wish strength of mind, unity of nations, freedom, independence, stability and confidence. And most importantly, a peaceful sky over all of us, so that not a single person sees the war!

Me on National Unity Day
I want to wish all over the country
So that the sky is peaceful, clean,
And to say "no" to war!
To truly stick together
To respect your people
Saved from problems together
And they lived like that from year to year!

This holiday in its modern form appeared relatively recently. At the end of 2004, the State Duma of the Russian Federation amended the law "On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days of Russia)", supplementing it with a new holiday - National Unity Day. The holiday was first celebrated on November 4, 2005. Despite its youth, this holiday has deep historical roots. The basis for the emergence of the holiday was the national liberation movement of the 17th century, which arose to fight the Polish invaders. During the Russian-Polish war of 1609-1618 between Russia and the Commonwealth, Polish-Lithuanian troops occupied the Moscow Kremlin for two years (from 1610 to 1612). The rise of the national liberation movement began in Russia in 1611. Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky became the leaders of the militia. In August 1612, the militia defeated the Polish army near Moscow. The remaining forces of the Polish-Lithuanian troops retreated to Moscow. October 22 (November 4 Gregorian), 1612 militia led by Minin and Pozharsky stormed Kitay-gorod and successfully entered it. The remnants of the Polish garrison retreated to the Kremlin, but soon signed a surrender. And although the end of the Russian-Polish war was still far away, this important victory was the main step in the end of the Time of Troubles in Rus'. The period of anarchy after the suppression of the royal family of Rurikovich ended in February 1613 with the election of a new tsar at the Zemsky Sobor - Mikhail Romanov, who became the first monarch in the Romanov dynasty. It is believed that the people's militia in the course of the fight against the Polish invaders carried with them Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. According to legend, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky vowed to build a temple in honor of the intercessor icon, with the help of which victory was won. In 1625, at his own expense, he built the first (wooden) church on the corner of Red Square and Nikolskaya Street, but in 1634 this church burned down from a fire. In 1636 Kazan Cathedral was revived in stone form at the expense of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. In 1649, by decree of the second Russian Tsar from the Romanov dynasty, Alexei I Mikhailovich, the day of October 22 (November 4) began to be celebrated as a church and Public Holiday. The reason for giving official status to the holiday was the birth of the first-born and heir to the throne - Dmitry Alekseevich, who was born on October 22 (November 4), 1648, that is, on the day of veneration of the Kazan icon. Unfortunately, the heir died in infancy in 1649, not having lived a year. However, the official status and tradition of honoring the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God passed through the centuries until the revolution of 1917, after which church holidays have lost their former meaning. Holiday revival happened in 2005. According to experts, the reason for this was the cancellation of the celebration on November 7th. The Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution could not be transformed into the Day of Accord and Reconciliation, too many disputes arose around this historical event. In this regard, an initiative was born to replace November 7 with another, more unifying holiday. As a result, it was decided to revive ancient holiday veneration of the Kazan icon in the new modern realities. Now November 4 no longer has a pronounced religious context and is more viewed as a historical event. Today, the Day of National Unity of Russia is intended to emphasize the cohesion of the entire people, regardless of religion, origin and position in society. Thus, the significance of the holiday has shifted to the historical and social role of the unity of the people in the face of any external and internal threats. On this page you will find many congratulations on National Unity Day that you can send to your relatives, friends, colleagues and just good friends. See also:

Great congratulations on National Unity Day

On National Unity Day, I hasten to congratulate you! I have been breathing the same air with you for many years!

I want to wish you happiness, Many warm, bright days, Never be upset, Many devoted friends!

Be always healthy, Strong in spirit and mind! We are one, that's the basis! We live in the same country!


Let's celebrate National Unity Day

National Unity Day Let's meet together at the table. He helped unite, Everyone with whom we live next to!

We raise a toast today For a worthy day of the year! And we solemnly wish the Unity of our thoughts!


National Unity Day


On National Unity Day (short)

On the Day of National Unity We will all get drunk to the point of disgust, And when drunk we are united, And therefore we are invincible!


National Unity Day

National Unity Day Preserved shadow traditions. We wish you good luck on this holiday, this day.

So that joy knocks on the house In the morning, evening and afternoon, We wish peace on earth, And bread, salt on the table!


Today is Unity Day

They don’t argue with history, They live with history, It unites For a feat and for work.

The state is one, When the people are one, When He moves forward with great power.

He defeats the enemy, Uniting in battle, And frees Rus', And sacrifices himself.

To the glory of those heroes We live by one destiny, Today is Unity Day We celebrate with you!


Cool congratulations on National Unity Day

Glorious is the holiday of brotherhood From ancient times to this day, the Day of National Unity - Not Khukhr-Mukhr!

Khanty, Nenets, Kabardians, Today, once a year, On the Day of National Unity, We are one people!

Rejoice, united people! Let from end to end The cry of the beloved is heard: “Come on, pour it!”


There are many nations in our country

There are many peoples in our country, And this is the color of the country. Let faithful sons go on the true path of the Fatherland!

And on the day of national unity, I wish you only good things, So that atrocities are alien to everyone, Let the people shout - "Hurrah"!


Me on National Unity Day

On National Unity Day I want to wish all over the country That the sky be peaceful, clean, And that they say “no” to war!

So that they truly stick together, To respect their people, Save themselves from problems together, And live like this from year to year!


Down with all quarrels

Down with all quarrels, misunderstandings - Let it hide in the forest, National unity holiday It has long been on the nose!

Let's all live together, We don't know sorrows, sorrows, We don't need to swear at all, It's better to hug each other!


Are all Russians in Russia?

Children once asked their father: - Are all Russians in Russia? - How can I tell you kids? Here are the neighbors - Chuvash,

Kum is half Jewish, Uncle is a glorious Armenian, Godmother Nina's great-grandfather was a real Georgian.

We are all different, so what? We are all Humans, we are similar. Let's live in unity, we don't need to drink each other's blood.

Our mother Russia will become strong as before. Holiday - the day of patriotism, Glory, proud Fatherland!


On the fourth day of November Day off is not in vain. Holiday, feast, fun - Day of the people of unity.

Minin K. and D. Pozharsky, That they were in the service of the tsar, The city of Moscow was liberated, They accomplished a glorious feat.

This is what happened on this day in the world Four centuries ago. Let's gather together, brothers, At the table, not in the field of war!


Young holiday

National Unity Day (A holiday, though young, But with a history of three hundred years) We will celebrate with you.

We wish each other Unity, love, To make life easy for everyone, including the two of us,

So that life in the country becomes easier, more fun, So that we walk more boldly, So that we are doubly lucky in everything!


On Unity Day we will be together

On Unity Day we will be together, We will be together forever, All the peoples of Russia In distant villages, cities!

Live together, work, build, Sow bread, raise children, Create, love and argue, Protect the peace of people,

Honor your ancestors, remember their deeds, Avoid wars and conflicts, To fill your life with happiness, And sleep under a peaceful sky!


Minin and Pozharsky

Although this holiday is young, Its history is rooted in that difficult century, Which was called the Time of Troubles.

Pozharsky and Minin were able to Gather the people, faithful to Russia, And jointly liberate Moscow from the Polish invaders!

Today is Unity Day We celebrate the whole country, To live in peace, happiness, kindness We sincerely wish each other!


Strength is in friendship

Let congratulations fly from heart to heart On this day, the fourth of November! Our strength is in friendship, in unity! And you can't forget about it!

Let the country live and prosper Like one big friendly family! Happy national unity day, Russians, Happiness and joy to you, friends!


On the Day of National Unity

On the Day of National Unity From the bottom of my heart I wish Heaven - only free Without end and without edge!

And on it - endless clouds of white cotton wool! May God give you a secure, bright, rich life!


Poems for the Day of National Unity

Let November outside the window: the sun is low. And the sky is overcast, and cold again. And winter is just around the corner. But we will not indulge in bad weather!

Today we are celebrating the Day of National Unity, We are celebrating this holiday, so that all squabbles and the prevailing raznochinities come to an end, And so that peace and harmony come to Russia, finally!

May all the clouds dissipate above you, May the light of heaven illuminate our land. May our people united, and therefore mighty, The Fatherland will protect you from all enemies!


Happy unity day for the whole family

The holiday of all free Russians, Regardless of class and rank. Accept congratulations, family Gathering relatives from the flanks.

This holiday of unity in everything: In joy, in business, in the family, in worries, In the country in which we live, We go to work for work.

May hopes and words come true With wishes of good and prosperity, May your head spin from success And efforts give wonderful fruits!


Happy Unity Day, citizen!

Happy Unity Day, citizen! So you are not alone here, Look around - we are all one: Children, women, men.

In a word, this is called the PEOPLE. And I'll tell you without flattery: It's great when we are together!


Poem Happy National Unity Day

Happy National Unity Day Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Give a poem On this holiday, allow:

Our friendship, our faith Will always be strong, Our strength, our will Will never weaken!

Day of national unity - Red day in the calendar This is a holiday of friendship of nations, a holiday of peace on earth!


Congratulations on National Unity Day

Happy National Unity Day, we sincerely congratulate you! Happiness, joy and strength, From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you!

Be faithful sons of our mighty motherland! Win all adversity, Every day, live better!


National Unity Day

Let me congratulate you on the holiday, National Unity Day! And even if we are all a little different, we will still understand each other!

In order to find understanding for us In close and dear people, Let's not forget the tradition of our distant glorious days!

I wish you all good health, Happy many bright days And the fulfillment of the cherished, And to live more fun!


Thanks to Minin and Pozharsky

Minin with Pozharsky I say "thank you" For the fact that on this holiday I can congratulate you beautifully and wish you unity with the people. Health, pure love And never lose heart!


For popular unity

For national unity Let's drink a stack to the bottom! Let thoughts be pure And the war goes into the distance!

Congratulations to everyone on this long-awaited day! We wish you peace, joy, We don’t care about all the troubles!

Let there be happiness everywhere, Blue sky above. Our main wealth - When we look up together!


Congratulations on National Unity Day to friends

Happy National Unity Day Congratulations, friends! It's hard to break together, Alone twice two.

We wish warmth of hearts, Even in the fierce winter Let sorrows go away! Know, my friend, that I am with you!
