Scenario New Year's corporate party in the office, how fun it is to celebrate the New Year at work. New Year's corporate party in the office on their own Celebration of the New Year at the office scenarios

Let's start with the cheaper options. During a crisis, companies save a lot. Rolling up magnificent celebrations is not affordable for everyone. And I want a holiday. You can organize a party in the office. We will offer several options, but this is not all the possibilities. Fantasize!

Talent show

Colleagues have enough talent, believe me! It's worth asking. Someone sings, someone is engaged in dancing, albeit for their own pleasure. So why not get to know those with whom we spend at least 9 hours a day. Organize a competition or just a concert. You can choose different topics. The same songs, for example. Or let everyone show themselves in their passion. And the speakers are pleased, and the audience will have fun. To please the winners with prizes or to gather everyone after the concert at a delicious table - it's up to you.

Theme party

At a theme party, you can transform employees into anyone you like. Maybe your colleagues are crazy about the theme of a movie? Think about how to recreate its atmosphere. Decor elements, music and even refreshments can be selected according to the chosen theme.

And most importantly: costumes and distribution of roles. This is the salt of the party. A chance for one evening to feel like a favorite movie character and get to know your office neighbors from a completely different perspective. The chief accountant can easily become a charismatic nanny from the series, and the cashier can become a supermodel. Moreover, the film is not the only alternative; for the topic, you can choose a country, a book, and even a partner company. The main task: to create a suitable atmosphere and mood, of course, not forgetting about the New Year.

social event

If you are still not ready to give up the usual banquet, but you want new trends, this option is for you. The main thing is not to leave the office. But everything that will happen inside is in your hands. The installation is a social event. Employees for the evening turn into ladies and gentlemen from high society, the director into a hospitable host of the evening, and office furniture into the interior of the reception hall.

Sounds too easy? Deceptively. You won’t believe how the evening dress code and the high-society atmosphere transform people. So let's start with the room. Having spent a little more, you can order buffet tables and decor in a catering company. But resourceful accountants can easily create a designer decoration of the room on their own! Throw a cry: we need tablecloths, napkins, fabric cuts. If everything is in bright colors - perfect. Shabby office tables and chairs will hide under romantic folds of fabric. Arrange them, by the way, try closer to the perimeter of the room. In the center, let there be a place for speakers, and then for dancing.

Take care of flowers and New Year's symbols. Arrange everything that is found in a casual order and decorate with rain. Just don't overdo it.

Now about the food. You don’t need to call the famous brand chef for the evening or pore over the dishes yourself during the day. To get started, conduct a survey and decide on a sample menu. After that, it remains only to come up with a decent form for these dishes. Turn sandwiches with butter and salmon from solid pieces of a loaf into curly mini-canapes. Cut the fruits into elegant slices, and put cups with skewers on the dishes. If there are volunteers, let them bring glasses for the holiday, if not, instead of ugly ones plastic cups buy plastic ones, but glasses. It's not hard to find them in any store. Thin forks, elegant napkins, beautiful sweets, scattered here and there on the tables - will create a great mood.

Announce to employees that a social event is coming. Dress code, respectful, deliberately polite address (Svetka and Lucy turn into Svetlana and Lyudmila), quiet pleasant music - the holiday has no chance of failing!


The plan is: a pre-buffet, an auction with short breaks, a shopping celebration and dancing. So, to begin with, we warm up the audience: light snacks, light drinks and pleasant conversations. Then we move on to the conference room, discreetly decorated. Is there no hall? There will be chairs arranged in rows in front of the podium. Of course, take care of the hammer. The auction is comic, which means that the hammer can also be comic: a children's toy, meat or a small carpenter's.

Now the most interesting: lots. Their authors will be the employees themselves, because everyone has hobbies. The chief accountant, who is fond of knitting, will bring mittens, the administrator, a born confectioner, will bake cakes. The driver, in whom the winemaker hides, will share author's cognac, and the cloakroom attendant will delight you with pickles of her own composition. As you can see, there are no restrictions. But! The trick is to present the lots correctly. The authors will have to take care of original packaging, a non-standard name and an unforgettable presentation of his work.

Choose a leader according to oratorical qualities. The more fun and more he will talk, the livelier the auction will go. Set the prices symbolically: 5, 10, 15 rubles. Believe me, in the heat of trading, they can grow tenfold! Don't forget to cool down the ardor of the participants (and recharge them with strength) on the breaks - with congratulations, toasts, snacks.

Employees can celebrate their purchases by dancing. Down with chairs, louder music - the holiday continues!


Such a creative corporate party will require preparation ahead of time. At the New Year's Eve meeting, you need to discuss not only the menu, but also the play you would like to play. It is clear that "William, you know, ours, Shakespeare" in the original does not need to be staged at all, it is difficult, and boring. Our job is to have fun. Search the Internet for scripts for humorous productions or funny adaptations of classic plays.

Distribute roles according to desires and possibilities. Preparing suits is a separate pleasure for office-weary workers. Let the outfits be funny and ridiculous, the main thing is to make them with soul and enjoy the process. Competition for best suit- an additional incentive for creativity.

Take care of the theatrical surroundings: curtain, lighting, dressing rooms. And, of course, the buffet! In it, artists and spectators will hold intermissions - do not forget about them so that art does not swallow employees headlong!

Restaurant or disco

Conservatives and lovers of maintaining traditions will go to a restaurant. Depending on your budget, get professional service and no hassle. The most important thing is to have a debate about the menu so as not to offend anyone. For Vera from the supply department - vegetable dishes, because she is a vegetarian. And Deputy Director Pavel Petrovich is allergic to fish, so herring should be kept away from him.

If dancing is the passion of your team, then rent a hall in a club or bar. You can invite a DJ and presenter. You only need to choose an outfit, do your hair and come at the appointed time.

New Year's Eve master class

Master classes will help to change the way of celebrating the New Year. Instead of a feast - a lesson on the skill you are interested in. You will need to discuss with colleagues: what they like the most. Perfect fit new year theme- for example, painting Christmas decorations or decorating postcards. Pottery lessons or modeling classes are very interesting. A culinary master class will solve two problems at once: entertainment and treats.

You can order a master class in special companies that organize a turnkey celebration. Again, you will have nothing to worry about, the organizers will take care of all the worries. The list of topics that will be offered to you is endless: from getting acquainted with the process of filming a movie (at the end they will give out a film reel), ending with the preparation of a complex cake.

Everything that was at the corporate party remains ... in the team

The wonderful rule of parties and players “everything that was in Las Vegas remains in Las Vegas” unfortunately does not apply to corporate parties. Accountant Nadia, sitting on the lap of the supply manager Nikolai Petrovich, this is not something that will be forgotten in the morning. It will become public knowledge a year in advance. Therefore, breaking away to the fullest, remember that it is better not to commit any compromising actions, so as not to be considered a frivolous and frivolous employee.


Accountants will love it! Detective and intricate story - a feast for inquisitive analytical minds. So, you find yourself in a large room where you find a note with a task. Collectively, you will need to get out of the room and figure out what happened. As a result, you can make gifts to everyone or a feast. This is just one of hundreds of options that will be offered to you. Or you can suggest it yourself: with a love of riddles and adventures, it will not be difficult for participants to come up with an ingenious path. An empty office will be a great playground for fun. This option is suitable for a small team - it is difficult to search for the truth with a team of two hundred people.

Active New Year

Calories eaten at the New Year's table can be replaced with ... sports! No, no, no boring fitness or exercise equipment. A couple of hours with a dancesport coach - a release of energy and a charge of vivacity are provided. Zumba, for example, connects and physical activity, and beauty. Dance, have fun and easily put on a new dress in new year's eve. Isn't it the perfect corporate party?

How do you look at New Year's Eve in the pool or spa complex? The backs, strained over the reports for the year, will thank you very much for this! It is usually difficult to get ready and go to the pool on your own: business, work, fatigue, children. But on a holiday, yes with the whole team, yes knocking out all the reports - it will be great. And it is not necessary, like frogs, not to get out of the water for five hours in a row. Order a small pool only for your company, let there be sun loungers, snacks and congratulations on the “shore”. Arrange yourself a mini-vacation after a year of work!

Clothing and makeup - the continuation of the holiday

Everyone understands that the outfit should match the holiday. If you choose a social event, then in ripped jeans not worth coming. But you really want to walk a brand new dress - but you decided to go skiing! You should not tempt fate and put on, going to a sports base, uncomfortable, but smart clothes. Dress according to what you will be doing. After all, you can decorate yourself in ski equipment: buy a cute hat and mittens with flowers, put on a beautiful scarf and make a perfect manicure. Little things will create a unique festive image.

Departure for the city

A trip out of town will dramatically change the situation. It is a very unusual feeling to be with colleagues for a couple of days in a fundamentally different environment than you are used to. The options again depend solely on your imagination and budget.

However, keep in mind: planning a light picnic in the form of a buffet table is not worth it. Winter makes adjustments: you must have a “headquarters” - a house, a summer house, where everyone can warm up and take a break from the abundance of fresh air. It is not worth hoping that the frozen ones will warm up in the cars one by one. You will only earn a sore throat by the holiday.

If a colleague has a spacious dacha, come to him with an overnight stay. You can cook everything yourself, but what a romance! The supply manager kindles a fire, the chief accountant marinates the meat, and the new guy from the accounting department sings songs with a guitar. The main thing is to keep talking about work to a minimum. If we are talking about reports, then let it be toasts to success next year. And in any case, not suffering about the upcoming checks, chastising subordinates for imperfections and other unpleasant things. A holiday is for a holiday, and not for an extraordinary meeting with spacing and tantrums.

If the company is ready to spend money on a hotel, then choose a hotel. Service will save you from the hassle, and you can relax without any economic thoughts. There are also many options: eco-hotels are interesting, offering to live in a rustic setting, ride horses and even milk cows. Good hotels with a sports or entertainment bias - how long have you been sledding down a hill? Or you can pick up a cozy little hotel and sit by the fireplace, quietly singing songs.

It all depends on what your colleagues and superiors like. Gather a small meeting and discuss proposals and wishes. With a little effort and imagination, you will make the New Year in the company truly unforgettable.

Welcome dear guests!

Just yesterday, they said on the radio that this year many companies cut the budget for the celebration of the New Year, and some even announced: if you want a New Year's corporate party, do it yourself and at your own expense.

Of course, it's good when the company itself organizes corporate holidays, it's even better when professionals are hired and they don't think about this topic anymore. But what to do, the crisis ...

That's what happened at my job, they didn't give me any money at all. We really, really wanted to celebrate the holiday with the team, sat down to think and decided to make a New Year's corporate party in the office on our own.

They began to consider how much it would cost us and I’ll say that many took their heads - it’s a little expensive, especially since before the New Year there are already big expenses for gifts to relatives and New Year's treat. The way out was found: to spend as little as possible on food, to make the holiday fun as much as possible due to the entertainment program.

I took over the whole organization, but with the condition that all the employees will help me, do everything that I say and not refuse.

All people are different, one likes it, the other does not, whims begin: I don’t eat it, I don’t drink it. And it’s even worse when it’s like this: I didn’t drink / eat it - I won’t pay. For many years of work, we have developed the rules for holding office corporate parties:

- Everyone buys alcohol for himself or they are combined into groups by type;
- If you don’t like the food on the table, don’t eat, but hand over the money;
- If everything and everything annoys you - do not go at all;
“If you don’t like how the organization of the holiday is going, just tell me, next time you will do everything yourself.

A plan for organizing a New Year's corporate party in the office is inexpensive and fun.

You need to set a date. I recommend doing corporate parties on Thursday, I will explain why. If you do it on Friday, then you can go for a walk so much that then you lie down all weekend, and before the New Year there are a lot of things to do at home. And if on Thursday, then everyone understands that tomorrow they have to work, then the bosses are more loyal to being late in the morning, or even they can even give a day off. And how good it is to discuss all the details of yesterday's corporate party, to laugh, to look at the pictures. Then, it is necessary to clean up the office after the holiday. Imagine what will happen by Monday.

Conduct a survey among employees and determine the number. You can send an e-mail that there will be a corporate party on such and such a date, please give an answer before such and such a deadline. If someone is not satisfied with the date, see the rules of paragraph 3.

Determine the venue New Year's corporate party in the office and decorate it. Ask employees to bring garlands, a Christmas tree, toys, masks, tinsel from home. Everyone has enough of this goodness, which seems to be unnecessary, but it's a pity to throw it away. Choose employees who are not very active, ask them to cut paper snowflakes or something else to decorate the office.

Think over food and snacks for the New Year's corporate table. Like it or not, this is a working day and by the evening everyone is hungry. Moreover, we plan to drink hard liquor. Ask employees to bring some canned food from home for free: pickles, tomatoes, sauerkraut, lecho, salads, mushrooms, and more. If there is jam - great, you can dilute it with water and do without expensive juice. In extreme cases, you can buy syrup.

There are enough 3 types of salads, for example, you can make “Herring under a fur coat”, from crab meat based on Chinese cabbage and a traditional meat salad with sausage. As you can see, salads are inexpensive, but satisfying. Take a look, you might find something for yourself.

Fruits: apples, oranges at the rate of 1 pc per 3 people, 2-3 pcs of lemons, choose small tangerines, there will be more of them, at the rate of 2 pcs per person.

We ordered hot at the nearest canteen, they prepared a large piece of baked meat with boiled potatoes for us, something about 180 rubles. it cost (2013). Warmed up in the microwave.

I will say that there were no frills, but no one was left hungry either. They did well without caviar and expensive salads. At meetings with employees, no one ever remembers what was on the table that New Year, but the Snow Maiden will be remembered for a long time.

We bought disposable tablecloths and dishes for the tables, do not forget to include this in the shopping list, as well as large garbage bags, napkins.

It is necessary to think over the musical design of the New Year's corporate party. I spent a lot of time preparing musical accompaniment, all this is not difficult, but long. And I really wanted to make the holiday fun, music plays an important role in this matter. While the tables were moving, I turned on the assembly New Year's songs, all this sets the team in the right mood, you see, someone sings, and someone even dances. In addition, if a lot of people are expected, as we had, then microphones are needed.

I prepared the entertainment program myself, enlisting the support of people about whom I knew that they would not refuse me. The first thing you need is to get the costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. I was lucky, one employee's mother works in kindergarten and we were given a Dedmorozovsky suit for one evening, it was this employee who was Santa Claus. But you can also make yourself out of an old velor robe, sheathe it with tinsel, and there are a lot of inexpensive hats with a beard sold in stores, make a staff and put on felt boots. I made the Snow Maiden costume myself and I decided to dress the most active man in it, it also turned out that Santa Claus is shorter than the Snow Maiden, that’s still a joke. I am up to last moment I didn’t tell him that it was he who would be the Snow Maiden, he would immediately refuse, despite the promise, to help me. The suddenness and the strong alcohol he drank worked, and yet I conceived the deceit - to dress him in nylon tights. The main costume was made from old tulle.

I asked one lady to prepare the role of a gypsy, she made a costume for herself, found some funny fortune-telling and predictions, it turned out very well.

For many years, at the New Year's corporate party, the whole team carried out such a lottery: we copy all the employees on the sheets and then each in turn pulls out a sheet with the name of the person to whom he will give a gift. Who pulled out whom we keep a secret, we create intrigue, so to speak. We agree in advance that the value of the gift cannot be lower, for example, 150 rubles, and higher - please, as the master-master says. Before the start of the feast, we hold a type of ceremonial part, the director begins, congratulates everyone and gives a gift to the one he pulled out. Then this employee also congratulates everyone and gives a gift, and so on in turn. It turns out that everyone is with gifts, everyone is happy, everyone has good mood, but it cost 150 rubles. There was a curious case, one lady pulled out the same man for 3 years in a row, and we have a lot of employees ... well, how can you not mock this, it’s good that people are humorous. In general, all our employees were generally very cheerful, friendly with each other. It is a pleasure to do corporate events with such people and it is a pity that our company was closed.

I also announced to everyone that there would be a “hat competition”, so that everyone would come in hats, this is a prerequisite. Scream! Who in what! But it was fun beyond words.

So, at the appointed time, the table is set, everyone gathered and put on their hats, took their gifts, the solemn part begins with congratulations. After that, I chose three employees who had the coolest hats: the symbol of the year (our director), the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland and Mr. X. Each participant told why he put on such a hat and then voted with applause: whoever clapped harder, he won. And won, oddly enough, the rabbit.

It's time to refresh myself, I put everyone at the table, I give the official word to the bosses on the downstream, just 4 toasts. We drank, relaxed a little, I begin to prepare for the competitions. Below I will write a list of what you need to cook and buy.

I was sure that at least someone would come to the hat competition in cowboy hat, and was not mistaken. The first competition I'm holding is "Cowboys". See description. I managed to find only 2 boat pumps, but I also had two participants, if there were more people, I would do it in stages, i.e. 2 times 2, revealed the winners in each pair, then they compete again. I give a prize to the winner, lollipops to the losers.

After the competition, everyone sits down at the table, and I prepare the gypsy's exit. As soon as it is ready, I turn on the music from the film "The camp goes to the sky." It is necessary to warn the actress so that she does not leave immediately, but after 15 seconds. This is necessary so that the employees, having heard the music, understand that some kind of action is beginning, stop talking and get ready to watch.

Then the exit of the gypsy. My colleague prepared herself, and her performance was also a surprise for me. What if no one agrees to be a disguised guest? Cook everything yourself, costume, words on a piece of paper ( large print) and just choose the most active employee during the corporate party. In a good cheerful mood, but with a drunk stack or two, few people will refuse.

The next competition I will hold a competition with stockings, see. Music can not be turned on, it is not heard because of Homeric laughter.

After I prepare the performance of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. As I wrote above, my assistant for the role of Santa Claus knew everything in advance, even learned the words by heart. I printed the text of the Snow Maiden in large print. The man I chose for the role of the Snow Maiden was pulled out of the table by deceit and sent to the dressing room. When he saw what kind of costume I had prepared for him, he, of course, immediately began to doubt, maybe I'm not in my right mind, offering him such a thing. I, reminding him of the promise to help me in everything, dispelled his doubts about my mental abilities with just one phrase: “Next year you will receive the last salary!” He, cursing and swearing, began to put on pantyhose, and I, laughing at my good joke, thrust a piece of paper with the text into him and went to get ready for the exit of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. It was necessary to gather everyone and put them at the table. By this time, the employees are already well tipsy.

There are a lot of scenarios on the Internet, you can choose for yourself what you want, but I did not count on a long action, the evening is short, there is not enough time, but I still wanted to dance. Therefore, I limited myself to short poems of heroes, and the appearance of the Snow Maiden made a splash, everyone rushed to take pictures with her and Santa Claus.

First, to warm up, I say that I will ask questions, and the employees should answer yes or no in unison.

“Santa Claus is a great man?
Will he drink half a bucket of Stolichnaya?
Is he carrying a bag from the warehouse?
Give us two salaries?
Likes jokes, anecdotes?
What about work Saturdays?
Santa Claus sings ditties?
Does Grandpa have girlfriends?

We call together Santa Claus.

Santa Claus enters, all upset, confused, sad, nervous.

"What should I do? That's the trouble, so the Snow Maiden let me down,
He writes a telegram that he won’t come to the holiday
You see, she has a date - a meeting with Lel in a restaurant
Don't care about grandpa! All in Spring, vigorous mother!
That, damn it, is also a flirt, she would always flutter in love
Not the hostess - grief - just! Dirt everywhere - but she doesn't care!
Well, what should I do now? What's the deal without the Snow Maiden
In the New Year let everyone down! Holiday, Lord, forgive!
What should I do? What do i do? On a mobile, why call?

I answer:

Well, you whined old grandfather that tired? And no more strength?
We will find the Snow Maiden, we will call together in chorus.

We call together the Snow Maiden

Beensi's screensaver "crazy_in_love" sounds and here it is - the Snow Maiden.

"Hello my dear,
Mature and young
Noisy and naughty
Happy and beautiful.
Married and single
Bald and Redheads,
Modest, shameless,
Thick, thin,
simple and business
Good and bad
Rich and poor,
Drinkers and snackers
Well, to the best of the subjects.
Happy New Year!"

Then the dancing begins. I wanted to hold another dance competition before the dances, I even prepared a cut for him, but I couldn’t do it. To be honest, I myself was already tired by that time, I also wanted to relax and have fun with everyone. I spent it later on my husband's anniversary, you can see how.

I have prepared 55 musical hits for dancing, everyone dances to this music. If you want to receive them, then subscribe using the link below, you will receive access to the mail cloud at the specified address, where you can view and download. In the same place, the very first number is a cut for a dance competition held by me on my husband's anniversary.

At 22:00, I invite everyone to go outside to watch the fireworks that I bought from the general money.

No matter how it all goes, be sure to thank for the help, say how well done everyone is, how well they helped and all that.

My to-do list for a corporate party in the office.

Find boat pumps for the Cowboys competition, prepare scarves, see photos.

Prepare musical backgrounds

balloons for the competition;
the cheapest pantyhose, 3 pcs of the smallest size, 1 pc of the largest size;
Chupa Chups for the losing contestants;
Souvenirs for the Gypsy, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, as well as for the winners of the cap and cowboy competitions;

Another thing is important for corporate events in the office.

Check the availability of dishes, and also ask the women to bring boards, knives and any tissue napkins(rags) from home. Everyone will be busy and cook food faster.

I plan to write a lot of articles, I'll tell you how they did it theme parties with friends and colleagues, how we relax and what we do in nature, subscribe, you will be the first to know, if you are interested, of course.

Where does the holiday start?

New Year "in a corporate way" is celebrated in different ways. In Argentina, for example, according to a long tradition, on the last working day of the outgoing year, employees of institutions throw old calendars, unnecessary statements and forms out of windows. In the business part of Buenos Aires, by noon, the streets are thickly covered with a puffy layer of paper.

One day, employees of one of the newspapers, who were outrageous, threw the entire archive out of the window. In order not to let the process of celebration take its course, many companies hold a special "brainstorming" at the beginning of November, to which they invite two or three of the most energetic employees from each department. During a joint discussion, they find out what everyone expects from the corporate New Year, where it is better to celebrate it, what everyone can do and who will be responsible for what. After that, the departments contribute to the preparation. As a rule, today firms choose one of three holiday scenarios.

Cheap, fast, cheerful

This is the most democratic type of celebration. The tables are shifted, the sausage is cut together and the champagne is uncorked, at the end of the feast it is possible "Noisy reeds ..." and a showdown in the smoking room ... Plus: minimal effort is required from employees. No need to run home to change clothes, puzzle over who to leave the children with, take the better half with you or not. Minus: to be honest, it will not be possible to create a New Year's mood - for example, an ordinary birthday in the office.

Banquet in the restaurant

According to pre-New Year surveys, 38 percent of Ukrainian companies organize corporate New Year celebrations in cafes and restaurants. In some companies, it is customary to treat important clients and top managers separately, and for the rest of the team to arrange a more democratic and cheaper party. And in order not to oppose the holidays for the "rich" and the "poor", events are clearly bred in time and space. Plus: elegant dresses, suits with ties, music, waiters ... All this pleasantly excites the blood, forcing you to see charming ladies and gallant gentlemen in your usual colleagues. The festive mood is guaranteed by the atmosphere itself. Minus: ordering a room in a restaurant - what could be easier and ... more boring?

A few hours of fun in a stuffy room can cause people to have an increased interest in strong drinks. Therefore, the main focus should be on holiday program, which requires additional financial investments, fiction and nerves. Takeaway. A certain company celebrated the New Year in ... a small but cozy palace-museum near Kiev. Carol songs, traditional Ukrainian Christmas dishes, troika rides in a snowy park.

Exotic New Year

Among the most exotic options for celebrating the corporate New Year is a trip to nature, to a country club or even to a foreign resort. Plus: what can I say, the memories will last for a long time! Takeaway. Last year's winter holidays a large St. Petersburg corporation marked directly on the ice of the Gulf of Finland. Ice tables were set in the open air, gourmet light snacks were pleasing to the eye on ice plates, and waiters in liveries and powdered wigs served hot dishes on silver dishes... a large number people is financially difficult even for many large firms.

Are we going "out of the way"?

Where to put the wife (husband)? - this question is increasingly faced by many employees of successful companies, where, in addition to the New Year, it is customary to celebrate the birthday of the company, summer and winter solstice, Easter holidays and other great events marked in the calendars. There are two polar opinions on this. Some argue that corporate holidays exist to unite a motley team into "almost a family." That is why outsiders (wives and husbands) are clearly superfluous at this celebration of life. Young, long-legged and unmarried people especially zealously support this point of view.
On the other hand, celebrating with spouses is much more interesting: you can brag about both your weight in your own team and your soul mate. Sometimes, having met his wife's colleagues at a corporate holiday, husbands begin to treat her evening rush at work much more calmly. And the husband of a familiar business woman, after a joint celebration of the corporate New Year, goes fishing with her boss.

6 bad advice

So, the holiday is just around the corner, the hall in the restaurant is booked, colleagues are excitedly discussing New Year's outfits ... If you want to wake up the next morning after a corporate party in a cold sweat from memories and in anticipation of being fired, do the following:

1. Drop all the "no" and "not allowed" along with the boring office suit. The New Year is a great occasion for frank conversation and natural behavior. In a word, do, speak and behave the way you want! But... Do not forget that even during the most carefree holiday you are at work. And next to you - not only loyal friends and soulmates ... So it's better to let off steam among old friends at the disco, and not in the "terrarium of colleagues."

2. Don't go to this stupid party at all! After all, you are a solid specialist, and such a "children's squeal on the lawn" should absolutely not interest you. But... During a corporate party, it is easy to learn new information, meet colleagues from neighboring departments, find out who the boss likes and who annoys him. Yes, and you yourself can attract attention with a good joke or a toast. The main thing is not to prop up the wall with a sour face - the party was organized so that everyone would have fun.

3. Eat just enough! Do not be shy to resolutely push away those who block your approach to an appetizing canapé with caviar or a salad with crabs. The only pity is that there is absolutely no room on your plate... By the way, a few exotic cocktails help a lot to relax. But... It is not customary to eat with appetite at corporate parties. Drink - too. Ideally, business ladies should parade around the hall with a single glass of champagne all evening. And they are supposed to eat a lettuce leaf ... Are you disappointed?

4. Playfully flirt with your superiors, colleagues, driver, security guard... After all, light coquetry strengthens business ties in the best possible way! You can also leave in front of everyone to “continue the banquet” together with a handsome (and, if possible, married) colleague in his office ... But ... As a rule, this is what is then discussed with relish by all the native team. And when the emotions of the indignant colleagues begin to go off scale, the authorities will sigh and draw "organizational conclusions." And it is possible that you will celebrate the next corporate New Year in a completely different company...

5. Finally have a heart to heart talk with the chef! Invite him to dance until you drop or try to sit next to the table. The main thing is not to leave your boss for a minute and talk, talk, talk. But... The boss is also a person... Therefore, remember: it is strictly forbidden to talk about work, repent of your own official miscalculations, discuss colleagues or persistently spread about your brilliant ideas.

6. Show what you are capable of! Start dancing and drag into the circle of shy programmers. Laugh loudly (you can with a slight squeal). Sing along to the artists. Juggle oranges. Dance the can-can on the table. But... If you're lucky, they'll call you a taxi. If not, ambulance, police and firemen...

Many firms arrange corporate parties, but still some employers save on wild fun. But I really want a holiday! Is it possible to celebrate the upcoming New Year in the office, in a close company? How else can you!

The most popular way to celebrate is to chip in with the whole department and buy some goodies. Many people do this, including sales manager Alexander and his colleagues:

I have been working in this company, in this department, for three years now. So far, the CEO has never gone bankrupt to hold some kind of banquet, so we create the mood for ourselves. This year, we spontaneously decided to celebrate the New Year in advance - back in early December. They chipped in a few hundred, bought all sorts of cuts, a cake, champagne with cognac. My immediate supervisor let me go home to put the car. Well, from three o'clock we were slowly celebrating - on Friday there was no work any more, so our quiet "libations" went unnoticed. Another employee had to stay behind the wheel, so he was given a bottle to take with him. Somehow, in a family way, we celebrate the New Year.

In fact, it is the most economical way to celebrate the holiday. In addition, if you have a small department, such gatherings can rally much more than large-scale corporate celebrations. The same Alexander recalls that he used to work in a very large company, the management of which filmed huge banquet halls in order to please thousands of its employees:

And the artists were cool, and the food was not cutting, but something more complicated. But that soulfulness was definitely not there. We wandered around this restaurant, and, to be honest, I personally felt out of place. It was uncomfortable. Lonely somehow. Now everything is a hundred times more modest, but the New Year is a family holiday, so I think we are celebrating it very correctly. Joy, at least, from such evenings remains.

hot holiday

Alexey, the head of a small airline ticket agency, said this:

Every year my friends and I go to the bathhouse… No, really! Not on December 31, of course, but earlier, but - yes, we celebrate the New Year in the bathhouse. We are a relatively family business, which consists of nine old friends, mostly male. A few years ago, we found a great place near the office - without any nonsense, which all the capital's baths and saunas are now famous for. By the way, in this bathhouse we celebrate not only the New Year, but also other holidays - the birthday of the company, for example. I speak from my position, but, I hope, my eyesight does not fail me: no one seems to feel any inconvenience about having to celebrate in such ... familiar atmosphere. Well, yes - the boss is sitting, wrapped in a sheet and with a red nose - so what? It should be easier!


We celebrate the New Year already in January, - said the designer Irina. - In December, we meet him at a large corporate party, and when we go to work, on the Friday closest to January 13 (Old New Year), we also celebrate with the department. We have a tradition for this occasion - everyone tries to put on something on this day that the animal of the coming year should like. This time we will look for the symbolism of the dragon - I have no idea what kind of masquerade it will be! Yes, I agree - this is childish, childhood, but very fun!

Holiday not in Russian

Margo works in an esoteric store, and December 31 from January 7 are very relative holidays for her and her colleagues.

As they say, insofar as. We celebrate the Chinese New Year according to all the rules of Feng Shui. It occurs around February, on the second new moon after the winter solstice. Last year, the menu was special - with big amount fruits and vegetables (especially cabbages and carrots - as rabbits love, the year of which was 2011), and they chose clothes “wisely” - they put on only white and gold, and they did a special cleaning - they drove away evil spirits with incense and firecrackers. Celebrated by the whole store - that is, they treated visitors. In general, it was fun, moody!

Julia Sudakova
Based on materials

"Russian business"

So, the New Year, 2004, was approaching. And heated discussions of New Year's plans - outfits, menus, gifts were confidently added to the usual final annual park at work. I must say that our department is small, very friendly and mostly young. And, as it often happens, almost completely female (5 girls 24-27 years old, a female boss who is ready to support all our crazy undertakings, and a boss, a guy of 28 years old, with whom we have experienced so much together that we can almost consider him almost a friend). Every year, on the last New Year's Eve working day, we arrange gatherings. The rooms are decorated with snowflakes, multi-colored congratulatory inscriptions, a huge cactus is dressed up as a Christmas tree, music, delicious treats and, of course, some entertainment (joking horoscopes, riddles, toasts). Everything is fine, but the soul demanded something completely unusual. The idea came when I accidentally stumbled upon the game "Heroes of Might and Magic" installed in my computer (inherited from the boss :). To be honest, I didn’t even try to play it, but there is one very interesting function there - the ability to create the area on which the action takes place. What if....

New Year's quest

And now, for a whole week, in fits and starts, carefully closing the computer screen from prying eyes, convulsively folding the "non-working" screen when the girls approach, I draw my department. We have at our disposal as many as 3 rooms along a long corridor + a room with a copier - there is where to turn around! Mountains - walls, houses - desktops, caves - built-in wardrobes, turrets - safes, a partition - a bridge .... Every little bit noticeable object has found its place on the map. We transfer the map to any graphics editor. Rooms, various objects have been assigned their own "characteristic" names, we think over where we will hide small souvenirs for each employee of the department, mark them on the map, next to each - the name of the person to whom it will be intended. We print the map on a color printer. It's interesting, what's next?

Let's say the map will need to be assembled in parts, and the parts must be found! So a letter appears from Santa Claus, which says that, alas, he does not have time to come to us, but he hid gifts for everyone in the department in advance, and the card was stolen, torn, and again - hidden by evil trolls. You can, they say, unravel the clues and collect pieces of the map - you will find gifts, but if not, you will not receive anything. Along with the letter - the first clue.

Hints indicate the location where the next clue and a new piece of the map are hidden. And, of course, only "our" person can understand them. For example: "Maybe the treasure is buried under a flowering maple tree?" (the tip is glued under the window sill under a flower, the leaves of which are really very similar to maple) or "Our secret is guarded by the one that stands in the far corner, long, skinny, horned" (a hanger with a hollow stand, into which tips rolled into a tube are lowered on a thread and a piece of the map). There are 10 hints in total. We print the card again, on a b / w printer, having previously closed the sign-pointers with white rectangles, cut it into 10 pieces. Phew, you're all set.

In the evening on the eve of the holiday with a smart look (oh, I still need to finish this summary ... but you don’t wait for me, I can handle it myself ...) I stay at work. According to the plan, I hide clues with pieces of the map and small gifts.

About them a separate word. Of course, in this pre-holiday hype, there is usually neither time nor money left for something sensible and useful. No problem! Of course, everyone will be happy to receive a small postcard addressed to him from Santa Claus and, say, a mini-chocolate. I made the postcards with my own hands: I embroidered small New Year's motifs in advance and pasted them on rectangles cut out of glossy business card. Instead of purchased wrapping paper - lilac painted with gold and silver pens corrugated paper, each gift is tied with gold and silver threads. Surprises are tiny, easy to hide, but nice to receive: The whole next day there was only one thought in my head - if only no one noticed anything prematurely!

New Year's Eve with colleagues

And here we are for festive table. Naturally, beautifully served, decorated with white snowflakes and golden stars, in the center is a wonderful christmas composition with a burning candle (oh, how we all did it together! we had fun, we had so much fun!). The first toasts were said, the first worm was frozen, there was talk about this and that .... I get that very letter from Santa Claus. And now all seven people, led by the authorities, are running around the offices in search of pieces of the map. Laughter, screams, the first difficulties with prompts and the wild joy of solving the problem. When all the pieces are found, they must be folded. Finally the "puzzle" is completed. Instead of scraps of a black-and-white map, I take out a color one, with signatures and indexes. What to do with it is not immediately clear. New task.

But the inscriptions are read, the map is carefully examined, and it becomes clear to everyone that this is our department, that the names are pointers to gifts, and that all that is left is to find them. And again, seven people with a huge unfolded map in their hands rush through the offices and look for gifts, almost turning over the safes and not moving the furniture, and rejoicing at the found chocolates, like gold bars...

Talking about this game, impressions lasted for several months, gratitude - perhaps enough for the rest of my life. After almost a whole year, only one question torments me - what else would be so new and interesting to come up with for the next holiday ?!

Smirnova Olga (sova)


Olga, be so kind as to send the map!!! [email protected]

12/25/2008 04:37:53 PM, Tatyana

Dear Olga, the idea is so interesting, fresh, and quite feasible, just brilliant!
You are a wonderful kind person!
You are a good witch! happiness to you
in the coming new year!

12/24/2008 10:34:48 AM, Vitaly

very cool I did this at home for my daughter's birthday

12/16/2008 00:27:08, yuri

I still can’t imagine for my corporate party, but I see that it’s very interesting. Will there be time for me to give birth to a similar ........

Dear Olga, your idea is wonderful. I need your help, please send the map if it is saved. Thank you.

11/28/2008 10:49:32 AM, Olga

Olga, Thanks a lot for an idea. The idea is very interesting (though not new). I can't figure out how to make a map. Help.

12.11.2008 10:20:41, Elena 12/28/2007 13:25:41, Igor

Damn, I think it’s cool to transfer this to your house, like a Ford Boyard, I think it will be interesting, ... there is an underground and an attic there. Lord, the house would not have collapsed. With God blessing....
And the idea is cool, thanks OLGA from 2004

12/28/2007 13:25:38, Igor

Damn, I think it’s cool to transfer this to your house, like a Ford Boyard, I think it will be interesting, ... there is an underground and an attic there. Lord, the house would not have collapsed. With God blessing....
And the idea is cool, thanks OLGA from 2004

12/28/2007 13:25:38, Igor

Just wonderful!
I have been trying to celebrate the New Year at work for three years now. I couldn't make up my mind, but this year... definitely. I'm still using this script.
Just super! And it does not matter whose idea it is and who is the author of all this!
Do not listen to those who speak badly!!!

But in fact, can you send your card? Or post it here?))))) Huh?
[email protected]

12/21/2007 03:41:15 PM, Fairy

Send, pliz, your card.

12/12/2007 04:37:36 PM, Alina

Dear Olga! Can you please send an example map? I want to do a similar thing at a celebration with friends, and an example would be very helpful.
My email - [email protected]

11.12.2007 23:03:28, Evgeniya 12/15/2006 13:18:45, Marina

Dear Olga, were you born new script in the same vein for the 2007 meeting? If you are planning anything, please share your plans.

11.12.2006 06:24:36, Elena

My name is Nastya Tishchenko.
I am waiting for a letter and gifts from you for the new year! More preferably!
kiss - nastya!

08.12.2006 23:36:11, Nastya tishchenko

Comment on the article "New Year at work"

My husband and I celebrated the last New Year together :) Very cool! I still remember this New Year with warm feelings. At first we met the New Year romantically, then we went for a walk along the street :) We went to bed in the morning!

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Happy New Year with a new happiness. May you not have bad weather. Let everything work out, Luck smiles. So that everything is on the table, So that you are lucky everywhere. So that the pockets were full, And large mani were found in them. So that your health is strong And your family appreciates you. May this year be successful, May you be lucky in everything. © Congratulations on the New Year Happy New Year, I wish you bright happiness, So that everything works out for you. So that the dream comes true soon. You always remain yourself And smile more often ...

Happy New Year!!! Happy New Year! Congratulations to everyone now! Let joy fly freely, And decorate every hour! Prospects and luck, Let them always surprise! All sorrows are rushing away, Trouble will go away! Have fun, love! May you always be lucky in everything! Angels, so kept, What fate - to dreams of flight! © Happy New Year 2015 Happy New Year! I wish you more happiness! So that personal luck, success, Kindled laughter forever! Best prospects! The most wonderful, lovely divas! Positive...

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