Nutrition. Nutrition What should an 8 month old baby eat

Is your baby finally eight months old? As loving and caring parents, you just need to learn about how babies should become now and how often crumbs should be fed at this age. The natural nutrition of a child at 8 months is different from artificial. However, it varies from year to year.

Meat feeding

At the age of 8 months, doctors are allowed to give a baby broth cooked on meat, and even add a little mashed vegetables there. In order for the child to learn to eat bread, it is recommended to crumble a small piece of it into the broth. And you can also allow to eat sweet cookies.

A child of months, which is strict and clear, should eat boiled meat, as it contains many vitamins and amino acids, protein, and minerals. Doctors recommend using poultry or beef for feeding the baby. These varieties are not so fatty, which means they are easier to digest by the child's body. In addition, all useful substances are stored in such meat. But before you include boiled meat in the child’s menu at 8 months old, you need to fully examine it with a pediatrician in order to avoid various troubles.


The nutrition of a child at 8 months should be varied, not only so that the baby does not get bored with the same food, but also to get all the nutrients found in the products.

Cereals can be added to meat.

2 times a week instead of meat, the baby should be fed with fish broth. Fillets are the best for cooking. And you need to carefully check that there is not a single bone in the liquid. And fish is very useful for a growing organism.

Also, the baby must be fed once a day with cottage cheese, but not more than 50 g.

Despite the fact that a child already has 2-3 teeth by 8 months, all food should be finely chopped.

Vegetable puree soup

After trying the meat broth for 14-16 days, the child's menu at 8 months should also include vegetable soup, to which you can add 1-2 teaspoons of cream and half a boiled chicken yolk. But the portion should not exceed 200 g.

It is worth adding 2-2.5 small tablespoons of oil to the puree to improve the taste and assimilate nutrients. Just like in meat broth, it is recommended to put a small cracker or just a small piece of bread in vegetable soup so that the baby gets used to it. In addition, all pediatricians recommend giving children a little kefir after 6 months to improve the functioning of the stomach and not only.

After the vegetable soup, the baby can be pampered with a fruit dessert, mashed with it. Or drink natural, freshly squeezed juice is better.

If a child at 8 months old, whose daily regimen was prescribed above, follows him, then he will certainly grow up a healthy and strong person.

Meal Schedule

Rules for natural feeding of children without allergies:

  1. Give your child no more than 250 ml of mother's milk or formula and no more than 60 ml of natural juice per day.
  2. fruit puree, but not more than 60 g per day. Give mother's milk or milk porridge - no more than 190 g per day, adding 2 small spoons of butter and 50 g of cottage cheese.
  3. Boil broth for your child by adding mashed vegetables (150 g), crumble a small piece of bread. The volume of the soup should not exceed 0.23 liters. After that, you need to give the child juice to drink (0.05 l).
  4. Instead of your milk, you can feed the baby with kefir, but not more than 0.016 liters, pampering the baby with sweet children's cookies. Give a puree of vegetables and fruits, approximately 50-60 g each.
  5. Breastfeeding or mixture - 0.22 l.

Feeding a child with cow's milk allergy:

Child's day routine

By 8 months, the baby becomes more active. It is very important to pay attention to all the nuances of his upbringing, because at this time the child begins to communicate with society.

Sweet dreams

A child of months, whose daily routine becomes more saturated, sleeps less and plays more, has fun, is naughty, cries, laughs.

The baby has more strength, and therefore, instead of the previous 2 hours of wakefulness, now he may not want to sleep for 3-4 hours. Parents will also have to gather strength, because education is work.

Toys for a baby of 8 months become more attractive. And often the baby does not want to sleep during the day, which scares the young mother.

Ideal regimen for an 8 month old baby

6:00 - 7:00

Climb! The baby wants to eat.

6:30 - 8:00

The child needs a morning walk.

8:00 - 10:00

The walk was quite exhausting. Need to sleep.

Baby awakening. Gotta eat.

10:30 - 14:00

During this time, the baby needs to have time to do so many useful things! Charging, washing, massage. And walk again!

14:00 - 14:30

14:30 - 16:00

The baby goes to rest, falls asleep if possible, giving her mother a little to do her own thing.

16:00 - 18:00

Baby goes to play with his favorite toys. By the way, toys for a child of 8 months should be different than before, so their assortment needs to be reviewed.

19:30 - 22:00

The baby wakes up and asks for food. You need to feed him, and he will fall asleep until morning.

Of course, all this is rarely observed by a child. But if you roughly follow this schedule, the baby will be properly brought up and grow up healthy, strong, strong.

The whims of the baby

Which must be strictly observed, does not always obey parental rules. The reason for this may be:

  1. Mother's milk. A mother gives her baby too much milk. It should be given only after the main meal.
  2. Violation of the daily routine. The development of a child of 7-8 months depends on therefore non-compliance with it can harm the child. Even if something has changed in the plans, the baby needs to be fed strictly by the hour, then everything will be in order.
  3. Teeth. This is the most common cause of whims. The baby experiences pain when teeth erupt, and the touch of a spoon on the gums causes discomfort, so the baby refuses to eat. In this case, you can not insist. Let him eat as much as he can.
  4. Room temperature. If the baby is crying for no apparent reason, then the room is probably too hot. Scientists have proven that high temperature children are more difficult to tolerate air. Therefore, you need to constantly ventilate the house, but at the same time do not forget about the health of the crumbs. Do not create drafts where the baby is. Before night airing, it is good to cover the child so that he does not catch a cold.

Young parents are probably wondering when the child turns 8 months old: "What can he do and what should he be able to do at that age?" It all depends on how often they work with their baby. The more they teach him now, the more hobbies, aspirations and passions he will have in the future.

The first year of every baby's life is special. After all, it is at this time that the child systematically moves from the usual liquid food directly to solid. Many children already try different foods after six months.

The task of parents is to introduce the child to new tastes. However, this must be done safely and correctly. Of course, every parent is interested in what should be the diet of the child at eight months.

Base Products

The main product that the baby should try at eight months is meat. It is the most valuable source of amino acids, fats, vitamins, mineral salts. Meat is added to the porridge boiled in water, as well as to vegetable dishes. The optimal solution becomes lean meat. Veal, turkey, chicken are best suited.

The next product that a child can be given at eight months should be wheat bread. The first portion of the baby should be about five grams.

In addition, eight month old baby can try:

  • Butter, which is added to the porridge.
  • Fruit juice. It is permissible to give it to the baby after a meal.
  • Croutons and baby biscuits. They are given with fruit puree or porridge.

Such food is allowed breastfeeding. Otherwise, a different diet is relevant.

On artificial feeding, as well as babies, whom the mother introduces to complementary foods before six months due to a shortage of milk, are given fermented milk products. Kefir without additives or children's yogurt is allowed. Similar products are allowed to cook with my own hands or take directly from the dairy kitchen.

Modern pediatricians believe that by eight months the child should have tried porridge, cottage cheese, and kefir for a long time. Then you can expand the menu by introducing vegetable oil, yolk, fruit puree, minced meat. Breast milk or special mixtures should not be canceled - they should remain in the baby's diet for a long time.

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Daily amount of food

The total daily volume of all products for eight-month-old babies should be calculated according to the weight of the babies. To determine the amount of food, you can use a simple formula. The body weight of the child must be divided by 9.

An eight-month-old child, like a seven-month-old, needs five meals a day. Breaks in feeding should not exceed four hours. The baby should eat regularly.

Although an eight-month-old baby consumes fairly large portions of complementary foods, you should not refuse breastfeeding. It is acceptable to use both milk and infant formula. For breastfeeding, you need to leave the morning and evening meals. During the day, the crumbs need to be given exclusively solid food. However, many children prefer to wash down most products with mother's milk.

Eight-month-old children can cook milk porridge. It is also permissible to cook them on the water. But it is better to add mother's milk or milk formula to the final product. The child should be offered cereals from several cereals, adding children's cookies and fruits to them. Vegetables can not be crushed to a state of puree. It is permissible to simply knead them, give the child in the form of soup. This will allow the baby to learn to chew. Yolk, meat, butter are added to such a soup.

Chicken meat must be introduced into children's diet with extreme caution. This product may cause allergies. Meals should be prepared for the baby daily. The child should eat exclusively fresh products. To make life easier, mom can use ready-made baby purees or cereals.

Many children are actively teething by eight months. Therefore, it will be interesting for the child to gnaw crackers or drying. You can buy beautiful dishes for your baby, give soups from a patterned deep plate. Second courses should be served in flat dishes. It is also important to teach your baby to drink from a mug. The desire of the child to try to eat on his own requires encouragement. The kid needs to be given a spoon so that he makes attempts to wield such a tableware.

If the child completely refuses to use new products, then you should not insist. However, periodically you need to continue to offer him a new dish.

Children should wash their hands before every meal.

With normal development, the baby should add about five hundred grams in weight and about one and a half centimeters in height in the eighth month of life.

In the first year of his life, the baby moves from liquid food to solid food. Most babies start trying a lot of different foods after six months. The task of parents during this period is to introduce the baby to new tastes, but to do it correctly and safely. Let's take a look at what foods are recommended to be included in the diet of an eight-month-old peanut and how to properly compose a menu for the day from them.

What additional foods can be included in the diet?

The main product that babies try at eight months on any type of feeding is meat. It serves as a source of valuable amino acids, vitamins, fats, mineral salts. Meat is added to vegetable dishes, as well as to porridge boiled in water. The best choice would be lean meat, such as chicken, turkey, veal.

At 8 months, your baby will be introduced to many new flavors.

The second product that begins to be given from 8 months is wheat bread. The first portion of the baby should be a piece of bread no more than 5 grams.

In addition to meat, an eight-month-old breastfed baby begins to try these foods:

  1. Butter . It is usually added to porridge.
  2. Fruit juice. It is given after any meal.
  3. Children's cookies and crackers. They can be given along with both porridge and fruit puree.

A formula-fed baby, as well as a baby whose mother introduced complementary foods before 6 months due to a lack of milk, can begin to give fermented milk products at 8 months. It can be children's yogurt or kefir without additives. Such products can be prepared at home with your own hands or taken in a dairy kitchen.

Calculate your feeding schedule

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If parents follow the recommendations for the introduction of complementary foods from Dr. Komarovsky, then by eight months their child has long tried kefir, cottage cheese and porridge. At 8 months, a popular pediatrician advises expanding the menu by introducing cereals, vegetable oil, fruit puree, yolk, grated meat and fruit juice.

Breast milk (mixture) should remain in the baby's diet for a long time

How much should a baby eat?

Total daily food intake for eight month old baby can be calculated by the weight of the baby. To determine how much food a baby of this age needs per day, its mass is divided by 8 or 9.


An eight-month-old child, as in 7 months, has 5 meals a day - every day the child eats five times during the day with breaks between feedings up to four hours.

The diet depends on the temperament of the baby, deviations from generally accepted norms are very common

sample menu

In a child who was exclusively breastfed until 6 months of age, at 8 months the menu will look like this:

For a seven-month-old baby who was introduced to complementary foods at the age of 4-5 months due to a small amount of breast milk from his mother, the daily menu will be as follows:

For a bottle-fed baby, the menu at the age of eight months will look like this:

For a child who was introduced to complementary foods, taking into account the recommendations of Komarovsky, the menu at 8 months will be as follows:

Although an eight-month-old baby is already eating quite large portions of complementary foods, it is not worth completely refusing to feed the baby with breast milk or formula. It is worth leaving morning and evening feeding for breastfeeding, and during the day give the baby only solid food, which, however, many babies prefer to drink with their mother's milk.

Recommendations for the introduction of new products are only guidelines, do not take them too seriously

  • Porridge at this age can be boiled both in milk and in water, adding milk mixture or mother's milk to the finished product. An eight-month-old baby can be offered cereals from several cereals. You can add fruits and children's cookies to the porridge.
  • For eight-month-old children, vegetables can no longer be mashed, but kneaded and given in the form of soup, teaching the child to chew. In such a soup, you can add meat, yolk, butter.
  • It is necessary to introduce chicken meat into the child's diet carefully, since it is an allergenic product.
  • You need to prepare meals for the baby every day in order to give the crumbs only fresh food. To make life easier, mom can use ready-made baby cereals and mashed potatoes.
  • Most children are actively teething at eight months, so the child will be happy to gnaw on dryers or crackers.
  • Buy your child beautiful dishes and give the baby soups from a deep plate, main dishes from a flat plate, and drinks from a mug. Do not forget to encourage the child to eat on his own and regularly give the baby a spoon so that he tries to wield this tableware.
  • If the child refuses any new foods, do not insist, but continue to offer the baby a new dish.

As the child becomes more and more active, many parents are thinking about vitamins for a child up to a year old. Whether they are needed, read our article.

The article will give tips on feeding a baby at 8 months, an approximate menu and diet.

New foods are added to the diet of an eight-month-old baby. This is necessary for the full development of the child's body. If there are no restrictions from the pediatrician, the products can be combined. The diet consists of 5 meals:

  • Around 6 am. This time is ideal for breastfeeding or formula feeding. Breastfeeding should not be interrupted for at least one year. This will help your baby adjust to the new diet.
  • 10 a.m. At this time, the child is given a nutritious breakfast rich in carbohydrates. It must be porridge. Types of cereals can be changed day by day, giving preference to your favorite
  • 14:00 is a full meal, which should consist of soup or broth. Also, you need to include meat in your diet. It will be given as a puree for now.
  • 18:00 - evening meal. It can be very varied, but the food should be easily digestible. It can be cottage cheese, baby yogurt or vegetable puree.
  • 10 pm - the last meal, which, similarly to the morning feeding, should consist of milk

What kind of cottage cheese to give a child at 8 months, how much and how often?

Cottage cheese is rich in calcium, fluorine and vitamins, which are involved in the full development of the child's skeletal system.

  • For children who feed on mother's milk, cottage cheese should be introduced no earlier than 8-9 months of age. For those who are artificially fed, cottage cheese has been shown since the 7th month
  • Cottage cheese should be given after vegetables, fruits and cereals have been introduced into the diet
  • First you need to establish how the baby's body reacts to a new product. First give a teaspoon of the product and observe the reaction
  • If everything is good, then increase the portion. It can reach 30 - 40 grams per day
  • It is better to give cottage cheese at the beginning every other day. Only starting from the 10th month, cottage cheese can be given daily
  • Cottage cheese is better to cook yourself from natural products. Purchased cottage cheese, especially with additives, is strictly forbidden to give

Video: How to make baby cottage cheese?

How much yolk to give an 8 month old baby?

Egg yolk is usually mixed with breast milk or formula. Also, it can be added to puree or porridge.

  • Egg yolk is not a new product for an 8 month old baby. But it is still not necessary to give this product in large quantities.
  • If the reaction of the baby's body to the yolk is good, then it can be given half. The portion can be increased every month of life
  • It is better to give preference to quail eggs. Children are less likely to be allergic to this type of yolks.
  • You need to carefully feed the baby with eggs, without abusing this product on the menu.

How much meat to give a child at 8 months: the norm?

  • At 8 months, pediatricians recommend actively introducing meat into the baby's diet. Naturally, it should be in the consistency of mousse for a better perception.
  • Meat contains many essential vitamins (A, B12, B2), amino acids and minerals. All of them are involved in the development of the child's body.
  • The norm of meat for an 8 month old baby is up to 50 grams per day
  • Meat should be introduced into the diet only in the absence of allergies, constipation and other negative reactions of the body.
  • In the diet, it is recommended to eat chicken, veal, turkey or beef. All meat must be fresh and with tender fibers.

How much cereal should an 8 month old baby eat?

  • At 8 months, the baby is usually given such cereals: rice, buckwheat, oats or corn porridge. You can give other cereals if the child perceives them normally
  • The norm of porridge at this age - up to 180 grams porridge
  • Semolina porridge should not be given to babies under one year old, as it reduces the ability to absorb calcium.
  • Porridge can be ground or given in pieces. The kid will eventually figure out how to chew them.

How to cook porridge for an 8 month old baby?

  • The cereal should be washed with water and sorted out. Then you can grind it in a blender.
  • Then the cereal is poured boiled water and cook until done. Make sure the cereal does not burn
  • Up to 8 months, porridge is boiled in water. Before feeding, you can add a little formula or breast milk to it.
  • Closer to the year, porridge is cooked in non-fat natural milk
  • From 8 months you can add butter to porridge - 5 gr

The norm of fruit puree and vegetable puree at 8 months

The norm of vegetable puree for a baby of 8 months is 180 gr, fruit puree is 80 gr

  • Mashed potatoes can be special purchased or cooked at home.
  • Purchased purees should be fresh, the composition should not contain chemical additives. Read the composition of the product before feeding it to a child.
  • Homemade baby puree should be prepared from organic fruits and vegetables, the tough skin should be removed. Prepare puree with a blender or a metal sieve

Video: How to make fruit puree for a child?

What yogurt to give a child at 8 months and how much?

When choosing kefir for a child, study its composition. It should not contain preservatives and additives, the shelf life is minimal.

  • For children on artificial nutrition, kefir is introduced into the diet as early as 7 months of age. For babies - after 8 months of life
  • You can introduce kefir after the baby is already freely eating cereals, vegetables and fruits
  • To make the baby fall in love with kefir, you can add applesauce to it. Can't use sugar
  • The first time the norm of kefir is up to 30 grams, gradually this dose increases to 100 grams
  • Dairy products are best given in the evening feeding. Kefir is drunk from a spoon or cup
  • To be sure of the quality of kefir, it is better to cook it yourself from natural milk

Milk "Agusha" from 8 months, how to give?

  • Milk "Agusha" is intended for children from 8 months. Information about this is indicated directly on the packaging of milk.
  • According to the manufacturer, milk is enriched with vitamins A and C, promotes the growth of the baby
  • According to reviews, children drink this milk well, it rarely causes allergies.
  • You can give such milk at 8 months and later. Usually it is given as an evening meal or added to porridge.
  • Milk has a short shelf life and should be stored in the refrigerator.

Milk "Agusha" for a child at 8 months

How and what to give cookies to an 8 month old baby?

Cookies are not at all an obligatory element of nutrition for an 8-month-old baby. You can give it only if the child does not have constipation.

  • Baking should not become one of the nutritional elements of children under one year old. Cookies can sometimes be given, but only as a treat.
  • Cookies for children 8 months should contain a minimum of sugar and fat. Ideal option - crackers or biscuits
  • You can give cookies between feedings. Sometimes it is added to the formula for nutrition, so the child eats better.
  • Cookies can be prepared by yourself, then you will be sure of its quality
  • According to reviews, best cookie for children under one year old - these are "Baby" and "Heinz"

What kind of fish can a child at 8 months and how to cook?

  • For an 8-month-old baby, you can give non-oily (hake, pollock, river perch, pollack) or moderately oily (herring, carp or bream) fish
  • Fatty fish can be introduced only after a year of a child's life
  • Fish for children are boiled. And fish broth can stimulate appetite
  • Some pediatricians recommend giving children special canned fish for children. But this issue is debatable. Indeed, in such a “fish” not all useful properties are preserved.
  • The first acquaintance with fish will be in the form of mashed potatoes. No salt, spices or oil added to it

Video: The first fish in a child's diet

Menu, diet and diet of a child at 8 months with breastfeeding

An approximate diet for a breastfeeding baby would look like this:

  • First breakfast - 6 am - 200 ml breast milk
  • Second breakfast - about 10 hours - porridge without milk with butter, fruit puree(80 gr)
  • Dinner – until 10 pm – breast milk 200 ml

Menu, diet and diet of a child at 8 months with artificial feeding

Diet for a baby with artificial feeding:

  • First breakfast - 6 o'clock in the morning - 200 ml of the mixture
  • Second breakfast - about 10 hours - porridge in milk with butter, fruit puree (80 gr)
  • Lunch - 2 pm - Vegetable puree + vegetable little (180 gr), meat puree (or fish) (50 gr), fruit juice
  • Afternoon snack - 6 pm - cottage cheese or kefir, cookies if desired, fruit puree (if not for breakfast)
  • Dinner - before 10 pm - mixture 200 ml

If the child is allergic to dairy products, then the afternoon snack is replaced with vegetable puree or porridge

Video: Dr. Komarovsky on the nutrition of children up to a year

Meat is a valuable source of animal protein and minerals (phosphorus, potassium, iron). It can be lean beef or veal, lean pork, horse meat, venison, rabbit meat, and tongue.

ATTENTION! Veal and chicken as the first meat food require caution. If a child has an intolerance to cow's milk, it is better to refuse veal, and chicken in some cases can cause an allergic reaction.

How to cook meat supplements at home?

If you are preparing meat puree at home, remember that it must be very well chopped, because the baby has not yet learned how to chew properly. Meat without fat, peeled from veins and films, boil and chop in a blender (if you do not have this miracle household appliances, an ordinary meat grinder will do). But even in this form, at first, the baby may not like it, because in its consistency it differs from the usual mushy food. To have child there was no negative reaction to meat complementary foods, you can mix minced meat with vegetable puree in the first days. After a week or two, try giving the meat puree separately. So that the meat "dish" does not seem too dry to the baby, add a little breast milk or formula to it, and put the vegetable puree on a plate on the side, as a side dish.

At 9 months old baby food meatballs can be introduced, and steam cutlets a year. Meat broths in menu for children of the first year of life are not used: they contain substances boiled out from meat and can adversely affect the children's body. It is much more useful to use vegetable broths without salt and spices for cooking meat dishes (they will also be very useful for a young mother, who often suffers from excess weight accumulated during pregnancy). Use all cooked meat dishes immediately, do not store.

Meat puree from a jar: how to choose?

If you prefer to buy ready-made baby food, choose mashed potatoes made from one type of meat (mono) without spices or potato starch. This is especially important if the child is prone to food allergies.

It is necessary to select a meat product for it, taking into account individual tolerance. In the future, you can expand the range of meat dishes by introducing canned meat and vegetable, but you still need to pay attention to their composition and degree of grinding (the age from which this product can be used is indicated on the package). Many canned meat and vegetable products contain carrots, besides, it is often included in various juices - healthy children can be given these products no more than 1-2 times a week, otherwise excess beta-carotene will be deposited in the skin, and it can turn yellow.

At first, it is convenient to use jars baby food labeled "Stage 1". In them, the volume of the product is small, and the meat puree is subject to the greatest degree of grinding. The contents of the jars are sterile, ready to use and, regardless of seasonality, include the necessary nutrients. When choosing mashed potatoes for a child, one should pay attention to the indicated age recommendations, that is, the terms from which this product can be introduced into the baby's diet. Unfortunately, these instructions do not always coincide with the recommendations of domestic pediatricians and nutritionists.

Therefore, before you buy and even more so give your child something new, you should first consult with a specialist.

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Rules for the introduction of meat complementary foods

Start introducing meat puree into child's menu you can literally from half a teaspoon, then, the next day, if the product is well tolerated, a teaspoon (5 g). Over the next week, the volume of complementary foods is adjusted to 5-6 teaspoons (25-30 g). A full portion of meat at the 9th, 10th month is 40 g, and by 11-12 months - 50-70 g per day.

An 8 month old baby's menu might look something like this:

  • 6:00 - breast milk or formula (200 g);
  • 10:00 - dairy-free porridge (150 g), ½ yolk (after the introduction of meat, it is advisable to transfer the yolk to breakfast), breast milk or a mixture (50 g);
  • 14:00 (lunch) - vegetable broth (20-30 ml), vegetable puree (150 g), meat puree (30 g), breast milk or formula (50 g). Of course, you can give not just broth, but actually vegetable soup (vegetable broth and some mashed vegetables);
  • 18:00 - breast milk or mixture (200 g);
  • 22:00 - breast milk or formula (200 g).

If juices and fruit purees were introduced earlier, then the menu may look different:

  • 6:00 - breast milk (mixture 200 g);
  • 10:00 - dairy-free porridge (150 g), ½ yolk, juice (20-30 ml), fruit puree or breast milk (30-40 ml);
  • 14:00 (lunch) - vegetable broth (20-30 ml), vegetable puree (150 g), meat puree (30 g), juice or breast milk (30-40 ml);
  • 18:00 - breast milk or formula (160-170 g), fruit puree (30-40 ml);
  • 22:00 - breast milk (a mixture of 200 g). Recall that the volume of each feeding is approximately 200-250 ml.

Thus, per day (with a five-time feeding regimen), the child receives about 1000 ml of food.

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