What to buy for a 3 year old girl. Gifts for girls

The age of three is the beginning of an independent role-playing game. The baby is happy to play the role of mother, doctor, cook, fairy-tale character. In the morning she enthusiastically sweeps the floors, pretending to be a hostess, in the afternoon she gives injections to a teddy bear, and in the evening she shakes the naughty doll Dasha in the cradle. What to give our "adult" girl for 3 years?

Everything is like mom

Girls after 3 years of age are especially eager to imitate adults, in particular their mother. They are interested in all aspects of adult life and things used by parents. Therefore, we offer to give the baby:

  • Play kitchen and food set
  • Children's tableware
  • Ironing board with iron
  • Children's household appliances - microwave, kettle, washing machine, refrigerator, coffee maker, etc.
  • Cleaning kits - vacuum cleaner, cleaning equipment (bucket, mop, brushes), laundry

Games in the profession

You go shopping with your daughter, to the clinic, to the hairdresser and kindergarten. It is possible that she visited your work. The baby already knows that the doctor treats, the hairdresser cuts, the seller sells goods, and the teacher looks after the children while the parents are at work. Therefore, at 3 years old, there is nothing more exciting than playing adults. So to speak, "try on" different professions.

Thematic sets as a gift for a girl 3 years old:

  • - doctor games will allow the baby to get acquainted with the doctor's tools and not be afraid of them at the reception. Now all households are simply obliged to appear for a medical examination! And mom and dad, and grandmother, and a one-eared hare, and the cat Dusya))
  • - to bring beauty to yourself and dolls
  • - cash desk, shopping trolley, scales. Let's play real supermarket!
  • - a stand with a microphone and a karaoke microphone for a little singer, a guitar for a rock star, a stylish synthesizer, or maybe an electronic drum?
  • - a great gift for a 3 year old girl. At this age, the child copies from the sample, draws vertical and horizontal lines, apple, sun, circle. He begins to draw according to his own design, explains that he draws and learns to paint over the drawings. Therefore, if you buy an easel or a drawing board for a girl, it will be very useful.

Dolls and everything

With whom to play mother-daughters, if not with your favorite doll?)) 3-year-old girls are held in high esteem and baby dolls. After all, they need to be looked after, fed, swaddled and put on a pot. Otherwise, they will cry for the whole house! Buy a charming Spanish doll as a gift for a girl, she looks like real baby. Babies are supposed to be taken for a walk and put to sleep in a soft cradle. Therefore, complete your gift with a durable or beautiful one.

Game figures and dollhouses

At 3 years old, girls enjoy playing with small dolls and figurines. They come up with names, stories and adventures for their characters. Buy your daughter as a gift or famous little animals, for which you can build a whole town with houses, shops, a school and a kindergarten. They even have their own cars

Let's play a fairy tale - children's theater

Does your baby know by heart all the phrases from Luntik? And Kolobok has already been read to the holes?)) But she is ready to watch / read it again and again. What is it connected with? Psychologists say that children strive for stability and constancy, repetition allows them to better learn the material. We offer you to play your favorite fairy tales with the help of:

  • glove theater, finger theater, magnetic theater
  • Fairy tale constructor
  • Puppets
  • Nesting dolls in the form of favorite characters
Playing scenes helps develop memory, attention, speech, and the ability to build a dialogue.

Fairy house for a princess

Cozy - a wonderful gift for a 3-year-old girl! They love to hide in such houses)) This is a shelter, a place to play, and their own palace. In addition, the "palace" easily moves after its mistress to a picnic or a summer cottage.

Constructors and mosaic

At 3 years old, the designer is a solid YES! Housebuilding is in full swing)) The baby builds a house, a fence, a car out of cubes, beats buildings with toys. The designer makes the child think, develops spatial thinking.

Which designer to buy a girl for 3 years:
  • - from different parts geometric shapes, for the construction of high towers
  • - colorful "kind" constructor for kids from 2 to 5 years old with Disney princesses, cute people, animals and large details
  • Playhouse with doll houses, princess castles, fairy fairies and whole families of mini-dolls
You can also design on the plane. We are talking about . For 3-year-old girls, this is the first step to needlework. You can buy as a gift a classic mosaic with large buttons, a magnetic mosaic, a thermo mosaic for beginners or a large floor mosaic.


"Fuss" with plasticine and sand is in 1st place in popularity among kids. And in terms of its developing properties, modeling is a universal occupation. Games with sand and plasticine soothe, relieve tension, train fingers, develop imagination. For creative modeling, buy a girl for 3 years old. You can do anything with it! If you already have plasticine, please the birthday girl with an unusual one. It is similar to wet sea sand, but does not stick to the fingers and perfectly holds the shape of the Easter cake. Ideal for playing with sand at home!

Interactive toys

Toddlers love to take care of their toy pets. Especially if these pets reciprocate - they purr, walk, yelp, snore, follow commands or speak in a funny cartoon voice. Buy a fluffy one as a gift for your daughter, they will definitely get along))

Hello dear readers. Perhaps some of you have come across such a situation: “a birthday, a 3-year-old girl, but I don’t know what to give.” This article was created to help understand this issue. After reading all the information provided, it will be much easier for you to determine what kind of gift you want to present to the birthday girl.

The development of a three-year-old girl

Before deciding which gift to give, you need to consider age features birthday girls:

  1. At this age, the girl is already aware of what a birthday is. At a minimum, she understands that she is waiting for a meeting with guests and gifts. Therefore, they look forward to their holiday with great impatience.
  2. The games of such a girl become more complex, abstruse, she already knows how to worry, worry, regret and sympathize.
  3. At this age, babies can spend quite a long period of time playing on their own, they are especially fascinated by themed games.
  4. A three-year-old girl can already try on her mother's shoes. For example, my niece, who will be three years old in three months, is already doing it with might and main, and regularly.
  5. Some babies love to comb their hair, there is a desire to use cosmetics. That is, already at this age, young ladies are trying to take care of their appearance.

What can I give a girl for 3 years

Well, if you have a little daughter, and you know approximately what kind of gift can be presented to a girl of this age. And there are situations when parents themselves find it difficult to choose a gift for their daughter.

Personally, I have not yet had to present the gift of three summer girl. Since my niece's birthday will not come until three months later, I have already begun to puzzle over the question of what is best to give her. I just decided that a good gift there will be a tricycle or a balance bike, perhaps a scooter, but it turns out she already has a similar device. I wanted to give Dollhouse ik, and she already has one, though quite small. So I don't know if it's worth buying a larger version. So, I'm thinking about it myself right now. It is probably best to find out in more detail what toys she has acquired in the last month before buying a gift. But of course, I will not postpone the purchase of a gift until the last day.

Let's look at gift options for a three-year-old girl to make it easier to choose or coordinate guests in the right direction.

Of course, most of the games and toys remain the same as for girls in the year and two. However, they also become more difficult to implement. So for a three-year-old birthday girl, the following gifts are suitable:

For creativity

Little princesses with great pleasure spend a lot of their time sitting at the table, creating their first artwork. Therefore, such a gift will be most welcome.

Gift for active leisure

  1. Rope. Give a non-standard option, for example, with a jump counter. Now is the time to teach your baby to active exercises.
  2. Kite. The girl will be happy to manage such a device. The main thing is that the weather is favorable.
  3. Badminton. Such a gift will contribute not only to physical development, but it will also have a positive effect on improving the eye and dexterity of the baby.
  4. Dance mat. A girl may not immediately understand how to use it, but with the help of older girlfriends or an older sister, mother, she will figure out what's what. Then it will be very difficult to pull her away from this gift.
  5. Balance bike or tricycle for a young athlete. Do not be surprised if the baby immediately sits on it and starts to ride around the apartment.

Girls still continue to imitate their mothers. According to psychologists, the use of thematic sets has a positive effect on social development girls, helps to feel right the world to develop communication skills. Themed games help develop feelings such as kindness, empathy, decision different situations. In addition, there are cases when a girl who was afraid of going to the hospital overcame her fear thanks to the recruitment of a young doctor.

In addition to this set, the girl can give the following:

Gifts for a young princess

Evening dress for a little girl

  1. Beautiful elegant clothes, shoes. Since a three-year-old girl loves to dress up very much, such a gift will be pleasant not only for her parents, but also for herself. Do not be surprised if she immediately runs to try on a new thing.
  2. Jewelry box for children. It may include rubber bands, bracelets, hairpins, beads, clip-on earrings. The little princess will be happy to immediately try on most of the items from the set.
  3. Hygiene products. The girl can be presented with personal care items. It can be shampoo, bathing gel, bath foam, unusually shaped soap and even eau de toilette. In addition, if the girl does not yet have a toothbrush, you can also present such a gift, paired with toothpaste, a special stand for the brush.
  4. Handbag for little girls or a small backpack. The birthday girl will be so delighted with such a gift that she will immediately put it on and will not take it off until the end of the evening.
  1. If possible, consult with the parents of the birthday girl what gift will be successful. Better yet, ask the culprit of the upcoming celebration, most importantly, do it unobtrusively so that she does not guess anything.
  2. When choosing a gift, always consider in which area it is most interesting for a little birthday girl to develop. Let the gift be on topic.
  3. If you choose a toy, do not be guided by the price policy. It is much more important to think about what benefit it will bring to its future owner.
  4. When buying a gift, be aware of the age restrictions on the use of certain toys. You should not give too abstruse options that will be perceived by the girl with bewilderment.
  5. And remember, don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. As a rule, this leads to the fact that the name day comes, and you still do not have a purchased present.

Now you know what gifts are acceptable for a girl at the age of three. Remember that they must be safe, made of quality materials and absolutely understandable to a three-year-old child. I wish that the gift that you bring to the young princess will please the girl and her parents!

The celebration of the third anniversary of the baby already has a more conscious character, unlike the first two name days. This is due to a significantly increased understanding of what is happening: now the child is involved in the choice of guests, in the design of the holiday and knows what he wants to receive as a gift.
Many parents are puzzled by the question of what to give a child for 3 years. Gifts at this age are already accepted by the baby with delight and joy, if they are chosen correctly.
On the third name day, you can’t do without festive caps and balloons, as these are the main attributes children's day birth. The child should feel special among the guests, the hero of the celebration.

If everything is clear with the design of the holiday, then the gift requires some knowledge about child development at this age, about the preferences and abilities of your baby.
20 gift ideas for a baby for three years - a universal selection of toy options for girls and boys aimed at developing speech, fine and large motor skills, stimulating intellectual activity, and forming a correct perception of the world around.

Development of a child at the age of three

The development of a child at the age of three captures almost all areas of mental and physical activity. The kid learns the world not only by touch and visually, he develops logical thinking, the connection between actions, the level of understanding of what is happening increases. During this period, the development of motor skills (fine and large), which is of great importance in the life of the baby, gradually begins. Fine motor skills, on which the formation of a child’s speech directly depends, include the correct position of a pen or pencil when drawing, the maximum use of fingers during the game, etc.

A separate place should be allocated role-playing games which develop not only logical thinking, but also stimulate mental activity.

When choosing toys for children of three years of age, it is recommended to pay attention to the factors that develop visual, auditory and tactile perception. These include the material of the product, its color and sound.
Toys made of plastic must be of high quality. But if there is such an opportunity, it is better to choose toys made of wood. They are more environmentally friendly, pleasant to the touch and warm. And consequently wooden Toys improve sensory perception and fine motor skills. It can be lotto, dominoes, lacing and other educational games.

What to give a boy for 3 years?

Parking or track for cars

For a boy's birthday, parking for cars will be a good gift. By the age of three, he probably already has a large fleet of vehicles and he will be delighted that now there will be a garage where to place them. The boys are very fond of launching small cars, so anyone will be happy with the track for cars. And if it also consists of several tiers and several slopes, then it will be possible to organize many different games on it. For example, any Hot Wheels game track is a good gift for 3 years to a son or grandson.


The railroad is also a great gift. Of course, the greatest delight will be caused by an electric train that rushes along the rails, making the sounds of a real steam locomotive. But if the kid loves the cartoon "Funny Engines from Chuggington", then any track with its characters will no doubt be the best gift.

A universal gift for a boy - a car

What to give a boy for 3 years? A car is considered a classic gift option. Only now the choice of toy vehicles in our time is simply huge: inertial, remote, transforming and many others. You need to choose, starting from the knowledge and interests of the baby. For example, if he already copes with the control panel, knows how and likes to press buttons, then you can give him a radio-controlled model. But such cars can be difficult to manage, so be sure to pay attention to the recommended age on the packaging of the toy.

What to give a girl for 3 years?

doll houses

What to give a girl for 3 years? An excellent gift for the baby will be a doll house in which her dolls will live. This gift belongs to the category of role-playing toys based on logical thinking. For example, a girl will put dolls to sleep, feed them, and eventually come up with more complex stories. There are a lot of dollhouses on sale right now, but the cutest and most popular are without a doubt the Sylvanian Families sets, houses and furniture.

Classics of the genre for girls - doll

In contrast to cars, a doll is considered a classic toy for girls. Beautiful and elegant, they almost always cause delight and joy in the beautiful half at a young age. The choice of dolls at the present time is also very wide, they are equipped with various mechanisms and dressed in dresses or costumes.

For a three-year-old girl, it is preferable to buy baby dolls than, for example, Barbie or Winx, designed for an older age.

jewelry box

At the age of 3, a little princess already has a lot of hairpins, rubber bands and jewelry. They definitely need a box! And if she is with a mirror in which you can look, trying on jewelry, then there will be no limit to delight.

It is important to remember that the box should be for children, without sharp details and with a plastic mirror.

Universal gifts

Universal toys can be given for 3 years to both boys and girls. Gender differences at this age do not yet greatly affect the choice of toys.

Toy sets "kitchen", "hospital" or "shop"

These sets are suitable for both girls and boys. Watching how mom copes in the kitchen, prepares breakfasts and lunches, the baby will repeat her actions, and eventually even begin to think out the plot. The same goes for the toy hospital. Let mom or dad become patients for a while, and the child become a doctor. In this way, the child develops role-playing skills.

It has been proven that role-playing games have a positive impact on the development of logic and perception of the world around.

And playing the store is not only interesting, but also useful. From the age of three, a child can be taught to count. Toy money is the best tool first for learning numbers, and then for simple addition and subtraction.

Irina, mother of Serezha, 3.5 years old: “Seryozha was presented with a toy store for his birthday. Among cars and robots, at first it was lost, but now we play it every day. The set contained plastic coins from 1 to 10. Seryozha studied them so well that he unmistakably names any number!

Favorite cartoon characters

Three-year-olds have a lot of favorite characters. Moreover, most of them are liked by both boys and girls. Masha and the Bear, Peppa Pig, Paulie Robocar, Fixies, Smeshariki - the list is quite large. In this matter, it is worth starting only from the preferences of the baby.

Young artist set

At three years old, it is very useful to draw for the development of fine motor skills and imagination. Therefore, for a birthday, a baby can be presented with an album, paints, felt-tip pens or pencils. Other drawing supplies will complete the list: a non-spill glass, an easel, crayons and much more.

Drawing is included in almost everything. modern techniques early development, so such a gift will not only please a three-year-old child, but also benefit him.


One of the favorite activities for girls and boys of three years old is the designer. From it they deftly make houses for dolls, garages for cars and other structures. The constructor is an indispensable toy for children, it also contributes to early development. Fine motor skills, attention, imagination - these are the sides of the physical and psychological development affect games with a constructor.

Mosaic and puzzles

If your kid already skillfully copes with the designer, then you can move on to smaller details that make up various pictures. Now in children's stores there is a large selection of mosaics of different sizes, for children of three years of age it is better to choose large parts.

Games with mosaics or puzzles perfectly develop logic and fine motor skills.

Books: traditional or electronic

E-books are the result of the technological progress of our generation. Kids will love them very much bright pictures and texts, and also make them work a little. E-books often have multiple functions. It can be counting books, primers, fairy tales or all together.

Particular attention should be paid to electronic encyclopedias, which consist of many bright pages with tasks, riddles and pictures. They open for the baby the fullness of the surrounding world.

Folding books will also become great gift for a three year old. Before the eyes of the crumbs, paper huts will be erected, trees will grow and funny characters from fairy tales or cartoons will appear.

coloring pages

Coloring with your favorite characters will be a great addition to the set for a little artist.
Coloring pages differ mainly by age category. Of the novelties, erudite coloring books are noted.

children's domino

For little scholars, a children's domino is recommended as a gift for a three-year anniversary. It differs from an adult in that pictures are shown instead of dots. for example, 1 mitten or 5 kittens. In the process of folding pictures, children learn numbers and the basics of counting. At the same time, the study takes place unobtrusively, in the form of a game.

Children's lotto

What can you give a little "why"? Of course, children's loto. A smart game will involve the whole family in the process, help to learn the basics of the alphabet and arithmetic, expand knowledge about nature, animals and objects.

Logic Cubes

The logic cube is one of the most popular and versatile gifts for a three year old. Multi-colored puzzles are easily folded into a cube, and the figures are inserted into special holes. The toy can captivate the baby for a long time, developing logical thinking and speeding up the process of learning to count.

Scooter or bike

Equally important at this wonderful age physical development. Often it is from the age of three that children are happy to try to ride a bicycle or scooter. Therefore, you can make just such a gift for your baby's birthday.

Elena, mother of 3-year-old Masha: “The scooter that was presented to my daughter became a hit of the holiday. She first mastered it at home, and after 2 days she tried her hand on asphalt. Of course, with knee pads and elbow protection!

5 DIY ideas

  1. A hand-sewn pillow or toy. This gift will take a lot of time, but children will like it no less than a toy from a children's store.
  2. Clothes for dolls. For girls, outfits for their favorite dolls will be a good gift. Such a gift may well be made by a grandmother for her beloved granddaughter.
  3. Colorful cake. None can do without it children's day birth. Cakes with favorite characters or modern novelties - photo cakes, muffins decorated with multi-colored fondant and sweet animals - both girls and boys will really like it.
  4. Brilliant application. Here it is important to think over a plot familiar to the baby and pick up colored materials.
  5. Educational soft toys. These can be rugs, cubes or pads sewn from patches with numbers, letters, flowers, cartoon characters.

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When choosing a gift for a child's birthday, you should not focus only on new modern games ears. After all, this can negatively affect the baby, forming a passion for acquisition. Much better for child development will become simple toys or crafts self made. It is also not necessary to give any thing or object. A good gift can be a poem dedicated to a baby or a family trip to the circus or to a children's play.

In order for children to learn to care for others from an early age, it is necessary that they not only accept gifts, but also give them. Well-known teachers Boris and Lena Nikitin created their own family tradition, according to which a child makes a gift to his mother on his birthday.

To ease the pain of choosing, we will give some useful tips:

  • It will not be difficult for you to find out from the child what he dreams of. Get the things you want and make an unforgettable surprise for the baby.
  • Pay attention to the warehouse of the girl's character, see how sociable she is. Maybe it's time to make a choice in favor of gifts that will help develop certain human qualities.
  • The most desirable gift for children is toys. There aren't many of them. Any child will be delighted to receive another one.
  • Don't choose things based on price. Sometimes, the budget option pleases birthday girls more than luxury doll. The semantic load should be of decisive importance when buying.
  • Remember safety. Girls at 3 years old should not give presents with big amount small details.
  • Guests and distant relatives are the most difficult to pick up interesting options gifts. The main recommendation here: consult with the baby's parents. They will help you find The best decision.
  • Don't delay buying last day. It's hard to get something good in a hurry.

Difficult to choose? Consider a list of universal ideas. Among them, there will surely be an interesting present for a three-year-old girl.

  • Barbie doll, house, dresses, other accessories for her.
  • Soft toy with built-in sound module.
  • Coloring books with your favorite characters.
  • A set of paints, felt-tip pens, pencils.
  • Sets for needlework.
  • , puzzles.
  • Illustrated children's encyclopedia.
  • Toy dishes, play kitchen.
  • Children's household appliances.
  • Nice dress.
  • Growing kits, pets.
  • Furniture, interior items for the bedroom.
  • Play tent for children's room.
  • Video or audio player.
  • Disks with cartoons, training programs.
  • Children's computer.

A budget birthday gift for a 3 year old

At 3 years old, kids do not pay attention to the cost of the present. The main thing is to like it, to produce a wow effect, to cause envy among peers. A magnetic board is capable of this, thanks to which you can instantly draw some kind of face, a soft constructor that amazes with transformation options, puzzles loved by every child. A personalized mug or plate, T-shirt or sweatshirt will not be a burden on the wallet. A girl can use them not only for festive table but also over the next few years.

You probably noticed that the birthday girl carefully puts her favorite doll to bed, trying to do her hair and makeup. So, it's time to give the girl a cosmetic bag, a jewelry box, a pocket mirror, a comb, a set of bows and hairpins. You won’t have time to blink an eye, as the hero of the occasion will become an adult girl. Let her learn to be beautiful. Not less than interesting ideas gifts with an attractive price:

Teddy bear comforter. The idea of ​​the toy is that it is saturated with the smell of mom. In addition, the napkin animal is so touching that it is impossible to let go of it.

Supermarket Trolley. At 3 years old, children have been to stores many times and have seen similar accessories. The smallest present will need for themed games.

Wooden bed for a doll. You can give as a gift together with another baby doll, or by itself. Useful for arranging a doll's bedroom.

Bracelet "Flowers". Young fairies are always happy with such gifts. Do not forget to add that the decoration has magical powers, makes wishes come true.

Children's backpack"Tiger". Convenient for transporting an album, felt-tip pens, a game console, and useful little things. When traveling, you don't want to leave them at home.

Developing present for girls for three years

In the fourth year of life, the child is interested in everything. Flora and fauna, creativity, arrangement of various objects. During this period, the task of adults is not just to play with the girl, but to help her broaden her horizons. At the same time, to identify which areas of activity are of interest to the crumbs, in which the daughter or niece will be able to show her abilities. If certain conclusions are made, you can think about the appropriate gift. Moreover, a birthday is a great occasion for him.

One of the most popular presents - crayons and Finger paint. The best application for them is an easel or a sketchbook. No less useful signs of attention are sets of colored paper. In order to develop creative skills, you can create applications and all kinds of crafts from it. Developing gifts include Lego constructor, alphabet, interactive whiteboard, as well as:

Dominoes "Animals". In a playful way, introduce the girl to the world of wildlife. Thanks to the gift, she will quickly learn the names of animals and birds.

balancing tree. To get started, try putting it together with your child and explain how to balance the wooden blocks. The game helps to train perseverance and logical thinking.

wooden scales. At 3, the daughter probably knows what they are used for. Tell me how to find out exact weight object, and what kind of numbers are printed on the measuring scale.

Xylophone. The choice of gift is due to the interest in music. By hitting the metal plates with sticks, you can play any melody.

Counting material "Multicolored men". The creators made sure that the first math lessons were fun. Classes further contribute to the development of fine motor skills.

Sports gifts for a 3 year old girl for her birthday

You notice that the baby often catches a cold and gets sick. Alas, this is a common occurrence. A proven way to protect a girl from viruses is hardening. It's best to go to the pool with her, do morning exercises, small runs. A great option would be to purchase a home sports complex. On your birthday, you will give your baby a gym in miniature. It has a Swedish wall, a rope ladder, a rope, a horizontal bar and, of course, soft mats. Physical education will become your child's favorite pastime!

Roller skates are an example of a good gift for a little daughter. Most kids ride them to the point of exhaustion. The girl will gladly accept equipment for rhythmic gymnastics, skates, a cap and sleeves for swimming, a uniform for choreography. She will appreciate gifts such as:

Hula Hup. Spinning the hoop to the music is a lot of fun. Over the years, the birthday girl will understand that her thin waist has formed for a reason.

Gymnastic ball. An example of a useful gift. Lightweight sports equipment can be used for games or professional training in a gymnastics school.

Trampoline. An elastic mesh is good to take with you to the country. It is hardly worth jumping too high, but the hero of the occasion will charge herself and adults with positive energy for many years.

jump rope. A common and desired present. How to resist the temptation to jump with the girl next door to reveal the champion of the entrance?

Grasshopper. Gift for little fidgets. Like tiny insects, children can jump in the yard for hours. After such "training" I just want to sleep sweetly.

Bike. Give preference to the three-wheeled model. At this age, balancing on two children is still difficult. But, dashing trouble is the beginning!

Original present for a 3 year old girl

Parents often say that their child has everything. This is only partly true. With a large number of toys, children lack vivid impressions. In this regard, a trip to interesting place. Go with the girls to the circus, zoo, amusement park. At 3 years old, they will like cat or dog performances, acrobat performances, and dolphin shows. You will also remember a trip to a cafe where the waiters are dressed in costumes of heroes from your favorite cartoons.

An unusual present for a child and his parents is a gift certificate for a professional photo shoot. The three-year-old princess willingly poses in front of the lens. Successful shots can be used to create posters, calendars and collages.

Ambulance set. Suitcase with a complete set of toy medical instruments. A child who dreams of becoming a doctor will be delighted.

Cinderella set. Thanks to such gifts, you can help your mother with cleaning. Sooner or later, the birthday girl herself will become the hostess. Why not with young years do not instill in her a love of cleanliness.

Solar Farm Pack. Created based on the famous computer game. The set includes 180 pieces made of natural wood.

Puppet show. More interesting gift hard to imagine. It remains for young dreamers to choose a suitable theme, paraphernalia and arrange a game performance.

Teaching railway. Not just a train with a trailer, but a training complex with an interactive program. During stops at the stations, you will have to perform a number of interesting tasks.

What will be a memorable gift for your 3 year old girl

As a child, a beloved baby is unlikely to remember the celebration, the wishes of guests and relatives. You can capture a historical moment on video, but The best way to preserve the memory for life is a thing donated for this purpose. The girl does not fully understand the value jewelry. Just buy her a gold cross with a chain, earrings, a medallion. They will not go out of fashion until the age of the birthday girl. In the future, an adult girl will pay tribute to the gift.

Portrait from photo on canvas. A beautiful and memorable item. If desired, the model will appear in the image of a fairy-tale character, an angel, a resident of an ancient castle.

Floor lamp with photos. A collection of favorite images is a keepsake in itself. In this case, the lighting device acts as an album.

Pillow with photos. A present that exists in a single copy. The layout is approved only by you. Wishes and comments must be taken into account.

Capsule with a message. Write to your little one whatever you want. After sealing the letter inside a metal ball, hide it until the age of majority. A decade and a half later, the girl will be moved to tears.

gift order. It is customary to decorate symbolic awards with commemorative engravings. Looking at the date of delivery, it's hard to believe that he was recently small.

What to give a girl for 3 years - we develop beyond our years and grow up by the hour. Little fashionistas at this age can already be given most of the toys, which are indicated by a memo 3+. This is a large selection of educational toys, role-playing games and soft plush friends with a musical addition.

Due to the wide variety, many parents do not know what kind of toy to give a girl for 3 years, not like guests or relatives. In this matter, you need to proceed from the preferences of the child - find out from the parents what their daughter loves.

This does not mean that you can tell about your intention. The gift, of course, is not for adults, but let it remain a secret.

Now toys can be equipped with various additions:

  • Musical;
  • running;
  • Imitation;
  • With animation;
  • Speakers.

Of the entire range, genuine interest may arise in educational toys. It is important to remember that the child should be able to play this at the age of 3, and closer to 4.

Here's what to give a girl for 3 years if you want to make a universal present. Also pay attention to wind instruments - children have absolute pitch and a good voice. You will all like it when the child will sing with pleasure, play some kind of horn, portraying a pop star.

Role-playing games

A gift for a 3-year-old girl can be presented in the form of an interesting role-playing game, which requires two or more participants. Parents can make a company, or find such a thing where the toy itself will be the main player. As modern games we can offer:

Logic game from a series of arcades and board puzzles. If you parents want to play with your child, choose a large game set. Relatives and friends can join you.

Not knowing what to give a girl for 3 years old, a mosaic with large elements will be a win-win option. Small parts are not recommended to give little child, but something from this series of board games will definitely fit as a present. In addition, the girl will be able to quickly find the details that have fallen out of the nest.

An alternative version of the mosaic, which combines the subject assembly method. Large parts are connected according to the rules, as the instructions say. This is another good surprise for a child who has older siblings.

Today, baby dolls are equipped with the function of crying and laughing, they can be fed, dressed, and everything that a small baby needs to care for. The girl will be delighted with such a gift, and parents will sometimes be able to complement the doll with outfits and additional accessories.

For the same baby doll, you can buy a small stroller. There are many modifications on the market today - there are large and small ones, transformers, cradles and walking options.

They are so identical to the real ones that they cause complete delight in children and adults. The price depends on the model and configuration, as is the case with a real stroller.

All bicycles are made for children from 3 years old, so the first universal and suitable bike can only be purchased for this age. If you don’t know what to give a 3-year-old girl, complete the present with a basket, a cable for an adult bike, and side wheels.

A great idea to keep the kids busy for a few hours a day. If you can't make a house with your own hands, get one from a toy store. See in advance which dolls the child is playing with and choose something that is the right size.

What to give a girl at 3 years old with her love for role-playing games? Of course, kitchens with a lot of additions - dishes, chairs, kitchen utensils. The child will be happy to the point of impossibility. She will have her own dining room at her disposal, and you can also supplement everything with plasticine, from which curly goodies are made for the table.

A toy cash desk, groceries and several racks - here there will be an acquaintance with goods, relationships with calculation, money. So a child from an early age will know that food costs money, and the work of a cashier is very responsible. What if she wants to be a financier or an accountant?

This gift for a 3-year-old girl can complement a kitchen or shop (in the sense of the game). Add a few fruits and vegetables to the main gift, put them in a basket and teach how to use it. By the way, you can play the game with friends - the cashier-buyer.

If your child is sensitive to appearance and does not tolerate any pollution, give her a cleaning kit. There are different configurations - with a bucket, a dustpan, mops and a bunch of brushes for cleaning dust.

She will teach the girl difficult words, which are also found in Everyday life. The book will tell her the names of animals, plants and more. Great idea what to give a 3 year old girl for her birthday.

The musical mat will help your child learn a foreign language with the help of sound buttons, which depict letters and animals. The Russian version contains numbers and examples of addition/subtraction. By the age of 4, she will have learned the basics of mathematics and the names of animals in two languages.

A great occasion to teach the little housewife how to cut vegetables. Additionally, the set may have a cutting board, and you can also buy the missing pots and plates. Such a gift to a 3 year old girl can be presented on behalf of friends or relatives.

The dream of all children is to roll cars around a planned town with traffic lights and dividing lanes. If dad makes a company, you can safely relax for several hours or have time to do something around the house.

Parents will certainly want to please their daughter with something special, and not just take a few hours. Therefore, we offer a few more gift options, which are presented in the photo list below.

Subject surprises

These will only be personal surprises that your child can enjoy. Grandma is also on the note - choose useful gifts so that the granddaughter will be happy with them.

A similar gift for a 3-year-old girl will become her great helper in spending her free time. These gifts will help her develop hand motor skills, fine motor skills of fingers, analytical thinking and creativity.

If you want to see a specific range of a product, watch the video in this article and choose one of the options gift.


What can you give a girl for 3 years if the present is supposed to be homemade? This is not an easy question, which must meet the requirements - usefulness, aesthetics, durability. Not all children can play calmly, even girls. Therefore, we resort to an alternative way of presenting a present.

For work you will need:
  • Felt of different colors;
  • Webbing tape;
  • Strap adjusters;
  • snakes;
  • The fleece piece is white.

The sign in the cartoon "Tydysh" from the Fixies. It can be found on the Internet and printed as a sketch.

This is a pattern for sewing a backpack. All sides of the "sleeves" are the same. You can do everything according to your sketch, regarding the increase in size.

We cut out a circle from the orange fabric and apply the Tydysh sign, cutting off two fingers, as in the figure.

We sew the white fabric to the orange one, sew along the edging.

According to the pattern, we cut out two sides of the backpack, one circle is 5-6 cm smaller than the other.

We sew a sign of orange felt to the front wall with a straight line.

Cut two pieces of 8 cm strap, fold them in half, passing through the regulator.

Attach the straps to the back of the backpack so that the ends are under the circle. Then they will need to be stitched.

Remove the circle and sew the lines to the base.

Next, cut off two more pieces of 45 cm from the sling. It all depends on the child, you can increase the size or reduce.

We pass large parts of the lines through the regulators of those that are already sewn to the base.

Cut two 27x11 felt rectangles to make handles.

Fold in half with the right side to the strap that is sewn to the back base.

Sew the lines with felt in a few lines. So they will be more securely fixed.

The section for the handle of the backpack will be made from a piece measuring 19 cm.

Also sew it without slings to give the same shape. The more lines, the more reliable the fabric itself will be due to the lack of tension.

We sew the upper parts of the straps to the back of the backpack, and sew the handle so as not to go beyond the circle. Otherwise, let's go to the territory of the auxiliary circle.

We apply the circle to the back of the backpack to the wrong side. View all the details that should be hidden. If the lines are a few mm behind the circle, move it higher. It is better to take away part of the handle, but sew the straps securely.

We sew so that all the pieces of straps and slings are inside under the circle. The second layer, by the way, creates a tougher load for the backpack. It will hold its shape better without liners.

