Water Pouring Festival in Thailand. New Year in Thailand - Celebration in the Land of Smiles

New Year in Thailand, which is called Songkran there, is celebrated in our time from April 13 to 15. It is after these dates that the protracted rainy season begins in Thailand. It should be said that the people in Thailand love this holiday no less than we do Christmas, but it is celebrated with the same pomp as the carnivals in Brazil. Like our New Year, Songkran Thais celebrate every year. In Thailand, the weather is tentatively divided into 3 main periods:

  1. cool period;
  2. hot period;
  3. rain season.

It is when the hottest period ends, right before the start of the rainy season, that the celebration of the Thai New Year begins.

How are the years counted in Thailand?

If you want to visit Thailand during the celebration of the local New Year, then you need to know one interesting fact. The chronology on the territory of this country is slightly different from what we are used to.

The Thais count the time from the day when the Buddha went to Nirvana, and this, according to their beliefs, happened 543 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. To correctly determine what year it is in Thailand now, you need to this moment year in Europe, add the number 543. So, for example, if you add 243 to 2018, we get 2561.

Interestingly, for the Thai population, such a difference in the recording of years is completely imperceptible. Most often, different official documents are drawn up according to the canons of the Gregorian calendar, or the more common version of the year is duplicated in brackets.

Double duplication is most often used specifically for tourists, since it is quite difficult for them to switch to this type of chronology. Holiday lovers will be surprised to learn that it is quite customary to celebrate in Thailand. New Year at least 3 times, namely:

  1. Thai New Year (Songkran) - 14 April.
  2. New Year by European standards - January 1.
  3. Chinese New Year - the number is determined annually by a different number, like Easter and similar holidays.

It is important to note that, by and large, the Thai New Year does not affect the chronology even in Thailand, it is simply celebrated in order to preserve the traditions of the people.

How is the preparation for Songkran going?

Like us, preparations for the New Year in Thailand begin in advance. It is customary for them to get rid of all unnecessary and old things, put things in order in the house and cook different dishes. Most often, delicacies are served on the table according to old Buddhist recipes that have been kept in families for many years.

Any person should take part of the food to the monks in the temple, so the Thais show respect for traditions. Most often, Songkran is celebrated with huge mass festivities in the squares and streets, but some choose gatherings in a narrow circle of friends. The main fun falls on April 13th. At this time, the people in Thailand perform all the necessary rituals, pray, ask for health, strength, love and much more.

After solemn prayers, the time comes for a noisy festivity, to which Thais go in a large crowd. It should be emphasized that any catering establishment these days will be fully prepared to meet visitors, having stocked up on ice, water, talc and clay.

How is New Year celebrated in Thailand?

If you are going to visit Thailand during the passage of Songkran, or if you got into this time period by accident, then you should still get acquainted with a number of Thai traditions. The celebration of the New Year is held there quite brightly and unexpectedly for an ordinary domestic tourist.

If you prefer a quiet holiday to noisy and active parties, then it is better to choose another time to travel. If you got to celebrate the New Year in Thailand, then be prepared:

  1. have fun in a huge crowd of raging Thai people;
  2. douse with ice water;
  3. coat everyone in a row with talcum powder;
  4. dance until you drop.

You should not harbor a grudge against the Thai people if you were not lucky enough to get under a jet of icy heat. Since this period in Thailand is famous for its maximum heat, Thais add pieces of ice to the water, which makes the water seem unrealistically cold when it touches the skin.

It is best to indulge in fun with all your heart and feel like a child, because the locals believe that during such rituals the human soul is cleansed and the body gains new energy. The tradition of smearing with talc is explained by the fact that talc cleanses the skin and the person himself from dirt, while protecting him from evil spirits.

The more talc you get and cold water, the more, according to the beliefs of the Thais, you will cleanse your soul of sins and unnecessary nasty things. However, in addition to dousing with cold water and smearing with talcum powder, Thais also observe a huge number of various kinds of traditions. The first day of Songkran celebration is called Wang Sangan Log.

At this time, people say goodbye to the old year, clean their houses, throw away and burn unnecessary things, freeing houses from negative energy. Monks carry huge Buddha statues along the city streets, hold beauty contests, flower shows, and so on.

The second day of the celebration is called Wang Da, and during it it is customary to dress in new clothes and go to temples. Immediately after the temple, the Thais return home and wash all the Buddha statues at home with sacred water, after which they go to mass festivities on the streets.

It is on this day that everyone tries to douse a passerby with water or sprinkle with talcum powder, and the more unexpected it happens, the better. On this day, you can meet not only a cheerful crowd of students and schoolchildren with bottles, but also entire cars with bottles of water. The final, third day, Thais spend with their relatives and elderly relatives. According to tradition, you need to wash their hands with sacred water, and then sit down to dinner.

What safety rules should be observed in Thailand during the Songkran celebration?

It is important to consider that no one will ask you if you want to douse yourself with water or coat yourself with talcum powder. Any Thai has every right to throw cold water on someone and will not be found guilty, even if you beg not to touch you. You also do not need to take valuables with you, such as cameras and phones. And if you want to have fun too, follow the link

Hello, dear readers - seekers of knowledge and truth!

Thais are very cheerful and friendly people, so they know a lot about holidays. And today we want to tell you about the New Year in Thailand.

In the article you will find the answer to the question of how Thais celebrate the most important event of the year. Looking ahead, let's say it's fun, observing traditions, and besides, the celebration itself takes place more than once. About when the New Year comes here, what customs and Buddhist rituals are associated with it, what you should remember when traveling to the Land of Smiles on a New Year's trip, read below.

Date of celebration

Thais love the anticipation of holidays and solemn processions, festivals so much that they celebrate the New Year not once, not twice, but as many as three times a year:

  • Traditional European - celebrated in the same way as all over the world, at night from December 31 to January 1. Despite the completely non-winter weather, garlands, a Christmas tree and fireworks still remain the main attribute.
  • or - its date varies depending on the phase of the moon. Each year, the number is specially calculated based on lunar calendar. It usually fluctuates between January 21 and for a month after. The date is the first new moon after winter solstice which falls on January 21st.
  • National Thai, also called "Songkran" - is always celebrated on April 13 and a few more days after that. There are several legends associated with this particular date. According to one, more mundane, it was calculated by ancient astrologers, and since then no one has changed this time.

The second legend says that once the God of Fire lost an argument to a boy and was forced to cut off his own head, and then hide it in a cave. Since then, every year the daughters of the Fiery lord take out their father's head, circle it three times and take it back to the cave. This is what explains this heat air, reaching a mark of forty degrees, on holidays.

European style

The custom of walking in the European new year's eve and Christmas came to Thailand not so long ago - in the 40th year of the last century. The celebration did not grow into a huge procession throughout the country, especially in traditional families, however, many Thais are not averse to feeling the spirit of the holiday along with the whole world.

Here, too, they prepare for it in advance - in shopping centers, main squares and houses, magnificent artificial fir trees, generously decorating them with toys, hanging garlands and lights everywhere in the cities, preparing market streets with gifts and souvenirs, planning festive table and fireworks.

The arrival of the New Year is especially felt in large cities - in Bangkok, Pattaya. On New Year's Eve, live music is heard from everywhere, contests are played, salutes are fired.

An interesting tradition is that they collect small rubbish like tangerine peel, coins, pieces of cloth and throw it away in a deserted place after midnight. So they throw out everything unnecessary from the past, making room for favorable events, things that are waiting for the next year.

The next morning, locals go to serve in the temple, and after that they go to friends and relatives or receive guests themselves. Guests give them small gifts - amulets, fruits.

While we are looking forward to the New Year 2019, the year 2562 is coming to Thailand.

If you are planning a celebration New Year holidays in Thai resorts, you should decide for yourself where it is better to do this. In the northern cities where Buddhist temples are concentrated, for example, in Chiang Mai, pleasant weather is expected without exhausting heat and rain, and on Koh Samui it can be too stuffy and humid.

In Pattaya and Bangkok it is hot, dry, there are a lot of people who will all be on the street on New Year's Eve - you definitely won't be bored. Phuket Island has almost the same climate, but the atmosphere is calmer.

In Chinese

On a grand scale, Thais celebrate the Chinese beginning of the year. This spectacle is no less colorful and atmospheric than the European one.

In January-February, the whole city or village is immersed in a festive atmosphere filled with dragon, snake, lion images. Buildings, streets, all corners of the village are hung with traditional scarlet paper lanterns.

At the height of the holiday, people walk along the avenues in national attire, clutching huge dragons in front of them. From everywhere you can hear laughter, loud musical accompaniment, squeal of firecrackers and fireworks. True, the procession takes only three days, and not half a month, as it takes place in their homeland.

These days it is also customary to visit each other, congratulate, smile, celebrate the triumph of life and make presents. In large cities, special shows, large-scale carnivals, concerts, folk festivals, and fairs are held.


However, the most responsibly and wholeheartedly the Thais approach, of course, their own national holiday - Songkran. Across the country, a couple of days' rest is announced until April 13 and almost a week after. This is done so that residents have time to prepare for the event and properly meet new stage own life.

Songkran itself is usually celebrated for family table. Later, mass processions with music and fireworks begin. The most amazing tradition is the habit of pouring cold water on each other.

The pouring lasts for several days and catches up with everyone anywhere. There are even special barrels of water installed on the streets, from where you can fill buckets, tubs, basins, bottles - everything that comes to hand to pour over a neighbor.

Even special water pistols are sold everywhere.

It is believed that by pouring water on those around you, you wish them happiness, prosperity and invite good luck. Sometimes dousing is accompanied by smearing with colored powder, which, according to the Thais, protects from evil spirits and bad events.

There are several explanations for this tradition. Firstly, the April heat is unbearable, and people thus try to escape from it. Secondly, during Songkran the rainy season is just around the corner, and by watering everything around, the Thais cry out for the monsoons, which entail a good harvest.

If your stay in the Land of Smiles was in mid-April, be vigilant - try not to wear expensive things, pack your equipment in airtight cases, do not apply a lot of cosmetics - everything is threatened by dousing, because Thais thus wish happiness even to strangers.

You will not meet the usual Santa Claus in Thailand, except in large cities, for example, in Bangkok, Pattaya, and even then not everywhere. It is not as popular here as it is with us, and in fact it is not a symbol of the New Year. By the way, on the streets of these cities you will see decorated Christmas trees.

Customs and rituals

It is difficult to imagine what other holiday the Thais celebrate with such reverence and impatience as Songkran. Preparations begin in advance not only in the material plane, but also in the spiritual one. People know that before entering the new year, they need to purify themselves spiritually and engage in their own improvement.

A number of Buddhist customs are associated with the celebration of Songgran:

  • In a few days, Buddhists begin to attend services in temples, meditate, read, ask the deities for joy, health, happiness.
  • They carry out a big cleaning in the dwelling, throwing out old things.
  • They prepare a lot of blissful food, some of which is given to the monks as alms.

  • Make donations to temples.
  • They perform special ceremonies - khurals.
  • Before the festive evening, a monk is called, who conducts the rite of cleaning the house.
  • They put on new bright clothes.
  • After a family dinner, leftover food, small garbage is collected and thrown away in a deserted place.
  • Buddha figurines standing on the altar are washed with clean water.


New Year is a big holiday for Thais. They celebrate it three times a year: according to European traditions, according to Chinese and according to their own. The latter is called Songgran and is celebrated on a special scale, spiritual purification, in accordance with all Buddhist rules.

Thank you very much for your attention, dear readers! We hope you were interested in learning about the usual event for us in an exotic land. Join us - subscribe to the mailing list - we will be happy to seek the truth with you.

All the best to you, and may there be as many joyful events in your life as possible!

April 13 is the most important day of the holiday - Maha Songkran. And on the 14th-15th, the onset of the Thai New Year is celebrated (by the way, not only in Thailand, but also in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar). In fact, the celebrations go on all week, starting on the 11th, so if you want a quiet holiday, it is best to avoid it during this period.

Traditions and origins of the Thai New Year

The tradition of the celebration comes from India and symbolizes the end of winter and the onset of spring, when nature comes to life. The word "Songkran" in translation means movement. It is no accident that watering is of great importance in the holiday. It is believed that one must enter the New Year cleansed, both externally and internally. And water is best remedy for this.

Songkran was celebrated in a slightly different way in the past than it is now. There was no crazy dousing each other. In the Sukhothai period, people went to the royal palace to bring gifts to the monarch and swear allegiance. In the Ayutthaya period, the bathing of Buddha statues and the construction of sand pagodas began to be added to this. Also, people went to temples to pray, bring gifts to the monks and ask for their blessings.

A very important part took place at home, in the family circle. The holiday is generally considered family, home, these days it is customary to visit all your relatives and friends. The younger members of the family brought gifts and dripped a few drops of pure water on the palms of the elders to express their gratitude and respect. In turn, the older generation gave blessings to the younger members of the family. Between peers, more direct actions were possible - pouring water from jugs on each other.

The main reason for the exchange of water in Songkran was to give and ask for blessings through the water. Thus, it must be clean, sometimes incense was added for fragrance. It is unacceptable to water each other with salt water from the sea, from dirty lakes and rivers. And this must be done very respectfully, avoiding splashes in the eyes, mouth, ears and generally on the head.

How is modern Songkran

How much this differs from modern battles with water machines (mainly among foreigners who have no idea about the deep sacred meaning of the Thai New Year), when the main thing is to “shoot” any moving object. And it doesn't matter whether you want to get this moving object a jet of water (sometimes salty) into your mouth or eyes. What blessings and wishes of happiness can be discussed in this case? Thais are much more respectful "shoot" - and never in the face or dirty water. Often they do not even use pistols, preferring to spray water from buckets (mainly watering their backs), as their ancestors did.

Another external manifestation of Songkran is the application of talc (white powder) to the body and face. This is common among Thais. Here, too, everything is respectful - they will calmly approach you and gently smear your face. If you do not want this, then you can simply say - no one will be forced to do this. Truth in Lately, Thai teenagers love to run up to the girls they like (to Thais, not foreigners) and plentifully cover them with powder.

It is worth recalling in Songkran is better to have waterproof bags with you - you can buy them everywhere on the eve of the holiday. There hide everything that is undesirable for water - phones, money, cameras, documents. It is better to collect water for pistols in toilets. But by no means in the sea and ponds. Also on this day, you can get clean water from huge tanks on the streets for free or for a nominal fee. Remember - dousing with water is not a "war" where you have to "shoot" as many people as possible, but a wish for happiness and joy in the New Year.

Thai New Year songkran - when is celebrated in 2018, what is happening on the streets of Thailand at this time? Is it worth going to Songkran and what is it all about? How not to get to the hospital and stay alive during mass marches? What tour operators will not tell you about when they send you to Thailand in April. Details in the article!

What does this holiday symbolize - the period (time) of holding

Songkran is the Thai New Year, which in 2018 (according to our calendar) is celebrated from April 13-17. The peak of fun falls on the last day of the procession. According to the ancient Indian calendar - Songkran symbolizes the onset of a new time - the hot season is replaced by heavy rains.

Songkran is one of the most important and significant holidays for Thais. Almost all local residents celebrate this event with contentment, completely "surrendering" to what is happening. Songkran is essentially the same New Year as ours. Only according to the Buddhist calendar used in these latitudes.

The main entertainment these days is mass dousing with water from mugs or water machines, rubbing with talc or clay. Complete strangers do this to each other. Yes, yes, you can go “and not touch anyone”, just as a basin of water with “emergency” powder (talc) can “fly” at you from the side.

At first glance, this seems like a pretty fun activity. But, in fact, the celebration of songgran is fraught with a lot of dangers. More on this later.

Water pistols are used for "shelling" with water. You can buy them at the nearest supermarket. Cost - from 150 baht. The “weapon” will become useless in the “battle with the enemy” if the latter has a huge barrel or a water hose in his hands.

What is the meaning of the holiday - why such traditions on Songkran (Thai New Year)

Songgran has been celebrated for over 500 years. In ancient times, during the Songkran period, the monks turned to the gods all week with requests for mercy and a reduction in the number of rainy days. They were afraid of flooding and great destruction during bad weather. Nowadays, the songkran of typical Thais starts at the temple. From early morning, they make alms to the monks (tham bun) and after a long stay in a sacred place, they go outside for a portion of "fresh street soul".

According to their beliefs, mass dousing with water symbolizes the complete cleansing of the soul from sins, and the body from various diseases. Rubbing with talcum powder and clay - acts as a protection from evil spirits for the next year.

Songkran among Thais is a family, warm holiday. The older generation, as a rule, does not participate in street processions - they prefer a modest dinner in the family circle.

During the Songkran period, Thais still hold the ceremony of washing the Buddha statue, which is in every home. According to religious beliefs, the water for the ceremony should be filled with rose petals and jasmine.

Songkran and tourists - an elephant in a china shop or "rejoice" for the Thais?

Noticing interesting rituals, foreign tourists began to take part in water processions with pleasure, and to develop this direction in every possible way. Sometimes, foreigners rejoice in the advent of a new time in Thailand - even more than the Thais themselves.

Unfortunately, over time, songkran in Thailand, especially in tourist areas, has acquired its own unique scenario. Sometimes, funny entertainments lead to tragedies - falls from bikes, damage to expensive equipment, documents. By the way, the Thais are not involved in these misfortunes - the Burmese and Europeans act as aggressors. As mentioned earlier, foreigners “liked” local traditions. Some tourists specially fly to Thailand at this time to have plenty of fun on the streets of the city and show all their "nonsense".

Drunk and inspired by the rest, foreigners "go too far" - douse passers-by not just from a mug or a water pistol, but from a huge bucket or barrel of water. Some went further - they add ice to the container, and pour ice-cold water on passers-by.

Such “fun” no longer carries the meaning of purifying the soul. About 250 people died on songkran in Thailand last year alone. More than 2000 thousand have suffered. There were more cases of falls from the bike. The dead or injured riders could not keep their balance when the barrel was suddenly doused with water, and simply flew off the bike at speed.

Be careful when riding a motorbike along the main streets of the city in songkran. Too "enthusiastic" and joyful celebrating, they can foolishly douse you with a basin of water. Such an unexpected "wave" can lead to tragedy.

How to avoid inconvenience during the Thai New Year - Songkran

  • Go to Thailand at a different time

If your main task during your trip to Thailand was visiting excursions and sightseeing, we recommend that you choose another time. If you are lucky enough to get to Thailand for songkran, then keep in mind that many establishments will be closed. Many shows, entertainment, excursions stop working. In Pattaya at this time, terrible traffic jams and transport collapses.

  • Beware of Burmese and drunken Europeans

Regardless of the fact that they will see that you cannot be doused, for example, when you are talking on the phone, they will do it. Moreover, they will laugh like crazy, completely showing their "nonsense" to those passing by. We recommend avoiding them.

  • Stock up on waterproof bags

When walking around the city, be careful - at the most inopportune moment you can be poured with water. Hide your belongings in waterproof cases or bags. This applies to phones, cameras and, of course, money and documents.

  • Walk in a crowd

Do not walk down the street alone at this time. Especially true for girls. Mass crush and pandemonium - can lead to minor injuries. It is important to stay close to someone so that there is an opportunity to “get out” of the procession.

In general, songkran in Thailand is very fun party, which previously seemed to be something bright and sincere. Unfortunately, alcohol and some “foolishness” of people gradually turns it into a period of debauchery and mass troubles (especially in Pattaya). Thais, by virtue of their worldview, do not react to this in any way and take it “for granted”. If you are not ready for such adventures, we do not recommend visiting the Thai New Year Songkran. And look at the photos and videos of songgran on the Internet.

Thai New Year is celebrated every year on the same dates. The Thai New Year starts all over the country on April 13th and ends on April 19th. These days are public holidays and weekends respectively.

These days it is customary to say - Savat di pi mai! Which means Happy New Year! in Thai.

When and how is the Thai New Year celebrated in 2019 in Pattaya, Bangkok, Phuket, Koh Samui and other resorts?

What you need to know about the Thai New Year, how it is celebrated, which means Songkran.

When is Thai New Year 2019

  • In Chiang Rai, the Thai New Year begins on April 11
  • In Bangkok, the Thai New Year begins on April 13th and runs through April 15th.
  • In Phuket and Koh Samui also - from April 13 to 15
  • In Pattaya, Thai New Year is from 18 to 19 April.
  • April 18 marks the north of the city - Naklua, and April 19 festivities on Jomtien.
  • At the same time, all over the country (including Pattaya), on April 13, festivities related to the new year are already beginning. Only watering in Pattaya is not 13-15 like everywhere else, but April 18-19.

What year is it in Thailand?

In Thailand, the year is 2562. The country lives according to the Buddhist calendar, so don't be surprised. Thai New Year does not mean a change of year. Thailand changes the date on the calendar like everyone else, from December 31st to January 1st.

In Thailand, the countdown is accepted starting from the day the Buddha found Nirvana, and according to myths, this happened 543 years before the birth of Christ.

To understand what year is in Thailand, you need to add 543 to the date we are used to.

So 2019+543=2562

Thai New Year - what does it mean?

Significance of Songkran in Thailand

If you translate the word Songkran literally from Sanskrit, you get a transition. This refers to the transition of the zodiac, from the constellation of Pisces to the constellation of Aries.

The Thai New Year Songkran gives rise to rice crops, the main breadwinner of all Thais, and also marks the change from the hot season to the rainy one.

Joy from the flowering of trees, a surge of new strength, the dawn of everything that exists - this is a piece of the sacred meaning of the word Songkran.

Cleansing from filth, showing love for one's neighbor, respect and honoring parents, grandparents, services in temples, offerings to monks and the fulfillment of cherished desires.

How do Thais prepare for Songkran?

Literally in all condos and villages, a couple of weeks before the holiday (starting from April 1), figurines of buddhas are installed, each responsible for their own day of the week.

If you know the day on which you were born, you need to go to the Buddha statue, take a cup of water and pour it over after making a wish, and put a coin into the donation bowl.

Such a ritual is done in order to leave everything bad in the old year and start with a clean face.

Thais prepare many bright and colorful traditional dishes according to old recipes and treat everyone for free.

Part of the treats is transferred to temples, for distribution to parishioners and as an offering to monks.

Starting a week before the holiday, Thais carry out a general cleaning of houses and apartments in order to cleanse themselves not only morally, but also literally, throwing away everything old, obsolete, carrying bad memories.

For a whole week, from April 13 to April 19, festive services are held in Buddhist temples, to which believers come.

Any Thai holiday, and especially the New Year, is an occasion for meetings, an opportunity to relax and take a walk. Therefore, you should not be surprised to see attractions, tents with food, drinks and clothes on the territory of the temple.

A trip to a Buddhist temple for a Thai is not only an opportunity to atone for sins, but also a delicious meal, which is not only not forbidden, but also supported.

Also, for believers, fasting ends the day before and the new year makes it possible to break the fast. In this regard, Songkran is somewhat reminiscent of Christian Easter.

How do Thais celebrate the Thai New Year?

Pouring water during the Thai New Year of Songkran is just a tiny part of the iceberg that visiting tourists are content with without delving into the deep details of this ancient ritual celebration.

Of course, over time, the Thai New Year Songkran has become massive and not everyone delve into the details and follow the sequence of the celebration, which affects the entire New Year's Eve week - here is the day of commemoration of the dead, helping the elderly, worshiping and washing the Buddha statue with fragrant water with jasmine.

Some do not need this, after all, if you are not a Buddhist, it is somehow strange to observe their religious rites.

It is also customary for Thais to give gifts to each other, and especially to parents. Young people may not exchange gifts, but in Songkran it is customary to give something to teachers, parents, bosses, colleagues.

Usually these are grocery baskets or baskets with cosmetics.

Such baskets are already ready-made in all major supermarkets and their cost starts from 500 baht and goes up to 10,000 baht.

Such gifts can contain anything: from packs of cookies to vitamins based on swallow nests.

Thai New Year - Origin History

The Thai New Year Songkran has been celebrated since the reign of Sukhothai.

At that distant time, the subjects of the king offered him honors, and he, in turn, encouraged those who distinguished themselves with gifts and prizes.

Since 1940, Thailand began to celebrate the new year with everyone - from December 31 to January 1, which did not cancel the fact that in April the new year is celebrated for the second time in a year, with official days off for a whole week, on a larger scale than in winter , since the spring new year is still more important and closer to Thais in spirit than our traditional one.

The religious component of Songkran

On April 13, at sunrise, monks gather in groups in temples and wait for parishioners who bring alms.

It is customary to bring sweets wrapped in palm leaves, food, money on this day, and then receive a blessing from the monks.

Also, Thais during the celebration of Songkran build the so-called stupas (chedi) from sand and other materials to honor the great Buddha and his teachings.

Don't be surprised by traffic jams these days. Entire processions, accompanied by police cars, drive slowly through the streets of cities, and Buddhist mantras are heard from the speakers.

Why is it poured with water and covered with clay during the Thai New Year?

Pouring water during Songkran is not only for refreshment in the heat, which reaches its peak at this time of the year (40-45 degrees), but also carries a special Buddhist philosophy, which means that the doused with water performed a rite of purification from sins, prepared you for entry into the new year, which you will enter “born again”.

And if sacred buddha fragrant water with jasmine is poured from special silver bowls, then ordinary people are washed from buckets, hoses, pistols and even from fire hydrants that water everyone in a row.

It is believed that the more you are doused and the more abundantly smeared with clay, the better things will go in the new year. So the desire to anoint and pour water on you should be accepted with gratitude, as the help of outsiders in fulfilling desires.

Thai New Year in Pattaya - 2019

Pattaya annually celebrates the Thai New Year on a grand scale. Already since the beginning of April, in every 7/11, Tesco Lotus and other stores, a traditional song about songkran has been heard (poor workers, listening to the same thing on repeat for a month - you can clink glasses).

For two years, Pattaya did not celebrate the Thai New Year - when the king died and the next year, which was considered the year of mourning and memory for the deceased monarch. 20016 and 2017.

Since 2018, the celebrations have been going on as usual.

What to expect for the Thai New Year in Pattaya?

Of course entertainment, concerts, fireworks and fairs!

On the main street of the city, Beach Road, the local mayor allows fire trucks to arrive, which spray the crowd with hydrants.

Around the foam, dancing, music and a lot of water.

It's 40 degrees outside, people are wet, white with clay, and happy.

Attributes of the new year

The beginning of April is the time for sellers of water guns and bags of clay. Pistols can be bought everywhere. They are in 7/11, February March, Macro and Tesco Lotus.

Pistols are both very tiny and several liters, whole pumping systems, so as not to draw water every 5 minutes.

The price for a water gun is from 50 to 5000 baht.

A bag of clay - 5-10 baht.

Also in demand are masks, goggles, waterproof cases for phones and cameras, and raincoats.

These days, car washers are very sad, because no one washes cars. Everyone drives covered with clay, in stains and streaks. But a few days will pass and there will be queues at the car wash to wash off all this disgrace.

Thai New Year in Pattaya - What to expect and fear?

Many of our friends left Pattaya for this time, as residents and tourists tend to go too far these days.

  • I can confirm that it is not at all safe to go on a bike ride around the city, because getting a bucket of ice water from a bucket can cause you to lose control.
  • It is also worth considering that pieces of ice are often added to the water, and sometimes pepper. There are many accidents and deaths too. On Songkran, the death rate in traffic accidents exceeds all limits.
  • It is also not pleasant to ride a tuk tuk these days.
  • It is impossible to get dry from point A to point B, when they pour water from a bucket or hose from the street, they don’t look at all whether you are traveling with a child or not.
  • So islands such as Koh Chang, Koh Samui, the nearest Koh Samet, become even more popular in Songkran, because they celebrate the Thai New Year in a much “softer” way.

Usually rooms are booked well in advance and for those who are looking for accommodation in Songkran in last moment, you have to pretty overpay or settle far from the sea.

We usually don’t go anywhere, but gather with friends and take the children to more or less quiet places so that they can also shoot.

Small bags of white and colored clay, which were sold all week, have a similar function - to purify the soul and body, bring happiness and joy.

And if we, walking with a child, the Thais very gently smeared our cheeks and wished happiness, then the rest got it full program: cars were doused with clay diluted in water, or simply covered from head to toe so that it was almost impossible to wash things.

So many tales and myths roam around the Thai New Year that I want to dispel them and convey the truth to at least a few people in an attempt to calm and console them, otherwise some tourists get upset after the “horror stories” of guides and simply incompetent speakers.

What to do on Thai New Year?

If you came to Thailand on vacation and your vacation coincided with the celebration of Songkran, you should not be upset.

Firstly, this is an opportunity to see Thailand and its traditions from the inside and from different angles.

Secondly, you can take part in everything yourself and there will be something to remember after. And all this is completely free!

Even if you don't have a water pistol, go for a walk! Any company will be happy to receive you, chat with a farang, and they will definitely give you a gun.

Excursions to the Thai New Year

This is due to the fact that Thais have legal holidays that apply to absolutely everyone. Everyone has a rest - both ministers and workers of macarons.

Therefore, it is easier for the organizers to cancel the trip in order to avoid overlaps and traffic jams.

Especially if you have children with you.

We went to Songkran to Bangkok, to Dream World, traveled around the country. All this is much more colorful and better than on ordinary days.

Thai New Year is certainly some additional discounts, bonuses and pleasant surprises.

For example, the route from Pattaya to Bangkok becomes free for 2 weeks. Pay for “pei tolls” (toll roads) are not taken these days.

Absolutely in all amusement parks they arrange some additional shows, raffle gifts, souvenirs and so on.

So do not lose this opportunity, be sure to visit somewhere.

Main Myths About Songkran Celebration

Myth #1 – You have to leave

I remember that every year, on the eve of the Thai New Year, a discussion began - who goes where to Songkran. Staying in the city was considered almost bad manners. How, everywhere they pour, lawlessness, drunkenness and so on.

Of course, you can and should go to Songkran if this is your only weekend and vacation, but leaving specifically so as not to get into the “meat grinder” of the Thai New Year is completely optional.

Myth number 2 - No one will go dry!

If you don't like the drunken crowd, you are not ready to participate and in general, not necessarily for a whole week, from April 13 to April 19, stay at home.

It's just worth remembering that on April 18 the north of Pattaya walks, st. Naklua and surroundings, and on April 19 - Jomtien.

And even these days, even in these areas, you can walk along the alleys and go about your business. The main coatings take place on the main streets: Beach Jomtien and Naklua.

Myth #3 Songkran is fun!

Songkran is definitely fun when you and your friends and locals celebrate blending in with the crowd.

If you are going about your business, sober, with children, on a moped, then this holiday may no longer seem so fun.

My words will be confirmed by the official statistics of deaths and accidents these days.

Flushed with drinks, people literally douse mopedists passing by with ice water from head to toe, and then everything is clear: he lost control, fell, dragged a whole bunch of people with him.

It is dangerous to ride a bike during Songkran.

Thai insurance companies are doing a promotion these days - life and health insurance for 7 baht. It costs them a lot, but those are the rules. Insurance for 7 baht is a government step so that everyone can insure themselves these days and not be left without compensation.
