Paper craft presentation by February 23. Last minute postcards

One of the most important holidays is just around the corner - Defender of the Fatherland Day. If you still can’t figure out what to give your beloved men, then create unique gifts for them with your own hands. This article contains the easiest, but at the same time, interesting and detailed master classes do-it-yourself crafts for February 23, which your child can easily present to dad or grandfather as a gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day. I present to you the 10 best master classes - how to make crafts for February 23 with your own hands with step-by-step photos.

This approach to solving the problem of finding an unforgettable gift is traditional when giving children to their dads and grandfathers on February 23. How many such gifts are created by children's hands! To do this, they use not only a variety of paper and plasticine, but also sweets, ribbons, ice cream sticks and many other unusual items for this.

The availability and convenience of such materials allow them to be constantly used, and with each new craft, apply them in a new way. It's no secret that the same materials can be used in crafts of varying complexity. There are many such workshops, which are also aimed at children of different ages and with different skills.

Most often, children choose airplanes as a gift for February 23. But the ways to create them great amount, as well as possible materials for this: cardboard, paper, matchboxes and much more. In this master class I will show you how to make a plane out of plastic bottle in papier-mâché technique.

We take a plastic bottle, in my case it is a small bottle of water with a volume of 0.5 liters. We cut it off with a knife just above the middle, and also cut off the nose of the bottle.

We make cuts on both sides and connect the workpieces.

If you wish, you can copy our sketch and transfer it to a sheet of A4 paper folded in half.

Using glue and tape, attach the wings and tail.

Aircraft wheels require 6 plastic bottle caps. Using adhesive tape, we connect two and four covers together.

We glue the wheels and begin to glue the plane with pieces of newspaper, after soaking them with PVA glue using the papier-mâché technique.

We glue the top layer with white paper or white napkins. After all the layers of the craft have dried, paint the finished plane acrylic paint.

It remains only to add an application in the shape of a star, and cut out photos can be glued onto the windows.

Our plane is ready to fly!

02. DIY plasticine tank

A do-it-yourself plasticine tank is a great craft for Defender of the Fatherland Day. In the future, it can be taken to an exhibition or presented to a grandfather, father or brother.

For this master class, we need plasticine in green, black and red, as well as a piece of wire, a toothpick and a pencil.

We will make the lower part of the tank hull in the form of a bar rectangular shape, sharpening one side of it.

We prepare two black strips, pressing along the entire length with a toothpick, 10 large cakes and 4 small ones made of green plasticine.

We press the cakes with the back of the pencil and draw the axes with the tip of the toothpick.

We collect together 5 wheels and 2 small ones on the sides, wrap them around the track.

Glue a green protective tape on top.

Glue the caterpillars on the sides.

We take the second green bar.

We paste it by beveling the front part with a stack.

We attach the muzzle in front and add small details, an antenna and a star from red plasticine.

Our plasticine tank is ready!

In this lesson, we will make such an uncomplicated cardboard plane.

Draw all parts of the plane.

For the case, you can take the packaging of the juice.

We cut out the blanks, as shown in the photo. Red paper stars.

Glue the tail of the aircraft to the matchbox.

The cardboard plane is ready!

Such a gift can be made for dad or brother. For this masterclass you will need:

  • candies;
  • food film;
  • toothpicks;
  • scotch;
  • penoplex;
  • blue corrugated paper;
  • silver cord;
  • glue.

Cut out a circle from foam.

You can first draw a sketch of the steering wheel on paper, then transfer it to penoplex.

We decorate the edges with a cord.

Wrap sweets in cling film.

With the help of adhesive tape we attach them to a toothpick.

We decorate the steering wheel with ready-made sweets.

Our sweet steering wheel is ready!

05. Tank of two sponges

Such a craft can become a wonderful gift from the child to the holidays May 9 or February 23. Its manufacture will not take much time, and a dishwashing sponge will be enough from the materials. Our master class shows the phased production of a tank from improvised materials.

For work you will need:

  1. two green sponges;
  2. scissors;
  3. ruler;
  4. dark marker;
  5. glue gun;
  6. ruble coin;
  7. green straw.

We tear off a dense layer from one of the sponges.

On the reverse side of this dense sponge layer, using a ruble coin and a dark felt-tip pen, draw six circles.

We cut them out.

Then we take a glue gun and with its help we fix these circles on the sides of the other sponge (three circles on each side).

Let's start making the turret of our tank. To do this, on the remaining soft part of the sponge (from which the dense layer was torn off), we outline a square with sides of 4 cm.

Cut out the tower with scissors.

We cut off 8 cm from the green straw - this will be the muzzle of our tank. We insert it into the tower, after making a small recess in it with the help of scissors.

Apply hot glue to the underside of the tower.

We fix the tower on the main part.

If desired, you can decorate the tank, for this we cut out small stars from red cardboard.

Glue them to the sides of the tower. Our tank is ready.

This craft will not only a good gift on February 26, but will also serve as a toy for the boy.

Such a star is made very simply - for it we need wire, red yarn and PVA glue.

With the help of round-nose pliers, we make a star out of wire.

We leave to dry.

To create this plane, you will need wooden clothespins, two ice cream sticks, a piece of cardboard for the tail, two thin wooden tubes and acrylic paints.

Using hot glue and tubes, we attach ice cream sticks to each other.

We make a tail blank from cardboard.

Glue the tail to the clothespin.

We paint the finished aircraft with acrylic paints.

Raising a sense of patriotism in children is one of the most important tasks of teachers and parents. But for children younger age it is not enough just to talk about the war, about battles, victories and defeats. For them, a very important place is occupied by visual aids, games and classes devoted to military topics.

Therefore, the child should not only hear about the war, but also watch illustrations, filming, photographs, and also capture their emotions in drawings or crafts. Despite the fact that mostly girls are engaged in knitting, this application will undoubtedly arouse interest among young defenders Fatherland.

To tie the application "Tank", you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Hook #1;
  • Yarn of medium thickness, for example, "Jeans";
  • Decorative star. If one was not found, you can take it from New Year's pendants to decorate the Christmas tree;
  • Scissors
  • Glue "Moment", preferably transparent.

We start knitting the appliqué with its “caterpillars”. To do this, we collect 10 air loops.

Then we knit 3 more air loops for lifting, and after that we knit stitches with one crochet to the end of the row. In the very last loop of the row, we knit 7-8 columns with a crochet to make a “fan” of loops. If the edge is bent in this place, then we increase the number of single crochets, since the appliqué should be flat.

Next, we knit double crochets along the opposite edge to the very last loop, from where we started the row. In this loop, we again make a “fan” of double crochets, but in a smaller amount than in the previous case, since there are already several loops in this place. As a result, you should get such an elongated oval - the "caterpillar" of the tank.

In the second row, first we knit 5 single crochets.

After that we do 1 air loop to highlight the beginning of knitting the top of the tank.

We turn the knitting and knit 8 single crochets again.

To make a tank cannon in this place, we knit 5 air loops.

We add another loop for lifting, and then along these air loops we knit single crochets to the end of the row, including 8 loops of the “cabin” of the tank.

Turn the applique again and knit 8 single crochets. At the end of the work, using Moment glue, carefully glue an asterisk onto the tank’s “booth”.

Application "Tank" is ready. It can be used in the manufacture of postcards for Victory Day, February 23, or any other thematic crafts.

Are you preparing a gift for a man? Nothing to decorate gift box? Or maybe you have prepared an original postcard and you need a bright accent for it? The made male flower will help to get out of any situation. To create such masterpieces, you can use candy wrappers, notebook leaves, kraft paper, and anything you like.

On the Internet you can find special sheets that need to be cut.

You can take any design paper with a neutral or masculine pattern.

And someone may like this color option.

So let's start creating. For work you need:

  • The above paper is 5x5 cm in size. Having mastered the technique, you can create flowers of any size. The paper may be neatly cut or have torn edges.
  • Glue for fixing modules.

The first version of the flower
Fold the module in half, then in half again to make a smaller square.

It is necessary to make 8 modules in this way.

Four modules must be glued to any piece of paper with a small gap, placing them with a folded corner inward.

Then, in the same way, only without indents, we glue four more modules on top, turning them 45 degrees.

We decorate the middle, twist the edges a little, and the stylish decoration is ready.

If, when gluing the first four modules, leave a gap between them more, the flower will look different.
The flower is more difficult

Fold the paper squares as shown in the photo.

First, a diagonal line is found, then the sides of the square are tucked to it. The resulting airplane folds in half lengthwise. We make 8 identical modules. The last step: you need to carefully nest the modules one into the other, using the resulting pockets.

At the output we get original decoration for a men's gift.

In this case, glue is needed only to fix the finished decor directly on the gift item. If you make modules from squares with the same pattern, fold the modules exactly the same, relative to the pattern, then your flowers will look neater and acquire an additional pattern.

Here is such a cute tank you can make from matchboxes and colored paper.

We glue the boxes with green paper as shown in the photo. For the tower we take a green cap from a plastic bottle, for the muzzle we wrap a toothpick with green paper.

The wheels are cut out of black paper.

It remains only to collect all the parts and the tank is ready!

Surprise card for dad

How to make such an original, see here.

How to make a tank out of money

If your man served in the tank troops or just a specialist in the game of "tanks", then make him like this original gift — .

DIY gift for a man

How to make another very original look here.

Original gift set "Grow greens"

How to make such an original look here.

Crafts for February 23, created by a child with great care and attention, are of great value on this holiday.

A unique gift will bring joy not only to parents, but also to the child himself, because with the help of it he will express his love for them. Let him bring joyful emotions to loved ones!

Not all men are positive about useless gifts, therefore, help your child create such crafts with his own hands that will be useful and will not gather dust somewhere in the closet. If you think a little, then the created gift can be much more surprising and more practical than the purchased one.

How to make other crafts for February 23, see here.

In anticipation Defender of the Fatherland Day the urgency of the issue grows exponentially. by the most valuable gift for men there will be a thing made from a pure heart, with my own hands. In this article, we will tell how to make a postcard by February 23.

The main thing in the article

Postcards for February 23 to paper kindergarten: photo ideas and instructions for implementation

IN kindergarten Toddlers are just starting to develop their creative skills. Homemade holiday cards for dads, grandfathers or brothers can be for kids. Depending on the age of the children, you can offer the following gift cards that children can make themselves.

For the little ones
The smallest ones can give dads a drawn postcard. It can be brush strokes with different colors or finger painting. Relevant postcards with the palm of the baby. The main thing is that the teacher or mother should sign the children's creativity, and the kid will be happy to present a hand-made gift to dad.
For middle group
Children from the middle group not only draw, but can also handle glue, so they can be offered to make an application as a gift by February 23. If the kids have already learned how to handle scissors, then let them cut out the details for the future postcard on their own. If they do not yet have such skills, then prepare the necessary blanks for the composition in advance. The application can be folded in the form of a rocket, ship, tank or car.

For senior group
Children from the older group can prepare different postcards for February 23. The following options will look great:

  • Drawn postcard.

  • Application.

  • Creativity using semolina, which is glued on glue and painted in different shades.

  • One of the new directions is compositions from napkins.

Any of the options will look great and inconspicuously please the defender of the fatherland, who will get such a homemade postcard as a gift.

Postcards for Defender of the Fatherland Day to school: photo instruction

We offer schoolchildren primary school make postcards in the form of medals. They can be simple or complex with many elements.

Simple gift medal
We prepare the following tools and necessary materials:

  • template for a medal;
  • decorative parts;
  • colored pencils or paints;
  • scissors;
  • lace or ribbon for a medal.

Medal for February 23 in origami technique
To make such a gift you need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • green colored paper in two shades;
  • scissors;
  • glue (preferably in a pencil);
  • string or ribbon.

How to make a DIY card for dad: templates and photos

You can make a postcard for your beloved dad with. The idea is original and not difficult to execute, so even a child can cope with making such a gift.

To work you need to have:

  • colored cardboard;
  • paper (blue, red, white);
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • glue, for children it is better to take in a pencil.

Now you need to make the following blanks:

How to make a three-dimensional postcard for February 23?

There is nothing difficult in gluing a three-dimensional postcard. We describe its step-by-step production. The main element of the postcard will be the boat. For a voluminous boat, you should prepare colored cardboard blue color. This will be the base. Next, fold a sheet of white paper in half, make a boat according to the template.

Line designation:
________ - cut lines;
_ _ _ _ _ _ - fold lines.
For decor, you can use the following patterns.

Now it only remains to decorate the resulting postcard by gluing the prepared decor.

A gift card can be with any three-dimensional element. So, for example, you can do interesting option with an airplane.

Application cards for February 23: instructions for making

For postcard-application, you need to prepare the following:

  • colored cardboard, which will be the basis of the postcard;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Now to the process of work:

You can make another application with a boat.

Postcard-shirt for February 23: how to do it yourself?

There are many options for folding a card-shirt. Its manufacture and color are not limited. The photo below shows two ways to fold such unusual postcard like a paper shirt.

Cool postcards for February 23: photo ideas

Postcards with congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Children's cards for February 23

The kid can give his dad or grandfather a postcard with congratulations, made with his own hand. A postcard with a tank is perfect for children's performance. For its manufacture will need:

  • cardboard base;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick.

Initially, you need to print stencils for the tank.

Transfer the details (elements) to colored paper according to the template. Let the child cut them out. Parts of the tank must be glued onto pre-prepared cardboard. Postcard is ready! You can also use felt or any other suitable material.

How to make a video card for February 23?

Today, even a schoolboy can make a video postcard by February 23rd. All you need is a phone with a camera.

Video postcard can be:

  • in the form of changing pictures or photos for a song;
  • just a recorded video of congratulations.

After such a postcard is finished, it can be written on a flash drive, which you can give to the defender of the fatherland, or it is quite possible to send such a congratulation through social networks.

Making beautiful cards for men for Defender of the Fatherland Day: video

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday that is loved and respected in our country, and every year the young generation makes greeting cards for dads, grandfathers and older brothers with their own hands. Of course, you can also buy a postcard in a store - they are inexpensive, however, do-it-yourself postcards for February 23 are much more pleasant to receive, and for a child this is an interesting and exciting activity.

You will not need any expensive or hard-to-find materials - only what is on the desktop of every student.


To work you need:

  • colored paper - white, black, red, yellow and green
  • PVA glue
  • scissors
  • pencil and ruler

Do-it-yourself postcard for February 23 - military uniform: step by step photos and description:

  1. A sheet of white paper should be cut into 4 even parts. On one of them we make two neat cuts from above, and bend it so that we get a kind of “collar”, as in men's shirt. Cut out a small tie from black paper and glue it to the right place. At this stage, our postcard looks like this:
  2. We cut out a rectangle from green paper - its height should be the same as that of the shirt from shoulder to base, and twice as wide as this shirt. We carefully bend the paper to get lapels on the uniform, we also bend the corners from above a little. From paper yellow color we need to cut shoulder straps and buttons - three small rounds. Now we connect the uniform and shirt together - and the postcard is ready! You can congratulate dad or grandfather.

Can do simple application- it is easy to perform and even Small child deal with it.

To work you need:

  • colored paper
  • PVA glue
  • scissors and pencils

Detailed description of the work process:

  • The main sheet can be of any color - not necessarily blue, it is better to take thick paper. We bend it twice;
  • Getting to the flowers - carefully cut out future flowers from red or pink paper;
  • Then the stems - of course, from green paper, you need three of them - according to the number of flowers, and you can cut out a couple more leaves - in order to make the postcard look more interesting;
  • We glue the leaves on the base first - carefully, the glue, even when it dries, becomes transparent, but you should not smear it on the paper;
  • Now we glue the flowers - first the middle part, larger, then the side petals;
  • On top, with colored pencils or a marker, we will make the inscription “dad” - it’s clear that mom can make everything more beautiful and neat, but the most important thing is to let the child feel that this card is the work of his hands, and show dad how he tried;
  • Now that the glue has dried, the card is finally ready for the solemn presentation!

Be creative, experiment, do not be afraid to give children more freedom in choosing colors, materials and patterns - the result will please the whole family!

What do-it-yourself postcards for February 23 to make for your beloved dad, grandfather, brother? How to congratulate a sailor, a pilot, or someone who wears a jacket and tie, but held only a virtual or toy weapon in his hands? We tell and show.

In Russia, International Women's Day is celebrated on a grand scale (though not at all as Clara Zetkin bequeathed), and its European counterpart, Mother's Day, has also taken root. For men, there is only one such holiday - Defenders of the Fatherland Day, and even to this day there are disputes: whether it is necessary to congratulate all men or only the military on it. We think - yes, it is necessary and tell you how to make postcards for February 23 with your own hands.

Today we will show you how to make origami cards for February 23, how to make a card in 5 minutes, how to cut out voluminous surprise cards with space invaders or cards with fighters and ships for Defenders Day (for those who are familiar with the basics of scrapbooking).


In the style of "8 bit": do-it-yourself voluminous postcards for February 23

Let's start with the most common type of troops in the country: virtual, or computer. If your dad had the prefix "Sega" or "Dandy", he will definitely appreciate a pop-up postcard with a space invader or a scalp.

To make a postcard for February 23 in the “8 bit” style with your own hands, you will need 3 sheets of colored paper or cardboard, a ruler, a cutter or a scalpel, a piece of tape, glue and a printed template.

Fold 2 sheets in half and set one aside for now. Print out the postcard template, align the center line with the fold, and use a ruler to make cuts along the red lines. Then bend along the green lines. Glue the blank to the second sheet with a fold, and build an envelope from the third. The more intrigue - the more interesting the gift.

Done, you are amazing!

Parade of technology: do-it-yourself postcards for February 23

If you have time, patience and multi-colored paper, and your dad or grandfather is a real military man with real shoulder straps, make him a more complex surprise card for Defenders of the Fatherland Day. The materials are the same (only tape is not needed).

Starting day, you need to correctly bend the sheet for the future postcard on February 23 (see master class). The next step is gluing stripes: red, blue and green background for the surprise tab. Decorate the “face” of the card with a bronze-colored application-branch.

Next, you need to cut out a “pedestal” for the equipment, glue it to the fold of the postcard and fix the figures of tanks, aircraft, etc. on it. The do-it-yourself postcard is almost ready - it remains to cut and paste the numbers, stars and make “berries” to the branch from lumps of paper.

Postcards-origami for February 23 in the form of shirts

If your real dad is not related to the army and seems to have been born in a jacket and a white shirt, fold for him for February 23 origami postcard in the form of a shirt.

Making an origami card is very easy. Just keep in mind that in the process of work, the sheet will decrease many times over, so it is better to take a sheet of paper large and thin enough. This card is essentially an envelope card, so you can put a note of congratulations or a small gift (like movie tickets) inside.

You can glue ties or bow ties, pockets, buttons to the finished one - in a word, make them even more like real ones.

Similar shirt cards can be made even easier. If you do not have a large sheet of paper, but have cardboard, it is better to focus on them.

And here the card-shirt is supplemented with a tunic. And for a sailor on February 23, you can make a postcard with a vest.

A Hawaiian card will suit dad with good feeling humor.

And for a dandy dad and a favorite of women, you can make a stylish postcard with a pocket.

Do-it-yourself cards for February 23 for grandfather

And this postcard volumetric star Grandpa must love it. It is very concise and simple, and for it you only need a sheet of cardboard and paper in 2 colors. The template is attached - you need to print it.

Grandfather will definitely appreciate the lovingly hand-cut postcards for February 23 with fighters or sailboats.

Last minute postcards

Option number 1 - postcard with pasta. They need to be painted, glued, signed - and that's it, you're done.

Options No. 2 and 3 - a postcard for February 23 with a star (you will need mom's help to sew them on, but this is a matter of minutes) and a postcard consisting of a base and several strips of colored tape - very stylish.

Choose a postcard to your taste and please your defenders!


Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday of courage, bravery and heroism. On February 23, it is customary to congratulate your own men and give them symbolic gifts. On the eve of the holiday, in kindergartens and schools, children are happy to cook and make crafts for their dads and grandfathers. After all, a craft made by a child with his own hands, with love - best gift beloved dad. We have tried to collect all the most original ideas children's crafts that any preschooler can do.

The easiest gift option is to make crafts from colored paper or cardboard. All you need is glue, scissors, colored paper and creative inspiration. We offer you both simple options for crafts for young children, as well as original ideas that require skill and a little patience.

Beautiful tie for dad on February 23

You can surprise and please your beloved dad with a beautiful original tie, no one else will have this! To work, you will need a tie template, colored cardboard, scissors, glue and string.

Thematic applications for February 23

Making simple applications on the theme of February 23 will not take much time and will not cause difficulties for the child. Help your child carefully cut out all the necessary details and stick them on the cardboard. We offer you several options for colorful applications for the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

  1. Prepare a sheet of blue or of blue color, this will be the basis of the work.
  2. From colored paper, cut out a trapezoid that looks like a boat, two strips - the ship's masts and sail strips, choosing the color of the blanks to your liking.
  3. Glue all the details on blue cardboard, smearing them with glue. Coat the sail strips with glue not completely, but only along the edges, at a distance of 1 - 1.5 cm. It is necessary to stick them so that they form a slight bulge, resembling wind-filled sails.
  4. To decorate the composition, use thin white stripes, they can be of any length. Make them wavy with a pencil or pen. Dot the strips with glue and stick randomly on cardboard, under the boat. These will be the waves along which our boat rushes.

Using colored paper and turning on fantasy, you can create beautiful compositions, where the main role will be aircraft or tanks. We offer you several interesting ideas colorful and positive applications that every kid can handle.

Can be made from cardboard bulk boat and decorate it with flags.

Paper boat on February 23

The paper boat is the most simple craft, comes from childhood. Help your child make a paper boat using the instructions. Decorate it with colored paper flags or small candies.

Crafts for dad on February 23 in the form of an original postcard

Postcard "Mundir" - craft for February 23

Such original postcard- interesting and unusual option crafts for February 23 dad.
The kid can choose the color of the uniform himself or pick it up depending on where his father served. If in the naval forces - blue, in the border - choose green color tunic.

  1. We start by making a white shirt. Take a white sheet of paper measuring 12x15. Step back from the top and sides of the sheet by 3 cm and make cuts. Now the incisions need to be bent in the form of a collar.
  2. Cut out a tie from black paper, you can use a ready-made template or draw it yourself. Glue the finished tie under the collar.
  3. We turn to the manufacture of the tunic. Take colored paper and bend it on the sides so that the uniform shelves are 7 cm wide.
  4. Glue white shirt with a tie inside a colored tunic, fold back the lapels.
  5. The uniform is ready, but it needs to be decorated beautifully: glue shoulder straps with stars, buttons.

Postcard "Shirt with tie" in the style of origami - crafts for February 23

A more complex option for making a gift for February 23 is an origami postcard. To work, you need a sheet of colored paper. The size of the shirt directly depends on the size of the sheet. To begin with, we recommend practicing on a sheet of standard A4 size.

  1. Fold the rectangle in half, along the sheet, like a book. Bend the same halves again.
  2. Fold in the bottom corners of the rectangle and fold the sides into the inside of the rectangle.
  3. We turn to the manufacture of sleeves. First, fold the bottom of the rectangle and fold the triangle a little higher, as shown in the picture. Repeat the same step on the other side of the work and fold over the edge.
  4. Bend the top of the work about 1.5 cm. Then bend the top corner to form a triangle, repeat on the opposite side.
  5. Fold the sheet in half, tucking the square under the corners of the collar - the shirt is ready. Complete it with a tie or bow tie. You can decorate the shirt with buttons or glue a handkerchief. Don't forget to write on the postcard sincere wishes and congratulations.

Craft for February 23 "Shirt with a tie" in origami style No. 2

Using the origami technique, you can make another greeting card with a tie. How to make a tie, see below:

Crafts for dad on February 23 - quilling postcard

Making a postcard interesting technique quilling requires patience and perseverance. The composition consists of quilling elements of various shapes: circle, oval (drop), "eye", "curved triangle". Spirals are made from paper ribbons, which are sold specifically for quilling needlework, or you can cut thin strips of paper yourself.

For work you will need:

  • Cardboard.
  • A set of paper ribbons for quilling.
  • Toothpick for winding spirals, tweezers, PVA glue.
  1. Cut out the base of the quilling from cardboard - the numbers "2" and "3". The size of the digits can be any.
  2. Twist the necessary quilling elements from paper ribbons using a toothpick with a slot into which the end of the ribbon is inserted. Roll the ribbon into a spiral. Lubricate the free end with glue and secure. Thus twist all the elements.
  3. Start gluing the spirals from the top of the number "2". On the bends, the “drop” element and the elongated “eye” will look better. You can experiment with the order of the applique elements yourself so that the whole composition looks harmonious.
  4. In the same way, we fix the elements based on the number "3". Large spirals look impressive at the bottom.
  5. From red paper tape make a large spiral, secure it, and while the glue is still wet, shape it into a five-pointed star.
  6. When the whole composition is ready, put a small weight on the application so that it dries evenly. In the free part of the card, write congratulations and nice words for Dad.

DIY crafts for February 23 from improvised materials

Using the most common items for making crafts: matchboxes, a cardboard sleeve from a roll toilet paper, a capsule from chocolate egg, you can make interesting crafts with children.

Crafts for February 23 - an airplane from a matchbox and cardboard

Necessary materials:

  • Matchbox.
  • Cardboard, velvet paper for the propeller.
  • PVA glue.
  • Scissors, simple pencil.

Crafts for February 23 - matchbox tank

Necessary materials:

  • Matchboxes - 6 pcs.
  • Colored paper is green.
  • A strip of black cardboard.
  • Pencil, glue, tape.
  1. The first step is to make the body of the tank. Take 4 matchbox and secure them with tape. Fasten the remaining two boxes separately for the tank turret.
  2. Paste over the body of their four boxes with green paper, as well as a separately prepared blank of the tank turret.
  3. From a strip of black cardboard, paste over the edges of the hull, depicting a tank caterpillar. Glue the mugs of black cardboard on the side.
  4. Attach the tank hull to the turret with glue.
  5. We turn to the manufacture of guns. It is necessary to twist the tube of cardboard. It is convenient to use a pencil for this. Make cuts on one of the edges of the pipe, bend them and glue them to the tank body.
  6. Decorate the muzzle of the cannon with foil paper, stick stars on the tank body.

Racing car - original children's craft for February 23

Necessary materials:

  • Bushing from a roll of toilet paper.
  • Self-adhesive paper, colored cardboard.
  • Gouache.
  • Glue.
  1. Color the cardboard cylinder with gouache in red.
  2. Using the template, cut out 4 circles from dark cardboard - the wheels of a racing car.
  3. Make a steering wheel, you can draw it on a cardboard circle with a black felt-tip pen.
  4. Cut a hole in the top of the cylinder using a utility knife. At this stage of work, the child will need the help of an adult. Bend the cut out part - you get the back of the driver's seat.
  5. Decorate your racing car with self-adhesive film, bright stickers or images. Glue the steering wheel, wheels and put a figure of a man from the Lego constructor in the driver's cab.

DIY craft February 23 - photo frames

Photo frames for memorable photos are a wonderful gift idea for the holiday. Come up with a theme for the photo frame with your child, based on their dad's hobby or occupation. For a dad who is a motorist, photo frames in the form of a car are suitable, for those who are enthusiastic about repairs, stick nuts and screws on the frame. Nature lovers will love a photo frame decorated with dry twigs of the same size.

Crafts for February 23 - photo frame of pencils

To create a colorful photo frame you will need:

  • Wooden or cardboard photo frame 10x15. The frame should be light or white.
  • If you don't have a white frame, paint it with white acrylic paint using a sponge.
  • Colour pencils.
  • Transparent glue of strong fixing or thermal gun.
  1. Glue the pencils to the white frame, matching them by color and size.
  2. Insert a picture with a seascape into a photo frame. You can pick up a photo related to the sea.
  3. Make a paper boat and glue it to the picture.

Sweet gift for February 23

Tasty and mouth-watering crafts for February 23 dad - great idea unusual gift. Prepare shortbread cookies or muffins with your child, let him participate in the cooking process: mix the ingredients, cut out the figures with cookie cutters. Choose themed moulds: stars, tanks, planes, ships or medals for bravery.

Men who like sweets can give original craft of chocolates, decorated in a marine style.

Crafts for February 23, photo
