Holidays and events of August. Holidays and events of August Catholic Transfiguration of the Lord

August 6, 1809 was born Alfred Tennyson, an English poet who most clearly expressed the views and hopes of the Victorian era and lived a long and bright life.

By the way, the famous motto of Sanya Grigoriev - "Fight and seek, find and not give up" - from Kaverin's "Two Captains" goes back to Tennyson's poem "The Journey of Ulysses":

Let us not have those forces for a long time,
What moved the earth and the sky firmament;
We are who we are: sometimes
Hero's heart from adversity and years
Weaken - all the same strong desire to live,
Seek and find and never give up.

August 6, 1856 was born Apollinary Vasnetsov, Russian painter, younger brother Viktor Vasnetsov. He studied with Repin, Polenov and, of course, with his brother.

Apollinary Vasnetsov - the initiator of the historical landscape. This new form was invented by him. Moscow of the 17th century comes to life in his landscapes “A Street in Kitay-Gorod”, “Red Square”... The Tretyakov Gallery presents the artist’s epic canvases: “Motherland”, “Taiga in the Urals”, “Blue Mountain”, “Kama”…

Art critics and historians say that Vasnetsov seemed to see ancient Moscow through the earth. He knew what could be found during excavations in one place or another in the city. Already in a very old age the creator of the picturesque chronicle of Moscow, together with the metro builders, descended into tunnels and mines. Apollinary Mikhailovich searched in the dungeons of the capital for traces of a past life that has become history and a fairy tale for many. The artist’s son Vsevolod recalled: “Fearing that many historical monuments would be lost forever during the construction of the metro, my father wrote a letter to the Moskovskaya Pravda newspaper. In it, he drew the attention of builders to the great scientific value of such finds and urged them to cooperate with specialists - historians or archaeologists ... He wanted to see everything with his own eyes, to touch the remnants of a bygone era. Regardless of anything, he made his way into the very depths of the tunnel. And when he returned from such an expedition, he immediately (while still fresh in his memory) wrote down and sketched in detail everything that he saw interesting.

On August 6, 1881, the bacteriologist Alexander Fleming was born in the Scottish town of Lochfield. From the first steps in science, he was obsessed with the idea that all living things have protective mechanisms, otherwise no organism could exist: bacteria would freely invade and kill it. Fleming devoted his life to the search for these mechanisms.

Like many scientists, he was helped by luck and chance. In Fleming's laboratory, mold was his main enemy. It never occurred to anyone to use this "dirt" in the fight against diseases. Once, in one of the cups, Fleming discovered mold, around which bacteria did not multiply. After separating the mold, he found that "the broth on which the mold has grown ... has acquired a distinct ability to inhibit the growth of microorganisms." So in 1928, penicillin was discovered.

Penicillin marked the beginning of a new era in medicine - the treatment of diseases with antibiotics. In the entire history of mankind, there was no medicine in the world that would save so many lives. Fleming was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery.

In Greece, where the scientist visited, national mourning was declared on the day of his death, and in Barcelona, ​​Spain, all the flower girls of the city poured armfuls of flowers from their baskets to a memorial plaque with the name of the great bacteriologist and "physician of the century" Alexander Fleming.

August 6, 1915 was born Valentin Levashev - composer, choir conductor, collector of folklore. He headed the Siberian Folk Choir, for many years he was the artistic director of the Pyatnitsky Russian Folk Choir.

His songs were performed by Claudia Shulzhenko, Maya Kristalinskaya, Anna German, Lyudmila Zykina ... On the verses of Bulat Okudzhava, Levashev wrote one of the best songs about the war - “Take an overcoat, let's go home.”

Concerned about the departure of the creative intelligentsia from the country, Benito Mussolini, an ardent fan of cinema, made a lot of efforts to organize a film forum that could compete with the Oscars. On the day of our review - August 6, 1932 - he opened the first Venice Film Festival. The organizers, who were under the personal control of the Duce, attracted 9 countries to participate in it, which submitted 29 full-length and 14 short films to the competition. The film "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" by Ruben Mamulyan was shown first.

The next festival in 1934 included 17 countries and 40 feature films. Then the main prize - the "Mussolini Cup" - was awarded to the Soviet Union for the best presented program (it included "Merry Fellows", "Thunderstorm", "Petersburg Night", "Ivan", "Pyshka", "New Gulliver" and "Outskirts of ").

However, with the strengthening of fascist Germany, the closest ally of Italy, the festival in Venice began to gradually turn into obsessive propaganda of the "new order". Soon the second World War, and in 1939-1945 the festival was not held.

After the war, it resumed. And if the Berlin Film Festival is considered today the most political, the Cannes - the most international, then the Venice - the most elitist. It is held on the resort island of Lido, and the emblem of Venice - a golden winged lion - has become the main prize of the film festival since 1980.

On August 6, a wonderful Belarusian composer, an honorary citizen of our city, Professor Igor Luchenok accepts birthday greetings. His name is well known not only in his homeland, but also far beyond the borders of Belarus, because he is the author of the widely popular songs "Alesya", "Memory of the Heart", "If Stones Could Speak", "May Waltz", "Letter from the 45th ”,“ Enchanted mine ”and many, many others. His works are included in the repertoire of Joseph Kobzon, Lev Leshchenko, Valentina Tolkunov, "Syabrov", "Verasov" and other singers and ensembles ...

On August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb code-named "Kid" was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima from an American B-29 aircraft.

There was no military necessity for this act of intimidation. US President Harry Truman said that a bomb had been dropped on a military base. He lied. The bomb fell on the heads of civilians, women, old people and children. As a result of the explosion, which occurred at an altitude of 600 meters, most of the city was destroyed, killing more than 140 thousand of its inhabitants. The number of victims of nuclear bombing is still growing today, as the consequences of the explosion affect several generations. In memory of this tragedy, 6 August is celebrated as World Day for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. On this day, the people of Hiroshima light candles and let them float down the river. The Hiroshima bell sounds every year.

This professional holiday is dedicated to the day of the formation of special military units for the protection and operation of the railway (Photo:

Day of the Railway Troops, celebrated in Russia annually on August 6, established by Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated July 19, 1996 "On the establishment of the Day of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation", and is currently celebrated in accordance with the decree "On the establishment professional holidays And memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” dated May 31, 2006.

This professional holiday of military personnel, workers and civil servants of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation (ZhDV RF Armed Forces) is timed to coincide with the day of the formation of special military units for the protection and operation of the St. Petersburg-Moscow railway.

On August 6, 1851, the “highest approval” by Emperor Nicholas I of the “Regulations on the composition of the management of the St. Petersburg-Moscow Railway” was issued.

According to the "Regulations", it was formed 14 separate military workers, two conductor and "telegraphic" companies with a total number of 4340 people.

This marked the beginning of the formation of the first military railway units. They were ordered to maintain the railway track in good condition, ensure the smooth operation of stations, guard bridges and railway crossings.

Since the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, railroad soldiers have contributed to the victories of Russian weapons. During the Great Patriotic War, the Railway Troops, together with civilian railway workers, restored and built more than 120 thousand kilometers of railways, over 3 thousand bridges. And after its completion, they actively participated not only in the restoration and reconstruction of the destroyed railway lines, but also in the construction of new ones.

For more than one hundred and fifty years, military railway workers have selflessly and selflessly served the Fatherland.

The Railway Troops are a branch of special troops as part of the Logistics Support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (from 2005 to 2010 they were part of the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation), which is part of the system for ensuring the defense capability and national security of the state.

These are special troops designed to restore, build, operate, fence and technically cover the railways used for military transportation. They also take part in the elimination of the consequences of emergencies, accidents, disasters and hostilities and conflicts.

Celebrated on the anniversary of the bombing of the Japanese city of Hiroshima (Photo: Brad Cavanagh, Shutterstock)

"Physicians of the World for Peace" is an international day that was proposed by the organization "Physicians of the World for the Prevention of the Nuclear Threat". It is celebrated on the anniversary of the terrible tragedy - the day of the bombing of the Japanese city of Hiroshima (Hiroshima) on August 6, 1945.

This day is symbolic in a sense and serves as a reminder of this human tragedy, of the role of doctors in the struggle for peace and in the prevention of war in general. The organization celebrates this day with its daily work. Doctors are the ones who save lives.

For more than 70 years, every year on August 6 at 8:15 am, the Japanese city of Hiroshima freezes - a moment of silence. With their hands folded at their chests and their heads bowed, the elderly and young Japanese, mothers and children, teachers and officials - all at this moment are thinking about that terrible day on August 6, 1945, when an atomic bomb was dropped on a peaceful city. Also on this day, commemorative events are held in Hiroshima Peace Park, where an eternal flame burns in front of a monument to the victims of the bombing with the inscription "Sleep well - the mistake will not happen again."

As a result of this bombing, about 200 thousand people were killed and went missing, more than 160 thousand people were injured and exposed to radioactive radiation, and to this day the victims of this event continue to die from radiation sickness.

And three days later, an atomic bomb with a plutonium charge of the same power was dropped on another Japanese city - Nagasaki ...

10 years after these tragic events, the first international conference for the prohibition of atomic and hydrogen weapons was held in Hiroshima, and in 1985 the South Pacific was declared a nuclear-free zone (Treaty of Rarotonga).

The organization Doctors of the World for the Prevention of the Nuclear Threat was founded in 1980 in France as a result of a separation from another famous international organization, Doctors Without Borders. Since then, large branches of the "Doctors of the World" have appeared in dozens of countries around the world, and today this movement unites over 200 thousand doctors in its ranks, and the number of its supporters continues to grow. Every year on August 6, they organize various charitable and educational events.

Jamaica became independent in 1962 (Photo: Jiri Flogel, Shutterstock)

Every year on August 6, Jamaica celebrates a national holiday - independence Day(Independence Day), established to commemorate the anniversary of Jamaica's independence from Great Britain in 1962. This day is marked in the country with national festivities, festive events and fireworks.

In ancient times, Jamaica was inhabited by Indians. New story Jamaica began on May 5, 1498, when Christopher Columbus set foot on its shores during his second journey. Then in Jamaica (the natives called it "Hamaika") lived more than a hundred thousand Arawak Indians.

Columbus renamed Jamaica Santiago, and the Spanish crown granted him the title of Marquis of Jamaica, which was then inherited in his family. The natives gradually died out from overwork, diseases brought by the Spaniards and longing for the former free life, preferring to drink poisonous juice casava. And therefore, already in 1517, the first slaves from Africa were brought here - it was necessary to grow sugar cane.

By 1558, the Indians were completely exterminated, and Jamaica gained a terrible reputation as the main staging post for the global slave trade. In 1670, the Spanish were expelled from the island by an English squadron, and Jamaica almost officially became a pirate island.

In 1958, Jamaica became part of the West Indies (Caribbean) Federation created by Great Britain, which included British island possessions in the Caribbean. But already in 1961, the inhabitants of Jamaica voted in a referendum to secede from the Federation, which ceased to exist in May 1962. On August 6, 1962, the independence of Jamaica was proclaimed.

At the same time, the national flag of Jamaica was approved. “There are difficulties, but the earth is green and the sun is shining” - this motto corresponds to the symbolism of the colors of the flag. Black stands for hardships overcome, yellow stands for the natural wealth and beauty of sunlight, green stands for the hope and natural resources of Jamaica.

The state emblem depicts a man and a woman of the tribe Arawak standing on both sides of the shield, on which is a red cross with five pineapples. Above is a Jamaican crocodile crowning the Royal Helm and mantle. The motto "Out of many, one people" can be loosely translated as "one in the field is not a warrior."

On August 6, 3 Orthodox church holidays are celebrated. The list of events informs about church holidays, fasts, days of veneration of the memory of saints. The list will help you find out the date of a significant religious event for Orthodox Christians.

Church Orthodox holidays on August 6

Boris and Gleb

Martyrs of the Right-Believing Princes Boris (in the Holy Baptism of Roman) and Gleb (in the Holy Baptism of David).

Honoring the memory of the brothers Yaroslav the Wise Boris and Gleb (in baptism Roman and David). The saints were killed by the power-hungry brother Svyatopolk as competitors for the throne of Kiev. Their relics have the gift of healing.

The holy noble princes-martyrs Boris and Gleb (in holy Baptism - Roman and David) are the first Russian saints, canonized by both the Russian and Constantinople Churches. They were the younger sons of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir (+ July 15, 1015). Born shortly before the Baptism of Rus', the holy brothers were brought up in Christian piety. The eldest of the brothers, Boris, received a good education. He loved to read Holy Scripture, the writings of the holy fathers, and especially the lives of the saints. Under their influence, Saint Boris had an ardent desire to imitate the feat of the saints of God and often prayed that the Lord would honor him with such an honor.

Saint Gleb was brought up with his brother from early childhood and shared his desire to devote his life exclusively to the service of God. Both brothers were distinguished by mercy and kindness of heart, imitating the example of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, merciful and sympathetic to the poor, sick, and destitute.

Even during the life of his father, Saint Boris received Rostov as an inheritance. Governing his principality, he showed wisdom and meekness, caring first of all about the planting of the Orthodox faith and the establishment of a pious way of life among his subjects. The young prince also became famous as a brave and skillful warrior. Shortly before his death, Grand Duke Vladimir summoned Boris to Kyiv and sent him with an army against the Pechenegs. When the death of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir followed, his eldest son Svyatopolk, who was at that time in Kyiv, declared himself the Grand Duke of Kyiv.

Saint Boris at that time was returning from a campaign, without meeting the Pechenegs, who were probably frightened of him and left for the steppes. When he learned of his father's death, he was very upset. The squad persuaded him to go to Kyiv and take the throne of the Grand Duke, but the holy prince Boris, not wanting internecine strife, disbanded his army:

“I will not raise my hand against my brother, and even against my elder, whom I should consider as a father!”

However, the cunning and power-hungry Svyatopolk did not believe Boris's sincerity; in an effort to protect himself from the possible rivalry of his brother, on whose side the sympathies of the people and the army were, he sent assassins to him. Saint Boris was informed of such treachery by Svyatopolk, but did not hide himself and, like the martyrs of the first centuries of Christianity, readily met death. The assassins overtook him when he was praying for Matins on Sunday, July 24, 1015, in his tent on the banks of the Alta River. After the service, they broke into the tent to the prince and pierced him with spears. The beloved servant of the holy Prince Boris, George Ugrin (born Hungarian), rushed to the defense of his master and was immediately killed.

But Saint Boris was still alive. Coming out of the tent, he began to pray fervently, and then turned to the murderers:

“Come, brethren, finish your service, and may there be peace to brother Svyatopolk and to you.”

Then one of them came up and pierced him with a spear. The servants of Svyatopolk took the body of Boris to Kyiv, on the way they met two Varangians sent by Svyatopolk to speed things up. The Varangians noticed that the prince was still alive, although he was barely breathing. Then one of them pierced his heart with a sword. The body of the holy martyr Prince Boris was secretly brought to Vyshgorod and laid in a church in the name of St. Basil the Great.

After that, Svyatopolk just as treacherously killed the holy prince Gleb. Slyly summoning his brother Murom from his inheritance, Svyatopolk sent vigilantes to meet him in order to kill Saint Gleb on the way. Prince Gleb already knew about the death of his father and the villainous murder of Prince Boris. Deeply grieving, he preferred death to war with his brother. Saint Gleb's meeting with the murderers took place at the mouth of the Smyadyn River, not far from Smolensk.

What was the feat of the holy noble princes Boris and Gleb? What's the point in being like this - without resistance to die at the hands of murderers?

The life of the holy martyrs was sacrificed to the main Christian good deed - love. "Whoever says, 'I love God,' but hates his brother, is a liar" (1 John 4:20). The holy brothers did something that was still new and incomprehensible to pagan Rus', accustomed to blood feud - they showed that evil cannot be repaid with evil, even under the threat of death. “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul” (Matthew 10:28). The Holy Martyrs Boris and Gleb gave their lives for the sake of observing obedience, on which the spiritual life of a person and, in general, all life in society is based.

“Do you see, brethren,” remarks the Monk Nestor the Chronicler, “how high is obedience to an older brother? If they had resisted, they would hardly have been worthy of such a gift from God. There are many young princes now who do not submit to the elders and are killed for resisting them. But they are not like the grace that these saints were rewarded with.”

The noble princes-passion-bearers did not want to raise a hand against their brother, but the Lord Himself took revenge on the power-hungry tyrant: “Vengeance is mine, and I will repay” (Rom. 12:19).

In 1019, Prince Yaroslav the Wise of Kiev, also one of the sons of Prince Vladimir Equal to the Apostles, gathered an army and defeated Svyatopolk's squad. By God's providence, the decisive battle took place on the field near the Alta River, where Saint Boris was killed. Svyatopolk, called the Accursed by the Russian people, fled to Poland and, like the first fratricide Cain, did not find peace and shelter anywhere. Chroniclers testify that even a stench emanated from his grave.

“Since that time,” the chronicler writes, “sedition in Rus' has subsided.” The blood shed by the holy brothers for the sake of preventing internecine strife was that fertile seed that strengthened the unity of Rus'. The noble princes-passion-bearers are not only glorified by God with the gift of healing, but they are special patrons, defenders of the Russian land. Many cases of their appearance in a difficult time for our Fatherland are known. For example, Saint Alexander Nevsky on the eve of the Battle of the Ice (1242), Grand Duke Dimitry Donskoy on the day of the Battle of Kulikovo (1380). The veneration of Saints Boris and Gleb began very early, shortly after their death. The service to the saints was compiled by Metropolitan John I of Kyiv (1008-1035).

The Grand Duke of Kiev Yaroslav the Wise took care to find the remains of St. Gleb, which had been unburied for 4 years, and buried them in Vyshgorod, in the church in the name of St. Basil the Great, next to the relics of St. Prince Boris. After some time, this temple burned down, but the relics remained unharmed, and many miracles were performed from them. One Varangian stood reverently at the grave of the holy brothers, and suddenly a flame came out and scorched his feet. From the relics of the holy princes, a lame lad, the son of a resident of Vyshgorod, received healing: Saints Boris and Gleb appeared to the lad in a dream and signed the cross on his sick leg. The boy woke up from sleep and stood up completely healthy.

The noble prince Yaroslav the Wise built a five-domed stone church on this site, which was consecrated on July 24, 1026 by Metropolitan John of Kyiv with a clergy cathedral. Many churches and monasteries throughout Rus' were dedicated to the holy princes Boris and Gleb, frescoes and icons of the holy martyr brothers are also known in numerous churches of the Russian Church.

Martyr Christina of Tire

Celebration of the memory of Saint Christina, who was tortured by several rulers of the city of Tyre in the 3rd century for her faith in Christ the Savior.

Christina lived at the turn of the 2nd-3rd centuries in Phoenician Tyre, under the emperor Septimius Severus (194-211). Her father was a powerful pagan warlord named Urvan. Jealously guarding the dazzling beauty of his daughter, he imprisoned her in a high tower, where she was served by many slaves and she could enjoy all the benefits of luxury and wealth. In this tower, Urvan placed jeweled statues of the gods so that his daughter could worship them.
Although the virgin remained locked up, without any connection with the world, the grace of God visited Christina and gave rise in her soul to the desire to know the truth. With her truthful mind, she realized that soulless statues - the creation of human hands - can in no way be deities, and, contemplating the beauty of heaven, earth and all the wonders of nature in the window, she came to the conclusion that such a beautiful harmony can only be the creation of one God and Creator, infinitely wise. Then an angel of the Lord was sent to the virgin, instructing her in what she vaguely felt in her heart - in the mysteries of Divinity and creation. Thus, having acquired the light of truth and filled with zealous love for God, Christina dedicated her life to fasting and prayer.

When her parents came to visit her and offered to bow to idols, she answered with a firm refusal, announcing that she was now following Christ, the true Light that had come into the world. She rejected all the persuasions of her father and asked to give her a snow-white shirt in order to bring a spiritual sacrifice to God, the One in three Persons. Urban fulfilled the request of his daughter, not understanding its essence. When Christina was immersed in prayer, an angel appeared, greeting her as the bride of Christ, and announced the trials ahead of her, with which she would glorify the Lord. Before leaving, he marked the virgin with the seal of Christ, blessed and satiated her with heavenly bread.

At night, the saint cut down all the statues in the tower with an ax and went to distribute fragments of silver and gold to the poor. Seeing this the next morning, Urvan was terribly angry and ordered to behead the slaves of Christina, and to subject her daughter to scourging. Twelve soldiers flogged the virgin to exhaustion, but Christina, by the power of grace, remained unshakable, confessing Christ and blaming her father. Urvan ordered her to be thrown into prison, bound in heavy chains, and left. His wife visited the dungeon in tears to beg Christina to submit and thereby save her life. But these persuasions did not bring results.

The next day, Christina was again tortured. First, her flesh was torn, and then they tied her to a wheel and hung her over a blazing hearth, but through her prayer, the Lord extinguished the flame. Sent back to prison, she received a visit from three angels who brought her food and healed her wounds.

During the night, Urvan sent five slaves. They seized the saint, tied a heavy stone around her neck and threw it into the sea. But even here the angels came to the aid of the martyr: they untied the stone, and Christina walked on the waters as if on dry land. A shining cloud descended from heaven - and Christ appeared, dressed in precious royal clothes and surrounded by a host of angels who praised the Lord with hymns and filled the air with the delicate fragrance of incense. Fulfilling the desire of the saint, Christ Himself baptized her in the waters of the sea, and then entrusted her to the archangel Michael, who accompanied Christina to land and to her parents' house.

Finding that the girl had survived despite all the attempts to kill her, Urvan ordered her to be beheaded the next day. But that night he died in a tragic way.

The post of Urvan was taken over by the new magistrate Dion. Having familiarized himself with the case, he called the saint and ordered her to be tortured. She stood firm. Then he ordered that her hair be cut off and that she be led naked through the whole city in order to cover her with shame. The next day, the martyr pretended to agree to fulfill the demand of Dion and wants to bow to the statue of Apollo. Arriving at the temple, she prayed to the true God and ordered the statue to walk forty steps. However, even such a miracle did not convert Dion. Then the saint, calling on the name of God, overturned the statue and broke it into pieces. Three thousand pagans, witnesses of the miracle, turned to Christ.

Dion did not survive such a defeat and soon died, and a new ruler, Julian, took his place. He imprisoned the saint in a fiery furnace. The martyr spent five days there, during which she sang hymns of praise to the Lord along with the angels. Then the ruler ordered her to be thrown into a ditch full of wild animals and poisonous reptiles, but even there no evil touched the servant of God: the asps curled up at her feet, as if wanting to bow to her, and the snakes gently wiped sweat from her forehead. Only Julian turned out to be more ferocious than the predatory creatures, and persisted in hatred for the martyr. He ordered to cut off her breasts, from which blood and milk gushed, and then to pull out her tongue. After all the torment, two warriors pierced the heart and side of the saint with spears, giving her the crown of imperishable victory and eternal bliss in the contemplation of the Heavenly Bridegroom.

After the imminent death of the tyrant, one of Christina's relatives, who was converted thanks to her miracles, buried the body of the saint in the church erected in her memory.

Venerable Polycarp of the Caves, Archimandrite

Day of honoring the memory of the hegumen of the Caves monastery Polycarp. The relics of the saint rest in the Near (Antoniev) caves.

The blessed and praiseworthy Polycarp - prolific in name - was prolific in his good deeds; he brought forth that bountiful fruit of which the Heavenly Worker spoke: “If a grain of wheat, falling into the ground, does not die, then only one remains; but if he dies, he will bear much fruit” (John 12:24), and again: “He who abides in me, and I in him, the same bears much fruit” (John 15:5). This blessed one imputed the fleeting glory and image of this world to dust and, having taken the holy angelic monastic image in the monastery, famous for its caves, like grain, on plowed land, he mortified his body in every possible way with fasting deeds, always abiding in God in spirit.

Thus, he created many fruits worthy of repentance, and manifested on himself all the fruits of the spirit: unhypocritical love for God and for the brethren, the joy of an immaculate conscience, peace of victory over all passions, longsuffering in misfortunes and sorrows, goodness in obedience to all, mercy in the heart. care for the poor, unshakable faith in fulfilling the commandments, true in fulfilling vows, meekness in ignorance of anger, abstaining from food and drink, plentiful and tasty, and in general from all bodily passions (cf. Gal. 5:22-23).

All these fruits were grown in blessed Polycarp by God, and planted by Saint Simon, Bishop of Vladimir and Suzdal. The latter was his relative by blood and did not want Polycarp to move away from him in spirit, but, like a good root, he tried to grow a good branch. Therefore, when Simon himself was appointed from the Holy Monastery of the Caves to the throne of the Vladimir and Suzdal bishoprics, he took Blessed Polycarp with him; there he encouraged Polycarp to a virtuous life and for this he had soulful conversations with him about what he himself read or heard in the conversations of eyewitnesses about the former holy monks of the Caves, about what hard work they carried, and about how they pleased God so much that even here they shone with the miraculous incorruption of their relics, as a sign of their receipt of an incorruptible crown in heaven.

And the blessed Polycarp, having plowed the land of his heart with obedience and sowed there the seeds of his father's teachings, brought forth a hundredfold fruit. Not only was he himself fruitful in virtue, but he also desired to instill the same fruitfulness in all Orthodox Christians. Therefore, what he heard from the blessed Bishop Simon about the charitable deeds of the venerable fathers of the Caves, he took the trouble to write all this for the benefit of others who were being saved; thus, living under that blessed bishop, he set forth the wondrous lives of many saints in his epistle to the blessed Akindin, Archimandrite of the Caves; these lives are placed in the second part of the Kiev-Pechersk patericon.

Subsequently, the blessed Polycarp, although he parted bodily from his father and mentor Simon, returning from his episcopacy again to the Caves monastery, however, by his virtue he did not depart from that holy man: he well rooted his former teachings in his heart and tried to preserve and return them. . And St. Simon, for his part, did not cease to instruct him here with his written message, full of divinely inspired instructions and descriptions of the virtuous life of the Cave saints. Always having this message before his eyes, blessed Polycarp wrote down all the words of his father on the tablets of his heart, read them with his mind and fulfilled them in practice. Thus rigorously asceticised, he attained a high degree of virtue.

When Blessed Akindin, the Archimandrite of the Caves, who caredly and pleasingly shepherded the flock of Christ, reached a ripe old age and, after long labors, moved to the Lord for eternal rest, then there was no other oldest and more experienced in monastic deeds in the God-chosen number of holy brethren, except for Polycarp. Therefore, the entire regiment of good soldiers of Christ unanimously and unanimously chose this blessed one as their leader and mentors, as worthy and able to manage the helm of the holy great Lavra Holy Mother of God and our venerable fathers Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves; this was under the Grand Duke of Kiev Rostislav Mstislavich, under Metropolitan John, the fourth metropolitan of this name and the third field of Metropolitan Klim, consecrated by the head of St. Clement.

Having assumed command over the holy great Lavra of the Caves, blessed Polycarp zealously tried to preserve all the monastic regulations laid down by the Monk Theodosius, without adding anything (outsiders) to them. He proved to be a skillful leader in the work of salvation; this is what the miraculous Lavra really demanded and was famous for. Everywhere there was fame about her deanery under the command of the blessed Polycarp. Many of the noble and sovereign princes used his instructions and strove for a virtuous life, so they left their glorious thrones out of a desire to live with him, a vivid example of which is the ever-memorable Kiev prince Rostislav Mstislavich.

This Christ-lover, always setting for himself the way of life of Blessed Polycarp, made such a good custom: during Great Lent every Saturday and every Sunday, he invited twelve monks of the Caves and the thirteenth blessed Archimandrite Polycarp to his place for dinner, and, having fed them, he would not let go empty-handed. . And he himself communed every Sunday of the divine mysteries, praying with tears, sighs of the heart and groans, so that no one who saw him in such tenderness could refrain from tears. When the holy great fast ended, then on Lazarus Saturday the Christ-loving prince called together all the blessed elders of the Caves, who shone with fasting deeds, treated them all cordially, bestowed alms and released them with honor.

In the same way, he convened and treated the brethren of other monasteries, but especially the brethren of the Caves, because he loved the virtuous life of all of them, and especially their blessed mentor Polycarp, who imitated in every possible way the original mentors of the Caves Anthony and Theodosius. Therefore, the prince often said to the blessed one that he would accept him among the monks of the Pechersk monastery. But the blessed Polycarp answered him: “Pious prince! God commanded you to lead a different life - to manage, to create a righteous judgment and strictly observe the kiss of the cross. And Prince Rostislav objected to him: - Holy Father! the reign of this world cannot be without sin, and I have already tired of it and tired me with my daily worries, so I would like to serve God at least a little in my old age and imitate those princes and kings who walked along the narrow and difficult path and reached the kingdom of heaven.

To these words the blessed Polycarp said: “Christ-loving prince! if you want it with all your heart, then God's will be done. Although the prince did not have time to carry out this intention, it is clear from the following that it was really a burning desire in his heart, and was born under the influence of the good example of St. Polycarp. When the prince fell seriously ill in Smolensk and ordered to be taken to Kiev, his sister Rogneda, seeing that his brother was so weak, asked him: - Stay here in Smolensk, and here we will put you in our church.

He answered her: “Please don’t do this, but even if I am very weak, still let me be taken to Kyiv; if God takes me along the way, then let them lay my body in the monastery of St. Theodore, built by my father; if God delivers me from this disease, then I promise to be tonsured as a monk in the holy Pechersk monastery under the blessed Polycarp. Then, when his illness intensified, and he was already near death, he said to his spiritual father, priest Simeon:

You will answer God for not allowing me to be tonsured by that holy man in the Caves Monastery: I ardently desired this, and may the Lord forgive me the sin that I did not fulfill my vow!

Thus he accepted a blissful end. The beginning and reason for such a virtuous life of the ever-memorable prince was nothing more than an example of an ascetic life and the divinely inspired conversation of our reverend father Polycarp, who during his reign was a worthy head of the miraculous holy Pechersk Lavra; captivating not only the brethren, but also the pious laity with his virtuous example, he set them on the path of repentance and salvation. So carefully he pastured the flock entrusted to him by God. He lived for a long time and in extreme old age reposed in the Lord in 6690 from the creation of the world, and from the birth of Christ in 1182, on July 24, on the feast of the holy martyrs, the Russian princes Boris and Gleb. They dressed his body and buried it with honor along with the holy fathers.

After his death, a great difficulty arose in the monastery: the brethren could not elect a new hegumen for themselves. Although many of the blessed elders were worthy of such a dignity, none of them wanted to accept it out of their humility and vow of silence: it seemed to them better to be in obedience and be in solitude, so that their treasure of virtue, collected by hard work, would not be squandered in worries and sorrows. who are usually inseparable from the bosses. The brethren grieved bitterly and grieved: it was impossible for such a large flock to be without a shepherd even for a single hour. On Tuesday they hit the beater; all the brethren gathered in the church and began to pray for their need to the Most Holy Theotokos and the venerable fathers Anthony and Theodosius, calling for help the ascetic - the newly reposed blessed Polycarp and asking him to beg God to indicate to them instead of himself an abbot, and through that he would show whether he pleased Lord or not.

A miracle happened: as if with one mouth, many immediately said: “Let's go to the pious priest Vasily on Shchekovitsa, let him be our hegumen and govern the monks of the Pechersk Monastery.” They all came with a bow to the priest Vasily and said: - We all, the brethren of the Pechersk Monastery, bow to you and want you to be our fathers and abbots! Priest Vasily was very astonished, bowed to them in turn with a bow to the ground and said: - Holy Fathers! I thought only of monasticism; Where can I unworthy to be abbot. And he refused for a long time, until finally he gave in to their persistent requests.

Then the brethren took him with them to the monastery. On Friday, His Grace Metropolitan Nikifor of Kiev and God-loving bishops: Lavrenty of Turov and Nikolai Polotsk, and all the most honored abbots: His Grace Metropolitan Nikifor tonsured him himself. So he became the head and good shepherd of the monks of the Holy Caves Monastery after his prayers, he was a model of virtues for all, to the glory and honor of the heavenly Mentor and Head of the shepherds, the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, with Him with the beginningless Father and with the Most Holy, Good and the Life-Giving Spirit, unceasing praise and worship is due from all creation, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Published on 08/06/18 00:16

Today, August 6, 2018, they also celebrate the Day of the Railway Troops, the International Day of "Doctors of the World for Peace" and other events.

On August 6, 2018, the innocently murdered saints and brothers Gleb, Prince of Murom and Boris, Prince of Rostov are remembered. They were meanly killed in 1015.

According to legend, they were the sons of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Vladimir Svyatoslavich. After the death of his father, a struggle for the throne and land broke out between his sons. On this moment there are two versions of who exactly ordered intcbatch kill brothers. One of them claims that they died on the orders of the older half-brother Svyatopolk the Accursed. Another says that the culprit of their death was Yaroslav the Wise, who was also their half-brother.

For the fact that they humbly accepted martyrdom from fellow believers, the church canonized Boris and Gleb as saints. The brothers were canonized because the miraculous power of their relics was repeatedly proven.

According to signs, if straw is harvested on this day, it means that it is impossible to cover houses with it, because it will either be blown away by the wind, or lightning will strike.

Seagulls often sit on the water - to rain.

Railway Troops Day

Day of the Railway Troops in Russia and Belarus is celebrated annually on August 6th. The date in the Russian Federation was established on May 31, 2006 by Presidential Decree No. 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." In 2018, it is celebrated for the 13th time.

International Day "Physicians of the World for Peace"

International Day of Doctors of the World for Peace is celebrated on 6 August. It was established in the mid-80s of the last century by the decision of the Executive Committee of the international movement "Physicians of the World for the Prevention of Nuclear War" (WMPNW).

The idea of ​​establishing the event arose thanks to a joint group of doctors from the USSR and the USA - the international movement Doctors of the World Against Nuclear War, created in 1980 by separating from the Doctors Without Borders organization. August 6 was chosen as the date of the holiday - the day of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945.

Roman, Nikolai, Athanasius, Boris, Anatoly, David, Ivan, Gleb, Hilarion, Christina

  • 1806 - The existence of the Holy Roman Empire ceased
  • 1851 - Military work units were created to operate the railway and guard
  • 1889 - The last fight of boxers without gloves was held
  • 1915 - During the First World War, an event known as the "Attack of the Dead" took place.
  • 1945 - An atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.
  • 1961 - The second ever space flight was made by Soviet cosmonaut German Titov
  • 1991 - The first Internet server appeared
  • Alexander Fleming 1881 - British scientist, Nobel laureate
  • Night Shyamalan 1970 - American film director, screenwriter of Indian origin
  • Tikhon Rabotnov 1904 - Soviet and Russian ecologist and geobotanist, Honored Professor of Moscow State University
  • Pavel Demidov 1798 - Russian businessman and philanthropist
  • Yakov Kulnev 1763 - Russian commander.


International Day "Physicians of the World for Peace"."Physicians of the World for Peace" is an international day that was proposed by the organization "Physicians of the World for the Prevention of the Nuclear Threat". It is celebrated on the anniversary of the terrible tragedy - the day of the bombing of the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.

Transfiguration of the Lord among Western Christians. On August 6, the Catholic Church celebrates the Transfiguration of the Lord - the mysterious transfiguration described in the Gospels, the manifestation of the Divine majesty and glory of Jesus Christ before the three closest disciples during prayer.

Independence Day of Jamaica. Every year on August 6, Jamaica celebrates the national holiday - Independence Day, established in honor of the anniversary of Jamaica's independence from Great Britain in 1962.

Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima. August 6 - Day of Remembrance for the victims of the atomic bombing of the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Every year on this day, numerous actions of anarchists take place in many countries of the world.

In 1806 the Holy Roman Empire ceased to exist.

In 1889 the last fight of boxers without gloves was held. Modern boxing is one of the types of fisticuffs - one of the oldest types of competitions known in ancient times.

In 1915 During the First World War, an event known as the “Attack of the Dead” took place. One of the most famous events of the First World War, which went down in history under the name "Attack of the Dead", is the counterattack of the 13th company of the 226th Zemlyansky regiment, which took place on August 6, 1915, during the defense of the Osovets fortress on the Eastern Front.

In 1945 an atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. On August 6, 1945, the United States carried out an atomic bombing of the Japanese city of Hiroshima.

In 1991 the first Internet server appeared. August 6, 1991 was an important and significant day in the life of all users of the World Wide Web - the first Internet server appeared. The WWW (World Wide Web) project began its existence much earlier - in 1989.


Day of the Railway Troops of Russia. The Day of the Railway Troops, celebrated in Russia annually on August 6, was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 19, 1996.

In 1851 military work units were created to protect and operate the railway. On August 6, 1851, the Commander-in-Chief of Communications and Public Buildings of the Russian State issued an order to create workers, design and telegraph companies for the protection and operation of the St. Petersburg - Moscow railway.

In 1961 Soviet cosmonaut German Titov made the second space flight in history. On August 6, 1961, at nine o'clock in the morning Moscow time, Soviet cosmonaut German Titov on the Vostok-2 spacecraft ascended into near-Earth orbit and spent 25 hours and 11 minutes on it, circling the Earth 17 times.

Name day. Anatoly, Athanasius, Boris, Gleb, David, Ivan, Hilarion, Christina, Nikolai, Roman.

Born on this day. (1763) Yakov Kulnev, Russian commander, major general, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812. (1798) Pavel Demidov, Russian businessman, philanthropist and philanthropist. (1881) Alexander Fleming, British bacteriologist, Nobel laureate. (1904) Tikhon Rabotnov, Soviet and Russian ecologist and geobotanist, Honored Professor of Moscow State University.

By folk calendar . Boris and Gleb. On this day, the peasants tried not to go to the fields and meadows, otherwise there might be a fire. This belief is based on numerous thunderstorms, the time of which began in August, and which were accompanied by lightning capable of setting fire to haystacks. Because of this, the day of Boris and Gleb was also called Palikopnaya - from the words "to shoot shocks." “Don’t take on Gleb and Boris for bread,” our ancestors said, implying that the harvest should be postponed, although it is “on Boris and Gleb that bread ripens.”

By lunar calendar . Moon phase: Fourth quarter, waning moon. Today is a very powerful day. On these lunar days, the forces of nature awaken, conducive to creation. And the power awakens in man. On this day, it is good to lay the foundation for new big things. In ancient Egypt, it was on this day that the pyramids were laid. It is good to start implementation of global long-term projects. But it is not necessary to abuse the awakened forces - they can turn into evil.

The 24th lunar day is connected with Russia by invisible information threads. It used to be a day of prayer for Russia, for the national egregor. On this day, people are benevolent. They may not be distinguished by tenderness and politeness of statements, but they do not have the goal of being rude and offending.

International Day "Physicians of the World for Peace"

On the anniversary of the tragedy - the day of the bombing of the city of Hiroshima in Japan on August 6, 1945, every year on this day the International Day of "Physicians of the World for Peace" is celebrated.
The holiday has become in some sense a symbol and serves as a reminder to all mankind of the tragedy that has occurred and the role of doctors from all over the world in the struggle for peace, the prevention of war in general.

Catholic Transfiguration of the Lord

Catholic Transfiguration of the Lord The Catholic Church celebrates today, August 6th. The Transfiguration of the Lord is a mysterious transfiguration, the manifestation of the Divine glory and majesty of Jesus Christ before his disciples during prayer, which is described in the Gospel.
The Lord Jesus Christ, by his transfiguration on Mount Tabor, showed his disciples the Glory of His Divinity, so that they would not waver in faith during His coming sufferings.

Independence Day in Jamaica

Jamaica became independent in 1962. Every year on August 6, the people of Jamaica (the natives call it "Hamaica") celebrate their national holiday - Independence Day, which was established in honor of the anniversary of Jamaica's 1962 independence from Great Britain.
This holiday is celebrated in the country with festive events, fireworks and national festivities.

Unusual holidays

If today, August 6, is a rainy day, then you have a good reason to celebrate unusual holiday- Mushroom Rain Day, today you can celebrate Providence Day and Fire Water Day.
mushroom rain day
Summer. Heat. Stuffy. It is difficult to survive this time in big cities, but we have a good reason to rejoice, because today, August 6, is Mushroom Rain Day. It doesn’t matter at all whether you have mushroom rain today - the main thing is that you can be glad that somewhere on this holiday it will generously spill onto the ground.
providence day
We cannot foresee the events that will take place in the future. If people had providence, much could have been prevented in advance. Maybe then today, August 6, we would not have to be sad on the day of remembrance of the tragic events in Japan.
fire water day
Today, August 6, someone came up with the idea to celebrate Firewater Day. The Indians called alcohol fire water, today, some of our contemporaries consider fire water bold water because under its influence a person does things that he, in a sober state, would not even have thought of! But is it worth doing such bold deeds? Today you can just think about it.

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Boris and Gleb

On this day, August 6, Russian Orthodox Christians honor the memory of their first saints Boris and Gleb, who were called Roman and David in baptism. They were both princes and sons of the great prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich.
Our ancestors on this day postponed the harvest, saying: “Do not take up bread on Gleb and Boris,” despite the fact that it was on Boris and Gleb that the bread was ripened.
Name day August 6 with: Anatoly, Athanasius, Boris, Gleb, David, Ivan, Hilarion, Christina, Nicholas, Polycarp, Roman
