How to console a man when he is ill. How to support a man in a difficult situation? Words of support

What support does a man want from a woman in difficult moments of life?
Relationships can only be harmonious when loving friend Draga people feel support and complicity at the right time. A man will never let go of that woman who knows how to support a loved one in difficult moments of life. When a man feels bad, support from his beloved will be best view help. But not all women know how to properly express support.

It's not their fault. They just act by analogy with the kind of help that they would like to feel themselves. Meanwhile, the psychology of men is very different from the psychology of women. Men in life are guided by slightly different rules and principles. Accordingly, support from a woman should look different.

So, for example, none of the men will like it if a woman begins to show pity, believing that it is she who will act as a reliable support. Pity, even with very good intentions, hurts male pride. A man will not tolerate even a hint that he is pathetic in the eyes of a woman, completely powerless, weak. If in specific case such qualities are really characteristic of a man, a woman still must demonstrate that he is the strongest for her. This will give the man faith that any difficulties will recede sooner or later.

You should not console a man in moments of despair. The consolation may be manifested in the fact that a woman will begin to look for the "pros" or positive aspects of the problem. But this will only root the man's belief in his own helplessness, and at this moment he wants to feel completely different feelings. If you see that a man is feeling bad, do not deliberately try to cheer him up with something. Sadness still will not be replaced in an instant by joy. And your feigned gaiety will most likely only annoy a man.

Men are arranged in such a way that they must survive all the negativity accumulated in their souls on their own. Do not be too intrusive at such moments. Even if you want to caress a man or somehow please him. Attempts to distract a man from problems will also be unsuccessful. Men are well able to distinguish the true female intentions from those deliberately built. And if you are obsessively affectionate, you will thereby exacerbate the problem even more. Don't ask the man about what happened. Do not try to find out from him what could upset him so much. If heart-to-heart talks for women can bring relief, then it is problematic for men to share problems with loved ones, frankly. By asking him about the difficulties, you thereby force the man to make an incredible effort on himself.

Therefore, it is better not to pester, but give the man a chance to be silent enough. Indifference on your part in this situation for a man will not be offensive. On the contrary, it will be more useful than depressing questions. Remember the desire of a man under any circumstances to look the most successful and strong in front of his beloved woman.

Believe me, a man does not want to share his failures with you, not because he does not need your support, but for one of the reasons that in this way he will begin to feel his complete impotence. In the absence of knowledge about what kind of support men need, it is better not to try to provide it at all.

One wrong word will push a man away from you forever. Above all, be tactful. Many women, at the sight of their beloved man, in a state of sadness and despondency, immediately “turn the arrows” on themselves, asking the question: “Are you so sad because of me?” If a man is offended by you, he will definitely let you know about it. But do not rule out the possibility that a man in this moment feels his own guilt. You should not sort things out, trying to get the truth.

Just give the man the opportunity to be alone with yourself. After a while, he will definitely reach out to you. And if you obsessively climb to him with your unfounded suspicions, you will only make it worse for both of you. It is also not appropriate to constantly express offers of help to a man. It is better not to interfere in the situation at all for a while. Together, you still won’t solve the problems of a man. If a man has made a serious mistake in something, then he will prefer to deal with it on his own without your participation. You are not a mother for him, and he himself has already left childhood. Therefore, do not try to save him or pull him out of life's troubles.

So you only deepen in him thoughts about yourself as a loser. Of course, problems can be completely unpredictable. And sometimes a woman can really provide the help you need. However, in most cases it is better to wait for the moment when the man himself asks for help or something specific. The desire of a woman to support is quite natural. And if support in practice does not work, then this upsets the woman.

Support from your side should begin first of all with an understanding of what your loved one needs. Watch his mood. Such an observation is sure to give some clues. If, in the normal state of things, your sensitivity to each other is developed quite strongly, then there should be no problems with how to support a man. The correct tactics of action will turn out by itself. Your heart will certainly tell you the right decision. If, meeting your loved one after work, you notice sadness on his face and have no doubt that he is in trouble, then do not show it. Let your behavior be the same as always. However, be sure to watch the male reaction yourself. Women usually have an unmistakable guess about whether a man wants to talk, or whether this will upset him even more. If a man answers ordinary questions with great reluctance, it is better to give him the opportunity to retire. Short monosyllabic phrases on his part will be a signal to you that it is better to postpone heart-to-heart communication "for later." In this case, leave the man alone in the room for a while, without drawing him into any conversations. Do not disturb him by constantly checking how he is doing. If a man wants to talk to you, he will definitely start the conversation first. You can show participation by simply being nearby and silently at the same time.

Sit with a man or lie down next to him. If you see a man reading a newspaper, pick up the magazine and silently read as well. If a man reacts calmly to your touches, then they do not interfere with him. It all depends on his individual characteristics. Some of the men quickly calm down if the woman they love massages their neck and back, and someone from even a purely accidental touch will tense up in moments of difficulty. If a man wants you to be closer, he will come to you or sit next to you. The main thing here is not to impose. Even if a man sat down next to you or touched your shoulder with his head, do not regard this as his desire to talk. The man most likely does not want to chat at all. Just let him enjoy the peace in your presence. Cooking for your favorite tasty and satisfying dinner can be considered the right decision. You can brew herbal tea or cook what he especially likes.

Many men intuitively tend to "seize" problems and stress. And it should be noted that this option is by no means the worst. If stormy delight at the sight tasty food he does not express, rest assured, he truly appreciates your care and attention. This will be the best support on your part. For such an attitude towards himself, a man, of course, will be very grateful. For the sake of good intentions, try not to rattle the dishes in the kitchen, do not start cleaning up as if there is no other time for this, do not ask the man to play with the children, just leave him alone. At the same time, be completely open to the man. He must understand that at any time you will respond to his requests and talk to him if necessary. There are situations when a man has problems, but the woman he loves is far away. You can also support a man from a distance, asking only once a question if you can help him with something.

If he says that you are unable to help, note out loud that he is a great fellow for you, that you see his great strength and believe that a solution will definitely appear. Be sure to express your approval of any of his intentions and decisions. It is better not to talk about the problem itself, not to get into, so to speak, details. Focus on hidden male resources, which, of course, each of the men has.

By creating an atmosphere of calm, eliminating tension from communication, abandoning obsessive courtesy, you will provide a man with the best support in moments of difficulty. This will not go unnoticed by him, and you will be convinced that the man, too, under any circumstances, will be ready to give you his reliable shoulder.

Men only seem to be strong and capable of any feats. But there are situations when one cannot cope without proper support from the weaker sex. When everything around begins to collapse, troubles arise at work, health fails or any other difficulties appear, then anyone, even the most persistent person, can give up. At this moment, a wise woman should be nearby, who can find the right words and support the man.

Mutual help

Any relationship should be based not only on love and trust, but also on mutual assistance, not so much physical as moral. A woman is a reliable rear that you can rely on in any situation. In order for the representatives of the weaker sex to provide the necessary support, they must be ready for anything.

This article will discuss how to support a man in a difficult situation, what words to choose, and what a woman should do.

Basic rules of behavior for a woman to support a man

When a beloved husband or boyfriend came home upset, with a thoughtful look, and refused to offer to eat, although he always ate with appetite upon returning from work, while he wants to be left alone, then the conclusion follows, something happened to him, knocked him out of usual rhythm of life. In this situation, it is important to choose the right behavior for a woman, regardless of what problems the couple has encountered.

Of course, the characters of all men are different, and everyone will have to find their own approach. But there are basic methods for everyone:

How to support a man in a difficult situation? You need to listen to him, create a favorable environment for relaxation, give a sense of inner peace and a positive attitude towards the future. Under such conditions, a person will gain a share of self-confidence, will be able to cope with his thoughts and find a solution to the problem. A woman cannot always suggest a way out of an unpleasant situation, but she is able to direct in the right direction.

Trouble at a distance

It is easy to understand that a person feels bad when he is around, but how to support a man at a distance? If a lover left for another city or country, and troubles arose there, then it becomes difficult not only for him, but also for his soulmate. Of course, a woman begins to feel sad that she is far away, but it is strictly forbidden to show this to a man. Otherwise, it will become much harder for him, because through his fault he suffers close person.

How to help if a loved one is far away?

Far from a loved one, you can find words of support that will help him. Therefore, it is important to know what and how to speak.

  1. When receiving unpleasant news, it is very important not to fall into a state of panic, otherwise how to support a man in a difficult situation, if a woman cannot even cope with personal emotions. During a telephone conversation, the main thing is to let the interlocutor speak out, after that, while maintaining your own calmness, answer. If a man hears sadness or fear in the voice of a half, then this will only add more feelings to him. But a calm dialogue will help you tune in to finding a solution to the problem.
  2. During video communication, a woman should hold back her tears, not show even the slightest upset with her whole appearance. And if you can talk with a guy or husband only through messages or letters, then it is important to think through every word, since there is time for this, unlike a direct conversation on the phone or Skype.
  3. From the outside, you can always look at the problem differently. Therefore, after receiving information about it, you should voice it in your own words, show understanding. We can cite several positive aspects of this situation, suggest possible ways to solve it.
  4. Men do not always want to share their troubles with their soul mate so as not to upset her, or they think that they can cope without anyone's help. Knowing such a character trait of a husband, you don’t need to ask him, but it’s better to tell the positive things that happened to the woman, or just talk about something else without touching on the problem. In this case, the man will relax, be distracted and be able to calmly think.

If you are thinking about how to support a man from a distance, then know that best solution here will distract him from negative thoughts, from immersion in himself. He needs to be helped to relax, to make it clear that everything is not as bad as it seems to him.

Low testosterone levels and self-esteem. What is the relationship between them?

How to morally support a man when he feels bad? A person can feel bad not only when his health fails, but also when his self-esteem decreases. How to support a man in this case? Help restore your self-confidence.

Men are so arranged that when self-esteem drops, the concentration of a very important hormone, testosterone, drops with it. It helps to increase the strength of guys, attraction to the opposite sex.

When the level of the hormone decreases, then discord in relationships can occur, which lead to betrayal by the man, to the divorce of the spouses. In such a situation, the husband begins to think that the family burdens him, and he is no longer able to support her, and the best way out is to stay alone. To prevent this from happening, there must be a clear understanding in his head that they are waiting for him at home and will accept him as he is.

The second situation, which leads to a drop in testosterone, is the search for a mistress to raise its level. At the same time, there is an opinion that the wife is not able to do this.

As soon as a woman notices that her beloved has fallen into a state of depression, then it is immediately worthwhile to increase his self-esteem, no matter for what reasons he is sad.

We raise the self-esteem of a man. How to do it right?

How to support a man and raise his self-esteem? Everything is very simple:

  1. Not only women love compliments. For the male half of humanity, they are also very pleasant and important - it is worth saying them more often.
  2. Nothing boosts self-esteem like the success in business that a woman notices. Therefore, you need to praise as often as possible, even in small things.
  3. If a man thinks that he is not capable of anything, and the family will cope without him, then the best option is to show his indispensability. To do this, you will have to artificially create situations in which you need the help of strong hands. For example, you can tighten the lid on a jar of cucumbers as tightly as possible and ask your husband to open it, referring to the fact that no one else in the family can do it.

To raise self-esteem and vitality, a man will have to make an effort. But this is important not only for himself, but also for a woman. Because in a depressed state, the husband will stop paying attention to her and helping her.

A crisis

It happens that a man is fired from his job, he loses his source of income, a difficult time comes in his life. Therefore, it is important for a woman to know how to support a man in a crisis. Having lost his place, he can not only become depressed, but also begin to abuse alcohol.

Therefore, a woman needs:

  1. Listen to the man, find out about the reasons for the dismissal, his future plans.
  2. Start searching for suitable vacancies together.
  3. Do not put pressure on a man morally, do not humiliate, do not compare with other people's husbands, do not nag, but kindly and calmly support, offer solutions.
  4. Talk to your husband's friends so that they support him too.
  5. Do not build relationships on finances, you need to base them on love and support.
  6. If possible, a woman can find temporary additional income for herself.

Women's mistakes

When a woman begins to think about how to support a man, she can often make the following mistakes:

  1. No need to show pity, it is better to replace it with affection and care. A man must understand that he is strong, able to cope with any adversity himself. And if you start to regret, then self-esteem will certainly fall. But if a woman becomes more affectionate, gives a massage, strokes her back and so on, then this will play the opposite role.
  2. Do not joke or speak sarcastically. It can be misunderstood under the influence of emotions.
  3. You can not hide anger and resentment for the lack of mood. It is better to leave a man alone so that he can be alone with his thoughts.
  4. If help is not asked, then it is not necessary to impose it.

What do you need to say to support a man?

It is important not only to behave correctly, but also to be able to say the right things. And how to support a man with words? If you are looking for the answer to this question, then pay attention to the following phrases:

  1. Dear or beloved, you - (followed by any compliment).
  2. I am very proud of you.
  3. I didn't doubt you.
  4. I believe in your strength.
  5. I'm with you.
  6. We'll manage.
  7. You can rely on me
  8. I appreciate all your actions.

This is an approximate list of words that can support a man. The main thing is to show confidence in him, care, that he can count on someone. Words of support are very important for a man, if they are said in time, then a difficult situation will no longer be so insurmountable.

A small conclusion

In order to support the strong half of humanity, you need to do a lot of work. But if a woman loves, then she is capable of anything for the sake of the second half.

The key to strong relationships in the family is the mutual trust of the spouses, as well as friendly support in a given life situation. Adverse events are experienced by each person in their own way, and only the closest family member, who is aware of negative events and knows the character of a loved one well, can support his soulmate at such moments.

Oddly enough, it is men who most often need psychological support. The ups and downs that are an integral part of a person's active life, nervous tension, fatigue and poor health are quite a strong emotional shock. It is during such periods that the help of a beloved woman will be indispensable. However, it should be remembered that not all actions aimed at stabilizing the male emotional background may have a positive effect.

When Women's Support Is Needed

Parents teach girls to communicate with a man from childhood. Laying the foundations of education, mothers gradually form rules for their daughters. family life. Mutual support, attentive attitude to each other help to maintain strong family relationships for many years. However, in the case when a guy or husband has troubles, not every woman can correctly respond to the current situation and say the right words in a timely manner.

The main mistake of a woman is that she believes that a man is able to cope with his problems on his own. However, being the stronger sex, he needs the support of a loved one more than ever in a difficult moment. If not resolved in a timely manner negative situation, then a gradual increase in nervousness and irritation can lead to groundless quarrels, which as a result will cause a divorce.

Quite often in life there are very vulnerable men who, most of all, need reliable support. Entering into family relationships, support becomes the responsibility of a woman. This kind of personality building helps to identify the strengths and positive qualities of the spouse and strengthen them with your attention. A smart woman is able to give a positive accent to the minuses. However, support should not be limited to mere praise.

How to tell if a man needs help

Due to secrecy or unwillingness to show weakness, many guys or husbands prefer to carry problems in themselves. Therefore, the question of when and how to support a man in a particular difficult situation is in the full competence of a woman.

In order for psychological assistance to be most effective, a woman should follow certain rules of communication:

  • If negative experiences have become visually noticeable, you should not arrange an interrogation with a passion for your loved one. Every carelessly spoken word can be dangerous. Excessive pressure can lead to the opposite result. A man simply does not want to talk about his problems, and the conversation will come to a standstill. In the matter of psychological support, it is very important to pause, which will be an indicator of sincere complicity.
  • After the cause of the disorder is established, the woman needs to choose the right way out of the situation as carefully as possible. The foresight of the female mind and a look at events from the outside will surely help to find several solutions to the formed problem.
  • Having picked up the right moment, you need to tell in a simple way possible options solving difficulties, however, one should not insist that this path will be the only correct one. A man must make his own decision.
  • Once a way out is found, to raise self-esteem, it will not be out of place to praise a loved one for making such an important decision. If the solution to the problem is delayed, in no case should you become discouraged, since the depressive state of a woman will only increase the negative of a man. A husband should always feel the reliable support of his wife.

In the question of how to properly support a man so that he does not have a desire to hide all the negativity in himself, first of all, a woman needs to create an atmosphere of sincere complicity. A loved one should not doubt for a minute that a solution will be found. Everyone has the right to make a mistake, and no one is immune from trouble. Tasks that seem daunting at first always become insignificant over time.

Support during illness

Health problems bring a lot of unpleasant moments to any person. In the question of how to behave with the patient and what words to use to raise the emotional state, it is very important to prevent the visible manifestation of pity. It is this sympathy that is especially negatively perceived by the sick. The most correct will be a positive mood. A man can be cheered up in a comic form, set up for a speedy recovery.

During the period of illness, a woman should switch the attention of a loved one to what he will do after he recovers. It would be nice to plan a trip with him to interesting place ask him what his plans are for the future. You can also discuss his favorite hobby, such as fishing, watching a movie together, or reading a book.

A sick person needs more care and love, so you need to tell him as often as possible pleasant words, discuss current events, build joint plans. By such behavior, others show the sick person that they are not indifferent to them and nothing terrible has happened. A man must be sure that his beloved will not leave him and will be with him under any circumstances. With such an emotional mood, recovery comes faster.

How to provide support from a distance

The ordeal, in which you have to temporarily part with a loved one, is in itself a stressful event. And if negative events occur during the period of separation, then the development of a depressive state becomes most likely.

Solving life's troubles at home is much easier than apart, so a man who has had trouble during his departure needs the support of his other half the most.

Modern means of communication make it much easier to communicate at a distance. In order to support a loved one, just call and discuss the situation. Naturally, you must follow the rules of delicate communication.

You can get out of a depressive state with the help of regular SMS messages that will contain only positive information. Also, periodically sending various photos will help you quickly cope with emotional frustration and tune in a positive way. Moral support provided by any means always has a positive effect. Nice words, said by a beloved woman, will help a man restore his inner confidence.

What to remember

When giving a man moral support, it should be remembered that such help should make him stronger. A woman should not independently decide the current situation. You should not constantly “wipe” his tears and push him to unconscious actions. Such behavior will reflect badly on further events.

It is very important to remember that psychological support should not have anything to do with pity. A woman should always perceive her beloved as the most courageous and strong.

When looking for a way out of the negative, you should not hope for a quick result. A woman should not give up if no positive dynamics have been noticed for a certain time. In such cases, you need to show restraint and not force events. You need to help a loved one sincerely and disinterestedly.

Support is very important point for harmonious relationships in a couple. A woman who can properly support at some difficult moment in her life will be greatly appreciated by a man! Therefore, it is important to understand how to support a man when he feels bad.

This is what the non-banal women's website will tell about.

Mistakes that women make when they want to support a man

Let's start with the analysis of the wrong actions that women commit with the best of intentions.
  • A pity. No man, in any situation, will be pleased that a woman shows him compassionate sympathy (although it is sincere). You can’t hint that he is pathetic, weak and powerless in the face of circumstances (even if in some situation this is true). A man should know that his woman considers him strong and able to overcome any difficulties.
  • Don't comfort. No need to look for the "bright sides of the coin."
  • Bravura joy, attempts to cheer. If a man is sad, then your fake gaiety will annoy him doubly. Own Bad mood strong men have to worry for themselves.
  • obsessive kindness, attempts to please, appease, distract, etc. This annoys the man, as he understands that the woman is behaving this way on purpose. IN male eyes this is an extra reminder of trouble.
  • Inquiries about what happened, why is he upset. The fact is that we, women, judge by ourselves - it becomes easier for most of us if we speak out, tell about our problem and our feelings to a loved one. And men need to "shut up"! And questions depress them even more than indifference! After all, a man wants to look successful in front of a woman, and not talk about his failures! If you don’t know how to support a man when he feels bad, words and questions may turn out to be completely superfluous!

  • inquiries "Are you sad because of me?", “what did I do to you?”, “are you offended by me?”, etc. Dealing with relationships is the worst thing you can do. If a man is sad for a third-party reason, then it will be unpleasant for him to make excuses. If he is really upset about something that is connected with you, either he himself wants to talk, or he is able to keep quiet and forgive you after some time, without scenes and dramas. But it is possible that he himself feels guilty in front of you and is thinking about how to correct his guilt ... In general, there is no need to climb with suspicions and conjectures, he himself will tell if he sees fit!
  • Persistent offers to help, intervene in the situation, fix everything together, etc. If a man screwed up himself, then he must also fix it himself. You don’t have to be a “mommy” for him, who runs to save the stupid “son” from all life's troubles. This will once again aggravate his self-awareness! Of course, there are situations when your help is really needed, but it’s better to wait until the man himself asks you for specific help or asks for your advice. An exception is perhaps a serious illness, injury, etc., when a person needs care, but he himself may not ask for this help.

What support do men need from women?

But what to do if you want to support a man when he feels bad? It is important to feel what a loved one needs, what his mood is ...

If in a couple you “feel” each other at all, then this happens almost on an unconscious level. There is a chance that you will guess with your heart what will now become support for your loved one!

But it’s still worth reading on the Beautiful and Successful website how to support a man if he feels bad. Wise women do this:

  • If the husband has just appeared on the doorstep, and you already guess about the troubles by his face, in no case show it! Behave as usual, and watch his reaction.
  • Usually, it is very easy to guess from a man whether he wants to talk or, on the contrary, needs solitude or just silence. If a man responds to your words sullenly, with irritation, in short phrases, it’s better to postpone attempts to communicate at all until later. Do not impose with your society - perhaps the man just wants to be alone (alone in a room, or in the same room, but not talking about anything). Observe, but do not peer anxiously and do not run up with different “test” reasons every 10 minutes (“Do not open the window?”, “Will you have borscht?”, “Didn’t your mother call today?”, Etc.). He wants to talk - he will speak himself, and ask for borscht, and open the window.
  • Sometimes a good option how to support a man when he feels bad - to stay close, but silently. Sit or lie down - maybe just each with his own magazine, but feeling a touch to each other. Many men love a relaxing back or leg massage, it is a good anti-stress therapy. If a man needs your close presence, he will sit next to you! Key moment- do not impose and do not use this moment either to start a serious conversation or to chat in monologue mode. Just shut up and stay with your loved one.

  • Prepare a man something tasty and satisfying, make tea for him. Offer to have dinner - again, a minimum of words, and do not insist if he does not want to eat. But in general, men also tend to “seize” stress (well, if you don’t drink it!). Even with the current ostentatious indifference to food, he will appreciate and in the depths of his soul he will be grateful to you for this care.
  • Don't make noise, don't rattle dishes and different things, don't do anything like spring cleaning, ask the kids to go to the nursery and don't bother dad. Ideally, do something of your own, sit at a laptop or sit down to read, but in such a way that a man understands that you are here, you are nearby, you are ready for dialogue, for help, for active support at any moment!
  • How to support a man when he feels bad, at a distance - once ask how you can help specifically. If nothing, say that he is great, that he is strong and will certainly cope, he should be lucky, etc., that you believe in him and approve of his decisions. Do not talk about the problem in an overly ironic way, even if you want to somehow support a man when he feels bad - this may look in his eyes as a misunderstanding of the seriousness of the troubles, indifference to his affairs, or (worst of all!) - as a ridicule by you himself. Save the sarcasm for later. Either express useful advice(if a man asks him!), or just assure your loved one that you are confident in him and always support him, no matter how the problem situation develops!

As you understand, supporting a man when he feels bad is more important by creating a calm, cozy atmosphere around him, and not by obsessive chores!

Sometimes life gives a guy unexpected unpleasant surprises, and it is so important that in difficult times there is a person nearby who can provide such necessary support. Of course, at such moments, intuition comes to the aid of many women, but not always and not everyone will find the right words and way of communication.

In some cases, wanting to help and not understanding how to do it correctly, you can even harm and aggravate the already difficult condition of a loved one. Therefore, it is so important to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to support a guy and help him survive difficulties.

It is easy for any girl to determine the moments when her boyfriend is not in a good mood. All people are different, and each needs its own approach, which a loved one can always feel. General rules behaviors will help you navigate difficult moments and provide such important support.

  1. Create a cozy home environment in which the guy can relax. Take care of him, cook your favorite dish, turn on good music, have a relaxing massage, a bath with aromatic oils, or offer to watch an interesting movie. Leave him alone with you or doing what you love. It is important that the guy feels that the house is the place where he is loved, appreciated, expected and allowed to be himself.
  2. Radiate optimism and confidence that all problems will be solved in the future, even if you yourself believe in it with difficulty. The guy should feel your faith in him.
  3. Try to help with unobtrusive advice, smoothly lead him to a solution to the problem or push him to specific actions, but so that he makes the choice of the solution himself.
  4. For some people, it is important to take a break from the problem for a while and switch their attention to something else, so suggest taking a walk in the park, going to the cinema or theater.
  5. It is important for many people to speak out, after which it becomes easier on the soul, and options for solving the problem appear. In this case, become an attentive and patient listener, do not interrupt him and say a few words of support at the end.
  6. Do not let your boyfriend fall into a long-term depression, support him psychologically, because love can work wonders, and tenderness and affection are its best helpers.
  7. Tell him important words of support that will help comfort him during difficult periods:

  • It is not your fault;
  • Your decision will certainly bear fruit;
  • You will definitely succeed.

No matter how independent and strong a man is, he needs your support and expects it from you - be sensitive.

How to support a guy during an illness

Health problems are hard to bear for everyone. In such cases, do not show pity, try to cheer up the sick guy in a comic way and set him up for speedy recovery. Knowing that his presence is missed by friends and loved ones will be a support - feel free to say it. Switch your attention to what he will do when he is cured. Plan together an exciting trip to a long-awaited place or an interesting walk.

How not to behave

Many girls, feeling a guy’s bad mood, not understanding how to behave correctly, can do even more harm in such situations. What can't be done?
