Congratulate a friend on friendship day in prose. Congratulations to a friend in prose

June 9th is International Friends Day. This holiday is dedicated to all people who will always support and will not leave you in trouble.

For the most friendly day of the year prepared the most interesting congratulations, poems and postcards.

Happy Friendship Day, I congratulate you
After all, friendship is more valuable than currency,
More valuable than wealth and gold,
More expensive than diamonds and fur coats.
It's hard to be a friend
Although very nice.
There are always a hundred topics and questions
Merry holidays, dates.
I wish you today
Smiles and joy, happiness,
More friends and health
To meet with them more often.

On this day I want to congratulate my friends,
Give you kind words.
I can't imagine myself without you
Our friendship is truly strong!

I want you to be healthy
Happiness just overflowed
For the sky to be cornflower blue
A whole year in the soul - blooming May!

So that our friendship does not end,
She was not afraid of interference,
To remain in the heart forever
Our aspirations and best dreams!

What are friends for?
This truth is simple -
Without friends, life is not the same
"Bored is boring" then.

You are not shy with friends
Going out for a picnic
You help, you save
Appreciate every moment together.

Friends Day was invented by those
Who for friendship never
Will regret nothing.
In general, happy holidays, friends!

It's good that I have
There are wonderful friends.
It means I live
And I value your friendship.

I always think about you
I never forget.
And on this holiday, you are friends,
I send congratulations from me.

Happy Friends Day, congratulations to all
Tight, tight hug.
I say thank you to everyone
Because I love you.

Happy friends day, I congratulate
Close to all your people,
I trust and love you
More fun with you
To you, friends, I wish
Always be happy
We will always be with you
Years will not separate us!

Happy Friends Day. I wish that true friendship does not dissolve in time and is not lost in kilometers. May a faithful friend rush to the rescue in any difficult situation, may friends always remain good companions on the path of your life.

Today is a great holiday - Friends Day! And I want to congratulate you, my good ones! Thank you for being with me, always in touch and at the right moment by my side. I wish you a cloudless mood, joy and happiness for all time. Great success, deeds and achievements. Let everything in life turn out great!

Congratulations on Friends Day and I want to wish you always have the support of a close friend, never lose friends either in time, or in quarrels, or in insults. Let friendship always be in the price. I wish to be able to be the best friend and have true wonderful friends in life.

With friends it is good both in joy and in sadness. Friends will always come to the rescue and lend a hand at the right moment. You trust your most intimate things with your friends. True friendship can last forever. Everyone should have friends. Happy Friends Day, my dears! Thank you for being!

We make friends from an early age, but not everyone stays with us for a long time! On the day of friends, let everyone in life smile with the one with whom it is not scary to go through a difficult path, whom you can trust and not miscalculate!

Earlier, we said that this week, new interesting films were shown in the cinemas of the capital. Among them are funny comedies and exciting fantasy.

Tatiana Voroshilovskaya

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Girlfriend, congratulations. I wish that numerous victories await you ahead, that there is always love and support of loved ones nearby, that echoes of fun and joy can be heard from the past. Dear, may you always be lucky, may happiness and good luck be the main component in your life.

Dear (name of a friend), happy holiday (name of the holiday)! Over the years of our friendship, you have become a close person to me. When I feel good, I go to you. I know that you will sincerely rejoice at my success. When I feel bad, I also go to you, because I know that you can comfort me and ease the pain. Thank you for your participation, for your kindness, attentiveness and responsiveness. I want you to just be yourself. Continue on your way, don't stop and don't turn. And I know you'll be fine!

Happy holiday! You've got another one coming New Year opportunities! Opportunities to get, achieve, find, improve, meet, do, learn and much more ... So confidently send all the bad things from the past year to hell - and only forward! Magic holiday.

There are people who exude warmth, not in the literal sense, of course, warm, like from a Russian stove, but the warmth that warms not the body, but the soul, and is perceived not by the skin, but by the heart. But not everyone has the opportunity to experience it. I'm lucky - I have you!

Congratulations on the holiday to my faithful friend, with whom we survived so many trials! I wish you never lose heart, still believe in yourself, do not be afraid to dream and make grandiose plans! They will definitely come true!

My dear friend, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you great victories and brave successes, undoubted joy and great happiness, good luck and sincere smiles, vivid impressions and beautiful ideas, unearthly love and eternal fairy tale of life.

This world is great and harsh, and only the sun warms it and gives it life and color. And for a person, such a sun is happiness. I wish your whole life to be permeated with this light, bask in its rays and share its warmth with others, and it will return to you a hundredfold. Good luck to you, friend!

Happy Friends Day


How many works are dedicated to friendship! Yes, friends are not a gift, but rather a test. But we are ready for it! We want all of us to have friends. Happy holiday! Congratulate all your friends!

How do you deal with loneliness? Are you talking to a mirror? Do you read books? Plant flowers? On this holiday, it's time to remember an accessible phenomenon - friends. Do you think you have a lot of problems? Contact your friends! It's more fun to solve problems together. Happy holiday!

Friends! You are indispensable to me! I want to say that it's great that we have each other. On this day, we rejoice in fellowship. We have something akin to gratitude. On the day of friends, we confess to each other our mutual sympathies. Having friends is good! Being without friends is bad. Happy holiday!

Friends Day - gather guests. How do you feel about this holiday? Does it seem redundant to you? If so, it would be possible to start a day of a glass of beer, or a day of stilettos. Unlike friends, they are always with you, regardless of your character. Happy friends day! Appreciate each other!

What do you understand in friendship? Do you think that friends are a vest for tears? Or what is this means for merge of a negative? Hard to say. We are indifferent to some holidays. But few people can miss this holiday. After all, everyone dreams of friends. Happy Friends Day!

Friends Day - what is it like? Sunny and joyful. Sad and anxious. Gather your friends, call them - and much will become clear. Loneliness is bad. Few can handle it. If you have not yet met a true friend, we wish this day to meet someone who will be with you all your life. Happy holiday!

Who do you choose as your friend? Talkers, sociable people or gloomy and laconic? Housewives or businessmen? There are no barriers in friendship. Or a person has become close to you, whatever he may be. On this day, you need to thank your friends for what they are. Happy holiday, happy friends day!

What to wish on the day of friends? For those who are lonely - get rid of loneliness, and for those who are looking for true friendship- it is most difficult for them to wish something. After all, they do not shout about their desire at every corner. Happy holiday true friends!

This Holy holiday gives us hope! Everyone has friends. Looking for like-minded people is so great! On the day of friends, we wish everyone mutual understanding, happy days and spending time together. Happy holiday!

Happy Friends Day! You, my best friend. After all, without friends, life is not interesting. As they say, you can't have many friends, but best friend can be only one. Happy holiday, friend!


You can congratulate your friends and girlfriends twice a year: the 9th of June‒ International Day of Friends and July 30- International Day of Friendship. These wonderful dates call for fun and joy inspired by nature itself.
The ability to make friends characterizes any person exclusively from the positive side. It is no secret that the worst thing is loneliness in the crowd, and when a person has at least one friend, such a dull prospect does not threaten him. Genuine and devoted friendship is more than benevolence and the exchange of mutual favors; there is no place for calculation and selfishness in it.
Not everyone is lucky enough to have real friends, and maintaining such relationships from childhood is not at all easy. The more the world becomes good people able to love and be friends, the less room for evil and hatred will remain in it.
On these dates, it is customary to congratulate friends and girlfriends, present modest souvenirs and, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, once again find time to spend leisure time together, chat and unwind. Here you will find original congratulations with colorful postcards and warm friendly wishes in verse and prose.

If life becomes difficult, the heart of a friend will help you.
His reliable hand will reach out to you then!

Friendship is different.
Strong and varied
Cheerful and very calm
Long, warm, worthy.
You always choose to be friends
The one you trust;
The one with whom you share secrets
And who are you breaking the rules with?
Congratulations to my friends
And on this Day I wish them
So that we have each other
Always: in the sun and in a blizzard!

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!
Life is always more fun in the circle of kind people!

My friends are scattered around the world
And together it is unrealistic to collect them.
I can only do this, on the Internet,
Virtually hug them all at once!

By chance we became friends
By chance, fate brought us together.
And I want between us
Friendship is forever!

Let's drink, dear friend
My poor youth!
Let's drink on a holiday - where is the mug?
Your heart will be happy!

We choose friends ourselves, but time leaves the best!

Friendship is one of the best moral feelings bestowed on a person. It involves personal sympathy, affection and affects the most intimate, spiritual side human life. A true friend always quick to help. From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely congratulate all those who, with great love and devotion, keep in their hearts this most precious feeling - friendship, on the Day of Friends! Good luck, dear ones! And the same wonderful loyal friends to you! I wish you great luck, endurance, courage, patience and wisdom on your life path! May friendship always be strong, like granite, and always lead through life, like a bright guiding star!

My friends, thank you
For always being there for you!
Traveled a lot of roads with you -
You never betrayed!
I appreciate, believe me, our friendship
And thank you from the bottom of my heart!
All of you great guys
Like brothers and sisters, I love you!

You light up every day
With your smile,
The world is always with you
It becomes brighter!
You are like the sun for everyone
And I know for sure:
I'm very, very lucky
That you and I are friends!

We will be faithful to friendship! Only friendship we are strong!

Whenever I need good advice,
When I want to share my secret
When my mood is at zero
I'm sure you can help me!
You will always console me and understand
cardiac, warm word find!
Thank you for having me
After all, such friends rarely exist!

Nothing in this world lasts forever
You can't even predict tomorrow.
Life is like a river, fleeting...
Take care of each other, friends!

Do not be shy, friends, of your tenderness,
Do not be shy about your kindness!
Let both in your heart and in appearance
More sun rays!

The power of kinship and friendship is great!

Cool holiday - Friends Day!
Not all of us know about him.
But about friendship, believe me,
It has long been known for sure!
Since there is a holiday, it’s not bad either.
After all, the holiday is in honor with us,
But friendship is more expensive:
We remember her every hour!
When there is a friend - great happiness,
And without friends - quite a bummer ...
Guys, participation in the holiday
Let's accept! I'm sure!

Never change friends!
They cannot be exchanged like coins.
You will understand it later
closer friend almost non-existent.
Never lose friends!
That loss cannot be measured.
An old friend won't come back to you
You can't replace him with a new friend.
And don't hurt your friends!
Resentment will become a wound on the heart.
Even though friends know how to forgive,
The door to their soul will be closed.
We need to save friendship forever!
This feeling will last forever.
The best friend will never betray
There is simply no one more devoted!

International Friends Day
I hasten to congratulate you!
This holiday is very fashionable
Among all those with whom I am friends.
This warm June day
May it bring you joy!
And, gathered in a narrow circle,
Bow to Heaven.
And thank fate
That you have each other;
And continue to live like this
So that you do not count success!
Let the friendship only grow stronger
Happiness will not pass by
Feelings never fade
Let joy enter the house!

It's good to have friends! Thank you for that!

I thank my friends for their cheerful disposition, for their ability to listen and understand me, for their kindness, for their sensitivity towards me, for showing the highest degree of interest in my life, for always finding time for me, and indeed , in general, simply for the fact that they are! Without you, my life would be completely faceless and would lose its meaning! I love you!

Happy holiday, my friends!
With our strong and invigorating!
May your days be beautiful
In the future and present!

Good afternoon, friends, or evening!
How pleasant are old friends meeting!
Like prophetic dreams from a distant spring
The heart is healed with a good memory!

The meaning of true friendship is that joy
it doubles, and suffering divides in half.

On a summer day when the sun is shining
And the leaves are green everywhere
I congratulate my friends
And I give them simple words.
May friendship always be strong
Fearless - to the passage of time.
Friends don't need much.
Only to love and believe!
It's always more fun to be with a friend
Together we will drive away sorrows ...
I want to congratulate you on Friends Day,
As before, as at the very beginning!

Give, Fate, a friend so much happiness,
So that the soul sings like a string;
So that the flame of passion burns in the heart,
And the moon would shine among the stars!
To make tears of joy
And the smile was wise;
To the middle of the road dust
Suddenly the violet bloomed tenderly!
So that children give her joy;
So that a friend never betrays;
To beckon you into the distance
Birds, stars, wind, clouds!

Friends Day is an occasion to say
Thank you to your loved ones for your friendship,
And for what you can take with you
Their always firmly-firm hand.
This is a reason to say that I appreciate
I absolutely love everyone.
Thank you every day
I spend my life for knowing them.
This is a reason for all of us to celebrate
This holiday is for everyone.
I wish you happiness, friends!
And my dear friends!

A friend is one soul living in two bodies!

Happy Friendship Day!
Sunny sunrises and sunsets
The best good impressions,
Sincere gifts, pleasant deeds,
Words of good, joyful moments!

Happy Friends Day!
I invite you to visit!
I'll be glad to see you, friends!
Take the best mood
Remember: you can't be bored at a party.
How many times have we been together
And memories from meetings
The most beautiful are...
Let's multiply and protect them!

A wonderful holiday - Friends Day!
It is for everyone, for each of the people.
In life, everyone has a true friend,
Lots of friends and girlfriends.
Yes, and we ourselves are someone's friends after all ...
In life without friends (girlfriends) is simply impossible.
Let friends be accompanied only by success!
I send greetings, my friends! Congratulate everyone!
