Story about my favorite toy doll. Composition on the topic My favorite toy

Natalia Zhavoronkova
Summary of the lesson “Story from personal experience"My favorite toy"

Program content:

To teach to select facts from personal experience according to the topic;

Tell coherently;

Fully and expressively, clearly build the composition of the story;

To consolidate the ability to select words to characterize certain qualities and characteristics;

Systematize knowledge about the ways of word formation;

To educate, the ability to listen carefully to peers and not interrupt.

Preliminary work:

Examination of toys, description, compilation of fairy tales.

Dictionary activation: drumming, alternately, sticking out.

Methodical methods: sample reading, conversation, listening to children's stories, analysis.

Course progress.

I part:

Guys, listen to Agnia Barto's poem "Bear".

Agnia Barto wrote a lot for children. And this poem is familiar to all of you from childhood.

Dropped the bear on the floor

The bear's paw was torn off.

I still won't drop it

Because he's good.

Guys, why does the child not want to throw the bear, because his paw is torn off? And it's not new anymore?

This is the child's favorite toy.

Right. The bear is dear to the baby.

II part:

Listen, carefully now I will read you a story-description of my favorite toy.

I used to be small too. I had a favorite toy, a clockwork bunny.

Called him affectionately bunny - drummer. When I turned him on with a small key, he deftly alternately left and right paw drummed into the drum. At the same time, his ears moved funny. The hare's fur is white and fluffy. I really liked to press it to my cheek.

The ears are long and protruding, as if the bunny is listening to something. The eyes are slanted, the tail is small, like a ball of snow, the bunny has always been cheerful, smiling.

I really enjoyed playing with him.

Guys, did you like this story? (children's answers)

What was it, bunny?

- Fluffy, white, groovy.

-Fluffy. The eyes are slanted. The tail is small, like a ball of snow. Funny.

Now, who wants to talk about their favorite toy?

- Misha, wishes.

Amazing! Mishenka, start your story, and the guys and I, carefully, will listen.

My favorite toy is Mishutka. It is brown, big, fluffy, soft.

Ears are round and fluffy. Paws are thick, fluffy. The eyes are black as coals. I really like to play with him, tell him stories, and also fall asleep with Mishutka.

Fine. Guys, what is Misha's favorite toy?

- Teddy bear!

And how affectionately does Misha call him?


Which Mishutka? How does Misha describe him?

- Brown, big, fluffy

-The eyes are as black as embers. Ears are round and fluffy.

Okay, who else will talk about their favorite toy?


My favorite toy is Katenka doll. She is very beautiful. Long golden hair, big Brown eyes. I really like to comb her hair, tie big blue bows like cornflowers. Katenka's lips are pink, like raspberries. The dress is soft green, like spring grass. I love my doll Katya very much.

What is Dasha's favorite toy?


Describe her

-Beautiful, long golden hair; bows are blue, like cornflowers; the dress is green like spring grass.

You guys liked the stories of Misha and Dasha.

Well done boys.

Physical minute:

On the lawn, on the chamomile, Zhu-zhu-zhu, Zhu-zhu-zhu, I am friends with chamomile. Quietly swinging in the wind. I bow down low.

III part:

Choose the name of objects with the sound [B] and [F].


to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds [B] and [F], the ability to differentiate these sounds by ear and in pronunciation, to select and correctly pronounce words with the sounds [B] and [F].

IV part. Game "Leg"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about objects that have legs.

Part V: Reading proverbs.

Target: Development of intonational expressiveness, development of diction.

VI part:

Musical game "The sea is worried."


Teach children to respond to verbal cues;

Develop auditory attention;

Cultivate love for games and respect for peers.

Outcome: The children were attentive and active, carried away by stories about their favorite toys.

It is necessary to note the individual work with Kolya and David on describing toys and compiling stories about them.

Misha and Dasha described their favorite toys well, but did not indicate what games they like to play with them.

If you encounter difficulties in writing an essay on the topic “My Favorite Toy”, then the plan we proposed and samples of finished essays written by students in grade 2 will probably help you.

An approximate plan for writing such an essay is as follows:

  1. Where did you get this toy?
  2. Description of the toy
  3. How do you play with her? With whom?
  4. Why do you love this toy?

Read sample essays written by 2nd graders and write your own essay.

Compositions "My favorite toy" for boys.


My favorite toy is the monster truck. Monster truck is a big jeep. I have had it for a long time, ever since my dad gave it to me for my birthday. I like to build various obstacles and make the monster truck overcome them. Once I built a big track for my jeep out of scrap materials. I had a lot of fun.

Victor Feltham, 2nd grade


My favorite toy is a racing car. It was given to me by my friend Denis for my birthday. It's a black car with stripes of red, white and gray color. This is a push model. If you pull it back and let it go, it will go by itself. The car doors and hood open. I love to play with my car.

Sasha Soltys, 2nd grade

Of all my toys, I love the knight figurines the most. Knights successfully fight dragons and protect princesses. They are brave and strong. They have swords and shields. My favorite knight is a shiny one with a red shield and a long sword. Sometimes I arrange jousting. The winner gets the love of the princess as a reward.

Denis Zoshchenkov, 2nd grade


My favorite toy is Lego. I love that you can build anything with Lego pieces. Once I built a huge castle. He stood on the table for several days. When I got tired of it, I dismantled it and built a large pirate ship from the same parts. I love Lego because if you use your imagination, you can make everything in the world.

Nikolai Burinsky, 2nd grade

Compositions "My favorite toy" for girls


My favorite toy is a pink teddy bear. I call him Teddy. Teddy and I even sleep together. I'm not scared with him. Teddy has been with me since I was born. My grandmother gave it to me. When I was little, I accidentally tore a teddy, but my mother sewed it up. Now he's better than before. I will never part with him, because for me Teddy is not just a toy, he is my friend.

Eva Ovsyannikova, 2nd grade

My favorite toy is Elsa doll. She is big and beautiful. She has a fashionable blue dress with snowflakes. She looks very realistic, almost like a real person. I love playing with Elsa. Usually we have tea parties, to which we invite other toys. Most recently, my mother gave me a toy set of dishes, so our tea parties are just like real ones!

Eva Shkolnikova 2nd grade

My favorite toy is a plush kitten. His name is Marik. He is very cute. I sleep with him, he helps me calm down when I'm nervous or afraid of something. Marik has two buttons on his tummy - red and blue. If you press the red button, Marik says what time it is. If you click on the blue button, Marik tells a fairy tale. Marik can tell 10 fairy tales. Of course, I know them by heart for a long time, but I still like to listen to him.

Anna Suliman, 2nd grade


My favorite toy is Barbie doll wedding dress. This is Barbie Bride. This is my sister's doll. When my sister grew up, she gave the doll to me. I love planning a wedding ceremony for my Barbie. Once in the village, the girls and I decorated Barbie's dress with fresh flowers and made festive tables and chairs from sand and clay. It was a lot of fun. True, after such a wedding, my doll's dress got dirty, but my mother washed it, and now my bride-doll is smart again.

Olivia Olova, 2nd grade.

My favorite toy is the panda. She is black and white with a blue hat and a red scarf. This is my first toy. Gave her to me elder sister when my parents brought me from the hospital. The panda's name is Pima. I play with Pima every day. When we moved to new apartment, I was very afraid to forget Pima, so I did not let her out of my hands. I hope Pima will be with me when I grow up. I will definitely give it to my daughter, because, as it seems to me, Pima brings me good luck. She is not just a favorite toy, she is my talisman.

Olga Lobanova, 2nd grade


Composing a story - description "My favorite toy"

Target : to teach children to describe an object from memory according to a model given by the teacher

Educational tasks:

Form an idea about different toys.

Development tasks:

Develop observation, attention, memory, emotional responsiveness;

Educational tasks:

- nurture interest in toys;

Ability to take care of them and clean up after the game

Equipment: bag, toys: car, doll, teddy bear, cube, ball, computer, interactive whiteboard, children's toys

Preliminary work:

Examining toys;

Games with them;

Riddles about toys

Lesson progress


Solving riddles . Today, near our doors, I found this meshok,what lies there, I already know, but you want to know?
- To do this, you will need to solve riddles. Ready?

"Drinks gasoline like milk,

can run far.
Carries goods and people.

Are you familiar with her, of course?(Car).

“The funny animal is sewn from plush.

There are paws, there are ears.
Give the beast some honey

and make a lair for him." ( Teddy bear).

"What does all of this mean?

Daughter, not crying.
You put to sleep, you will sleep

day, and two, and even five.(Doll).

“Knock on the wall - and I will bounce,
Throw it on the ground and I'll jump.
I'm flying from palm to palm -
I don't want to lie still!"(ball).

“These miracles are bricks

I received as a gift.
What I make of them - I will break,

I start everything from the beginning."(Cubes).

(After each riddle is solved, the corresponding toy is taken out of the bag)

Guys, name in one word what was in the bag? (Toys)

    Main part

Today we will talk about toys.

The game "Attentive ears"

I will name different objects and toys. You only clap your hands when you hear the name of the toys

Car, doll, cube, birch, spinning top, matryoshka, rattle, sparrow,

ball, drum, TV , airplane, boat.

Game "Tell me what"

Guys,how many toys do we have. And most importantly, they are all different.

What bear? (soft, plush, brown, light)

What ball (round, soft, small, red)

What machine? (new, hard, blue, speed)

What doll? (beautiful, interesting, kind)

What cube? (red, solid,)

Game "What from what?"

The guys go to the table on which there are toys made of different materials.

What material are these toys made of? Touch them with your hands and say what material they are made of.

For example: This doll is made of plastic. This car is made of metal. This cube is made of plastic. This ball is made of rubber. This bear is made of plush.

The game "How can you play with a toy?"

On the slide





Teddy bear

Physical education "Toys"

Pinocchio stretched, (raise your hands through the sides up, stretch, rising on your toes)
Once - bent over
Two - bent down, (tilts of the body forward)
Spread your arms to the side, (spread your arms to the sides)
Apparently the key has not been found. (turns right and left)
To get us the key

You need to get on your toes. (hands on the belt, rise on toes)

Making up a story

And when I was little, I also had a favorite toy - a Malvina doll. She was given to me for my birthday. When I saw her, I immediately liked her very much. I still remember how happy and contented I was . She was big, plastic, her hair was blue, her dress was red. I never parted with my beloved doll. I loved to roll her in a stroller, put her to bed, dress her in different clothes. I loved this doll very much .

Children make up Talk about your favorite toys.

Now tell me about your favorite toys and how you play with them..( Children's toys under the chairs)

    Final part

Guys, treat toys very carefullyso that they do not break and please us for a long time.

PoemN. Naydenova "Our toys".

Lots of toys in kindergarten
Our toys stand out:
Puss in boots, long-eared bunnies,
And a drum, and balalaikas.
Dolls dressed in braids are sitting,
Dolls look at hares and bears.
We don't beat our toys, we don't break them,
We do not take them away from our comrades.
Our toys are in plain sight, -
We have everything in common in kindergarten.

    Lesson results

What have you learned? What good did they do? Who will you tell about this?

Cool! 6

Among my many toys, I single out one. That's mine close girlfriend, Masha's favorite doll. Pleasant childhood memories are associated with it, as well as interesting story which I will now talk about.

Every summer my mother brings me to my grandmother in the village. Says fresh air and outdoor play are good for health. At first it was very boring there. You walk alone in the yard, tease the cat, help to carry out small assignments. And then, I met Masha.

Once I disobeyed my grandmother and went out the gate. Near the house next door I saw a girl. We met. It turned out that the new acquaintance is four years older than me and already goes to school. At that time I was five and a half years old. Despite the difference in age, we found common interests. We soon became best friends.

The next year I again came to my grandmother. The village no longer seemed a dull place, because Masha was here. I was afraid that my friend had forgotten me in a year, because I rarely came with my parents in winter and spring. Fortunately, the fears turned out to be unfounded. The neighbor remembered the little city girl. Together we once again plunged into the world of games and fun adventures. Masha said that she was moving to live in another region. Her parents are selling the house, and she will not come here again. As a memento of herself, a friend gave me a soft doll, which I named after her.

In the fall I went to school. At first, I really missed my cheerful neighbor. But soon the lessons and new friends distracted from sad thoughts. Masha was waiting for me at home. She is very beautiful doll! When you look at it, you see mischievous blue eyes that seem to ask: “How are you? What's new?". A buttoned nose and a kind smile. Brown freckles scattered across her cheeks. I especially love the hair. They have a bright red color, this shade reminds me of a carrot. The head is decorated with two pigtails with lilac ribbons and a funny bang that sticks up all the time. Soft arms and legs are very pleasant to the touch. Inside my favorite doll toy there are small balls hidden. They are designed to develop fine motor skills hands When I get nervous, I start to touch these balls with my fingers. Rolling small parts has a calming effect on me. Masha is dressed in a beautiful lilac dress with white and yellow flowers. A satin ribbon, ruffles and lilac pants complete the look.

Of course, now the doll looks completely different. The dress has lost its original appearance, the hair is a little tangled. Several times I had to ask my mother to treat Masha. So many years have passed since the gift, but I still distinguish it from other toys. When I was sad and scared, Masha was always there. Before, we even slept together in an embrace. My favorite toy doll has become my amulet, a happy talisman. When there are difficult homework assignments at school, I sit my friend next to me. I don’t know why, but when she is nearby it is easier to solve problems, to learn lessons. It seems that the eyes look at you and say: "You will succeed, you are great!".

Academic subject: general subject
Dates : March 19-25
Registration before: 18th of March
Members: preschoolers, students in grades 1-4

Competition Description :

Dolls - best friends little princesses. Every little girl has the most beautiful doll. So, tell us more about her! What is so beautiful and unusual about your doll? Why do you love her so much and what are you doing for her? Tell us about your favorite doll - write a story about her life and friends, showcase your favorite doll's handmade outfits or draw sketches of them. You can complete and arrange the work depending on your preferences and capabilities: it can be a story, comics, photographs, a video clip, drawings, etc.

Stages of the competition :

1. Registration of participants - until 03/18/2020 (inclusive)

Participants pay the registration fee and send applications, after which they receive a notification of registration.

Registration in the competition :

1) The local coordinator (teacher, parent or actual participant) selects the event and is determined by the number of registered participants. Further, the local coordinator pays the registration fee at the bank. In this case, it is possible to download a receipt or fill out an empty form at the bank with the details.

Details for paying the registration fee: Beneficiary: IP Afanasyeva M.V., TIN 143305281455. Settlement account No. 40802810800870000040 in the Asia-Pacific Bank (OJSC), BIK 041012765, correspondent account No. 30101810300000000765. Box Purpose of payment: "For information services for (Last name and first name of the local coordinator), contract-offer dated 08/01/2011, without VAT" It is also possible to pay through the Web Money system. For more details, see the "Contacts" section

2) The amount of the registration fee is calculated based on the tariffs that are indicated on the page of each event. If a legal entity (educational institution, department of education, any other organization) pays for participation in the event, then an agreement can be concluded with the Indigo Center (IE Afanasyeva Maria Vladimirovna).

3) After paying the registration fee, the local coordinator sends an application to the e-mail address of the Center - [email protected] ([email protected]- spare). The subject of the letter indicates: “Application from / Surname I.O. / on / competition name/". The letter itself (without attachments) contains the following information:

1. Surname, First name, Patronymic, position (name of the legal entity); city, contact phone number (with city code) of the local coordinator (teacher, parent, participant) responsible for organizing participation in the competition.

2. E-mail address for receiving competition tasks and competition results (preferably 2 addresses - main and spare).

3. Contact postal address (postal code; region, territory, republic; settlement; street; house number, building number); FULL NAME. (in full) the person in whose name diplomas and prizes will be sent.

4. Details of the payment document confirming the transfer of the registration fee. Specify: the name of the bank or the number of its branch, BIC and correspondent account of the bank, the date of transfer, the name of the payer, the amount of the transferred amount, indicating the tariff plan. Or, you can send a scanned copy of the payment order confirming the transfer of the registration fee.

5. Data about the participants of the event. Specify the list of participants in the following form:
Surname and name of the participant, class (or age for preschoolers), school, city.

The basis for the provision of services is the public offer of IP Afanasyeva M.V. dated 01.08.2011

Tariffs for participation in the events of the Center :

Tariff system "Baby" - for preschoolers, students in grades 1-4


According to the results of the competition, the winners are awarded with diplomas and prizes, the laureates - with diplomas. In addition, all participants of the competition receive free of charge an electronic certificate of the participant of the competition indicating their place in the overall rating. All teachers and local coordinators also receive free electronic certificates confirming their preparation of students for the competition or the organization of the event.
