Growing orchid from foamiran. Foamiran orchid: a master class with a step by step photo

We will need:

  • foamiran (yellow and olive colors 1mm and, if available, a small piece of foamiran 2mm yellow);
  • paint (I have oil and dry pastels, you can use any convenient for you);
  • floristic wire No. 24 (in the winding);
  • floral mold (with longitudinal veins);
  • stacks with balls of a suitable size (or their substitutes);
  • A cylindrical metal object, 0.5 cm in diameter;
  • hot glue;
  • second glue;
  • iron.


Cut out the following patterns:

  • No. 1 - the middle of the orchid (narrow part, upper - column and wider part, lower - lip);
  • No. 2 - upper left side lobe;
  • No. 2a - upper right side lobe;
  • No. 3 - lower left side lobe;
  • No. 3a - lower right side lobe;
  • No. 4-upper petal.

Template sizes:

  • No. 1 - the height of the entire part is 8.2 cm, width: the widest point at the top is 1.2 cm, the widest point at the bottom is 3.5 cm;
  • No. 2 - height 5.2 cm, width 3.3 cm;
  • No. 2a - height 5.2 cm, width 3.2 cm;
  • No. 3 - height 5.5 cm, width - 4 cm;
  • No. 3a - height 5.5 cm, width 4 cm;
  • No. 4 - height 6.2 cm, width 4.3 cm.

Be careful, the left parts are a mirror image of the right ones (and vice versa). For convenience, I made each detail separately.

Cut out all the details from yellow foamiran. For one orchid flower, we will need to cut out each piece one at a time.

Next, cut out a small part in the form of a rounded rectangle from foamiran 2 mm. It will be equal to the middle part of part No. 1. I got a part 0.9 cm wide and 1.5 cm long. If you don’t have 2 mm foamiran, then you can make 2 parts from the foamiran that you have and glue them together, or choose a thicker piece of foamiran (such pieces often come across in foamiran of Iranian production).

Making petals

Now we tint the individual parts of part No. 1. I will tint with soft oil pastels (you can tint with any paint that is convenient for you). Let's take 3 pastel colors: orange, yellow and black. With black color we tint the edges of the antennae in the upper and lower parts of part No. 1 on both sides. Then we tint the middle part on the lip between the antennae in orange, on both sides, you can also tint the edge of the part (see photo). Then yellow on the one hand, we tint the middle platform of part No. 1. My color is slightly darker than the material, and it is almost invisible in the photo, but this will give its result after assembly; you can take a slightly darker shade of yellow.

Next, we tint the edges of parts No. 3, 3a and No. 4. We will tint by mixing 2 colors: orange and light brown (I have a shade of brown called golden ocher). We first apply one color to the sponge, then another and tint the necessary parts of the details on both sides.

Now we will process parts No. 2, 2a, 3, 3a and 4 with the help of a mold and an iron. We use a mold with longitudinal veins. We heat the part on the iron, hold the mold as close as possible to the iron and transfer the part to it, we push the texture well over the entire surface.

IMPORTANT!!! First, lay out the parts, as in photo No. 1: there they are arranged in assembly order, and the direction of the folds is different for everyone. So, for example, if you take part No. 3a, then the fold should be directed down, and apply to the iron that way. Then, with the same side that was applied to the iron, we apply it to the mold.

Next, turn the part over to the reverse side, where there is no texture. Gently stretch horizontally at the base of the petal, then from the base along the petal on both sides we make grooves, drawing with a pad thumb from the base to the top of the petal.

Let's process the edges of parts No. 2, 2a and 4. Fold the edge of the petal along the center to a depth of about 1 cm, attach the fold to the iron and quickly push the vein and slightly bend the edge of the petal down. Next, for part No. 4, from the fold, we twist the edges inward (first we apply the desired part to the edge of the iron), and for parts No. 2 and 2a, on the contrary, outward.

Details No. 3 and 3a will be processed in this way: first we make a fold in the center (as with the previous petals), then we slightly stretch the edge of the petal along the top line along, in the direction from the base to the edge. Next, twist the edges from the fold outward on both sides.

Making the middle

Let's start processing the middle of the orchid (details No. 1). We will need stacks with balls of the right size and a metal rounded object with a diameter of 0.4-0.5 cm, I have the top of the stack.

Let's start processing from the bottom (lips), we will heat on the iron in parts. First, we heat the middle part, quickly press it against the stack ball and hold it until it cools down (or press the part on the sponge with a ball, do whatever is more convenient for you). Then we warm up the lateral parts of the lip (“wings”) and push the recesses with the stack ball, the parts will wrap inward. Next, we go below the "wings" and warm up the edge of the wide part of the part and twist it outward, from both sides. Then we heat the metal stack on the iron (or any metal cylindrical object), put it in the center of the lip and hold it on both sides until it cools down.

Let's continue processing part number 1. Let's process the upper part (column); we will also warm it up in parts. We warm up the upper part of the column and hold (or push) on the stack ball until it cools down. Then we warm up the side parts and twist inward from both sides. Next, we heat the stack on the iron, put it along the center of the column, hold it until it cools down.

Now let's take the prepared oval pad and the wire in the winding (I have No. 24). Let's make an oval spiral out of the wire, bend it with the letter "g" and bend it a little in the center. Stepping back from one edge of the platform four millimeters, we make a hole and thread the wire, glue it.

Then we glue part No. 1 to the site so that the wire is on the side of the column (the upper part of part No. 1).

flower assembly

All parts for assembling the flower are ready.

First, glue the petals No. 2 and 2a to the middle. We glue the petals along an inclined line with respect to the central platform of part No. 1, glue the base of the petal to the platform from the side of the lip.

Be sure to first try on the petals, and then glue.

Next, glue parts No. 3 and 3a. We begin to glue the base of the petal to the platform from the side of the column, retreating from the edge of 3-4 mm, and position the petal in such a way that the lower part of the petal No. 3 covers the lower corner of the petal No. 2, and the opposite sides of the petals No. 3 after gluing do not overlap each other, but were nearby.

First try on the petals, and then glue.

Then we drop a drop of glue on the edge of the platform (in photo 84, the place where the glue was applied is shown with a toothpick) and glue the lower edge of the petals.

Now glue petal number 4, first trying it on. It should be placed between petals #2 and 2a and should not overlap with petals #3 and 3a. For the convenience of gluing on the base of petal No. 4, we make a small incision 3-4 mm deep, pass the wire into the slot and glue the petal.


Then we take the stem of the length you need (the stem is 0.5 cm in diameter) and glue the flower into it. You can see how to make a stem from foamiran.

And yet, I decided to make a bract at the orchid (in case you make a flower on a stem and use it in compositions). Cut out a rectangle 3.5 cm wide and 6.3 cm long from olive foamiran. Cut out a bract from it.

- a white phalaenopsis orchid, from foamiran, a master class will be with step by step photo.

We need the following materials for this:

Cardboard or paper for templates;
toothpick or thick needle;
white foamiran for the petals and yellow for the middle;
a pin with a bead at one end;
artistic pastel Brown;
glue gun.

It is best to use a real orchid flower for the template, which must be carefully disassembled into individual parts and put under a press so that they align. Then we circle all the parts on cardboard and cut them out.

If you do not have one, then you can increase the templates in the computer to the desired size and copy.

Then we circle all the patterns on the foamiran with a toothpick or a thick needle. Cut out the middle from yellow foamiran. Petal, which is single, we circle first once, then we unfold it symmetrically and circle its mirror image. As a result, we will get a double detail of two petals, like in an orchid.

We stretch the middle of each petal a little, pressing thumbs and creating volume.

We also stretch the edges of the petals a little.

With artistic pastel we draw the middle of the two lower petals and the upper part and the middle of the yellow blank. In this case, you need to shade the pastel so that there is no clear edge.

We pierce the pin in the place as indicated in the figure. If you look closely, then in the same place in a real flower there is also a similar detail. But in our case, the needle on the back side will also serve as a retainer for the petals.

In order to form a twisted center, we take the pin by the sharp end and just for a couple of seconds hold the bead down over the candle flame, barely touching its heat.

The workpiece quickly folds and takes on the shape we need.

We begin to collect our flower. First we string a double petal in the middle and glue it.

Then we string a blank of three petals, without going into the other two with a needle.

It turns out such a delicate foamiran orchid, which can not be distinguished from the real one and can be attached to a pin, hairpin, hairpin, etc.

Do you love flowers? Passionate about making artificial various materials? Then this information will definitely be useful to you. Study the master class given in the article. A foamiran orchid is made quite simply. You will be happy with the result. By the way, this great idea gift for any holiday.

Material properties and capabilities

Foamiran is a sheet material about 1 mm thick with a soft silky texture. It is used in various types needlework, as well as a basis for decoupage and painting with acrylic, gouache, well covered with pastel. The color scheme has more than 20 shades, including black and white. Sheets are easily cut, shaped, punched with shaped composters and punchers, and are also used for embossing. The ability of the material to stretch and deform under the influence of elevated temperature (heat from the hands, iron or hair dryer) allows you to create amazingly beautiful flower arrangements. In this article, you will read about how an orchid is made from foamiran (MK below), but any object, both floral and otherwise, can be made using the same principle.

How to work with foamiran

It's actually very simple. Even a beginner can master this technique. As a rule, the necessary objects are cut with scissors, for example, geometric figures, hearts, flowers or petals. Used special to create an openwork edge or holes. Volumetric parts are formed by fingers by stretching the material and then maintaining this configuration.

Leaves are monophonic. If you need to get color transitions, you will need to make them yourself. Dry pastel works well for this purpose. If you follow all the steps below in sequence, you will have a magnificent foamiran orchid. A master class with step-by-step photos will show how everything is done. According to the finished instructions, it will not be difficult to complete the product.

Flower technology

Usually, the required number of blanks is cut out from a whole sheet in the form of future petals. For convenience, you can first cut off a small strip, and then make patterns of individual parts from it. Color transitions, if necessary, are created using pastels. At the next stage, flat parts are given volume, they are glued together. It is possible to connect parts only with a hot glue gun or a strong fixation composition. Ordinary PVA will not work.

As for the volume, it can be created simply by pulling the material in the right place with your fingers or using special molds. They are forms (blanks) made of plastic in the form of petals or leaves, repeating not only the shape, but also the texture of the natural part of the plant. In this case, the template will first have to be heated (with a hair dryer or iron), and then applied to the mold.

When the whole product is completed, it is attached to the base, for example, a postcard, box or other object. In the next section, you will read about how a foamiran orchid is created. The master class was prepared specifically for this flower, since both molds and pastels are used to create a realistic object to obtain the desired shade, and even acrylic paint to process the core. Having mastered this technology, you can make any other simpler flower, where the petals are plain and their shape is created simply by hand by stretching the sheet.

Tools, fixtures, consumables

To successfully master the master class "Foamiran Orchid", prepare everything you need in advance and do the work consistently. You will need the following:

  • foamiran sheets of the desired shade (white, yellow - whatever you like);
  • for the stem (if you will make a flower for a vase);
  • molds for petals;
  • cardboard for making blanks;
  • dry pastel and a fixative for it (hairspray will do);
  • acrylic paints and brush;
  • cotton swab for making a pistil (the middle of a flower);
  • scissors;
  • iron;
  • thermal gun.

If you are into needlework, most likely you already have all this. In the case when you first decided to try to make flowers from this material, you will have to purchase foamiran. Sold as sets of different shades, and individual sheets. Their dimensions are always indicated, for example, 60x70 or 30x35. Molds are also presented in assortment. Since you are preparing to study the Foamiran Orchid master class, you will need forms for this flower. If you want to get a realistic texture, you will have to buy them. Special glue should also be ordered if you do not have a heat gun. and pastels can also be sold not only in sets, but also individually. Take only those shades that you need to sample.

How to make an orchid from foamiran with your own hands: a master class

Step One: Making the Petals

First, make all the individual elements of the flower.

The sequence of work will be as follows:

This is how an orchid from foamiran will be made with your own hands, or rather, its preparation.

Stage two: assembly of parts

When all the necessary details are completed, it's time to move on to the most exciting thing - the formation of a floral masterpiece. This is done sequentially from the core to the framing petals. First, each of them is glued together at the base, then all the parts are brought together, tightly to one another or around the pestle from cotton swab. You can choose any option. The final touch will be drawing a pattern of dots or thin lines with acrylic paint on the petals at the center of the flower. All is ready.

You have a magnificent foamiran orchid. The master class is over. Now you can choose the right place for your decoration, as well as complete a few more. Subsequent instances will turn out even better, since you have already gained experience. Now you can use other color shades and make compositions with big amount flowers on the stem.

What can be decorated with your flower

If you attach flowers to the stem, they can be placed in a vase or decorative planter. In this case, it is better to make a few more leaves and install them in the appropriate places. Whichever option you choose, this decoration will look great.

As a conclusion

So, your attention was presented to the master class "Orchid from foamiran". We hope that all actions are clear and simple. Necessary materials and tools you can easily buy. Create beauty with your own hands!

How to make an orchid from foamiran with your own hands step by step with a photo

Do-it-yourself phalaenopsis orchid from foamiran.

Archvadze Yulia Dmitrievna, teacher primary school
Place of work: MBOU "Budanovskaya secondary school named after the Hero of the Soviet Union M. V. Greshilov", Budanovka village, Zolotukhinsky district, Kursk region.
Material Description: the master class will be of interest to primary school teachers, teachers additional education, schoolchildren aged 10 years and older, educators, parents.
Target: Making a phalaenopsis orchid from foamiran.
- educational: expand children's knowledge about orchids;
- developing: develop visual-figurative thinking, Creative skills children, fantasy and imagination, fine motor skills; instill interest in arts and crafts;
- educational: cultivate artistic taste, accuracy, perseverance, diligence.

Orchid - butterfly ...
Orchid is a bird...
How mysterious she is, how gentle she is!
Lost in memory names and faces,
Only she will be remembered alone.

Delicate petals...
Vibrant and powerful...
It will enchant, as if it will bewitch the eye.
Bewitch carefully, lure dangerously,
The sweet aroma will intoxicate your head.

Seems like a moment...
Wind blowing...
A light moth will carry away the vision ...
Orchid - butterfly ... Orchid - fairy ...
Unrealistic - fabulous, unearthly flower. Irina Maiskaya

Required for work:
- foamiran (lilac, dark lilac, green)
- black beads (according to the number of colors);
- a piece of foil;
- crepe paper (green);
- wire;
- glue-gel universal;
- flower pot;
- gypsum;
- Styrofoam;
- scissors;
- pieces of bark.

To begin with, we will prepare cardboard templates for all the details that we will cut out of foamiran.

On a lilac-colored foamiran, we circle with a sharp object (an awl, a toothpick) patterns of petals of future flowers, on a dark-lilac foamiran - patterns of the middle of a flower, on green - leaves. Cut out the necessary details.

We tint the flower petals and the middle with colored crayons or colored pencils.

We give shape to all parts of the flower.
We slightly warm the material with our fingers and gently stretch it so as not to damage the integrity of the material.

We string a bead on a piece of wire 8 cm long, twist the ends. Then we make a hole in the upper part of the part with a needle and string it on the wire.

Then we attach double petals, followed by triple petals.

The flower is ready. In the same way we will make the rest of the flowers.

Button making. We wrap a small piece of foil around the wire, forming a bud. Then glue the foamiran petals. In the same way we make a green bud.

Root production. We cut the wire into pieces of arbitrary length, glue it with strips of green crepe paper.

We attach flowers, buds, roots and leaves to the peduncle. We glue the peduncle with green crepe paper.

We fill the flower pot halfway with pieces of foam (to make the product lighter). From above, fill with gypsum diluted in water (not very liquid) and insert a flower in the middle. We hold it until the plaster hardens. Carefully lay pieces of pine bark on top.

A plastic foamiran peony is a rather lush, beautiful bud that even a novice master can make.

To conduct the MC, we need the following types of materials:

  1. Porous foamiran. To make the craft as realistic as possible, purchase material no more than 1 mm thick. We need a dark green, dark pink and light pink canvas.
  2. Fixation teip tape, which can be light green or green.
  3. Acrylic water based paints. To make the artificial flower interesting and as realistic as possible, purchase dark pink, swamp and yellow tint paints.
  4. Volumetric thick wire that will bend well, with a diameter of 1-1.5 mm. It will be needed to form the stem. For leaves, you need a small piece of floral or thin wire.
  5. A set of art brushes, as well as foam rubber, from which you need to make a small sponge (or sponge).
  6. Manicure scissors and a standard glue gun. You can use any manicure tool that will easily cut foamiran.
  7. A beautiful mother-of-pearl stone, a voluminous bead or a piece of foil, from which the core of the bud will be formed.

We also need a pattern that can be printed or hand drawn. With its help, we will form the petals and components of our bud. When everything you need is on the table, you can start creating a peony step by step.

  1. Cut flower parts according to our pattern.
    - A - 10 light pink petals;
    - B - 10 petals of a light pink shade and 5 blanks of a dark pink color;
    - C - 10 parts of a light pink shade;
    - D - 5 dark pink petals;
    - E - 5 dark pink parts;
    - Z - 3 leaves of a dark green hue;
    - M - 6 sheets of dark green color;
    - K and L - 5 gluing sepals of a dark green hue;
    - F - a blank in the form of a sun with rays, from which we will form an interesting core with imitation of stamens.

    From the existing image, we cut out the pattern, transfer it to a light pink foamiran and cut out a circle. After that, cut the rays with sharp ends.

  2. Shading leaves and petals

    Using acrylic paint, we make a light tinting of the petals of our peony, trying to get the effect of a non-uniform color (sometimes darker towards the edge of the petal, then darker closer to the base). To do this, we need a small brush with which we paint over all the petals on both sides.

    The second stage is the creation of "reviving" leaves. For this, we also use the method of manual tinting. With a darker green paint, we paint over our foamiran leaves only on one side, and then draw the central veins in the center of the trefoil, distributing the paint from the center to the edges of the workpiece.

  3. Corrugation of leaves and petals

    The initial stage will be the corrugation of the petals B. We fold the workpiece in small folds according to the “accordion” principle.

  4. flower assembly

    We are preparing the base on which many peony petals will be fixed. To do this, we form a dense ball from foil, the diameter of which should not exceed 1.5 cm. If you decide to use a bead, then make sure that it has a wide enough hole. We pierce a hole in the foil ball, into which we fill the glue and immediately thread the prepared wire into the hole.

    We string the workpiece G onto the wire and tie all the upper parts with a thread, placing them above the bead.

    We lower the tips of the stamens into yellow acrylic paint, after which we attach 10 petals A to them, using a glue gun for this.

    We fix the petals B, folded like an accordion at the base, so that small folds are obtained. In this way we fix 10 light pink and 5 dark pink petals.

    The next row we glue 5 petals C, and behind them - in a checkerboard pattern 5 more of the same blanks.

    The pre-final stage will be gluing five petals D in a checkerboard pattern in relation to the previous ones.

    And the creation of the final row of the 5 largest petals E.

    We fix the sepals and begin to collect the leaves as shown in the photo.

    We decorate the hairpin with a lush poppy

    Red foamiran poppy is great way decorate any hair accessory or diversify a flower bouquet consisting of field plants.

    To create it, we need:

    • dense foamiran of black, green and red hue;
    • acrylic paint (red and White color);
    • bright pastel and sponge for tinting;
    • simple threads, a piece of foil, an iron and curly scissors;
    • hairpin-machine without decorations;
    • glue, a manicure stick or a wooden toothpick, as well as phlox powder.

    When all the materials are ready, you can proceed to the master class. To do this, follow the instructions below.

    We draw by hand paper templates in the amount of 8-16 pieces. We need 4 small blanks - 5.5 * 4.5 cm, as well as 4 large ones - 7.5 * 5.5 cm.

    We cut a strip of black foamiran and process one side so that we get a fringe.

    We make the base from a ball of foil, the diameter of the workpiece is approximately 1.7-2 cm.

    We tint our petals on one side, using a sponge for this.

    Smooth out sharp corners with curly scissors.

    Lightly touching our petal with a sponge, apply white paint from one side to the bottom of the petal.

    Cut out a circle from green foamiran, put a foil ball in the middle and begin to form a poppy head. We tie the ball with a thread as shown in the photo.

    Cut off the excess thread. We turn the ends over (turn out) and glue them. You can slightly tint the core first with red and then with white paint.

    We start assembling the flower by gluing the fringe.

    We form poppy petals by heating the material on the iron, which is in the “silk-wool” mode. We fold the warm blanks with an accordion, twist and slightly stretch the middle. We do this with all the petals.

    We paint the fringe a little white. We begin to glue the petals overlapping, forming rows. First 4 petals in one row.

    Then we glue the large petals below the first row by about 1-2 mm, also overlapping a little.

    We cut out the leaves and apply a texture to them, tinting with paint and shading it with a sponge on both sides.

    Glue the leaves, sprinkling them with phlox powder.

    The flower is ready. Now it remains for us to glue it to the automatic hairpin using a hole punch or glue. You can do your hair!
