Crafts on the theme of space in kindergarten and school. Original DIY ideas for Cosmonautics Day

On this page you can see photos crafts for the Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics April 12 sent to our "DIY Gifts", including new original works competition - 2019.

Photo crafts for Cosmonautics Day - 2019

1 place

"Space trip". Queen Alena Vitalievna.
Carton boxes.

Teamwork of children preparatory group, dedicated to the Day astronautics. Teacher Kochurova Galina Vladimirovna.

Textile toy "My world is my Universe". Romanova Darina, 14 years old.
The product is made in the technique of primed textiles (painted acrylic paints). The kid is a wonderful toy that harmoniously looks both on planet Earth and beyond its “limits” (the toy can be taken out of the pocket).

"The Little Prince" Garkushin Nikita.
Needed cardboard, yarn yellow color, a figured hole punch for stars, the figure needs yarn of different colors and a hook.

"Space Journey". Akborisov Nikita, 8 years old; Yuzhakov Kirill, 8 years old.
The basis of the panel "Space Journey" is space rockets made of bright colors felt. Hand-stitched in a contrasting color and decorated with buttons are used as decoration. Images of "planets" are woven of jute yarn and fixed in the shape of a circle with hand stitches. The work used elements of embroidery, decorative stitches.

"Parade of planets". Abdrakhmanova Alina, 9 years old.
The work is done in technology.

"Flight to the unknown". Devidenok N.V.
Drawing and design.

"Belka and Strelka". Gainetdinov Syntimer, 8 years old.
The work is made of cardboard and fabric.

Space through the eyes of children. Korchinsky Vlad.
Styrofoam ball.

Space through the eyes of children. Lyutikov Plato.
The work is made by hand from cardboard, foam balls.

Space through the eyes of children. Setrakyan Arseny.
Paper fantasies.

2nd place

"In space". Monetova Julia, 5 years old.
The application is made of liquid foamiran.

"UFO". Chupik Timofey.
The work is made of paper (triangular modules), CDs, plastic sticks for the base and skewers for the antenna.

"A.G. Nikolaev before the flight." Andyushkina Alina.
The work was done in the technique of plasticineography.

Mobile "Space carousel". Mishchenko Victoria, 11 years old.
The mobile is assembled from textile figures - planets, stars and spacecraft. The work is done in the technique of primed textiles, painted with acrylic paints.

"It was on the moon." Koshkin Dmitry Ivanovich
Our work consists of a box, we made a model of the moon from an egg tray (we covered it with silver paint). The rocket is made of ordinary bottles, also covered with silver paint. We made aliens out of Kinder Surprise boxes, and astronauts out of plasticine.

"Space meeting". Vakhitova Elizaveta, 11 years old.
The application is made of felt.

"Flight to the moon". Albutov Kirill Dmitrievich
The rocket is made of a food film tube, the astronaut is crocheted from the "Children's Novelty" yarn.

"Life in space". Collective work of the creative association "Skillful fingers", 7 years.
The work was done in the classes of the "Skillful Fingers" association, where children learn various techniques work with salt dough.
Working with salt dough, the children made astronauts, a rocket, various inhabitants of other planets inhabiting space. The resulting figurines were painted with bright colors and placed on the cardboard base of the panel. Pasta, jute thread, gouache were used as decoration.

"Solar system!". Nikolaeva Sofia.
For work it took: a box, plasticine, toothpicks, threads, star stickers.

"Mars rover". Fedorov Vyacheslav, 3″b "class, Shilyaev Viktor, 6th grade.
The model of the rover was made in the classroom of the creative association "Technical creativity". The basis of the product is glued from cardboard. Foil, corrugated cardboard, discs were used as decoration.

Lunokhod and astronaut. Kallaeva Anna.
Cardboard and plasticine, the relief is made with a massage ball.
Cosmonaut - plasticine, packaging from eye drops, a piece of paper clip.
Lunokhod - plastic jar, parts from a broken toy, acrylic paint, thermal gun.
The flag is paper, pencils and tape.

"Rocket". Kallaeva Elena.
Children's tea cans plastic box, mount for hot air balloon, double-sided silver cardboard, acrylic paint.

"Planets.". Nechaeva Zlata. 6 years.
The planets Earth, Mars and Venus are made using papier-mâché technique. For work we used: three balloons, PVA glue, white paper, gouache.
All three planets were pasted over at once in two stages: the first day - three layers and the next day two more layers. Two days the balls need to dry. Readiness is easy to determine - the balls become light. Carefully pierce air balloons and we get them. The finished balls were covered with white gouache mixed with PVA glue 1: 1. When everything dried up, they painted with gouache.

"Our Universe" Dubovskaya Irina.
Plasticine work.

"Meeting in Space". Kuliev Emil.
Work from plasticine, colored paper, waste material.

"Our Universe" Nikishchenko Maria.
The work is made of paper, cardboard.

How to make a model of the solar system out of cardboard:

"The Wonderful World of Space" Lukyanchenko Dmitry.
Work from paper and cardboard.

3rd place

"Humanoid". Danileiko Maksim 6 years old.
The humanoid is made of paper.

Space through the eyes of children. Mironenko Daria.
Plasticine, family fantasy.

Space through the eyes of children. Svirenko Sofia.
Paper mood.

Space through the eyes of children. Svarchevsky Matthew.
The work is made of balls for the Christmas tree and the inspiration of the family.

"Open space". Kovtorov Ivan.
The drawing is made on paper with gouache.

"Planet Earth". group "Friendly family".
Threads, paper.

"Space Topiary". Andyushkina Victoria.
The work is done in papier-mâché technique.

"In open space". Turubarova Varya.
Application and design.

"Rocket flight". Baryshov Vladislav Valrievich.
The work is created from cardboard and colored paper. Big size rockets look very impressive. The whole family took part in the creation of this rocket.

"Flight to the Stars" Kalinina Lera.

"We are children of the galaxy." Baronenko Maria.
The work is made of cardboard, foil, colored paper, plasticine.

"A space flight". Nurieva Alina.

"What a beautiful world this is." Gabdulin Artem.
The work is made from millet groats: pre-painted in desired colors, on blue cardboard drew the outline of the picture. And then they glued grits on PVA glue, and our Squirrel flew off to explore the Universe. Then the work was framed, and this is what we got.

"Flight to the moon". Sunshine group.
Cardboard, whatman paper, velvet paper, foil.

"My Vacation in Space" Swedish Karina.
A4 drawing. Drawn with pencils. Such holidays would be fun and memorable for a long time.

Works of 2018:

"Star Trek". Dyundyukova Julia.
The Star Trek installation consists of a rocket and stars (made of cardboard), an astronaut made of plasticine, the planet is a ball painted with gouache. Drawings and a disposable tablecloth are used as a background. All objects of the composition are suspended with a fishing line and adhesive tape.

"Journey to the Moon". Garkalova Alexandra.
craft for kindergarten: cardboard, foil, cocktail tubes, capsule from kinder-egg, plasticine.

"And apple trees will bloom on Mars." Garkushin Nikita.
For work, improvised and waste materials were used: capsules from sweets, wire, glue, cardboard.

Video on how to make crafts "Spaceships" from improvised materials:

"Through hardship to the stars!". Stenina Sofia.
A voluminous appliqué embellished with sequins.

"Planet Saturn". Polyakov Elizar, 9 years old, student of the 3rd grade of the Sharapov school, Chekhov city district. Classroom teacher Aksenkina Olga B.
For crafts to school, I needed: a foam ball cut in half, a computer disk, gouache, sparkles, a thermal gun.

"Space trip". Educators: Aleksandrova O.E., Kuzmina L.P.
Collective work with children for the competition, preparatory school group No. 5 MBDOU No. 267 in Izhevsk.
For the manufacture of astronauts, bushings from toilet paper, gold and silver cardboard, double-sided colored paper, eyes, juice box lids, star-shaped hole punch, glue, scissors, KIDS :).

Spacecraft "Vostok-1". Motorin Kirill.
The rocket is made from a bottle and painted with red acrylic paint. The stars are cut out of colored foil.

"First flight to space". Grachev Vyacheslav.
Work from colored cardboard and colored paper.

Craft "Our space". Topolnikova Nadezhda Viktorovna, teacher of GBDOU kindergarten No. 14, St. Petersburg.
The basis for the work was a pizza box - a strong format cardboard, besides, the craft is easy to transport. The box is pasted over with black paper, sprayed with white, yellow and purple gouache - like starry sky. Inside, the space is also decorated. Models of three rockets in the styles of Gzhel (decoupage with napkins), Khokhloma (finished cardboard) and Dymka (white cardboard painted under Dymkovo toy) are glued on the right side - the bottom of the box, on the inside of the lid - left-hand side- the inscription OUR COSMOS, made by my pupil.

Exhibition "Your Space".

"Ready to fly." Parents and children 1 junior group"Bee" MBOU "Semiozerskaya OOSh" preschool department.

The works are made of colored cardboard and paper, plasticine, improvised and waste material.

"Mysterious Space"
Latkin Bogdan, 12 years old. The application "Mysterious space" was made for April 12 - the Day of Cosmonautics in the technique of plasticineography. I am very interested in everything unknown, new and I want to visit another planet. The piece is bright and colorful.

Polyakov Gleb, 4.5 years old. "Rocket and Aliens".
For the rocket, we needed tubes from building materials, and from paper towels, as well as corrugated cardboard, gouache, and hot glue. For aliens - plasticine, disposable plates. This turned out to be a fake in the kindergarten.

Another interesting and useful craft is a lamp made of plastic bottle in the form of a UFO:

"This cosmic world." Polyakov Elizar.
For the rocket, they used a plastic bottle, foil, a thermal gun, adhesive tape, red corrugated paper and a plastic cover for the porthole.
For the astronaut, they prepared foil, synthetic winterizer, threads, and a thermal gun.
A rocket, an alien, an astronaut, planets and stars were placed in the sky.

Polyakov Georgy, 3 years old. "Rocket".
We used toilet paper rolls, cardboard and gouache.

Let's make a rocket ourselves
Let's fly over the forests!
Over the forests, over the fields,
And then back to mom!

"Meeting of the Earthlings". Ignatyuk Polina.
Box, foil, colored paper, gouache.

Musikhina Tatyana Yurievna. Methodical manual - layout of the "Planets of the solar system".
MBDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 24" gold fish”, teacher-speech therapist, Perm region, Chusovoy.
The manual is made of balls (styrofoam), painted as close as possible to the color shades of the planets. The planets are arranged in the order in which they revolve around the sun. The planet holders are rotatable, allowing children to demonstrate movement around the sun. Each planet rotates around its own axis. The dimensions of the planets are respected. The sun is shaped like a star better memory children that this is not a planet. A flashlight imitating the sun is lit with a light touch.

Another video about a voluminous space craft in the kindergarten:

"Panorama" Cosmos ". Stenin Kira.
The work is made from a box pasted over with colored tape. Window is a file. The rocket is a fireworks tube covered with steel tape. The astronaut is made of plasticine.

"Cosmodrome". Motorin Alexander.
Colored cardboard and paper used Plastic container, plasticine.

Video "Space satellite" from a plastic bottle:

"The dream came true...". Shikerina Varvara.
Postcard, application. The work was done jointly with my 5-year-old daughter, her dream is “flying into space”! While we implemented it in the picture ...

"Spaceship "Vostok-1". Batalova Veronica.
The rocket is made of cardboard with subsequent gluing with holographic foil paper. The nozzle is decorated with fruit puree caps.

"Vostok - 2". Semyonov Denis.
The space rocket is made of cardboard and colored paper.

"Rocket". Maksimov Dmitry.
The work is made of colored paper and cardboard.

"Friend from Space" Volodichev Ilya.
Used colored cardboard, foil and beads.

"Space Tour" Korshunov Ivan.
Application. Materials: Plywood, paper, glue, paints.

How to make "space in a jar" see this video:

"At the start". Yeltsova Ekaterina.
Paper, cardboard, foil.

Collective work "Deep Space". Vorotyntseva Natalya Vasilievna
I work as a teacher in the 2nd junior group. For development fine motor skills in children, I chose an unconventional modeling method, namely modeling with plasticine balls. Modeling from plasticine gives children joy and pleasure. The technique of modeling with plasticine balls is very simple. We need to tear off small pieces from the general piece of the color we need and roll small balls out of them. Ready-made balls are laid out and slightly pressed against a background prepared in advance with a silhouette image.

"Endless space". Menshikova Julia.

The picture is made in the technique of "kinusaiga" ().

Galina Egorova: A gift to my son for his birthday. He was born on Cosmonautics Day. Technique of work "winder". Used materials: a bottle, yarn, foil, satin ribbons, glue-crystal, photography, braid, decorations for decor.

"Space rocket". Narvatov Gleb.
Cardboard, foil.

Postcard "Between the stars". Kallaeva Elena. Cardboard, glue stick.

Postcard "108 minutes". Kallaeva Anna.

Cardboard, gouache, colored paper, construction tape (rocket body).

"Rocket in space". Kallaeva Love.

Cardboard, gouache, PVA, plasticine.

Ivanova Sofia Maksimovna, 6 years old, city of Moscow.

Flying saucer with an alien.

"The machine of the future" Kosmolyot ". Rodionova Ulyana, 3 years old; Rodionova Varvara, 3 years old; educator: Avetyan Evelina Zavenovna.

The work is made from recycled materials (garbage): plastic bottle; wheels, a mechanism from a broken children's car; chocolate foil; plastic jar of lettuce; ice cream plastic colored paper; glue gun; spray paint; scissors. The most important thing is imagination!

We prepared a plastic bottle and with the girls began to collect everything we found. A plastic jar of lettuce was glued with a glue gun. Our porthole is made of plastic for chocolates. The finished product was painted with spray paint and the finishing touches were added: wheels from a large car, fire from red paper, and we put toys on the Spaceship.

"Happy Cosmonautics Day!" Levitskaya Alice.
The work is made of plasticine, which was attached to the finished picture.

"Space". Aleksandrova Oksana.
Paintings made using the technique of "plasticineography". Made on a mayonnaise lid and a CD.

“If we want to go into space, we will fly away on a rocket.” Mishin Semyon.
The work is made of colored paper, the base is black cardboard (space). The picture shows the planet Earth, a rocket flying past the earth, a flying comet and stars.

"A space flight". Kirilenko Lisa.
Colored paper and cardboard.

"Space rocket". Murtazin Nikolai.

Colored cardboard and paper.

"A space flight". Senyakina Veronica.

The work is made of colored paper, cardboard, plasticine, plastic cover.

"Space rocket". Narvatov Gleb. Cardboard, foil.

"Rocket". Sinegribov Mikhail.
For this work, I used cardboard and colored paper. You will also need scissors and glue.

Crafts 2017

Photos of crafts sent to the contest "Above the Sky" can be viewed

Craft made of felted wool - "Alien", Limonova Elena Aleksandrovna, teacher additional education, school 37 of the city of Sevastopol.

Works by Kryukov Ilya, Bazarkin Ivan and Afonina Alena.

Skripnikova Natalia: I made these for Cosmonautics Day space clock. She made figures of planets, stars and rockets from plasticine. And I made an astronaut out of paper 🙂

Nitsuk Uliana Sergeevna- 8 years old, Krivoy Rog, Ternovsky district. Embroidered picture "Infinity".

Head: Lotash Galina Anatolyevna - head of the circle "Vishivanochka" of the Central Children's Youth Theater "Ternotsvit"

Shuder Victoria Sergeevna — 10 years old, city of Krivoy Rog. Embroidered picture "Universe".

Head: Lotash Galina Anatolyevna - head of the circle "Vyshivanochka" of the Central Children's Youth Theater "Ternotsvit".

Snetskaya Evelina Yurievna, 12 years old. paper (3D origami).

Nizhny Tagil, MBOU secondary school No. 1 named after. N.K. Krupskaya.

Filyasov Ivan, 3 years old, Zheleznodorozhny. Teacher Zimina Oksana Olegovna. Mom Filyasova Natalya Sergeevna. Rocket in the technique of "origami".

An origami spaceship - a fighter from the Star Wars movie in this YouTube video:

Fedotova Polina Ivanovna, 6 years 7 months Planet Earth. Plasticine drawing.

Samara region, Ivashevka village. Ivashevsky branch of the secondary school, Troitskoye village. Leader: Educator: Davydova Ekaterina Sergeevna.

Sedova Maria, 5 years. "FIRST IN SPACE".

MDOU kindergarten of a combined type No. 128 in Lipetsk, Lipetsk.

Educators: Bespalova Svetlana Dmitrievna, Bukhtoyarova Nadezhda Alekseevna.

Pokshevatova Yana Andreevna, 5 years. "Luntik in the Motherland"

Kindergarten "Sunshine", senior group. Orenburg region, Kuvandyk.

Ershova Ekaterina, 13 years old. "Martian Gosh".

Studio of fine arts and ceramics "Sunflower", Center "Solnechny", Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region. Head: Timofeeva Anna Fedorovna, teacher of additional education.

Photos sent Valentina Obabkova. Collective work of children 9-11 years old.: rocket.Teamwork, children 9 years old.

2.Layout. Exploration of Mars. Collective work.

Nevidimova Karina, 4 years. "My friend from Mars"

MBDOU No. 183 group "Fidgets", the city of Krasnoyarsk. Educator Adamovskaya Svetlana Vladimirovna.

Gareev Slava, 5 years. "Space distance" .

MADOU No. 97, Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region. Curator: Natalya Alekseevna Ivanova, teacher.

Craft for an exhibition in kindergarten:

Pikhtovnikova Sonya, 5 years. "Path to Earth" .

Aikasheva Nastya, 5 years. "First flight".

MADOU No. 97, Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region. Leader: Ivanova Natalya Alekseevna, educator.

Korneeva Masha, 5 years. "First cosmonaut"

Ilyin Semyon, 5 years. "Into the space"

MADOU 97 The second junior group, Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region. Leader: Ivanova Natalya Alekseevna, educator.

Mashukov Matvey, 5 years. "Belka and Strelka"

MADOU 97 The second junior group, Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region. Leader: Ivanova Natalya Alekseevna, educator.

Teamwork preparatory group No. 5 "Toptyzhki", MBDOU No. 267 of Izhevsk: We are the future astronauts! Educators: Alexandrova Oksana Eduardovna, Kuzmina Lyudmila Petrovna.

Shalatov Alexander, 5 years. "Flight of Yuri Gagarin"

MBDOU TsRR d / s No. 5 "Thumbelina", Pushchino, Moscow Region. Head: Kirpichova Elena Karlovna teacher of additional education.

Adamovskaya Ekaterina, 6 years. "Towards the stars!"

MBDOU No. 24 group "Semitsvetik", the city of Krasnoyarsk. Leader: Adamovskaya Svetlana Vladimirovna, mother.

Baeva Valentina Kuzminichna, GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1797 Bogorodskaya" Preschool Department 4-3 "Rostok", Moscow." First man on the moon«.

Galko Gordey Yakovlevich, 4 years old. "Planets".

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 159" combined type, middle group. City of Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai. Leader: Polina Viktorovna Baskova, educator.

You can also paint your space with paints and a toothbrush:

Magnet "Space discoveries" from improvised materials and plasticine

In anticipation of Cosmonautics Day, we suggest you make a space magnet from improvised materials and plasticine. Our step by step master class tell you how to do it original jewelry for the refrigerator with your own hands.

To create a magnet with the image of a space landscape, you should prepare:

  • a set of colored plasticine; space background printout;
  • plastic lid from dairy products;
  • simple pencil;
  • plastic stack;
  • nail scissors;
  • toothpick or needle;
  • glue stick;
  • glue gun, or strong universal glue;
  • magnet.

Open job description

Take a clean plastic cap from sour cream or other dairy product. Print out a beautiful space background. Mark a circle equal to the inner diameter of the lid.

Cut out a circle from the space printout and glue onto the plastic cover.

Take plasticine brown, gray and golden color. Crumple the plasticine into a layer and put three colors on top of each other.

Connect the colors so that you get an interesting combination with stains.

Attach a layer of the resulting plasticine to the bottom of the background. Spread the plasticine with a stack and make an uneven edge.

Take brown, pink-purple and yellow plasticine, put it on top of each other, as in the picture.

From the resulting combination, make a thin plasticine layer.

Tear the sheet into small angular pieces. Draw a mountain range on one side of the planet.

Use a toothpick to add relief to the mountains. Take gray, silver and pink plasticine.

Crumple the gray plasticine into a layer and cut out a rocket with nail scissors, as in the picture.

Make the turbines, portholes, and top for the rocket out of silver plasticine. Stick the parts to the rocket. Make strips of blue, white and pink plasticine and decorate the rocket like a flag.

Make a pattern on the rocket with a toothpick.

Mix yellow, red and gold plasticine.

Decorate the flames of fire emanating from the turbines of the rocket.

Combine several colors of plasticine to make beautiful combination. Give the plasticine layer the shape of a planet.

Stick the planet on the top edge of the magnet.

Mix silver and gold plasticine and make a ring around the planet.

Highlight the rings with a toothpick.

Connect the brown and orange plasticine and decorate the comet. Make a flaming trail out of orange and purple plasticine.

Make a thin black roller for the flagpole. Make a Russian flag and connect it to the flagpole.

Take a round flat magnet.

Glue a magnet to the back of the plastic cover.

The space magnet is ready!

Fantastic! What a wonderful magnet we have made from the usual available materials and plasticine! Such a handmade souvenir will become a decoration in the collection of fridge magnets.

Ilyina Elena Sergeevna and teacher Nedbaeva Elena Vladimirovna .. Master class in the Ebru technique (drawing on water). Loseva Ksenia, 14 years old

Rocket from plastic bottles:

Volume application (postcard)

Night light in the form of a UFO from an old record:

And the crafts of the youngest group of the kindergarten, MKDOU "Ant", the village of Novopervomayskoye, Tatar district of the Novosibirsk region, teacher Knysh Natalya Viktorovna: “I work in a kindergarten. I have kids from 1.6 years old to 3 years old. On the eve of the celebration of Cosmonautics Day, we built such a rocket from soft modules. The children were very pleased with the result.”

Sergienko Olga Valentinovna, Novopervomayskoye village, Tatar district, Novosibirsk region: “With children senior group we built just such a rocket. Each of the children sat in the "cabin" and introduced himself as an astronaut.

Gorovik Anna Vladimirovna, Novopervomayskoye village, Tatar district, Novosibirsk region:

"I work in a kindergarten. With the boys of the second youngest and middle groups we made a model rocket. We named our rocket "Zvezda."

Head Gorovik Anna Vladimirovna.

So, although there are not so many participants at this stage, they are in spacesuit vests! The theme of space is truly limitless, and perhaps we will continue to develop it in a year 🙂

And now congratulations winner our competition "Cosmos-55. Master classes»Timofeeva Anna Fedorovna! Her " Baby AlienTyashka” flew to us on the very last day and did not make a mistake with the address 🙂 In addition, Anna Fedorovna sent us four more works of her pupils for the competition in a very interesting techniques, so the main prize is deservedly deserved!

Receives the Audience Award Ilina Elena Sergeevna for a truly magical cosmic candlestick.

In nomination "Cosmos-55. Crafts» many original and beautiful works, so we decided to split the places like this:

1 place:

Nitsuk Uliana Sergeevna- 8 years. Embroidered picture “Infinity”.

2nd place:

"Exploration of Mars" teamwork , children 9-11 years old, MBU DO SUIT No. 2. Teachers Obabkova V.I. and Korkunova G.V.

Sedova Maria, 5 years. "FIRST IN SPACE".

3rd place:

Preparatory group No. 5 “Toptyzhki”, MBDOU No. 267 of Izhevsk. “We are future astronauts!”

Ershova Ekaterina, 13 years old. "Martian Gosh".

Pokshevatova Yana Andreevna, 5 years. “Luntik in the Motherland”

Congratulations to the winners!

Whoever did not take the winning places, do not be discouraged, everyone will receive commemorative diplomas!

Form for submitting works to the competition 2019

Please read and understand before submitting. Any questions can be asked in the comments below the article.

Please carefully enter all the data that will be automatically inserted into the diplomas!

Summary: Cosmonautics Day. DIY crafts for Cosmonautics Day. Children's crafts on the theme of space

Many schools and kindergartens last years began to arrange exhibitions of children's crafts on the theme of space on the eve of Cosmonautics Day. In this article, we will tell you about what interesting crafts can be done with the children for this holiday. The most popular material used for crafts for Cosmonautics Day is the so-called. waste material: plastic bottles, cardboard boxes, cardboard toilet paper rolls, parts from broken toys, etc. When making space crafts, it is also good to have a glue gun on hand.

1. Crafts for the day of cosmonautics. Flying saucers

It is very easy to make a flying saucer from plastic or paper disposable saucers. Choose plates of different diameters and depths for this craft for Cosmonautics Day.

Ready flying saucer can be wrapped in foil

or paint with silver spray paint. Do not forget to make signal lights for the flying saucer, for example, from buttons or rhinestones.

You can also make a flying saucer from an unnecessary CD and half a kinder egg.

2. Do-it-yourself Cosmonautics Day. Starships, space stations

In this section, we will tell you about one interesting way make crafts with your own hands for the day of cosmonautics. A beautiful starship or space station can be made from scrap material that you can easily find at home. With help glue gun or double-sided tape, fasten all the details of the craft together. At the end, paint your Cosmonautics Day craft with silver spray paint. Additional details can be painted with acrylic paints.

Here is another example of a similar craft for Cosmonautics Day. The body of the space station is made from an old aquarium filter, a wheel from a typewriter, a plastic bottle, leftovers from pens and all sorts of broken toys, the wings are a cut floppy disk. Everything is spray-painted. Link .

If your craft on the theme of space, made from junk material, has few small details, then at the end you can simply wrap it with foil. See what kind of lunar rover turned out from a plastic jar and bottle caps.

3. space crafts. How to make a rocket with your own hands

The easiest way is to make a rocket for Cosmonautics Day from a cardboard roll. In the photos below you will find detailed wizard a class on making this cosmos crafts with your own hands.

Make cuts on one side of the roll. Twist the strips in the form of a cone, glue them together.

From an additional piece of cardboard, make a stand for the rocket and engines.

Paint the rocket with paint. Space craft is ready!

robot from corrugated cardboard. Link

Canned robots

Robots made from cardboard boxes

5. Children's crafts on the theme of space. aliens

You can make a humanoid out of newspapers and napkins by wrapping them on the outside with foil.

You can mold an alien from plasticine

or made from waste material.

6. Crafts for the day of cosmonautics. Paper application on the theme of space

A simple craft for the day of cosmonautics for children is an application made of paper.

Geometric applique rocket

Origami paper rocket

Salute to all!

How are you, dear readers and guests of my blog? Did you manage to take a break from? I think it’s not stressful to make something and do it together with the kids. And now there is one holiday ahead - Cosmonautics Day. And it falls on April 12th. On the day when our Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin first flew into space.

Usually this is a boyish theme - space. They are very fond of inventing flying machines, saucers and rockets. But some girls are not far behind either. Still would! It's very exciting, but from junk yes natural material you can do such work that they will win at any competition.

Let's see a selection of interesting ideas. Most likely, they will push you to interesting thoughts and sculpt your masterpieces. After all, fantasy is where to roam. The work can include planets, satellites, flying machines, UFOs, rockets and much more.

I note that I also draw ideas from the Internet, from its public sources. Basically, these are cool and original creations for kindergarten children and elementary school. Plus, I can recommend excellent options for paper airplanes in the note

Well, let's go! As Yuri Gagarin once aptly said).

Interesting ideas on the topic of space do it yourself

First, let's look at what can be done on this topic. For younger kids, it will be possible to make (not without the help of parents) such a layout from colored paper. It contains all the planets in our solar system. At the same time, of course, we teach the kids the names of the planets.

Application Solar System

You can make such applications from small plasticine balls. Only such compositions are better to draw first and even paint over with flowers. And then you can already roll up small balls and just stick.

After all, the truth is it possible to provide for the competition?

Squirrel in a rocket

We sculpt figurines of astronauts and a lunar rover from salt dough. Simple . This material is a pleasure to work with for several reasons:

  • it hardens quickly and can even be placed in the oven;
  • it is easy then to paint it with different colors with acrylic paints or gouache;
  • environmentally friendly, you can even swallow it))).

Russian cosmonauts and lunar rover

Simple paper rockets can be made by kids 4-5 years old. It turns out a simple kind of origami. And you can stick them on a dark blue background, which will personify outer space.

rockets in the universe

From toys, jars, tubes and plasticine, we will stick such funny aliens.

funny aliens

Another option for the competition in the technique of modular origami.

We turn on the fantasy and use everything: polystyrene foam, tree branches, foil, wire. Even bushings for making rockets will come in handy.

Gagarin in flight

Plasticine composition with saturn, stars, rocket and our green planet.

Milky Way

And some humor

Cat in a hat from the planets of our solar system

I hope that we have more or less chosen something for ourselves, what we will make and move on.

Simple crafts for kids in kindergarten for Cosmonautics Day

I propose with the kids to make a rocket from a sleeve (you can even use toilet paper) and colored paper. It turns out such a long and stable little thing that can be put on a blue background and next to the figure of an astronaut.

Add foil and you have a more realistic spacecraft.

Let's fold a spaceship out of paper. To do this simply according to the diagram below.

And here is the finished version. Color it however you like.

Or we will fold an unidentified flying machine out of thick paper. You can make several such gizmos and put them on the blue sky again.

Look at what colorful and at the same time original UFOs we get.

Let's use our favorite baby toy - plasticine. It is malleable, soft and sticks well to almost any surface.

Here are some applications you can do with it in disposable plates.

Saucers - open space

Oh, and we parted ways! We sculpt a cute alien. It will just look good next to a paper flying saucer.

funny alien

Don't want to fold paper? So let's blind her too, because there is a lot of plasticine!

When working with plasticine, the first thing to do is to explain to the children that this is an inedible material and you do not need to take it into your mouth.

Alien and flying saucer made of plasticine

Cosmic idea from paper and cardboard on April 12

Of components such as paper and cardboard, it is easiest to do work in kindergarten and school. Because they are always in every home. Also scissors and glue. If all this is available, then I propose to build such a composition from a flying spaceship, the sun and Saturn on a black background.

Required for work:

  • Cardboard with a black background, about 30 * 25 cm;
  • Toilet paper sleeve;
  • colored paper;
  • Foil gold and silver;
  • Semolina;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • Pencil.


1. Cut the sleeve in half. Cut off the edges from one end to make the nose of the rocket.

2. Cut out three blue cones from blue paper, which we bend in the middle. These will be our rocket engines. We glue them to the uncut (rear) part of the sleeve.

3. Glue the rocket on a black background.

4. Cut out two petals from red and golden paper. It will be a fire tearing out from behind the ship.

5. Glue the flame and the cut out window.

6. Draw the sun on the golden foil, and Saturn with the ring on the silver foil. Cut out and glue both shapes onto black cardboard.

7. Apply glue to the background and sprinkle with semolina on top. This is our Milky Way. Beautiful craft ready!

Did you like the collage? If you have schoolchildren, then you can make a flying luminous object below.

Video on how to make a flying saucer from a plastic bottle

How to do it - let's watch a short video. I'm sure the kids will enjoy the process itself, and then they will play UFO with enthusiasm. After all, this is not just a craft, but with light special effects!

How to make crafts from disks on a space theme?

CDs are already being thrown into the trash, but in vain. After all, this junk material is very suitable for souvenirs for Cosmonautics Day. Its shiny and round flat surface is very suitable for the production of unidentified flying objects.

Here's a second grader's masterpiece. She used a disk under a flying saucer with a very cute alien.

And this is the alien himself with antennas made of springs and foil.

Interplanetary taxi from the guys from the preparatory group in kindergarten.

The cutest plate of rhinestones and fluffy antennae.

ABOUT! And here is a whole group of funny humanoids with their vehicles.)

And one more idea how to use CDs.

Step by step 3D postcard in the form of a rocket

If you have never created voluminous postcards, then here is a step-by-step method for you. Again, everything is as simple as two and two. And templates can be obtained at the end of my note.

We need:

  • Blank sheet of paper A4;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • colored paper;
  • Glue;
  • Gouache paints.


1. Fold A4 sheet in half. On the fold we draw a half of the rocket.

2. Part of the rocket in the photo below is marked with a dotted line. This means that we will not cut here. And cut out all the straight lines with scissors.

3. We try to do everything as accurately as possible.

4. Turn our starship inside out. It will fold inward and the entire card will fold inward.

5. We draw the details of the ship: nozzles, porthole, nose and flame below.

6. Color the background black with gouache. And the rocket itself in suitable colors.

Here you can dream up and make the face of an astronaut in the window of the porthole.

7. We draw beautiful flames.

8. Cut out different planets from colored paper. We glue them all over the background. You can also make foil stars.

Voila! Our cool voluminous postcard is ready. We give it to the destination.

We make original works for the school competition

Let's get inspired by the ideas of the kids who won space-themed craft contests. They all tried, working through every detail in their masterpieces.

Any available materials were used in the works. This is twine foam balls as planets, glass pebbles, felt and much more.

international station

Composition of the planet Earth, a rocket and two astronauts in outer space.

Russian cosmonauts

Solar System with satellite and planets.

And here is a great mock-up plastic bottles.

We use felt for voluminous appliqué.

Intergalactic travelers.

Beautiful application of napkin balls.

To make it, you need to roll many, many balls of colored paper napkins. But the work seems to be worth it!

A squirrel and a salt dough arrow wave their paws at you).

A drop of imagination on the theme of the galaxy, starships and UFOs - and a wonderful work for the competition is already ready!

Pictures and templates on the theme of space

As a background and pictures, I suggest using cute templates and drawings. They will fit perfectly when creating postcards or crafts on the theme of astronautics.

On this note, I will say goodbye to you for a while. I wish you success in your work and pleasant moments spent together with the guys!

So, creating crafts for Cosmonautics Day with a child, you can tell him about the structure of our Universe, about the difficulties that astronauts have to face, and about rocket science.

The rocket is the main means of space exploration. This can be visually displayed on the application, the main objects of which will be a spaceship and our planet Earth. To make the picture more vivid and interesting, we supplement it with decorative stars from foil.

Watch the video on how to make a very bright and colorful space-themed craft:

In the form of an application, you can also create an image of yourself. And so that the child can dream and imagine himself as an astronaut, you can place his photo in the window.

It is very interesting for children to hear about the space feat of our Soviet hero dogs Belka and Strelka. And making an application with them will bring great joy.

In the application technique, you can make an amazingly beautiful outer space with planets from stars.

Application "outer space"

Younger children can be offered to assemble an image of a rocket from pre-prepared templates - for example, by correctly distributing and gluing round windows and flames.

A space rocket can be made from ordinary plasticine.

A very beautiful rocket is obtained from salt dough.

To make such a rocket, add to salty dough paint and some PVA glue. Mix thoroughly. We make several colored pieces of salt dough with paint and glue. Next, we sculpt the rocket itself. The craft turns out to be very durable if it is dried in the oven and varnished.

It is usually interesting for children to know that a rocket is a very large spacecraft that, after being launched into space, is outside of Earth orbit almost all the time. And the food supplies to the astronauts on board are delivered by a small spacecraft controlled by a pilot - a shuttle.

Offer to make your own shuttle from a toilet paper roll: by flattening it a little on the sides, you will get the body of the ship, which you need to stick on the wings. The model turns out to be voluminous, and if a hatch is carefully cut in the upper part, the child will be able to put his toy into the space shuttle.

Or you can make a rocket from a piece of cut out cardboard roll.

A very beautiful rocket is obtained from a cardboard roll and clothespins.

A rocket can also be made from a roll, it is enough to attach a cone-shaped top and cardboard wings.

Another option for the execution of a space rocket is to make it from corrugated paper.

Watch the video on how to make a beautiful paper origami rocket:

Not a single rocket can fly without a pilot - this is its main difference from a satellite. The pilot of a spaceship is called an astronaut, and what makes him recognizable, of course, is his suit - a spacesuit.

You can offer to glue the astronaut's spacesuit to the child, having previously drawn it and cut it out of paper. We offer younger children to glue the templates prepared in advance, and then color them.

A truly cosmic portrait of an astronaut is obtained from disposable plate painted in silver color. To make it look like a spaceship, we pierce the edge with a hole punch and attach metal elements to it.

In various ways, you can also depict the expanses that astronauts surf on their ships. Using a cardboard circle as a base, you can make a galaxy model by replacing the planets with soft pom-poms different color and size.

It is convenient to use foam or plastic balls as planets. Such a model will become even more spectacular if a bright yellow hemisphere - the Sun - is placed in its center. From carton packaging from processed cheese, a plastic bottle and wooden sticks, you can make a very spectacular flying saucer.

Incredibly adorable flying saucer can be made of plasticine on a plastic cap.

Watch how to make a fun craft on the theme of space in the video:

Craft on the theme of space do-it-yourself out of the box

And this wonderful craft for the exhibition dedicated to Cosmonautics Day was made from cardboard box. Cover the box with foil.

We cut out space figures from paper and hang them on strings, which we fasten at the top of the box.

Such a craft will decorate any space exhibition.

Such children's, with their own hands made of different materials for creativity, they will certainly kindle in the children an interest in studying the unknown and develop them Creative skills.

Drawings on the theme of space

And here is a wonderful cosmic drawing illustrating the brightest cosmic images: a rocket, earth, moon, sun and other mysterious and magical cosmic bodies.

Drawing "Rocket in the starry sky"

Drawing "Space" with crayons and paint

Children's crafts on the theme of space do-it-yourself reviews

I like the idea of ​​crafts from the box (Alina)

Greetings to all readers and guests of the blog. Today I again invite you to turn on your creative abilities and do needlework. After all, a very interesting and exciting holiday is on the nose - Cosmonautics Day. And this means that children's institutions are already fully preparing for the meeting of this event.

And of course, they give tasks for joint creativity, as they organize annual competitions on space topics. Therefore, we have prepared a special edition for you!! We will make neither flowers nor anything with you, but rockets, planets, flying saucers and much more.

I’ll make a reservation right away that I take all the ideas for the work from the open access of the Internet. But I select from them the most creative, cool and accessible in terms of material, as well as for different ages. So read to the end, it will be interesting!!

Of course, at all times, an application is always considered to be in demand, and it can be made not only from paper and cardboard, but also from fabric, cereals.

It will be cool to do modeling and make such voluminous planets. Moreover, to create them, you can use balls of different diameters and from different materials, and then just paint them. Or mold from plasticine or salt dough.

Volumetric postcards made of paper, corrugation or fabric also look cool.

You can make such a symbolic picture. Take a black background, glue a blue ball and decorate the rest of the elements with rhinestones.

Here's another great version of salt dough. Looks very nice and bright.

But look what can be done from felt. And we do without sewing!!

How do you like these funny space freaks, which are put in a regular box, sealed with a blue background and decorated with stars?

A cool option, made from different improvised materials.

Paper voluminous postcard in the style of a baby book.

And how do you like such a flying saucer made of disk and beads?! Looks very impressive, doesn't it??

Everything here is molded from plasticine, by the way, you can do it as a team work.

You can, in principle, not bother, and take and draw, and then put it in a frame and you're done !!

And if, on the contrary, you want to surprise everyone, and there is time left, then make pasta souvenirs. We considered this technique when we did it.

As you can see, there is always a choice, the main thing is not to be lazy!!

Space crafts from colored paper and cardboard for kindergarten

And now I want to invite you to make a very simple flying saucer. We will make it from ordinary paper plates, if there are none, you can use plastic or cardboard.

You will need: two paper plates, pencils, markers, paints, glue, brush.

Work process:

1. Take the plates and paint them in any color. You can immediately take colored plates.

2. After the paint has dried, draw patterns on them with a pencil.

3. Color them with a marker or paints.

4. Then glue them together. Complete the composition with an alien from plasticine.

You see how easy and fast everything is, and most importantly, that such work is within the power of kids.

And I also picked up a couple of options from the most favorite materials for creativity (paper and cardboard). Look, choose and show your children, let them make them.

A simple cone astronaut!

This work can be done not only from cardboard, but also from felt. And I love the photo idea.

Naturally, do not forget about the application, prepare templates, cut and glue.

You can also use the origami technique.

Here the option is more complicated, since it requires small work and knowledge in the quilling technique.

We make souvenirs from felt

And now we will sew a green alien with you. Many people will definitely like this craft.

You will need: felt green, blue and black, sewing thread green, black and white, gold beads No. 10, foam rubber or cotton wool, sewing needle, marker, glue.

Work process:

1. First prepare the templates and then transfer them to the fabric.

2. Then following step by step instructions sew a weirdo below.

Let's see what else you can create from this wonderful material, referred to as felt:

The easiest thing to do is to cut out the silhouettes, then glue them onto the background.

For older guys, and for those who sew well, of course, voluminous crafts will be advantageous:

The last work, of course, will require the help of adults.

What crafts can be made on the theme of space to school?

Now let's see what we can offer older guys. You can choose the options that we have discussed above, or you can also think and choose from the following.

The image of space is always relevant. Take an empty box, make a background of paints, glue paper stars. Blind the planets and hang them on strings.

Great team work. Make origami rockets and glue them on.

Salt Dough Option!!

And look what a healthy use of egg molds !!

What do you think of the light bulb idea?

Well, everything is simple here, schoolchildren can easily cope with such a postcard.

Using a plastic bottle and plasticine.

Here is a whole cosmic composition, a great idea for creativity.

And here are the plasticine masterpieces:

Crafts for Cosmonautics Day from bottles

cool and original products by April 12, works from ordinary plastic bottles can appear, just look at these souvenirs:

Alternatively, you can use not a whole bottle, but only the neck, and add an egg from Kinder Surprise.

And I suggest you watch a video plot from which you will learn how easy and beautiful it is to make a space satellite.

Master class on making a rocket from waste material

A popular craft for this holiday is a rocket. Well, let's see how you can make it. Found good instruction on the website. This option seemed cool to me, since everything is done from simple materials and for anyone.

You will need: toilet sleeve, colored cardboard or paper, scissors, glue, pencil.

Work process:

1. Cut out a large circle from thick paper or cardboard. Cut out a small triangle from it.

2. Twist into a cone and glue with glue. Then make small cuts around the entire circumference.

3. Glue on the sleeve.

4. Cut out small circles and glue them too, imitating a porthole.

5. Make notches on both sides of the sleeve.

7. Insert this strip into the prepared slots. The rocket is ready to fly!!

This is how easy and quick this souvenir is made. Did you like it?!!

Craft ideas for the competition by April 12, 2019 (from plasticine and salt dough)

The favorite material for creativity in children has always been and remains plasticine, modeling mass or salt dough. After all, here is a great flight of fancy and you can blind everything you want !!

  • Favorite cartoon characters are dog astronauts))

  • Alien in outer space

  • Flight of fantasy in the open sky

  • How do you like a real astronaut?!

  • Different colored aliens

  • Planet Conqueror

  • Interesting suspension option

  • Plasticine masterpieces

Video on how to make a flying saucer from a disc

I found another cool video, and it is being led by a child. So be sure to show it to your kids, let them do cool craft on Cosmonautics Day themselves.

And a few more pictures for your creativity:

Templates on the theme of space for kindergarten and school children

And in the end, I offer different templates for any kind of crafts, and for appliqué, for postcards, for sewing and drawing, or for plasticine creativity.

I will not describe, since everything is obvious. Your task is to save and print.

So our exciting space journey has come to an end!! Make your choice, participate in contests and win, and just create for your own pleasure!!
