Christmas scene with angels children. Scenario of the children's Christmas performance "the story told by an angel" (based on the story of max lucado)


feather children
2 little black men

Scene 1

On the stage is a Christmas tree decorated with toys.

Kate: Mommy, did you hang an angel under the star itself? He is so beautiful!
Mom a: It's very old toy, it was given to your great-grandmother for Christmas.
Kate: He has a golden shirt on, and his wings are like real ones!
Mother(smiling): Of course they are real!
Kate: Among the Christmas tree snowflakes, it seems to be descending from the sky. And with his hand he points to the star, as if telling us to follow the Star to little Jesus, who was just born in a cave.
Mother: Do you recognize these riders?
Kate: Yes, these are Magi! They go to worship the Baby and bring him gifts. The oldest, bearded one is Gaspar, the dark-skinned one is Balthazar, and the young prince is Melchior. He rides on a white horse. Where is Artaban?
Mother: They say that he never saw Madenets, because he could not get past human grief and helped everyone. Let's decorate the Christmas tree with rain, and in the evening dad will come home from work and turn on the garland for us. Then we will see how the tree comes to life!

Mom leaves

Kate: It seems to me that the Magi hang so far from the Star that they will never see it. It is necessary that the Angel come down and show them the way.

Katya tries to take off Angel's toy, but it falls and breaks.

Kate: Oh! What will happen now? Who will now tell all the animals and birds and shepherds that the King of kings has been born and show them the way? What have I done?

Katya bends down and picks up a white feather from the wing of a broken toy from the floor, holds it in her hand.
Dance of the feathers. The feathers, whirling, run offstage. Katya hides the feather in her pocket.

Scene 2

Night. Katya cannot fall asleep from the rustle of tinsel on the Christmas tree. She listens, and she imagines someone's disturbing footsteps in the snow.

Kate: What a dark night! Even turning off the lights is scary. The Christmas tree has completely darkened, and the rain on it rustles so ominously. Probably there is no one to guard the Star now - after all, I broke the Angel ... (Rustle heard) Oh! What is this?

A little man with heavily rouged cheeks, dressed in a tailcoat, a top hat and a black cloak studded with sequins, runs out onto the stage. The man holds a golden wand in his hand. He looks at Katya angrily.

Magician: Turn off the light! Otherwise, adults will come!
Kate: I can't see you in the dark.

Kate turns off the light. At the same instant, the Magician finds himself in a circle of light.

Magician: Well, you see?
Kate: Yes. Who you are? Somewhere I have already seen you - either in the picture, or in the cartoon ...
Magician: Wizard, who else. The one who does all the Christmas miracles.

The magician proudly put his hands on his hips, showing his wand. Katya looks at the tree.

Kate: I have remembered! You are a magician! You were over there at the tree (points to the Christmas tree; the circle of light also moves to the Christmas tree)
Magician: Magician or Magician - absolutely no difference. Some consider my miracles to be tricks, but that doesn't change anything.
Kate: Will you do miracles? Right now? May I take a look?
Magician: Please! What miracle do you want?
Kate: And what is possible? .. Well, for example, so that all the toys on the Christmas tree come to life ...
Magician (with disdain): Well, stupid girl. I tell her about a real Christmas miracle, and she wants some nonsense from children's books. Keep in mind I only do one miracle a year, so think hard and don't miss.
Kate: What are real miracles?
Magician: For example, what are you crying in front of the Christmas tree today?
Kate: The angel crashed. For good.
Magician (shrugs): I'm in trouble too! Buy another.
Kate: You can't buy it, they don't make it anymore. And that's not why I cried. You see, he is my mother's... I didn't want to... I feel sorry for him.
Magician: Do you want it back?
Kate (in a whisper): Can i?
Magician: Yes, why not! She probably knows everything about all kinds of angels and shepherds, but nothing at all about miracles. It's decided, I'll take you to Christmasland. This country holds all Christmas decorations in the world; and broken toys also end up there. Your angel will also be found ... if, of course, you search well. Well, do you agree?
Kate: Agree!
The man looked at his watch.
Magician: Then let's go faster. We must be there before midnight. By Christmas, all miracles must be completed, or else ... terrible things can happen.
We need to pay entry. Do you have money?
Kate(bewildered): No.
Magician: Okay, I'll have to give two stars off my cape. So, are you ready? (waving wand): ALE-OP!

The magician plucks two pebbles from his gem-studded collar and drops them into the hole where the key is inserted. The sound of a bolt opening and a creaking gate is heard.

Scene 3

The stage is decorated with huge spruce branches from which large silvery ribbons hang. The magician enters the stage. He drags Katya by the hand. Kate looks around in surprise.

Magician: Not here, not here. There, (shows stick) shepherds burn bonfires. Nice people, but uncouth. What good, still detain us! And we will head to the forest, to where the real miracles are...

The stage is illuminated alternately different colors: blue, purple, pink, white, lemon yellow. Something touched Katya's cheek, and she recoiled. It was a large silver ribbon hanging from a spruce.

Kate: So we are on the tree!
Magician: Certainly. It's, um, natural for Christmas country, don't you think?
Kate: Here everything is like on our Christmas tree! Light bulbs, tinsel, below - sheep with shepherds, and if you climb to the very top, then we will come to the Angel! Let's go quickly!
Magician: Don't shout, you're not in the forest... that is, of course, in the forest, but you shouldn't draw attention... even though the country is Christmas, but there are dangers everywhere... well, at least you thought about predators?

Katya, frightened, grabs the Magician by the sleeve. They all go and go, and suddenly the Magician stops abruptly.

Magician: Well, here we are.
Kate: What is it?
Magician: Your new home. Yes, I'm afraid so.

The magician points his wand at her and cries out: "ALE-OP!"
Two black men jump out, grab Katya and tie her to a tree with silver ribbons.

Magician (looking up at Katya): I am very sorry, my dear, but I have long been tired of hanging out on a tree doing nothing. I want, you see, to become independent, to become a man. Of course, for this you need to find a replacement. Well, now you have taken my place, and I will return to your world and live a very, very interesting life! I'm sorry, I can't talk anymore, or I'll be late by midnight. Happy to stay!

From afar came the booming chime of the clock - two... four... six... eight... twelve...!

Kate: Midnight has struck, the Magician has turned into a man and will hide in our apartment. Mom, of course, will look for me, but is unlikely to notice on the Christmas tree new toy- a girl in a red sweater. And what if the villainous Magician takes it and deliberately breaks it? Ah, if the Angel were here, he would have rescued me and he would not have let the Magician misbehave! But there is no Angel; I broke it myself ... But I must have his feather!

Katya fumbles in her pocket, pulls out a feather and presses it to her cheek. Feathers run out with large scissors, cut the bonds and free Katya. They run away.

Kate: Oops, I almost crashed!

Katya hid the feather and looked around.

Kate: Now we need to get out of the forest and return home, but how? I didn’t remember the way, besides, you can stumble upon some other vicious toy. And most importantly, even if you manage to find a way out, how to open the gate, how to grow again, how to destroy the magician's evil spell?

Artaban appears from behind the trees in a mantle embroidered with gold. Katya rushes towards him.

Kate: Please, help! I'm not a toy, I'm a person! I accidentally hit the Christmas tree, and now it's twelve, and I don't know the way down...

A dark-skinned Balthazar in a bright blue robe enters the stage.

Balthazar: What happened, Lord Artabanus?

The long-bearded old man Gaspar and the young prince Melchior appear on the scene. All four look at Katya in surprise.

Gaspar: I don't understand you girl. Explain what happened.
Badtazar(quietly, leaning towards Gaspard): Lord Gaspar, let's hurry! The star will not wait for us.
Melchior: Still, my lords, why don't you listen to the girl? On a night like this, no toy should cry!

The Magi surrounded Katya and listened attentively to her story.

Kate: The evil Magician lured me here and made me a Christmas tree toy. He promised me a Christmas miracle, and I wanted to return to my mother the old Angel that I broke. But 12 has already struck, and the miracles are over.
Melchior: Magician working Christmas miracles! And this is on the night when the King of Kings is to be born! This Magician is a pathetic impostor!
Balthazar: Masters! (looks worriedly at the sky) everywhere will go; gotta hurry.
Gaspar(Kate): My child, the Magician lied to you. At midnight, miracles do not end, but begin. Feel free to go down, do not be afraid. Sooner or later you will come to the edge of the forest, beyond the field with the shepherds you will find the gate.
Balthazar: He bought you a one-way ticket, and you have to pay to get out. Do you have anything to pay?
Katya shook her head.
Artaban comes forward, takes a precious stone out of his bag and hands it to Katya.
Artaban: Take it. I prepared it for another Child, but I don't think He will rebuke me. That's enough for you to get out of here.
Gaspar: I'm just a Christmas magician, but my heart tells me that you will find yourself in your world, everything will return to normal. Trust in it! Now goodbye.

The Wolves leave. Confused Katya looked after them. Shouts are heard from the stage.

Artaban: Wait! My heart tells me not to leave the girl alone. Will she be able to walk like us, guided by faith alone? She is frightened and lost, and the likes of the Magician can harm her. I will accompany her.
Balthazar: My brother, Artaban...
Artaban: I cannot hold you, my lords. Don't waste a minute, hurry up for the Star. If fate favors me, I will catch up with you. If I do not catch up, then I am not worthy to see the King of Kings.

Kate: What should I do if the Magician wants to cast a spell on me again? He has a magic wand!
Artaban: She was given to him to bring joy and fun to your world. He didn't use it well. And everything that is done badly will certainly disappear today. Vladyka Gaspar is right - this night will fix everything and put it in its place.
Kate: Can everything be fixed?
Artaban: The birth of the King fixes everything. Without Christmas, our lives would have no meaning. Without Christmas, we would not have followed the unknown Star... Well, the forest is over. Follow the path through the shepherd's field. Ask them to escort you to the gate. I can't take you any further. I have to go! Goodbye.
Kate: Don't go back to Herod. He wants to kill the baby.
Artaban (looks at Katya and shakes her head): I thought that you weren't simple girl. Thank you. He bows and leaves.

Katya walks along the path with a firm step. Dark; Katya hears rustling behind her, but does not turn around. Leaves the stage.

Scene 4

Shepherds are sitting on the stage. Katya enters the stage with big wings behind her back.

Kate: Yes, the Magi were right, the magic is just beginning. The angel is no more, all that is left of him is a feather in his pocket, and yet this feather is enough to correct what I have done ... Now, at this very moment, the Christmas tree angel should appear to the shepherds and call them to Bethlehem.

She approaches the shepherds, but they do not notice her. Katya coughs softly to get their attention. The shepherds jump up and look at Katya in horror.

Kate: Do not be afraid! I proclaim to you a great joy that will be for all people; for the Savior was born in Bethlehem... and here is a sign for you: you will find the Child in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. He leaves, holding in his hands a stone - a gift from Artaban.

Scene 5

Katya's room. Katya enters with wings on her back.

Magician: It's you? Or or...?
Kate: Absolutely no difference! Whoever I am, you're going back to the Christmas tree right now!
Magician(squeaking piteously): But it's midnight, and the miracles are over!
Kate: Tricks are over!
She waves a white feather... The magician runs away screaming, and a toy falls at Katya's feet - a little man in a top hat and cloak, with a golden wand pressed to his chest.

Feather children run out, take off Katya's wings and, spinning, run away from the stage.
Mom enters the room.

Mother: Why are you not sleeping, Katyusha? It's already midnight!
Kate: Mommy! Merry Christmas!

Sky. There are two angels on the stage. Music sounds, angels sing.

Angel 1. Your head is just spinning! I can't wait for everything to happen.

Angel 2. And do not say. At the very thoughts are confused. When I think about what event we have to go through, it seems that I will explode with joy, and down and feathers will remain from me.

A baby angel appears on the scene.

Baby.(a little impudently) Hello honest company!

Angel 1.(looking around the baby from head to toe, surprised) And you won't get sick.

Angel 2. Baby, where did it come from?

Baby.(uncertainly) Yes, I... I... (defiantly) I'm here with my older brother.

Angel 2.(suspiciously, with a smile) Does he know about it?

Baby.(sighs) Honestly, no. (after a pause) You see, I feel something is happening. All the mysterious people go around at home, whispering something to each other, but not a word to me. (offended) And I'm not small anymore! (after a pause) Well, so I decided to find out everything myself. (hopefully) Will you help me?

Angel 1. You know what, you better go home. And without you, there are enough worries.

Angel 1. (pause) Yes, you're right. Everyone should know this news! Sorry baby, ask, we'll help you.

Baby. That's great! Tell me why everyone has such faces?

Angel 1. Which?

Baby. Well, as if they want to cry and laugh at the same time.

Angel 2. You see, today is the greatest, most significant and solemn night since the creation of the world.

Baby. And why?

Angel 1. Today the Savior is to be born.

Baby. Wow! Wow! Oh wait. And who needs to be saved? We are all wonderful.

Angel 2. For us, yes, but for people ...

Baby.(thoughtfully) People... people... Ah, I remembered! These are those tiny creatures who are always dissatisfied with everything. (frightened) What happened to them?

Angel 1. They are in danger of death.

Baby. Death? For what?

Angel 1. Because they became disobedient to their Creator. Because they put their desires above the will of the Father. For the fact that they decided that they themselves could lead their own lives.

Baby. Wow! And how long ago did this happen?

Angel 2. Yes, a very long time ago. This happened even when there were only two people on earth - Adam and Eve. They lived in the Garden of Eden, not knowing grief. They had everything necessary for life. And most importantly, the Lord was always with them.

Angel 1. But one day people listened to the voice of the enemy, who whispered various seductive things in their ear. And they broke the commandment of the Father.

Baby. What?

Angel1. Among all the abundance of the fruits of the Garden of Eden, they should not have eaten just an apple.

Baby. But it's so easy!

Angel 2. Yes, simple. But people are very strange creatures: it is always not enough for them what they already have.

Angel 1(sadly) Next? Then it got worse and worse. People have become insane in their desire to please their flesh. Sin became normal for them. People got sick and died a lot. And they blamed the Father for all their misfortunes.

Baby. Horrible! And what about the Father!

Angel 2. He endured, and they thought He was weak. He sent his prophets to them, and they killed them. He loved them, and they turned away from him.

Baby. (indignantly) Yes, they all had to be destroyed! They didn't deserve...

Angel 1. Destroying is easy. But how can you destroy someone you love? How can you destroy something that you put your whole soul into?

Baby.(pause) But what about? Can't think of anything?

Angel 2. Here, in order to avoid destruction, a Savior must be born on earth. And I think now is the right time for Him to come into the world.

Baby. What, right now?

Angel 2. Yes, right now. Let's fly faster, greet the King of kings.

barn. In the center is Mary with the Child in her arms, next to Joseph. Before them were the wise men. Mary shows the baby to the wise men. They give gifts. Angels are watching from above.

Baby. Where? Where is he? I can't see anything. (indignantly) Those little guys are covering up the whole picture. Hey, move over. I want to see the Savior.

(Joseph and Mary move a little away from the cradle

Baby(surprised) Where is he?

Angel 1. Yes, here he is. You see, in his mother's arms.

Baby. This?! Who can this Human Child save? Are you playing me?

Angel 2. No, you didn't understand anything. This is not just a Human Child, this is the Son of our Lord. He just looks like a man. But actually He is very strong. He has a lot to do. After all, only He can save people: reconcile them with the Father and grant them salvation!

Baby. Now it is clear.

Angel 1. My God, what time is it? We forgot about our mission.

Angel 2. Need to hurry!

Baby. Where?

Angel 1. Inform the shepherds about the birth of the Savior.

The picture is changing. Field. Shepherds graze sheep. Someone is napping, someone is watching the sheep.

Angel 2 God bless! We made it! Well, who's going? Or will we again choose the lucky one with a counting rhyme?

Baby. And can I go. Oh please.

Angels.(looking at each other) Okay. Go.

The baby comes forward a little. The shepherds raise their heads.

Baby. Don't be afraid of me. I have come to convey to you the good news, which is important to all people. Today, in the city of David, a Savior was born who will give you eternal life!

Shepherds praise God. The choir of Angels appears and sings the closing song.

Olga Skvortsova

b] Christmas story "Grandma's Angel" (for the competition "Christmas Gift" -20

Presenter: A family gathered in the house,

There will be a celebration.

Away with despondency and sadness -

It's Christmas!

Mom takes out a box of Christmas decorations, children decorate the Christmas tree.

Mom: These days I will tell you, children,

There is a custom among people:

Tidy up the Christmas tree

The stars are bright candles.

Every year she shines

On the day of the great celebration

And announces with lights

Holy holiday Christmas.

Girl: Spruce decorated with a star

And a golden garland

After all, today is a celebration

Bright holiday - Christmas!

Boy: Christmas trees are beautiful outfit

The lights on it are burning

After all, today is a celebration

Bright holiday - Christmas!

Girl: Mommy, did you hang an angel under the very star? He is so beautiful!.

Boy: He's wearing a golden shirt, and his wings are like real ones!

Mom (smiling): Of course they are real!

Girl: Among the Christmas tree snowflakes, it seems to be descending from the sky. And with his hand he points to the star, as if telling us to follow it.

Mom: This is a very old toy, it belonged to my grandmother. You know that she took this angel from the Magic Christmas Tree. He is also magical - without him Christmas will not come!

Boy: Mom, tell us about Christmas! Tell me about an angel!

Mom: I will definitely tell you, but later. While you decorate the Christmas tree with rain, I'll go to the kitchen to prepare a festive treat. (leaves)

Girl: I'll hang the angel higher. (climbs onto a chair, takes out a toy and drops it)

Boy: Oh, what have you done! Angel crashed!

Girl (crying): What will happen now? Christmas won't come?

Boy: Don't cry! I know what to do! We will find the Magic Christmas Tree in the forest and ask her to fix our angel! Get dressed soon. (run away)

Host: Well, winter is here!

Suddenly appeared, light-winged,

Showered with snow at home

Whitened the fields and hills.

Snowflakes are as light as fluff

They started their dance friendly,

And the world sparkled around

Pearl beauty in the sun!

Snowflake dance

Snowflake 1

- We descended from a distant cloud.

They circled above the ground.

Work awaits us

Yes, no one knows about it.

Snowflake 2

- We flutter in a light swarm,

And we will cover the fields, forests

We are a fluffy blanket

So that the earth does not freeze.

Snowflake 3

- Painted with white paint.

Everything will become like in a fairy tale.

Fir-trees-girlfriends will cover with fluff,

So that the trees do not freeze in winter.

Snowflake 4: Oops, someone's coming over here! (sees children) Why did you come to our forest in such a cold?

Children: We are looking for a Christmas tree.

Snowflakes: Christmas tree? Do you want to cut down a Christmas tree in the forest? And we won't let you!

Song "I found out a little secret"

Girl: No, no! We didn't want to cut anything. We need a Magic Spruce.

Boy: We need to fix grandma's angel, otherwise Christmas won't come.

Snowflakes (whispering): You are very brave children, since you were not afraid to go alone into the forest, and we will help you. Follow us into the light of the brightest star.

Snowflakes join hands and lead the children. They go out to the clearing to the Christmas tree.

Snowflakes: Here it is - the Magic Spruce!

Boy: But there are no toys on it, only bumps hang on top.

Girl: So we came here in vain (crying)

Star comes out from behind Eli: Hello! I am the Star, it is my light that led you to the Magic Spruce. What's happened? Who is crying here?

Snowflakes: These kids smashed the Christmas angel. They came to the Magic Spruce to fix it. Help them, Star.

Star: I can't fix angels. But tonight is the night when the wishes of kind and brave people come true.

Snowflake: Why is Christmas such a magical holiday?

Star: I'll tell you about Christmas. Listen and watch.

Cartoon Christmas

Star: Well, did you find out what Christmas is?

Snowflake1: This means that in the world

The Son of God Appeared

He is still a baby

But his eyes are shining

And around him it's so clear

And it's so clean all around.

Snowflake 2: He lies in a dark cave,

He shines like the sun

And the rays of your smile.

Sends to everyone in the world.

Snowflake 3: Even evil?

Star: Both evil and harmful,

Everyone, rich or poor,

Indiscriminately; children, birds,

Wild lions and insects

As if to your friends!

Boy: Oh, look, our angel is hanging on the Christmas tree!

Girl: Thank you, Magic Spruce, thank you, Star! Now Christmas is coming to our house!

Snowflake: A star lit up ...

Christ is born!

And the world was lit up with love!

May happiness enter every home!

Happy, bright Christmas!

Snowflake: Let's sing and have fun

Circling around the Christmas tree.

After all, today is a celebration

All: Bright holiday - Christmas!

Dance of all participants in the performance "Crystal Stars"

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Christmas is perhaps the most joyful Christian holiday. It is celebrated by the whole family, this day is famous for its traditions, which are few.

Christmas angels - messengers, messengers of God on earth, bringing good news, are symbols of the Nativity of Christ. This is magic,.

Project "Christmas Tale" MDOU "Novomichurinsky kindergarten No. 1 "" A Christmas Tale "informative - creative project. compiled by: Denisenko O. V. Kharyutkina L. N.

Winter continues to draw magical lace, we met with excitement the long-awaited New Year, and on the way great holiday Christmas.

christmas angel
Mother: The night of the Nativity of Christ is descending on the earth. And my thoughts are only about children. For their sake, I decided to beg for alms once in my life. The hand does not rise and the tongue does not turn. But the thought that the children are hungry, that they will meet the holiday hungry, unhappy torment me.
Give, for Christ's sake, alms. Mercy, for Christ's sake! Submit.
(The bell is heard ... to the vigil)
Mother: We must go to pray, perhaps prayer will ease the soul.
God help me! (3 times) (an unfamiliar girl and nanny approach the mother) Girl: What are you crying about? Do you have grief? Poor you, poor!
Mother: Woe to me ... My children are hungry, they have not eaten anything since morning.
Girl: Didn't eat? Hungry? Nanny, what is it? The children didn't eat anything. And tomorrow on the great holiday will be hungry? Babysitter! How is it?
(the girl hands the bag to the poor woman)
Take it, there's money here. Feed the children for Christ's sake.
Nanny: What, Masha, to do? They are poor. And the poor sit in hunger and in the cold. Waiting for the Lord to help them!
Girl: Oh, nanny, I feel sorry for them! (to mother) Where do you live? How many children do you have?
Mother: Husband died, it will be half a year already. Three guys were left in my arms ... And we live not far ... right here ... in the basement, on the corner.
Girl: Nanny, almost next to us, but I didn’t know. Goodbye! Let's go quickly, nanny, now I know what to do.
(The girl with the nanny leaves)
Mother: We must quickly go to the store and buy bread, sugar, tea for the children.
(He leaves. On the stage, the children in the house are waiting for their mother. The mother enters) Children: Mommy, I want to eat. Honey, did you bring anything?
Mother: (hugging children) Brought it! The Lord sent! Nadia, turn on the stove! Petya put the samovar on! Let's get warm, eat for the sake of the great feast of the Nativity of Christ.
Nadia: Tell me, mom, is it true that on Christmas night a Christmas angel flies from the sky and brings gifts to poor children?!
Mother: Yes, children, it's true!
(Knock on the door)
Nadia: Mom, someone is knocking there.
(A nanny and a rich girl enter in her hands with a small Christmas tree, packages, bundles, baskets, toys. She distributes gifts) Nadya: Mom, is this an angel?
Girl: This is for you, have a merry Christmas! Happy holiday to you?
Nanny: (to the girl) My good girl! You yourself refused gifts, and gave all the gifts to poor children! You have a golden heart! The Lord will reward you.
Mother: The great holiday has already come again;
Everywhere fun, feasts, celebration ....
Let's remember what word he told us
The one we are celebrating Christmas now.
"Let everyone always be merciful
To the weak, the orphans, the poor, the sick!
What he has, he will share with the poor
And call him his brother!
Nadia: It's snowing in the yard,
Merry Christmas, my friend
Softly glowing needles
The coniferous spirit comes from the Christmas tree.
Girl: We will always praise God
For such a day of celebration
Allow me to congratulate you
Happy Christmas Day!

Pozdeeva I.V. - Head of the theater group "TOUCH"

Christmas performance "The Journalist and the Angel of Christmas"


    Girl she's an angel



    First and Second Angels

    Martha, hostess

    Simon, hotel owner

    Sarah, Simon's niece


    Guest from Damascus

    Shepherds (3 people)

    Wise Men (3 people)

Scene 1

Cafe. The girl-waiter turns on the music, arranges the chairs. A Girl [Angel] appears in the background. The radio sounds. A journalist enters a cafe, sits down and reads a newspaper.

Journalist: "Merry Christmas" ... Complete nonsense! How much can you congratulate on this fictitious religious holiday.

Radio: Hello dear radio listeners! We wish you a Merry Christmas and wish youlove and kindness, joy and happiness, success and good luck. May your dreams come true and your most cherished desires come true.We continue our program with world famous Christmas songs. Stay with us.

AND: It seems that parrots work on the radio, which only know how to repeat[grimacing] "Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas..." There is no God - He does not exist. He was not born, so there is no Christmas! And if religious fanatics believe in this nonsense, let them celebrate their Christmas somewhere in the wilderness, so as not to disturb anyone. Let them worship their idols there. And for normal people there is a normal holiday - the New Year!

Waitress: What will you eat?

AND: What do you recommend?

ABOUT: Our signature dish, it is currently on Christmas discounts.

AND: Oh no, again?

ABOUT: But, discounts on this dish for the first time, in honor of Christmas ...

AND: There is no Christmas! I tell you this - I am a correspondent for the country's leading newspaper! Do you know what circulation we have?

ABOUT: Will you order a signature dish?

AND: No, on principle.

ABOUT: What will you do?

AND: What do you have?

ABOUT: The menu is in front of you.

AND: This, this and this. And faster….

ABOUT: Wait[leaves]

AND: [thinks] How to prove to these deluded people that there is no God. And what if we devote an article to this issue ... the title one ... on the eve of Christmas ... There is no God, which means there is no Christmas, which means ...

Angel Girl: Hello. I accidentally heard that you are a correspondent for the country's leading newspaper ...

AND: Lead Correspondent...

D: Oh, how interesting! Didn't you write this wonderful article about Christmas?

AND: No! I…

D: Or maybe this note on how Christmas is celebrated in different countries?

AND: I don't write small notes. I…

D: But here you didn’t write about Jesus Christ?

AND: I do not write such things and I do not advise you to read any nonsense from unreliable newspapers. Look at me, I'm an educated person. There is no god.

D: How not? And where is He?

AND: It doesn't exist at all.

D: You think so?

AND: I'm sure.

D: Who then created the Earth and people?

AND: The Earth appeared from the void as a result of the Explosion, and humans evolved from monkeys.

D: How? Am I from monkeys too?

AND: You? Hm, it doesn't look like it. I definitely enjoy our discussion. You know what, come to me tomorrow for a cup of coffee, I'll interview you in the newspaper. If you only knew what circulation we have. Here is my address. Can you do it at fourteen zero-zero?

D: I can. I will definitely come.

AND: I'll be looking forward to it.

The girl leaves...

AND: It will be a nice conversation. Okay, time for fun, now work.[calls on the phone] . Honey, hello. I'm on business ... wait, I'll wash it in the evening ... I'll take it out tomorrow ... I'll definitely do it. Honey, I'm not calling you as my wife, but as my editor-in-chief. I have interesting idea: to publish an article on Christmas that there is no God, therefore, there is no Christmas either. What do you think? We will not celebrate Christmas in any way, because it does not exist .... Listen, if you do not accept my article, then you will hang your own cornice .... That's the same. Yes, I'm just about to eat, and then I immediately run to collect material. By the way, what are you doing tomorrow afternoon? You're leaving on a business trip before Christmas. Great! No, I just wanted to ask you not to disturb me, I'll be busy…. article… whole… bye.

ABOUT: [brings empty dishes] Please….

AND: What is this?

ABOUT: Your order.

AND: Where is the food?..

ABOUT: Wait a little, she will now appear from the void as a result of an explosion of your emotions, immediately after you turn from a monkey into a man ....

AND: Are you kidding me?

ABOUT: No, I'm trying to implement your theory.

AND: Ah well! Yes, I will give you such an article in the newspaper that you will regret it. I will slam you with my circulation[leaves] .

Scene 2

Heaven. Festive bustle. Angels come out with trumpets.

Angel 1 .Listen, listen!

Angel2: And don't say later that you haven't heard!

Angel 1. Soon very soon!

Angel2: A great miracle will happen!

Angel 1. The Son of God will come to save all people!

Angel2: He will be born like a normal baby!

Angel 1. A star will announce His birth!

Angel2: Don't miss the birth of the King!

Angel 1. Listen, listen!

Angel2 : And don't say later that you haven't heard!

Angel 1. Your head is just spinning! I can't wait for everything to happen.

Angel 2. And do not say. Even my thoughts are confused. When I think about what event we have to go through, it seems that I will explode with joy, and down and feathers will remain from me.

The Girl enters (in the form of an Angel):

D: Hello honest company!

Angel 1. And you don't get sick. Although you can't say that. Something happened?

Angel Girl: Here is the material I collected on the case of a journalist.

Angel 1. I know this thing almost by heart.

D: And what do you say?

Angel 2. Yes, you're just wasting your time!

D: What are you, I'm sure he can help!

A 1: In my opinion, this is a hopeless type. Admit that his case turned out to be beyond your power.

D: But I still have time before Christmas. I hope that with God's help I will try to finish what I started.

A 2: Try, but do you have enough wisdom ....

D: I will ask God, good, He has plenty of it.

A 1: Do you have enough patience and endurance?

D: Mine is definitely not enough, but God has a lot of it.

A 2: Well, good luck in our hard work.

D: [getting to leave]

A 1: Wait, take the Bible, I think it will come in handy.

D: Thanks friends! See you at Christmas!!

Scene 3

Journalist's apartment. He is getting ready for a date. A Girl (Angel) enters the room.

D: Good afternoon.

AND: Oh… how did you get in? I locked the door with a key!?

D: And I flew through the window ...[smile]

AND: And you good feeling humor.

D: Shall we start?

AND: Where do we start?

D: So you're saying there is no God?

AND: Oh yes, there is no God...

D: And the Earth appeared on its own?

AND: Do you want wine?

D: I won't refuse.


D: So she's on her own?

AND: Yes, from the void. Strange, it looks like the wine has weathered, just like juice ....

D: And where did you get the idea that the Earth appeared from the void?

AND: This is what scientists assume, - Mendeleev in my opinion. Maybe more wine?

D: Just a little, just a little.


D: So you are going to prove to me, based on the assumptions of scientists, that there is no God?

AND: What is it!.. Don't you feel it? They poured ordinary pomegranate juice into a bottle of elite wine - this is a scandal!

D: Excuse me, so, based on other people's opinions, you want to say that I was in the past ... a monkey?

AND: No... you don't. Frankly, I rarely met such beautiful girls… you are more like an angel…

D: You guessed it… I….. Angel of Christmas….

AND: Sweet joke.... What can I do to win your favor?

D: Have you read the Bible?

AND: Bible? No, of course not…

D: Well, then, here's the Bible for you - read it before Christmas!

AND: For what?..

D: Well, you asked me how to win my favor? Be sure to read it, perhaps then our conversation will move into a closer channel! ..

AND: Do you feed my hope?

D: Well, everything is in your hands .... Sorry, but I have to go.[leaves]

AND: What already?

D: Bible…[holds out] And, see you….

AND: The door is there...

D: I'm more comfortable through the window ....

AND: I like your jokes[turns away to pour himself another glass of wine] I repeat, you are an amazing girl and simply angelically beautiful ....[turns] You are... my girlfriend...[bewildered about her disappearance] ..dreams. If not for this Bible, I would have thought that this was some kind of dream, honestly .... Genesis… Well, I'll try to read it.

The journalist reads the Bible.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.


And you, Bethlehem, the land of Judah, are nothing less than the governorships of Judah, for out of you will come a Leader Who will shepherd My people Israel.


And the angel said to her: Fear not, Mary, for you have found grace with God;
and behold, thou shalt conceive in the womb, and thou shalt bear a Son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save men from their sins.


In those days a command went out from Caesar Augustus to make a census of all the earth. And everyone went to sign up, each in his own city. Joseph also went from Galilee to the city of David, called Bethlehem, to register with Mary, his betrothed wife. While they were there, the time came for her to give birth; And she gave birth to her firstborn Son, and swaddled Him, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no place for them in an inn.

Leaves with the Bible backstage.

Scene 4

The scene takes place in the same cafe. Sarah brings order to it. He sighs wearily and sits down on the bench. Martha enters.

Marfa:(enters and speaks angrily) Sarah! Again you are messing around!

Sarah: I'm sorry, Aunt Martha. I just sat down to rest. Tired… Worked all day…

Martha: Nothing, you won't break! Stop sweeping and go clean your vegetables! Guests came in large numbers - wow! There is no end in sight to the work. Hurry up.

Sarah: Now, Aunt Martha.

Martha: Did you bring water to a woman from Damascus who recently arrived?

Sarah:(embarrassed) I do not remember…

Martha: Here you go! How can you not remember? Here's a lazybones! All day long you can only hear the complaints of the guests about you!

Sarah: Yes, aunt, there are so many guests, and I'm alone! This has not happened yet - all the rooms are occupied.

Marfa:(enough) This is true! Not a single free room left. Everything is the order of Caesar to rewrite the people. So many people have gathered in our Bethlehem that it is impossible to count.

Knock on the door. A merchant enters with a rich chest in his hands.

Merchant: Good evening, mistress! Do you have a free room to spend the night?

Martha: What are you, sir! Everything is busy, I'm sorry.

Merchant: I came to Bethlehem because of the census: my family comes from Bethlehem. I trade myself precious stones. We, merchants, cannot waste time in any way: time is money. I would like to spend the night only, I will pay well.

Martha: I'm sorry, sir - everything is taken. Feeding is possible. Take a break from the road.

Merchant:(sits down on the bench, puts the casket on the table) It's a pity, a pity ... I would not stand for a fee.(Opens chest, takes out necklace) Maybe you, hostess, will like something from my product? Look - the royal necklace! The stones are burning, the frame is gold. A?

Martha: Oh, what a beauty! Just a sight!

Sarah stops revenge, looks over Martha's shoulder at the necklace.

Marfa:(angrily) What are you watching? Sweep faster!

Merchant:(digging in the casket) And I have one for your daughter.

Martha: What a daughter she is to me! Orphan. Husband's niece. Regretted. Yes, it makes little sense.

A passing guest from Damascus appears at the door

Passing: I asked to bring me water. Almost an hour has passed, and no one is carrying!

Martha: Sarah!(referring to merchant) See what a girl this is! Everyone forgets! Some kind of idiot!(speaking to Sarah) Now run for water! And remember, until you do everything, you will not have lunch. It's clear?(Sarah takes the pitcher and leaves. Martha addresses the road.) Excuse me. We have never had such a crowd before. Your head is just spinning!

Merchant: Well, if you don't like the necklace, hostess, then goodbye - I'll go.

Passing:(looking at the necklace) Oh what fine work. And what stones!

Merchant: I say - the royal necklace. Ready to pay for a room. There is nowhere to spend the night. At least sleep in the field!(Picks things up in a box) I’ll go, maybe there’s a place in another hotel ...

Martha: Wait, merchant. It looks like we have a small room. Here is this girl. She can sleep in the barn. Nothing will be done to her.

Merchant: I would just like to spend the night peacefully in bed.

Martha: I'll accompany you, let's go.

Merchant:(pulls out necklace again) Well, thank you! Take over the room.

The hostess accepts the necklace from him. Leaves.

Passing by: And the hostess is not stupid! This necklace has earned!(Exits.)

Scene 5

Simon enters, sits down on a bench.

Simon: Wow! Tired. Well, a day! There are so many guests that I don't know what to do!

(Sara runs in.)

Sarah: Uncle Simon! My dear uncle!

Simon: What is it, girl?

Sarah: Promise you can! Please!

Simon: What - can I? What are you talking about, honey?

Sarah: There two came from Nazareth. He is old and she is young. And so tired.

Simon: All the visitors are tired, my girl. Because of this census, people from all over the earth come here - the whole family of King David. You tell them, dear, that we have no more room.

Sarah: Uncle, I'll give them my closet! Can? I'm in a cave, I'll spend the night in a barn.

Simon: My poor kind girl Because you're tired, you need to rest.

Sarah: Uncle Simon, please! They are so tired, so tired. Let me help them!

Simon: Well, God bless you, take them to your closet.

Sarah: Thank you uncle, thank you. Don't worry, I'll do my job: I'll sweep the yard, clean the vegetables, and apply water. I'll do everything.

Martha enters. She has a necklace around her neck.

Martha: Have you brought water?(Sits down and starts peeling vegetables.)

Sarah: I am now ... I’ll just take two passers-by to my closet - Uncle Simon allowed ...

Martha: In the closet?!

Sarah: I will sleep in a cave, in a barn, on straw. And they are so tired...

Martha: You will sleep there anyway, but do not dispose of your place! Crappy girl!

Simon: Enough for you, Martha!

Martha: Don't interfere! I have already rented her closet to the merchant.

Sarah:(crying) They are so tired, so good...

Martha: And I don't want to listen. Do your job! And hurry up!(Martha exits) .

Simon: Don't cry, honey, don't cry.(Puts his hand on Sarah's shoulder.) We'll arrange it somehow. Do not Cry!

Sarah: Uncle, I can't leave them! She smiled at me as if she were my mother! They are kind, poor... Maybe they will spend the night with me in the cave, huh?

Simon: They probably won't.

Sarah: May I ask you?

Simon: Well, run. If they agree, let them spend the night in a cave.

Scene 6

Sarah runs away, Simon takes a broom and starts sweeping the yard. Behind the scenes, one can hear the singing of “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth…” Simon stops, listens. Three shepherds enter.

1st shepherd: Are you the owner of this inn?

Simon: Me, what do you want?

2nd shepherd: We are looking for a baby who was born today.

Simon: The hotel is full of people, but no one was born here.

3rd shepherd: Yes, not in a hotel!

Simon: I've been dealing with visitors all day. In the city, maybe someone was born. Only I didn't hear anything.

1st shepherd: We are looking for a baby born in a cave, in a barn.

2nd shepherd: And this baby is the Savior of the world.

Simon: You're full of jokes! How can the Savior of the world be born in a barn?!

3rd shepherd: You better listen. We are not joking at all.

1st shepherd: Today in the field where we pastured the flock, an angel appeared to us. And he said to us: “Do not be afraid. I proclaim great joy to you, great joy to all people. Today the Savior, Christ the Lord, was born in the city of King David.

2nd shepherd: We have been waiting for the Savior for a long time.

3rd shepherd: We saw angels in the sky. They sang "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men...".

Simon: Well, run and look for homes in Bethlehem!

1st shepherd: No. The angel said: "Here is a sign for you - you will find the Baby in the barn, in the manger."

Simon:(thoughtfully) In a manger?

Enter Martha

Marfa: The guests complain that you make a lot of noise here. Come in, come in, there's nothing to stand here!

Simon: Martha, an angel appeared to them. Said the Savior of the world was born today. In the manger lies…

Martha: What nonsense! The savior of the world - in the barn? They figure it out! Go, go, there's nothing to talk about here. (leave)

Simon: No, you wait. After all, in our cave, where the cattle stands, today people spend the night.

Martha: What-o-o? What people? It's all Sarah stuff! I'll go and get them out of there. Ugliness!(Martha exits)

Simon:(About myself) I would like to give them my room! And I'm in the barn!

Scene 7

Martha and Sarah return

Martha: Simon, the baby is in the manger.(Sits down on the bench, thinks, sorts through the necklace ). And in the sky such a wonderful star shines, like it has never been.

Sarah: Oh, Uncle Simon! You should look at the baby! He is such a…!

Marfa:(as if to himself) It's strange, when I looked at Him, I felt so quiet, so calm in my soul!

Sarah: And when He looks, it's like he sees your soul!

Simon: It must be the Baby that the shepherds were looking for. He would have been born with us ... But we ... we did not let him in.

Marfa:(covers face with hands and cries) I know I know…

Sarah:(hugs Martha) Don't cry, Aunt Martha, don't cry...

Marfa:(pulls Sarah to him) After all, I took your room away from them. And all because of this necklace...

Sarah: But you didn't know... You didn't know that the Baby...

Martha: I didn't know, it's true. But you didn't know either, but you took pity on them. And I didn't want to listen. Was about to kick out.(He rises from the bench, removes the necklace from his neck and gives it to Sarah.) Take them, daughter, the necklace. They are poor. You never know what they will need for the Baby.

Sarah: I'll call the shepherds, let them look at the Baby.

Sarah leaves with the necklace.

Simon: You see, Martha, you helped them too.

Martha: Shame on me, Simon. I am ashamed of my evil greed. You can't make up for this guilt with a necklace...(thinks). Let's give them our room.

Simon: It's too late now.

Martha: No, Simon, it's never too late to make amends for your sin. You know what: let's always give one room to the poor for the rest of our lives. Not for money, but like this - as a gift to the Infant and His Mother, for our guilt.

Simon: That's good. So, we will bring Him a gift.

scene 8

Sarah returns.

Sarah: Uncle Simon, aunt! Travelers have come there, they are heading here.

1 Sage: We are astrologers, we are seers, We are all dedicated to secrets

We go to bow to the Baby, each of us from our own country.

2 Wise man: According to the voice of God's command, a bright star led us.

Through deserts and villages, through forests and cities.

We walked for a long time, and a star led us,

Finally, God brought us here.

3 Sage: Oh, it is not in vain that we have made a long journey,

May the King accept from us the gifts of the East.

1 Wise man: He is the King of kings, which means that you need to bring gold as a gift to Him.

And now it burns like fire. The first gift to the Divine Infant.

2 Sage: But I am carrying a completely different thing - a fragrant vessel.

It's quiet here. Myrrh and scarlet will be poured at the burial.

Alas! I know in advance, the Savior will die for the people.

But lies and malice will be put to shame, and He will rise from the tomb.

3Sage: I bring incense as a gift to the great King.

Martha: Let's all go, let's worship Him.

Go backstage

Scene 9

Heaven. Angels decorate the Christmas tree. An angel (Girl) runs past.

A 1: Good thousand years!

D: Didn't understand?

A 1: Rise from Earth to Heaven. I tell you good afternoon!

D: Sorry, I was dreaming. Kind.

A 2: At what stage is the case of a journalist?

D: I just wanted to visit him today. Scripture works… like rain on dry land….

A 2: A double-edged sword, that's for sure.

D: Perhaps tomorrow I will present a report on the work done and the results achieved.

A 1: I love reports - we look forward to it!

D: See you, friends. I have something to tell you.

A 2: See you. Let's go, let's look in one place, where the kids are waiting for a real miracle at Christmas. (leave)

Scene 10

Journalist's apartment. He sleeps with a Bible in his hands. Enter Angel (Girl)

D: Wake up, wake up.

J: Who's here?

D: It's me.

Zh: You? .. How did you change. Just like Jesus on the mountain .. Who are you? How good.

D: Have you read the Bible?

J: Yes. You know, I studied this amazing book, did not sleep for three days. I read and read ... at first I got confused, but then ... then I came to the conclusion that ...

D: Don't, don't talk, I understand everything.

Zh: And I also understood, I understood everything.

D: I'm glad, I have to go.

J: How are you leaving?

D: Yes, I need to write a report.

J: a-a-a. window to the right.

D: thanks, I'm through the wall. (leaves).

J: It's a dream, I dreamed it. What is today's date. Oh no, the article, I completely forgot.

Calls on the phone

Zh: Ale, dear ... yes, I washed ... yes, I took out ... yes, I removed ... I'm talking about the article. All this time I worked, studied the material and came to the conclusion that there is no God ... such as I imagined before - a dead idol, an empty image. There is a living God... and today is His Christmas. No, I did not have time to write all this. You wrote? But how did you know? Did they tell you about it in the Church!? Do you go to church? And you prayed for me all the time? So why did she come?

No, I am. Honey, forgive me for the way I've been! I want to invite you to put aside everything and celebrate Christmas together. You agree? I love you. Yes, now I know that He loves me too.

Final musical composition.
