Christmas lesson in Sunday school. Today is Christmas Day

CHRISTMAS Sunday School 2013
1st child. Two thousand years have passed since the night when God was born and the earth finally found peace. Now He is with us amid worries and vanity, always in our hearts. And we can always turn to him in prayer!
2nd child. Until now, we remember this story and every year it warms our hearts. We remember that
How, preaching the love and truth of the Divine,
He was born again every year on the feast of Christmas.
The eastern star has long gone out in the winter haze,
But the birth of Christ is not forgotten on earth.
Christmas troparion

Your Christmas, Christ our God,
Ascension of the world and the light of reason:
It serves the stars
I learn to bow to you as a star, to the Sun of truth,
And lead you from the height of the East:
Lord, glory to You!

The word of the rector Fr. Alexy.

Who has been waiting for this for centuries?
Who is not surprised?
God first created the world
Later he was born.
Before Him the Star flowed
From the heights of the east
And ignited the hearts of the Magi
Deep faith.
And they went looking
Not the king of the earth
Where the shepherds lived
There was a WORD in the manger!

1. In the beginning was the WORD!

2. And the WORD was with God!

3. And the WORD was - God!

Christmas Kontakion

The Virgin today gives birth to the Essential
And the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable,
Angels with shepherds glorify
Volsvi travel with a star:
For the sake of us, be born a young child, the Eternal God.

1. Little we live in the world, we are not adults, but children.

But we already know a lot about the great love of God.

2. But sins reigned on the earth, people lived very badly.

Everyone fought and fought, but they were always waiting for something.

3. They waited for the Savior to come, the Reconciler of all the unkind.

It was a long wait, everyone was tired of suffering.

4. But the Lord loved the unfortunate on earthly, dangerous paths.

Great is the Lord's mercy: a miracle has happened in the world.

5. The gloom of the night must have gone on. That night Christ was born.

The mother took out a towel - to swaddle the Christ Child.

6. And the cave where the lambs became rich in joy.

In Bethlehem the people were sleeping, they didn't know anything about it.

7. Stars in the sky, like candles. The shepherds were tending sheep.

Suddenly the whole sky lit up - God's army appeared

8. Announce God's miracle so that people rejoice.

They sang: "Glory to God in the highest!" On earth there will be no extra:

9. Peace, love, good will - will accept every village.

In bright joy and faith, the shepherds went to the cave.

10. The stars in the sky have not faded. For Christ - a sheep's manger.

This marvelous humility is astonishing.

1. We are not adults, but children, but we always live in the Light

Together: May the heavenly Light among all be here, as in Bethlehem.

SCENES [Children near the Christmas tree]

Look, Petya, what a tree!
And how beautiful everything is around!
So many interesting gifts!
Let's take a look at them now!

Let's open up soon!
I can't wait to play.

What a doll!
What bows!
On the dress, on the shoes, on the hair!
Big blue eyes.
Earrings are wonderful in the ears!
Beloved will be my doll
I won't get tired of playing with her!

Ah, the Bible with big pictures
Noah, Adam and God's star are here!
From now on with my books
I'll put it on forever!

And I liked that Magus:
. Well, show it again!

[Magi appear]

I congratulate you on Christmas -
Love of the Lord triumph!

Oh! Who came here!
We never knew them!

[quietly] He looks like the Magus of that
And with him his friends.

Yes, we are Magi.
Let's go to Christ!
We bring gifts to the Lord!

I know God gave us
Jesus in a poor cradle!
Goodness He taught all people!
And the angels in heaven sang!

And a bright star burned
In the blue sky
All the good earth wanted
Bow your knees before Christ!

We got together for a birthday
Christ given to us!
He is God's blessing to all.
We have come to you with this news!

How should we act
To not upset the Lord?

We must love Jesus
Live forever in the love of the Lord!

Loving parents, relatives
Always take care of them"

You are right, you know the scripture.
The Lord gave us a Son
So that through severe suffering,
He only conquered evil with good!
Good to conquer all evil
Jesus taught us!
Always keep in your soul
All that the Lord has given us!
Well guys, it's time for us
And you, probably, are waiting for the game.

Christmas is a bright, joyful holiday! We dress up the Christmas tree, decorate its crown with a sparkling star, light multi-colored lanterns on it. And now we'll see if you know what does not happen on the Christmas tree?

GAME "What does not happen on the Christmas tree?"
(if it happens - clap, if not - silence)

Here comes the holiday
Each decorated a Christmas tree.
Who guys can confirm-
On its branches hangs:
Top star?
A loud buzzer?
Soft toy?
White snowflakes?
Bright pictures?
Spider web ball?
Old boots?
Chocolate bars?
Horses and horses?
Cotton bunnies?
Red lanterns?
bright flags?
Hats and scarves?
Apples and cones?
Kolya panties?
Tasty candy?
Fresh papers?

But what we actually decorate the Christmas tree with:
"Christmas tree".
We will decorate the Christmas tree
bright star,
We will braid the Christmas tree
Golden thread.
How beautiful on the Christmas tree
Holiday outfit!
On her pins and needles
The fires are burning.
And sweet at heart
Fun, light.
Happy day today
Christ's Christmas!
Congratulations on the holiday
We would like to wish you
Health, happiness, joy
And God's grace.

The song "Christmas has come to us again."

Solemn music sounds.
An angel appears, dressed in white clothes, illuminated by rays of light.
Shepherds! Do not be afraid in vain
I brought great joy!
This night of grace, clear
Our Savior Christ has come into the world!
The younger group sings the carol "Angels in the sky".

The long-awaited time has come!
Praise God! The Lord is born!
With people - the eternal God!

God the Great lies in a den,
Our Creator who redeemed us.
Sing, angels, to God in heaven,
Sing people, the Savior was born!

Our pupil Maxim Sokolov will perform his song, which he wrote for Christmas.

The song "Snow flakes in the silence of the night."

And now I invite everyone to watch the puppet show "Christmas Bun".


(Christmas scene)

Dolls: Grandmother, Gingerbread Man, Hare, Mouse, Fox, Dog Mongrel, Angel

Act one

Hut, old woman

Grandmother (B).- Christmas is coming. It's been snowing! And the heart is warm. On such a holiday, I want to do something very pleasant. I’ll pamper my grandchildren with pies, and not simple ones, I’ll bake Kolobok. Let it be like in a fairy tale! Only it will be Christmas ...

Music (Grandma seems to be doing something with her hands, Gingerbread Man rises a little bit from under the screen).

B. What a handsome man was a success - Kolobok ruddy side! Lie down here, cool down a bit.

Grandma leaves. Music, Kolobok appears.

Kolobok (K) - I wonder what kind of holiday this is - Christmas? I can't wait to find out the answer. While Grandma is gone, I run away, ask someone and immediately return.
(The hut is removed)

Action two

To the music, a little sad, the Hare goes towards, crying

K.- Oh, Bunny - jumper, why are you crying?

Hare (Z) - How can I not cry? I galloped through the forest, ran away from the fox, jumped over the ditch, twisted my paw. I can’t step on my paw, how will I continue to live ?!

K.- Don't cry, maybe I can help, show me your paw. (The hare holds out its paw) Chick and you're done!
(Tugging at the paw and as if adjusting it).

Z. Thank you, Kolobok-ruddy side! You a true friend.
See how I can
sings - Turn right, turn left, bend down and rise
paws up, paws to the side and in place lope, lope, lope!
“Maybe now I can help you with something?”

K. - Grandmother said that the Christmas holiday is coming. And what kind of holiday I did not understand.
Z - Ah, Christmas is such a roll!
K.- Bulka? So it's me?!
W- What do you mean me? I come in different!
K- I'm the same bun! I am that bun! So it's my birthday.
The hare goes around the kolobok and examines it from all sides.

Z- I wonder why then the whole world celebrates your birthday? Are you so famous?
K- No, Grandma just baked me today. She said I'm Christmas.
Z.- Ah, she probably baked you for this holiday for her grandchildren.
K. (a little sadly) - So it's not my birthday.

Act Three

Music. The Mouse appears.
Mouse(M) Christmas, Christmas is a wonderful holiday for children and adults
It brought peace and joy
La, la, la, la, la, la Christmas!

Gingerbread Man and Hare - Mouse, hello!
M.- Hello guys, Happy Holidays!
Z.- Thank you!
K. - Mouse, you sang a very beautiful song about Christmas.
M.- Yes, yes!
K.- And what is Christmas?
M (gesticulating, dancing, in general, with skill) - Christmas, well, this is such a big holiday. This is a lot of gifts, a lot of sweets, a lot of toys. Everyone dances, sings, eats a lot, and it's such an elegant Christmas tree, all in lights, in garlands!
Z.- Maybe it's the Christmas tree's birthday? If it was my birthday, I would definitely dress up like a Christmas tree too!
K.- Do trees have birthdays?
M.- Hee-hee-hee-hee, oh, they made me laugh (falls from laughter), hee-hee-hee-hee-hee, today at the tree, and tomorrow at the oak. hee-hee-hee-hee! You guys are fun, but I have a lot to do. Good luck.
All goodbye.
K.- So it's not Elkin's birthday. So many answers to one question, but where is the right one?

act four

It sounds like creepy music. Beauty Fox appears. Dances, sings a song.
Fox (L) - Christmas, Christmas is a wonderful holiday for children and adults,
Peace and joy it brought La, la, la, la, la, la Christmas!

The hare, seeing the Fox, lowers its ears and begins to tremble with fear.

L. - Don’t be afraid, oblique, on this holiday I don’t eat hares, I do only good deeds: I give in to adults, I don’t offend little ones and, in general, you won’t complain about me! I'm all so kind, so polite!
Q- Do you do good deeds only on this day?
L- No, there are several other holidays, but Christmas is a special day!
K. - Lisa, what is special about him this day?
L- On this day, for some reason, people turn sheepskin coats inside out, go from house to house with big bags and shout "GIVE US PANCAKES" And all the time they call some Kolyada. I think that this same Kolyada gives them pancakes.
K.- Maybe this is the day of hungry people? So what about Christmas? I'm completely confused.
W-Wait, I remembered, I remembered! (jumping for joy)
Everything - what did you remember, oblique?
Z- I think I know from whom we can all find out, he will definitely unravel us.
L- Speak quickly, do not delay, I can not wait to know the whole truth!
Z- On the outskirts of the village lives an old dog-Barbos. In winter, in severe frosts, he lets me and my brothers into the house to warm up. He has a big booth, it's warm there. Do you know what glasses he has? Do you know how smart he is? He definitely knows everything.
K- So lead us to this Dog-Barbos!
Z- I forgot to say one very important detail: he is almost deaf from old age, he needs to scream in his very ear. Music

Act Five

Booth. Music "Barbosovskaya"
Barbos (B) - Something no one comes to the old Barbos. Sometimes the hares would run to warm themselves. Everyone forgot the old man.
A noisy company appears. They push each other, make noise, for example, don't push me, no, you pushed me first
Z- Hello grandfather, we have not been visiting you for a long time!
B-A, Jumping Bunny, came with friends to warm up, come in, come in.
Z (loudly in your ear) - We're on business with you!
B- Don't shout, I'm not deaf!
Q- What is Christmas?
B- Thank you, I already had breakfast!
Z- He needs to scream in his ear.
K-Grandpa, what is Christmas?
B- How do you say Christmas? Just a minute, just a minute. I seem to be starting to remember something. In childhood, when I was still small, my grandfather told one legend that his grandfather gave him, who in turn received it from his great-grandfather, inherited from his great-great-grandfather, and so it was like this: My great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather helped the shepherds graze sheep. One day an angel appeared to the shepherds...
Solemn music sounds. A light appears and an angel in it
Angel (A) - Do not be afraid, for I proclaim to you the great joy that will be for all people: for now in the city of David the Savior was born, who is Christ the Lord!
Chorus -
And peace on earth
Goodwill in people.
B- And all who heard were amazed at what the shepherds were saying.
K- That's the story! The Lord Himself was born on this day! Here is a holiday! Thank you grandfather for the good news!
B- Merry Christmas to you too.
Z- Goodbye!
B- Yes, it snowed a lot!
Music. go away
L- I remembered the words of the song! Let's sing it together!
Everyone - let's go!
sing a song
K- I'll hurry home, Grandma was waiting for me.
Z- And my mother is probably looking for me.
L- Merry Christmas, guys!
Leave to the music

act six

Hut, old woman
B- I knew that miracles happen at Christmas, that Gingerbread Man with a ruddy side will not lie on the window for a long time. And here he is
K. - Grandmother, I was so stupid, I thought that Christmas was my birthday, and then that it was the birthday of the Christmas tree, and all sorts of other things, but it turned out - this is the birth of our Savior. Please forgive me for leaving without permission, I was so interested.
B - I did not have a single gram of doubt that it would be so, so I baked many more pies. Grandchildren will arrive soon, we will drink tea together, eat pies and listen to the story of the birth of our Savior.
K- And I will listen with you?
B- Of course, you will drink tea and listen with us.
K-Grandma, what happiness!

Guys, now let's repeat the Christmas story with you. On our screen you see stars, on each of them there is a question about Christmas. Can you handle it? The guys come up one by one and guess the Christmas riddles.
Well done, you know the history of the holiday well. coming out junior group.

Now tell me

Where do we see beauty? -
In imitation of Christ.
If you want to be beautiful
Always say thank you.
There are two words in this word
Very important words.
The first word is save.
Saying it - ask
So that the merciful Savior
He would have mercy on us all.
The second word is God.
We ask him to help
We obedient grow
The cross is worthy to bear.

Music sounds. Children receive gifts and go to the Christmas meal.

Christmas gatherings

Such a holiday can be offered to kids in kindergarten, in the classroom, in the family leisure club, in Sunday schools.

The holiday includes a tea party with a Christmas treat. It is led by two presenters and hostesses. In Sunday schools, these can be representatives from each school, in general education - from a class, etc.

Preliminary preparation for the holiday provides for a bright festive decoration of the room, a beautiful spectacular prologue, children's performances with Christmas greetings and carols.

The culmination of the holiday will be a concert by the Christmas tree, prepared by the guys. During the concert, children decorate the Christmas tree with handmade Christmas toys, following the old Slavic traditions.

It is important for the organizers of the holiday not to delay the event. The time limit for babies is up to an hour, for middle-aged children no more than two hours.

Organizers should provide Christmas gifts for all children and printouts with recipes for the Christmas table, as well as recipes for making Christmas toys.

Before the start of the holiday, guests are met by hostesses, they invite them to the table.


You should decorate the room with New Year's flags, snowflakes, etc. Determine the location of the scene where a Christmas tree with lights is pre-installed, but without toys.

(Sounds like bell ringing. Leading out.)



Let's celebrate today

With songs, fun,

Christmas tree!


The Savior came to the people

Savior appeared to people


All will be saved.

(On stage, a children's choir or vocal group performs the song "Christmas" without an announcement )

Song. Christmas.

Muses. A Pautova


Fluffy snow covered the fields

Covered the dense forest

The earth fell asleep in a quiet sleep,

The vault of the heavens darkened.


Today is a break from work

Forget all worries...

The first star will light up

And Christ will come to us.


It will come down to every family

Bring peace and tranquility

All the goodness to show their

Have a feast for the kids.



Happy holiday to you guys and dear adults!


Merry Christmas!


December 25, according to the old style, January 7 - according to the new biblical tradition in the family of the carpenter Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ.


The wonderful Star of Bethlehem appeared in the sky when the Savior was born.


This holiday, so long-awaited and wonderful, is always met with a festive family dinner, a smart Christmas tree and Christmas gifts.


Because Christmas is a holiday of those who believe in Christ, which means that Christmas is good and true.


Dear guests, all holidays always begin with congratulations and good wishes.

(The hostesses enter the stage.)



The guests are waiting, beautiful,

Dear, unhurried,

We, the hostesses, are good,

You are all welcome from the bottom of our hearts!

(gesture of welcome)


We did not come to you with a hindrance,

With food and fun.

(girls together bring some Christmas dish to the tables to the background music.)


Our guests, do not be shy

Eat a treat!


Christmas! And everyone understands

That it's time to submit "Carols".


Hostesses, where are your "carols"?

(hostesses bring the flour dish "Carols" to the tables)



All carols on the table

Here is the number of poison points for you.

(gives the presenter a carol pie)

HOST 1 (takes a pie):

Here's another ... Well, who doesn't know what a carol is? This is a poem or a song with which they go on a visit to praise Christ and congratulate them on Christmas, and the hosts thank the carolers with gifts. What's with the pie?


Well, what are you ____________ (host name 1).

Carols are a traditional Christmas dish. These are small pies made of unleavened dough with different fillings.

According to tradition, carolers came to the house and, glorifying Christ, first presented everyone with their carols and sang carol songs, and then thanked them with gifts.


Girls, tell us about your carols and be sure to carol us.



We are housewives of all trades,

We will drive away laziness and boredom,

We love to mess with the test,

The guest has something to eat.


Here are carols with cabbage,

Eat it, it's very tasty!

The dough here is rye, unleavened,

Baking carols is interesting to us!


I have carols with cheese

Eat the whole world!


I carry potatoes

And with a little wheat...


You take carols

Say "Thank you" to us.

And now to us, children,

It's time to sing carols!

(carolers come out with a nativity scene and join the hostesses. They sing the song “Carol”)

Song "Carol"

The sun shone in the manger on the hay -

the Son of God was born to the world for salvation.

Cold at night

chilly born

King of Kings of the entire Universe.

Praise God in heaven angelic choirs,

glorifies the whole earth, and forests, and mountains,

Praises dubrov

living God,

reign of Christ.

Evil spirits weep plaintively in the desert,

people rejoice at Christmas now:

The king reigned

God was born

appeared to us for salvation.

You, Mother Mary, are the reason for joy,

ask the Lord, beg the Son

help in life

we have a road to paradise,

we will sing: thank God!



An angel came down to us today

And he sang: "Christ is born."

We came to glorify Christ

And congratulate you on the holiday.


Look how bright the stars are

Shine the world there in the distance:

Holy gifts shine in them -

For people - good will,

Peace and truth for the earth!

From cruelty and misfortune

Christ saves us all

Mercy teaches us

The Savior calls to peace!

Adults and children know

For good we live in the world!

Holy Christmas Day

Celebration on the planet!

Rejoice all people

On the big planet

God, Love and Truth are with us

Christ, children!

(Hostesses give gifts to carolers.)


Dear guests, you probably noticed our Christmas tree. Yes, it glows with bright lights, but there are no toys on it.


And this is no coincidence. The Christmas tree is waiting for gifts from the guys, our funny songs, dances and real handmade Christmas toys.


We are starting a festive Christmas concert!

(At the Christmas tree, the children arrange a festive concert. Before the performance, the concert participants hang Christmas toys on it. Then the children dance around the Christmas tree, play outdoor games, etc. It is appropriate to introduce fairy-tale characters with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden into the program. They come to the children with congratulations and gifts (prizes). They also hold a musical and entertainment program near the Christmas tree. You can choose a program in the scripts for New Year's parties.)



Our tree is decorated

They gave you carols,

We tried with all our heart

The table was set, smiling.


That's what Christmas is

In the whole world - a celebration:

Songs, dance bright,

Children have gifts!



Goodbye to all the guys

We address wishes:


Don't waste your time

Do a good deed

Don't be cunning, don't be lazy

Ask for God's mercy.


Be polite yourself

Help your mom at home.


And you need to remember this:

Treasure, children, friendship!


Jesus Christ is born

And the world was lit up with happiness!


So let's rejoice together

Let's sing a song to the Lord!

(The children all end their Christmas holiday together with the song "Christmas".)

Song "Christmas"


The angel has arrived

He flew across the sky

He sang a song to the people:

"You people rejoice,

Celebrate all day

Day of Christ


Shepherds in the cave

The first ones came

And baby god

Found with Mother.

Standing and praying

worshiped Christ,

Day of Christ


We've all sinned

Savior, before You.

We are all sinners,

You are one saint.

Forgive the wrongs

Give us leave

Day of Christ

Program content:

  1. To consolidate knowledge with children about winter holidays (New Year, Christmas, baptism, carols); about their main symbols and preparations for the holiday. To consolidate children's knowledge about winter, the winter months.
  2. To arouse in children an interest in communication, active participation in the conversation.
  3. To enrich the vocabulary of children (eve, Christmas Eve).
  4. Create a joyful mood for children.

Material: audio recording ("Christmas" music and lyrics by E. Shmakov); illustrations of New Year and Christmas; riddle about winter; snowballs; letters for the game "Words".

Guys, I know that you are very fond of solving riddles. Do you want me to give you a riddle?

The cold has come

Long-eared hare gray

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped crying

The bear went into hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does it happen?


And tell me all the winter months. (December January February.)

Do you like winter? What do you like about her?

What holidays do we celebrate in winter? ( New Year, Christmas.)

These are big holidays that we celebrate in winter.

And there are also small winter holidays. Who knows? (Baptism, carols.)

What do many people do at baptism? (They plunge into the hole.)

Why are they doing this?

Remember we also had a holiday in our garden, many guests came to us with songs and dances. What is it called? (Carols.)

What are the names of the people who come? (Carolers.)

Remember the words that carolers say.

carol, carol

You serve the pie.

Or a slice of bread

Or half the money.

Or a chicken with a crest,

Cockerel with a crest.

And why do they come? (Congratulations, wish you health and happiness.)

Let's remember our favorite New Year's holiday.

What happens at your house before the New Year celebration? (They decorate the Christmas tree, buy gifts, prepare various dishes.)

The whole family is preparing for this holiday.

So what is the name of this holiday? (Family.)

What is the main symbol of the New Year? (Christmas tree.)

We talked about the New Year, and what other holiday do we celebrate in winter? (Christmas.)

Would you like to listen to a Christmas song? (Listening to audio recording.)

Did you like the song?

What did you like about her?

What is her character?

What is this song about?

What new words did you hear? (Christmas Eve is Christmas Eve.)

How many of you know what the word Christmas means?

Listen, the very word Christmas says that someone is born. Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ. Almost 2,000 years ago on this day, a boy was born who was given the name Jesus. Since then, people have been celebrating his birthday.

Do you know why all people around the world celebrate his birthday?

Because not an ordinary person was born, but a son of God, a savior, was born to help people, save their lives from greed, enmity and death. That is why this holiday is celebrated as the Nativity of Christ.

The holiday of Christmas always brings joy and fun. For Christmas, people always start preparing in advance. They buy or make gifts with their own hands, prepare treats, learn songs, poems, and various games.

Let's play games too. Want to?

(Children are divided independently into two teams.)

The first game is called "Words".

I will give you cards with letters and you will need to collect words from these letters: the 1st team the word "Christmas", the 2nd team "New Year".

Well done, did you like collecting words?

Now let's play our favorite winter fun"Pass the snow."

The snow is magical, it's good

It will not melt in your hands for anything!

And it's easy to play.

Liked. Warmed up a little, well, now sit down on the chairs.

Guys, what do you think are the symbols of Christmas? (Christmas tree.)

Look at my picture there are 2 Christmas trees. One of them is New Year's, and the other is Christmas.

Which one do you think is Christmas?

What is the difference?

And look what other symbols of Christmas exist. (Illustrations depicting bells, a Christmas wreath.)

Where do you think they need to be hung and what are they for?

These are amulets, and they protect houses and people from evil spirits and hang them on the door.

Guys, do you want me to tell you about the main symbol of Christmas?

Nobody knows him? But everyone must have seen it.

Is the main symbol of Christmas an angel? He always brings good news to people.

How do you think the angels were portrayed?

Usually they were depicted as a pleasant child with wings behind their backs.

What face should an angel have? (Good, joyful.)

You know today and a little angel flew to us. Do you want me to show it to you?

Submit all your hands. Now I will put him in the palms of everyone, and you can hold him and make the most cherished desire, which he will surely fulfill.

Did you make every wish? Do you want such an angel to appear in your home or your friends too? Then let's sit down at the tables and each of you will decorate your angel, and then give them to anyone you want. After all, Christmas gifts from loved ones are the best, most valuable and expensive, because your love and kindness are attached to them.

Choose any place for yourself and decorate the angels.

Now let's look at your angels.

What color did you color them in?

Why do you draw their faces like that?

Let your angels bring warmth, comfort, joy and happiness to your home.

Target: familiarization of children with the events and traditions associated with the feast of the Nativity of Christ.


  • get to know the history of Orthodox holiday"The Nativity of Christ", with the basics of the Christian doctrine of the Incarnation;
  • to continue the formation of an understanding of the symbolic language of the icon;
  • enrich the vocabulary of children with new words of historical and cultural significance, identify and analyze the logical connections between concepts;
  • to form the value attitude of children to the study of the history of Orthodox culture; develop respect for Orthodox traditions, national culture;
  • to cultivate a culture of celebrating the Nativity of Christ, family relations, mercy.

1. Motivation for learning activities ( Organizing time). (Slide 3)

The motto of our lesson will be a statement. Read it. ( A good holiday after the labors of the righteous.)

What is this statement?

How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

What is a holiday?

Let's turn to the dictionary. Holiday- a period of time allocated in the calendar in honor of something or someone, which has a sacred (non-domestic, mythical) meaning and is associated with a cultural or religious tradition.

The word was formed as a suffixal derivative from Old Slavonic holiday, "festive". The literal meaning is "a day not busy with business, free from work."

What holidays do you know?

Group the holidays using the table. (Slide 4)

Are all holidays celebrated the same way?

Each holiday has its own color, its own smell, its own music. Close your eyes and listen to a piece of music. (Annex 1) (Slide 5)

What do you think the holiday is about? Why do you think so?

Which of the three groups of holidays can be attributed to the "Christmas"?

2. Setting goals and learning objectives. (Slide 6)

Formulate the topic of the lesson. What will we set the goal and what tasks will we solve?

3. Actualization of knowledge.

Why is this holiday so called?

What do you know about this holiday?

Do you know what date Christmas is celebrated in Europe? But in Russia?

Yes, in Europe the holiday is celebrated on December 25 - this is Catholic Christmas, and in Russia - January 7 - Christmas.

4. Discovery of new knowledge by children. (Slide 7 - 8)

And what event formed the basis of this holiday?

And since we are talking about the birth of a baby, we must definitely know ... (who are his parents)

What were the names of Jesus' parents?

What do you know about them?


Virgo Parents Mary- Righteous Joachim and Anna. These respected spouses lived in the city of Nazareth. But one thing bothered them - they did not have children. Joachim and Anna fervently prayed to God to send them a son or daughter, and promised that the child born would serve the Lord. God heard the prayer and gave them a daughter, whom they named Mary. When the girl was 3 years old, her parents sent her to be raised in a temple. Mary's parents died when she was still a girl, in the church - the Maiden. Mary lived and was brought up at the temple until she grew up. When She was 14 years old, her upbringing was over, and Mary could not stay at the temple. She did not want to get married, having made a promise to serve God, but according to the law of the ancient Jews, she was not supposed to live alone. Therefore, the Virgin Mary was betrothed to an 80-year-old man Joseph. His wife died, he had adult children, and he became Mary instead of a father. Joseph's house was in the city Nazareth. It was to the city of Nazareth that God sent him Archangel Gabriel. He appeared to the Virgin Mary and said: “Do not be afraid, Mary! I bring you glad tidings: Your Son will soon be born. He will be the Son of God Himself. You will call Him Jesus (Hebrew "Savior") Christ (Greek "Anointed One"). Elder Joseph also had a vision of this amazing event in a dream.

People have long been waiting for the birth of the Savior.

Why did people expect the birth of the Savior? In what city, according to the prediction of the prophets, was the Savior to be born?

Teacher: (Slide 9 - 10)

The prophets foretold that He would be born in the city Bethlehem. Bethlehem was a small town similar to other cities in the land of Judah. In Palestine, which was under the rule of the Roman Empire, then reigned Herod the Great. The Roman emperor Augustus decided to find out how many subjects each had, and ordered a nationwide census. Each person had to return to the city where his ancestors lived. To Bethlehem, the city where I was born king david, his descendants were to return. Among the descendants of King David were the pious Joseph and the Virgin Mary.

Righteous Joseph and the Blessed Virgin set out on their journey. (Cartoon "Christmas" Appendix 2).

How did the savior come into being?

What is a nursery? Does this word occur in modern life?

Who was the first to know about the birth of the Savior?

What do you think the angel said to them?

What was the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ?

Teacher: (Slide 11)

At the hour when Jesus Christ was born, a great fire lit up in the sky. star. And earlier it was believed that a bright star lights up at the birth of great people. This star was seen by three wise men, they are also called Magi: Gaspard, Melchior and Belshazzar who lived in the East. They realized that the King expected by the whole world had already been born. The wise men followed the star and came to King Herod. “Where is the King of the Jews who has been born? We have come to worship Him. Hearing this, King Herod was alarmed that his power would not be taken away from him and the royal throne would not be transferred to the newborn King. Herod gathered the scribes to him and asked: “Where is Christ to be born?” They answered: “In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written through the prophet” (Matthew 2, 2). Him, tell me so that I can go and worship Him.”

Do you think Herod really wanted to worship Jesus?

And why did he need to know where the Baby was?

Teacher:(Slide 12-14)

The Magi, after listening to King Herod, went to Bethlehem. A star in the sky was walking in front of the Magi, and suddenly the star stopped over the place where the born Baby Jesus was.

The Magi entered the house and saw the Infant Jesus with Holy Mother of God. They bowed to Him to the ground and offered their gifts: gold(as King), Lebanon - incense - resin of a rare tree (as God, because incense is used in worship) and myrrh- precious, fragrant oil (as a person who must die, because the dead were then anointed with fragrant oils). The next day, the wise men were going to return to King Herod, but an angel appeared to them and told them to return by another way. At the same time, another angel appeared to Joseph and said: “Get up, take the Child and His Mother, and run with them to Egypt, and stay there until I appear to you again, because King Herod is looking for the Child to destroy him.” But Herod was very angry and ordered to put to death all male babies from the moment of birth to two years. These infants were the first martyrs who suffered for Christ. In the temples there is an icon of the “Bethlehem babies”, where they pray for innocently killed babies. Joseph obeyed the angel and went with Mary to Egypt. And they lived there until the death of King Herod.


What do you know about the celebration of Christmas in Rus' and in Russia?

Teacher: (Slide 15)

Christmas in Rus' began to be celebrated more than a thousand years ago. Officially, this holiday appeared after Prince Vladimir was baptized, and Rus' became Orthodox.

Let's take a look at the dates. Today we have already said that in Europe Christmas is celebrated on December 25, and in Russia on January 7.
- What is the reason for this discrepancy?

This discrepancy is due to the fact that the Russian Church celebrates church holidays according to the Gregorian calendar (according to the new style). And in Europe, church holidays are still celebrated according to the Julian calendar (according to the old style). The difference is 13 days.

They celebrated Christmas widely, on a grand scale, for several days. And every day of the holiday was necessarily associated with some custom.
What is the name of the day before Christmas? (Slide 16)

The day before Christmas was called Christmas Eve. On this day, it was impossible to eat anything until the first star lit up in the sky. In the evening, tables were laid, various treats were prepared. And children were given gifts.

After Christmas Eve came the great religious holiday- Christmas. On this day, it was customary to treat everyone, congratulate, have fun and glorify the birth of Jesus. Be sure to put on everything new, the tables were covered with rich tablecloths, the hut was cleaned and dressed up for Christmas. It was impossible to sew, weave or knit on this day - it was believed that this would attract bad luck. The night before Christmas was considered magical, magical. Our ancestors believed that this night comes to life devilry. She celebrates the last night on earth, because with the dawn she will have to disappear.

Since the night is so magical, people figured out how to protect themselves from evil spirits. They performed a caroling ceremony.

Do you know what carols are? (Slide 17)

Boys and girls gathered together, went from house to house and sang special songs in which they wished everyone happiness, health and wealth. For this, the owners of the house rewarded carolers with refreshments. And so that the evil spirits could not catch the carolers, young people dressed up: some in a goat, some in a mermaid, some in a goblin. It was believed that in such a guise, evil spirits would not recognize a person.

vocabulary work:

Carols are perky, cheerful songs that glorified the birth of Jesus and sounded the wishes of health and happiness.


Christmas Eve
Who will give the pie
That is why the barn is full of cattle,
Sheep with oats
A stallion with a tail!
Who will not give a pie,
To that chicken leg,
Pestle, yes a shovel,
Humpback cow.

Look at the picture:

What is familiar to you in the picture? (decorated Christmas tree, lights, star on top) (Slide 18)

The bright star symbolized the very star that the shepherds saw on the night when Christ was born.

But the custom to decorate a spruce came to us from Germany. The Christmas tree was considered a symbol of nature, because it remains the same green and fluffy in winter. One of the legends says that on the night of the birth of Jesus, all the trees on earth began to bear fruit. And the Christmas tree is no exception. That is why it was customary to decorate spruce with tangerines, nuts, apples. And later, instead of fruits and sweets, colorful balls began to be hung on the Christmas tree.
F. Dostoevsky "God's gift" (Slide 19)

Little Angel on Christmas Eve
God sent to earth:
“How will you go through the spruce forest,
He said with a smile,
You will cut down the Christmas tree, and the baby
The kindest on earth
The most affectionate and sensitive
Give me as a memory of Me.”
And the little angel was embarrassed:
“But to whom shall I give it?
How to find out which of the children
Will there be God's grace?
“You will see for yourself,” God replied.
And the heavenly guest went.
The moon has already risen, the path was bright
And led to a huge city.
Holiday speeches everywhere
Everywhere happiness awaits children ...
Throwing a Christmas tree on his shoulders,
An angel happily walks...
Look into the windows yourself, -
There's a big celebration!
The trees are lit up
As happens at Christmas.
And hurriedly from house to house
The angel began to move
To find out who he owes
Give the tree of God.
And beautiful and obedient
He saw many children. -
All at the sight of God's Christmas tree,
Forgetting everything, they were drawn to her.
Who shouts: "I'm standing on a Christmas tree!"
Who reproaches him for that:
"You can't compare to me,
I'm kinder than you!"
“No, I deserve a Christmas tree
And worthy of others!”
Angel listens calmly
Looking at them sadly.
Everyone is praising each other
Everyone praises himself
At an opponent with fear
Or looking with envy.
And on the street, drooping,
The angel came out… “My God!
Teach to whom I could
Give your priceless gift!”
And on the street meets
Little angel - he stands,
Looks at the Christmas tree of God, -
And the eyes burn with delight.
Christmas tree! Herringbone! - clapped
He's in the palm of his hand. - I wish I
I don't deserve this tree
And it's not for me...
But take it to your sister
What lies with us is sick.
Make her so happy -
She is worth the Christmas tree!
Don't cry in vain!"
The boy whispered to the angel.
And with a smile a clear angel
He handed the Christmas tree to the little one.
And then by some miracle
The stars fell from the sky
And, sparkling emerald,
In the branches of the Christmas tree stuck.
The tree sparkles and shines, -
She is given a heavenly symbol;
And trembles with delight
Amazed little boy...
And, knowing such love,
Angel moved to tears
Good news to God
As a priceless gift, brought.

Who is called the most kind, affectionate and sensitive?

Guys, we listened to a piece of music, watched an animated film, read a poetic work dedicated to the great holiday of Christmas.

And what other kind of creativity allows us to plunge deeper into the atmosphere of an amazing event - the birth of the Savior?

When a church holiday comes, an icon of the holiday is placed in the middle of the church.

(Icon display) (Slide 20)

What do you see on it?

What do we see in the center of the icon?

Why was the Child born in a poor cave?

Who is pictured above?

What did the angels sing on the night of Christmas?

How did they know that the Savior had been born?

Who else is depicted on the icon to the right and left of the cave?

How did the shepherds learn about the birth of the Savior?

And how did the magi know about the birth of the baby?

Who is at the bottom of the icon?

And below it is depicted how the baby is washed.

What else is shown on the icon?

5. Primary fastening.

Who were the earthly parents of Christ? (Virgin Mary and Joseph)

And who really was the Father of the Child? (God)

That's right, Jesus Christ is called the God-Man, because He was also a Baby, as every person is, but at the same time He was the Son of God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. He felt hungry and thirsty, rejoiced and sad. Everything that people have was also with Him. Except one thing: Jesus Christ had no sins.

What is the name of the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ? (Christmas)

The king who wanted to kill the baby Jesus (Herod)

The place where the Virgin Mary laid the Newborn (Manger)

What brought the Magi to the house of Jesus Christ? (Star)

What does God not have, but we have? (Sin)

What did the Magi bring to the Baby? (Gifts)

What is the name of the city where the Savior was born? (Bethlehem)

Independent work (Crossword. Appendix 3)(Slide 21 - 22)

6. Reflection of activity. Summary of the lesson. (Slide 23)

What holiday are we talking about today?

What new did you learn in the lesson?

Information sources

  1. "Law of God". Publishing House of the Belarusian Exarchate of the Moscow Patriarchate. - Minsk: 2013. 2nd ed.
  2. I go to class at primary school. Fundamentals of Orthodox culture: a book for teachers. - M .: Publishing House "First of September", 2013.
  3. "Ten Commandments". Archpriest Boris Balashov. "Christian Life", Klin: 2012.
  4. "Great Holidays" Archpriest Boris Balashov. "Christian Life", Klin: 2010.
  5. I'm going to Sunday school. The law of God and the lessons of children's creativity. - M.: Publishing house of the Moscow Patriarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church, 2013.

Winter. Christmas

Winter. Christmas

PURPOSE: To introduce children to the season - winter. Encourage them to answer simple questions. Learn to recognize the Christ Child in pictures, take a prayer pose, repeat the prayer after the teacher (for younger children, repeat the word "Amen"). Induce a cheerful, joyful mood. Cultivate love for God, interest in Sabbath school.

Memory Text: Luke 2, 11 “Your Savior is born!”


1.Good morning, kids! I am glad to see you all, so smart and cheerful.

2. This is our Saturday bell, he will call you to the lesson. When it rings, the children will quietly sit on the chairs. Let's play with it. That's how the bell rings! All children sit on chairs.

The bell is ringing

Says to our kids:

Ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding,

Invites to the lesson

Go, Yulechka, go, Vovochka,

Go, Katyusha - listen to a song.

Children sit on chairs.

3. Children, a little donkey Eeyore came to our lesson (the teacher shows a toy), this is a good donkey, he loves to play with children and listen interesting stories. Say hello to the donkey.

(Children say: "Hello, donkey!"). Let's sing together with the donkey a song about the Sabbath day.

The song "Good Morning Saturday" (you can sing any other song on the topic).

4. Donkey Eeyore wants to meet the kids. Who came to our lesson?

The song “Who came to our lesson?” is sung, the teacher brings a donkey to each child, they shake his leg. (Instead of a donkey, you can use other animals that are involved in the Christmas story: a sheep, a goat, a lamb, etc.)

5. Now let's pray to Jesus. Let's put the handles like this. (The teacher shows and helps the children fold their hands), let's get on our knees, like this (on the rug), close our eyes and pray.

“Dear Jesus! Thank you for the Sabbath day, for all the children. Bless the lesson, help me remember everything. Amen".

The teacher encourages the children to repeat the prayer or the word "Amen".

6. We have birthdays today (names children). Let's congratulate them with a song, shake their hand, hug them tightly and give the birthday boy a book. (Any song is sung and the teacher prays for the birthday people, calling their names).

7. Our donkey Eeyore collects gifts for Jesus. The donkey will take these gifts to a distant land. The money will be used to buy children's Bibles for their birthdays. Today we will collect money .... (older children are assigned). Who brought gifts to Jesus? Put them in a bag that hangs on the back of the mustache. (The song "I brought a gift to Jesus" or another song on the topic is sung.)

Prayer over gifts with children.

“Dear Jesus, accept our gifts for the poor children in a distant land. Bless them. Amen".


I. Narrated rug: "Winter picture".

1.Kids, do you know what season it is now? Winter. All the leaves have fallen from the trees. Where are the leaves? There are no leaves. Trees without leaves. And what is on the ground? This is snow (show a picture of a tree in the snow).

2. The snow is so white-white, cold and wet. Touch the snowball (the assistant brings snow or an ice icicle. If there is no snow, we continue to look at the picture). If you touch the snow (ice), the handles will be wet.

Have you seen the snow fall? First, white clouds (flanelegraph, white clouds) come to the sky, then snow falls from there.

"White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling, laying down."

3. Now I will give you white snowflakes. Look how beautiful they are (give children D = 15 cm snowflakes cut out of thick paper, covered with a transparent adhesive film). Let's sing a song about snowflakes (children sing a song and stick snowflakes on a flannelograph. You can just wave the snowflakes, depicting them falling).

"Snowflakes, snowflakes,

white fluff,

Quietly - quietly falling,

Our children are happy!”

4. You can make a snowman out of snow, like this! (show crafts made of cotton wool, large). To make a snowman, you first need to roll a snowball (the teacher takes a piece of cotton and rolls in a circular motion). Let's make snowballs (children are given pieces of cotton wool and they roll snowballs. Parents and the teacher help them by teaching them how to roll). (Children of 2-3 years old learn to sculpt in circular motions in the gardens, the younger ones can simply hold the cotton wool in their hands). Oh, how many snowballs we have, and how beautiful they are!

5. What else do kids like to do in winter? They love sledging (picture of a child on a sled). These are sleds, you also rode them. Look, the baby is warmly dressed, because it's cold outside. He is wearing a coat, hat, scarf. And our children came to the lesson warmly dressed. The kid plays, rides, he has fun. Let's play too.

Warm up

Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and spin like snowflakes (children stand in a circle and dance around the words).

"Snow, snow is spinning,

White all street!

We gathered in a circle

Roll like a snowball"

Repeat 2 times in different directions.

Well, our children circled like snowflakes. And now, quietly, our "snowflakes" sit on the chairs.

II. Bible story. Christmas

1. In winter there is a holiday that all children love - Christmas. Christmas is the day when people remember the birth of Jesus. When Jesus was born, He was small like you. And He had a father and a mother (flanegraph: Joseph and Mary on a donkey). My mother's name was Mary and my father's name was Joseph. Before Jesus was born, His mother Mary and father Joseph had to go to another city. They didn't have a car and Mary rode on a donkey, like our Eeyore (show a toy), And Joseph walked alongside. And it was heard how Joseph’s feet stomped along the road: “Top-top-top, top-top-top”, and nearby a donkey was clapping its hooves: “Tsok-tsok-tsok, tsok-tsok-tsok”. How did Joseph's feet stomp? (children repeat), but how did the donkey knock with its hooves? (repeat).

Let's show you how they went.

A game.

1. Joseph's legs walked along the track "Top-top-top, top-top-top" (children take big steps, the teacher shows the movement). The donkey's legs walked along the path "Tsok-tsok-tsok, tsok-tsok-tsok" (raising legs bent at the knees high).

2.Here they came to the city. Maria is tired and wants to sleep. But where will they sleep? They knocked on the door: "Knock knock." Let's knock with chopsticks (palm, fist on the knee, table): "Knock-knock, knock-knock." Uncle came out and said: "I don't have a place, go to the shed." And they went to the shed (flanelegraph). There were many animals there: sheep, cows, donkeys (show large pictures). Let's put the animals in the shed (hand out the animals from the flannelograph, the children attach to the canvas).

3. And at night Jesus was born. He was very small. Mary wrapped Jesus in soft swaddling clothes, like this, and put him in the manger (wrap the doll in a swaddling cloth and put it in a box). Mary and Joseph were very happy with their son. Mary said, "How good He is," Joseph said, "We'll call Him Jesus." It was Jesus' birthday.

4. When you were born, your dads and moms wanted to tell everyone that you were born. They called on the phone and said: “Hello! Hello! Grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunt! We have Sasha! (Phone. Dial the number and speak into the receiver).

How did mom and dad talk? (Children put their palms to their ears and say: “Hello!”).

But then there were no telephones and the angels in heaven decided to sing a song (give out the figures of angels on sticks to the children). The angels came to the shepherds and said: "Your Savior is born» (Memorial verse Luke 2:11). What did the angels say to the shepherds? Raise our angels up and together we will say: “The Savior was born to you” (2 times).

The shepherds went and saw Jesus (picture) and said: “Hello, Jesus! And a big star rose in the sky (show a large carved star). The wise men saw her and said: “Jesus was born there!” (flanegraph). They went to Jesus and gave Him gifts.

What will we give Jesus? Let's give Him our hearts (hand out cut-out hearts from flannel or sandpaper on the back, the children stick them on the canvas near Jesus).

We will also give Jesus a song. A song with musical instruments or with movements.

"Little Jesus lies in a manger,

Mom cherishes little Jesus.

Feed, hold, pet him

And quietly sing a song for him.


1. Let's repeat our verse (hand out angels on sticks). What did the angels say to the shepherds? "Your Savior is born." (The teacher distributes the donkey figurines with the written text of the memorable verse to the children)

2. Song (repeat from those that were sung in the lesson)

3. Prayer: “Heavenly Father! Thank You for the little Jesus who was born on our earth. We love Him and want to be obedient like Him too. Amen"

Task for parents:

1. The children were presented with a paper donkey with a written memory verse. At home, for a month, parents should remind them of the story of Jesus' birth and repeat the memory verse. The donkey figurine can then be placed in a special notebook of memorable verses. According to the figures, the children will easily remember all the learned Bible verses.

2. Build a snowman with the children for a week. Can be sculpted from plasticine or wool.

Carpet games:

1. The game "Stomp on the path."

“Big feet walked along the path: top top, top top (take big steps); small legs ran along the path: top-top, top-top (running); the donkey's legs pounded along the path: tsok-tsok, tsok-tsok (raising legs at the knee); the bear's legs walked along the path (waddling from one foot to the other); bunny legs jumped along the path: jump-jump, jump-jump (jumping on two legs).

2. Construction of cubes. Shed for a donkey.

From 3 cubes:

Complication in class 3-4.

1. Instead of a picture of a winter landscape, use a mock-up in a box or a foam board.

2. Instead of a flannelgraph - a table theater.

4. Instead of a picture of a child on a sled, you can take a doll and a toy sled. When we show the doll on the sled, we pronounce the verse:

The sled rolled down

Hold on tight doll

You sit, don't fall

Maybe a hole ahead.
