Abstract of the lesson "Winter fun" of a teacher-defectologist with children of senior preschool age with mental retardation. Synopsis of the integrated lesson in the senior group "winter fun" Synopsis of winter winter fun in the senior group



To consolidate children's knowledge about winter, winter phenomena;
- improve knowledge about winter holidays, fun;


Expand and activate vocabulary on the topic "Winter, winter fun»;
- improve word-changing skills;
- develop articulatory motility, speech breathing;
- develop phonemic perception;
- improve communication skills;
- learn to coordinate speech with movements;
- develop general and fine motor skills;
- develop dexterity, speed of reaction, coordination of movements, spatial representations;
- develop expressiveness of speech and expressiveness of movements;
- develop logical thinking, attention, memory, imagination.


Cultivate a feeling of love for native nature, winter holidays;
- to cultivate a tolerant attitude towards the answers of children;
- to form the ability to work and play in a team.


Costumes of Winter, Bear, paper snowflakes and snowballs (for each child),
pictures (in the names of which the first sounds are: Z, I, M, A, C, T, U, F, A, C, N, E, F, O, K),
pictures for the game "Without what there is no winter?",
4 booms
fitballs (for each child),
audio aids “Burners.
Russians folk games with singing for children 4-7 years old,
"Lullabies" (E. Zheleznova).

Lesson progress

1) Organizational moment.

The children sat down in their seats. Knock on the door. Pinocchio appears on skis. The teacher brings Pinocchio and says: “Guys, we have a guest, did you find out who it is?

Pinocchio: " Hello guys! I learned that today you will talk about winter games and fun, so I got ready.” Teacher: “Pinocchio, but they ski on the street, in the snow. Take off your skis and come in, sit down. Guys, Pinocchio is right, today we will talk about winter games and fun.

2) Repetition of the material covered.

Guys, what time of year is it?
Let's play a game called "Repeat, don't make a mistake." I will name three words, and you repeat them.

December January February
January - February - December
February - December - January

What do these words mean?
Name the winter months in order.

3) Vocabulary work.

Listen to the poem.

We are skiing
We are running down the mountain.
We love the fun of the cold season.

How do you understand the word "fun" (these are games, entertainment).
- And how do you understand the expression "cold time?"
- So this poem is about winter games and entertainment.

4) Work on the lexical and grammatical structure of speech .

Pinocchio has prepared riddles for you.

I wasn't raised
Blinded from the snow.
And inserted deftly
I have a carrot in my nose.

How did you know it was a snowman? Show picture ( ).
- For each correct answer, I will give you these tokens with a snowman.
Let's play with the word "snowman".

The game is called "Finish the sentence".

    We decided to make .... (snowman).

    We attached a carrot nose to our .... (snowman).

    We showed our neighbors .... (snowman).

    We played with ... (snowman).

    We told everyone about .... (snowman).

(The teacher evaluates the answers of the children) - Well done, guys, you used the word “snowman” correctly. (I give tokens.)

5) Fizkultminutka.

Guys, Pinocchio offers to go out and play with him.

Snow, snow white snow (“Swing” with hands.)
He showers us all.
The children all got up on skis (“Stand up” on skis.)
And they ran through the snow. (“Run.”)
Today from a snowy wet ball (“Katim kom”)
We made a snowman near the house (We draw three circles with our hands.)
Our woman is standing at the very gate.
Nobody gets through, nobody gets through. (We threaten with a finger.)

6) A conversation about winter fun.

We had a little rest, and now we continue to talk about the winter fun of children.

Narrative picture about a snowman ( ).

Who is in the picture?
- What are the children doing?
What is the snowman like?
Who came to see the snowman?

Guess another riddle of Pinocchio.

Two new maple
Two-meter soles:
We put two feet on them
And run through the big snows.

That's right, it's skiing.

Show picture.

Look at this picture ).
- Who is in the picture?
How are the guys dressed?
- What are the guys doing?

The guys put on sportswear for comfortable skiing.

I have guys
Two skates, two skates.
They sleep all summer long.
Horses love only ice.

Show picture.

Look at the big picture ).
- Who do you see in the picture?
How are the guys dressed?
- What are the children doing?
- To skate, you need a special area. What should this site be covered with?
Who do you see in this picture?
How are the boys dressed?
What is the name of the game the boys play?
What do the boys have in their hands?
Who is at the gate?
Why do you need a goalkeeper?

And always on the hill
I walk myself.
And my horse
I lead by the rope.

Look at the picture ).
- What are the guys doing?
- From the mountain on a sled, you need to carefully ride so as not to fall, like this girl, and not hurt yourself.
- Look at this boy. Do you know what he rides down the mountain?
– I know that Seryozha and Andrey also have a snow scooter. Do you boys like snowmobiling?
- Today we got acquainted with winter games and entertainment. Look out the window. How much snow is outside. Snow lies on the ground, on trees, on the roofs of houses.

7) Physical education.

Imagine that I have a magic wand in my hands. I will now touch your hand with a wand, and you will turn into snowflakes. (Music sounds during exercise.)

The wind blew, and the snowflakes flew smoothly into the clearing. The wind subsides, snowflakes fall down. The wind blows stronger again and the snowflakes rise up. I will again touch the wand to your hand, and you will turn into boys and girls and quietly sit down in your seats.

8) Collective compilation of the story.

Guys, look how many pictures we have about winter fun. It turned out to be an art gallery. In a real art gallery, there are many paintings on the walls, we have a small art gallery. Now we will compose a story for Pinocchio based on these pictures. (The teacher himself can start the story or you can remind the children where to start the story.)

Winter came. There was a lot of snow outside. Snow lies on the ground, on trees, on the roofs of houses. The children had a lot of interesting games and entertainment.

Who will write the story next? (For each picture, the children say several sentences.)
- And you need to finish the story with a description of the mood of the children, say why they have such a mood.

9) Independent storytelling in the picture.

Children, if desired, independently talk about winter fun and games.

10) The result of the lesson.

Guys, Pinocchio says that he liked your stories from pictures. He saw an art gallery for the first time and now he dreams of going to a real big art gallery. Now let's count our tokens. I give everyone this sheet ( ), it needs to be colored. Here you see, children's winter fun is drawn. And Pinocchio says goodbye to you, he needs to run home to Papa Carlo. Goodbye.

Raila Usmonova
Abstract of the lesson in senior group on the theme "Winter. Winter fun»


Classes in the senior group

Subject: « Winter. Winter fun» .

Program content:

Educational tasks:

1. Summarize and clarify children's knowledge about winter and winter fun.

2. Enrich the vocabulary of children at the expense of words-actions, words-signs.

3. Develop coherent speech (composing proposals on the topic classes« Winter. Winter fun» ).

Development tasks:

1. Develop auditory and visual attention, perception, memory, speech hearing.

2. Develop personal quality: activity, curiosity.

3. Develop the prerequisites for training activities: the ability to listen to an adult and follow his instructions.

Educational tasks:

1. Cultivate a steady interest in classes, the desire for vigorous activity, independence in decision-making.

preliminary work:

Observations of the weather, snow flakes; winter Games.


Snowflakes; plot pictures; toy - snowman; phonogram "Seasons"; presentation « Winter riddles» .

vocabulary work:

Winter - winter, snowflake, silvery, snow-white, snowballs, snowman; frosty, snowy, windy.

Individual work: activate during Rustam's classes, Daniel Kovalenko.

Lesson progress:

Guys, listen poem:

Ah yes winter - winter

How to decorate the house!

Bleached everything around

All roofs are covered with white fluff.

There will be slides in the yard

On fun for kids.

Do you guys love winter?

Children - Yes!

- And the girls? And boys?

Children - Yes!

I want to hear what you know about winter. Can you tell me what the weather is like in winter? I propose options:

If it's snowing outside, the weather...

Snow - (snowy);

Freezing - (frosty);

Wind - (windy);

Cold - (cold)

Didactic game "Yes and no"

The teacher offers phrases to the children, and the children determine whether it happens in winter or No: There is snow in the winter. In winter, people bathe in the river. In winter they ride a bike. In winter, people wear fur coats. And so on.

A game "Say a word".

In winter, everything around is covered with white fluffy snow. Let's play with the word "snow".

“Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, falls to the ground. (Snow.)

Silver fluffs are gliding from the sky. (Snowflakes.)

Everyone is racing, everyone wants to play. (Snowballs.)

As if dressed in a white down jacket. (Snowman.)


Children, all stand in a circle,

Start the game soon.

(Children stand in a circle).

"Finally came winter, (Children spread their arms to the sides)

The houses became white (fold hands over head)

It's snowing outside (move arms up and down)

Janitor sweeps the street (Imitate)

We're sledding (Squat, hands stretch forward)

We write circles on the rink (Hands are laid behind the back, slowly spinning)

Skiing skillfully, (Imitate)

And we all play snowballs. (Make and throw snowballs)

Well, we have a game again. Let's play kids?

Children - Yes!

A game "Call it sweetly".

Though winter everything froze and swept up, but we love her and affectionately call her what? (Winter).

Freezing - (frost).

Ice - (ice).

Cold - (chill).

Snow - (snowball).

Snowflake - (snowflake).

Christmas tree - (herringbone)

Sled - (sleigh)

Slide - (hill)

Why do we love winter so much? Let's tell you what you can do in winter, how you can have fun.

Making proposals for plot pictures.

(children look at pictures, make sentences, help in case of difficulty)

Breathing exercises.

In winter, a cold wind often blows, and cheerful snowflakes fly in the sky.

"blew winter breeze, the snow flew.

Snow, snow, white snow, it covers you all.”

I will turn you into a cold breeze, and you will help me blow on the snowflakes. (Hands out snowflakes)

Do you know how to blow properly? We inhale deeply through the nose, do not raise the shoulders. When exhaling, do not puff out the cheeks. (Children take snowflakes on strings and blow on them for a long time, watching the snowflakes whirl).

Those are some pretty snowflakes. Let's take a closer look at them ... Each of them is unique. Let's pick beautiful words for snowflakes. What snowflakes? (Silver, small, airy, sparkling, lacy, snow-white, cold, shiny). Well done, now look at your snowflakes again ...

Exercise for vision correction.

We saw a snowflake - we played with a snowflake. (Children take a snowflake in their hand. You need to stretch the snowflake forward in front of you, focus on it).

Snowflakes flew to the right, eyes looked to the right. (Take the snowflake to the right, follow the movement with your eyes).

Here the snowflakes flew, eyes looked to the left. (Take the snowflake to the left, follow the movement with your eyes).

The wind lifted the snow up and lowered it to the ground (Raise snowflakes up and down).

Children look up and down. All! They lay down on the ground. (Turn around and sit down, dropping the snowflake on the floor).

We close our eyes (Close your eyes with your hands). The eyes are resting.

Guys, do you like to solve riddles?

Children: Yes!

Presentation starts « Winter riddles» .Children sit on chairs and guess riddles.

Well done boys! How well and attentively you know how to listen and solve riddles.

What did we do today? What did you like? (children's answers, I summarize, I draw a conclusion).

Related publications:

Sanke-sledge. Liza - skis, Kolka - clubs and skates. The blessed days have come for the kids. Snow in the forest and on the alley, And the river was covered.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the senior group "Storytelling based on the painting" Winter Fun " Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 49", Syktyvkar SUMMARY OF THE INTEGRATED lesson.

Synopsis of musical and educational activities in the senior group "Winter Fun" Integration educational areas: "Communication", "Cognition", "Music", "Reading fiction”, “Health”, “Artistic.

Synopsis of GCD in the senior group. Drawing up a story based on the illustration "Winter Fun" Purpose: To improve the compilation of a story based on an illustration, supplementing it with your own assumptions, guesses. Develop connected speech.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the first junior group "Winter Fun" Examination of plot pictures specially created for kindergartens - effective remedy development of connected speech. Storytelling training.

Lesson "Winter fun. Sport” is held as part of the implementation of the author’s program “Cheerful tongue”. Compiled by: teacher-speech therapist Kuzina Svetlana Borisovna, music director Nikitushina Lyubov Valerievna. MBDOU Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 53 "Cheburashka", Klin, Moscow Region.

On the topic "Winter fun" are held with children from preparatory group. The month of the event is February.

Objectives of the thematic lesson:

  • To consolidate children's knowledge about winter fun and the winter season.
  • To develop the ability of children to distinguish the sound [O] from a number of vowel sounds.
  • To acquaint children with the complex of self-massage of the face and neck.
  • To develop dynamic coordination, accuracy and clarity of movements at a given tempo and rhythm of musical accompaniment.
  • Develop children's singing skills with the help of health and phonemic exercises.

Lesson progress WINTER FUN

1. Organizational moment.

Today we will do winter sports.

Sounds music from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" "About skates."

Exercise "Winter exercise".

We are not afraid of powders,
We catch snow - clap your hands.
Hands to the sides, at the seams,
There will be enough snow for us and for you.

Inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.
Breathe deeper and then
March in place slowly.
How good the weather is!

We are now throwers
We hit the enemy.
Swing, throw your hand.
A snowball is flying straight at the target.

We walk through the snowdrifts
On steep snowdrifts.
Raise your leg up
Pave the way for others.

We will sit on a stump together,
Let's rest and get up again.
We'll clap our hands
We are not afraid of powder.

Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth
Breathe deeper and then
March in place slowly.
How good the weather is!

2. Acquaintance with the topic "Name the winter sports."

I sit down and roll
From the mountain I rush
But it's not a sled
But just ... (ice).

I took two oak bars,
Two iron rails.
I stuffed planks on the bars,
Give me snow! Ready ... (sled).

He looks like one board,
But proud of the name
It's called ... (snowboard).

Two birch horses
They carry me through the snow.
These red horses
And their name is ... (skiing).

Winter gives us a gift
Ruddy days.
Hurry to the snow
Get on the ice
On skis and ... (skates).

On the icy platform cry,
A student rushes to the gate.
Everyone shouts: “Puck! Hockey stick! Bey!
fun game… (hockey).

Suddenly a polished movement
Grab your rifle and shoot!
Hit aiming at the targets -
One, two, four, five.
And rushed down the slope.
What is this? ... (Biathlon.)

3. Self-massage of biologically active points "Remember the summer."

Even though the winter has come (Rubbing palms.)
We will not forget the sun. (Put palms to the forehead with a “peak” and vigorously rub the forehead.)
Let's remember everything today (Spread the index and middle fingers with a fork and rub the points in front of and behind the ears.)
How did you play in the summer? (Rubbing the wings of the nose with the index fingers.)
We will walk through the meadows (Alternately pass the palms along the neck to the right and left.)
Let's get more strength. (Rubbing palms.)

4. Articulation-respiratory and facial exercises.

  • "Hockey" - we drive the "puck" (tongue) into the "gate" (cheeks). The mouth is closed.
  • "Weightlifter" - stick the tongue to the upper palate ("Fungus").
  • "Skaters" - lick your lips with your tongue ("Delicious jam").

Mimic exercises:

  • Rejoiced at the victory!
  • Frustrated with failure.
  • Focused on getting started.

Breathing exercises:

  • Inhale for a count of 1-5, exhale for a count of 1-3. On the exhale, hiss [shshshshsh].

5. Musical game "What do we like in winter?" (E. Tilicheeva).

6. Listening to the work “A coward does not play hockey” (music by A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by N. Dobronravov).

7. Finger game.

We made a snowball (Imitation of sculpting a lump.)
The ears were made later. (Index and thumb make clothespins.)
And just instead of eyes -
We have coals. (A pinch of fingers - coals.)
The rabbit came out alive: (Stroking the rabbit.)
Both tail and head.
Do not pull on the mustache - ("They tremble.")
They are from straws.
Long, shiny (We pull the antennae with a pinch.)
Exactly real.

8. Exercise for coordination of movement and speech "Winter Fun" (N. Nishcheva).

We run with you on skis, (Children pretend to ski.)
Snow cold skis licks.
And then - on skates, (Depict skating.)
But we fell. Oh! (Fall.)
And then the snowballs were made, (They stand, squeezing an imaginary snowball with their palms.)
And then the snowballs rolled, (They roll an imaginary lump.)
And then they fell down (Fall.)
And we ran home. (Run in circles.)

9. Singing "Everyone goes in for sports."

10. Outdoor games.

Game "Hockey" - you need to hit the goal with a snowball.

The game "Biathlon" - you need to hit the target (basket) with a snowball.

11. Relaxation.

Against the background of music, the teacher reads a poem by A.S. Pushkin "Winter Morning".

Frost and sun - a wonderful day!
You are still dozing, my lovely friend -
It's time, beauty, wake up:
Open eyes closed by bliss
Towards the northern Aurora,
Be the star of the north!

Integrated lesson in the senior group "Winter fun" (Connected speech + application)

Compiled by: Bondareva E.A. (speech therapist 1st quarter) and Maltseva T.V. (teacher of the 1st quarter cat.)

Target : consolidating children's knowledge about winter.


Cognition. To consolidate knowledge about the season of winter, its signs.

Communication: Learn to select homogeneous definitions and verbs.

Develop dialogic speech. Improve your ability to clearly answer questions.

Learn to make complex sentences with the meaning of opposition.

Perfectioncommunication skills , establishing interpersonal trust, developing empathy and interest in communication partners.

Artistic and creative. Teach children to cut out circles from squares, carefully stick them on paper. Fix the rules for working with scissors.

Physical training. To form motor activity, flexibility of fingers, hands, the ability to imitate the teacher's actions, to understand his verbal attitudes.

Socialization. Contribute to the accumulation of emotionally positive experience. To educate children in goodwill, the ability to perform a joint task.

preliminary work . Observations, games, snowman constructions, fortresses; conversations, viewing illustrations, reading stories about winter, winter entertainment.

Material: whatman of blue color, squares, scissors, klester, brushes, oilcloths, balls.

Lesson progress .

1 part. Teacher: Guys, let's join hands and greet each other and those who are visiting us.

On this wonderful winter day

We are not too lazy to say hello

Helmet hello we all around.

I am your friend and you are my friend!

We send greetings to all guests.

You are very, very welcome!

L: says a few proverbs about friendship

Friendship is the most precious treasure.
- Friendship is more valuable than money.
- Life is hard without a friend.
- Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you won't put it together.
- Cherish friendship, do not rush to forget it.
A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

Look what a beauty! (showing illustrations or slides with winter landscapes)

Can you tell me what season is in these photos? (Winter. It's winter.)

Do you love winter? (YES)

In the summer I went to the south and met guys from the south kindergarten and yesterday I received a letter from them. They write that they do not know what kind of winter we have.

How can you help them learn about winter? (Tell, draw, write, film) Right. Let's make up a story for them about winter, but first, let's remember everything about this wonderful time of the year.

Let's pretend it's winter.

Close our eyes and listen to music. What did you present?

Guys, what else can you say about our winter?

(In winter it is cold and there is a lot of snow, water bodies are covered with ice.)

What is ice? What is snow? What is it like? ((Children. White, cold, fluffy, clean, light, sparkling, silvery, creaky, dry, sticky, wet, loose) What are snowflakes like? What do they look like? (take snowflakes)

Breathing exercises.

How Santa Claus blew -
Frost in the air
Flying, spinning
Ice stars.

Do you know how to blow properly? We take a deep breath through the nose, the shoulders do not rise, we exhale through the mouth, slowly and for a long time.

Children take snowflakes on strings and blow on them for a long time, watching the snowflakes whirl while the teacher reads a poem:

Snowflakes are spinning in the frosty air.
Lace stars fall to the ground.
One fell into my palm.
Oh, don't hide, snowflake, wait a little.

Say a word"

In winter, the whole earth is covered with snow, let's play with the word "snow", say a word:

Quiet, quiet, as in a dream,

Falls to the ground. (Snow.)

Fluffs all slide from the sky -

Silvery. (Snowflakes.)

To the villages, to the meadow

Everything is going down. (Snowball.)

Here's some fun for the kids -

Everything is stronger. (Snowfall.)

Everyone is running,

Everyone wants to play. (Snowballs.)

Like a white down jacket

Dressed up. (Snowman.)

Next to the snow figurine -

This girl -. (Snow Maiden.)

In the snow, look -

With red chest. (Bullfinches.)

Like in a fairy tale, like in a dream

Decorated the whole earth. (Snow.)

Repeat all related words to the word SNOW.

Compilation of complex sentences with the meaning of opposition.

Children must complete the sentence and then repeat it in full. :

fall leaves in autumn, and in winter .... snowfall
-in summer it rains, and in winter ... snow
- in spring the snow melts, and in winter ... falls
- in summer they ride bicycles, and in winter ... on sleds
- in the spring the forest wakes up, and in the winter ... sleeps
– in the summer they go rollerblading, and in the winter… they go skating
– in summer it is hot, and in winter ... cold
- in autumn the trees are multi-colored, and in winter ... white, bare
- flowers grow in summer, and in winter ... snowdrifts
- in the summer they swim, and in the winter ... they make a snowman
-in spring, insects wake up, and in winter ... hide


We play snowballs in winter, we play, we play.

We walk on snowdrifts, we walk, we walk.

And on skis we run, we run, we run.

Skating on ice we slide, we slide, we slide.

And we sculpt a snow maiden, we sculpt, we sculpt.

We love winter as a guest, we love, we love.

Tell me, can we tell the guys from the southern kindergarten about our favorite winter fun? What do we like to do in winter? (Skiing, skating, sledding, making a snowman...)

You and I remembered what the weather is like in winter, what games you play. Now we will make sentences about winter. But they must be different, unlike each other. Listen to the proposal I made (snow-covered houses, trees are attached to the magnetic board).

A harsh winter has come. (Now you come up with your own sentences) .

Winter has come to visit us.There is snow in the winter. Trees sleep, stand bare, without leaves. They are covered with snow like a duvet or fur hat. It's cold outside, it's cold.Winter did not come empty-handed. She brought gifts: snowfalls, snowdrifts, blizzards, ice. People need these gifts in order to ski, skate, sled, snowscooter. And you can also make a snowman, build a fortress, play snowballs. This is winter fun. We love winter very much.

Look what a wonderful story we got.

part 2 And now we're going to play with snowballs. Take one snowball and stand in a circle. Repeat the movements after me.

I roll circles with snow

(between palms)

I drive it back and forth

(change hands)

I will stroke their hand


It's like I'm sweeping a crumb

(change hand)

And squeeze it a little


How a cat squeezes its paw

(change hands)

I will press the ball with each finger


And I'll start with the other hand

(change hands)

And now the last trick:

Snowball flies between the hands.

(toss the ball from hand to hand)

Played with snowballs. Tell me, please, what can be built from snowballs (snowman, snow fortress, hill) That's right. Let's build a snow fortress and show it to the guys from the southern kindergarten. What will we build a fortress from? (from paper) Guys, what shape are the snowballs? (round) And we will cut circles from a square. Look, please, I will show you how we will do it. We work with scissors very carefully. We take scissors and cut off the corners of the square, rounding them a little. It turned out a circle, now we smear it with glue on an oilcloth and glue it, pressing it with a napkin. The first lump in our fortress is laid. Let's get to work.

The children are doing the task.

Guys, look what a big fortress we got. Well done. Thanks to all.

Do you think we managed to show and tell about winter in the lesson today so that the children who wrote me a letter could love this season as much as we love it?

Thank you for your work. I will definitely send our story about winter and the fortress to my friends guys in the southern kindergarten.

Program section: Acquaintance with the surrounding world and the development of speech.

Correctional and educational goals:

1. Expansion and refinement of children's ideas about the seasons.

2. Introduce the concept of "Winter fun" (more fun, interesting winter games).

3. Expand children's ideas about the variety of games and entertainment in winter (sledding, skiing, skating, snowman making, snowball fights).

4. Continue to acquaint children with winter phenomena in nature.

5. Expansion of the dictionary on the topic:

Concepts: snowballs, ice rink, slide, snowman, sledge, skiing, hockey.

Actions: ride, slide, accelerate, throw, sculpt, etc.

Signs: snowy, winter, frosty, icy, white, snow-white, cold.

6. Improving the grammatical structure of speech:

  • Agreement of nouns with verbs and numerals.
  • Coordination of concepts with signs and vice versa.
  • The use of prepositions in, on, by, with.
  • The use of pronouns (mine - yours, mine - yours, mine - yours).

7. Improving coherent speech: Work on a sentence (distribution by homogeneous members).

Formation of the ability to make a simple sentence according to the model:

- "Who? - what is he doing?". Write a descriptive story based on a picture.

Correction-developing goals:

1.Activation of children's speech activity. The development of dialogic speech.

2. Development of thinking, attention, constructive praxis, fine and general motor skills.

Correctional and educational goals:

1. Formation of a positive attitude to participate in the lesson, friendly relations, cooperation skills.

Equipment: Plush toy - bunny.

Demo material: plot pictures depicting "Winter".

subject pictures: winter fun (skiing, sledding, skating, snowman making).

Organizational moment. The bell is ringing, here!

So the lesson has begun.

Hello guys! Today we have a lesson on familiarization with the outside world. In this lesson, we learn and talk about what surrounds us. If we look around, we will see that we are surrounded by many beautiful snowflakes. Tell me what season is it? Right.

The main part of the lesson.

Reading a poem.

The beauty of winter has arrived.

She brought us a lot of snow.

And with it comes the frost.

He pinches his ears, he pinches his nose.

Not bad cold. He brought a lot of joy!

He brought winter fun.

Everything that gives joy to children!

Conversation on the picture "Winter fun".

Look at the plot picture and say what is drawn on it.

1. What season is it? That's right, it's winter. What is winter? (beautiful, snowy, cold).

2. Children put on warm clothes and went for a walk. What are the children doing on the walk?

3. Who is sledding? Where does she ride? (The girl is sledding down the hill).

4. Who is skating?

5. Who is skiing? Where do they ride?

6. What are the other guys doing? The boy is making a snowman.

7. How many children are walking on the street. Right. 4 children: one is making a snowman, the second is skiing, the third child is skating, and the fourth child is skiing.

8. What is the mood of the children during the walk?

9. What birds flew in and sat on the tree? (two bullfinches and one tit). These are the guys, wintering birds!

10. Who else is in the picture. That's right, a bear and a bunny. What are they doing? The bear sleeps in his lair. And the bunny looks at the winter fun of the kids and rejoices. He really wants to play with them, but he is afraid. He will look and run into the forest, tell his brothers - hares about how fun the kids are playing.

Surprise moment - the appearance of a bunny.

Winter is a beautiful, wonderful time. Miracles happen in winter! So we have a miracle happened today. A bunny came to visit us. Say hello to him. The bunny looked at the winter fun of the guys and came to us to ask what games you play in the winter for a walk!

Talk about winter sports.

What interesting things can you do outdoors in winter? (children's answers: you can ski and skate, play hockey, build fortresses from snow, make a snowman, throw snowballs).

Well done boys! I have prepared for you surprise envelope. Look what's in them each child takes out a split picture with the image of winter sports from the envelope, collects and names it). After all the cut pictures are collected, the teacher hangs plot pictures with winter sports on the board and names them.

Finger gymnastics

One two three four, Bend fingers starting with large ones.

We made snow with you. Depict how to make a snowball.

Round, strong, very smooth Show a circle with your hands.

And not at all sweet. Threaten with a finger.

Once - let's throw up, Throw an imaginary snowball.

Two - catch Catch an imaginary snowball.

Three - let's drop Drop an imaginary snowball.

And ... break. Stomp your foot.

Didactic game "What has changed?".

There are pictures of winter sports on the board. Let's call them together: skates, skis, sleds, hockey. Look and remember their location. Close your eyes. I will swap the cards. Open your eyes and tell me what has changed. Well done, I swapped the cards.

Didactic game "What's wrong?".

Pictures with winter fun hang on the board: skates, skis, sleds, a snowman, a slide, a fortress. There are six pictures in total. Close your eyes. And I will remove one of the pictures. Open your eyes. Tell me what's missing?

Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

Guys, what did we talk about today? What did you like? What was difficult? Who came to visit?

This is where our lesson ended. We get up, push the chairs, we stand behind the chairs evenly and beautifully. I see that you know how to behave well in class. Well done, class is over. Goodbye! Now we are going to the group with a calm step.
