Drawing traffic signs senior group. Synopsis of nodes in the senior group "road signs - everyone should know"

Abstract of the integrated lesson

By cognitive development and drawing

on the topic "Road signs"

(preparatory group)

Program content:

1. Consolidate children's knowledge about warning, prohibition, prescriptive, information and guidance road signs and service signs.

2. Exercise in the ability to schematically depict road signs using different visual materials (paints, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, helium pens).

3. Develop skills of orientation in space, skills of conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in Everyday life.

4. Develop attention, creative imagination children.

Vocabulary work: warning, forbidding, information-indicative, prescriptive.

Individual work: Help children with difficulty in choosing the image of signs and the choice of visual materials.

Methods: game, visual, verbal, practical, heuristic, partial search, motivational,

Receptions: consideration, conversation, artistic word, instructions, explanations, independent activity, use of various visual materials, development of resourcefulness and activity, activity of children by including a problem situation, persuasion, encouragement, the arrival of a hero.

Preliminary work: conversation "Road signs"; classes on traffic rules in a group; didactic games"Careful pedestrian", "ABC of road signs", "Smart cars", "; reading fiction on the topic of traffic rules; familiarity with road signs in everyday life.

Material for the lesson: Dunno toy, "spoiled road signs", paper of various sizes, paints, colored pencils, pens, wax crayons.

Lesson progress

A traffic light comes to visit the children for a lesson.

Traffic light: Guys, I came to you for help. The fact is that I live in a magical country, everything was fine with us, but one day the Confusion Fairy sent a Mischievous whirlwind. He stole all the road signs and threw them into a deep ravine at the edge of the country. Residents found road signs, but they are in such a deplorable state that it's just a disaster. Not a single sign is now similar to itself, I will now show them to you (posts "spoiled" road signs, time is given to examine the signs). Accidents began to occur in the city, pedestrians fall under the wheels of cars, cars cannot cross the railway crossing, wild animals are afraid to cross the road passing through the forest, pedestrians quarreled with drivers, passengers cannot understand where the "food point" is and where the "service point" ". Guys, help us, please fix our signs.

Educator: Let's help the inhabitants of the Magic Land?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Okay, but first, let's repeat what road signs exist and what they mean, and the Traffic Light will listen to us and tell us his opinion.

Children's stories about road signs.

Traffic light: Well done guys, you're right! But what do we do with the "spoiled" signs?

Educator: Don't worry, Traffic Light, we will help you, the children will draw existing signs for you and also invent and draw new ones that will help the inhabitants of Magic Land in life, right, guys?

Children: Yes!

Educator: We will split into three groups; the first group will draw warning signs, (the shape of a triangle, the field is white with a red border - they warn drivers and pedestrians of a possible danger); the second group - forbidding, (the shape of a circle, the color of the field is white with a red border around the circumference - they prohibit drivers from certain maneuvers: speeding, stopping, parking); and the third - informational and indication and service signs (quadrangle shape, blue field - notify drivers, passengers about the locations of parking lots, food points, hospitals).

Children are divided into groups and distributed among themselves, who will draw what signs. Independent work of children, during which the educator provides individual assistance, hints, recalls the methods and techniques of drawing.

Educator: Finished guys? Traffic light, look, did our children cope with the task?

Traffic light: Yes thank you.

Educator: But that's not all, now the guys will draw one more sign, which they came up with themselves. These signs are not simple, they will help the inhabitants of a magical land in their fun life.

Children draw imaginary signs.

Traffic light: Very interesting, what do they mean?

Creative stories of children about their invented signs.

Thank you guys, I will definitely convey your signs and wishes, I have to go. Goodbye.

Educator: You did a good job, coped with the task, and whose signs and stories about them did you like the most?

Analysis and introspection of children.

The city in which we live with you

We can rightly compare with the primer.

The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here is the alphabet above her head:

Signs are posted along the pavement.

Always remember the alphabet of the city

So that trouble does not happen to you.

Well done, did you enjoy the activity? In the next lesson, we will continue to get acquainted with the rules traffic.

(formation of a holistic picture of the world and drawing)


1. Develop the skills of a conscious attitude to the observance of the rules of safe movement. Fix the idea of various types transport, the concept of "crossing", "pedestrian crossing", "sidewalk" and the appointment of road signs and traffic lights.

2. Learn to depict individual modes of transport: convey the shape of the main parts, details, their size and location. It is beautiful to place an image on a sheet, draw large. Paint over drawings using the tip of the brush; get shades of color. Strengthen the ability to draw with paints.

Material: pictures depicting a part of the city, on which a roadway with cars and a sidewalk with people are visible; "pedestrian crossing", pictures depicting situations of paint, brushes, landscape sheet.

Lesson progress

Organizing time

slide 1

Formation of a holistic picture of the world

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the screen.

What is shown on it? slide 2, 3

Children's answers: road (roadway), sidewalk, houses.

This is the street of our village, on which there is a road and a sidewalk. Let's remember who the road is for and who the sidewalk is for.

Children's answers: cars drive along the road, and people walk along the sidewalk.

Can a person walk on the road?

Children's answers: Yes, only in a certain place.

How do you cross the road in our village?

Children's answers: when crossing the road, first look to the left, if there is any transport, then let it go to the middle of the road and look to the right if there are any cars; If the road is safe, then move on.

Guys, how are the roads in the village different from the roads in the city?

Children's answers: there are no traffic lights, road signs and a pedestrian crossing on country roads.

We have made it all for you.

Tell us where we installed the "Pedestrian crossing" sign and traffic light? slide 4

Children's answers: On the road near the sidewalk, in front of the pedestrian crossing. Before the crossroads.

And now remember, please, how to cross the road in the city? slide 5, 6

Children's answers: You can only cross the road at a pedestrian crossing, at the green light of a traffic light, when crossing the road you need to hold an adult by the hand;

What kind of vehicles can be found on the road?

Children's answers.

What assistant cars can be found on the road and what are they for?

Children's answers about the purpose of the vehicle are accompanied by a slide show. Slide 7 - 11

Physical education minute

Children are driving (walking in pairs, holding on to the shoulders of the person in front).

Look at the road

On the left is a guard,

On the right, the traffic light is on. (Turn of the body to the left - to the right)


Knock on the door.

Guys, a car came to you and he wants you to draw cars - assistants.

The teacher shows them again on slide 12 and shows how to draw correctly. Reminds you of accuracy and the rules of drawing: take paint with the tip of a brush, place the image in the middle of the sheet.


slide 13

For the fact that you drew cars - assistants, a magic car with gifts came to visit you, and she wants to treat you, for beautifully drawn drawings, and reminds you not to forget the rules of the road and always follow them.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution " Kindergarten combined type No. 10 "Altynchech" Aznakaevo, Aznakaevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

« Road alphabet»

Abstract of a drawing lesson in preparatory group

Prepared by Karieva R.F.

Educator 1 sq. categories

Target : Update children's ideas about the rules of the road, road signs and their purpose.


educational : To promote the application of the knowledge gained by children about road signs in everyday life through various activities.

Educational: Cultivate a culture of behavior and a conscious attitude to their safety on the road.

Developing: Develop children's ability to behave and conscious attitude towards their safe on the road.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal: conversation, riddles, instructions for performing practical actions for children.

visual : illustrations of signs and dangerous situations.

Practical: a game: "Colored cars", drawing of road signs.

Preliminary work:

1.Targeted walks "Through the streets of our city", "To the pedestrian crossing"

2. Learning the game "Colored cars";

3. Production of attributes for the mobile game "Colored cars"

4. Conversation using the visual and didactic aid "How to avoid trouble on the streets of the city"

5. Reading poetry about the rules of the road;

6. Considering posters "Lessons on the road"

7. Coloring coloring according to traffic rules;

8. Board games "Road Mosaic";

9.Help parents in compiling and recording a video letter

Expected Result:

Children apply the acquired knowledge about the rules of the road in different types activities

In productive activities, they are united by a common goal to create the book "Road Signs".

They are aware of the need to follow the rules of the road for their own safety.

Forms of organizing the work of children

Joint activities of the teacher with children: purposeful conversation walks, learning the game, reading poetry, looking at posters.

Joint activities of children: board games, drawing road signs, creating a book.

Equipment and materials:

Screen, projector, audio recording of the songs "Pedestrian", "On the road with clouds".

Demonstration and handouts: pictures with situations on the road, attributes for the mobile game "Colored Cars", colored wax crayons, album sheets, easel.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, today we received a letter in the group. Let's find out who sent it. Sit on the carpet.

Hi guys! My name is Riyana. I will go to school soon. I will have to go to school along the city street, cross roads. But, I don't know where to cross the road correctly, what all the signs mean. Help me please!"

Children, you are also future first graders and you, like Riyana, will have to cross the road on your own. We walked around the city, to the pedestrian. And they saw that the city is full of surprises.

Can you help Riyana with her predicament?

Children: Let's try.

caregiver : How can we help her, what can we do?

Children: Tell Riyana what we know, show pictures, draw pictures, show a cartoon, make a help book.

Educator: You offered many ideas, but one idea seemed very interesting to me - the creation of a book - an assistant. Do you agree?

Children: Yes

Educator: What will we name our future book?Children: "Road signs", "Rules of the road." "Road alphabet".

Educator: I propose to call our book Road Signs. Do you agree?

Children: Yes.

Educator: What content will we include in our book?

Children : Riddles, pictures with signs, poems about the rules of the road.

Educator: You don't know how to write yet, but what can you do?

Children: Draw.

Educator: What can be drawn?

Children : Signs, traffic light, zebra pattern, etc.

Educator: I suggest including drawings of road signs in the book. Do you agree?

Children: YES.

Educator: To draw road signs in a book, I want to check how you know them. I will give you a riddle, and if you guess it, the riddle will open.

    He has three eyes

Three on each side

And although never

He did not look at all at once -

He needs all the eyes.

It has been hanging here for a long time.

What is it? ... (Traffic light).

    White triangle, red border.

Wonderful train

With smoke at the window.

This locomotive is ruled by an eccentric grandfather.

Which one of you will tell

What is this sign?... (a railway crossing without a barrier).

    What kind of miracle is this?

Two humps, like a camel?

Triangular this sign

What is it called? (rough road).

    This sign warns

That the road is zig-zag here,

And ahead of the car is waiting

Steep ... (dangerous turn).

    Round sign, and in it a window,

Don't rush in haste

And think a little

What is this, a brick dump? (No entry).

    I'm an expert on the rules of the road

I parked my car here

On the stand by the fence -

She also needs to rest. (parking place)

    Red circle, and in it is my friend,

A fast friend is a bicycle.

The sign reads: here and around

There is no bike ride. (cycling is prohibited)

    striped horse,

Her name is "zebra".

But not the one in the zoo

People are walking along it. (crosswalk)

Educator: Well done, you know the road signs very well. But the street is full of surprises. Do you know how to behave on it? Here we will check!

I propose to play the game "Colored cars" Let's remember the rules of the game (we must split into two teams: red and green cars, hold car steering wheels in their hands, choose a traffic light. At the "red" signal of the traffic light, the cars are standing, at the "yellow" - they walk in place, “to the green” - they go (a game is being played)

I made sure that you are well aware of the rules of the road and road signs. Before drawing the book, let's take a look at them. Go to the table (go to the table. Examine the illustrations of signs). Each drawing will be one of the pages of the book. Select the material for drawing and get to work.

You make the pages, and I'll make the cover for the book. (makes a cover, I help children who find it difficult).

Let's see what we got and make a book (look at the pictures). How to fasten the leaves to each other?

Children : Glue, sew, use a hole punch and tie with a cord.

Educator: Well done, you know many ways, and I know another way: a folder into which transparent inserts are inserted (I show the folder with files and, together with the children, I will insert drawings into files). Look at our book. How do we deliver the book to Riyan?

Final. Let's mail it. Do you think we helped Riyana in her predicament? What have we done for this? What will this book teach Riyan? What is your mood from the fact that we helped Riyana? We are great!

Municipal preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten No. 4" of a general developmental type
Synopsis of directly educational activities
road sign drawing
"Danger Ahead!" (from nature)
senior group

Completed by: teacher of the senior group
Rybtsova Tatyana Mikhailovna
Objectives: teaching the ability to convey the shape of an object and its details in a drawing.
Tasks: to cultivate a responsible attitude to the observance of traffic rules, accuracy and purposefulness;
develop the ability to compare your drawing with the depicted object;
to form the ability to observe sequence in work.
Preliminary work: excursions to the intersection, around the village, looking at road signs, reading poetry, games. Methodological support: demonstration material, technological map for drawing, cards with road signs, pencils, paints, brushes, napkins, brush stands, a sheet of paper .
The course of directly educational activities:
1. Organizational moment.
You came to work
Be careful kids.
Now we do not have physical education,
And drawing from nature.
2. Conversation on the topic.
The teacher reads a poem by I. Gurina "Traffic Light".
The traffic light is green again
The way opens as always
Don't forget winter and summer
Road signs never.
They will always help along the way.
Like true friends
And a safe road
We can't find them without them.
On the board are cards with the image of road signs.
- Guys, what road signs on the board do you know? Name them.
Today we will draw a road sign "Danger Ahead!" What group does he belong to? (To the group of information signs)
Sample analysis.
What shape is this sign? (triangular)
- What is depicted in the center of the sign? (Exclamation mark).
What colors are used in the drawing? (Red Black).
Physical education minute
I.p. : o.s., hands on the belt.
Score 1-8 - turn left; 2- i.p.; 3-4 the same to the right.
Score9-12 - I.p.; hands in front of chest right forearm over left; 1- left foot forward on the heel; 2-4 twist the toe from left to right; 4-ip
Score 12-16 - the same with an interchangeable leg.
Count 1-2 - two claps on the left; 3-4 - the same on the right.
3. Practical part.
The teacher shows the procedure for performing work on the technological map.
1. We conduct horizontal line and determine its center.
To the left and to the right of the center we set aside the same distance, mark with dots.
2. We connect the obtained points with straight lines - we get a triangle.
3. We build a smaller triangle inside the resulting triangle and mark the exclamation point to the central axis of the track.
4. We are finishing the drawing “Danger Ahead!”. We paint the road sign with gouache paints.
Children do their own work.
4. Bottom line.
- Guys, the drawings turned out to be clear, beautiful. So what did we draw? What did you like and remember today?

Attached files

Program content:

1. Consolidate children's knowledge about warning, prohibition, prescriptive, information and guidance road signs and service signs.
2. Exercise in the ability to schematically depict road signs using different visual materials (paints, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, helium pens).
3. To develop skills of orientation in space, the skills of conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in everyday life.
4. Develop children's attention, creative imagination.

Preliminary work:

  • classes on traffic rules in a group;
  • didactic games: "Our street", "Put a road sign", "Traffic light", "Guess which sign";
  • reading fiction on the topic of traffic rules;
  • conversation "Road signs";
  • familiarity with road signs in everyday life.

Material for the lesson:

  • "damaged road signs";
  • paper of different sizes;
  • paints, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, helium pens for all children.


A traffic light comes to visit the children for a lesson.

Traffic light: Guys, I came to you for help. The fact is that I live in a magical country, everything was fine with us, but one day the Confusion Fairy sent a Mischievous whirlwind. He stole all the road signs and threw them into a deep ravine at the edge of the country. Residents found road signs, but they are in such a deplorable state that it's just a disaster. Not a single sign is now similar to itself, I will now show them to you (posts "spoiled" road signs, time is given to examine the signs). Accidents began to occur in the city, pedestrians fall under the wheels of cars, cars cannot cross the railway crossing, wild animals are afraid to cross the road passing through the forest, pedestrians quarreled with drivers, passengers cannot understand where the "food point" is and where the "service point" ". Guys, help us, please fix our signs.

Educator: Let's help the inhabitants of the Magic Land?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Okay, but first, let's repeat what road signs exist and what they mean, and the Traffic Light will listen to us and tell us his opinion.

Children's stories about road signs.

Traffic light: Well done guys, you're right! But what do we do with the "spoiled" signs?

Educator: Don't worry, Traffic Light, we will help you, the children will draw existing signs for you and also invent and draw new ones that will help the inhabitants of Magic Land in life, right, guys?

Children: Yes!

Educator: We will split into three groups; the first group will draw warning signs, the second group - forbidding, and the third - information and indication and service signs.

Children are divided into groups and distributed among themselves, who will draw what signs. Independent work of children, during which the educator provides individual assistance, hints, recalls the methods and techniques of drawing.

Educator: Finished guys? Traffic light, look, did our children cope with the task?

Traffic light: Yes thank you.

Educator: But that's not all, now the guys will draw one more sign, which they came up with themselves. These signs are not simple, they will help the inhabitants of a magical land in their fun life.

Children draw imaginary signs.

Traffic light: Very interesting, what do they mean?

Creative stories of children about their invented signs.

- Thank you guys, I will definitely convey your signs and wishes, I have to go. Goodbye.

Educator: You did a good job, coped with the task, and whose signs and stories about them did you like the most?

Analysis and introspection of children.

- Well done, did you like the lesson? In the next lesson, we will continue to get acquainted with the rules of the road.
