Happy birthday guy modern. Beautiful birthday greetings to a guy

Congratulations on this holiday for everyone, congratulations on Happy Birthday the guy is not like other congratulations. The gifts that you give on your birthday are usually very symbolic, emphasizing the achievements of a person, his status, position in society. But besides the gifts themselves, the words that you say to the birthday man on his birthday are important. When you come up with birthday greetings for a guy, you need to remember that young people love to have fun, make fun of each other, and speak their own special language. Therefore, if you decide to come up with a birthday greeting for a guy on your own, you need to take all this into account. You can, of course, write poetry or come up with a long and very beautiful congratulation. But it is necessary to do this if you are sure that the hero of the occasion will appreciate it.

You are the best, I know you
I can't live without you!
Everything with you I forget -
You filled my whole life.
Happy Me Happy birthday
I sincerely love you!
With you I am light and calm,
I only want to be with you.
I can't live without you
For which I thank you!
Where it's dark, you shine everywhere
Thank you honey, I'm warm
From your eyes at every meeting,
Kissing is good!
You are near, here, you are all with me,
Let you be somewhere far away
Only distance - a strip,
But I don't care!
Over time, everything has changed:
Became a dream for me forever
Like I fell in love with you
You are my beloved man!!!

It's your birthday today
This is the happiest of days.
Let my congratulations be here
It will also be your joy.

On this day I wish you happiness
And wonderful long, long years.

May you not have bad weather, -
Only stars, only sunshine.
May love come to you big:
Not for a year - for eternity, forever.

And let your dear life be
Light as spring water.
May your thoughts always be pure,
And let life be more beautiful than beauty,

Let friends be faithfully faithful,
The breath of spring lives in the soul.
Entering life, remember the words:
Kindness is omnipotent, love is always right!

You are very reliable
Calm and sensitive
And I'm looking forward to
I count the minutes
See you when we
Separated from you
My favourite
And the dearest!
I wish you
On your birthday
Health, success,
Good luck and luck
easy roads,
Happy returns
my most desired
And the most beautiful!

You are very reliable
Calm and sensitive
And I'm looking forward to
I count the minutes
See you when we
Separated from you
My favourite
And the dearest!

I wish you
On this birthday
Health, success,
Good luck and luck
easy roads,
Happy returns
my most desired
And the most beautiful!

I chose you from all the guys
After all, you are the smartest, strongest, bravest.
And I never once for so many long days
She did not regret her choice.
I hope that you, my golden one,
Meet me without regret.
With me, I know it's not easy sometimes
But I love you, my dear, happy birthday!

I will not write hackneyed phrases,
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Let it be happy for you
The day you were born.

Reliable as a rock
Adviser and Helper!
You, boy - anywhere
You fly in the heat and in the rain!

And on your birthday
Solid praises -
You are sincere, dear,
No falsehood, no drama.

We wish you many years
Luck in fate
keep the light of the soul
And be true to yourself!

I wish you good luck in your endeavors
So that everything that is not done is for the better
In addition, I wish you love
Sweet and kind. And also beautiful.
So that health is always at the level
And on happy days it didn't let you down
The time of failures froze for a moment ...
And only with the flow of life, so that you would swim.

Who doesn't love nice words especially on your birthday? And do not assume that if men are the stronger sex, then they do not need manifestations of care and tenderness. Therefore, birthday greetings are just as important for a guy as they are for a girl. This means that everything possible must be done so that the warmth of what has been said can penetrate his soul to the very depths.

However, writing beautiful birthday greetings for a guy is much more difficult than it seems at first glance. Especially when it needs to be done by a girl who longs to capture his attention.

Where to begin?

In general, there are two ways to make a congratulation: write the text yourself or copy it from the Internet, postcards, magazines. No matter how strange it may sound, but all options are equally good. Here, it is much more important how sincere and sincere they sound from the lips of the congratulator.

However, the main drawback ready-made congratulations in that they can not always reflect the feelings of a person. Especially if you want to say something unusual and warm, understandable only to the addressee.

Therefore, for a guy, what is written on his own and efforts. In addition, no one forbids using in their creation tips and patterns peeped from other authors.

Brevity is the soul of wit

Many people think that the longer the text, the better. This is wrong. After all, the longer the speech sounds, the more boring it becomes to listen to it. An exception is when such a congratulation is said by a person savvy in oratory. The rest is better to do everything possible in order to reduce the number of lines to a minimum.

Short birthday greetings for a guy, examples of which are given here, will help you navigate.

  • I won't throw dust in my eyes

And I'll get straight to the point.

May you be happy

Always, and in any weather.

  • Always be honest with yourself and others

To never look away when meeting them.

Be strong and brave like a free eagle

After all, that's what men do!

Happy birthday wishes for your boyfriend

Pending birthday of their chosen one, the girls completely harass themselves. After all, I want to give him not banal congratulations, but to penetrate him to the very depths of his soul. That's just how to do it?

In fact, everything is quite simple. The main thing is that such birthday greetings for a guy become something special. And for this you need to put all your feelings into them, thereby showing him how precious and necessary he is. After all, every man wants to be the one and only that makes the girl's heart beat harder and harder.

Here are some examples of such congratulations:

  1. My dear, beloved man! For me, this day will forever become a great holiday, because today you were born - my greatest treasure. I don't want to make big speeches, just know that I love you and there is nothing that I wouldn't do for you.
  2. Darling, today you have become one year wiser. Let this wisdom allow you to become even kinder and richer than you were before. As for me, I will always be there, despite all the difficulties and misunderstandings. Because I love you!
  3. On your birthday, I want to wish you all the best. May your life always be filled with warm and bright events. And I, in turn, will do my best to make it a reality.

Congratulations for a guy happy birthday

Cool sketches will be appropriate if the young man has a cheerful character. In this case, you should think about congratulating him with a funny text. It should be noted that it will be very difficult to write such a congratulation, because, as they say, "humor is a delicate matter." The main thing here is not to overdo it with jokes, otherwise instead of desired result you can get an offended birthday boy.

Examples cool congratulations Happy birthday:

  • You are full of energy, so have fun

After all, life is very short!

But still remember one thing

Stay human!

And choosing one way of life,

Hold on to it, don't deviate.

And with everyone you meet along the way,

You talk about everything in the world!

It's the only way you'll suddenly realize

What do you want so much!

And then - hold on, do not let go,

Fight for happiness that is urine.

  • I chose a guy for a long time so that he would always be a match for me. And when life connected with you, I immediately understood everything: you are the best on the planet, you are my hero, you are superman. With you, the sea is knee-deep to me, and the house is burning for nothing. So be yourself, you are already good, and everything else is nonsense.

Taking this opportunity, I want to wish you that luck becomes your faithful companion, that every minute of life is beautiful, all desires come true as soon as possible, and dreams come true. I wish in the fate of a fair wind, good weather, sunny days. May you be truly appreciated at work, may love and mutual understanding reign in the family, may children delight with their successes! May there always be loved ones around you, may there be peace in your soul, and happiness in your heart!

Real courage is a strength of spirit, wisdom, generosity, clarity of thought, the ability to be friends, the ability to be a support and support for loved ones. So happy birthday to you, as one of the most courageous men! And I also want to wish you to always remain the happiest person all your long life!

Traditionally - health and happiness! Be happy every day and every hour of your life, let your health be such that you don’t even remember about it! May your beloved always be there, may well-being and prosperity reign in the house, may all plans and dreams come true with ease! And may every year for many, many more years, we still celebrate your successes and rejoice in your successes!

I would like to wish you happiness in absolutely everything on your birthday. May everything you undertake, one way or another, bring success! I wish you to always remain the same beautiful and bright man as you are now. May fortune accompany all moments of your life and help in all plans. Appreciate what you have and achieve more! Happy birthday!

Let each new day be similar to the previous one in only one thing - it will be just as successful! Joy, good luck, inspiration! May everything you want come true in your life! Be always a darling of fate, always be able to be in the right place, at the right time. Congratulations!

With all my heart I wish that every new day of your life be filled with optimism, interesting creative ideas, meetings with friends and like-minded people. Health to you, family happiness and always a great mood!

With all my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you much happiness, kindness and love! And do not forget that no matter how serious life is, it is just a game in which I wish you to be the winner!

For you today, a thousand hot congratulations and a million good wishes! And the main thing, of course, is the wish for happiness, because with it the world becomes brighter, it is easier to breathe and life becomes easy and pleasant! Live happily ever after and may all your dreams come true by your next birthday!

Happy birthday card for boyfriend. Photo: sdnem-rozhdeniya.ru

I wish you to perceive life as it is, but always try to see more good in it!

May your house always be a full bowl, your wife be affectionate, and your children only delight with their successes and inherit your best features! May life always be full of such simple, but at the same time very real happiness!

A thousand times congratulations! I wish you to continue to be the Creator, the Master of your happiness! I wish to increase it, to live easily and pleasantly, every day adding new events to the baggage of good memories, because people like you deserve the best fate!

May you have long years of a happy, prosperous life ahead of you, in which all dreams come true and only true friends and closest people surround you!***

We wish you the most important thing today - be sure to be happy! Love your beautiful chosen one and children, live with pleasure, go in all matters until victory. Enjoy every unique moment of a wonderful life, and may you always have plenty of strength and opportunities to fulfill all your desires!

Happy birthday to a man SMS

Birthday boy, where have you been?
You forgot to sign up!
How much can you, your mother,
Wait idle?!

Where is the liver? Where is the balyk?
Where is the herring? Where is the language?
Where is the vodka, cognac, wine?
Have been waiting for a long time!

Excite congratulations
Alcohol and food...
Now here's another lineup!
Be happy and be rich!

I want to be always healthy
Happy, kind, young,
Reliable friends, peace in the house,
And, of course, love!

More colorful moments
Merry moments of life
Not aware of life incidents
And let adversity go around!

Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy birthday I want.
Wish you good health
So that everything is on the shoulder.

Let the heart be hot
Be loved and loved.
So that all ideas come true -
Be invincible in business.

Let the weather reign in the soul -
Warmth, comfort and joy.
Let them meet you at home
Believe, love, always wait.

Let life surround
Your true friends.
Remember that you are the best -
Happy Birthday to You!

Happy birthday to a man in verse

Happy birthday, congratulations
And, as usual, I do.

So that Good Luck and Success,
You have been chosen from all.

Everything you dream of
To receive immediately.

So that Spring lives in the soul,
It would last forever.

To have good health
Happiness - so that it does not go away.

So that the family flourished
And beloved friends.

To make life beautiful
Perspective - clear, clear.

And Fortune to love
Never failed.

Rapid - career growth,
To make everything easy and simple.

On your birthday, let
Wish you a lot of happiness
Always be strong and successful
Troubles and grief are unrecognizable.

In a family of peace and comfort,
And understanding relatives.
Heartfelt minutes,
Have a nice long weekend.

In a career - takeoff, in business - order,
Good health forever.
You are very polite, pleasant,
Good, kind person.

Happy birthday card for a man. Photo: sdnem-rozhdeniya.ru

I want only what is especially important:
Better health, good luck more often,
Cash in pieces of paper - banknotes are larger.
Container - luck, happiness - wagon,
And joy, in a bag, and bring more fun.
Wishes - to come true, money - a van.

Birthday boy, happy birthday!
Happiness joy luck
Health, stronger than wine,
Love forever and, like in a movie,

Friends that will not leave in trouble,
Good luck in everything, everywhere.

And let your capital grow
Everything will come true, what you dreamed about,
And your life is a boat
Let the breeze blow!

I want to be always cheerful
Handsome, smart, young.
I want to be always happy
Beloved, dear, dear.

I wish you luck
Car, house, apartment, cottage.
Always so that a full wallet,
But also in bed for some coffee.

Men don't count years!
They know in advance
Wisdom grows with age
Soul aspirations flight!

Let this day rush more quietly,
Fate unrestrained tangle,
What would the years have done
There is still a turn in your life!

What can you wish on your birthday
Already successful man?
Never get sick, never get sick
Smile, be the happiest!

Let the career lead only up
And the salary is growing every day!
May only success await you in everything,
And dreams come true - instantly!

Congratulations on your birthday,
And I wish you so much good
To select only the best
And give the rest to loved ones!

Let the sails of your fate
Only a tailwind will blow,
May all dreams come true
And your path will always be bright.

Wish I never knew
The taste of bitterness from defeat
And even the broken to get up,
And never know doubt.

I wish you good health
Hot love, long years.
I congratulate you on your birthday!
You worthy man!

Happy birthday!
And with all my heart I wish:
Happiness, joy, health,
Rainbows, warmth, care,
Excellent not dusty work,
Let dreams come true
And you always look into the distance
So that the aspirations do not end,
And all goals were fulfilled.

I wish you new discoveries, beginnings, ideas,
Good in life, so that you meet people.
For relatives, be a support and a strong wall,
Live as you live, but be yourself.

Hold the world, it's on your shoulders
Protect the one that keeps your hearth.
Go through life, throwing away doubts.
Relax, because today is your birthday.

Today is a good reason
Congratulate a great man.
We send greetings and congratulations
Happy Birthday:

We wish you a lot of positive
At leisure - creativity,
At work - more "grandmothers",
Health to you - without any references!

Let me wish you a lot:
Happiness, joy, eternal love.
Let the road be free
Let no one stand in the way.

May luck smile on you
Let friends be reliable.
We want to be a little richer
And of course, be at the helm.

To be able to conquer all the peaks,
He was brave and never shy.
Let me wish you a lot of strength
So that you can do everything in this life.

Today is a holiday and fun
Indeed, on this day and at this hour
A man was born on earth
Worthy of all laudatory phrases!

Happy birthday to you
Relatives and friends rush.
We wish you good luck
After all, you can't live without it.

We also want to be healthy
And do not notice the course of years
With love in my heart, as for the first time,
You meet spring every year.

So that life is filled with meaning
In the eyes of a perky sparkle,
And all the hardships and suffering
Let life be carried away by the stream.

Happy birthday!
I wish you happiness and good.
And I want more laughter
And in all matters of success.

To always be a true friend
So that you do not know the disease,
So that you live in abundance,
For everything to be alright.

What would you like to wish?
Lie down until noon?
Don't go to work?
Grandmas easily chop?
Maybe you want a beer sea?
You better not know grief.
Be always ruddy and fresh,
Eat delicacies more often
Don't forget to smile
And always be healthy.
Prepare meals soon
Happy Birthday!

I wish you good luck and highlights,
Health, success always and in everything,
I wish you achieve your goals
May you be happy both at night and during the day!

I want to wish you career growth,
Luck, good and true friends,
Adversity let everything evaporate forever,
So that your life goes every day more fun!

Happy Birthday! Let today
All your dreams will come true.
Hundreds of smiles will come into life.
All things will rise to the top.

Let health be strong
And pursues luck on the heels.
Surrounded by joy with love
Happiness blooms here and there.

I wish you a wonderful day
Your dreams come true
Health would be iron
Traces of grief have disappeared.

In business, order and stability,
And the house is warmed by the warmth of relatives,
Adversity passed by
You didn't remember them.

I wish you a lot of positive
I want bright bright days,
Let yours be happy life,
Let everything be OK in life!

I congratulate you on your birthday,
So that he was always young and quick,
And life is long every moment
Warmed by the warmth of smiles!

Happy Birthday,
Let dreams come true
And in a good mood
You will always be.

On this day I wish you
Lots of money and love
To be a good father
And support for the family.

Lots of strength and patience
In order to achieve goals,
Warm, faithful relationship,
To not be alone.

On today's birthday
On the day of fun and gifts
We wish you inspiration
To be strong and healthy

To make the house a full bowl,
So that there is peace and harmony in the family,
Household so that all your
You were valued like a treasure

To make your eyes glow with happiness
For the world to give success
So that Love with its participation
She kept you from troubles!

Today you were born, I congratulate you,
May the sun shine brightly in the sky on this day.
I wish you happiness, I wish you well.
You make a wish - everything will come true, believe me.

You are strong, kind, smart, there are not enough of them in the world.
Let the cherished dreams come true.
Love, I wish you good health
And do not meet obstacles on the path of life.

I wish you smiles and mood,
Let there be fun in the house today.
Health, good luck and money with a mountain,
Always and everywhere be satisfied with yourself.

May the sun always warm with warmth,
And your loved ones will never forget you.
Peace in the soul, luck, success,
Happy minutes and merry laughter!

We wish to walk on this day,
Relax in Bora Bora.
There to meet Angela Jolie
And ride with her to Bali.

And lie on the sand
Drive a Porsche Pitt
Win an apartment in a casino
Play Schwarzenegger in a movie.

Get an Oscar for this
It's great to live in Hollywood.
Holding the award, smile
And wake up in a joyful sweat.

May today and always
Happiness will answer you "yes"!
And luck will smile
And luck will wake up.

Let people not be upset
Don't let the money go
So that you, like Scrooge McDuck,
We swam in the golden mountains.

May all fish be golden
And Hottabychi are gray-haired
Execute today
A small order for you:

And an expensive car
The dacha is also small,
Yes, health for the year ahead,
And a bag of smiles!

Get over it, get over it, get over it!
Squeeze into a fist, burn, scatter in the wind.
Forget, don't remember, don't regret.
Go over yourself by the millimeter.

Sift through the sieve all your friends.
Lose, gain, but remember the measure.
You, clenching your teeth, overcome everything,
Without becoming a bad example for everyone.

All come true. Whether we like it or not.
But it is important that the way they wished.
And so that time, place, smell, color
We matched in the same heart!

Happy Birthday.
With new joy, luck.
I wish you
Only the best in fate.

Be successful, wise, strong,
Passionate and loving.
May you be a star of luck
Happiness will bring in addition!

Happy Birthday!
And I wish on this day
To be in a good mood,
In the circle of relatives and friends.

I wish you happiness
Fiery great love.
To light up the heart
Clear sunshine inside.

May luck be with you.
Eyes always glow.
Be always so cheerful
Keep joy in your heart.

I wish you every success
Let everything go according to plan!
Let there be a lot of laughter in life
May every moment bring joy!

More vivid impressions
Love to you and hot feelings,
In a career, only promotions,
So that you become richer!

On this clear wonderful day
Wish you are not too lazy
More happiness and kindness
Loyalty of friends, warmth.

More money, more power
So that happiness knocks on the window.
The wizard flew over you
What do you dream about fulfilled.

It is your birthday today!
So accept our congratulations.
Be healthy and rich
and friends are always welcome!
And we want a girl
With long legs!
And so that you do not end up with huge
Let's have some fun today
And it wouldn't hurt to get drunk!
Fill your glasses quickly
and snacks on the table.
Let's drink to you
dear friend!

I wish you a lot on your birthday
Bath hotter,
brighter mood!
A sea of ​​cold beer
and lots of positivity!
good health,
to meet with friends more often
and awesome fun!
money in euro
about a million!
funny girls,
and friends of the show-offs!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

Happy Birthday!
And I want to avoid frostbite!
Success in business, more happiness
and a thicker wallet!
A simple girl and a cool car!
Jokes and chuckles and delicious pies!
haute couture,
a bunch of green bills!
May your friends always be with you
your funny
and salted cucumbers!
After have a nice day birth,
I wish tomorrow not to get sick with a hangover!

It doesn't matter how old you are
May this day dawn
Dawn for life dear,
With love, with great joy!
Together, let the fairy tale arrive
Your fulfills wishes,
And day Birth celebrating,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Funny congratulations to a man happy birthday

I wish you on your birthday
A crowd of friends for the mood
Mulatto sultry, barbecue,
And "from Versace" jacket.

I wish that GO-GO!

And never OHHO-HO!

A little AH! Well, you can wow!

To be breathtaking.

Of course, to be WOW!

Let's eat today from the belly

Let's drink a lot of sweet wine

Friend's birthday today

And we all say together: "Hurrah!".

Let's do it with you

Let's celebrate your birthday!

I wish you only happiness in life
Good luck, laughter, joy, warmth!
Let all bad weather bypass,
And there will be good friends!

I wish your dreams come true
Health never fails
And no matter how fast your years run,
You stay young always, always!

What a real man
Wish on your birthday?
For no reason
Sad, bored and discouraged.

Let everything be as it should be in life,
Let happiness overflow
In the family, everyone lived very friendly.
Love, dream and prosper.

Bright life, new chances,
In fate - luck is a nod.
And laughter, joy, finance -
Endless stream!

I want to wish you a happy birthday
And wish with all my heart
Smiles, happiness, inspiration
And the conquest of all peaks.

Reliable and good friends,
In the family - comfort and warmth.
So that the days are pleasant and fine
More life for you.

May the strength be heroic
The mind will be sharp as a blade.
And in the heart to be warmer
From the sincerity of these lines.

I want to be always loved
Handsome, stately, young.
I want to be needed
Everyone, everyone - both relatives and relatives!

I wish you wisdom over the years
Good health, kindness,
To with fair winds
A cherished dream floated.

Many, many long years
Good health,
New victories in life
Strength and composure.

To be a support for the family,
Less upset
Always be friends with humor
Smile more often.

Always be an optimist
Live without regrets.
And for many years
Many birthdays!

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday!
Let there be only positive in life.
Let everything be in order with the mood
Let the work team be happy.

And your path will always be smooth,
The iron horse will not let you down.
May there be many personal achievements
And the bank will have a decent account.

And let you be surrounded by life
Reliable and loyal friends
And at home let him meet with smiles
Happy and strong family!

I wish you happiness and good
Love, family warmth,
A bunch of health, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200blaughter,
And, of course, success!

So that all adversity flew by,
Relatives to appreciate, revere;
To travel to warmer climes more often,
And so that your beloved is with you!

Fun, colors, sun, light,
Harmonies of soul and summer,
All in all - a big net,
Well, a little money chest!

Please accept my congratulations
With such a wonderful day!
May your bold aspirations
Then there will be victories.

Let your loved ones be by your side -
Reliable, irreplaceable.
Let it be easy on the heart
And the house is cozy and warm.

May the road be bright
Which fortunately leads to the threshold.
I wish you much joy
Health and wisdom - for the future!

I wish you a happy birthday
You today, summer day.
May the wishes of pleasure
You will suddenly be covered with warmth.

I wish you good luck on this day.
And tomorrow, and then, and forever.
Let them bypass the threshold of the house of failure,
Let the cherished dream come true.

There is a time for success and victories,
Let his birthday bring him closer!
From this minute in life for many years
Let there be only good luck and luck!

Bold goals and decisions,
Always be the first in everything
Multiply the number of accomplishments
Hour after hour, day after day!

Happy Anniversary
A real man
And I wish with all my heart:
To have a big salary

Strength and good health
Heart full of love
Joyful, happy to be
Survive all hardships!

So important in any situation
Remain confident in victory
Whatever happens, be yourself
And even if it's hard, don't give up!

Let the support of relatives and friends
Support and help in every business,
May wishes come true soon
May all goals become achievable!

On my birthday I wish:
May you be lucky everywhere!
To be the first in the rest,
He was not the last to work!

To have a big apartment
The house outside the city is high!
So that salaries and advances
Didn't fit in my wallet!

So that health is strong -
It's impossible without him!
So that you are not forgotten
All old friends!

New ideas, beginnings, discoveries,
The happiest, most successful events,
Only wonderful always impressions,
Joyful, bright pictures and moments!

In life, everything will turn out the way you want,
There will always be courage in the heart, courage!
And from the bottom of my heart on this day I wish
Happiness, success, good luck! Congratulations!

Happy birthday congratulations
And with all our hearts we wish
Drink beer and honey,
And let the disease not take

And so that you are bold and cheerful,
The wallet has always been tight
Your work was a success
All nuts - in the teeth!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
Have fun, don't be sad.
I wish you a lot of happiness
And especially happiness in love.

May every moment be beautiful in life
And let fate keep you from troubles,
May the world of love be wonderful
And the dawn is joyful with your beloved.

The most worthy of all men
Congratulations on your birthday
And live without gray hair and without wrinkles
I categorically and sincerely wish!

I want strength, vigor and health
Protected from anxiety and sadness,
Heart warmed by faith and love,
And the years of glorious victories crowned.

Courage, courage, courage -
You are always ready!
A story about you, what a saga:
Friend, a threat to enemies!

And today is my birthday
Let dreams come true
All that dreamed in rapture
Suddenly they will give from above.

Plans will come true quickly -
Everything as I thought and wanted.
Happiness that flashes sparkling,
You managed to catch it easily!

Love always be friends
And celebrate all births with us.
And if the money suddenly is not enough,
Anyone will pay for you!

We wish that all thoughts
Would pay without delay
And they wouldn't go to waste
Your brain's inventions!

Everyone is happy with you,
You warm the soul with warmth,
And from conversations with you it is clear -
Make all your dreams come true.

Raise children and be healthy
And provide for your family
In the fire of love, burn with your wife
And take care of your family.

Years will pass, do not wait for peace
Always be on the move
And let them go through life with you
Good luck, peace and kindness.

Your temper is known to us for a long time,
In everything you go right to the goal.
You know life is not from the movies,
And he actually tested it.

Your birthday is a step
Which means a lot in life.
We want to wish you
Health, happiness and good luck.

Good luck, bold plans, inspiration!
Always be the first, move forward!
Let a new desire for victory
Will bring good luck!

In deeds and thoughts - complete order,
Tempting, beautiful prospects!
Good and lasting prosperity
On a new bright life path!

Only the brave choose
Speed, drive, intensity of passions!
You are one of those who win!
Be true to your dream!

Let freedom and extreme
Let it lead to bright goals!
Everything is done for you
Be the first, luck awaits!

You know how to live brightly, swiftly,
To be always and in everything ahead,
You were born to be a winner
Boldly go to the cherished goal!

Let all possibilities open
And luck leads through life
All dreams and wishes come true
And success is sure to come!

Wishing you victories and good luck on your birthday!
Feel like a captain of fate!
May your achievements be priceless
On a bright, beautiful path of life!

Great prospects, bold plans for you
And worthy goals, success in destiny!
Raise the sails! Luckily, full speed ahead!
May you be lucky!

Life is full of discoveries and aspirations
For the one who is brave and obsessed
Thirst for interesting experiences,
New, unexplored depths!

Any goal is available to you,
You can make dreams come true!
Joy, good luck, we wish
Enjoy happiness, win!

Accept congratulations
On your most personal day!
You are the best without a doubt
And I'm not too lazy to repeat:

Be happy, healthy, smart,
Rich as a thousand Bill Gates
Illuminated by the love of relatives,
Loving them back with all my heart.

You chose the right path in life -
Be bold and don't back down!
May success await you in everything
Achieve all the goals you set!

May the path always be open to you
And any plans are given the green light!
Forward! Never doubt!
Great achievements, joyful victories!

Every man has holidays: personal, professional, general. From the view solemn day depends on the type of greeting. Age must be taken into account. Boys wish one thing, whitened elders another. As a rule, young people want career advancement, new life goals, everything that is connected with growth. Congratulations may contain wishes to start a family or increase its composition, success in communicating with the opposite sex.

Often this type of address is dressed in the form of humor. If a man has passed the stage of his first youth, it is better to write poems for him with the wishes of preserving what has been achieved. The form of congratulations should also be more serious, wiser. Age must always be taken into account, but words should only carry a positive attitude.
