The most beautiful card for dad jacket scheme. Shirt postcard, make a postcard in the form of a shirt, do it yourself

Looking for new DIY souvenir ideas for men? Read the article, prepare materials. You will have a stylish do-it-yourself shirt-card. Step-by-step instructions will tell you how to make a base and a paper tie different ways. Either option won't take long, but if you have a lot of gifts to make, go for the easy method. In a single copy, a souvenir can be made according to complex scheme- with additional decor.

Stylish gifts for men for any date

It doesn’t matter what holiday you are preparing for - February 23, an ordinary birthday or an anniversary, the question always arises: what to write a congratulation on? The choice of printing products is now huge. Postcards in the form of shirts are stylish and just right - with and without ties, with bow ties, vests and jackets. A popular trend now is making. Even a beginner can prepare a nice paper gift in the form of a business suit. If you don't know how to make a card-shirt, read on carefully.

What materials can be used

Most often take paper or cardboard. In specialized stores you can find very beautiful design options of various colors and textures. Velvet, embossed, mother-of-pearl, metallized sheets are on sale. Just use a pretty base. And even if you choose the easiest way to make, you will still get a great do-it-yourself shirt card. The step-by-step instructions given in the article will become the basis in your work.

In addition to paper, fabric is used to decorate or sew ties or bow ties. If you are making a souvenir for a youth-style guy, denim patches, lacing, patches, stickers will be quite appropriate, which are more suitable than a tie, especially when a young man prefers sportswear in life.

In what techniques can such a gift be made

As a rule, a postcard-shirt is made of paper, respectively, you can work using the application method, when the cut parts are connected together, or by folding origami. The second option is more difficult, but looks more effective.

As for decorativeness, the most suitable technique is scrapbooking. This is how commemorative albums with photographs were originally designed, but this is also a suitable way for this.

By the way, the shapes of the products may also differ. Use single options with a vertical or horizontal fold. The postcard is made directly in the form of a shirt or contains it as an additional element glued on top of a rectangular sheet.

A very difficult souvenir is a package-suit with a tie. Its manufacture should be started only after mastering a flat gift.

How to lay the foundation

If you are doing something like this for the first time, it is better to use a template. A shirt card is made from the usual rectangular format, although the folding options are still different. The following photo shows the sequence of steps that you need to follow to get a shirt with a collar and sleeves.

If you add the outer layer of another, you get a jacket. Using the application method, you can glue a vest or tie. Having mastered one pattern and folding method, you can easily make many different models, changing the color and texture of the paper, as well as decor. You will effortlessly make your own collection of samples, such as those shown in the first photo in the publication.

The most difficult is the origami technique. A postcard-shirt made using this technique turns out to be quite voluminous, and you can fold the paper so that the tie will act as one with the base.

Such a craft can be presented as an independent original souvenir, or it can be used as a part of a postcard. By the way, on the latter it is quite acceptable to place several of these elements of a paper wardrobe.

How to make a tie

The easiest way is application. There are no difficulties here, and the sequence of actions will be as follows:

1. tie base and knot element.

2. To give a decorative effect to a plain surface, prepare many multi-colored pieces of paper. If there is no designer, pages of unnecessary magazines or catalogs are quite suitable. A quick way is to use stickers.

3. After the pattern is distributed, cut off the excess parts along the outline of the workpiece.

4. Glue the upper part of the product (trapeze).

You can also make a card-shirt with a tie in a complicated way - so that the main element of the decor looks voluminous. This is done from a square blank in the sequence shown in the following photos.

A few more folds and the tie is ready.

Do-it-yourself shirt-card: step-by-step instructions (simple version)

The base, as well as ties, are made by any of the above methods, and both objects can be made using either one technology or different ones. The simplest is an application on a postcard without fold lines. This option is easy to make even a child. This idea is quite suitable as a lesson in artistic creativity with the guys on the eve of the men's holiday.

You will need:

  • rectangular sheet of paper;
  • cut blanks of parts;
  • decoration stickers.

How to make a tie in this way, we discussed in the previous section. After this element is completed, you need to glue the parts to the base. All is ready.

So, you have seen how to make a card-shirt using the appliqué method. Despite the fact that we chose the option using a white base rather than designer paper as an example, the souvenir looks decent, especially if it is created by the hands of a child.

Postcard-shirt: a master class on making

This option is much easier than origami. Such a postcard can be both double and single. In the second case, the front part will be slightly higher than the back, since an additional strip for the collar is required. Sometimes it is also performed from a separate paper tape, inserting into the slots made in the corresponding places of the base. Choose whichever is more convenient for you.

Just a few simple folds - and you have a spectacular shirt card. The master class in just a few illustrations clearly conveys the whole process. Notice how well they fit together. In many respects, the impression made by the gift depends on this. Try to use contrasts, but do not overdo it with the number of shades and patterns.

How to decorate and surprise

Even when you don't feel like doing origami, a card-shirt can be stylish and effective if you use additional decor. Volumetric details are glued onto the finished product or, conversely, they are cut out with the help of scissors or stenciled shapes or numbers. If you make inscriptions by hand or use printed or printed cards with standard wishes or exclusive congratulations. Glued real buttons look original.

So, after a few simple manipulations with the available materials, you will have a shirt-card in front of you. With my own hands ( step-by-step instruction it will help you with this) it is quite easy to make such an interesting souvenir. Our master class is the basis for further creative research. When the manufacturing technology is clear, you can easily create your own product options. You will quickly cope with creating a gift for your brother, boss, friend. Use a postcard to write best wishes or as an envelope for a gift in cash.

Here is my new article on men's postcards in the form of a shirt, as I promised you. There are many diverse ideas and I will try to give you as many options as possible for your creativity. Therefore, I collected various options from different sources. In essence, this is all Greeting Cards for men: dad, grandfather, brother, husband, boss, colleague, friend, boyfriend&hellip,

Making these postcards will not take you much time. Before starting work, prepare necessary materials: colored paper double-sided, paper with colorful patterns, ribbons, buttons. You can use such crafts not only as a postcard. I will explain further.

Let's take a look at the options!

postcard shirt

This is a modified version of the postcard from the previous article. In those postcards, the fold line was vertical, then horizontal. All other actions have not changed. Cuts must be made below the fold line. The postcard will not fall into two parts, since the cuts are small, and the resulting collar will not allow this. Well, it's too simple for a postcard.

Postcard shirt with tie

I really like this option. Very elegant and aesthetic. By adding a shirt with a tie, a jacket or a vest, we change the whole look of the postcard. The first two copies are postcards with one main horizontal fold. Further, the card is similar to a double-leaf wardrobe, but not in appearance, but in the way the card is opened. I must have completely confused you. I think, having examined the picture, you will understand everything yourself, without my comments.

With each following sample, the postcard gradually becomes more complicated.

Two new elements have been added to these pictures. First, it's a tie. Please pay attention to the tie, see? Replacing a paper tie with a satin ribbon, the postcard seemed to be transformed. Agree that this is not just a postcard, but a whole work of art. Secondly, congratulatory words are not written on the shirt itself, but as if inside it. The shirt is folded at the bottom and the back wall is glued to the jacket. Also a couple of little things added an inner pocket and a vest.

Look at these amazing postcards. It may not be postcards, but a menu or a concert program. Speech for a speech can be made in the form of such a postcard.

Postcard envelope for money

It is very easy to make a postcard-envelope with your own hands. It will look a bit like origami, but the result will be prettier.

How to make an envelope postcard?

All stages will be depicted clearly in the photographs. Let's start with the basic shirt. Select suitable color, take a ruler and a pencil, with their help, try to make the folds neat and clear. Let's get started!

Bend so that there is a docking of the left edge and with the right.

We bend the corners. This is how we make the sleeves.

Now we bend these corners inward.

I do not know how to describe the next action, but try to bend correctly. I really hope that the photo shows how to do it.

Turn over now and fold back about 2 centimeters. This is for making a collar.

Turn over again and fold to the sides as indicated in the example.

The central fold is not quite in the center. You need to bend in such a way that the bottom part with the sleeves is slightly under the collar.

I congratulate you! The shirt is ready!

Now I want to offer you another option, an origami tie, it will be slightly different from the diagram from the previous article. When I saw the Japanese scheme, I got a little lost. To be honest, I was completely at a loss as to how it should be bent. But then I found a good example, I will share with you.

The first 3 pictures do not differ from the diagram from the article, but then the fun begins. Here I will do without comments, I'm afraid to confuse you.

Well, the tie is ready. Your postcard-envelope is complete, you can start decorating the envelope (buttons, pocket). You don't have to fold the origami tie, you can just cut it out of paper, it will look just as good.

Good luck to you, may your efforts not be in vain!

In this article we will tell you how to make a jacket out of paper. This decor is a great addition to a postcard for a man for any holiday: from the twenty-third of February to his birthday and even the new year. All you need is a couple of sheets of paper, cardboard, a little free time and effort. So, let's look at several options for creating such crafts.

Method one

You will need:

  • Cardboard or plain white A4 paper. The most important thing is that it be dense.
  • Colored paper.
  • Scissors.
  • Simple pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Markers.
  • Eraser.
  • Satin ribbon.
  • Glue gun.
  • Buttons.

How to proceed:

  1. Before you create a paper jacket with your own hands, you need to make a drawing. It will make the whole process much easier.
  2. In the middle of the sheet, draw a rectangle with sides of 16 and 11 centimeters. On the sides of it are rectangles with parameters of 6 and 16 centimeters.
  3. Cut out the resulting shape. Bend along the drawn lines The upper part of the main rectangle should be slightly rounded with scissors.
  4. Thus, you should get something like a book. Gently fold the edges - this will be the collar of our jacket.
  5. The next step is to create the collar for the shirt. To arrange it, we make a drawing - we draw a rectangle with sides of 14 and 4 centimeters. Let's cut it out.
  6. Draw a diagonal vertically and bend the figure along this line.
  7. After you need to bend the edges, giving the shape of the collar. We attach it to our workpiece.
  8. Now take half of A4 sheet and fold it in half. On one of the inner sides we write poems with congratulations, and then we glue the sheet inside the jacket - it will be a shirt.

That's all! Your postcard is almost ready - the only thing left is the decor:

  1. From satin ribbon We knit a tie and glue it to the collar of the shirt.
  2. We attach buttons and small pockets cut out of paper to the jacket.

Method two

First, prepare the items that you will need in the course of work. Among them:

  • Album sheets or white A4 paper.
  • Colored paper - in our case it is brown and red, but you can use any other colors of your choice.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue stick.
  • Simple pencil.
  • Threads.
  • Thin satin ribbon.

A master class on how to create a card-jacket with a tie with your own hands:

  • The first step is to write a congratulation text on a sheet of A4 paper. Then roll it into a tube horizontally. In the middle, carefully secure with a small and thin piece of tape.
  • Now let's start creating a jacket. To do this, wrap the tube with brown paper, but leave a small place untouched (about ¼).
  • From red paper we cut out small triangles at an angle of ninety degrees and strong them on the jacket - this will be the collar.

Important! Also, from red paper, you need to cut out small pockets, buttons and glue them to the jacket.

  • The last moment is to tie a tie from a satin ribbon and attach it to our design.

Method three

The third idea, how to create a card in the form of a jacket with your own hands, is somewhat more complicated than the previous ones. However, the result is quite interesting. If everything is done carefully, then such a present can be presented even to the boss.

First of all, of course, you need to prepare everything you need:

  • White cardboard.
  • Blue cardboard.
  • Sheets A4.
  • Blue colored paper.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue stick.

Your actions:

  1. Our postcard will consist of three parts - a shirt, a vest and a jacket.
  2. We'll start with the shirt. Take an A4 sheet, cut it into two pieces horizontally. We only need one. Write your congratulations on it, then fold it in half and carefully fix it on the side with a small piece of tape.
  3. From white cardboard, cut out a rectangle with sides of 2.5 and 10 centimeters. Bend it along a vertical line and turn the edges a little, imitating a collar. Glue it to our "shirt".
  4. Now it's the turn of the vest. First, it is recommended to make a template, according to which you can already cut out the details from blue cardboard. Glue the vest onto the shirt. From above we sculpt buttons and pockets from a blue colored sheet.
  5. We also cut out a tie from colored paper, glue its beginning at the collar and tuck it into the vest.
  6. The queue was only for the jacket. Cut out a rectangle in the shape of the shirt and wrap it around. At the top we imitate a collar. We cut out a button from the same material, glue it.
  7. The postcard is ready.

Important! To prevent it from opening when not required, put a small paperclip on the bottom. To make it invisible, its shade must be combined with colors the postcard itself.

Oh, and a difficult task for women when they are going to congratulate men on the holiday. And it doesn’t even matter what holiday it is, and how to prepare for it, the result remains the same, it’s hard to decide on a gift. After all, you always want to be a very original person and bring real pleasure with your gift. What do they usually give men? They can give money, or you can give a bottle of your favorite collectible skate, and it can also be some very rare and rare item from any men's collection, or perfume, etc. It seems that, at first glance, there is a choice of gifts, but it is still very difficult to decide. But still, any souvenir must be complemented by a postcard with wishes. Moreover, you can just show all your imagination and creativity with the help of a handmade postcard.

We will not delay for a long time, but right now we will start making very interesting, and most importantly, truly masculine postcards in the form of shirts. For the master class we take:
On a sheet of blue and brown cardboard under the skin, A4 format;
Scrapbook paper in dark masculine tones;
Template for vest and shirt;
Ribbons satin dove and beige 5 cm wide;
Cardboard milky and light salad;
Metal watch pendants;
Bradsiks are metal;
Stamped inscriptions "Happy Birthday";
Acrylic buttons, 3 pieces light green and blue;
Adhesive with adhesive tape effect;
Scissors, glue gun, ruler, pencil.

The principle of creating such postcards is to make jackets with matching shirts, as if they were living silhouettes of men. Our jackets will be blue and brown, milk and salad shirts, and blue and beige ties. We measure rectangles for shirts 14.5 by 19 cm.

As in the diagram, we make cuts on the sides, and fold the collars. From scrapbook paper according to the scheme, you need to cut out along the vest.

Glue vests onto shirts. The inside of our composition is ready, we sew vests on a typewriter, except for the necks.

Now from cardboard, we now need to prepare jackets. We make the jackets 19 cm high, retreat 7.5 cm on the sides and draw fold lines.

Also, we need to draw bending lines for the jacket, as in the photo.

We wrap the collar of the jacket.

We insert a shirt with a vest inside, we do the same with a blue jacket.

We glue according to the inscription on the front of the jacket “Happy Birthday”, we sew the edges of the jacket in front. Now we cut out two squares 14 by 14 cm from scrap paper, if there is a hole punch, then we make them figured along one edge.

We also make two leaves for congratulations 10.5 by 15 cm, glue at the top, too, according to the inscription and sew. Now we glue the pockets on the back of the jackets.
