Best apology ever to a girl. How to apologize to a girl

Baby please excuse me
I don't deny it, I screwed up a lot
You gave me a dream
I bathed in happiness with you.

I'm sorry, please don't be angry
Let's sign the world
Rodnul, please, smile,
Let's forget all the bad!

After all, without you there is no peace,
I languish all day in sorrow,
Forgive me, I beg you
You are the only one I ever need!

Forgive me for my temper,
I know it's very difficult for me!
I love you with my heart and soul,
Dear, without you I'm so anxious!

Forgive me for this bitterness of stupid phrases,
That flew from the mouth like bullets!
I really miss your eyes
Which brought me happiness back to life!

I hated myself
I became disgusted with myself -
Hurt your beloved
Thus, he fell very low.

Forgiving me is hard,
In agony I wait for the answer:
Is there even the slightest hope?
Will you forgive me or not?

Do not be offended by me,
Don't get angry and don't look angry.
Madly I love you!
Please, forgive me, let the bad be forgotten.

I know I'm guilty before you
Well, if you want, scold me a little,
And then smile and hug
After all, we have a happy road ahead of us.

I won't let you be sad anymore
I won't let the smile leave my face.
Now I ask, just forgive me
For all my thoughtless mistakes.

I'm sorry. I'm begging.
It's not easy for me,
But only you I worship.
I'm sorry. Forgive me for all.

I'm sorry, I declare:
Come back to me, my love!
I freeze, I die.
You are so beautiful, so light.

I will be better. I promise.
I will change. Trust me.
I blame myself for everything
And without you, I'm just at the bottom.

Forgive me, my dear.
I behaved badly.
I offended you very much, I know
And that's why you're right

You look at me angrily
Don't hide your resentment.
I will change for you.
Forgive me, my dear!

I sit alone, in an empty apartment,
And I listen to the silence.
You are not related in this world,
How could offend? I don’t understand.
Work, vanity, worries,
And nerves clenched into a fist.
For a moment I forgot who you are...
What a fool!
Shouted and reproached, scandalized,
And I did not notice your tears.
I've been wasting my time
Now I just realized
All the warmth, love and affection,
You only gave to me.
I'm sorry, and I will return us to a fairy tale,
Lost through my fault.

I offended you, my love,
And I hurt your own heart.
But God knows I didn't mean to hurt you
And bring sadness and grief.

Do you remember the wise words:
“Resentment is like a wall, and we don't need it.
After all, love is needed
Not walls, but open spaces.

I offended you, and I know it,
Because sometimes we hurt the ones we love.
Forgive me soon, my love
And let resentment become a drop in the ocean.

I'm very guilty
In front of you, dear.
I want to fix
All the things he did.

Forgive me for everything
I beg you.
I'm sorry that I am you
So little appreciated.

Your love from troubles
Always kept me.
I'm very guilty
That he didn't appreciate it.

I so want to return
Trust and tenderness
I'm sorry that I
Involuntarily offended.

I will not repeat my sin.
I will love from now on
You are even stronger
Than before I loved.

Forgive me, dear
I don't know what's wrong with me.
It's like a demon has taken over me
Terribly evil and alien.

I made you cry
He spoke bitter words.
I want to fix it soon
What he did himself.

I hate myself
For your stupid act.
And I swear I won't offend
With my own head!

A complete collection of materials on the topic: an apology to the girl in your own words from experts in their field.

Forgive me, if possible, because there is no limit to my remorse. My soul is restless, and my conscience has already simply gnawed at my consciousness, reminding me of the strength of my guilt ...

I may not be worthy of being forgiven by you. But I know how generous you are. You have a big and kind heart, which cannot remain indifferent to my requests for forgiveness.

Asking for forgiveness in words is easier than sincerely repenting in your soul. Believe me, I am extremely sorry for what happened. Don't be angry with me, you are dear to me.

Apologies to the girl

I don't need anything more than your forgiveness right now! Just do not be angry, let go of resentment, cool down from anger. The smile addressed to me suits you so well!

You were offended, and my world collapsed, the sky darkened around me, and clouds of black melancholy thickened over my head. Forgive me, give me back the light and joy of life!

You are a wise and kind girl, please try to understand and forgive me like a woman. And I will try never to do that again.

With the hope of a speedy reconciliation with the sweetest girl in the world, I offer my most sincere apologies.

I know that you have a wide soul and a huge heart in which there is no place for resentment and anger, so you will definitely forgive me, right?

Apologizing to a girl in your own words

I can’t understand how it happened that I managed to offend you! I am very sorry. Let's make peace, please?

If only I knew how to make amends with such a sunny creature as you, but I do not know, and therefore I simply apologize.

Darling, I admit my guilt, I swear that this will not happen again, and I apologize a thousand times, just stop looking at me with such offended eyes, my soul cannot bear it!

I just want to tell you, "I'm sorry." It's a sin to offend such a girl. Sinful, sorry.

Please forgive me for upsetting you. Your resentment is a stone on my heart.

Once, having met a girl you liked, you did not notice how, until recently, a stranger, they began to call her beloved. Surprisingly, you share your joys with her, share your troubles, discuss the news, you can say everything is fine with you.

But, alas, we are all not perfect people, and therefore there comes a moment when, having made a mistake or done something that greatly hurt your soul mate, you have to apologize. Regardless of your desire, when quarreling with your soul mate, just one rude word or the wrong intonation can become the detonator of a strong quarrel.

Whether we like it or not, this is an indispensable condition for the relationship of the sexes, it will not be possible to live your whole life smoothly, there will definitely be moments when you have to take all the blame and ask for forgiveness from your loved one. In order for all your words to be heard and received correctly, you need to remember a few important points.

It is important to firmly understand that asking for forgiveness is not an act of a weak-willed person. Rather, on the contrary, only an internally mature and accomplished man can take the first step to correct the situation, apologize, ask for forgiveness from a friend.

When apologizing to your girlfriend, you need to create the appropriate environment and choose the right words. Agree, the word “sorry” said on the run will be like a blank shot, no positive effect will occur, and it may even aggravate the current situation. Psychologists say that the most right time for forgiveness - a day, after a quarrel. During this time, emotions will go out, and the words spoken in the heat of the moment will still be fresh, and besides, this is enough time to realize that you are wrong.

How to apologize to a girl

  1. Be sure to confirm that you perfectly understand the situation in which you find yourself. We will have to give up general apologies, ask for forgiveness “for everything said and done”, this means getting rid of hackneyed phrases. Indicate that you know exactly the reason for the disagreement and that you are ready to fix everything.
  2. Don't justify yourself. An important condition for a long relationship is to be able to take responsibility for actions and their consequences. When apologizing, do not be afraid to emphasize that you made a mistake, but are ready to correct everything.
  3. Look at the current situation from all sides. Forget about your own opinion, your goal is to renew, cracked relationships, and not decide who is right in this case.
  4. Be sure to ask if you can count on forgiveness or not. Very often, it seems to us that a few words of apology are required to correct the situation and the relationship to get back to its previous level. Alas, sometimes it is impossible to return everything back, so do not be shy and ask directly whether you are ready to forgive you or not. Perhaps this will not fix anything, but it will show your respect for your partner.
  5. Be patient. Having quarreled, we strive to smooth out all the corners as soon as possible and find points of restoration of mutual understanding. If, in the process of apologizing, you saw that at this stage the current situation cannot be corrected, do not insist. Try to unobtrusively find out what actions you can take to resolve the situation in which you find yourself. In any case, you will have to be patient.
  6. Everything said should sound firm, it will show your determination to make things right. Assuming responsibility, speak boldly, but without raising your tone. The main condition is sincere words of forgiveness. If the interlocutor sees bitterness and regret in them, then he will accordingly understand that you experienced the situation internally, which means that in the future you will try not to repeat the mistakes.

Words of forgiveness in prose

My dear man, you cannot even imagine how lucky I am in this life. Until recently, I didn’t even think about it, but the situation in which we found ourselves showed how dear you are to me. Forgive me for the words spoken in anger, please do not be offended. I'm truly sorry, love.

Sunny, how insanely sorry for every letter that I said to you succumbing to emotions. Of course, this in no way excuses me, but please do not make hasty decisions, give me a chance to fix everything. I promise you will see a completely different person who can move mountains for the love of a loved one. Sorry kitty, this won't happen again.

My love, alas, in our lives there are different situations sometimes they are very deplorable. It is insanely hard for me to realize how painfully I hurt you, in my own words. I'm sorry, my love, let's try to forget everything, how horrible dream and avoid repeating mistakes as much as possible. For my part, I promise that I will do my best to fix everything and strengthen our relationship. Love you.

Every day, waking up without you or seeing your favorite an empty chair, it tears me apart from the inside. How stupid and presumptuous he was that he did not appreciate next to him such a sensitive little man like you. They say that we do not appreciate, having lost crying, how now I understand the deep meaning of this phrase. I miss your presence in my life to tears, laughter that fills everything around, gentle hands and wise advice. I'm sorry, my dear.

It's hard for me to understand how people live who have not known love!? Is it possible to be happy without this bright feeling? Now I know the answer for sure - no way! But Lately my conscience torments me, regularly reminds me of how disgustingly I did with my love. Please forgive me for the offense caused to you, the love of my life. Let the moments of sorrow go into the distant past, and the light of the present illuminates our relationship.

What a terrible word - loneliness! From the thought that I can not see you all the time, everything turns over in me. Of course, all the blame for what happened lies entirely with me, I have replayed our quarrel in my head thousands of times and it is impossible to understand how such a trifle can cause such problems ?! I only hope for your forgiveness, dear, well, some trifle cannot interfere with the happiness of two adults. Sorry kitty, let's not fight anymore.

You know, preparing for our conversation, everyone tried to pick up beautiful words to justify himself. I looked through many books and magazines, but nowhere did I see the right words for you to forgive me. And then I decided - I will speak from the heart, because it was thanks to him that I realized how dear you are to me. Do not judge me baby, because you know very well that I love you with all my heart, with all my soul. I beg your pardon, the most just woman in the world.

My little one, I just can’t understand what is happening to me: no matter what I do, wherever I go, all my thoughts return to you. I just can't forgive myself for the stupid thing I did. I can only hope for your pure and selfless soul, which can understand and forgive, even such a fool.

Baby, I need to tell you everything that has accumulated inside me. From the day of our quarrel to the present moment, I can’t do anything, I can’t concentrate on business, no matter what I undertake, nothing happens. After thinking for a long time what was the reason, I came to only one conclusion - I need to ask your forgiveness. Sorry for the stupid things said in the hearts, for the deeds done in anger. For a normal existence, it is vital for me to receive your forgiveness.

You know, I had enough time to realize the depth of the insult caused to you. Please excuse me, I'm really ashamed of what I said. Such behavior is characteristic only of egoists, but I no longer want to be such, on the contrary, all my nature longs to share with you, everything I have. Let's not fight again, love.

My beloved to the point of madness and a gentle person, how can you be offended by me for so long ?! All the words that I can say to you, in my defense, are nothing compared to how I punished myself. Every minute spent in a quarrel with you is an eternity for me, and in every breath, there is a catastrophic lack of oxygen. Please find the strength within yourself and forgive your stupid boy.

Kitten, let's get through this difficult period together in our lives. I would like, as a poet, to describe all the disappointment that I feel from the situation that has arisen, but alas, I cannot. Therefore, everything I said will flow from my wounded heart, and each letter is saturated with bitterness and regret. Excuse me, dear, if there is a thing that will help me to smooth over the guilt, tell me and I will do my best to get it.

Remember how many joyful and happy days we spent together! Let's not let this unfortunate incident ruin our lives. I beg your pardon, for my part I promise that henceforth I will behave with more restraint, and what I say will be carefully weighed. I'm sorry baby.

Beloved, during our quarrel, an insane amount of words of justification has accumulated in me. But they can all fit in one short word - I'm sorry. It is extremely stupid to seek an excuse for your careless actions, and therefore, I want to tell you that I take all the blame for my actions. From you, I ask only a little understanding and forgiveness, oddly enough, but this is exactly what is vital to me. Forgive me my love.

I want to ask for forgiveness from the dearest and most beloved person - my wife. You are the most beautiful, most caring wife in the whole wide world. I ask you, the light of my eyes, show indulgence and forgive your rude husband. I am well aware of your unusually large, kind heart, that's what I have to rely on, because there is nothing else. Sorry, my charm, let all the troubles go away forever from our lives, and love and mutual respect will take their place.

Short SMS messages

If there was an opportunity to return everything back, I wouldn’t think for a second, I returned it and fixed everything. But, since this is impossible, it remains only to ask for forgiveness, in the hope of your apology. I love you, I'm sorry.

I have no excuse, this realization drives me crazy. I beg your pardon, no even forgive me. Please don't make hasty decisions, let me fix it. Infinitely loving you (name).

Oh, the light of my eyes, I just can’t forgive myself, the stupidity that I said to you in anger. You are not worthy to listen to such sayings, and I assure you, I said these nasty things to you with passion. Sorry fool!

How I want to become a happy person back, but I can’t, without your presence in my life. Sorry, my dear woman, let's forget everything and continue to live happily and carefree.

How hopelessly stupid I was when I did things that could hurt you. I'm sorry if I humiliated you with my words or insulted you with actions, if you can forgive, then I'm sure we can fix everything anew.

I sit and think, how are you, my love,
Express remorse. I'm sorry
What brought you, suddenly, tender and sweet,
So much grief, my dear.

For stupid deeds, for worthless words,
Anger and indifference, and an unkind look,
And for everything like that, you're sorry, good.
I know that I was wrong. I know it's my fault.

Forget the sad, give me a chance to improve.
I did not want bad, but I could not appease
Stupidity and pride. And now just repent
I came with a confession. Let me hug you.

For the words that I said
For my offensive actions,
For the fact that he showed his temper,
My love, I'm sorry!
And let fate punish me
For being wrong with you.
And let the star show me the essence.
I know, I'm just a fool.

Honey, forgive me. I know it's not easy to just forget about everything and let go of resentment, but, please, let's leave everything bad behind the line. Gentle, kind, sensitive, sincere, beautiful, the best, I really want you to smile and dream again, be happy and not sad. I'm sorry.

Violin plays in the soul
Sorrow and pain melting,
And you for all the mistakes
Forgive me my love.

I finally understood everything
Now I got it all
I want to be with you
Darling, I'm sorry!

Become the former, cheerful,
Forgive me and be with me
I'm ready for a new life
But only with you.

Forgive me my dear
I said something sharp again.
I didn't understand your hints
Didn't want to offend you.

My words and expressions are splitting,
I do not notice that they bring pain,
You are the best I know
My favorite, good, I'm sorry!

My dear, my dear, I'm sorry
I can't bear to be separated from you.
You are like a bright light in the darkness
Being without you is like torture.

I dream to see joy again
In your beautiful sincere eyes
Hold hands, just be there.
Give me the opportunity to conquer you again.

After all, I was wrong, I flared up, offended.
I'm so sorry, I don't have the strength.
Please forgive me, give me a chance for mercy
I will change to make you admire.

Forgive me, please, please
After all, everyone can make a mistake somewhere.
I only want one thing now -
With you, baby, urgently make peace.

I don't like being with you in a quarrel.
Isn't it better for us to forgive each other?
I want to admire you again
And love my girl again.

Forgive me for the insults, dear,
Forgive my harsh words.
I'm to blame, I understand everything
And forgive my stupid actions.

How I would like to see a smile again -
Your soulful one.
Yes, my dear, I made a mistake
And I'm not looking for someone else's smile.

It's my fault that there is resentment
Believe me, my soul is open
To you, to our great love,
Please forgive me for everything.

I'll try to make amends
Get rid of negative traits
After all, you are near and dear,
I want to be with you always!

I don't know how to ask your forgiveness
I've exhausted all your patience.
I only know - without you I lived without loving at all,
And I blame myself for all your grievances.

I don't know how to say that I want to start over
To with better side you recognized me in everything.
I only know - I'm ready to prove without further ado,
That I will give you all the care and love from now on!

I'm sorry that I acted very stupidly,
I said a lot of offensive words,
But you, please, make concessions to me,
After all, I'm ready to pray for forgiveness!

I'm sorry, this won't happen again
Give me a chance, or at least a modicum of hope!
Please, my dear, stop being angry,
After all, I want everything to be as before!

Hello dear readers. Often in a relationship, when two characters are still grinding in, quarrels arise. Often a partner is offended by some act of her gentleman. In this article, you will learn how a guy should behave in such a situation, how to apologize to an offended girl. Let us separately consider the case when a young man admits his own guilt.

Why did the girl get offended

A guy cannot always understand why his beloved is offended by him, what exactly provoked such emotions in her. Sometimes such behavior of the chosen one is perceived as a way of flirting or a means of blackmail. Over time, the guy will understand in which situations the offense is real, and in which it is not.

You must be aware that a young lady can be hurt by an unsuccessful joke or a rude word. You need to understand that male humor is not always perceived by women. It is important to learn to recognize the behavior of your chosen one, to see what is in her soul, to notice resentment in a timely manner, so that it is easier to understand what exactly influenced this state of the girl.

The most common reasons that make a young lady "pout" include:

  • the guy accidentally called the girl the name of another woman, in particular his ex;
  • looked appraisingly at his girlfriend's girlfriend or another representative of the beautiful half of humanity;
  • was rude to his beloved when she called to work - at that moment there was a strong emergency;
  • the guy joked stupidly, hitting the girl to the quick.

Preparatory stage

  1. Any act of a person must be balanced, carefully thought out.
  2. Before asking for forgiveness, you need to think over a plan of action.
  3. If you decide to apologize with the help of words, you need to think about what names will be appropriate in this situation, make sure that they will become convincing, will be emotional enough, not hysterical, there will be no obscene words.
  4. You need to remember words such as "sorry", "sorry". The offended young lady will definitely be waiting for something like that.
  5. Before making an appointment with your loved one, you should also think about the answers to possibly asked questions. The girl may be interested in:
  • do you know what is the cause of the misconduct;
  • what exactly allowed you to behave this way;
  • How do you plan to avoid this behavior in the future?


  1. Be honest, be calm.
  2. Control the tone of your conversation, intonation and choose the right words.
  3. Start a conversation with the phrase "can I talk to you."
  4. Ask what exactly offended her, if you do not know the reason.
  5. Try to put yourself in her place and realize that this act really hurt the girl.
  6. Promise that this will not happen again in the future, you will try with all your might to prevent this from happening.
  7. If the situation calls for it, smile and kiss your partner.

If the girl has not yet had time to calm down, no action needs to be taken. It is better to wait, otherwise you can run into a big scandal and aggression on her part.

If a guy knows how to properly approach his chosen one in order to achieve her location again, then he is very lucky. It’s more difficult when a girl’s feelings have simply cooled down, if resentment is a way to bring parting closer. In such a situation, the young man will think about how to apologize, and the girl will look for a reason to be more offended.

If the couple, in principle, does not think about parting, then after asking for forgiveness, it is necessary:

  • try to talk heart to heart, even if the girl is trying to put out the door;
  • you need to explain the purpose of your arrival;
  • if she wants to express her claims and throw a tantrum, no need to interfere;
  • it is important to clearly explain the reasons for your act, to wait how the girl will react;
  • no need to interrupt the young lady, let her speak out about everything that is sore.

If you plead guilty

If you offended your beloved and admit that you did wrong.

  1. Come to the girl with a guilty face.
  2. Ask to speak.
  3. Tell them right away that you are at fault.
  4. Try to explain why you did it the way you did.
  5. Sincerely ask for forgiveness.
  6. Point out that you are aware that you were wrong, you undertake not to do so again.
  7. Be sure to indicate how much you value your relationship.
  8. Try to take the girl by the arms or hug her.

When you talk about the reasons that prompted you to commit a bad deed, speak in a guilty voice with a pitiful intonation. Do not think that this will humiliate your dignity.

Possible mistakes

  1. If you are planning a meeting with a young lady in order to reconcile, but at the same time some event occurs that unbalances you, then it is better to postpone the date. Otherwise, the quarrel will only get worse.
  2. If the girl is not ready to see you yet, she is very offended, then you don’t need to follow her, be too intrusive, call often. Let her stay alone for some time, she doesn’t need to be reminded of herself, to annoy even more.
  3. If the girl calls first or somehow hints that she is ready to communicate, there is no need to pause. It is better to immediately make contact, offer to meet and go for a walk.
  4. It is unacceptable to immediately insist on sex after reconciliation. At such a moment, the girl will be touched, there is no need to trivialize everything. An exception is if the beloved begins to act on her own.

Apology Examples

How exactly to ask for forgiveness will directly depend on what happened. I bring to your attention four examples of apologies.

  1. Excuse me, I understand that my act greatly offended you. I won't justify my behavior. I understand that this is impossible. Please remember the good times we had together. Is it really because of my thoughtless action that everything needs to be crossed out?
  2. Forgive me for what I did. These actions were based on natural instincts. I want you to understand that I don't need anyone but you. I only looked at your friend out of curiosity. I love you, other girls do not exist for me.
  3. Sorry for being rude. At that moment, I was very busy and could not give you proper attention. To a greater extent, you fell under the hot hand. I understand that such behavior is unacceptable. I shouldn't have offended you. I'm ashamed that I couldn't. I promise that I will start working on myself so that this does not happen again.
  4. Sorry for the inappropriate joke. I didn't think at all that she might be unpleasant for you. I won't do such reckless things in the future. Please forgive me.

Reconciliation in VK

  1. Leave graffiti with words about forgiveness on her wall. Reinforce it with a heart or a kiss. A sad face would also be appropriate.
  2. You can choose music or video clips that contain words about forgiveness. And send a selection to the girl on the wall. It is better to pre-listen to the songs from beginning to end, so that it does not happen that some phrase will anger or upset your chosen one even more.
  3. You can send your beloved a collage of your joint photos, namely pictures of the happy moments of your life. So the girl will see what she can lose. It would also be useful to add words about an apology, maybe a music track, especially one that symbolizes the beginning of your relationship.
  4. A guy can make a video in which he will ask the girl for forgiveness and say how much he loves her. Send such a video to the Vkontakte wall.

In a letter

Sometimes it’s very difficult for a guy to step over himself and say “I’m sorry” to a girl. In such situations, a handwritten message will help to apologize correctly. It could be:

  • a note attached to the mirror or left on the refrigerator, on the table;
  • message on a social network;
  • a letter sent by e-mail;
  • romantic option - a regular paper letter left in the mailbox;
  • you can send a courier to her house with a bouquet of flowers, in which there will be a note with apologies.

To understand what to do if you messed up a lot, you need to listen to the following recommendations.

  1. No need to tell everyone in a row that the girl was offended. People can stand up for the young lady. And some individuals can tell the girl herself about this, slightly turning your story around. Which will further aggravate the situation.
  2. The guy must analyze his actions, determine the cause of the offense, think carefully about how he will apologize.
  3. You need to be sincere, let the girl see a real desire to improve relations.
  4. Apologize better words. You need to speak in a calm and confident voice, be able to control your emotions.
  5. If you still don’t understand what exactly influenced the girl’s resentment, then it’s better to apologize anyway. It will be good if you can later clarify what kind of act upset her. It is important to do this in order to avoid such mistakes in the future.
  6. Asking for forgiveness is necessary in person. It is better to appoint her during the day, correctly guessing the time so that the girl is free.
  7. The guy should start his conversation with the phrase "I realized that I did wrong ..." or "I would like to apologize ...", or "I am very sorry to you ...".
  8. Along with an apology, you can present a small gift, something symbolic or handmade.
  9. It is important to discuss what happened, to think about how to behave in the future.
  10. No need to give up, even if the girl pushes you away, does not allow you to apologize. Perhaps she was just very offended. She needs time to cool down.

Now you know how to apologize to the girl you offended. Remember that the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are very vulnerable. Think over your every act and word so as not to hurt your beloved. If the girl is already offended, then do not delay with an apology. Speed ​​up reconciliation if the young lady is really dear to you and there is no desire to lose her.
