We give birth correctly, how to behave during labor. How to behave during childbirth

This table is best printed out and kept in front of your eyes when labor begins. The table was compiled based on the materials of the lectures of the childbirth preparation school at the Spaso-Perovsky hospital.

This cheat sheet provides a summary of how a woman should behave during childbirth. Childbirth consists of five stages called phases:

  1. latent (hidden) phase, which some women do not even notice - during it, the opening of the cervix begins and reaches 3-4 cm;
  2. the active phase (contractions), during which the woman in labor usually arrives at the maternity hospital - the opening gradually increases to 8 cm;
  3. the transitional phase, during which full cervical dilatation is achieved;
  4. the phase of exile, or the pressing period, in which the child is born;
  5. the birth of the placenta.

Each phase of childbirth has its own characteristics. In the latent phase, contractions are rare, short and almost painless.; at the beginning they last about 30 seconds with an interval of 20-30 minutes; at the end of the latent phase, contractions last up to a minute and the interval between them is reduced to 5-7 minutes. In this phase, you can do household chores, walk, take a shower. You should not sit or lie down - this can slow down contractions and weaken labor. Reducing the interval between contractions to 5-7 minutes is a reason to go to the hospital.

In the active phase, contractions intensify, they become more painful, so it is useful for a woman in labor to start using slow deep breathing. As the intensity of the contractions increases, you can use rapid breathing (dog-like) at the peak of the contraction. Pain relief massage of the lower back helps many.

In the transitional phase, the opening of the neck is completed, reaching the full, the baby's head enters the birth canal. It is impossible to push at this time, because you can tear the cervix. The midwife asks the woman in labor to breathe through several contractions, for a woman this is the most difficult moment of childbirth. But it does not happen to everyone, often the active phase is immediately followed by attempts.

attempts bring relief to the woman in labor, because with vigorous activity the pain is more easily tolerated. In addition, the culminating moment has come when the baby is about to be born. Usually the pushing period does not last long, for 3-5 attempts the child is born. During the contraction, it is important to listen to the commands of the midwife, to push down, as in a hard chair, not to strain your head. In standard childbirth on a chair, the chin of the woman in labor is pressed to her chest, when the contraction approaches, you need to take in air and push, then smoothly (not sharply) release the air, take another breath and push again. Usually, in one contraction, a woman in labor has time to make three attempts. In the interval between contractions (which became very short, about 30 seconds), you need to try to relax and build up strength.

As a rule, in a few attempts the head is born, in the interval the midwife makes a turn, directing the shoulders, and on the next attempt, already much easier, the whole body of the baby is born. It is laid out on the woman's belly, it is still connected by the umbilical cord to the placenta, which is still inside the uterus. After a few minutes, the umbilical cord stops pulsing, the baby can already breathe on its own. The umbilical cord is cut, often given to the father. The child is taken away to wipe and suck out the mucus from the respiratory tract, then the newborn is swaddled and the mother is helped to attach him to the breast. Sometimes babies take the breast right away to suck in a few drops.

At this time, the midwife ask the woman to push again, and already without much effort is born. It is examined to make sure that it is intact (parts of the placenta should not remain inside the uterus, so the umbilical cord should not be pulled, the placenta should be born spontaneously).



What can What is impossible
Latent (hidden) phase of childbirth (contractions) 30 sec. int. 20 minutes.

1 min. int. 5-7 min.

Deep chest, nose (you can mouth, if convenient) Do household chores. Walk, sing, breathe. Take a shower, bath. Do an enema: warm, acidified with a tablespoon apple cider vinegar for 1.5-2 liters. Drink tea with thyme. At the end of this phase, go to the hospital! Scream. Sit. Lie down (at the end of the hidden phase). Drink a lot. Eat.
Active phase of labor (contractions) 2 minutes. int. 2-3 min. Slow deep breathing (4 counts of inhalation - 6 counts of exhalation), with an increase in the peak of the contraction (doggy style with the upper part of the lungs) Walk, sing, breathe. Listen to music. Relax! Save your strength! Pain relief massage. Rinse your mouth with water. Scream. Sit. Lie. Drink. Eat.
Transitional phase of labor (pre-pulling efforts) 2 minutes. int.1-2 min. Deep, chest, diaphragm, pushing the baby to the exit. Walk. Squat. Stand on all fours. push
The phase of exile (attempts) 3-5 min. With the beginning of the fight, take in air, push only in the perineum, exhale the air to the end. Repeat three times per fight. When the head was born, breathe "like a dog" and only with your mouth. Listen to the midwife. Relax in between, breathe deeply. Relax your stomach. Moisten your mouth, lips. Push in the head. Scream. Flatten your legs
Birth of the placenta 15-30 min. Free. You can push for air. Push, cough. Pull on the umbilical cord. Hurry

Long 9 months behind, the time has come when it's time for the baby to be born. The question arises, especially for those who give birth for the first time - how to behave during childbirth, so as not to harm the baby and make the process as painless as possible. In order to adequately behave in childbirth, you need to be able to cope with pain and emotions, and most importantly, overcome fear.

Fear arises from the unknown, now there is a lot of useful literature and information about how to breathe correctly and about the very physiology of the process. The basic rules for overcoming fear are as follows:

  • Awareness. So that the unknown does not frighten, you can read on the forums about the various courses of the birth of a child, it is better to find out the opinion of recently born mothers - their information will be more believable and accurate.
  • Smart attitude. If something cannot be avoided, then you need to be ready for this “by all means”. Everything is individual: someone can give birth easily and quickly, and someone will have difficulties, but no one will remain pregnant. You need to try to treat the birth process philosophically: do everything you can to the maximum, and for the rest rely on the fate and professionalism of doctors.
  • Preparedness. During pregnancy, they attend trainings, learn how to breathe correctly for different periods of childbirth. If this did not work out, you need, at least a week before the expected date, to familiarize yourself with the literature on this matter and work out breathing exercises. They really help the birth of a child, do not allow hypoxia and distract the woman in labor from pain.
  • Physical state. The body before childbirth should not be exhausted. When you get into the delivery room, you will need all the strength and energy in order not to be lazy and follow all the instructions of the midwife.

Childbirth how to behave

It is important to know how to behave correctly and adequately during childbirth. The correct behavior during childbirth is calm, but in such a way that it is clear from the state what is happening. Both extremes will not lead to anything good.

A screaming woman in labor is given a lot of attention, but this has a bad effect on the child and can lead to hypoxia.

Too calm, keeping pain from contractions under control - they simply won’t believe it and may miss the moment when the midwife’s intervention is needed, especially if this is not the first birth, which threatens to break.

It happens that a woman practically does not feel pain - she feels a little worse than during painful periods, then you still need to not restrain yourself and show with groans or breathing exercises their condition during contractions and childbirth. How to behave before childbirth: do not panic, if you have already decided to take this step, then there is nowhere to retreat, you need to do everything to give birth to a healthy baby.

How to behave in the first childbirth: listen to your body and the instructions of the midwife, breathe and push as she says. The main hint of how to behave will be body signals, the main thing is not to be afraid of pain and not to pinch.

How contractions start

When the first harbingers appear, how to behave during contractions is a question that interests many. After they start, you can’t eat, in most cases the body cleanses itself, getting rid of all the contents of the stomach, and an extra burden on the digestive system is not needed. You can drink water. At first, they resemble training, usually the pain is reflected in the lower abdomen or in the back.

How to behave during fights

The obstetrician leads the prenatal period, when the birth is approaching, it helps to breathe in and out correctly during contractions. At the initial stage, you need to breathe deeply and slowly, later it is difficult to restrain yourself, but you need to try to breathe deeply. Over time, the pain of contractions will be forgotten, and a healthy baby will delight all his life.


After the pain of contractions, attempts are felt like pressure, when permission is received from the labor leader to push during childbirth, relief comes. Breathing is important, attempts require great physical effort and concentration during the birth period, which can last from several minutes to half an hour. If the behavior is contrary to the requirements of the doctor, this can lead to perineal or uterine ruptures.

Birth of placenta

The birth of the placenta is painless and easy, it is important that children's place came out completely.

Feelings after childbirth

When they put a child on his stomach and look into his eyes, euphoria sets in, you understand what all this was for and you realize that this stage is finally over. In the first, postpartum hours, you need to behave calmly, without loading the body, even if it seems that you are full of strength and the postpartum state is not felt.

A maternity hospital is for a woman, people say that an army is for a man. Who was not, he will be, and who was - will not forget. Almost every woman can experience such unforgettable sensations, with the exception of cases of surgical delivery. How to make the birth process less painful and is it possible?

The first stage of the birth process is. In all expectant mothers, contractions can take place with various pain sensations. Someone will have a barely noticeable pain in the lower abdomen, as before menstruation, while others will be ready to climb the wall, which, by the way, can be done if you have at hand swedish wall. Doctors recommend walking during this period, dancing a little, hanging on something, swinging on a fitball. It is not advised to sit at this time, especially on a hard surface. The upright position helps to more easily survive contractions, and this position also favorably affects the active opening of the uterus.

If you don’t feel like eating, that’s fine, now it’s important not to overstrain the body with excess food. With a strong desire to refresh yourself, it is better to choose something light and sweet. You can, for example, eat a banana and drink compote. Don't try to "feed" yourself potatoes. Heavy food, most likely, will not linger in the body and will come out in the form of vomiting.

Right Action

If you want to know what to do during contractions, follow these guidelines:

  • Breathe correctly. This will be the key to painless contractions. A woman in a calm and confident state can help herself survive a difficult birth canal. The breathing technique should be as follows: a slow breath through the nose and a slightly longer exhalation through the mouth. You can accompany the exhalation by pronouncing or singing the low vowels a, o, or y. Also of great benefit is the method of diaphragmatic-thoracic breathing. The woman in labor takes a breath, which begins in the abdomen (for this, one hand can be put on the stomach and make sure that it rises first when inhaling), and then the breathing phase captures the chest (put the other hand on the chest - it's her turn to rise). For one fight, you need to make 3-4 such full breaths. Proper breathing will help saturate your baby with oxygen, and improper technique will lead to a lack of oxygen in the baby (hypoxia).
  • Do not shout. A cry will not help alleviate suffering, but will only exhaust the woman in labor, and she needs to save strength, otherwise the final stage of childbirth risks being delayed. Shouting, as well as high-pitched sounds, can adversely affect the birth process, leading to a spasm of the necessary muscles.
  • Relax. In between contractions, and this process can take a very long time (up to 12 hours), a woman needs to calm down and preferably even sleep. This will perfectly restore strength for the subsequent even more responsible period of childbirth - for attempts. Listen to your favorite music, talk on the phone, meditate, i.e. help the body to relax in any way.
  • Self-massage - massage can: massage the lower back with your fists or make stroking movements in the lower abdomen, moving from the groin to the sides.
  • Prepare for childbirth. While there is time, the expectant mother can take a shower, shave, check all things and documents again and go to the hospital.

Transition period

Relatively calm pains of the latent period of contractions are replaced by an active period, when the pain will be even more noticeable and severe. This stage ends with two scenarios:

  1. Premature labor - your doctor will advise you to lie on your side to slow down the process of labor.
  2. Slow advancement of the baby's head through the birth canal - in this case, doctors recommend squatting down to speed up this process.


After contractions come pushing. Here, a woman needs to behave as correctly as possible so as not to harm herself or the baby.

Important! Listen to the midwife! It is most important. Experienced doctors will tell you how to breathe properly and what to do to minimize the pain of the process. Feeling that the contractions have become frequent, with an interval of 1 minute, carefully monitor the urge to push. Doing so is now strictly prohibited. The baby has not yet prepared for the exit, and early attempts will provoke damage to the head of the crumbs, and also lead to ruptures of the perineum.

How to behave during childbirth? It is important to learn how to breathe correctly. To do this is quite simple: often, often breathe like a dog or as if you are blowing out a candle. At the same time, only exhalation should be heard clearly and loudly.

Strictly follow medical instructions. A step to the left, a step to the right is a mistake at the cost of life, yours or your child's. Remember this great responsibility. As soon as you get the signal to push, you need to draw the maximum amount of air into the chest, hold your breath and, pressing your chin to your chest, sharply release the air through your mouth, creating maximum pressure in the anus.

It is important not to push up into the head. Excessive pressure can lead to the fact that the eye capillaries burst, and the process of childbirth will be slowed down.

During one attempt, you need to observe the technique of such breathing 3 times. If you do everything right, the baby's head will appear already on the second attempt, and the final birth of the baby will occur with the next one.

Completion of childbirth

Here the baby is already on your chest and emotions overwhelm your soul, and the birth period is almost over. It remains to push for the last time so that the placenta comes out. In another way, it is also called a children's place. Hearing a characteristic squish from yourself, know that you managed, completed. Now the young mother needs to rest for 2 hours. All this time, the medical staff will exercise vigilant control of the woman in labor because of the risk of bleeding.

Sometimes a woman who has given birth creates an illusory feeling of lightness and soaring. She feels as if everything inside is full of energy and is ready even now to run home with the baby in an embrace, but these sensations are deceptive. They are the result of the euphoria of victory, in fact, a woman needs a good rest in order to restore the spent strength.

Let's summarize what behavior will be prudent so that childbirth is as painless as possible:

  1. Breathe correctly at each individual stage.
  2. Maintain proper body position to facilitate flow labor activity.
  3. Be attentive and calm.
  4. Comply with all medical staff requirements.
  5. Set yourself up in a positive way.

Any woman is capable of giving birth, but only your actions can make this process comfortable and painless. Do not be afraid of anything and expect a joyful meeting with your little one.


Inhale the air through your nose carefully, slowly, and not convulsively, exhale also gradually.

During the first contractions, when the pains are not yet strong, and the time for the birth itself has not yet come, you need to try to relax, to occupy yourself with something. Some women prefer to lie down, others to walk. You can give yourself a massage - lying on your side, stroking the lower abdomen with your fingertips, while controlling your breathing and tune in to calmness. During each contraction, there is no need to panic, think that the cervix has opened even more, and the most crucial time will come soon when the baby is born. The more balanced your behavior and condition are, the easier the birth will be.

If you feel sick, but there is no pain in the stomach, no headache, no darkening in the eyes, then this is normal, there may be a short vomiting. In this case, rinse your mouth with water or take a couple of sips, but do not drink much.

How to behave during childbirth

The opening of the cervix to ten to twelve centimeters, that is, the full opening indicates the beginning of the second stage of labor - immediate childbirth. The woman is taken to the delivery room, laid on the birth table so that her shoulders are slightly raised. Do not panic, take a comfortable position, rest your hands on the handrails and start making attempts. It is advisable to close your mouth, take a deep breath through your nose and hold your breath. After that, relax and breathe without delay. As soon as the child's head appears in the light, the obstetrician begins to help, and it is important to follow all his instructions.

During childbirth, try to keep yourself in - sharp and loud screams, grabbing obstetricians by the hands and other nervous actions not only will not help, but can also complicate the process of giving birth to a child.

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Childbirth is a rather difficult process, both physically and mentally. Therefore, it is very important for the expectant mother to come to the maternity hospital prepared on the day “X” and behave correctly during contractions.

Getting ready for the hospital

First of all, a couple of months before the birth, you need to collect things that will be useful to you in the hospital. Put everything in plastic bags. Bags, as a rule, are not welcome in medical facilities. It is worth noting that each maternity hospital has its own list of necessary things. In some, you need to bring a minimum - things for the newborn and hygiene products for you, in others they ask you to bring much more with you for childbirth. And in order not to carry extra cargo with you, it is better to check in advance at the medical institution where you plan what exactly to take with you. Separately fold and put on top of the package things for the newborn, which will be put on him immediately after birth - a diaper, socks, a vest, a bonnet.

Day "X"

On day X, when labor starts or water breaks, don't forget to take your exchange card and passport with you when you go to the hospital. In order not to change clothes for a long time, you can immediately take off the excess at home and go to the hospital in a bathrobe. After the doctor on duty examines you and sends you to the roadblock, do not rush to lay out all the things from the packages. Here you will stay for only a few hours, until the birth of the baby. Then you to the postpartum ward. Therefore, get only things for the baby and things that you will need during labor and childbirth.

As a rule, in maternity hospitals, the medical staff themselves offer women in childbirth equipment that helps them to endure contractions more easily - a fitball, a small mat that can be laid on the floor, a low chair for a duck. If you haven't been offered, ask the nurse for them. Walk more, so it will be easier for the baby to go down the birth canal. in advance in your mobile phone download the special program "Schvatkoschitka" and mark the frequency of contractions in it. Using such a program is much easier than writing time in a notebook. So you will help the obstetrician to monitor the intensity of labor.

Be prepared for the fact that the medical staff will not be constantly near you, especially at the first stage, when the cervical dilatation is small. The obstetrician will periodically come to you for examination, nurses and nurses will occasionally drop by to make sure that the birth process is going as expected. And most of the time before pushing you will be with your contractions. Afraid to be alone in the ward, take a partner for childbirth - a husband, mother or girlfriend.

During contractions, a woman experiences terrible pain, many are in panic, expectant mothers scream with all their might, call for help, demand. Do not panic and rush around the ward. Take care of your strength, you will still need it.

It is also very important to establish contact with the obstetrician taking delivery from you. Do not be afraid to tell him about your feelings, experiences. An experienced doctor will always calm and dispel all your doubts, tell you how to facilitate and speed up the process of childbirth. Feel free to tell the obstetrician if you really want to go to the toilet for the most part. If the dilation is already large or complete, it is sure sign that the child is about to come out.

In some maternity hospitals, expectant mothers are offered a choice of position for childbirth - sitting in a special chair, lying on their back or on their side, sitting on a special one, standing. If you feel like you're pushing harder in a particular position, check with your doctor to see if you can take that position. But do not insist if the doctor does not allow. Listen to what health professionals tell you and follow their advice without question.

Task future mother- give birth to a healthy baby. And this largely depends on the mood of the woman for childbirth and her behavior in the hospital. Do not think about pain, think about meeting your baby soon. And then no difficulties will be terrible for you.

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Women who are preparing to become mothers often think about the upcoming birth with fear, not knowing that with the right behavior during this process, it can be significantly facilitated - both for themselves and for obstetricians. Learning to behave in childbirth is quite simple - the main thing is to be able to breathe correctly and push properly.

Contraction period

The first stage of labor is characterized by contractions, each of which impairs the blood supply to the fetus, while the woman feels the need for a deep breath. At the same time, it is imperative to control your breathing, breathing deeply, evenly and calmly during the contraction - this helps the child cope with hypoxia and slightly reduces pain. With each breath, air should freely enter the lungs, filling the top chest and easy to exhale. It is absolutely impossible to make convulsive intense breaths with jerky exhalations.

If the diaphragm is high due to pregnancy, the woman will not be able to breathe deeply - in this case, the doctor will show other ways to relax.

During the period of contractions, a woman in labor can be in a different position - some prefer to walk, others to stand (if there are no medical contraindications). The ideal solution is to lie on your side with your knees slightly bent and gently stroking your lower abdomen as you inhale and exhale. Great help and acupressure- for this you need to press the tips thumbs on points along the thighs, making a slight vibration with the fingers. If vomiting occurs, which often occurs in women in the first stage of childbirth, do not panic - just take a few sips of water and calm down.

Birth period

In the second stage of labor, the woman in labor is transferred to the delivery room, where she can independently manage the attempts, and the obstetricians will only control their effectiveness. Almost all women at this stage feel a strong bursting in the vaginal area. The soreness of the attempts at the same time largely depends on the correctness of the posture and the attempts themselves. To minimize pain, you need to lie on the birth table, slightly raise your shoulders, rest your feet on the surface of the table and grab onto its handrails with your hands.

In the process of trying, you need to take a deep breath, hold your breath, compress your lips tightly and push, directing pressure exclusively on the pelvic region.

After an attempt, you should relax as much as possible and breathe deeply, without holding your breath while inhaling. When the head passes through the pelvis, you need to push as hard as possible - after it emerges from the vagina, the midwife will perform all the manipulations necessary to protect the muscles of the perineum from rupture. At the same time, it is necessary to follow all her instructions exactly and restrain the arising straining reflex, relaxing and breathing through the mouth without delays on inspiration.

Childbirth, in the representation of each of us, is an excruciating painful process. We will not convince anyone otherwise, we will only say one thing: yes, this process is difficult both physically and mentally, and it requires great fortitude and maximum return from the woman in labor, so you need to try to prepare in advance for any surprises, and with them - and to intense pain.

Remember: the successful outcome of the entire maternity process depends on your psychological attitude towards the birth of a child. Together with doctors, a woman must help her child be born, so you need to make every effort to temporarily forget about yourself and your suffering.

So how should you behave during childbirth?

Under the right behavior at the time of childbirth, they mean the ability of a woman to pull herself together, given the importance of the moment, for which it is very important to master the skills of proper control of breathing, taking the right posture, and also performing all the necessary actions. Compliance with these conditions will help minimize the risk of possible complications during childbirth.

First of all, you need to listen to the doctors and do everything they say. After all, who, if not obstetrician-gynecologists, knows better than anyone how to behave during childbirth. You need to try not to scream during fights - this will in no way alleviate your torment. Instead, try to hold back, take a deep breath in through your nose and slowly exhale through your mouth.

Try to breathe correctly, do not miss a single contraction - a well-mastered technique of inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth will help the child pass through the birth canal faster. Air should freely enter the lungs, and exhalation should be easy. You can not inhale convulsively and exhale with effort. Breathing should be shallow, inhalation should be equal in duration to exhalation.

At the moment when you feel that the fight has passed, try to relax to the maximum - this will help you gain new strength, because after the cervix opens, you will need to push, which will require a lot of energy.

Walking helps a lot during contractions. If the doctors allow it, try to slowly walk around the ward, if it is very difficult, at least wait. In the vertical position of the body, contractions are easier to tolerate, and besides, it greatly contributes to the opening of the cervix. If you lean with all your weight on any object (for example, a table or bedside table), they will pass less painfully.

You can relieve pain from contractions by lying on your side, while slightly bending your knees. You can easily, with your fingertips, stroke your stomach, especially its lower half in the direction from the midline to the sides.

It is undesirable for women in labor to sit during contractions, because at this time the baby's head is lowered to the pelvis itself and it has a large load.

You can also anesthetize contractions with the help of acupressure self-massage. You can rub your lower back with your fists, easily stroke the lower abdomen with your palms, starting from the pubis and moving to its lateral part.

In addition, it is imperative to monitor the interval between contractions, as well as to detect their duration. Remember that each of them “says” that the cervix has opened up a little more and you have become even closer to the birth of a child. This is how the first stage of labor goes.

Second stage of labor

With the beginning of the second stage of labor, the pregnant woman is transferred to the delivery room. She begins to push, in which pressure is felt on the rectum. They can be controlled. You need to push as if in the process of defecation, and spontaneous defecation of a woman during childbirth is also possible, which is considered a sign that everything is going right.

At the moment of attempts, you need to carefully listen to the midwife who takes birth, because she can see the whole process of giving birth. At the stage of attempts, a woman will have to experience an unpleasant feeling of "bursting". The degree of soreness largely depends on the position of the woman in labor and whether she is pushing correctly.

If childbirth occurs on the birth table, you need to rest your feet on the table, grab onto its handrails with your hands, take a deep breath, hold your breath and strain. This will help intensify the push. Then relax, breathe calmly, deeply, without holding on to the breath. The strongest attempts become when the child's head passes through the pelvis.

With her appearance, the midwife must immediately take all measures aimed at protecting the muscles of the perineum from ruptures. The baby's head comes out of the birth canal without an attempt, so, despite the reflex that provokes it, restrain yourself - relax and breathe through your mouth without holding your breath.

third stage of labor

In the third stage of labor, the woman in labor is injected with "Oxytocin" in order to avoid uterine bleeding. At the last, already quite weak contraction, the placenta comes out. The baby is placed on the chest of an exhausted, but such a happy mother.

And a little advice in the end: try at least a month before the birth to tune in to their most positive outcome. Remember that the pain threshold is different for everyone and, perhaps, it will not hurt you so much, as friends say. Do not be afraid of anything, do not listen to too much and know that the pain will be forgotten in time - it will seem like a trifle in comparison with the miracle of the birth of a child. Remember the importance of having a healthy baby and minimizing the risk to your own health.
