New Year's performance of Santa Claus. New Year's Noise Maker of Santa Claus for Children "In Winter or Summer"

The arrival of Santa Claus is a traditional episode in the scenario of any New Year's holiday, which is why it is important to make it original and fun, so that it would be interesting to the artist himself, the audience, and so that the appearance of Santa Claus does not turn into a boring action known to everyone by heart. And if this is even more so, you can’t spoil the New Year’s fairy tale for children.

Proposed scenario of a game moment with Santa Claus suitable for family holiday where many children gathered children's matinee(middle or senior group) or can become anyone. Here, children will be able to make some noise, and play, and dance an unusual round dance, and take part in an animation, and most importantly, receive long-awaited gifts,

D to organize a sceneyou will need:

- Large footprints, animal footprints drawn

- Large DM gauntlet for a surprise moment

- A bag with presents

- Musical accompaniment (included)

Game moment "Santa Claus at a children's holiday"

Knocking with his staff, Santa Claus enters and, as it were, sings (recorded as a plus)

Father Frost:

Hello parents, teachers and children!

I was in such a hurry, I ran like the wind

And I flew in despite the weather

To a happy new year!

Yes, how could I not come here!

Here is a Christmas tree, laughter, serpentine, confetti,

And the time according to the new calendar,

And if you want, I will give you

Luck and joy for a thousand days,

And new stories. And new friends

Then happiness will surely come

Celebrate together again New Year!

Father Frost: I see that smart guys have already gathered here, who are already celebrating not the first New Year in their lives? And then tell me when we celebrate this holiday in winter or summer? (children answer) Does everyone love winter? Maybe more summer? Now I will find out who loves winter more and who loves summer. I will talk about what happens in our nature, if you know that it happens only in summer - stomp your feet, if in winter - clap your hands. But first I want to hear how you stomp? (kids stomp) How about clapping? (clapping) And now we stomp if it is a summer phenomenon, and we clap - only if it is a winter phenomenon, right? Started!

(It is better to conduct such a noise maker or a shout-out at the beginning because it helps to activate the mood and attention of children)

New Year's Noise Maker of Santa Claus for Children "In Winter or Summer"

Rain dripping in the morning (stomp)

A child rides on a sled (clapping)

Flowers bloomed all around (stomp)

Frosty pattern outside the window (clapping)

Picking berries from grandma's garden (clapping)

We are spinning in a festive round dance (clapping)

You can swim and sunbathe (stomp)

And pick mushrooms in the forest (stomp)

Santa Claus is coming (clapping)

Chilling cheeks and nose (clapping)

Santa Claus runs and gently pinches and tickles the kids.

Father Frost: Oh, and out of breath while running and pinching. And I wanted to start a round dance, only our Christmas tree is not on fire, here is such a turn. Can you count, well, at least one, two, three? And then we count, and then we shout to the Christmas tree: “Burn!”

So, we consider together: “One, two, three, our Christmas tree -“ Burn! ”

Something the tree does not burn,

So no one is screaming

All the kids need to scream

And most importantly loud and friendly.

Let's try again.

One, two, three, our Christmas tree - “Burn!”

Children's Christmas animation "Dance of Santa Claus"

Father Frost: Now you can lead a round dance. And do you like to dance? Santa Claus also loves to dance. Then, standing in our places, we will dance a wonderful Dedmorozovsky dance. Let's stretch the arms and legs a little more. Let's rehearse. I will show, and you repeat after me:

(to download - click the file)

Text(if done to a different musical accompaniment)

Raised the right arm (raise and bend at the elbow)

Raised the left arm (Same)

They clapped their hands, clapped (clap)

Feet stomped, stomped (stomp)

twirled one way, twirled the other way

And now to the music with adults.

Hands raised up (raise) how the trees shook (shake)

Neighbor's right ear pulled (pull)

Neighbor's left ear pulled (pull)

Higher than the handle, who is higher?

Aye well done! And now, my little people, join the round dance! But before we start dancing, let's play a couple of times.

Game for the New Year's round dance "And I, and I"

Father Frost: I will now read quatrains to myself, and I would like to know if you girls and boys agree with me. If you kids also do the way I do or love the same thing, then shout: “Iya, and I”, and if you don’t agree, then shout together: “No, not me”,

I love to dance around the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve ... (children answer: “And I, and I”)

In the summer I hide in my cold, turning my fur coat out ... (children answer: “No, not me”)

I like to play hide and seek with my friends and, of course, chocolates ... (children answer: “And I, and I”)

I also love all sorts of sweets and New Year's relay races. ... (children answer: “And I, and I”)

Relay race "Traces"

Sounds like music from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"

Father Frost: Have you ever seen Bigfoot? (answer) I didn’t see it either, but I managed to see its tracks, and I reproduced these tracks so that you can follow these tracks. And I think you have seen animal tracks and even know who they belong to. (survey following).

(to download - click the file)

And now we will form 2 equal teams and find out whose team will quickly follow the footsteps of Bigfoot. The condition is that the first team members follow only the tracks, they return back running not in the tracks and pass the baton to the second team members, etc., until everyone has passed. It's clear? Then they started.

(game in progress)

New Year's children's animation "If it's fun at the Christmas tree"

(to download - click the file)

(everyone is dancing)

Father Frost: Guys, where are my gloves? While I was dancing with you, I lost my mittens, let's all look for them together, help out Santa Claus (children will be able to find one, and the second (large) - Santa Claus brings from another room or specially hides in advance in the hall and finds it himself)

Now I'm wearing gloves. (Tries to put on a mitten.)

Don't put on my mitten. Well, it's thick on the inside.

Yes, it's not simple: There are gifts, look!

(Hands out small gifts to children, takes out the rest of the gifts to each of the bag)

Father Frost: Well, friends, you need to say goodbye

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

Let NG meet together

Both adults and kids!

To fulfill hope

All cherished desires

To again, as before,

Parting became a meeting

So that the year passes like an hour,

Let's say goodbye now.

Wait - next year

I will come here again

to see your faces

The holiday will repeat again.

Let's become a round dance again.

Goodbye! Happy New Year!

The game ends with a fun round dance.

(to download - click the file)

The services of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are expensive in our time, so the role of these fairy-tale characters is often played by relatives, friends, neighbors and even work colleagues.

Experienced animators are able to professionally entertain children and give them a real New Year's fairy tale.

If you have never congratulated the kids as beloved and long-awaited heroes, then you will need a good and detailed script that takes into account some nuances that are elusive to the ordinary eye.

We offer several scenarios for congratulations at home on the New Year.

The performance time can be increased by playing with the child and singing, as well as fun activities for parents who celebrate the New Year with their children.

The script of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden at home

Santa Claus remains out of sight. The Snow Maiden knocks on the door.

Hello! Recognized me? What is my name?
Didn't Santa Claus visit you?
Oh, where is he, probably behind, does he have a big bag with gifts, or maybe he got lost and cannot find the door?
Let's call Santa Claus together?

Santa Claus enters.

Good New Year's Day! Were you waiting?
Didn't the holiday start without me?
I'm a little late to you
The road was far
Through forests, snow, blizzards,
Ripe with the Snow Maiden
To your home for a bright holiday,
To present your gifts!


Grandfather Frost, both parents and the main residents were waiting for you!

I am a magical Santa Claus
But sclerosis pestered me,
I'm confused here too
What do you say your name is?

(Child or children name names)

And who is in front of you, is it not a question for you?
Santa Claus brought a gift from the forest!
To continue our meeting,
Lead to your Christmas tree.

Where is your Christmas tree?
New Year's, glorious, okay?

They pass to the Christmas tree, Santa Claus is offered a chair on which he is located near the Christmas tree.

FATHER FROST. I saw a tree.
What a beautiful girl!
I traveled a lot, I've been everywhere,
But I have never seen a more beautiful Christmas tree!
Toys, glitter, colored strings,
Your Christmas tree, as if from a fairy tale!

Who decorated the Christmas tree like that?
Who looked after her so beautifully?

Well, well done, you made me happy,
Not even a day is enough to see!

SNOW MAIDEN. Addressing the child.
Tell us dear friend
How do you spend your leisure time
Tell me how are you doing
How are you, tell your grandfather?


Soup and porridge, are you eating?
Mom, dad, are you listening?
Do you help around the house?
Do you hate animals?

Presentation of gifts.

We are interested, the letter was sent,
Santa Claus in the taiga gave?
What a gift in dreams to receive
So that Santa Claus could give today?

Tell us, my friend
Have you prepared a poem?
You will surprise with song, dance,
Speak, why are you silent?

The child tells or shows.

Gift from Santa Claus.

Thank you, respected, your number is very bright,
Time to get your Christmas present!
For your talent, for kindness, for obedience,
May your magical wish come true!

The Snow Maiden helps to get a gift out of the bag, Santa Claus hands it to the child. The Snow Maiden offers to take a picture at the Christmas tree.

Santa's order (if there is time)

On this holiday, at this hour,
You listen to my order!

Listen to your parents without any whim,
So that I come again and give you a prize
On porridge, on soup, lean harder,
Open your mouth less for sweets.

If you violate the order, then look
Bullfinches will bring news about you,
I'll leave them watching you
If you understand everything, nod your head!

Entertainment - game

Let's get in the circle now
And we will sing a song to grandfather,
About the beautiful Christmas tree
What Santa Claus likes.

All who are, honest people,
Get into the round dance!

A small New Year's round dance from among the heroes and household members. Several verses are sung: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” or “A little Christmas tree is cold in winter.”

Now it's time to say goodbye
Another child is waiting for us.
We hasten to congratulate you on the New Year,
Health and happiness, good weather!

Write me letters to the forest mail,
And I will wrap gifts for you again.
We are always ready to repeat the visit,
So that best gift to give to the child.

We wish your family prosperity,
May all issues be resolved smoothly.
Let there be a friendly and strong family -
Happy holiday to you! Goodbye, friends!

Happy New Year!

With new happiness!

Congratulations to the kids from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden

Hello Dear hosts and lovely children.

Guests are waiting for a long time at the door ...
Who here believes in Santa Claus?

- We believe!!!…


Sounds dumb...
Well, louder again -
Hello guys! (children answer)
Now the answer is good
I'm a little deaf from him!
How did you grow up, how big have you become!
Did everyone recognize me?…… -YES!

I went to you for a very long time.
For three hundred consecutive days.
I got a little tired.
Do not judge grandfather strictly.
Let the Snow Maiden question
You will be asked about the red nose.

- Who wanders in the forest all winter
And the frost brings you?
This is grandfather….… … frost!!!….
He has a red…….. …nose!!!

Winter has come for a long time again
And I came to you, grandfather freezing!!!

Tell me quickly - are you ready?
Answer my question?

Children and adults: — ready!!!….

Are there scarves and hats?

Children and adults: -….Yes!!!

boots are always warm.

Children and adults: -…Yes!!!

Will soon cover the fir paws
Frost thin mica

Snow Maiden:
Santa Claus! And I know that girls and boys live here who can sing, dance, and recite poetry. Can we ask them to do something for us?

We don't give gifts for nothing...
Who is there. little friend?
We will ask him now
Tell us a poem.

Tell a rhyme

Santa Claus: - That's the number! How bright he is!
Get a friend a gift.

Now let's play with you!


Someone from the forest will come to our house for the New Year,
All fluffy, in needles, but that guest is called ... (Christmas tree)

Everyone is afraid of him in winter - he can bite painfully.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose, because on the street ... (Frost)

It is snowing, streets and houses are hidden under white cotton wool.
All the guys are happy with the snow - it came to us again ... (Winter)

According to the account, he goes first, the New Year will begin with him.
Open the calendar soon, read! Written… (January)

Santa Claus: He comes on a winter evening to light candles on the Christmas tree.
He starts a round dance - this is a holiday ... (New Year)

And now we are playing YES-NO, do you know how to play it? Grandpa and I ask you questions, and you answer them.
SNOW MAIDEN: Is Santa Claus known to everyone?
Santa Claus: I come at exactly seven?
SNOW MAIDEN: Is Santa Claus a good old man?
Santa Claus: Do I wear a hat and galoshes?
SNOW MAIDEN: Did Santa Claus come to you too?
Ded Moroz: Did I bring the Snow Maiden?
SNOW MAIDEN: What grows on a Christmas tree - cones?
Santa Claus: Tomatoes and gingerbread?
SNOW MAIDEN: Is the view beautiful near our Christmas tree?
Santa Claus: Red needles everywhere?
SNOW MAIDEN: Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold?
Santa Claus: Did I freeze all the puddles?
SNOW MAIDEN: Well, you did a great job with all our tasks and deserved delicious sweets.
(The Snow Maiden looks for sweets in a bag, turns upset to Santa Claus) Grandfather, we forgot sweets!
Oh oh oh! Well, don’t be upset, granddaughter, I’ll cook the sweets myself - delicious, magical! Come on, get our magic cauldron!

COOKING MAGIC CANDIES (focus from Santa Claus)

We need a magic cauldron - an ordinary plastic bucket. Paste it with something shiny, decorate it beautifully with tinsel, paste the inscription “magic cauldron”, and you also need the ingredients: 2 small bags with foam inside and the inscriptions “salt” and “sugar”, some transparent pebbles - this will be ice, cotton balls - this is snow, tinsel, a postcard in the form of a snowflake or a ready-made snowflake. We need to make a double bottom at the boiler, put real sweets down, close it with the second bottom, on which we will lay the ingredients.

Santa Claus (putting ingredients):
Salt, sugar, ice cubes,
A little snow, tinsel,
I'll add a snowflake, one minute, friends.
We need to mix all this, say magic words
(Santa Frost stirs with a staff, and the Snow Maiden turns over the second bottom, putting sweets on top)
Snow, snow, snow
Ice, ice, ice
Miracles for the New Year
Staff, staff, mix everything
And turn it into candy!
Oh, well, Grandpa, well, the magician, and indeed the sweets turned out!
Treat guests, granddaughter! (distributing candy)

SNOW MAIDEN: - It's time for us to part, But in the New Year
I will definitely come to the Christmas tree to you.
FATHER FROST: - Farewell, all Petechki, Tanya, Yurochka!
Do not forget me And the Snow Maiden!
SNOW MAIDEN: - Let this year, which starts so cheerfully,
It will bring you good luck in your life!
FATHER FROST: - And together we will tell you all goodbye ...
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden: - May your dreams and wishes come true!

Scenario for going to the house of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden

Knock on the door. The Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden: - Hello, good people, kind and handsome.
I'm glad to meet you, oh, how glad I can't say.

(Answer of the owners. Acquaintance of the Snow Maiden with the owners)

Snow Maiden: - Through the forests, through the mountains
I was in a hurry to visit you
Grandpa was going with me
And I got lost along the way!
Did he happen to visit you?
(host response)

Snow Maiden: - Then gently set off on the road, look for him.
Maybe you can help me?
(Children answer)

Snow Maiden: - But in order to get to the forest,
We need to practice
Get behind me.
(Children become)

Snow Maiden: - We will now move forward,
And to get there faster
We will change transport.
(The Snow Maiden pronounces words and performs actions, and children and adults repeat after her)

Snow Maiden: - So that we can get to Frost,
We need to get together.
Everyone follow me
I will be a locomotive, and you will be trailers.
Let's go with you fun, but with stops! Is everyone ready? Go!
All children stand one after another for the Snow Maiden.
Hands, each stretched forward and lie on the shoulders of the person in front. To the music, the Snow Maiden leads the children in a circle or in a snake, stops and says:

Snow Maiden: - 1. “Stop! Stop Topotukhino!”
(Everyone is stomping...) They move on to the music.
2. Stop! Stop Khlopotushkino! (Everyone claps).
3. "Poprygaykino" (Everyone jumps)
4. "Dancevalkino"
5. "Makhalkino"
6. Stuchalkino
7. "Hugging"
We've arrived!!!

Snow Maiden: - I feel with my heart
Santa Claus is very close
Let's call him.
(All call together)
- Father Frost!
(Santa Claus appears to the music)

Santa Claus: - Hello, my family!
I am very glad to see you!
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Congratulations friends!
Grow up, get older
And you didn't recognize me?
(children answer)

Santa Claus: - Granddaughter, give me a chair,
I'm tired from the road. Quite old.
(Santa Claus sits down if there is no chair on the sofa)

Snow Maiden: - Why are you a grandfather? (with chagrin)
All gifts are waiting for you.
You've been so late.
And we searched for you, searched and found,
Really, kids?
(Children answer)

Santa Claus: - Yes-ah-ah (grunts)
Before gifts are given, they must be tested.
How did they mature in a year?
They have grown wiser, how talented they have become (thinks).
I'll make them turntables
Get it right - your gifts.
(Gets up and conducts the game "Transformers")

Santa Claus: -I will call the beast for you,
And you portray him.
Let's just say the magic spell first.

Together: - Clap hands (clap),
Top with feet (stomp),
Head back and forth (turn your head).
We all circled together and turned into rabbits.
(2) bears; 3) kittens; 4) giraffes; 5) elephants)

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather - it's very easy.

Santa Claus: - Well, I have another test.
GAMES… with props.
Santa Claus: - Yes, well done, they did it.
Only I don't know
Do you have a friendly family?
Can you compete with my granddaughter in dexterity?
(The game "Trap", everyone is in a circle, the Snow Maiden is trying to get out of the circle)

Santa Claus: - Get up in a circle, everyone,
Sing a song together!

The track "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Grandfather M: - Well done, guys! How they sang the song together.
Santa Claus: - We coped with the last test!
I see that you are also a friendly family (group or class)
Your gifts, honestly deserved.

Snow Maiden: (referring to Santa Claus): - Grandfather Frost! As a gift, the children also prepared gifts for you. Our children want to tell you poems!
Santa Claus: - I'll listen with pleasure! I love poetry! Children take turns reciting poems.
(Presenting gifts; photograph for memory)
Santa Claus: - A heart beats joyfully,
New Year is coming
And (eastern symbol of the year)
It goes to host!
May the year give hope
Brings a lot of happiness
Good luck, just like before.
Let it not lag behind you.
Live with kindness in your heart! And then miracles will happen to you not only on New Year's Eve!
Snow Maiden: - We will return to you in a year,
And let happiness come to your house!
Health to you, love, and fulfillment of all desires!

How to congratulate Santa Claus on a child at home for 10-15 minutes

First comes the Snow Maiden. Santa Claus is hiding.

Snow Maiden: Hello, hello! Did I get there? Let me see... Oh, what a beautiful boy (girl)! What (th) elegant (th). What a Christmas tree. How many toys and crackers are on it. It seems that I did not make a mistake with the address, I came to you correctly. Did you recognize me?.. That's right! My name is Snow Maiden! What is your name?

Asks the child. He calls his name.

The Snow Maiden looks into her magic notebook: Everything is correct!

This is Santa's notebook. Here he writes down the names and addresses of those guys who behaved well for a whole year, obeyed their parents, ate healthy food and did not play much! Your name is right at number one. This means that we must come to you first, as to the best child.

Looks around.

Oh, ... And where is Santa Claus? Something he is late ... (leans towards the child). How about we call him?

Three times they shout loudly: Santa Claus!

Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost:

Very much in a hurry
And I got a little lost!
Now I have arrived...
Hi Hi,
My friends!

Gets well with the child.

Oh what a pretty tree!
I admire. Just a miracle!
So fluffy, so pretty.

Addresses the child.

Who dressed her up?

The child says that he also participated and helped decorate the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus: That's right! You did everything so beautifully! Only, I see, the lights on it do not burn ...

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, let's help light it up? You have magic words to make the lights on this wonderful Christmas tree sparkle different colors and make her even more beautiful?

Santa Claus: Of course there is! I'm a real wizard. Now…

Help, winter friend.
Look at each other.
Let's say together: One, two, three.
Our Christmas tree is on fire!
Repeat after me, don't be shy.
That's the only way miracles happen.

Everyone repeats these words together and clap their hands for each count.

The tree lights up.

Snow Maiden: Hurrah! Everything worked out! Well, how can we do without a New Year's round dance around the beautiful Christmas tree?

They become in a round dance. Everyone dances to the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Santa Claus: Oh, you killed the old man! So lead the New Year's round dance well. Let me sit down ... (sits on a chair and calls the child to him).

And now I will listen with pleasure to the poem that you have prepared for me. I've been waiting for this for a whole year!

The child reads a poem. Santa Claus praises. Then he turns to the Snow Maiden.

Come on, granddaughter, get a present for our (her) NAME. I know exactly what he (a) wanted to receive for the New Year. I'm a real magician who can fulfill all desires!

Snow Maiden: Of course, grandfather (takes out a gift and hands it to the child).

Santa Claus: I don’t want to leave you, but I have to! Other children are waiting for us. We liked you so much with your granddaughter that if you call us, we will definitely come to you next year! Most importantly, behave yourself, obey your parents and grandparents. And don't forget to write your wish. I will try to do it next year.

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year to you, with New happiness! (they say goodbye and leave).

Scenario congratulations to the child - Santa Claus at home

Santa Claus: So I got to you,
At least a little delayed.
Is everyone gathered in the hall?
I know that you were waiting for me.
Happy New Year to you, friends,
Finally, I have arrived.
I overcame all obstacles
I knew that I would be welcome here.
The road to you is far,
I would like to rest a little.

Snow Maiden: Who is in an elegant warm coat,
With a long white beard
Comes to visit on New Year's Eve
And ruddy, and gray-haired?
He plays with us, dances,
With him, the holiday is more fun!
- Santa Claus in our apartment
The most important of the guests!

Santa Claus: I wish you health, success and strength,
Very, guys, I was in a hurry here!
You had a year ago
I am very happy to see everyone!
May this New Year
It will bring a lot of happiness!

Snow Maiden: And how did you behave for a whole year? Did you listen to your parents? Didn't they prank? Did you help your parents?

Santa Claus: Do you like New Year? And what happens in the New Year? (list: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snow, gifts, Christmas tree, Christmas decorations, cake, needles, lanterns, etc.)

Snow Maiden: Of course! What is the New Year without a Christmas tree?! (suitable for the Christmas tree if any)
Hello, Christmas tree - girlfriend, So we met again
You will be dressed up in toys to celebrate the New Year.
Grandpa, look at what an elegant Christmas tree!

Santa Claus: And who dressed her up?

Snow Maiden: And now, friends, let's play an interesting game,
What we decorate the Christmas tree with, I will tell you now.
Listen carefully and be sure to answer.
If I tell you right, say "yes" in response,
Well, if suddenly - wrong, feel free to say "no"!
- multi-colored crackers?
- duvets and pillows?
- folding beds and cribs?
- marmalades, chocolates?
- glass balls?
- Are the chairs wooden?
-Teddy bears?
- primers and books
-multi-coloured beads?
Are the garlands light?
-snow from white cotton wool?
- knapsacks and briefcases?
- shoes and boots?
- cups, forks, spoons?
Are the candies shiny?
Are tigers real?
Are the buds golden?
Are the stars radiant?

Santa Claus: Well done guys, bravo! Made the old man happy.
There is another fun, you know for sure.
I have a magic bag. Do you know how to deal with it?
Here you have “snowballs”, throw them into the bag. (When the snowballs are already in the bag, D. M. takes shakes the bag with words)
Bag, bag, take a snowball
Make it smooth, orange and sweet! (pulls out orange or tangerine)

Snow Maiden: - We came to you from a magical winter forest, on the edge of which our ice house stands, and around it grow green, fluffy ... what, guys? What animals do you know that live in the forest?


Father Frost:
We made a snowball
They made a hat on him
The nose was attached, and in an instant
It turned out ...
Very kind, red-nosed,
The beard is all overgrown.
He brings us gifts
Who is this? …

Father Frost:
They come to us in winter
And circle around the earth.
Very light fluff.
These are white…

Snow Maiden:
In winter, in the hours of fun
I hang on a bright spruce.
I shoot like a gun
My name is …

Father Frost:
He came unexpectedly
Surprised us all
Desired for the guys

Snow Maiden:

If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies,
If the tree goes to the house,
What holiday? …
(New Year)

Santa Claus: And now I invite you to the New Year's round dance
And let everyone now sing this song about the New Year!
(A Christmas tree-round dance was born in the forest)

Santa Claus: Well, Snegurochka, we listened to the kids, sang my favorite song, did we forget to do something else?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, you forgot about the gifts!

Santa Claus: Of course, my gray head! Gifts must be given!

Snow Maiden: Hold the magic cone, put it in a bag,
Close your eyes and repeat: "One, two, three, four, my gift, the best in the world"!
(give a gift)

Santa Claus: It's time, friends!
Need to forgive.
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids.

Snow Maiden: I wish you success in the New Year!
More cheerful ringing laughter!
More cheerful friends and girlfriends,
So that everyone laughs around with you!

Santa Claus: Thank you all for your attention,
For enthusiasm, for ringing laughter.

Snow Maiden:
Now it's time to say goodbye
We say to you: "Goodbye!
Until happy new meetings!”

Mini-scenario New Year's greetings for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden

Parents and a child open the door to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.
D. Moroz: Hello, does the future artist live here? (athlete, singer - depending on the child's hobby)
Parents: Yes!
D. Moroz: Does a young lover of animals (flowers) live here?
- Yes.
D. Moroz: - Does dad's (mother's) best assistant live here in the garage (in the kitchen)?
- Yes!
D. Moroz: - So, we came to congratulate three children at once?
Snow Maiden: No, grandfather, this is all one child, but his name is - (name)! (brings the child to D. Moroz)
D. Moroz: - So you are so talented with us? I'd love to see your skills! (pass, examine the drawings, etc., praise the child)
Snow Maiden:
- We know, to everyone's surprise
You taught a poem.
Loudly, clearly, from the heart,
Make us happy, tell us! (child recites verse)
D. Moroz:
- New Year is coming
Let's start the round dance!
Let's stand together in a circle,
Sing us a song, my friend!
(everyone, including parents, dance around the Christmas tree, the child sings his favorite New Year's song, everyone picks up)

Snow Maiden:
- In the New Year and there, and here
Children of a miracle are waiting again
We hurry to visit with grandfather
To the smallest and largest!
We bring gifts with us
Let the holiday be bright!

Santa Claus (gives a child a gift):
- Be kind and do not be sick,
Protect the weak, pity
Eat well for breakfast
Do not indulge and listen to your mother!
D. Moroz: - Tell me, (name), do you have a friendly family? I really want to see how friendly you are, and I have a task for you. Can you handle it?

Santa Claus holds a mini-game "Ice Age", in which all family members and the Snow Maiden participate.
The goal of the game is to save the family during Global Warming. A large sheet of paper is laid out on the floor of the room. This is an ice floe. The floor around is water. The warmer - the more water, and the smaller the ice floe. All participants slowly move around the room - "floundering in the water." At the command of Santa Claus "Global warming!" everyone must climb onto the ice floe while he counts to five. Moreover, with each subsequent time, the ice floe melts more and more (the sheet is folded in half, etc.).

The Snow Maiden conducts the game "Snowball", the family and Santa Claus participate. Participants lead a round dance. The Snow Maiden gives the commands “Jump” or “Let's go on tiptoe”, “Goose step” ... As soon as she unexpectedly commands “Snowball-2”, the participants should form groups of 2 people and freeze, hugging tightly. At the command "Snowball-1", everyone freezes, wrapping their arms around their shoulders. Etc. up to the maximum number of embraced participants.

D. Moroz:
- Well, it's time to say goodbye
But let's not be upset -
I will come again,
And today my order:
Everyone play and have fun
And don't be lazy to laugh
It's fun to celebrate the holiday
Do not be sad and do not be bored!

Snow Maiden:
- New Year at the door
He will enter the house as a good friend,
Take a quick look -
How everything shines!

D. Moroz:
- They will come to the family in the coming year
Luck, happiness and success,
And the year will be, of course, the best,
Beautiful, joyful for everyone!

Mini-program of Ded Moroz and Snegurochka at home Christmas tree

Father Frost:

Knock-Knock! Open the doors!
I barely found you.
The kindest Santa Claus
I brought you gifts for everyone!

Hello! Does Vanya Gladkov live here? Were you waiting for Santa Claus? Did they write me a letter? I received it, and I came personally to congratulate you, baby. Or are you no longer a baby, but a big one? How old are you? Did you decorate the Christmas tree for the holidays? Show me her. (go to the hall)

Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost, and I wanted to play with the children, make riddles for them! Can?

Father Frost. Of course, granddaughter!

Snow Maiden. From the forest comes to the children
In winter, but not in summer.
All in toys on needles -
Big green ... (Christmas tree.)

He's round like a bun
Each side is painted.
Hanging on the tree is not a flashlight,
And the New Year's wonderful ... (Ball.)

He is a big, handsome old man,
In a fur coat red or blue.
overgrown with white beard
Nice, kind ... (Santa Claus.)

She is bright, big,
Decorates our Christmas tree.
On top, as always,
New Year's ... (Star.)

Near the Christmas tree
Everyone have fun today
And just before the New Year
They drive together ... (Round dance.)

And now with a cheerful song
Let's dance all together!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden dance with the children.

Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost, look how funny the children are today! It's time to give gifts! Get out your bag!

Father Frost. And that's true! Here is my magic bag. Come guys, tell New Year's poems and get gifts.

Children recite poems, sing songs, dance.

Well, friends, the time has come
And it's time for us to part!
I will come to you now
Only next year!

Snow Maiden. Disassemble all gifts
And don't be bored here without us!
We'll be back, I know.
Goodbye friends!

1. Regardless of the size of the gift, the bag must be full. Stuff it with padding polyester, foam plastic, etc., and when you get a gift, pretend that you are looking for it there, among other treasures.

2. Have a small gift from yourself, for some unforeseen occasion, a small toy or sweets.

3. If you don’t have a gift with you, Santa Claus can “accidentally” forget his bag in the corridor, and while he and the Snow Maiden are entertaining the child, the parents put a gift in it.

4. Do not arrive exactly at the appointed time, be a little late, waiting will intrigue the child and there will be much more joy from your appearance. This can be explained by a sudden snowstorm or tricks of the Snow Queen.

5. Do not knock loudly on the door, so as not to frighten the baby.

taken from

Somewhere on the edge of the earth, an old man lives in a wooden house. His mansions are full of amazing things: a huge throne, a warm fireplace, a bed with separate pillows for every day, and even a wishing room. With the onset of cold weather, when the snow falls in a confident cover on the ground, grandfather begins to bypass the property. Either he will freeze the river, then he will dress the tree in frost, or he will send a blizzard to people's houses. On New Year's Eve, he comes with a huge bag of gifts over his shoulder. He takes out colorful big and small surprises from there and gives children happiness, joy and a miracle. The real magic. Who shows it to kids? Without whom it is impossible to imagine the New Year in our time? And who is this mysterious old man with a white beard? Of course, Santa Claus! The history of its origin is very entertaining, and modern life is even more interesting.

The prototype of Santa Claus

taken from

Who is this Red Nose Frost and how old is he - questions that concern both kids and many adults. Many people are interested, but few people know that according to many sources, the Wizard is already at least 2 thousand years old! Our Slavic ancestors considered the mighty and gloomy old man Treskun to be his prototype. The people also called him:

  • Zimnik;
  • Morozko;
  • Morok;
  • Student.

The pagan god had great power. He could freeze with one breath. Rivers and lakes froze under his feet, and from the swing of a stick in his hands, the trees were covered with frost. That's where was real Santa Claus ! In those days, there could be no talk of any kind New Year's wizard. Outwardly, he was very similar to a modern guest of the New Year holidays, only he was small in stature. They were afraid of grandfather, and they were very afraid of meeting him, because you could stay frozen in the forest forever. Some superstitious people still, when a blizzard blows, lower their heads low and hide their eyes so as not to meet the gaze of the lord of winter. Those who do not believe in such images interpret such deeds as mere caution before the hype, when they do not want to feel the taste of snow on their lips and the cold behind the collar.

Confirmation that the story of the appearance of Santa Claus is not fictional, is the fact of the existence of a very real Saint - Nicholas the Wonderworker. The elder lived in the 4th century in the city of Patara (Asia Minor) and did charitable deeds. He became the prototype of the current Winter sorcerer both thanks to his outward resemblance and good deeds.

In 1700, by decree of Peter the Great, the New Year became an officially celebrated holiday. Symbol and guest of matinees, New Year's Eve and the festivities could well have become just Santa Claus. At that time, he had already changed his stick for a less formidable staff, and began to bring gifts to obedient children. The naughty ones, who indulged and upset their parents and teachers with their behavior, got "beaters" with rods.

If at all times the legends about Santa Claus were only heard, then in 1840 for the first time the magician was mentioned in literature. He appeared in Odoevsky's story, where readers finally found out the old man's real name - Moroz Ivanovich. His temper was still cool, he himself was powerful, but kindness, sympathy and understanding appeared in his character.

In the 20th century, at different periods of celebrating the New Year holidays, as well as the installation of a Christmas tree, it was either forbidden, or resumed again. And since 1935, officially under Stalin, a celebration was announced from December 31 to January 1. The guest of the programs was Ded Moroz, who in the same 35th year first appeared at a holiday in Moscow with the Snow Maiden.

Russian Grandfather Frost recently celebrates his birthday on November 18th. This date is significant in terms of changes in weather conditions. According to the data obtained as a result of summarizing figures for many years, it is from this day that real winter begins in Russia. The earth is covered with a reliable layer of snow and come winter frosts. Kids love to celebrate the birthday of their idol, and therefore send him postcards with congratulations and gifts made with their own hands.

Santa Claus in different countries

taken from

For those who would like to learn something from the heading " Father Frost Interesting Facts' provides informative information. First of all, we should mention Santa Claus and Santa Claus. Currently on new year posters, as in modern cartoons and films, these two images are often identified or forced to become related. Indeed, the winter old people are very similar to each other: the same white beard and mustache, eyes with a smile, warm clothes and gifts for children. Here is just our Frost:

  • tall, powerful and stately;
  • does not change taste in clothes: wears a long fur coat and a high hat with fur trim;
  • always appears with a magic staff;
  • puts gifts for children under the Christmas tree while they sleep.

Santa Claus, on the other hand, often appears in glasses, wears a red jacket and pants, a red cap with a pom-pom, and enters the house to the kids through the chimney. Many families in our country have adopted the American tradition of hanging colorful socks by the fireplace, in which Santa hides gifts for children. This is an additional entertainment, and decorating the premises for the New Year holidays, and a memorable event for the kids.

Santa Claus in different countries looks different, and the method of delivering gifts to babies is different. So, in France, Per Noel puts surprises in shoes that prudent house owners leave in front of the fireplace. The Wizard comes to the monastery on a donkey, and even in wooden shoes. Instead of a bag, he has a basket with gifts, and the caftan is equipped with a hood.

In Holland, the magician is called Sinderklaas. He is invariably shod in white boots and dressed in a caftan. Before New Year's Eve, the wizard stays in the capital on a ship, and the Moors, close associates of Sinderklaas, distribute gifts to the kids.

The Finns call Santa Claus Joulupukki. He is very similar to Santa Claus, only he lives in Lapland (Northern Finland) with his wife. Grandfather's favorite pastime is feeding his beloved reindeer Rudolph with lichen and, of course, giving gifts to the kids who are waiting for him.

In Italy, Frost is called Babbo Natale, in Georgia - Tovlis Babua, in Armenia he is called Dzmer Papi. Belarusian kids meet Zyuzya or Dzeda, and Estonian kids meet Yyuluvana. In Hawaii, the Wizard is allowed to appear not in a long fur coat and pants, but in a jacket and shorts, and in Australia, Santa can dress up in a funny blue fur skullcap.

Where does the Winter Wizard live?

taken from

The city of Veliky Ustyug deservedly bears its majestic name. It is surrounded by magnificent landscapes, which embodies the true Russian nature. The settlement is also the birthplace of the great masters of wood and silver. That is why Veliky Ustyug became the patrimony of Father Frost. Here, in silence, tranquility and harmony with the outside world, the Patron of Winter lives, who every year gladly welcomes the children who come to visit.

The residence of the Winter Wizard is located 15 km from the city itself. Pine forest, the river Sukhona, wooden towers contribute to the creation of a truly fabulous atmosphere. Magic reigns in Grandfather's house itself. Located here:

  • wardrobe;
  • throne room (wish room);
  • bedroom;
  • living room;
  • the rest of the 13 rooms.

In the dressing room, Santa Claus stores all his outfits for different events. Here you can see fur coats of different colors and patterns, summer caftans, as well as sports ski suit! Every child who wants his dreams to come true strives to the wishing room. It is believed that it is enough to really, really want something and think about it, and the room will then do its job. Many kids and parents return to the room again in order to make their next cherished wish. It is also interesting to visit the room where numerous gifts are collected for Santa Claus himself. Children send him crafts and beautiful postcards, and Santa Claus's friends are funny little things, for example, a shaman's tambourine!

In addition to the house in Veliky Ustyug, the mighty Wizard appears in his. There are mansions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kemerovo, in the Crimea and in Yekaterinburg. On the eve of New Year's Eve, Grandfather Frost, together with his beloved granddaughter Snegurochka and assistants, comes to visit children from different parts of the country. For example, the residence in Yekaterinburg is the only one in the Urals, and therefore residents of the cities of nearby regions gather here.

It is very important for children to new year holidays in the company of the Lord of Winter. For them, Frost with his retinue always prepares a lot of entertainment. The residences have attractions, playgrounds, a skating rink (in the Moscow Apartments), as well as exciting reindeer sleigh rides!

Letters and gifts

taken from

Santa Claus in the eyes of kids and schoolchildren is the personification of miracles, magic and the fact that a fairy tale can come true. On such days, one cannot do without the main surprise - gifts for the children. In the residences of the Wizard, on the patrimony and on the squares in the cities, mass festivities are organized. Round dances are performed around the Christmas tree, garlands are lit and fireworks are set off.

For matinees in kindergartens and schools, as well as events in the residences of Father Frost, children prepare thoroughly. The smallest learn funny and simple quatrains. Older children can learn funny or narrative poems, sing a festive song in unison. For the efforts, the guys are presented with gifts. From a huge bag that Santa Claus always carries with him, he takes out wonderful toys, constructors, dolls, balls and much more interesting and long-awaited.

For guys who know exactly what they would like to receive from this magic bag, there is Santa Claus mail. Children together with their parents can write a letter to the Wizard, put it in a beautiful and hand-decorated envelope and send it to the addressee. In order for grandfather to hear the guys and pick up gifts for them, you should be polite to him, respect him and his retinue, and also thank you for the New Year's mood.

Beliefs and interesting observations

taken from

Many mistakenly compare Santa Claus with the Snow Queen. Like, both command cold and blizzard, freeze and chill. But The Snow Queen turns people's hearts into pieces of ice, because instead of a heart, she herself has a piece of frozen water in her chest. Santa Claus, on the contrary, warms hearts with his kindness and warmth. He gives everyone a chance to improve in the coming new year, to leave everything bad and wrong in the outgoing year. He generously gives gifts to children, and adults - the joy of watching the happiness of his children. It is only thanks to him that multi-colored lights are lit on the Christmas tree, the trees are wrapped in hoarfrost, and in every house under the Christmas tree in new year's eve gifts appear.

The personal life of Santa Claus, according to popular belief, has developed quite successfully. In his wives is Winter herself. According to some superstitions, a blizzard lives in his beard, and the blizzard obeys his will, according to others, the blizzard is his daughter. Frost's favorite granddaughter is the beautiful Snegurochka, who has a kind heart and love for children. The Snow Girl always accompanies her grandfather, helps to congratulate the children, dances with them and sings songs. In the residences of the country, personal chambers have been prepared for the Snow Maiden, where she can relax and braid her beautiful braid.

There are several more superstitions that define Santa Claus as the majestic and powerful Lord of the Cold:

  1. When Frost walks around his possessions in the cold, he leaves unique patterns on the glass of the windows. Where his foot steps, the water is covered with ice, and if he hits the hut with his staff, the log on the log house will crack.
  2. In addition to the freezing staff, the Wizard always has a bag with gifts in his hands. It is believed that he is bottomless. Santa Claus never rummages through it in order to extract a gift. He just puts his hand in there, and in his mitten the right gift he jumps.
  3. Frost Red Nose travels on a sleigh pulled by three handsome stallions. Horses are named after the winter months - December, January and February.
  4. The wizard's wardrobe contains long fur coats of three colors: white, blue and red. All of them are decorated with fabulous patterns, turned off with white fur and girded with a wide belt.

At present, the facts and beliefs regarding this Wizard are closely intertwined and created wonderful legends, traditions and beliefs in tandem. What is true and what is fiction is difficult to determine. It is easy to learn only one thing: the New Year holidays, and especially the night, are filled with miracles. And they come true especially for those who believe in them with all their heart!

Purpose: to provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their talent, self-confidence, courtesy and ability to communicate.

Room presentation:

1. Business card: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

2. Performing a remade song



1. Presentation of a business card from Santa Claus:

hello kids
Girls and boys
hello good jury
You don't judge us too much
I am Yegorka Santa Claus
He brought a Christmas tree from the forest, while I carried it
Chilled his nose
And I didn't come alone
With his snowy granddaughter
And my Snow Maiden
I call angelina
We will sing and dance
Let's welcome the new year!!!

2. Presentation of a business card from the Snow Maiden:

Hello dear friends!
I am Angelina Snegurochka.
I'm like winter - beautiful and gentle
And little eyes sparkle like snow
Like the sun in winter my smile
And Santa Claus is always with me.
My girlfriends are always around me
funny laughing snowflakes
And like a boat on a river
I walk smoothly on the ground.
Spinning like a gentle breeze
And my laughter is sonorous, like a bell
And you can not find more tender and more beautiful,
How Angelina - Snow Maiden yours.
I wish you all good, peace, health and warmth.
Happy New Year everyone
And I wish you all good studies.

3. Performance of a song to the motive "There was a birch in the field .."

Bring joy and smiles
Lyuli-lyuli, come (2 times)
Santa Claus will come with a bag of gifts,
New Year will come with bright snow,
Lyuli-lyuli, with snow (2 times)
And the Snow Maiden is young
Will sing and have fun with you
Lyuli - lyuli, have fun (2 times)
In the New Year, we will all be beautiful,
In the New Year, we will all be happy,
Lyuli-lyuli, we will (2 times)
Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will dance,
They will lead a cheerful round dance,
Lyuli-lyuli, they will lead (2 times)
Let's celebrate the New Year with a beautiful Christmas tree,
Let's celebrate the New Year with a loud clapperboard,
we will meet. (2 times)

In the new year, come to the tree,
Bring joy and smiles
Lyuli-lyuli, come (2 times)

Elena Vetrova

New Year's performance Santa Claus».

Characters: under. gr Girls - "Stars - sparks"; Fire Birds";

1 Leading Boys- "Heroes"

2Snow Maiden

3 Baba Yaga under. G Girls- "Snowflakes";

4 Leshiy Boys- "Heroes"

5 Blizzard st. Gr Girls - "Snowflakes";

6Grandfather Frost Boys -« Christmas toys »

Art. G Girls- "Sparkling Stars", "Heat - Birds".

Boys- « Christmas toys»

***Under happy song children run into the hall, dance, stand in 2 circles.


Here the guys came to the Christmas tree, to us for a holiday in kindergarten.

There are so many lights, so many toys, how beautiful her outfit is!

Happy New Year, let the fun come to us,

I wish happiness and joy to all the children and guests!

1 reb (under gr):

Hello dear tree

You are visiting us again.

The lights will be on soon

On fluffy branches.

2. reb (under gr):

The tree will shine with lights,

All covered in silver dust

Us from Grandpa frost

They brought this tree.

3 reb (under gr):

Our Christmas tree is full of toys,

Tinsel threads hang.

Our Christmas Tree

Congratulations to all guys!

4 reb (under gr):

Celebrate the New Year

We gathered together

So a glorious round dance

We need to bring!

***1. A round dance is being performed "New Year". (All) (M. R. No. 6/2005 - p. 87)

Vedas. :

Guys, something the tree does not shine,

And the garland does not burn

We need to light the fire:

Let's say in chorus let's say together:

“Our Christmas tree - beauty, show miracles!

Light your lights and surprise everyone!


Our Christmas tree is on fire - lights are on!

The lights on the tree are lit up.

1 reb st. gr:-

Hello tree, how beautiful

You lit your fires!

How many happy children are you

Invited to the hall today!

2 reb st. gr:-

Hello holiday. New Year,

Hello, beautiful Christmas tree!

3 children Art. gr:-

Our Christmas tree is just a miracle

sight, beauty,

Jewelry for everyone

So there will be miracles!


And here are the miracles! (notices a letter under the tree):

Guys, look, there is a letter under the tree!

It's very strange:

Instead of stamps - three snowflakes,

And an envelope made of pure ice.

Who put it here

Did you make a path to the tree?

*** Music sounds, the Snow Maiden enters the hall, spinning to the music ...

Snow Maiden:

Hello, here I am

Happy New Year to you, friends!

In our elegant, bright hall,

The holiday of the Christmas tree called everyone

This holiday is the best.

For all adults and children!

presenter:- Hello, Snow Maiden! (everyone says hello) We are glad to see you. Do you know who this letter is from?

Snow Maiden:- grandfather Frost sent him!

presenter: What's in it?

Snow Maiden:- Invitation! On New Year's performance!

presenter:- Guys, Grandfather Frost invites us to the New Year's performance. Well, do you accept the invitation?

Snow Maiden:- Way to Grandfather The frost is long and hard. On it you will meet many obstacles, but together, together we can overcome them.

presenter: Well, are you ready to hit the road?

Children: yes*** To the music in the hall on a broomstick "flies in" Baba Yaga"

Yaga: - Where are you going?

presenter: Firstly, hello, dear Baba Yaga, secondly, we are going to Grandfather Frost for New Year's performance.

Yaga: How on performance? You were invited, but you forgot me? Well, I'll arrange for you!

presenter: What are you doing for us?

Yaga:- I won't let Grandfather frost!

presenter: - What are you doing, interesting?

Yaga: - And now you'll see! (pulls out phone, dials a number)– Hello! Hello!

My dear friends, forest wickedness!

Block all roads

Block all paths

And children to Frost is not welcome! ("Flies away" on a broomstick)

presenter:- Whatever obstacles Baba Yaga has prepared for us, we will cope with all. On the road friends!

*** 2. A game song is being played "Acquaintance" (notebook-SD) (sit down)

*** Goblin enters to cheerful music.

Goblin: Where are you in a hurry?

Snow Maiden:- We are to Grandfather Let's go to the frost!

Goblin:- You can’t go there, you are not ordered to be allowed in, otherwise trouble will happen! I won't let you in, you won't pass! (blocks the way). Yes, you are not strong enough!

Snow Maiden:- Not enough! Yes, you look what heroes we have!

Come on, glorious heroes,

Come out together

Your strength, your courage

Show everyone!

*** 3. Dance is performed "Bogatyrs" (A/c) under gr.

Goblin:- Here you have fun, but I’m an orphan, I didn’t go to kindergarten, I didn’t teach the rules, everyone offends me, and you too ... (crying)

Snow Maiden:-

Yes, we do not want to offend you, but we want to play with you!

Children senior group come out, Leshy you show the game!

***4. Held "Tape Play" (m. R. No. 4 / 2007 - p. 31)- Art. gr

Goblin:- I haven't played with the children yet. groups.

Come on, children, run in and play with me!

You go around now

How do I say "1-2-3"

Then quickly, without hesitation

Find a couple

And who does not find a couple,

He will go dancing in felt boots!

***5. The game is being played "Find yourself a mate" (SD)- under. gr.


Thank you, thank you for playing!

I won't interfere with you, go - ka, friends!

Hurry without delay New Year's performance!

Through the river you will pass to Grandfather You will get frost!

(points.) (leaves)

Snow Maiden:-

Us to be cross the river

We will call Snowflakes and cross the river!

Hey, beautiful Snowflakes, hey, Silver Snowflakes,

You help the guys through the river!

***6. Performed Dance "Snowflake"(SD)- Art. gr under. gr

*** Sounds music "Winter" A. Vivaldi, a blizzard flies into the hall.

Snowstorm:- Who is it in my winter kingdom granted? Who is stopping me from walking in the forest (notices children)- Oh, yes, these are children!

presenter:- We are to Grandfather Let's visit frost, on New Year's performance he sent us an invitation!

Snowstorm:- Can you walk through the dark forest, through huge snowdrifts?

presenter:- Of course we can!

Snowstorm:- Let's see! (Begins to circle the hall and conjure.)

Blizzard, break out, blizzard begins!

I will sweep all the roads, I will hide the sun in the darkness,

And you will go astray, you to Frost does not reach! (turns off the Christmas tree, light.)

presenter: - Indeed, how dark it became!

Come on, Stars are sorceresses,

Show us the way as soon as possible!

Girl - Asterisk under. gr:-

When Stars are Sparks

Suddenly they will fly to the earth from heaven

And hide the streets, paths

They will cover the river, field, forest,

I'll say the magic words:

"Look, a fairy tale has come to us"

***7. A dance is being performed "Sparkling Stars"(SD)- under. gr, st. gr

presenter:- Now it's light! Oh, and how much snow has fallen! Have to clean it up! This grief is not a problem, we will clear the path from snow, from ice!

*** 8. The game is being played "Let's clear the road from snow" 2 teams of children stand in lines, on both sides of which hoops are laid out. In the first hoops lie "snowballs". On a signal, the children pass the snowballs to each other. The team that frees the hoop from the snowballs first wins.

presenter:- Well done! They quickly coped and freed the road from the snow. And you, blizzard, do not be angry, but rather listen to our song.

***9 A song is being performed "Zimushka"(M. P. No. 5 / 2008 p-25) All.

Snowstorm:- Your song is very good, but it's time for me to go to the forest! Wow, goodbye! ( "sweeps" children on sofas) Children are seated ....

Snow Maiden:

We were on the road for a long time, but Grandfather We did not meet the frost.

If he sent an invitation, then he is waiting for us without a doubt!

We can, we will scream, Grandfather Frost will be called?

(Scream Grandpa frost)

Music sounds, grandfather enters the hall Freezing.

Grandfather Freezing:

Hello my friends! I've been waiting for you for a long time.

presenter:- We received an invitation from you, hurried to New Year's performance!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Freezing, you meet us, and congratulations on the New Year!

Grandfather Freezing:-

Happy New Year to all children!

Happy New Year to all guests!

I'm glad to meet my friends, will we have fun with you?

Snow Maiden:- Grandfather Freezing, the children brought you their gifts new year songs, poems, dances and games.

Grandfather Freezing: - Well, rather get up in a circle, start your round dance!

*** 10. Dance “New Year” is performed) (M. R No. 6/2006 p-88) (All)

Grandfather Freezing:

How merrily you danced! And not at all tired!

And yet, sit down, rest

On my performance look!

I prepared miracles for you

Let the beauty be fabulous!

Everyone dreams of catching the Firebirds-

Fulfill your desires!

Hey, beautiful, Fever - Birds, fly in,

Show your children your story!

*** 11. Dance is performed "Fire Birds"(SD) under. gr, st. gr

Snow Maiden:- Grandfather Freezing, you're a magician, show us some other miracle. Surprise us!

Grandfather Freezing:

How not to show! I don't feel sorry for miracles for you. See on the tree Christmas toys hanging?

Now I will surprise you, I will revive all the toys!

One two three four five,

My cute toys

Come out to dance! (knocks with a staff, Blows on a Christmas tree ... children run out to the music)

*** 12. Song performed « Christmas toys» , (MR)№8/2011 page 47 "Happy Charging"(SD). boys st. gr.

*** Baba Yaga flies into the hall to the music.

B. Yaga:

Still got there!

Grandfather Freezing: Why are you so mad? Come play with us

*** 13. The game is being played "Know us, Baba Yaga": Art. gr, st. Gr children stand in 2 circles - boys inside, girls - in the outer circle.

Snow Maiden:- Baba Yaga, do you see these pretty boys? Can you recognize them?

Yaga:- Of course I can! (Yaga closes his eyes, and the boys hide behind the girls, then vice versa)

Grandfather Freezing: Well, what about Baba Yaga, has your mood improved?

Yaga: - Yes, something is not very good!

presenter: - Well, after this dance it will definitely improve!

*** 14. Dance-motor exercise is performed "Grandma-Yozhka" (SD)

Yaga: Well, now my mood has definitely improved. I will run to my forest friends and dance like you. (Singing a song, he runs out of the hall.)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Freezing, everyone already knows that you are a magician, but show us more of your magic.

Grandfather Freezing: The music is not loud. Grandfather Freezing takes a box with a double bottom

And while saying, he puts snowflakes in a box.

Where is my magic box? (takes out a box and passes it to the Snow Maiden)

Help me, Snow Maiden, show the children a miracle!

And turn into candy!

Turns the box to the music, opens it from the other side and takes out sweets "Raffaello".

Snow Maiden:

Everyone joked and played, sang songs, danced ...

But something is still missing. Who will tell me the answer?

Children:- Gifts!

Grandfather Freezing:

And now, attention!

Always on New Year's Eve

Farewell gifts

Who gives you?

Children scream: grandfather Freezing!

Grandfather Freezing: And where are the gifts to take!

Snow Maiden:

And you, Grandpa Freezing, take your magic box

Yes, give gifts to children!

Grandfather Freezing: And it's true! My head is gray, I forgot. (starts magic)

I’ll start the magic now, I’ll give gifts to children!

The snowfall is spinning, sparkling, to the song of ice.

Snowflakes-stars are flying, now I will conjure them ....

You, box, spin! You melt the snow

And turn into gifts!

(takes out gifts)

And now it's time for me to leave

But a year later - I vouch!

I promise to be again.

On this I say goodbye!

Snow Maiden: -

Sorry friends, we must say goodbye. It's time for everyone to go home

Good luck guys! Goodbye, kids!


New Year's performance came to an end!

Say goodbye, guys, to DM and S. Goodbye, Snow Maiden! Grandfather Freezing!

Sounds like funny music, DM, Snow Maiden, come out. Children follow them...
