Summary of the GCD on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group on the topic: “The country in which we live! Synopsis of GCD on getting to know the environment, teaching literacy in the senior group Topic: “Our clean planet The Magic Bag Game”.

- Do you like to look at the sky at night? What can you see in the sky? How many stars do you think there are in the sky? Let's try to count together. - They are very, very many, they are innumerable. Stars appear as small sparkling dots because they are so far from the earth. In fact, the stars are very big. The stars have their own names: the polar star, Sirius, Vega and others. The stars unite into constellations that also have names: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, etc. - Space has always interested man. Guys, tell me if there is air on other planets? - Is there life? - And then one day, scientists under the guidance of designer Sergei Korolev invented the first satellite, installed on it special devices and launched into outer space. The flight was successful and the scientists decided to repeat the flight, but with living beings on board. They were two husky dogs. Who remembers what their names were? - That's right Belka and Strelka, who safely returned to earth. And then the scientists decided to fulfill their cherished dream - to send a man into space. And on April 12, 1961, this dream came true. For the first time in the world, an astronaut ... - Guys, who is this astronaut? He made a successful flight around the earth on the ship "Vostok". It was a very joyful event for all mankind. All the people of our planet joyfully greeted the first cosmonaut. Soon the feat of Yu. Gagarin was repeated by the second cosmonaut German Titov, but another joyful event awaited ahead: the world's first woman cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova went on a space flight, and then the second woman cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya. Well, now 2-3 cosmonauts go on a space flight. Astronauts during the flight see and observe a lot of interesting things and work a lot. And what do they do during the flight, let's go with you beautiful drawings and we'll tell. - That's right, they conduct medical, technical observations, study the surface of the earth. And they inform the earth about the places where minerals are found, report about the approach of hurricanes, typhoons, about fires in the taiga, clarify the weather forecast, and provide radio and television communications. This is such a difficult and interesting job for astronauts. - Would you guys like to become astronauts? What do you think an astronaut should be like? - And the astronauts train a lot and go in for sports, they run, jump to be ready for the flight. Let's do this exercise with you. An active attention game "Do this, don't do this" The players stand either in a circle or freely (scattered). The head of the game warns that students should perform the exercises shown to them with the words “do this”, and do not repeat the exercises with the words “do this”. If the student makes a mistake, he receives a penalty point. The players with the fewest penalties are considered the winners. If, due to the small size of the room, the students stand close to each other, it is necessary to give such exercises, during which they would not touch each other. - Well done, everyone did it! Now we need to remember what an astronaut needs in flight. The game "What items will the astronaut take on the flight" - One, two, three, collect everything on the flight! - Guys, let's see what kind of things an astronaut needs.

Synopsis of GCD on familiarization with the outside world in kindergarten. Senior group

Material Description: I offer you a summary of the GCD on the surrounding world in senior group on the topic: "The country in which we live!"
Program content:
Form and develop socially significant values.
Stimulate children's curiosity. To expand and consolidate knowledge about the symbols of the state, to promote the education of love for the Motherland, pride in it, respect for the State symbols.
Form a conversation. Using sentences of different constructions in the answers, in the correct grammatical form. Enrich vocabulary on the topic "Motherland", broaden your horizons about symbolism hometown Ryazan. Develop mental operations, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, observation.
To consolidate the ability to use scissors correctly, trace the sample and draw up the necessary drawing.
Help to realize their involvement in the life of the country.
Establishment of emotional and positive contact with the child.
Orientation of the child in the atmosphere of the playroom, the rules and norms of behavior in the game classes.
Video selection of slides - the starry sky, a view from space of the planet Earth, the image of the symbols of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation, photographs of the most beautiful places in Russia, an audio recording of the Anthem of the Russian Federation. Demo material for the application. Photos of famous people of Ryazan.
Handout: Individual cards for the game "Find the Flag" with the image of the flags of different states, blanks for application (1 cardboard strip for cutting out the colored stripes of the flag of the Russian Federation). Scissors, glue brushes, napkins. "Tickets" for the mobile game "Electric Train".
Vocabulary work: Courage, courage, symbols, flag, coat of arms, anthem, president, sovereign, mighty, Russian Federation.
Preliminary work: stories, conversations about Russia, about the famous people of the Ryazan land, viewing illustrations, photographs. Symbols of the state. Reading-learning poems by S. Yesenin. View video material.
Course of the lesson: I PART:
The video recording of the starry sky turns on, the teacher draws the attention of the children to how vast the universe is, how many stars. And among this constellation of infinity there is also our planet (an image of the planet appears - Earth)
Educator:- What is the name of our planet on which we live with you guys?
Children:- planet Earth.
Educator:- and on this planet Earth there are many people of different nationalities, and they live in different countries. What countries do you know, name? (showing the form of a video showing a geographical map of various states)
Children:- England, Türkiye…………..
Educator:- Tell the guys, what are the distinctive symbols of each state
Children:- Flag, coat of arms, anthem, president.
Educator: What is the name of the country in which we live?
Children:- Russia!
(showing a slide depicting the entire territory of Russia) educator - explains that Russia occupies the largest land area. And it is the largest state in the world.
Educator: Here, the warmth of the fields is filled with rye. Dawns are splashing here in the expanses of meadows. Here are the golden-haired angels of God. By the rays of light they descended from the clouds. And the earth was sprinkled with holy water. temple, here is the parental home. Peter Sinyavsky (showing a map of Russia)
Educator:- Children, what else can we call our Motherland.
Children:- powerful, great, huge, beloved.
Educator:- Remember and say what colors our flag consists of
Children:- White blue red
Educator: - The national flag of the Russian Federation is the official symbol of state power, expressing the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe unity and sovereignty of the state.
(video showing the flag)
Educator:- Each color of the flag represents WHITE - peace, purity of thoughts, beauty, BLUE - loyalty, truth, nobility. RED - courage and courage.
Educator:- Let's remember what the coat of arms of the Russian Federation looks like
Children:- Describe the coat of arms (leprosy of the coat of arms)
Educator: The coat of arms of Russia is a dark red shield on which a golden double-headed eagle is depicted, the Golden color is an unchanging symbol of fidelity and constancy. The wings of an eagle are like the rays of the sun. And the bird itself is in the sun. On the chest of the eagle is placed the coat of arms of Moscow. This means that Moscow is the capital of the mighty Russian state. The rider is St. George the Victorious. He is on a white horse, a blue cloak develops behind him, in right hand he has a silver spear that helped him defeat the dragon. The terrible black snake is a symbol of evil. He is a hero. The faithful horse of the warrior tramples the dragon with its hooves
Children: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
Educator: Children name who is the president Russian Federation.
Educator: Anthem of the Russian Federation, in what cases we listen to it.
Children:- On special occasions.
Educator:- You should know that the music for the anthem of the Russian Federation was written by our fellow countryman, a native of the Ryazan land, A.V. Aleksandrov. And how should people behave when the anthem is played?
Children:- All those present stand up, and the military give a military salute or salute with weapons.
The teacher invites the children to listen to the anthem. Children stand up and sing along.
Educator:- When we listen to the anthem of the Russian Federation, we feel pride, joy for our homeland.
Educator: - We said that our planet is inhabited by millions of people of different nationalities in different countries. And these people have their families, their homes, their cities. Each person has their own small homeland, this is the place where he was born and where he lives. Where do we live? What is the name of our city?
Children:- We live in the city of Ryazan. A poem about Ryazan
Educator:- Children and our city has its own symbols, its own flag and its coat of arms. Showing the flag and coat of arms of Ryazan to children
Educator:- The Ryazan land is also rich in its great famous people. View photos of S. Yesenin., P.I. Pavlov., K.E. Tsiolkovsky.
II PART: Board game "Find the flag" The first task - the children are invited to find the image of the flag of the Russian Federation on the cards. The second task is to point to the flag of Ryazan.
Mobile game:"Journey to Moscow"
III PART:Game progress: The children are given "tickets", which depict multi-colored geometric shapes. The teacher places large figures (the same as those shown on the tickets for children) on each of the chairs, placed one after the other.
Educator:- Guys, but the train will go on a journey only if you answer the question correctly - The train goes to the hero city, the capital of the Russian Federation
Children:- Moscow.
Educator:- Dear passengers, the train Ryazan - Moscow is leaving, we ask passengers to take their seats in accordance with the tickets.
The second time it is replayed - the tickets are collected, mixed in and distributed again to the children, while on the chairs all the figures change places.
Children perform tasks to the music "We are your children Russia" - they perform - Wizards of the Yard.
IV PART: Application - "Flag of Russia" children are invited to trace the strips on colored paper according to the samples, then cut out and make up the flag of Russia
Educator: Dear passengers, the Moscow-Ryazan train is leaving, we ask passengers to take their seats according to the tickets.
V. PART: Lesson analysis. Children get up from their seats and look through the work of their peers, moving freely, express their impressions, how much someone managed, analyze.
VI. PART: The final game - "Rally"
Target: The development of empathy, the ability to express support for another person (peer). Relieve stress, unite and unite the group.
Develop a greeting, establishing contact with children.
Game progress: Children stand in a circle, all together begin to greet, while performing certain movements. In order to live together in the world (children stand in a circle) You need to give joy to everyone (everyone makes a gesture of greeting) You need to love everyone around (everyone hugs each other by the shoulders, it turns out big circle)
We must love the Motherland (put a palm to the heart)
It is necessary to forgive all insults (everyone joins hands)

Lesson on familiarization with others on the topic: "Journey to the bottom of the sea"

Tasks: Consolidate and expand the knowledge of children about the representatives of aquatic animals, show their features, adaptability to life in the aquatic environment. To replenish children's knowledge that fish are different in size, color, body shape, fin structure.

To teach children to highlight signs of similarities and differences between fish, by comparison, to bring children to the conclusion that all fish have common features.

To develop in children coherent speech and the ability to compose short descriptive stories. Activate and enrich vocabulary.

Teach children to embody their impressions in game activities. Develop imagination, steady attention, visual memory, visual-figurative thinking, integrity of perception.

To cultivate an ecological culture, the ability to see the beauty and diversity of the underwater world.

Equipment and materials: globe, picture map of the underwater world, large cubes (of which a submarine was built), toys of sea animals, pictures of sea animals, split pictures (torso, tail, head, fins), shells, music center, disk with sea noise recording .

Preliminary work: conversations, viewing illustrations, pictures, reading encyclopedias, didactic games (“Couples”, “Inhabitants of the seas, rivers, lakes, oceans”), role-playing game"Submariners"

Lesson progress:

1 part Guys, this morning when I came to kindergarten, I found a disk on the table, now listen to it (the teacher inserts a disk with a recording). “Dear guys, I am the Sea Queen, I invite you to my kingdom so that you can see the diversity and beauty of the underwater world” (the voices of dolphins sound).

Where do you think the Sea Queen lives? Yes, guys, she lives in the sea. Let's look at the globe and find her possessions. What color is more on the globe? What is shown blue color?

Yes, these are children, lakes, seas and oceans. This is the water part of the earth. Today we will make a trip to the bottom of the sea.

Guys, how can I get there? True, but for the first time on such a journey, it is better to go all together in a small submarine. I invite you to take your seats (children sit in a boat built in advance from cubes).

Guys, we are sinking lower and lower. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds of the sea. (sounds of waves, the sound of the sea)

part 2 The teacher puts a crown on his head, a transparent cape and takes a magic wand, turns into the Sea Queen.

Guys, I am glad to welcome you to my kingdom. I will show you the riches of the sea and introduce you to the underwater inhabitants.

What marine animals do you know? Well done! And now I propose to put on scuba gear and get out of the boat. We must go through a special exit (9 children go through colored hoops and go to the “sea bottom” carpet, on which are toys imitating sea animals, shells, plants.

Look how beautiful our kingdom is. - What do you see?

Game-conversation "Fish-children of water"

There are many fish here. What animals are called fish?

How do fish move? Yes, they are helped to control the movements of the fins and tail.

Why can fish only live in water? Fish have gills for breathing.

How are all fish similar? And how do they differ?

Guys, what kind of fish are called predatory? Yes, they eat other fish.

And what do non-predatory fish eat? (leaves, stems of underwater plants)

What amazing fish are not found in the seas and oceans. No wonder they say "Pisces are children of water"

part 3 Didactic game"Tell me about a marine life."

Children find pictures of a sea animal and talk about it.

Starfish. It looks like a star, it has five rays. In case of danger Starfish can throw off part of his body. She is a predator that feeds on shellfish and sea urchins.

Crab. Crabs crawl along the bottom of warm seas. They have a wide and short body. Crabs have five pairs of legs. The front ones are claws, with which the crab can cut food into pieces. The crab collects everything that comes in its way: shells, fish heads, glass fragments and puts it on its back. This is how he escapes his enemies.

Sea urchin. The body of the sea urchin is covered with a shell, from which needles stick out. The needles are very thin and sharp. With the help of needles, they defend themselves from enemies and move. Small fish hide in its needles. sea ​​urchins poisonous.

Octopus. The octopus has a soft body, it has no bones and can bend in different directions. They named him so because eight legs extend from his short body. The octopus quickly changes color. They are real predators, at night they get out to hunt. They can not only swim, but also walk along the bottom.

Jellyfish. Jellyfish have a translucent body in the shape of an umbrella. They look like jelly. Jellyfish are different sizes both very small and very large. They can glow in the dark like flashlights. The umbrella and tentacles glow yellow-orange. If many jellyfish rise to the surface, it seems that the sea is blazing with red fire.

Electric Stingray. The stingray has a flat body and thin, a long tail. He has a current, he defends himself with it. The stingray swims quickly, as if it were flying on water.

Whale. The whale is the largest animal on our planet. Whales look like huge fish, but they are not fish. They feed their young with milk. They have a structure like a person. Whales can stay under water for a long time. They swim up to get oxygen. Today, there are few whales left, so they are taken under protection.

Well done guys, you are well prepared for the trip, I really liked your stories. And now let's play the game "Floats - does not swim." I will call you various words. And you should portray swimming animals and just smile at the words of non-swimming ones.

Well done, you are very attentive children. (disturbing music playing)

Look guys, these fish are in trouble. Help them.

Part 4 Didactic game "Collect the fish."

Children come to the tables. Each has cut pictures from the parts of the fish (tail, fins, head, torso). Children collect fish. They name which fish they helped.

Well done, everyone coped with the task and helped the fish.

A signal sounds from a submarine.

Guys, it's time for you to go back. Please take a seat on the boat. Thank you for visiting my realm. I give you a photo-coloring of marine life as a keepsake. Color them in when you get back to kindergarten. Goodbye!

The boat rises, the sound of the sea is heard.

5 part. Outcome. The teacher turns away and removes the crown and cape.

Children, did you like the trip? - What did you like?

What marine life did you meet? - Whose stories did you like?

Dora Drum

"World surrounding child is first of all the world

nature with an infinite wealth of phenomena,

with inexhaustible beauty. Here in nature, eternal

source of children's mind.

V. Sukhomlinsky.

GCD getting to know the environment.

Subject: What such a nature reserve?

Target: introduce children to the reserves of our country;

to form a responsible and caring attitude towards the native

nature; instill in children a sense of pride in their native

nature that in our native land people cherish,

guard reserved corners of nature.

Lesson progress:

Nature is important in everyone's life human: after all, in addition to beauty and good mood, it gives a person something without which it is impossible to live. And what exactly, you will find out when you solve the riddles.

Well, which one of you will answer:

Not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but it shines brightly,

And not a baker, but bakes.


That's right, can a person live without sunlight and

Passes through the nose to the chest

And the reverse is on its way.

He is invisible and yet

We cannot live without it.


Yes, can we live without air?

They drink me

They pour me

Everyone needs me.

Who is she?


That's right, we can live without water?

The sun, air, water, berries, mushrooms, bees, fish, birds, flowers, trees, and all this is nature. Man lives in nature, man's life depends on nature.

And what do you guys think, the beauty of nature depends on a person? (People plant forests, protect animals, feed birds, clean rivers, etc.)

Does man always help nature? Can man destroy nature? (Pollutes rivers, cuts down forests, traps animals, etc.)

People can increase nature, or they can destroy the rest. Many species of living creatures began to disappear from the face of the earth. More than a hundred years ago, a law was issued that made it possible to create in our country nature reserves.

The reserve is a place where nature has the right to live by its own laws. This is the place where herbs, flowers, mushrooms, bushes, animals, birds, insects, fish.

IN reserve people are forbidden to pick flowers, berries, mushrooms, fish, hunt birds and animals. IN reserve come only on an excursion where they get acquainted with the beauty and wealth reserved places.

Guys, in our republic there are two reserve"Olekminsky" And "Ust-Lensky".

Reserve"Olekminsky" organized on January 3, 1984. Located in the south of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia, on the territory of the Olekminsky ulus. (Show on the map.) In the territory reserve 650 species of plants grow, 34 of which are rare and endangered. Most of the territory reserve(87 %) occupied by light coniferous taiga. The main forest-forming species are Daurian larch and pine, there are also cedar, fir, aspen, and chosenia. Reserve- an active participant in the global campaign "Living Planet". The visitor center of the program has been operating in Olekminsk since 2000 "Living Planet" and the WWF Friends Club.

Reserve"Ust-Lensky" organized on December 18, 1985. Located in the extreme north of Yakutia, in the delta of the Lena River. Most of reserve- tundra and tundra swamps. Flora reserve represented by 372 plant species, 24 of which are listed in the Red Book of the RS (I). Of the 89 species of birds, 59 breed chicks here, and 20 are classified as protected. 36 species of fish are found in reservoirs, including unique whitefish. The fauna of land mammals is represented by 25 species. These are reindeer, arctic fox, ermine, black-capped marmot, lemmings, voles, polar bear, weasel, etc. Of the marine mammals in the parts adjacent to the delta, there are beluga whale, narwhal, walrus, sea hare, ringed seal.

reserves These are islands of saving nature from man. reserves- this is our wealth, the golden fund of our country, which each of us can be proud of.

Guys, what do you think, is it only in nature reserves should be protected? (children's answers)

That's right, it is necessary to protect the native nature in any place.

Physical education minute "Swans".

Swans fly and flap their wings

And bend over the water

and shake their heads.

Proudly and boldly know how to hold on,

And very silently sit on the water.

2h Come on guys, let's remember the rules of nature conservation (pictures are posted).

1. In nature remember what you see.

2. Walk along the paths.

3. Do not break tree branches.

4. Do not trample on flowers, herbs.

5. Do not shout, do not turn on loud music.

6. Do not destroy bird nests.

7. Do not catch insects.

8. Do not destroy mycelium.

9. Do not catch fry and frogs.

10. Do not break cobwebs.

11. Do not kindle fires.

12. Do not ruin anthills.

Yes, guys, do not tear a lot of flowers, trample, do not break trees. Birds need to be fed, not to destroy their nests. We should all remember: every plant, every animal creature is amazing and needed by nature! There is nothing superfluous in it! Love nature, meaning do not touch it, do not prevent it from living according to its own laws.

Fragments of GCD.

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Lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group “Pets.

Target: Generalize and consolidate children's knowledge about pets.

Educational tasks:

Generate interest in learning about the world around you. Fix the names of pets and their cubs, where they live, what they eat. What benefit does a person get from them.

Development tasks:

Develop visual memory, attention, motor skills of hands, coherent speech. Maintain an interest in wildlife.

Educational tasks:

To educate children in kindness, to form a caring attitude towards animals and the world around us.

Equipment :

Notebook, presentation, demonstration material, cards with the image of pets; handouts and visual materials, pencils, leaflets.

Preliminary work: Reading books about pets. Conversation about animals, reading poetry, nursery rhymes. Examination of illustrations, paintings with pets.

GCD progress .

The children are in the group.

Educator: Guys, ourThe lesson is called "Pets".

Educator: - Guys, do you like to walk?

Where can you go for a walk?

Children's answers.

Educator: - When people go for a walk in distant

places - this is called a journey.

Where do you think you can go to


Children's answers.

Educator: - I really like to travel.

on hot-air balloon.

Do you want to travel?

Take hold of the rope and let's start our


Educator: We're flying in a balloon

In a balloon we fly like birds.

Here is the house seen there in the distance,

Let's get down to earth as soon as possible.

(Children stop near the house)

Educator: - Here we are.

The teacher turns on a CD player with a recording of the voices of pets. Children sit on chairs around the table and listen to the recording.

caregiver :

Where do you think we are now?

Children :

We ended up in a village, in a barnyard.

Guys, now we will guess,

who lives here?

Riddles about pets.

(Cards with pets are pasted on the house. After the children answer, the teacher turns over the card with the name of the pets).

Owner of the yard

The house is a kennel.

Joyfully wags its tail

But a stranger will not be allowed into the house.


Weaved thick grasses

Meadows curled up

Yes, and I myself am all curly,

Even a curl of a horn.


Itself motley, eats green, gives white.


Mustachioed muzzle, striped coat,

Often washed, but with water is not known.


Piglet digging in the ground,

I swim in a dirty puddle.


Born with a beard -

Nobody will be surprised.


Cargo is lucky

hay chews,

Tail waving,

The mane shakes.


He lives in a barn, in a cage,

Gnawing sweet carrots.

Oh, and sharp teeth

He is always in a fluffy coat,

Lop-eared, tail like a zero.

Everyone knew this...


caregiver :

Well done boys. All riddles are solved.

How can they all be called in one word? (animals). Why? (The body is covered with hair; they have 4 paws (legs); they have a torso, muzzle, tail; they feed their young with milk.)

Where do these animals live? (Next to the person). What is the name of? (Pets) Why? (People look after them; they benefit a person).

caregiver :

Children :

The cow is mooing.

caregiver :

What is the horse doing?

1st child :

The horse neighs.

caregiver :

What is the goat doing?

2nd child :

Goat meeks.

caregiver :

Pig …

3rd child :

The pig grunts.

caregiver :

Dog …

4th child :

The dog is barking.

caregiver : And now let's say hello to the animals.

Finger gymnastics"Merry meeting"

Hello kitty!

Hello goat!

Hello puppy!

And hello duck!

Hello, funny, funny pig

caregiver : Now I propose to play a gameA game : "Help the kids - the children have lost their mothers"

(Children sit at their desks, there are sheets with images of animals on the tables, children draw arrows from an adult animal to a cub, work in pairs).

caregiver : Let's check together whether you completed the task correctly or not! (the teacher shows a pre-prepared correct answer and checks with the children). Well done boys! You have found a mother for every child.

Who has the cat?

Child :


caregiver :

What about the goat?

Child :


caregiver :

At the rabbit?

Child :


caregiver :

Have a dog?

Child :



The pig?



caregiver :

Guys, who knowsWhat are the benefits of pets for humans?

Children :

Cow and goat give milk, rabbits give fluff, pig meat and bristles, sheep wool, which is knitted warm mittens, blouses, socks, the dog guards the owner's house, the cat catches rats and mice.

Teacher: Look at these mittens. Socks. Scarf they are knitted from goat down, touch them, what are they like? (I let you touch, I touch the guys’ cheeks with downy mittens), and these mittens and a scarf from sheep wool(I do the same). Such mittens, socks, scarves are knitted by your grandmothers, mothers.

Educator: (takes nice hat) I suggest playing with this hat, it is not simple - magical.

Magic hat game I walk, I twist on my head toI want to hear about animals for Tanya.

Phys. minute "Piglets"

Lazy piglets (Round the arms along the body)

They don't charge.

And they became clumsy (Swing from side to side)

Don't get out of the puddle

No way, no way, no way.

And ours are the guys (Raise your hands up to your shoulders)

Everyone is exercising

And they do it right

Like this, like this!

I walk together

Like this, like this!

caregiver :

Guys, now let's remember, andwhat is a pet house called . I will name the animal, and you tell me where it lives. For example, where does the dog live?

Child :

The dog lives in a kennel.

caregiver :

Where are the pigs?

Child :

Pigs live in a pigsty.

caregiver :

And the sheep?

Child :

Sheep live in a sheepfold.

caregiver :

What about rabbits?

Child :

In the rabbitry.

caregiver :

What about horses?

Child :

Horses live in a stable.

Didactic game "Collect a picture"

Exercise : each child collects a picture of any pet

Material : cut pictures of pets

Guys, do you need to take care of pets?

How do people take care of pets? (They feed, water, clean up after the animals)

The game "Who eats what?"

Exercise : Pick up animal food

Didactic game "The Fourth Extra"

Target : differentiation of domestic and wild animals, clarification of knowledge, (slide show).

Q: Find out which animal is superfluous?

caregiver :

Guys, I have prepared images of different pets for you. Look at the silhouettes, what do animals lack? (wool)

What animal doesn't have hair? (pigs). Let's take the silhouettes and cover them with wool? (We cover with glue and glue woolen threads)

(remove scarf)


Oh guys, please remind me about who

we talked (about pets).

Where do pets live?

Children's answers.

Where is my magic hat!? Game "Magic Hat" "I walk, I twist on my head toTanya will sit down to hear a poem about animals.

The child reads the poem "Pets" by Roman Sef.

caregiver :

Well done boys! Our trip to the village is over. We flew home, there we were waiting for a treat.

(children drink milk)
