Winter script for elementary school children. Scenario winter holiday in elementary school



Holiday script

Leading - Guys, today we invited you to a holiday dedicated to one of the seasons. To find out what kind of wonderful time of the year our holiday is dedicated to, you must guess the riddle:

1 student Messed up the paths

Decorated the windows

Gave joy to children

And she rode on a sled. (Winter)

Leading Well done boys! Soon Zimushka herself will come to us for the holiday, and for this the guys will sing a greeting song for her.

2 student Troika, Troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white,

And the queen is sitting on a sleigh -

Belokosa, white-faced.

How she waved her sleeve

All covered in silver.

3 student Hello. sweet young lady

Coloring - soul,

white winch,

Hello mother winter!

Winter -Hello guys! Oh, and it was a difficult road from the Far North to your holiday! Oh, my horses are tired!

Leading: - Winter! And what are these beautiful white horses in your trio?

Winter: -To find out the names of my white horses, guess three riddles.

My assistants-snowflakes will guess them for you.

4 student Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

His days of all days are shorter,

All nights are longer than nights.

In fields and meadows

Until spring, snow fell.

Only our month will pass,

We are meeting New Year. (December)

Leading - Well done! Winter, according to the calendar, begins on December 1. December - the first month - will tell us about itself.

5 student December ends the year, and winter begins. In ancient times in Rus', December was called jelly. December bridges. December nails, December nails.

(music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” (December);

poem "December"

6 student Ear pinching, nose pinching

Frost climbs into boots

Not water already, but ice.

Not even a bird flies

The bird freezes from the cold.

The sun turned to summer.

What, say, for a month is this? (January)

Leading -What will the second winter month, January, tell us about itself?

7 student January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter. In the old days in Rus', January was called Sich. Since it cuts the winter into two halves.

(music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” (January) sounds;

poem "January"

8 student Snow falls in bags from the sky,

There are snowdrifts from the house, -

Now snowstorms, then blizzards

They attacked the village.

At night the frost is strong,

During the day, a drop is heard ringing.

The day has grown noticeably.

Well, so what month is it? (February)

Leading - And now let's hear from you, February. You are the last month of winter.

9 student Blizzards and blizzards flew in under February. The old Russian name for February is fierce. In February, a lot of snow falls, there are severe, that is, hard frosts.

(music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” (February) sounds;

poem "The winds blow in February ...".)

Leading - Well done boys! All the names of the winter months have been guessed! And learned a lot about them!

Song "Three White Horses"

Leading Zimushka, and we not only know how to sing songs, but also read poetry. So many poems have been written about you! Listen here1

10 student Hello winter guest!

Forgive mercy to us

Sing the songs of the north

Through forests and steppes

We have separate ones, -

Walk anywhere;

Build bridges across rivers

And roll out the carpets.

11 students Until recently in the window

Every day the sun looked

And now winter has come

A blizzard took a walk in the field

With noise, with dashing song

Everything was covered with a veil,

Fluffed with snow, fluff -

Everywhere became empty, deaf

And the river fell asleep again

Under clothing ice.

The forest calmed down in a magnificent outfit,

Songbirds have not been heard for a long time.

12 student The winter is beautiful

On the field of white and blue,

She circles the snow

And after her a blizzard

Runs and creeps equally

Sings like a beautiful girl

She growls like a beast.

13 student Small trees and big trees

Something was silenced

Something calmed down.

Snow from morning to night

Everyone wants to sleep...

And in the forest everything is quieter

And the snow is getting higher.

14 student Nice winter day

Fluffy snow is spinning

snow powder

We are called to the street

Everyone is running up the hill


We love to ride

And play snowballs

Future - Despite the fact that it is very cold in winter. Still, winter is a very fun time.

The song "Well, snowball, well, my friend"

15 student Winter has come ... Outside the windows

Where are the rows of black Christmas trees

Fluffy and light

Snowflakes are flying

Flying, fluttering, spinning,

Fluffy ones are flying

And white soft lace

Envelop the garden.

16 student Snowball went

Snowflakes are just amazing!

The snow has gone

We've been waiting for it!

Snowflakes - like firework stars

At the opening of winter!

Winter -I'm fine with you. I see you are happy with me!

I will decorate the branches with white paint,

I will throw silver on your roof.

Warm spring winds will come

And they will drive me out of the yard.

Leading - Do not be sad, winter. We love you and are waiting for you. Listen to how children can solve winter riddles.

And you guys don't yawn! Answer in unison!

Riddles for viewers

Barely breathed in winter

They are always with you

Warm two sisters

They are called…


Happy to overtake each other

You look, my doug, do not fall!

Good, sharp, easy

Fleet …


Softly glowing needles

Coniferous spirit comes from ...

(Christmas trees)

Called by the cheeks, the tip of the nose,

Painted the window without asking,

Well, who is it - that's the question!

All this makes…


I took two oak bars

And iron skid

I stuffed planks on the bars

Give snow, ready ...


Falling from the sky in winter

And circle above the earth

Light, fluffy, white...


Two birch horses

They carry me through the snow

These horses are red

And they are called...


All white - white today

And light, even though there is no sun

Cold falls from the sky

White - white soft ...

( snow)

It's snowing outside

Holiday coming soon...

(New Year)

Winter - Thank you guys! Goodbye!

(Winter leaves to the song "Crystal Winter")

Leading - Did you like Winter? You are glad. Why did she come to visit you today? Although it is cold, we are looking forward to its coming.

Let's invite winter to our holiday - New Year!

Olga Kobzar
"Winter-winter". Speech therapy holiday primary school

(correctional classes)

Subject: Zimushka - winter.

Target: Generalization and systematization of ideas about winter and typical changes in nature.

Correctional and educational tasks:

Expansion, clarification, updating of the dictionary on the topic "Winter". Improving the skill of looking at pictures, the formation of a holistic view of what is depicted on them. Learn to use learned educational material in conditions extracurricular activities. Strengthening children's self-control over their own speech. Fixing the graphic image of printed letters, reading words.

Correction-developing tasks:

Development of coherent speech, visual attention, thinking, articulation, fine and general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, artistic and aesthetic perception

Correctional and educational tasks:

Education of goodwill, a sense of collectivism, the ability to listen to each other, emotional response, initiative, independence, creative activity; education of love and a sense of justice.

Equipment: computer, speakers, blackboard, cut-out picture, paper doll and a set of clothes, worksheets, felt-tip pens, "snowballs", baskets, hoops, reels with mice, treats.

Members: Host, Winter, Snow Queen.

B: Hello kids! Hello everyone present! We are glad to see you all on our holiday.

V .: Today, guys, we will talk with you about the sorceress winter. Many poems and music are dedicated to this beautiful season. Now the guys from grades 4a and b will tell us poems about this time of the year.

First child.


On the road in a straight line

Winter came with frost

Winter came to his home -

The snow was pink.

Two blizzards after winter

That snow was blown, shallow,

The snow was blown as they wanted,

And they threw crystals.

Sergei Kozlov

Second child.

Rushing in an ice carriage


The wind beats its wings

Sleepy houses.

Blooming squares, parks

Snow white.

And frost builds arches

Above the forest path.

V .: Guys, about whom the poems were (about winter, you are right, visit us today at holiday came the real Enchantress, the sorceress Winter.

Music is playing "Winter" E. Gil

Winter appears to the music.

V .: She came to visit us herself

snow white (winter)


Z: Hello girls, hello boys. Who am I, do you know? (yes, winter). That's right, but do you know the signs of winter? What happens only in winter?

A game "Signs of Winter"

(what is winter like, what is snow like, what is ice like, etc.)

Z .: You are right, it is cold in winter, but in order not to freeze, you need to warm up. They stood near their chairs and repeat after me.

Together we clap our hands,

And we stamp our feet together

looked at each other,

And they said: one two Three -

Well, bring the fairy tale to life!

Z .: I don’t go to visit alone. I have faithful helpers. These are brothers months: December, January and February.

By the way, where are they? They must be late... here... they're coming... I can hear their footsteps.

music "snowstorm" (Steps)

The Snow Queen enters

I am the Snow Queen

From the snowy country

Where whiteness is boundless,

Where is the sea of ​​silence

There is no sun in my country

No weed, no water

And only blizzards are a white trace,

Some snow and ice.

And so sometimes I wanted

Hear the children laugh.

On your holiday is merry,

You hesitate to call

So holiday

Certainly not to be!

S .: Your months will not come. They are in my captivity. You won't December, January and February, but there will be eternal cold and blizzard and winter will never end.

Z .: But how, is it so, my younger sisters should come after me.

S: haha (leaves)

V .: Don't worry, I know the way to the kingdom of the Snow Queen, only it is difficult and dangerous, But we can handle it, help Winter, return the months (Children will help).

V .: It is very cold in the land of the Snow Queen. You need to choose the right clothes so that you don’t freeze there. And children of 2 a and 2 b grades will help us.

Contest "Dress the Doll"

V .: There is a doll hanging on the board, on our tray there are clothes for different seasons, you need to dress the doll so that it does not freeze in the kingdom of the Snow Queen.

Z .: Did you dress the doll correctly? Let's check together (every detail of the wardrobe is discussed with everyone, if the child is mistaken, it should be let out what season the item of clothing belongs to).

Exercise "Collect a picture"

Q: Oh look what I found. (children are shown a split picture). This is probably some kind of message, let's decipher it. The guys from the 3rd grade will help us with this (the children are offered a sheet of white paper where the drawing diagram is drawn, the child needs to glue it correctly on a double-sided tape, after that be sure to show everything to the children and ask what is shown).

Z .: This is really a message, a note is written on the back side, what needs to be done to find the map.

Contest "Steps"

B. You and I can't handle winter, we need helpers (Children of grades 4 a and b come out). Guys, line up and move exactly according to my instructions. Instruction: two steps forward, turn left, step forward, turn right two steps forward, now turn around, three steps forward, turn right, step forward, turn right, three steps forward, turn left, four steps forward, pull the rope .

S. comes out: you won’t get through anyway, all the roads are covered with snow (scatters snowballs, two children need to collect them)

Z .: We need to clear the roads as soon as possible, and the students of the first 1 a and b classes will help us with this. We give each of you a basket, you need to collect snowballs as quickly and as much as possible. Reade set Go (after the snowballs in each basket are counted).

V .: When all the snow was removed, I found a broken mirror. I probably dropped it when it covered us with snow. Let's collect it, and find out who last looked into it, maybe it will help us.

Exercise "Collect the deer" (the task is executed, as well as the previous one).

Z: Well done. Now we know who is on our side. Let's go visit a deer, maybe SK hid our months with him, you can listen to him, he supposedly says that it doesn't matter with the deer's spelling, the letters are lost, but maybe we, having found them, will find what we are looking for so much.

(turn the board over, there is a rebus)

Z .: In each word, a letter was lost, it needs to be inserted after reading the word, the guys from the 3rd grade will help us with this. (each word is called loudly by an adult, at the end, the resulting word is read together with the children).

V .: Well done, we found the first month - December.

He sent you riddles, let's try to guess, in this we will be helped by 2 a and b classes.

Z .: And what month of winter was in riddles (January? So we found another month.

V .: It was interesting for you, but it's time for us to move on, to rescue the next months from captivity. Only the road is not visible, but I have a magic window, it will show who is waiting for us ahead. For this we need helpers from the first classes.

A game "Magic Colors"

Z .: a hare and a squirrel appear in the picture, they ask for help to cope with predators, the question is who the animals are afraid of.

Contest "Footprints"

V .: Now we will see which of you is the smartest. Some guys are wearing masks of different animals. These guys need to come out to us as soon as possible and find their tracks, so that we don’t fall into the clutches of a bear or a wolf. And we will closely monitor and not prompt (animals: wolf, hare, bear, frog duck).

Z: Thank you guys for your help. Look, our bear has the third month hidden in his hands, but in return he asks you to check your accuracy (Children of the 2nd grade leave).

A game "The most accurate"

Z .: You need to stand on the strip and throw a snowball into the basket (snowballs are counted at the end, it is noted which team has more hits, 3-4 children participate in each team).

V .: So we freed the third month!

S: I won't leave anyway.

A game "Helping Mouse"

V .: This is a difficult task and in it guys of grade 1 will become our assistants (two children are called, each is given a spool with a thread at the end, with which a bear is tied, you need to twist them as quickly as possible. We repeat the game 2 times).

S .: You defeated me, why should I go to be sad alone, no one, I don’t need me, oh poor, I’m poor.

V .: Guys, maybe we'll forgive Snow Queen? (Yes)

S .: Thank you, dear guys. And for you I have a surprise, I froze icicles, but not simple ones, but sweet ones. You will have a gift from us.

Z .: How good it was with you, but it’s time for us to go, snow still doesn’t lie everywhere, and frost draws on the windows. See you again, kids.

winter holiday

Target: To create a festive mood for children through active participation in the competitive game program.


- rallying children's team;

- development of communicative qualities.

Equipment : musical center, phonograms of New Year's songs, 2 microphones, attributes for competitions, sweet prizes.

Scenario New Year's party For junior schoolchildren"Winter Holiday"

Description of work : I present to your attention the scenario of the New Year's party for children primary school. This material will be useful for teachers, senior counselors and teachers organizers.

Hall decoration : in the corner of the hall there is a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. Snowflakes made of colored paper, garlands and tinsel are hung everywhere. The Christmas tree can be decorated in a completely unexpected way: with small balloons and bows of shiny paper, which are used for flower bouquets. You can hang a festive wreath on the door of the hall, made of bent spruce or pine branches, intertwined with tinsel and decorated with shiny multi-colored balls, cones.

Leading: Hello, dear guests: moms and dads, grandparents! Today our holiday is dedicated to winterWell, guys, we waited for December - the very first winter month.

We invite Tuna, Leyla, Hasana to the stage. they will read poems about winter.

Tuna Snow covered everything

Both trees and houses.

It means it has come

Snow white winter.


The path is covered with white fluff.

How clear the air is in winter!

I'll stand, I'll love a little,

As snowflakes fly over me.

Winter scatters them everywhere,

Gives everyone a silver outfit,

As if a fairy tale around comes to life,

And the snowflakes are spinning, flying!


Each ray of a snowflake is sharpened -

They are so transparent and tender

What you really want

I collect snowflakes like flowers.

But something Winter is delayed, promised that it would come on time. Well, let's go to meet her.

But to make it more fun, let's sing a song in English.


The music of "Baba Yaga" sounds

Baba Yaga appears, she is wearing a winter outfit.

Baba Yaga: Who are they who came to my forest kingdom? I did not expect anyone and did not call! Go away!

Leading: Don't be mad, beautiful grandmother. We are the guys from preparatory group, and we are going to look for Winter. Have you seen her?

Baba Yaga : Whom? Winter? So I am Winter! Is it really good?

Good with its beauty Our winter-winter.

All the kids have gathered to meet her today!

Leading : What are you winter! No! You are deceiving us (takes off her winter outfit). You are Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga : So what? Well, I'm Baba Yaga! She is the most. But I won’t let you through my forest and you won’t see winter. It will always be autumn, autumn.

Leading : We do not want to see autumn all the time, we miss winter. Let us through, please, and show us the way.

Baba Yaga : See what you want! Well, okay, sing me a Turkish song first.


Baba Yaga: Yes, you have completed this task. Well done!

Now tell me a winter poem. Can you?

Leading: Of course they can, grandmother Yaga.




Maryam D. We didn't eat, we didn't drinkThey made a snow woman.February snow, weak-weak, Crumpled at hand But just for the snowman We need one like this.
Rustam We were hot to work It's like there's no winter As if took February from MarchWarm day on loan.Smiling as if aliveIn the park, in silenceThe snow woman got up In a white coat.
Elnur But it's getting dark - that's a shame! -The light of dawn goes outThe boys need to go home Whatever you say! Suddenly Natalka frowned,She's only five years old Speaks:
Said - I feel sorry for the grandmother,Why should she stand there? -Soon the sound of the tram will subside And the moon will rise There will be a snow woman Alone under the moon?!
Mansour We crowded around the woman,Thought - how to be?We have a friend to her at leastNeed to get it.
Said We didn't eat, we didn't drinkThey made a new grandmother. Soon the sound of the tram will subside And the moon will rise Our snow woman Will not be alone.

Baba Yaga : Well done, good poem. Do you know the winter song?


Baba Yaga : Now play with me. For example, I really love the game "Seen - not seen." I know that children love to go to the zoo. And I have been there - I have seen many miracles. Now I will tell you about them, and you answer me, “We saw, we saw, we saw in the zoo.”

presenter : I sense some kind of trick here. You must listen carefully! And if Baba Yaga deceives you, then answer "You confuse, confuse, grandmother, you confuse"

Baba Yaga: Behind the bars at the gate

Sleeping giant hippopotamus.

Children: seen, seen

Seen at the zoo!

Here is a baby elephant, a quiet sleep is guarded by an old elephant.

The black fox is a wonderful bird!

The evil-preslying gray wolf clicks on the guys with his teeth!

Seen, seen, seen in the zoo!

Dolphins suddenly flew above the spruce and aspen.

You're confusing, you're confusing, Grandma, you're confusing!

Ponies are little horses, how funny ponies are!

Seen, seen, seen in the zoo!

And the green crocodile walked importantly across the field.

You're confusing, you're confusing, Grandma, you're confusing!

Baba Yaga : And they coped with this task. And I'm here for you-something more difficult to come up with. Can you dance?

Leading: Our kids love to dance. Now they will perform a dance about winter.


Baba Yaga releases the children and shows the way.

Baba Yaga: Wow, what smart kids. So be it, I will let you go to Winter.

Sounds like winter music


The fluffy snow is falling

The street is white.

I, winter-blizzard,

Came to visit you!

Come on, friends - snowflakes,

Fly here soon!

You make me laugh

Dancing, frolicking and circling!

Winter: Thank you, my friends, for such a magical dance!And I have prepared riddles for you. Well, try to guess them.
Winter makes riddles :

    Five boys

Five closets.

The boys parted

In dark closets.

Each boy is in his closet. (mittens, gloves)

    Who whitens the glades with white,

And writes on the walls with chalk,

sews downy feather beds,

Did you decorate all the windows? (winter)

    The old man at the gate warmly dragged away,

He himself does not run, but does not order to stand. (freezing)

    Pisces live warmly in winter:

The roof is thick glass. (ice)

    Sit on everyone

Nobody is afraid. (snow)

    They stood all summer - they were waiting for winter.

We waited for the time, rushed down the mountain. (sled)

    What a strange person

Sneaked into the 21st century?Carrot nose, broom in hand,Afraid of the sun and heat?
Leading: Zimushka winter, our guys were looking forward to meeting you.They have learned a song about you, Winter, which they will now perform.


(put on costumes: mouse, bunny, fox, wolf, bear

Take out the tree and the mitten)

Winter: What a fun song! Thank you guys!

Leading: And now we invite you all to a fairy tale that our guys will show you. The story is called "Mitten"

Music sounds


Narrator Hamza Lyuli-lyuli, tili-tili!Hares walked on waterAnd from the river, like ladles,They scooped water with their ears,And then they took it home.The dough for noodles was kneaded.Hung on the ears -It was very fun!But they happen in the woodsMore interesting miracles!This fairy tale is smallAbout animals and a mitten.The old man walked through the forestLost a mittennew mitten, Warm, fluffy.
From behind the trees on the right appears mouse

mouse Maryam S. I'm sitting under a bush And I'm shivering from the cold. The mitten is a mink! I will run to her from the hillock - This is a new mink, Warm, downy! The mouse runs to the mitten and hides in it. In the clearing, a Bunny appears from behind the trees on the right.
Bunny Mirsait The bunny jumped along the edge,His ears are frozen.And where do I go nowWhere unfortunate warm?
The bunny runs up to the mitten. Bunny Mirsait Who is inside - an animal or a bird?Is there anyone in this mitten?
The mouse peeks out of the mitten. mouse Maryam S It's a Scratch Mouse!
Bunny Mirsait You let me go, norushka!Bunny is very coldRunaway Bunny!
Mouse Maryam S We both have enough space. new glove, Warm, fluffy!
The mouse and the Bunny hide in a mitten. In the clearing from behind the trees on the right appears Chanterelle. Chanterelle Kira Oh, save Santa ClausBit me on the noseRunning after me -The tail is trembling from the cold!Answer the foxWho huddles in a mitten?
Mouse Maryam S. I'm a scratching mouse, Long-tailed mink!
Bunny Mirsait I'm a runaway bunny Climb into the mitten!
Chanterelle Kira Have pity on the foxAnd put in a mitten!
Bunny Mirsait There's enough room for the three of us. Softer here than on the bed new glove, Warm, fluffy!
Bunny and Chanterelle hide in a mitten. In the clearing due to the trees on the right Wolf appears. wolf salman I howled at the moon at night And got cold from the cold. Loud gray wolf sneezes - Tooth does not fit. Hey, honest forest people, Who, tell me, lives here?
A mouse peeks out of a mitten. Mouse Maryam S. I'm a scratching mouse,Long-tailed mink!
The mouse hides, the Bunny looks out of the mitten. Bunny Mirsait I'm a runaway bunny Climb into the mitten!
Chanterelle Kira I am a fluffy fox In a mitten to all sister!
wolf salman You let me live I will watch over you!
Chanterelle Maryam There is enough room for four. Softer here than on the bed new glove, Warm, fluffy!
The fox is again hiding in the mitten. From behind the trees to the right comes out Bear . Bear Alim Cold bear bearCold nose and cold paws.I don't have a den!What's in the middle of the road?The mitt fits!Who, tell me, lives in it?
A mouse peeks out of a mitten. Mouse Maryam S. I'm a scratching mouse,Long-tailed mink!The mouse hides, the Bunny looks out of the mitten. Bunny I'm a runaway bunnyClimb into the mitten!
The bunny hides, the Chanterelle looks out of the mitten. Chanterelle I am a fluffy foxIn a mitten to all sister!
The fox is hiding, the Wolf is looking out of the mitten. Wolf The wolf still lives here Warm gray barrel!
Bear There are too many of you here Am I coming to you guys?
All No!
Bear (conciliatory) Yes, I do somehow!
Chanterelle There is nowhere to sneeze!The fox is again hiding in the mitten. A mouse peeks out of it.
mouse (angrily) Fat, and there too!The mouse hides in a mitten.
Narrator Then the grandfather missed the loss -The dog ordered to run back,Find a glove!From behind the trees to the right dog appears and runs to the mitten. Dog Alparslan Woof woof woof! So here she is!She is visible from a mile away!Hey you, animals there or birds,Quickly get out of the mitt!If I find anyone in it,I will bark very loudly.Here grandfather will come with a gun,Take away the mitt!Sounds like animal music Animals jump out of the mitten one by one and hide in the forest. The dog takes the mitten and leaves the stage.
Narrator The animals were very scaredscattered scattered,Who buried whereAnd lost forever Mittens new Warm and fluffy!Winter: Oh well done guys. How pleased Baba Yaga and I were. Thank you my good ones.Now let's play with you. The music is "Playing with Winter"
Children, holding hands, dance around Winter. Winter says: "Snowdrift!" - and everyone raises their hands up above their heads. If she says: "Pit!" - everyone, without releasing their hands, squats. At the words: "Snowflake!" - spread their arms to the sides and spin, depicting snowflakes. The pace is gradually picking up. Baba Yaga is confused) Leading: You probably guessed that our group is very friendly and cheerful. The guys always support each other. And in confirmation of this, we want to sing a song about friendship for you.



Zimushka-winter! We have fun and we have fun ourselves. Stay with us as long as you want. And with the onset of spring, we will send you to the North, where there are eternal snows.


Thank you my friends!

For a wonderful holiday, bright.

Seems like I tried in vain.

And here are my gifts.

Feeds children.

Winter holiday for children in grades 1-4

Target: To give an idea of ​​the games that can be played outside in winter.


1. Develop imagination.

2. Develop dexterity and accuracy.

3. Develop creative abilities.

4. Develop coordination of movements.

5. Develop artistry.

Hall decoration: Snowdrifts can be made from pieces of synthetic winterizer; drape the board with a fabric of blue and white flowers; scatter snowballs from cotton wool everywhere, arrange sleds, skis.

This holiday should not be delayed, as part of it takes place on the street during the cold season.





Snowflake - light dress white color, on the head a crown in the form of a snowflake.

Zimushka-Winter - white fur coat or wide White dress, white cap.

Klest - beak made of papier-mâché, wings made of paper.

Snowman - a white suit made of synthetic winterizer, a scarf, a broom, a hat or a plastic bucket on his head.

December, January, February - you can sew snowflakes on costumes, dress up the months in fur coats or sheepskin coats, embroider costumes with tinsel.


Cotton snowballs.

Snow lady.


Rope or rope.

Hats, scarves.


Two sleds.

Two ropes.

Light instrumental music sounds. Snowflake enters. Snowflake: Hello, kids, girls and boys! Well, it got cold outside - just the weather is the way I like it! And what a guest is in a hurry to see you! Here's a knock on the door. Guess who?

She brought with her cold, blizzards,

She dressed the earth and houses with snow,

She put on fur coats with hats for passers-by.

Guess what, kids? This is winter.

Knock on the door. Enter Winter. Snowflake sings with the children the song "Hello, winter-winter!":

White blizzard sweeps -

This winter is coming:

She led the sleeve -

All roads covered.

Hello winter winter

Long awaited winter!

Don't feel sorry for the snow

Have fun!

Winter: You meet me well - with a good song. Thanks guys! Yes, Frost is fierce today - he got angry, apparently. Yes, I allowed him to indulge, freeze. Still winter. And I'm not alone. Snowflake, where are my helpers?

Snowflake: Winter months? I saw them - they are again playing snowballs. Fooling around in the woods.

Winter: Guys, you need to call them! Let's shout together together: December, January, February!

Snowflake: They won't hear.

Winter: We'll try!

They scream. Nobody shows up.

Snowflake: I told you they wouldn't hear. You can sing a song about them. The song is loudly sung, far audible. Let's sing about them guys?

Children sing the song "Three White Horses":

The rivers have cooled down, and the earth has cooled down,

And a little puffed up at home.

It's warm and damp in the city

It's warm and damp in the city

And outside the city winter, winter, winter.

And they take me away, and they take me away

Into the ringing snowy distance

December, January and February!

Winter opened its snowy arms

And until spring, everything is dormant here.

Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses,

Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses

Everyone is running towards me, running, running.

And they take me away, and they take me away

Into the ringing snowy distance

Three white horses, oh, three white horses -

December, January and February!

The rivers have cooled down and the earth has cooled down,

But I'm not afraid of the cold.

It was in the city that I was sad,

And outside the city I laugh, I laugh, I laugh.

And they take me away, and they take me away

Into the ringing snowy distance

Three white horses, oh, three white horses -

December, January and February!

Throwing snowballs (they can be made of cotton wool) and pushing, months run in.

January: It seems that we were called from here!

February: Children, did you call us?

Children: YES!


And here is Zimushka.

Hello winter winter!

Covered us with white snow

Both trees and houses.

The light-winged wind whistles -

Hello winter winter!


An intricate trace winds

From meadow to hill.

This is a hare printed -

Hello winter winter!


We put bird feeders

We fill them with food,

And pichugs sing in flocks -

Hello winter-winter!*

Winter: Hello, my dear months, my helpers and friends! Why are you delayed? The guys have been here for a long time! Yes, I arrived just in time! And our feeders will really come in handy for the birds - they are hungry during my reign.


The poor birds are cold

The poor birds are hungry.

Let's take bread with mom

And let's go outside.

We will feed the birds

Chop up white bread.

There may be a blizzard at night

Peck, birds, hurry up.

Gotta help the birds

It is difficult for birds to winter.

Klest enters.

Crossbill: Nothing, let's do it! So we hatch chicks even in February. The main thing is that there are cones in the forest. We are the seeds of cones with our beak - ONE! - and let's get out! And the children are full, and we are happy!

Guys, I completely forgot to say hello to you! I am Klest. Straight from the forest. Hello! And I saw you, months, fooling around on the edge of the forest.

December: The weather is wonderful! We played snowballs! Let's go outside - it's freezing there!

January: The snowman had fun with us!

February: And now we're gone - he's the only one left!


snowman, snowman

Used to living in the cold.

Don't be afraid for him

And in the frosty haze

Leave alone

Starry winter night.

In the snowman's tube

Hoarfrost instead of tobacco.

And, armed with a broom,

He is standing, not breathing.

And the house clock chimes

He hears through the walls.

Winter: Guys, really, let's go play outside - the months are such entertainers! Snowflake, Klest, are you with us?

Snowflake: Well, of course!

December: Hooray! I declare the holiday "Fun of Zimushka-Winter!". Children, dress warmly, it's cold outside. Further game program takes place in the school yard - on the street. You need to make sure that the children are really warmly dressed. In very severe frost, the program is not recommended.

Children go outside. The snowman meets them at the porch.


I've been waiting for you for a long time

It's not warm outside.

But I'm used to the cold

My name is Snowman!

We will have fun with you!

Let's run and frolic

Well, so as not to freeze,

I suggest you play!

The game "We will not freeze in the cold"

Children perform the movements mentioned in the poem.

Top, top in place -

Hands together, feet together

Top, top, right, top, top, left

They turned their heads: one, two - tired.

Hands to the sides - one, two,

Head turns again

Head to the right and left, one, two - tired.

Jump in place, and more.

Raised one shoulder

They drew circles

Here's another shoulder raised.

Dropped both - once!

Legs will move now.

Bend your right like this

Don't fall behind me

And on the left jump and jump,

And then one more time.

Legs to the sides - one, two!

Let's not freeze in the cold!

So how is it getting warmer?

If not, let's start over! With

Snowman: Warmed up?

Children: YES!

Snowflake A: Well, hurry up to play then!

Winter: Who made this snowman? Points to a snowman fashioned from snow.

Snowman: This is not a snowman, this is a snowman - my girlfriend. I blinded her so that I would not be bored. Yes, and she will amuse you now!

The game "Defend the snowman"

The participants are divided into two teams. One team protects the snowman, the players of the other team try to hit her with a basketball. After three hits, the teams change places.

December: Well, it's not interesting to throw a ball. Why do you need a ball in winter when there are snowballs? Let's shoot at the target!

Target game

Several targets are drawn on the wall or fence, the teams stock up on snowballs and throw at the targets from an agreed distance. The most accurate team wins.

Winter: Well, you guys are smart! Well done! Now let's see how strong you are.

The game "Who will bring down the giant"

A kind of tug of war. The rope is passed through a snowman made of snow. At the command of the leader, two teams begin tug-of-war until the snowman falls. The team that caused the giant snowman to collapse lost.

Snowman: Ai-ai-ai, they broke my snow woman! What a pity!

Snowflake: Don't be sad! Now we’re not like a woman for you, we’ll fashion the most fashionable girlfriend for you and the kids as much as you want. I have clothes for them too. He takes out hats, scarves, real buttons, beads.

The game "Building snowmen"

Participants sculpt a snowman and snowmen, dress up and decorate them. It turns out a whole snow family!


Well, a fashionable family,

These are not quilted jackets for you!

Hats, scarves, beads too -

Looks like a magazine girl...

Snowman: I'm happy, now I have a family!

Winter: And my family is Frost and winter months ...

December: And let's play a game that our Frost loves!

Game "Frost and Sparrow"

Frost and sparrow are selected by the counting room:

One two three four five,

Frost walked along the sidewalk,

The staff dropped into the ditch,

One two Three -

You got the staff - burn it!

The sparrow jumps on the branches,

Pecks grains from the ground,

Who will show now

He goes to the drivers.

All the rest are trees. Each "tree" draws a small circle around itself.

The game begins at the signal of the leader, the sparrow runs away from Frost so that he does not freeze him. A sparrow can escape only under the tree, running into the circle of some player. As soon as he jumps into the circle, he becomes a tree, and the former "tree" becomes a sparrow. The new sparrow leaves the circle and seeks salvation under another tree.

January: Oh, run! Look, and Winter is carrying sleds.

Winter: While you were having fun, I conjured a sled - two sleds! The next game is again only for the strong!

Pull-pull game

Two ropes are tied to a pole, tree or stake dug into the ground. One player sits on the sled, each takes the free end of the rope in his hands. At the command of the leader, the players begin to pull themselves along the rope to the pole. The goth who gets to the pillar faster wins.

Only those who want to play!

Snowman: And I'll donate my broom for another game!

Snow riders game

Skittles are placed on the platform. It is necessary to “drive” between them on a broom, while not dropping or touching the skittles. You can play the game as a team relay.

Snowflake: You guys are so fast and funny!

Winter: Something is getting colder. It's time to go to school!!!

January: Wait Winter! We are now in a fairy tale!

Game-sketch "Improvised fairy tale"

Children draw leaves with the names of the characters: Santa Claus, maple, birch, clearing, stump, ice, New Year, Christmas trees, moon, hares.

All the rest sing the song "Father Frost was walking through the forest." Those who got the roles portray their characters according to the text.

Santa Claus walking through the forest

Past the maples and birches,

Past the clearings, past the stumps,

Walked through the forest for eight days.

He walked through the forest -

He dressed the Christmas trees in beads.

This New Year's Eve

He will take them to the guys.

Silence in the meadows

The yellow moon shines...

All trees are in silver

Hares dance on the mountain

Ice sparkles on the pond

The New Year is coming!

Everyone goes to school. Change into dry clothes, drink hot tea.

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The celebration is held in the classroom.
The Parents' Committee helps organize prizes and gifts, prepares costumes and decorations for the class.

Target: to expand children's ideas about winter phenomena and holidays.


  • Learn to work in a team.
  • Develop thinking, speech and the ability to speak in front of an audience.
  • Cultivate respect for the environment.

Conduct form: a holiday with collective competitions, skits, games.

The course of the holiday


(The melody “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” sounds. Children sing a song.)

  • Pupils come out and read poems about winter.
  1. Here is the north, catching up the clouds,
    He breathed, howled, and here she is
    The magical winter has arrived!
  2. She walks the roads
    Sneaks like a fox
    Covered everything with snowdrifts
    Snow covered the forests.
  3. To all the trees in the woods
    Winter gave handkerchiefs
    And dressed them in fur coats -
    She had fun!
  4. Winter with a beautiful mask
    He comes to our houses.
    Cheerful, good fairy tale
    We think it's winter.
  5. Attention! Attention!
    Now she will come to us
    The queen of the holiday - Winter!

Enter winter and her brothers, the winter months.

Did you invite me to the party?
Here I am myself
With blizzard, snow, cold -
Russian Winter!
I covered the field with snow
Snow fell on the branches
Pond and river chained
I'm under hard ice.
Are you afraid of me?
Didn't you snuggle up to the warm stove?
Have you complained to your mother?
Can I live with you?

TEACHER: Hello, winter! We are very happy to have you as our guest! I know you didn't come alone. And who accompanies you, the children will try to guess. Which month begins the winter and ends the year? People say about him that he is the ponytail of the year ( December). Well done, meet December.

In December, in December
All trees are in silver.
Our river, as if in a fairy tale,
Frost paved the night
Updated skates, sleds,
I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

TEACHER: December has another brother. People say about him - the spout of the year or the section, i.e. cuts the winter in half. What month of the year is the beginning, and winter is the middle? ( January)

In January, in January
Lots of snow in the yard.
Snow on the roof, on the porch,
The sun in the blue sky
The beam sparkles, has fun
And plays with silver.

TEACHER: But the third brother's character is capricious, but soft. Which month ends the winter? The people call it - the tail of winter, it closes the winter, and shows the way to spring. ( February)

The winds blow in February
Howling in the pipes loudly.
Snake rushes along the ground
Light ground.
Cool February wind
A blizzard sweeps, a blizzard sweeps,
And it seems like forever
Stacks of snow lie.

Games and contests from winter and her brothers

Winter and her brothers have prepared trials for you. If you successfully pass them, they promise to arrange for you New Year's celebration. Ready? Then go! We repeat the spell for the guests:

Where the forest is red from pines,
Where there is a commotion of snow,
Let's run on fast skis
Hello winter winter!

Let's split into two teams. Children who have white snowflakes occupy the 1st row, and those who have blue ones occupy the 2nd row.


  1. Compose the words from the letters - the names of the teams:
  • K E N ZH O S (snowball)
  • S N O K G E S I (snowman)
  1. Walk on ice - cardboard, whose team is faster?
  2. Whose team will collect more snowballs? (Children take turns throwing paper snowballs into a bucket)
  3. Guess the name of the winter sport from one object (ski, club, gun, snowboard, etc.)

Journey through the winter forest. Scene in the winter forest

While we were walking around winter forest and had fun, the forest dwellers ran to the noise. Let's hear what they are talking about.

The forest has many eyes,
Everyone is secretly looking at us.
The wolf flashed an evil eye ...

WOLF: I wish we could eat them all at once!

LEADING: The hare in the spruce forest quieted down ...

HARE: Can they have guns?

LEADING: Because of the stump, the fox looks sideways ...

LISA: Why can't they sit at home?

Where can we sit at home
How can you not see the world!
The squirrel hid in a hollow...

It is both dry and warm.
Stored mushrooms and berries
So much that you can't eat in a year!

Under a snag, in a windbreak
The bear sleeps as if in a house,
He put his paw in his mouth
And how little sucks ...

Vyr! Vyr!
Who disturbs sound sleep,
paw tasty suck,
See honey dreams
Pie pies?
Who does not know that in winter
Does the bear lie down?
Birr! Birr!
Who woke me up here?
Come out, I'll shake my sides
And I'm going back to sleep!

Sorry, Mishenka, we did not want to disturb the forest dwellers!

For this, follow our assignments and go further:

  • What animals could write this announcement: PLEASE DO NOT ALARM UNTIL SPRING?
  • What birds are left to winter?
  • In winter, many birds are in trouble and are waiting for your help. From the list, choose what you can feed the birds with:

(The results are summed up, the winners are awarded.)

We welcome the new year.

You have completed all the winter challenges. And we open another page of an interesting winter book. What holiday comes in winter? ( New Year)

But it was not always so.

(Presentation about the history of the holiday.)

  • Children read poems about the holiday.
  1. Came back to us today
    Christmas tree and winter holiday
    This New Year's holiday
    We waited impatiently.
  2. Frequent forest, blizzard field
    Winter holiday is coming to us
    So let's say together:
    Hello, hello New Year!

It's time to have some fun and celebrate!

The game "Once a year for the new year" (finish the phrase)

We are celebrating this holiday...
We decorate the Christmas tree at home ...
In the house of friends we invite ...
We don't sleep at night...
Until the morning we have fun ...
The President congratulates us...
Wishing us all good health...

  • BATTLE OF NEW YEAR'S POEMS (whoever was the first to shut up - leaves)
  • WHAT'S IN THE BAG? (the child puts on mittens and tries to guess a small object by touch)
  • GLUE THE NOSE TO THE SNOWMAN (eyes are blindfolded)
  • FAST ON THE HILL (who will quickly put on all the winter clothes)

Multi-colored crackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Folding beds and cribs?

Marmalades, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Are the chairs wooden?

Colored beads?

Are the garlands bright?

Candy shiny?

Are tigers real?

Are the buds golden?

Are the stars radiant?

(The results are summed up, the winners are awarded.)

Summing up

It's time to say goodbye.
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids!
I wish you all success in the New Year,
More fun ringing laughter
More good friends and girlfriends
Excellent grades and knowledge chest!
