Horse made of cones and plasticine. Master Class

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten of combined type No. 46 "Sovenok"

Abstract open class on the Development of Speech with Application Elements

"Acquaintance with the work of P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse""

3 preparatory group

Educators: Sorusheva V.V.

January 26, 2018, Skhodnya.

Target: Introduce children to a new author and his work.


To expand children's ideas about the writer and poet P. P. Ershov. Learn to convey your attitude to the actions of the heroes of fairy tales. Learn to answer questions from the text using different types offers. Develop creative imagination, intonation expressiveness of speech. To cultivate love and interest in the life and work of the writer P. P. Ershov.

Previous work:

Reading Russian folk tales: "Sivka-Burka", "About Ivan the Fool", "The Firebird and Vasilisa the Tsarevna". Examination of objects of peasant life, illustrations of a Russian hut. Learning a few tricks. Drawing up descriptive stories on a toy, on pictures depicting nature. Retelling familiar stories. unlearn finger gymnastics"Horses". Lotto game "What is it?" (The leader has a picture card depicting items of peasant life). To the host’s question: “What is this?”, (the players who are faster answer and take this card for themselves, whoever has more cards by the end of the game wins). Learn the outdoor game "Let's ride horses."


Before class starts, I air out the group room. The assistant does wet cleaning. I arrange the chairs on the carpet in front of the corner of the development of speech, decorate the group with objects of peasant life. In the corner of the development of speech, I place illustrations of peasant life, a lotto game with the same content. On the bookshelf I arrange fairy tales already known to children and the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse". I put a portrait of P. P. Ershov on the easel. Next to the shelf I put a chair with rope-reins, in the music center I put a prepared disk with a recording of part of the work and musical works for physical education minutes. I spend with children in the locker room breathing exercises.

MATERIALS: Items of peasant life, illustrations of peasant life, books with Russian folk tales, the book "The Little Humpbacked Horse", an easel, a portrait of P. P. Ershov, jump ropes for an outdoor game, a disk with prepared notes, plasticine, boards for plasticine.

ORGANIZATION AND METHODOLOGY OF LESSONS: Children enter the group to the music of B. Savelyev “Barefoot Rain ...” and sit on chairs on the carpet, set in a semicircle.

Educator: Guys, I know you love games, songs, riddles and dances, but there is nothing more interesting than fairy tales. You already know a lot of fairy tales, and now I’ll check if you remember them, guess what heroes they are about: Mixed on sour cream, Chilled on the window, Round side, ruddy side Rolled ... .. (Kolobok.)

Grandmother loved the girl very much, She gave her a red cap, The girl forgot her name, Well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood.)

The spout is round with a snout, It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground. Tail small crochet, Instead of hoof shoes. Three of them - and how friendly the Brothers are. Guess without a clue Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three piglets.)

He treats small children, Heals birds and animals, The good doctor looks through his glasses .... (Aibolit.)

Well done, guessed all the tales! And today I will introduce you to one very interesting person, he is a writer, and he wrote fairy tales, very interesting. Look at the portrait. This is Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov, he lived a very long time ago. He was born in a village, his father was a military man, and his mother did not work, she was always at home with her children, Pyotr Pavlovich had a brother. When Ershov grew up and went to study, he wrote his first fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse", then he wrote many more poems and fairy tales, which he also wrote in verse and used a lot of old Russian words, such as:

CALLER is a person who shouted out announcements in the old days. GODNICHY - in the old days, the head of the city. KOURKO - red horse. MALACHAY - long, wide clothes without a belt. WEEK is a week. SENNIK - a room where hay is stored. STRELTS - an ancient army in Ancient Rus'. CHELYAD - servants.

Really interesting words? They meet in the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse", which we will now listen to, but do you want to play "Horses" now too? We will be divided into "horses" and "grooms". Each child has a "groom" - reins-rope. At the signal of the teacher, the “grooms” harness the “horses”. According to the following instructions, the children first move in a step, raising their legs high at the knees, then go on a run so as not to interfere with each other to the music of A. Grechaninov's "My Horse". After a while, the "horses" stop, they are unharnessed and released into the meadow, the "grooms" also rest. Children switch roles and again perform exercises in running and walking. - We played, ran, and now we sit down to listen to a fairy tale. (I turn on the recording of the first part of the fairy tale on the disk.) Did you like the fairy tale?

Children: Yes. Teacher: What is the name of this story? Children: Little Humpbacked Horse. Educator: Why do you think the skate was called that? (Children's opinions.) Name the main characters of the fairy tale. Children: Ivan, brothers, Konyok, tsar. Educator: What were the brothers like? Children: Cunning, evil, greedy, etc. Educator: How did Ivan get the Little Humpbacked Horse? Children: A mare gave him. Educator: She gave him only a skate? Children: No, three more horses. Educator: Tell me, what were these horses? (Children's answers.) - How did the fairy tale end? - And how did it all begin in this fairy tale? What parts of this story would you like to hear again?

(I read out excerpts at the choice of the children, showing illustrations in the book.) You and I met a magic skate, do you want to play “horses” with your fingers?

Children: Yes. (Fingers “jump” like horses on their knees to the music of V. Shainsky “Clouds”.)

Educator: Guys, let's make a Humpbacked Horse

The spine of a child is very plastic and can easily be changed under various conditions. For example, if a baby sits in the wrong position all his childhood, then by the age of 18-20 he will have an incorrect posture, which will be very difficult to correct.

Children's orthopedic chair The Little Humpbacked Horse is designed to give the child's spine the correct (physiological) position while sitting. The arrangement of the Humpbacked Horse chair is so simple that you can make it yourself, although a home-made chair will be somewhat worse than the original one.

1 General description and purpose of the product

The growing orthopedic chair Humpbacked Horse is designed for children of all ages. This product provides an anatomically correct position of the child's spinal column during prolonged sitting at the table at home.

For example, when doing written lessons or while playing games at the computer. The manufacturer of the product even recommends using it even during a meal, that is, the idea boils down to the fact that the child spent as much time as possible at this chair.

The product supports the spine due to the back-limiter. There is no special knee holder, as in the analogue of the Little Humpbacked Horse (), but due to the entire arrangement of the chair, the knees themselves keep straight while sitting.

The Humpbacked Horse is used to prevent diseases such as:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • pathological lordosis and kyphosis;
  • various other degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine.

You can use it in the treatment of existing diseases from the list, but there will be no special effect, the product is intended specifically for prevention.

A distinctive feature of the Little Humpbacked Horse is an adjustable universal chair suitable for all age groups of children. Also it can be used even in older age group(18-25 years old).

1.1 What age is it suitable for?

You can use the Little Humpbacked Horse Chair from the age of three years to the age of 20. That is why it is called an "adjustable" or "growing" chair, as it has mechanical adjustments that allow you to adjust the size of the chair to each children's age group.

Usually, the need to regulate the size of the product disappears from the moment the child becomes a high school student. During this period, the apogee of the child's growth usually falls (he does not grow anymore).

Despite the stated minimum age in three years from the manufacturer of the chair you can buy special additional accessories, which allow you to use the Little Humpbacked Horse from the age of six months.

But here a problem arises: the baby can be seated on a chair, but he will constantly slide off it, and may even fall. That is, in order for the baby to be able to sit on the chair for a long time, he will need to be constantly monitored, which, you see, is inconvenient.

Therefore, it is still better to stop at the "factory limits" in three years. But adults (for example, parents) should not use the product. Most models of the Humpbacked Horse are capable of withstand weight up to 100 kilograms, but it is dangerous for adults to check it for strength - there is a high probability of a breakdown in the size regulation mechanism.

1.2 Feedback on the chair Humpbacked Horse (video)

1.3 How is it regulated?

The Humpbacked Horse chair has a mechanical size regulator and is able to change the parameters of the product so that it can be used by a child of any age (starting from three years old). To regulate the dimensions of the product, there are holes on its sides with a step of 2-3 centimeters, into which screws can be inserted.

That is, the product is adjusted approximately like this: we take out all the screws on the sides, remove the wooden plates (seats and back supports), find their optimal position for the needs of the child and fix them at this level with screws.

The Humpbacked Horse chair is essentially a folding product. Please note that for this reason, after buying the Humpbacked Horse, you need to assemble it yourself. With the necessary skills assembly takes an average of 30-40 minutes.

You can order an assembly from the manufacturer / intermediary in the store where you ordered the product. The cost of assembling the chair Humpbacked Horse is 150-250 rubles on average. But it’s easier to do everything yourself, since the device itself is quite simple, and it comes with detailed instructions for sizing and assembly.

The kit also comes with parts for assembly. with several duplicates for each - just in case).

2 Characteristics and dimensions of chairs The Little Humpbacked Horse

Only one model is sold in stores. The characteristics of the chairs the Little Humpbacked Horse are as follows:

  1. The product is sold exclusively unassembled, delivered in a cardboard box.
  2. The dimensions of the box are 45 x 92 x 7 centimeters and the dimensions of the already assembled chair are 50 x 82 x 47 centimeters (L x H x W). The weight of the box together with the product is 7 kilograms.
  3. The product is certified (certificate with the number CU RU C-RU.BE02.B.00043) and complies with all norms of the Customs Union regulations under the protocol "TR TS 025/2012".
  4. The guarantee for a stool the Little Humpbacked Horse makes 10 years.
  5. The product can be used under any table having a height from floor to tabletop from 65 to 80 centimeters.
  6. The wooden elements of the product are made of birch plywood and have a lacquer coating that is safe for human health.
  7. The product has an adjustable seat and footrest, which allows you to adjust the chair to the needs of a child of any height, configuration and age (starting from three years).

The orthopedic chair The Little Humpbacked Horse is not the only one of its kind, it has several analogues. Differences between them in terms of design and effectiveness in the prevention of spinal diseases in children are minimal.

List of analogues of the chair Konek-Gorbunok:

  • - differs from the Little Humpbacked Horse (hereinafter referred to as “K-G”) in a more massive latch with somewhat less reliability, the latch also has a problem in that it often flies out, which may cause injury to the child;
  • highchair "Kidfix" - differs from "K-G" in that it has a less resistant varnish coating, which is why the child's fidgeting in the chair and playing on it with various toys lead to the appearance of cracks and impact marks on the coating;
  • highchair "Vyrastaika" - an even simpler variation of a growing highchair than "K-G", which is why the price is lower, but the effectiveness of preventing back diseases is also lower;
  • the Lovere chair is another budget option that differs from K-G in that it has lower quality parts, a quickly washable varnish coating and a shorter warranty (5 years);
  • the "Strong" chair is a rather primitive model of a growing chair, the main differences from the "K-G" is that the "Strong" is less durable and has a less flexible size adjustment mechanism.

3 How to make a chair the Humpbacked Horse with your own hands?

You can make the Humpbacked Horse chair with your own hands, but it's not as easy as it seems. The main problem is the lack of acceptable product drawings on the Internet. Let's try to describe the manufacture of this chair without reference to the technical documentation (it doesn't exist), describing the process in an intuitive language.

We will need:

  • floor plywood sheet with a thickness of 20 mm;
  • two pieces of plywood 10 mm thick and 30 x 50 cm in size;
  • a tube with a diameter of 16 mm and a length of a meter;
  • 20 mm aluminum corner with a length of 60 cm.

You also need bolts, nuts, foam rubber and leather substitute.

These parts are enough to make all the components of the chair. In order to make them, you can see photos of the original product on the Internet, where you can also find the dimensions of each component of the chair.

Please note that the side racks must be milled in such a way that the groove width is 2.5 centimeters and the depth is 1 cm. Ten-millimeter plywood strips must be glued onto the rails to create a dimensional adjustment mechanism.

The total cash costs for components for the manufacture of a high chair will be 2000-5000 rubles. The production itself can take up to 3-4 days.

We assemble a growing chair with our own hands.
I think it would be superfluous to once again talk about the relevance of the problem of maintaining correct posture in children. One of the most important conditions is to ensure the correct posture when sitting, which depends on many parameters. Ordinary chairs will not fit. Unfortunately, office chairs with a gas lift are also not able to solve this problem, since they do not have an adjustable footrest or seat adjustment, and seat height and back angle adjustments alone are not enough. In such a situation, a special adjustable chair will be a great solution!

On the Internet you can find many various options for every taste. From all the variety, I chose the design I liked.

The design is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. She is very technical. It is important to take into account the ratio of the dimensions of the elements, their relative position, strength and stability of the entire structure. Of course, no drawings could be found either on the manufacturer's website or on the Internet. Therefore, I had to develop the drawings myself. The more interesting. It took several days to design.

Unfortunately, I do not have a plotter at my disposal to display images of the required size, and the program in which I worked does not know how to print large images in parts (or simply could not figure out how to do it). Therefore, we had to solve the problem in a roundabout way. The detail drawings were saved as regular high resolution photos. Then, using the free PosteRazor program, they were converted into PDF documents containing drawings in the desired scale and divided into separate sheets of A4 format.

Do I have the right to publish them? Am I violating someone's copyright? After all, I spied a chair on the Internet and someone developed it! Let's figure it out.

This situation can be viewed from two points of view: ethical and legal. We will omit the ethical side of the issue, because here a whole range of well-reasoned opinions is possible and most likely it will not be possible to come to the truth. But from a legal point of view, the search for truth is not so hopeless.

So, legally, a chair cannot be an object of copyright. In this case, according to the Civil Code, it can be either a utility model or an industrial design, which are recognized and protected only on condition of state registration, on the basis of which the federal executive body for intellectual property issues a patent. There is no mention of any patents on the manufacturer's website, most likely, no one patented this chair. To be honest, I don’t see what can be patented there - in comparison with analogues, neither special novelty nor originality. Although the design is quite successful. And I didn't find it on either. This means that I will not violate anyone's patent rights for lack of such.

But the drawings, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses, are objects of copyright and are protected without any registration by default, as a type of work of fine art (computer programs, by the way, as literary works). The drawings developed by me are not an exact copy of the original, which is not available to me, but are the result of intellectual work and reflect my vision of the design, the general features of which I saw in the photographs. And I have every right to publish the results of my work as an author. Unlike those who, without permission and reference to the source, post articles from my blog on their sites to attract visitors. Photographs need to be copyrighted.

Well, enough tediousness, it's time to get to work!
Drawings of a growing chair can be downloaded from the link:
If there is no part in the archive, then its description will be further down the text.

We print them like a regular multi-page document on A4 sheets. At the same time, in the Acrobat Reader print wizard, it is important not to forget to specify the "Actual size" scale. As a result, after gluing individual sheets, we get a drawing of the part on a scale of 1: 1.

We cut out the drawing of the racks along the contour and paste it on a sheet of plywood.

Plywood 22 mm thick was chosen as the material for the racks. Cut out the first part, stepping back from the contour of 5 mm. In general, the quality and accuracy of the cut is not very important. If only there was some reserve.

Now the resulting rough edges of the workpiece must be aligned exactly according to the drawing. I usually use the term "comb" to refer to this action. To do this, we press a flat rail to the workpiece along the line of the drawing and pass along the edge with a copy cutter with an upper bearing. The roundings were processed by directing the milling cutter with the hands, followed by the adjustment of the roundings with a grinder. You can spend more time on this blank, because. it will serve as a template and the quality of the rest of the racks depends on the quality of its processing.

Now, having a template, we mark and cut out the rest of the blanks for the racks

Next, using self-tapping screws, we fix the template on the blanks. To tighten the screws in the template, we make holes in those places where there will be holes for attaching the seat and footrest. In this case, the head of the twisted self-tapping screw should not protrude from the template.

And with the help of a copy cutter, we align the edges of the workpiece according to the template.

Using a milling cutter inserted into the table, we make a groove in which the elements fixing the seat and footrest will move. For simplicity, I decided to call them runners. The depth of the groove is 10 mm, the width of the groove is 24 mm (maybe it would be more convenient to make the width of the groove equal to the width of the existing plywood - 22 mm, but there was no such cutter in the workshop).

In the middle of the groove, we make holes at equal distances. On the reverse side of the workpiece, at the exit point of the drill, it is imperative to place a bar so that the drill does not break out the bottom layer of veneer. It will be extremely difficult to close or mask such a chip.

We do the same with runners. We print the drawing in real size, cut and paste on a sheet of plywood. Next, cut out with a margin and "comb" as we did with the stand template.

From the same sheet of plywood 22 mm with a jigsaw, roughly cut out future runners with a margin.

With the same screws we fix the template on the workpiece

And on the milling table, using a copy cutter, we align the edges of the workpieces according to the template.

Using an edge molding cutter, we round the edges on all the resulting parts. Rounding radius 4.8 mm.

Next, a rail is cut out, with the help of which the runners engage with the chute on the uprights. Rail height 20 mm, width 24 mm. Because I didn’t have either 20 mm or 24 mm plywood, it was decided to make the rail from massive ash. This wood has excellent strength characteristics.

A corresponding groove was made in the runners on the milling table and the slats were glued into it. At the same time, when you make a gutter, you must not forget that the runners are right and left.

After the glue dries, the slats are sawn and ground flush with the body of the runners. Also, holes are made in the runners for fixing them on the racks.

Also in the runners, grooves are milled parallel to the floor. Gutter depth 10 mm, width 16 mm. Seats and footrests will be fixed in these gutters. In the next photo you can see the finished runners.

We do the same with the seat and footrest templates: we print the drawing, glue it on plywood and cut out the blank.

In order to make even roundings, I used a thin rail of 5 mm plywood, passed between the self-tapping screws that set the desired radius. She bends well and creates smooth transitions. How it is done can be seen in the photo:

As a result, we get two templates - footrests (left) and seats (right). Next, we work with them according to an already worked out scheme - we mark the blanks (circle the templates with a pencil) and cut them out using a jigsaw with an indent of 5 mm. 16 mm plywood was used for them, although 22 mm is also possible. We fix the template on the workpiece with self-tapping screws and work out the edges with a copy cutter. With ready-made templates, the whole operation takes a few minutes. Remaining on finished parts small holes from self-tapping screws can either be simply ignored due to their small size, or hidden with putty at the grinding stage. Personally, I went the first way. Don't forget to round off the edges with an edge cutter.

The template for the back did "in place". Therefore, there is no drawing of the back. I made the top and bottom edges according to the seat template. Backrest height 100 mm, Width 464 mm (depth of the groove for the backrest in the uprights 10 mm). After the template is ready, we make a couple of backs on it using an electric jigsaw and a copy cutter in a few minutes.

There are three crossbars in the chair. They are made from the same 22 mm sheet. The dimensions of the crossbars that fix the runners are 399x50x22 mm. The lower crossbar (in the lower part near the floor) - 444x30x22 mm. Using a 10 mm straight cutter, we make grooves for countersunk furniture nuts - barrels.

Next, we make a groove for the backrest. The angle of the backrest was chosen in accordance with GOST 19301.2-94. "Children's preschool furniture ..." The angle of inclination of the back along it is at least 5 degrees or more. My chair has an angle of 11 degrees - I find it a very comfortable angle.

We get a small pile of details

Each chair is assembled on hexagon bolts and furniture countersunk barrel nuts. Bolts have dimensions 6x70 and 6x50, nuts - 10x20 and 10x12. The mounting kit is shown in the photo.

Ready. As they say, "it seems to be true." During assembly, the quality of workmanship and fitting of parts is checked, minor flaws are eliminated, and “finishing with a file” is carried out. At this sawing-drilling-milling stage is completed.

The sanding and painting phase begins. Now the chairs are completely disassembled and all parts are sanded before coating. I used paper 180. In some places I had to fiddle with 80 and even 40.

Painting work is a separate discipline. A bad finish can ruin the whole job. Winter on the street and the lack of heating in the workshop made their own adjustments to the usual process. I had to paint the chair right at home. Therefore, neither an airbrush nor multi-component smelly varnishes can be used - only non-stinky water varnish and a brush.

Because the chair was made from the remnants of plywood, some parts were dirty. Unfortunately, it was not possible to completely get rid of them by grinding, so I decided to cover one chair dark color- "mahogany", the second - glossy opaque milky enamel. So far, only the first one is ready. The second, dairy, is waiting for its time.

If, after applying the first layer of varnish, the color lay unevenly, the details are covered with bald spots due to varying degrees of absorption, the pile has risen and the surface has become like sandpaper, and in general it all looks terrible and you want to quit everything, then you are on the right track. After the first layer has dried (after three or four hours), we take sandpaper with a grain size of 180 and grind all the raised pile. Next, we put the second layer, after which the surface became a little better after drying - there is no pile and the color is smoother, but still far from the picture on the label of the varnish can. Therefore, we matte the details with the same sandpaper and put the third layer. Behind him is a fourth. And so on. Continue until you are satisfied with the result. Five layers were enough for me, for which two days were spent.

The growing chair is ready. The cost of two chairs is a sheet of plywood 1500x1500 mm 22 mm thick, fasteners for 50 rubles. and a can of varnish. This also includes electricity, depreciation of fixed assets, the salary of a worker.

I saw similar designs on Amazon for 250 US dollars - not a price, but some kind of tin. We have them, of course, much cheaper.

Despite the questionable design, the design is quite well thought out.
This is not just a children's chair, it's more of an office furniture for a student. Because it is schoolchildren who spend many hours first at home, and then at computer games, and for them the correct comfortable posture for posture, less fatigue and preservation of vision is important. At the same time, students are still actively growing.

For greater comfort, you can make removable soft pads on the seat and back. As an option. But I do not see a special need - usually school furniture without pillows. Armrests are also unnecessary, because during writing or when working on the keyboard, the elbows should lie freely on the table so as not to cause tension in the shoulders. All these calculations are described in a whole set of GOSTs and the growing chair corresponds to them. In general, I am pleased with the result.

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Nagoga Polina, 5 years old

MADOU CRR kindergarten No. 123 of the city of Tyumen

Teacher: Goryaeva Olga Sergeevna, teacher, first category

Polina began visiting the Cherries group recently, but she has already shown herself to be an active, creative girl. In our creative activity we use different techniques works, as well as work with fabric, wool. When I read the fairy tale “Humpbacked Horse” by P.P. Ershova, Polina really liked this hero. We decided with Polina, using the technique of working with woolen threads, to make her favorite character.

"The Little Humpbacked Horse" (according to the fairy tale by P. Ershov)

Material: Woolen threads, scissors, photo frame, PVA glue, pieces of fabric, felt, decorative ornament, decorative eyes, wire, braid, beads.

Stages of work:

  1. We wind the threads on the photo frame, about 70-80 turns.

2. Cut the wound threads on one side.

3. Fold the threads in half and tie with a thread of the same color.

4. We make a muzzle for our Humpbacked Horse, for this we retreat about 1 cm from the bend line and tie it with a thread of the same color. After we make another constriction, about 3 cm, and form the head of our Horse, also tying it with a thread.

5. We insert into the threads bent in half copper wire and distribute the threads around the wire. We also cut the second part of the bundle of the workpiece on one side and wrap the Skate's chest, bandage it. We insert another copper wire into the middle, make a constriction, creating the body of the Humpbacked Horse. Dividing the bundle of threads in half, we form the back and front legs.

6. Cut out and glue the ears from pieces of felt, glue the eyes. From decorative ornaments make a mane and tail, fasten with glue.

7. From scraps of wool we form the “humps” of our Skate, fix them on the back with glue. Cut out the fabric and glue the saddle

8. From the braid we make a bridle for the Little Humpbacked Horse, fix it with glue. We decorate the saddle with beads.

9. That's what a cute Little Humpbacked Horse we got!

It will take its rightful place in the theatrical corner of our group.

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Crafts from cones for children with their own hands

From the cones you can make a lot of cute animals, animals, birds. We invite you to make a Horse

The Humpbacked Horse from cones with their own hands. Instruction


Fir cones;

Plasticine brown;

Ash seeds;

Red threads;

Black marker;


Work sequence

Prepare two fir cones different sizes. For the legs of the skate, roll four columns of plasticine, make one end of each wide and flat, and the other thin and rounded.

Sculpt the neck and hump for the Humpbacked Horse.

Glue the posts like legs to the bottom of the big cone, and the hump and neck from the top. Fasten the head on the neck - a small spruce cone.

On the crown between the scales of the cone, put two small lumps of plasticine and stick ash seeds into them. This is how the ears of the Humpbacked Horse will turn out. Make two tassels from red threads and use plasticine to attach them like a mane and like a tail.

From paper, make the eyes of the Humpbacked Horse.
