Overlays curls from hair for ballroom dances. Beautiful hairstyles for ballroom dancing

A hairstyle for ballroom dancing excludes any hanging strands, as well as the “structure” of towers and curls. It should be concise, neat and elegant. The hair is pulled up, fixed with varnish and decorated with decor. All the details are in the article!

Types of hairstyles for dancing

For ballroom dancing or rhythmic gymnastics, there are several traditional styles:

  • Bundle - considered universal, suitable for all directions, most often located at the very base of the neck;
  • The shell is perfect choice for European style;
  • Tail - the most important detail Latin American program.

What should be the styling for dancing?

In the dance world, there are a number of essential rules which apply to all categories of speakers:

  • The styling should be combined with the costume, as well as the partner's hairstyle;
  • Don't put glitter on your hair;
  • In addition to styling, it is imperative to do makeup;
  • Do not use a wig or extensions;
  • Hair style and dance style should also be the same;
  • Hair should only natural color. Coloring and highlighting are not allowed!
  • Ballroom styling is a real work of art, so do not be afraid to use accessories, unless, of course, they are not prohibited in your age category;

  • Remember, your hairstyle should not be too lush or very high. You also need to abandon French braids, bouffants, curls or curls;
  • Laying should be comfortable and securely fastened;
  • Its main task is to reveal the face of the dancer, because facial expressions play a big role during dances. For performances, flat rings of strands, fixed with varnish, or short bangs combed to the side are acceptable;
  • Do not do your hair before the competition or performance. Try a trial version first. At this stage, you can take the help of a professional stylist;
  • If a group is performing, the stacking should be the same;
  • And the last taboo - in the category "Junior 1" you can not use hairpins with shiny jewelry.

By following these rules, you will be able to avoid an unpleasant surprise in the form of deducted points.

How to give a mirror shine?

To achieve the mirror shine characteristic of all dance styles, use the advice of professional stylists.

Tip 1. Ballroom hairstyles should be performed on clean and healthy hair.

Tip 2. Use the three-layer method, which consists in applying three products. Immediately after washing and drying with a towel, lubricate the strands with a strong gel. Pay special attention to its consistency - it should be moderately liquid. If the gel hardens quickly, then you simply won’t have time to style your hair. Then dry your hair with a hair dryer on a cold setting. Now apply the foam and "fill" the hair with varnish. Do not regret the last, otherwise the hairstyle will crumble in parts. Consider the properties of varnish - a cheap tool will not give proper fixation and can let you down at the wrong time.

Double bun of braids

This styling option can be used not only for dancing, but also for rhythmic gymnastics. The length of the strands can be any - from medium to lower back. The main thing is to securely fix everything with studs.

  1. Comb everything back.
  2. Divide your hair with a horizontal parting.
  3. Tie each in a tail, shifting them to one side.
  4. Braid two braids, and tie the ends with silicone rubber bands.
  5. For a while, stab the upper braid with an invisibility so that it does not interfere yet.
  6. Twist the bottom into a bun and fasten securely.
  7. Release the top and stretch the edges to make it fluffy.
  8. Lay it on top and also secure everything.
  9. Spray the styling with varnish.

Stylish hair flower

Just the perfect choice for owners of absolutely even hair. With such a hair flower, the dancer will definitely not be left without the attention of the public and will certainly earn extra points for herself.

  1. Comb well.
  2. Bend your head down and tie a tight ponytail near your right temple.
  3. Select a small part of the hair from the tail (there should be 3 of them in total), and a thin curl from it.
  4. Wrap the strand once.
  5. Spray with good polish.
  6. "Secure" with an iron.
  7. Make a second turn.
  8. Repeat the process three or four more times. Tie the end with a thin silicone rubber band.
  9. Gently lift up the sections between the turns to make small lanterns.
  10. Take the second part and repeat the process - separate a thin curl, wrap the strand tightly and form lanterns.
  11. Follow the procedure for the last, third, part.
  12. Lay all three strands with flashlights in a bun and fix it with hairpins.
  13. Spray your hair with hairspray.

See below for step by step instructions on how to beautiful hairstyle for ballroom dancing:

Bun with harnesses

As you can see in these photos, you can quickly style hair of any length, including a bob, into a beautiful hairstyle. Here, decor can safely become the main element.

  1. Comb well.
  2. On washed and dry hair, apply a little foam and carefully distribute it throughout the hair.
  3. Separate a small part of the hair near the forehead with a horizontal parting.
  4. Gather the rest of your hair into a tight ponytail.
  5. Do not pull out its tips completely, but form a loop.
  6. Spread it well to get a bunch.
  7. Wrap the ends around the base of the tail.
  8. Secure the bun with decorative hairpins.
  9. Loose strands on the right twist into a tight tourniquet.
  10. Lay it diagonally, spray it well with varnish and carefully fix it with a decorative hairpin.
  11. If the tips remain, hide them inside the bundle.
  12. Just make such a tight tourniquet from the left side.
  13. Also lay it down and fasten it securely.
  14. Spray your hair with hairspray.

Double bun

Elegant styling looks very beautiful on older dancers. It is useful for those who do not have time to create more complex models.

  1. Comb everything back. Hair must be absolutely smooth.
  2. Divide your hair in half, making a horizontal parting at ear level.
  3. Braid the top into a tight braid. Tie the end with a rubber band.
  4. Divide the lower part into three strands and braid the back braid. However, this is not so important. If this weaving does not work out for you, you can use the usual technique. Tie off the end too.
  5. Fold the braid in half and secure with pins.
  6. Lay the second braid on top in the same way.
  7. Spray the styling with varnish.
  8. Decorate with decorative pins.

Beautiful bundle of braids

How to make a girl a bun for dancing and style her hair beautifully middle length? Believe me, this is not difficult! We offer a master class based on small braids, which will allow you to make a luxurious bun for stage performances.

  1. Apply foam to the strands and comb them thoroughly. Smoothness must be perfect!
  2. Divide your hair into three zones - middle and side.
  3. Tie the middle one into a ponytail.
  4. Pin the roller on top and securely fasten at the base of the tail.
  5. Separate a thin curl, braid it into a braid. Tie the end with a thin silicone rubber band.
  6. Wrap the oblique base of the roller and stab it with a hairpin.
  7. On the other hand, take another thin curl. Also braid in a braid, lay next to the first and securely fasten.
  8. Repeat the procedure with the rest of the hair from the tail to get a bun. Hide the ends of all the braids in the middle of the bun.
  9. Go to the right side - comb well, divide into two parts and cross once.
  10. Secure with an invisibility at the base of the beam.
  11. From each part, braid one tight pigtail. Wrap them around the bun and fasten securely.
  12. Repeat the procedure with the part on the left side.
  13. Spray the styling with varnish and decorate the hairstyle with decorative hairpins.

Hairstyle with cobwebs

This is one of the traditional hairstyles for ballroom dancing. She looks great and beautiful suitable for girls all ages. Of course, at first glance, it may seem too complicated, but it is not at all the case. Even such an incredible hairstyle you can do yourself.

  1. Make a side parting.
  2. Separate a small strand of hair near the face and temporarily secure it with a hairpin or crab.
  3. Tie the rest of your hair into a sleek ponytail at the base of your neck.
  4. Split it in half.
  5. Lay around the base of the tail, first one part, and on top - the second.
  6. Secure the bundle securely with hairpins.
  7. Release loose strands.
  8. Divide them into thin curls.
  9. Lubricate each strongly with gel so that they are wet.
  10. Form a cobweb by laying the curls in random order. Remember that the gossamer should slightly cover the forehead!
  11. Each curl is carefully secured with an invisibility.
  12. When the gel is completely dry, the invisibility must be removed.
  13. Spray your hair with hairspray.

Dance competitions, figure skating or rhythmic gymnastics competitions are those events where, among other things, they are met by clothes. And also the hair. Impeccable appearance not only helps the athlete or dancer feel confident. The right suit, neat styling and bright, but not vulgar make-up are prerequisites for participation in dance and sports competitions. And if you still don’t know what women’s hairstyles for ballroom dancing can be done for every day and for competitive performances, our article will help fill this gap.

Requirements and standards

Features of the appearance of dancers, gymnasts, figure skaters are regulated by the rules of the relevant international federations. They have some differences, but in general the main conditions are as follows:

  • the hairstyle should be neat, perfectly styled hair to hair;
  • if the strands are curly, it is permissible to straighten them, and for short styling, unruly hair it is necessary to use hairpins, styling products;
  • comfort and practicality are above all: the hairstyle must not be allowed to fall apart during the performance, so it is securely fixed;
  • at the same time, a dancer, figure skater or gymnast should not experience the inconvenience caused by tight bindings or uncomfortable hair construction;
  • it is important that the styling does not cover the face of the girl, girl. The ban also applies to wearing bangs - with rare exceptions;
  • the hairstyle should be in harmony with the outfit and makeup, match the style and idea of ​​the performance, and also be combined with the image of the partner, if we are talking about a pair performance;
  • sports and dance styles have a poor set of options, and yet you need to choose exactly the one that is the most suitable for a girl, a girl by the type of her face and other features of her appearance;
  • originality and the presence of zest in hairstyles are welcome, but without frills.

The strictest requirements and the most limited choice are perhaps those of the gymnasts. Mostly for girls, girls make smooth and tight bundles, which are allowed to be decorated with a mesh or simple hairpins. A simple design is securely fixed with varnish, gel. Most often, the hair is treated with styling in a row, and the finished styling is also additionally processed.

At ballroom dancing, you can also often see a classic beam. But there are other options that vary depending on the program. For example, if a girl performs a number in a Latin American style, it is allowed to collect her hair in a ponytail.

For European dances, a shell bun is suitable, which emphasizes the beauty and elegance of the neckline. Least of all, girls are weaving "wreaths", "baskets", etc.

Attention! Under the ban for children are false hair (chignons, wigs), lush bouffants, long bangs, high styling, bulky and bright accessories, glitter varnish. Toning or highlighting strands is also undesirable. For adults, these restrictions almost do not apply, with the exception of complex styling.

Jewelry and tools

To make a suitable styling for gymnastics or ballet, you need to have high-quality fixtures and suitable accessories in your arsenal. Standard set for balnik:

  1. Brush for detangling and smoothing hair.
  2. Comb with a long handle for parting.
  3. Comb for easy bouffant (if the hair is short and does not want to fit into a bun without pre-treatment).
  4. Tight and strong elastic bands - the color of the hair, suit, as well as colorless (transparent).
  5. Hairpins - ordinary and decorative.
  6. Roller for a beam. It should match the shade of curls.
  7. A mesh for a bun, but rather a few: black, white and the same color as the strands.
  8. Gel or wax for styling.
  9. Lacquer, preferably strong hold.

Examples and step by step instructions

For everyday gymnastics and dancing, a traditional smooth ballerina bun is quite suitable. It is formed from hair twisted into a tourniquet or braided with hairpins, hairpins, or using an overlay - a roller. It is not necessary to varnish a ballet hairstyle every time - let the hair rest a little between performances and competitions.

You can make an interesting variation of the hairstyle - a braided bun:

  1. Style your hair and gather it at the desired height.
  2. Tie up the tail.
  3. Braid several braids, not necessarily the same thickness.
  4. Twist all the hair together with the "spikelets" into a tourniquet. Try to keep the weaving on the outside.
  5. Put everything in a bundle, fix it securely.
  6. Decorate if you wish.

Often a decoration and addition to a high or low beam a net is used for balnikov. It fixes the styling and prevents the hair from falling apart. The nets are put on over the finished bun and fastened with studs. This option is for medium and long hair fit for performances, ballroom dancing tournament.

All kinds of styling with rhinestones look spectacular. Shimmering particles are fixed with a special glue that does not harm the hair. The hairstyle is elegant and especially elegant.

By the way. Can be done for latin ponytail. It looks best on smooth and shiny hair, so it is worth smoothing the strands with an iron.

Shell bundle

At home, it is easiest to make a simple, but at the same time elegant variation of this styling, focusing on pictures or step-by-step photos:

  1. Wash your hair, treat with foam or other styling product. Comb all your hair to one side and fix it in that position with invisibility. Fasten the hairpins vertically, from the crown to the back of the head.
  2. If the curls are not very thick, put a roller and fix it where the invisibility is located.
  3. Comb loose hair and throw over the overlay. Turn the edges inward.
  4. Fix the hairstyle with invisibility, varnish. Decorate to your liking.

There is another type of shell-beam:

  1. Comb your hair, straighten it with a flat iron and gel it for flawless smoothness.
  2. Divide into 4 parts. The division includes 2 temporal, parietal and occipital regions.
  3. Twist the tourniquet from the lower curls, give it the shape of a shell and secure it with hairpins, hairpins.
  4. Comb the parietal strands, lay over the beam and fix.
  5. Wrap the shell with two temporal parts of the hair: first one, then the other. Fasten securely.
  6. Carefully process the styling with varnish.

Advice. If you intend to do hairstyles for ballroom dancing with your own hands, take special courses or online training. You can watch master classes with detailed description suitable styling and decide which of these you can do.


Often for Latin American dances, styling with a cold wave is used. It is formed without the use of ironing, curling irons and curlers, using only clips and styling. For this:

  • treat your hair with a styling agent;
  • separate the part from which you are going to model curls, and collect the rest of the hair in a hairstyle (for example, a bun);
  • lay the strands in the desired direction, forming them in the form of the letter S;
  • fix with clamps in places of bends;
  • let the styling dry or use a hair dryer, turning it on to the cold air mode;
  • remove the clamps;
  • give your hair a finished look - sprinkle with varnish, decorate as you wish. By the same principle, curls collected in a tail can be laid in the form of elegant waves.

Advice. It will be possible to make beautiful curls with the help of corrugation.

Rib styling

This hairstyle is made for the performance of modern Latin American dances. Especially it can be recommended for girls with thin hair who want to get the maximum additional volume. Instruction step by step:

  1. Wash your hair, treat it with foam and dry it with a hairdryer. This will make your hair smooth.
  2. Highlight a small part of the hair in the forehead area.
  3. Spread powder over it for volume.
  4. Alternately highlighting the strands, comb them lightly and fix with varnish.
  5. Give the ribs of the hair the desired shape, collect in a bun and secure with hairpins.
  6. Model the temporal curls according to the same principle. It's easy to do this with your fingers.
  7. Gather the rest of the strands into a bun. Shape them into ribs in the same way.
  8. Hide the edges or lay them nicely around.
  9. Fix hair with varnish.


This styling is considered one of the most traditional for ballroom dancing. Description:

  1. Part your hair with a side parting.
  2. Separate some hair from the face and temporarily fix it with a hairpin.
  3. Collect the rest of the strands in a low ponytail.
  4. Divide it into 2 equal parts. Lay around the gum, first one, then the other.
  5. Secure the bun with hairpins.
  6. Divide the hair that was left at the very beginning into several thin strands. Treat each generously with gel.
  7. Model a cobweb by arbitrarily intertwining wet curls. Lightly cover your forehead.
  8. Secure the styling with invisibility.
  9. After the gel dries, remove the hairpins.
  10. Treat your hair with varnish.

By the way. Similarly, styling is formed on the hair without parting. To create a cobweb, part of the hair from the tail is not hidden in a bun.

Complementing the look: makeup and outfit

Dancers and sportswomen have their own comfortable uniform - a leotard. It can be almost any color, except for flesh. It is important that the swimsuit does not hinder movement, is not too open. But decor is allowed, although not any. For example, transparent inserts in the hips and chest are prohibited. Teenage girls and young women most often dance in dresses embroidered with fringe, lace or appliqué.

The basic requirements for makeup are bright, but not defiant. This is especially true of young babies, who are often sought to be turned into adult women with the help of cosmetics. Little dancers don't have to paint their faces. If we are talking about a competition for adults or competitions in rhythmic gymnastics, it is permissible to use shadows, eyeliner, blush.

Lips should be painted with bright lipstick or gloss. False eyelashes are an undesirable element for all age categories. As well as any jewelry.

To create a harmonious and complete image for dancing or gymnastics, you need to make an effort and turn on your imagination. Even in the face of strict requirements and restrictions, you can make an original hairstyle that will not cause any complaints from the judging staff.

Complement your styling with the right make-up, choose beautiful suit, comfortable shoes - and feel like a real champion, able to win any medals and titles.

Useful videos

3 hairstyles for sports dances.

Hairstyle for ballroom dancing competitions.

The image of a ballroom dancer plays an important role in the success of the performance. It is created with the help of clothes and hairstyles. For participants in sports dance performances, there is an unofficial dress code, including hair styling, which dance participants adhere to.

There are several classic styles used in costumes for Latin American dances, as well as European dance programs, which include quickstep, foxtrot, and waltz. A well-executed hairstyle that does not interfere with the performance of the dance helps the partner to be elegant and stand out from the crowd. Look especially appropriate on such styling various decorations in the form of flowers, rhinestones, brooches, hairpins and other details.

Basic requirements for hairstyles for ballroom dancing

The organizers of dance tournaments impose certain requirements on the hairstyles of the participants:

  1. It should exclude free hanging strands, curls or braids so that they cannot close the surrounding space and interfere with movements.
  2. The construction of high multi-tiered stacking is also inappropriate., also interfering with dancing.
  3. Attaching bulky accessories to the head is not recommended., attracting increased attention and distracting from the dance being performed.
  4. Hair must be pulled back and securely fastened., their styling look neat and without excessive pomposity, decorating hairstyles look natural.
  5. Laying must match the dance being performed and match with clothing.

What is necessary?

To create a ball hairstyle you will need:

  • strong fixation varnish;
  • gel for softening and styling hair;
  • a comb with a double-sided shape or small teeth;
  • hair dryer with a power of at least 1600 W;
  • elastic bands for fixing curls, wide enough and elastic;
  • a set of hairpins and invisibles of different sizes;
  • a mesh for fixing the laid strands (preferably invisible);
  • chignon or false curls (if necessary);
  • decorative ornaments: flowers, rhinestones, hairpins, combs;

How to make classic ballroom hairstyles?

Bun on smooth hair

A classic hairstyle, suitable not only for the Latin American theme, but also for European dance programs, is the bun. The traditional performance of this styling is carried out on smoothed straight strands.

The process must be carried out in the following order:

  1. On clean and slightly damp strands apply the gel evenly.
  2. Smeared shiny strands collect with an elastic band in the back of the head in the form of a tail.
  3. Brush the tail with a wide-toothed comb and fix the bouffant with a strong hold varnish.
  4. After the varnish has dried tail strands in a circular motion twisted around the gum, and the resulting bun is fixed with hairpins.
  5. Top of the beam for reliability, you can fix the mesh.
  6. Give your hair a festive touch it is possible by decorating with hairpins having a head with rhinestones or pebbles.

The second version of this styling is with elements of curls. It is performed in the same way as on smooth strands. Just before you collect your hair in a bun, you should leave small strands for their subsequent decoration, twisting curls or weaving.

The ends of braided braids or curls twisted with a curling iron are fixed under an elastic band with which the tail is fixed. Then they are covered on top with a bun wound around the elastic band and fixed with varnish. Additionally, pigtails or curled curls are decorated with decorative hairpins.


The second option for ballroom dancing hairstyles is the shell style.

Perform it as follows:

  1. Clean and slightly damp hair should be thrown to the chosen convenient side, leaving a small longitudinal strand along the temple.
  2. Having fixed from above vertically the outer part of the thrown strands with the help of invisibility, comb them.
  3. In the center of the occipital region twist a vertical roller from combed hair in the direction of throwing the strands and, fixing it with varnish, pin it with two hairpins.
  4. Loose strand, located on the side of the opposite temple, also comb and, wrapping around the roller, hide the ends inward.
  5. Secure the entire roller with studs, after giving the shape of a shell to its upper part in the parietal region.
  6. The whole hairstyle is fixed with varnish.

It is possible to use decorative ornaments with rhinestones and other ornaments in the places of attachment of the studs.


For Latin American dances, strands fixed in the form of a loose tail are widely used. The tail looks especially impressive on long straight hair, of the same length. Therefore, a prerequisite for such a hairstyle is straightening the strands.

The hairstyle in the form of a tail is performed like this:

  1. Clean, slightly damp hair smoothed out with a flat iron.
  2. After carefully combing the straightened strands they are fixed at the back of the head or in the parietal region in the tail with an elastic band decorated with velvet or beads.
  3. If there is a bang, then it can be pre-combed, laid in any direction in the form of a wave or placed straight, and then fixed with varnish or gel.
  4. You can braid some or all of the strands of the tail, fixing the end of weaving decorative rubber band or clamp. small pigtail can be laid in the form of curls and fixed on the head with hairpins. The braid, made from the entire tail, should be laid in the form of a bun in a circular motion around the elastic. You can fix the hairstyle with varnish.

What and how to decorate?

Unloaded decoration elements in the form of rhinestones, flowers, ribbons, feathers, sparkles, bright hairpins, etc. give an additional festive color to the styling for performances. Elements of rhinestones and sparkles are fixed using special glue. They should be glued after fixing the hairstyle with varnish, so as not to affect the intensity of the shine of these elements.

Sometimes, in order to add volume to the strands, false artificial curls or hairpieces are used to form an expressive beam. Before you fix these elements on your head, you need to evaluate their weight and volume so that the styling does not look too bulky and heavy, interfering with ease of movement.

In addition, care should be taken to securely fasten these parts to eliminate all surprises. In general, artificial strands should be applied only when absolutely necessary.

  1. To eliminate all surprises during the performance, you must definitely perform a trial styling, which you can use at the rehearsal a few days before the competitive performances.
  2. Don't clutter up your head big amount sequin and embellishments, so as not to focus on them, and not on the dance being performed.
  3. Before installation, you should make sure that it fits the type of face and its features.
  4. For professional dancing better, because strands with short haircut in the process of dancing, they constantly close their eyes and interfere with focusing on dance movements.
  5. To fix hair Use a strong hold varnish and do not spare for styling the gel that holds the strands together.

Coffee ritual - a kind of morning meditation

ballroom hairstyles

Ballroom dancing - good view sports that help your child develop in a creative and physical direction. A beautiful posture and a stylish hairstyle are what distinguishes a little ballerina from her peers. Hairstyles for ballroom dancing for girls are divided into two types: styling for performances and training.

By the way, take a look at the calendar of dance concerts in Moscow at the link: https://www.belcantofund.com maybe you will find interesting event which you would like to visit. Pleasant emotions and inspiration for new beginnings are provided to you!

Hairstyle requirements for ballroom dancing

  • Convenience. So that the styling does not fall apart in the movement of dance “pas”, all strands must be securely fastened. Use stealth, hairpins, varnish and strong ones;
  • Smoothness. Not suitable for ballroom dancing: loose braids, loose tails, bouffants;
  • expressiveness. At a performance, during dancing, attention is directed not only to movements. The emphasis is on the face. That's why it's important not to close it. long bangs or curls.

Step-by-step instruction

Bundle with bagel

  1. Brush hair.
  2. Put a special foam bagel on the elastic band.
  3. Twist the tail completely around the bagel.
  4. Secure the bundle with hairpins.
  5. Straighten the bun carefully so that the strands do not break out.
  6. Fix the bundle with varnish.

classic bun

  1. Brush hair.
  2. Gather a high ponytail and fasten tightly.
  3. Divide the tail into two strands.
  4. Twist both parts with a tourniquet.
  5. Around the base, in turn, wrap both bundles.
  6. Fix with hairpins and varnish.
  7. Decorate the bun with matching accessories.


  1. Brush hair.
  2. Lay the curls on one side and secure with three invisible ones.
  3. Gather hair into a side ponytail and tie with an elastic band.
  4. Twist the tail into a tourniquet tighter.
  5. Lay the tourniquet in the shell, fixing it with hairpins.
  6. Tuck the ends of the tail inward.
  7. Fix with varnish.
  8. Decorate with rhinestones.

Bun with pigtails

  1. Brush hair.
  2. Divide the curls into three parts: two small strands near the face and a third bigger size for the tail.
  3. Collect the tail at the back of the head from the strand in the center and secure with an elastic band.
  4. Twist the tourniquet and make a bun.
  5. Secure the bun with hairpins and invisible.
  6. Braid tight braids from the strands near the face.
  7. Skip one pigtail through the top, wrapping the bun and secure with an invisibility.
  8. Do the same with the second pigtail, winding the bun through the bottom.
  9. Fix with varnish.
  10. Decorate with accessories.

Mesh bun

  1. Collect hair in a bun.
  2. Fasten with a rubber band.
  3. Make a tourniquet from the tail.
  4. Wrap a tourniquet around the elastic band and secure with invisibility.
  5. Put a net on the bun. Exist different kinds mesh embellished with rhinestones and trim.
  6. Fix with varnish.

Bun from pigtails

  1. Brush hair.
  2. Gather the tail at the back of the head and secure with an elastic band.
  3. Braid many identical braids.
  4. Wrap the elastic with pigtails, forming a voluminous bun.
  5. Fasten with pins.
  6. Fix with varnish.

Bundle with curls

  1. Spray hair with varnish and comb.
  2. Separate the strands at the face and back.
  3. Collect the free part to comb and collect in the tail.
  4. Fasten with a rubber band.
  5. Wrap the tail in a shell.
  6. Fasten with pins.
  7. Wind the remaining strands with a curling iron.
  8. Lay the curls in waves to the hairstyle, creating a pattern.
  9. Secure with invisibility.
  10. Decorate with rhinestones.

For little owners short hair, you need to have large stocks of styling products. The necessary form of laying will need to be fixed with gel, mousse and varnish. It is recommended, for hairstyles from short hair, to make a good bouffant. You can practice curls as in the photo and the following video, as well as various decorations.

It takes a lot of effort to create a dance ball look. Hairstyle for ballroom dancing will emphasize dignity, and give harmony appearance little ballerina.

The hair of the dancers is considered one of the most important elements for the ballroom show program. It allows you to complement the luxurious image of the girl, without interfering with the movements. In addition, the same ballroom dance hairstyles for all the dancers of the team create a unified style.

It is important to understand that at such competitions, the judges make quite a lot of demands on the styling of absolutely all participants. That is why the hairstyle must be carefully prepared. Not a single curl can stand out from the finished styling, as this threatens to reduce the overall points for the performance and spoils the overall picture of unity.

Today, stylists are actively offering more and more new and vivid images for ballroom dancers who are in perfect harmony with the outfit and are combined with the general style of dance. However, many hairstyles still remained unchanged, despite the huge variety of modern styling. So, let's deal with the features of training and consider the main models trendy hairstyles most suitable for ballroom dancing competitions.

Ballroom dancing competitions mean not only the preparation of an enchanting number, but also the observance of the rules that relate to the appearance of the participants. After all, if you do not make a good impression on the commission jury, then you should not even count on winning.

When preparing for a competition, refrain from experimenting with curls such as:

Creating the effect of "wet hair".
High and extremely difficult combined styling.
Highlighting, coloring.
Loose curls.
Extended strands and tresses.
Too bright and shiny hairpins and elastic bands.

It is important that the chosen dance hairstyles look stylish, practical and concise without any frills. They should not distract the judges from the dance, but only harmoniously complement the main image. This applies to the speakers of both the children's and adult leagues.

Children's hairstyles for ballrooms

Girls participating in ballroom dancing competitions and classified as Children-2 must comply with a number of restrictions. This also applies to hairstyles. They are not allowed to decorate their hair with various bright decorations, rhinestones and feathers. But this does not mean that a little dancer cannot look beautiful and stylish. She can create a concise, but at the same time very attractive styling using a regular hairdressing donut, the size of which is selected depending on the age of the girl and the length of her curls. This styling option is also perfect for girls performing in adult ballroom dancing competitions.

In order to create a bagel styling you will need:

  • Wash your hair and dry your hair with a hair dryer.
  • Spread the gel or foam over the strands.
  • Make a smooth comb of curls back to the back of the head.
  • Make a tail in the center of the back of the head. It is important that it be at a distance of 4-6 cm above the neck.
  • Put a hairdresser's bagel on the tail.
  • Distribute the strands over it so that it is completely hidden under the hair.
  • Put the elastic on the base of the resulting bundle, if necessary, securing it with 3 hairpins.
  • It is best to wrap short curls at the base of the bundle with a ribbon, carefully hiding the broken ends of the strand under it.
  • Too long hair is best braided and wrapped at the base, carefully secured with hairpins.

Hairstyles for competitions

Among the varieties of adult styling for ballroom dancing, there are four main ones:

  1. Classical bun or bunch is traditionally considered a model that is great for Latin American and European dance programs.
  2. A bun with curls looks especially good on girls who have long hair, and suitable for different types programs.
  3. The shell is simply created for European dances and looks chic on the fair sex with medium-length curls.
  4. The tail was designed specifically for the Latin American program and looks luxurious on those who have long and straight hair.

Let's take a closer look at how the first three hairstyles are created with your own hands.

Classic bun or bun

To create it you will need:

  • Gel or foam.
  • Lacquer for maximum hold.
  • Comb with wide teeth.
  • Durable rubber.
  • Ordinary invisibles and hairpins.
  • Hairpins or other jewelry, if permitted in competition.

1. We distribute gel or foam on clean strands.
2. Carefully comb the curls.
3. We collect them in a tail and fix with an elastic band. We comb the hair evenly so that there are no strands and roosters that have fallen out.
4. We make a tight tourniquet out of the tail, during this process we wrap it around the elastic band at the base.
5. Fasten the bun with studs.
6. We hide the tip of the resulting tourniquet inside the hairstyle and carefully fix it with invisibility.
7. We fix the styling with varnish.
8. Use jewelry whenever possible, such as brooches, hairpins or flowers.


To create this hairstyle you will need:

  • Comb with wide teeth.
  • Ordinary invisibles and hairpins.
  • Gel or foam for hair.
  • Lacquer for maximum hold.

Step-by-step execution instructions:

1. Distribute foam or gel over clean curls.
2. Dry them with a hairdryer.
3. We put the hair strictly on one side.
4. We fix them with invisibility for further convenience.
5. We create a tail from a strand and fix it with an elastic band.
6. We twist it into a tight tourniquet.
7. We wrap the tail in a shell, and then fix it with hairpins.
8. We hide the remaining tip inside the hairstyle.
9. We fix the finished shell with varnish and decorate it with rhinestones if possible.

Bun with flagella
