Scenario New Year's party magic clock. The scenario of the New Year's holiday for children of senior preschool age "New Year's hours

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge, skills, skills - speech, singing, dancing, gaming. Contribute to the formation children's team, comradely feelings. Tasks: Immerse children in the atmosphere of a fairy tale, bring them joy. Preparatory work: viewing modern cartoons "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent" and "Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych" discussion of heroes, work on the word, acting skills. Attributes: cauldron for Baba Yaga, a large ladle, a chest with IOUs, a mace, swords, costumes. Design: new year decoration Hall. Participants: Prince Vladimir Alyosha Popovich
Ilya Muromets
KolyvanHorse Gaius Julius Caesar
Gypsies Koshchey Bessmertny Baba Yaga
Cat Scientist
Storyteller: There are still fairy tales in the world, but no one knows where
There is not much free space left for them on the planet.
Here we would be with you in a mysterious fairy-tale world ...
Probably fairy tales live beyond the seas,
Or maybe fairy tales live beyond the mountains,
Or maybe fairy tales live beyond the forests,
Or maybe next door.
How cool it is to settle in this country,
Where the firebird flies like a rainbow in the sky.
Let our hearts beat joyfully
And all people will remember about the fairy tale and the miracle,
And the story will never end...
The buffoons come out.
Buffoon 1: Attention everyone, gentlemen! Hurry to the hall, here. There will be a joke, there will be laughter, We will amuse you all!
Buffoon 2: We invite everyone to the hall today, We give a performance! Meet the holiday cheerfully, Never lose heart! Buffoon 1: In the hall, the Christmas tree sparkles, Invites you all to visit. She has bright toys, All here: friends, girlfriends! Buffoon 2: All for the holiday - New Year! Come on, honest people. We invite everyone who is cheerful, Our fairy tale begins!
I act. Russian folk music sounds, the Grand Duke enters:
He walks around the Christmas tree and says dreamily.
Prince: Well, the Christmas tree is ready, invitations have been sent out, I agreed with Santa Claus, he gave me his watch, magical! (examines) with this watch we will not miss the new year.
A messenger runs in
Prince: Hey, Alyosha! Come here. Here, listen.
I, the Grand Duke, At this festive hour, I issue such a decree: “Come to me to everyone, To have fun!”
Understood!? Messenger: Understood.
Prince: Go, announce to the people.
The messenger bows and leaves.
Prince: Hello dear guests,
hello beautiful girls,
hello good fellows!
I am glad to welcome everyone in my great principality.
Today is the New Year's holiday, But not a simple one, but a carnival. And today we will arrange a fun ball near the Christmas tree.
Buffoon: By tradition, first
Cheerful round dance.
Come on, fun and friendly
People run to the Christmas tree.
Children lead a round dance.
Kolyvan comes in, carries his chest with promissory notes.
Kolyvan: Hello, Grand Duke, Prince: And you don’t get sick, why did you complain? Kolyvan: Yes, I think the new year is coming soon. Don't you want to win back? The prince dismisses: What are you, what are you! Kolyvan: Well, how do you know ... Prince: And how much I owe? Kolyvan: 40 thousand! Prince: Oh, what a grief! Kolyvan: (seeing Father Frost's watch) And you give me Frost's watch. And I'll forgive your debt. Prince: I can't, Frost will know - it will be bad for me! Kolyvan: Yes, no one will know, here (takes out a ring), the ring of Koshchei the Immortal, tell everyone that he stole!
Prince: (reluctantly) Well, okay, give me your ring.
They shook hands and Kolyvan leaves. The prince is the covenant of the messenger. The messenger runs in.
Prince: Hey, Alyosha - well done! Run around the whole palace. Yes, find your friends All my heroes!
The heroes enter to the music ...
Dobrynya: We welcome you, the great prince.
Ilya: Mail called. Didn't let me rest.
Dobrynya: What happened to Ali?
Ilya: Surely Tugarin snake attacked the Russian land.
Dobrynya: Or did the Nightingale the robber start playing pranks again?
Prince: Hello, my faithful friends, trouble has happened to us today! Koshchei stole the damned clock of Santa Claus, and without them the new year will not come (shows the ring). Alyosha: Oh, you are an unclean force. Again dispersed, roamed the Russian land. Dobrynya: Do not happen to this. Let's fight by force in a duel equal.
Alyosha: It's not good to spoil people's holiday, It's not human!
Ilya: Equip Russian heroes on a dangerous road. We will defeat the insidious adversaries. Let's show the heroic power. We will return the clock of Santa Claus.
Prince: Thank you, my dear ones. Bow to you princely. I'll go while you orders will write. And I will go to meet Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.
The prince leaves.
Ilya Muromets: Get ready for a long journey, To return the clock back We need not to waste time In the dense forest we jump.
The rich leave.
II action.
Storyteller: In a fairy forest, which is remarkable,
Everything was great before
Bogatyrs feasted at feasts
Geese - swans stole children
Nightingale the robber whistled
Grandfather sweated over the turnip
Pike communicated with Emelya
The frog turned into a princess
And suddenly everything changed
Ryaba's hen's egg didn't break
Longing attacked Koshchei
The fire bird has disappeared somewhere
Ivan the Fool - became an obscene fool
Boredom and indifference attacked the fairy tale.
All sadness seized ....
Only Baba Yaga knew what was going on...
Let's look into her hut on chicken legs ...
Baba Yaga over the cauldron, conjures something.
Baba Yaga: In our forest on New Year's Eve, a blizzard filled up the path. Well, why, who can say why they don't like me, Babka-Ezhka?
Kolyvan enters.
Kolyvan: Well, Yagusya, I brought the watch.
Grand Duke, brought to tears.
Baba Yaga: Santa Claus on New Year's Eve He will not find a way to them, They will have a little joy, He will come to our doorstep!
We can stop the clock
We'll help you learn Koshchei
We are the notes of our party,
To make the song sing more cheerfully.
Kolyvan: Okay, okay, just don't forget about me.
Come on, granny, quickly, Brew your miracle potion!! I want to like it very much, All the beautiful girls!
And watch it work! And then I will not forgive your debt!
Baba Yaga: Well, well, well, be careful!
Containers - bars - rastobars, Chufry - mufry - crap, She promised a potion for hours, so it will be.
Here, almost done.
Come on watch. (Gives the potion.)
Takes the watch from Kalyvan. Kalvan leaves.
Baba Yaga: (Looks at his watch). Ah-ah-ah. Now we with Koshchey and Kot Scientist will definitely get to the competition. Now I will stop time and our Wild Guitars group will have time to prepare for it.
Baba Yaga runs away.
Action III. The heroes come out.
Alyosha: And where are we going? Dobrynya: To Koshchei the immortal, we will fight him in an equal duel.
Koschey comes out.
Gorynych: I smell the Russian spirit! Ah-ah-ah! hero! He came to his death!
They scatter, run around the tree from different sides,
they meet and hug.
Dobrynya: Hello my friend, Koshcheyushka! Koschey: Hello, my named brother!
Long time no see! Dobrynya: There is something for you, Koschei, Your honor suffers again.
(pulls out a ring)
Your ring? Tell me honestly! Did you steal a watch from the castle? Koschey: I didn't take a watch, and I'm not lying!
I play fair.
He only stole red girls ...
And I haven’t seen those for a long time, I remembered!
Kolyvan took my ring, I lost my talisman.
Dobrynya: I thought so, I knew it ... But then who stole the watch? Koschey: Let's ask the gypsies, They are always here and there.
Koshchey leaves.
IV act. Gypsies come out.
1 gypsy: (to Alyosha) Oh, young, unmarried. Gold the handle. I'll tell you the whole truth. (Looks at the palm) I see a long road. 2 gypsy: (To Ilya Muromets) You will meet a smart cat on it, and an old grandmother. Gypsy 1: Here, take the horse. He will help you.
(takes the horse out from behind the tree, the horse's mouth is tied) The gypsies leave.
Ilya: Well, gypsies, well, people! They tied the horse's mouth!!! (unties) Alyosha: I wonder how to help, Will the horse be able to help us this night? (scratches the back of his head) Horse: (jumped, ran) And-and-and!!! Freedom! Finally, otherwise I thought I had forgotten the speech! All: Oh, the talking horse!!! (frightened) Horse: Again, why is there always such a reaction !!! Have you never seen a talking horse? Do you even know what year ends? Tlya: Of course, 2014. Horse: And according to the Chinese calendar? Alyosha: Which one? Horse: Chinese !!!
(everyone shakes their heads)
Horse: So, according to the Chinese calendar, the year of the Horse is coming, (proudly) that is, me, the horse! Alyosha: So what? Horse: What, what. And what you need is me. Are you looking for a watch?
Ilya: So, in short, if you can help, come on, but no ... (waves away) there is a lot of noise from you. Horse: Remember what the gypsy said? (a muffled cry of a gypsy is heard from behind the tree) “You will meet a smart cat on it, and an old grandmother.” Horse: So, a smart cat is none other than the Scientist Cat. Remember, as in Pushkin:
Goes to the right - the song starts, To the left - tells a fairy tale ...
Ilya: Come on.
Horse: Well, I say, and the old grandmother is Yaga's grandmother. Alyosha: Maybe you know where they are? Horse: Yes, it's not far, in a swamp, near Mount Kudykina. But what is the name of such a smart horse? Horse: Gaius Julius Caesar. (Fanfares sound) You can just Julius. Dobrynya: Enough time for us to lose, we need to save the New Year! Come on, Alyosha, sing our heroic one. Alyosha: Our heroic rule is
It is necessary to help a friend in trouble, to defend a just cause in the struggle, to overcome the power of force.
Horse: Stop, stop, stop! There is no mood anyway, but with such a song - at least into the pool with your head! Ilya: Why didn't you like the song? Horse. Is this a song? Don't make fun of my horseshoes! Here, keep the rhythm!
Music from the cartoon "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent") Dance of the horse.
Next, the heroes join and everyone leaves to the music.
V action.
Song "Wild Guitars"
Cat: Why can’t you take the dominant seventh chord? Koschey: What? I took one and a half octaves higher! Yes, you for this ... Koschey: Well, what-what? Cat: What-what? Yes, for such amateur performances... there will be no competition at all, and now there is also a new year! Give me the instrument, that's what! Koschey: (Crying) Oh, my miserable life, everyone scolds me. In the native team, in the native cave. You are evil, I will leave you. Baba Yaga: Yes, okay, okay, although he is dishonest, he also has his own feelings. Cat: Well, let him sing.
Thunder rumbles.
Baba Yaga: Alarm, someone has snuck into our forest! The alarm went off. Koschey: And who could-could have gotten in? Cat: Who got in? Baba Yaga: Now we'll see. Eniki-Beniks, panicles, brooms. Leshy and Cat: Become a transparent wall.
Heroes appear
Alyosha: We came to Kudykina mountain ...
Well, now where do we go? Here is Kudykina Mountain.
Baba Yaga, Goblin and the Cat are whispering.
Cat: What about our New Year, and the competition "Guitarists-vocalists"? Baba Yaga: Oh... They go after the clock! Well, everything! Our "Guitars" have disappeared! Koschei: It was their Prince Vladimir who sent them!
Dobrynya: Hey, you forest vermin. Do you want to try silushki heroic? Return the watch in a good, healthy way. Cat: Eh, now they will beat! Baba Yaga: What to do, we need to stop them somehow! Cat: Fire? Koschey: No! We need them! Cat: We need them! Goblin: We need them! Cat: We need them!
Baba Yaga comes out
Baba Yaga: I won't give you a watch Even though you fight. And you will beware of my magic charms. (Conjuring). Chufir-chufir, kill the hero. Ilya: Yeah, I've decided to conjure! Don't want to be good? It will be bad!
Guys, let's all deal with these villains together. (Turns to the audience) Do you guys know how to march? (One half of the hall) Show me.
How about humming like airplanes? Try it. (Second half of the hall).
Now wait for my signal. (loudly) Attention, attention! Baba Yaga, Kot and Koschei you are surrounded! On the left is our army. (Children march)
My planes are in the air. (Children are buzzing).??????????? Baba Yaga: Okay, okay. I will return the watch to you if you solve the riddles of the Learned Cat.
Cat: All the people are having fun -
This is a holiday ... (New Year)
Whose drawings on the window, Like a pattern on crystal? Winter grandfather pinches everyone by the nose ... (Frost)
From the sky they fall in winter, And light fluffs circle above the earth. White ... (Snowflakes)
He was once water, But suddenly changed his appearance. And now on New Year's Eve On the river we see ... (Ice)
I stand in the taiga on one leg, Above the bumps, below the bears, In winter and summer, green, Dress in needles, and I'm called ... (Christmas tree)
Barely breathed in winter, They are always with you. Warm two sisters. Their name is ... (mittens)
Her house is on a white cloud, But she is afraid of the sun's ray. Silver fluff, Hexagonal ... (Snowflake)
He is kind, he is strict, He has grown a beard to his eyes. Red-nosed, red-cheeked, Our beloved ... (Santa Claus)
She circles the snow along the streets, Like the feathers of white hens. Zimushki-winter friend, northern guest ... (blizzard)
He comes on a winter evening, To light candles on the Christmas tree. He starts a round dance - This is a holiday ... (New Year)
He is made of snow alone, His nose is made of carrots. A little warm, crying instantly. And it will melt ... (Snowman)
Baba Yaga: Here, take the watch.
The heroes take the watch and leave.
Baba Yaga: Wow, how naive!
Kolyvan enters.
Kolyvan: Baba Yaga, are you crazy? Why did you give away the watch? Have you forgotten our agreement? Baba Yaga: Yes, I remember our conversation!
That you will forgive the debt and give me a dacha in a snowy December. After all, I stopped time, And I finished our potion. It remains only to wait, Another 25 minutes. end!
All: Well done, granny, Well done, Yagusya!
They're leaving...
Action VI. The prince comes out, the heroes meet him.
Prince: How glad I am to see you! All the guests have already gathered! Dobrynya: Here is the prince, the New Year's clock! The old Yaga gave them to us. Prince: (picks up) So they are enchanted !!! Time has stopped in them! What should we do? Alyosha: Or maybe call Santa Claus, he is a magician, and he will disenchant the clock. Prince: That's right, and why I didn’t think of it myself.
The name is Santa Claus. All the children help. Music sounds, Santa Claus enters, sings the song "Play out a snowstorm."
Father Frost. And where did I find myself? It feels like time has stopped here ... strange. Prince: Hello Santa Claus, you all came right, Baba Yaga didn’t lead you astray, but here’s the trouble with us, she bewitched the New Year’s clock, stopped time. How will the New Year come to us now? Santa Claus. Well, it doesn't matter, the witchcraft of Baba Yaga cannot be compared with my magic!
He is conjuring ... the chiming clock is heard.
The final
Santa Claus: Well, it's time to start the New Year! I see everyone is here. Good old familiar heroes of fairy tales and children are here. We will sing, dance and play, and receive gifts. But where is my granddaughter Snegurochka? Guys, let's call her.
The children's name is Snegurochka.
Snow Maiden: This hour has come, the New Year has come. The holiday is coming to us with great strides. Get up all to the Christmas tree to dance. The holiday has come to us, the New Year has come!
Children lead a round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"
Santa Claus: Nice, you have fun, Your legs are torn to dance. I ask you to help, Together we will dance. Well, my granddaughter, There will be dancing.
Snow Maiden: We are playing, we are not bored, we are starting a Russian dance! (Children dance.)
Oh, fun, and only, the polka sounded loudly. (Children dance.)
Come out waddling, we'll dance a gypsy. (Children dance.)
The back has not yet hurt, let the lezginka sound now. (Children dance.)
The flight of music is gentle, the round dance fled.
And now sounds for you, New Year's winter waltz.
The dance of the snowflakes.
Santa Claus: Did I dance well? Very, children, I'm tired! winter forest I'll go and rest a bit!
Snow Maiden: Grandpa, we won't let you go.
Santa Claus: How is it?
Snow Maiden: And so. Our guys have prepared for you not only dances, but also poems. You sit down, take a rest
Well, let's read poetry.
Prince: Played, Santa Claus, but did you bring gifts?
Baba Yaga: What are you, Santa Claus, with a white beard. Where are the gifts, come on, woe to you and me.
Santa Claus: I brought a big bag. There are toys, books in it ... But I don’t remember where he is, dear kids.
Scientist cat: And we will go around the Christmas tree and find your bag ourselves!
The cat walks around the tree.
So here he is!
Santa Claus: I am very grateful, I found a loss,
You now go to classes and receive gifts.
Love each other, learn, grow And all this year, I ask you not to be sad.
Snow Maiden: We are leaving you to return to you again. And you should be ready for this meeting!
final song

"Magic Clock of Santa Claus"

scenario New Year's party For middle group

Children run into the hall cheerful music, forming a round dance near the Christmas tree.

Leading : We entered the hall and saw everything -

The tree stands in New Year's beauty .

All silver, lush and slender,

She came to visit us from the forest.

Isn't she a beauty?

Children : We all like the Christmas tree!

1st child : Hello, forest tree,

Silvery, thick.

You grew up under the sun

And on holiday has come to us .

2nd child : Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

Prickly needle.

You have snow on the branches,

You are the best today!

3rd child: And under the tree a round dance,

And dancing. And he sings.

All friends, all girlfriends,

Invites to the circle.

Song " New Year's round dance»

(Our Christmas tree is beautiful)

Leading: Coming New Year ,

He brings guests with him.

We will sit quietly

And look at the guest!

Fast music sounds, Baba Yaga runs into the hall on a broomstick.

Baba Yaga: What kind of gathering is this? Why merry laughter?

I'll arrange a holiday for you - I'll disperse everyone right now!

I am the evil Yaga, bone leg! jet broom

Got me through quickly! I'll scare you all, Wow, how evil I am!

Leading. What are you, Baba Yaga, scaring our guys? Today we have

New Year's holiday, and Santa Claus will come to us soon!

Baba Yaga: Ah well? You have a holiday, but they didn’t invite me a beauty? Well, then I'll ruin your holiday! Yeah, here's the watch and the key, I'll take it.(pulls out key from watch) Now the clock will stop and the New Year will not come. Yes, and Santa Claus will not come to you, all the paths are covered with snow, what a blizzard has risen on the street.(leaves)

Leading. Well, Baba Yaga, a bone leg! What to do?

Boys - Snowmen, come out, mark all the paths.

Maybe then Santa Claus will come here.

Dance of the boys "Snowmen"

Leading. And on the street a snowstorm rose, nothing was visible. How to be?

Girls - Asterisks, help Santa Claus light the path.

So that he does not go astray, and at the holiday he found himself with us.

Dance of the girls "Asterisks"

Leading: Guys, let's call Santa Claus together!

Father Frost! Go quickly!

Children repeat the words, they call Santa Claus.

Santa Claus enters the hall with the Snow Maiden ( “Ay! Ay! I'm coming! I'm coming!" )

Father Frost: Hello adults! Hello children!

The best in the world!

Snow Maiden: Hello kids,

girls and boys!

Father Frost: Happy New Year!

We wish you happiness, joy!

Snow Maiden: We will sing and dance.

Celebrate the New Year together!

Leading: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, how can we celebrate the New Year, we don’t have New Year’s clock? Baba Yaga took the key and does not want to give it back.

Father Frost: Oh, she's feisty, old! Come on, Baba Yaga, come here! (staff taps)

Disgruntled Baba Yaga comes out.

Baba Yaga: Oh, Santa Claus ... Did you call that FAQ?

Father Frost: Why are you spoiling Baba Yaga for children? Did you stop the clock and take the key?

Baba Yaga: Wait, wait, Santa Claus! Everyone was invited to the holiday, Well, they forgot about me! I will not forgive insults, I will take revenge on you now! Here!

Snow Maiden . Baba Yaga, don't be angry with us! Look how fun it isStay, you are better at our holiday, dance and make the guys laugh.

Baba Yaga: I will not give the key, there will be no holiday and gifts!

Father Frost: Ah well! (addressing the children) Let's punish her, she doesn't like to dance, but we will make her(claps hands) 1,2,3 come on, grandmother dance!

(Baba Yaga dances)

Baba Yaga: Oh. I can't dance, oh now I'll fall! Let me go Frost, oh

I'm tired to tears!

Father Frost: 1,2,3 - stop the music!

Baba Yaga: Oh, I will be kinder, I will love all the children, and take the key to the clock.

Father Frost: Forgive Baba Yaga? Snow Maiden, wind up the clock, here is the key.

(Snow Maiden winds the clock with a key)

Baba Yaga: Morozushko, let me stay at your holiday, I

enjoyed the fun!

Father Frost : Stay! Look, no more shawls!

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, look what a beautiful Christmas tree the guys have, but that's just the lights on it do not burn.

Father Frost: So that multi-colored lights lit up on the Christmas tree.

To make the tree more beautifulsay :

- Christmas tree, shine! Come on, all together, together!

1,2,3 - Christmas tree shine!

Children repeat the words, lights flash on the Christmas tree.

Father Frost : We have not tried in vain with you,

The tree burst into flames.

Santa Claus is calling you all

IN New Year's round dance !

Round dance "New Year's"

At the end of the song, Santa Claus, as if by accident, loses his mitten near Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga picks her up

Father Frost. Well done boys! How well they sang the song! Oh, where's my mitten? Have you guys seen her?

Baba Yaga . We saw, we saw, Santa Claus, we are your mitten! We just won't give it up! You play with us, look how clever the guys are!

Game "Catch the mitten"

Children pass the mitten in a circle to each other, and Santa Claus tries to take it away. Finally, he succeeds.

D.M. remains in the center of the circle, puts on a mitten.

Dance game "It's so cold"

Leading . D.M.. and we will not let you out of the circle!

Father Frost: How is it not released? And I'll jump right in!

(He heads to the children, they quickly join hands, not releasing Santa Claus.) Well, then I'll jump out here!

(He runs up to the other children, but even there he fails.)

What's happened? That's it! Freeze everyone now!

Freeze game!

Father Frost: Yes, I now have arms, legs, cheeks, etc. I'll freeze!

Ah, the kids are not afraid of frost. Well, how can I get out of the circle?

Leading: And you, Santa Claus, dance with the guys, then we will let you out of the circle.

General dance "Boogie-woogie"

Father Frost: Thank you friends, you made me laugh!

Father Frost: Oh, how hot it became in the hall, How nicely we played!

Children read poetry (3-4)

Father Frost: What wonderful poems you have read to me!

Presenter: B.Ya. have fun, play with the guys.

Game with B.Ya.

(2 r-ka participate: 2 panicles, 2 rattles - whoever runs to the panicles faster and rings the rattle)

Sounds like Cuckoo Clock music

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, you hear, the clock is striking, the New Year has come, it's time for the children to distribute gifts.

Father Frost: Well, dear friends, I have the main miracle in store for you. The gifts that I prepared for you, now, guys, I'll give you(looks for bag) where is my bag? Here's the secret ... no on the right ... and no on the left ... but not on the Christmas tree? And not under the tree? I must have lost my gift bag.

Snow Maiden: What to do now, grandfather?

Father Frost: Do not worry Snow Maiden! You see these watch ? They are not simple, they magic . I'll take the magic staff, I'll quietly approach the clock.

(D.M. goes to the clock)

You shine brighter clockGive gifts to children!

(touches the clock with his staff)

Gifts appear from the clock. Before the gift appears, D.M. touches the clock with his wand.

Baba Yaga . Look, look, gifts! Hey Santa Claus!

Adults give gifts to children .

D.M: Have you received all the gifts? Nobody forgotten?

And now it's time for me, children, to celebrate the New Year with everyone.

Goodbye, friends, I was glad to meet you!

sn: Santa Claus will come to you in a year! Goodbye!

Music sounds, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and Baba Yaga leave

Children wave after them.

Actors and performers:

1. Snow Maiden

2. Santa Claus

3. Snowmen - 2 people

5. Guard

8. Kai Gerda

9. The Snow Queen

10. Malvina

12. Pinocchio

13. Icicles - 4 people


New Year's theatrical performance



FNG 1 "Dance of the Snow Maiden"

During the dance, the Snow Maiden decorates the Christmas tree, opens the chest, takes the keys of Santa Claus.

The Snow Maiden waves her hand in greeting. Kai and Gerda run out onto the stage.

Kai and Gerda: Hello, Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: Hello Gerda! Hello Kai! How have you grown in a year!

Gerda: We go to school!

Snow Maiden: I'll be waiting! And now we need to decorate the Christmas tree. Soon the New Year and Santa Claus invited all the guys to the holiday. Hello guys!

(Kai and Gerda also wave to the guys)

Children: Hello!

Children: Seven!

Kai: How many ears do three old ladies have?

Children: Six.

Snow Maiden: And how many fingers do two boys have?

Children:40! (if they say 20 - “are you on your feet?”)

Snow Maiden, Kai and Gerda: Well done!

Snow Maiden: Friends, Santa Claus will come soon, but we are not ready yet! (runs to the tree)

Gerda: We will help you!

Kai: Of course! When will Santa Claus come?

Snow Maiden: When the magic clock strikes twelve times.

Kai: (looks at watch) 5 minutes left.

Kai and Gerda: Hooray! The holiday will start soon!

Snow Maiden: And our Christmas tree is not ready yet. I will bring decorations and you

look after Santa's chest.

Snow Maiden leaves

Kai: What a beautiful chest!

Gerda: There must be a lot of gifts there!

Kai: Decorate the Christmas tree! And I will guard the chest! (gets up next to the chest like a soldier) I'm not afraid of anyone! (walks along the chest) No wolf, no fox, no Snow Queen!!

Gerda: Boasting is not good!

Kai: Me? Boasting? Have you forgotten how I rode in the Snow Queen's sleigh and lived in her castle?

Gerda: Shut up! Quiet!

FNG 2 - "evil magic" background light flashing

Kai and Gerda hide behind the Christmas tree. The Snow Queen and Icicles run through the hall.

Voice of the Snow Queen: I knew it! Getting ready for the holidays again! Laughter, fun, gifts! Enough, Santa Claus. This time you will have nothing to give!!! (Icicles run, the Queen conjures and takes the keys) Ha-ha-ha!

full light

The Snow Maiden enters the stage.

Snow Maiden: Kai! Gerda! Where are you?

Kai and Gerda: (peeping out from behind the Christmas tree and the chest, frightened) We are here!

Kai: Look Gerda! Chest in place. (Kai sits on the chest)

Snow Maiden: Hurry up and help me. Oh! (notices it's missing) Where are the keys?

Gerda: What keys?

Snow Maiden: Here .... (looking) on ​​a branch ... hung the magic keys to Santa Claus's chest. Now there is only one ring left.

Kai: Why do we need keys? The chest is in place.

Snow Maiden: In the chest, Santa Claus prepared gifts for the guys - laughter, fives, and of course - surprises! What now? Santa Claus will not be able to open the chest, and all the guys in the New Year will become angry, crybabies,


Gerda and Kai: (exchanging glances) We know who took the keys!

Gerda: It's the Snow Queen!

Kai: I'll go and take the keys from her!

Gerda: Boasting again?

Snow Maiden: What to do?

Gerda: We will help you, Snow Maiden.

Kai: You run to Santa Claus - tell everything, and we will look for the keys.

Snow Maiden: Thank you. Take this ring, it is special and will lead you to the keys. You just need to say the magic words: "You help us ring - and find your keys!" And you need to be in time before the clock strikes twelve times.

(gives Kai the ring)

Gerda: The chest needs to be hidden.

Snow Maiden: Right! (closes it)

FNG 3 - "the clock strikes"

Snow Maiden: Hurry up! The clock has begun its countdown! (runs off to the left side)

Gerda: Guys, we hope for your help in difficult times!

Kai and Gerda: “Help us the ring - and find your keys! 1,2,3 - fly! Fly!!!"

FNG 4 - "Key" - Light flashes

Kai and Gerda, having run a circle around the stage, run away to the left wings.


5 - FNG "Pipe"

Nesmeyana enters the stage from the left wings, the Tsar runs after her, Nannyushka carries the throne, she has a rattle in her hand, followed by the Cook with a tray and food.

Nesmeyana: A-ah-ah!!! (steps on them) I don't want fish! I don't want meat! I will not compote! Ah-ah-ah (turns and speaks angrily)! Starved to death!!! Hm!

The nanny, the king and the cook look at each other in bewilderment.

King: Or maybe you want a cake?

Nesmeyana: With cream?

Tsar: (to Nanny) With cream?

Nanny: (to the Cook) With cream?

Cook: With chocolate!

Nanny: Chocolate!

King: Chocolate!

Nesmeyana: Chocolate? (thinks) Noooo! (crying again)

The nanny whispers in the Tsar's ear.

King: Or maybe you want ice cream?

Nesmeyana: With strawberries?

King: (asks the servant) With strawberries?

Nanny: Well????

Cook: (waves his hands) With strawberries, your majesty! From the freshest!

Nesmeyana sighs.

Nesmeyana: Okay….

King: Bring it!

Nanny: Quick! (sighs heavily and goes to Nesmeyana, shaking the rattle) Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho…..

Nesmeyana stands still, sniffling. The king consoles her.

King: Now they will bring ice cream!

Nesmeyana: And if it is cold-ee!

King: And we will cut off their heads!

Nanny: falls to her knees "Oh!"

The Guardian enters the scene.

Tsar: Well, don’t cry, daughter, now everything will be brought for you ...

Guard: (loudly) Allow me to report, your majesty!

The Tsar and Nesmeyana startle in surprise!

Nesmeyana: (starts crying again) Oh-oh-oh!

Nanny gets up and consoles her with a toy

King: Why are you crying! (consoles Nesmeyan) Hush ... Now they will bring

ice cream!

(Nesmeyana sobs. The Tsar sits on the throne)

Guard: (very quietly) Allow me to report, Your Majesty!

King: You report to the king!

Guard: Two aliens caught!

King: (sits on the throne) Bring!

Nesmeyana sobs, the nanny calms her down with a rattle

The guard runs away and takes Kai and Gerda out.

King: Who are you?

Gerda: My name is Gerda and this is my brother Kai!

Kai: We are looking for the magic keys of Santa Claus!

The Cook comes out, the Cook serves ice cream to Nesmeyana.

Tsar: And here is ice cream, daughter!

Nesmeyana tries and starts to roar again

Nesmeyana: it is cold-e-e ..

The king grabs his head

King: Oh-oh-oh! I can't take it anymore! Execute everyone!

The guard draws his sword

Nanny and Cook fall to their knees and clutch their heads

Kai: Why punish?

Tsar: For the fact that Nesmeyana, she cries and cries!

Guard, Nanny, Cook: Already whole month tears are pouring.

Kai: But that's not fair!

Gerda: Your Majesty! Let us comfort her!

King: Well, try! And then I still execute!

Nanny and Cook step aside

Gerda: (approaches Nesmeyana) My name is Gerda? How about you?

Nesmeyana: (sobs) Nesmeyana ...

Kai: I'm Kai! (gives her hand) Let's be friends!

Nesmeyana: (hides his hands) Does it hurt, to be friends?

Kai: Well, what are you! It means playing together and helping each other.

Gerda: Do you want to go for a walk together?

Nesmeyana: No-ee ... (crying again) It's cold-oh-oh ..

Kai: Dress warmly.

Nesmeyana: This is so boring ... ..

Kai: What are you! Dressing up can be a lot of fun!

Gerda: Guys! Let's teach Nesmeyana how to dress together! Follow us! Put a HAT on your head!

Nesmeyana: Hat ..

Gerda: On your feet - BOOTS!

Nesmeyana: Boots...

Gerda: And to make it warmer - grab a fur coat!

Nesmeyana: A fur coat ..

Gerda: Remember?! We show and say, and you repeat. Just be careful, we can cheat.

Attention game "Hat - Fur Coat - Boots"

Gerda: Well, are you dressed warmly? Now let's go outside - let's play snowball! Help us, repeat after us:

Slap-slap, make snowballs

We throw - you catch!

(Guard and Nanny take out the balls)

Guys! Throw snowballs back at us!

6. FNG - Ball game with the audience - to the music.

Everyone is having fun.

Nesmeyana laughs!

Nesmeyana: How cool! I enjoyed playing and making friends with you! All cakes and ice cream!

(Cook runs away)

7 - FNG - "Key Signal"

Gerda and Kai: This is the key of Santa Claus!

The king runs behind the throne and takes out the key. Examines it, and when Gerda runs for the key, he hides it behind his back.

Tsar: No-o-no .. Santa Claus will wait. And now you and my daughter will play all day long.

Gerda: But if we do not collect all the keys in time, then the guys in the new year will turn into a crybaby and a whim.

King: So what! For that, Nesmeyana will always be cheerful!

Nesmeyana: Yes, yes! I will only play with you!

Kai: Oh you...! And she promised to be friends!

Nesmeyana: (to the king) Give me the key!

King: I won't give up!

Nesmeyana: (to the king) Give me the key!

King: I won't give up!

Nesmeyana: Give it back!... Otherwise, I'm crying, uuu ..

King: Okay, okay! Just don't cry! (gives the key to Gerda)

Gerda: Nesmeyana! You are better for us Christmas tree come! There will be many games and gifts!

Nesmeyana: Great! (claps her hands) We will definitely come! Where is my carnival costume?

King: Guard! Find a tailor!

8.FNG - "Pipe" - everyone runs away

(Nanny takes away the throne)

9.FNG - "The clock strikes"

Kai and Gerda count the blows: 4, 5, 6...

Gerda: And we only have one key!

Kai: Calm down! You forgot about the magic ring. Guys, help us say the magic words!

Gerda and Kai say a spell: You help us ring - and find your keys! 1,2,3 - fly! Fly!!!

10.FNG - "Key" - Light flashes

Kai and Gerda, having run a circle around the stage, run away to the right wings.


Pierrot and Pinocchio run out onto the stage. They play catch up. Malvina enters the stage and rings the bell. Pierrot, Pinocchio sit on the chest.

Malvina: Pinocchio?

Pinocchio: here!

Malvina: Pierrot?

Pierrot: Come...

Malvina: Harlequin?

Pinocchio: And he got sick. We fed him soup with frogs yesterday.

Pierrot and Pinocchio laugh

Malvina: Very bad. Well, let's start without him. Today I took magical cards from the fabulous library.

Pinocchio: Magic?!

Pierrot: That's it....

(They take cards and begin to lay them out in front of them)

Malvina: With their help, we will study the letter Ka.

Which word you add, that object will appear. And remember - you

there will be only 30 seconds, you need to add words correctly!

Pierrot: Let's add "Candy" or "sausage"?!

Pinocchio: Yes, what is there to try, let's fold it any way. It's interesting that

it will work! Let's have a laugh for sure!

Malvina: Boys, stop talking!! The magic begins to act if you read any riddle!

Pierrot: Then read quickly! I really want sausage!

11.FNG "Metronome"

Pierrot and Pinocchio take letters and put together the wrong word

"Kigan" - all three of them read

12.FNG - "Exit of the monster"

A monster runs out onto the stage and runs after the heroes. The heroes are hiding behind the Christmas tree. The monster loses them, growls and sits down by the tree.

Malvina: Well, losers! Finished the game! And what are we going to do now?

Pierrot: Maybe...?

Pinocchio: Or better ... m ...

Malvina: You need to put the correct word!

Kai: Where are we? Nobody here..

Gerda: Oh! Look!

Kai and Gerda: Monster!

Hiding behind the scenes in different directions! The monster jumps up and roars across the stage! Without noticing anyone, he again fits at the Christmas tree!

Pinocchio: Look! It's Kai and Gerda! Hey guys! Where are you?

Kai and Gerda peek out from behind the stage.

Kai and Gerda: We are here! What kind of monster is this?

Pinocchio: We put together the wrong word. And it turned out like this


Pierrot: Help us! The letters are right in front of you.

Pinocchio: I will distract the monster, and Malvina will tell a riddle.

Pinocchio takes out a wand with a key and plays with the monster

Malvina: At the pine and the Christmas tree - leaves - needles

Which leaves grow words and lines?

13. FNG - "Metronome"

Gerda: It's a book!

Kai and Gerda collect the word BOOK and show it to the hall, pronounce it loudly ..

14.FNG - "Magic" Light flashes

The monster disappears with a howl.

Malvina comes out from behind the tree with a book, Pierrot and Pinocchio.

Malvina: Well done guys. It's clear that you're doing well in school!

Kai: We love it! I already know how to multiply.

Gerda: Boasting again! Kai lowers his head guiltily.

Piero: Thank you, we will also try to study well!

Pinocchio: Kai, Gerda, how did you end up in our fairy tale?

Gerda: We were brought to you by a magic ring. The guys and I are looking for the keys of Santa Claus.

Pinocchio: I have a golden key!

Kai: Thanks Pinocchio! But these are special keys! Magic….

Pierrot: And if you try to put together a word from magic letters?

Pinocchio: Right! Malvina, read rather a riddle.

Malvina: Please note that you will only have 30 seconds to compose the correct word.

Sometimes rivers take their source from me,

And in your hands I will open any lock!

Pierrot, Pinocchio, Kai and Gerda take one letter each and try to make a word.

Malvina: Guys, right? (children shout: NO)

Malvina: And now? (NO)

Malvina: Well done! We did it!

15. FNG - "Key"

Everyone runs to the book. Malvina opens the book and takes out the key

Kai: That's where they hid it!

Malvina gives the key to Gerda

Gerda: Thank you, friends!

Kai: Come join us for New Year's Eve! There will be many games and gifts!

Malvina, Pinocchio and Piero: Thank you!

Pinocchio: Hurrah! New Years is soon!

Pierrot: We need to cure the Harlequin as soon as possible!

(Malvina, Pierrot and Pinocchio run away)

16.FNG - The clock strikes - the heroes count: 7,8,9

Gerda: Where is the ring?

Gerda and Kai: You help us ring - and find your keys! 1,2,3 - fly! Fly!!!

17.FNG - "Key" - Light flashes

Kai and Gerda run across the stage and run to the left wings.


18.FNG - "Dance of ice"

Icicles adorn the SK castle

Icicles quarrel - from their icicles a ringing is heard.

1.2 Icicles: We are better!

3.4 Icicles: No, we don't!

Snowmen: Quiet! Quiet!

Snowmen sigh, yawn, wave at them and go backstage to “sleep”

The Snow Queen comes out. He waves his wand.

19. Ice froze

Icicles - "freeze frame"

S.K.: That's better. What a pleasant silence. And then there is so much noise around, well, no peace. What's going on in the cities! - just awful! Everyone is in a hurry to buy gifts! Getting ready for the holiday. Well, I also prepared gifts for them! Come, I'll show you!

Looks - no one. Turns - notices that the ice floes have frozen!

S.K.: Ah! Just to be quiet! 1,2 3, - revive!

19. Ice froze

Ice cubes fit.

S.K .: Just listen to what I came up with for people to sit at home and not go anywhere:

All cities covered with snow

Icicles: (joyfully) Failed!

S.K .: covered the sidewalks with ice,

Icicles: Covered!

S.K .: I hung 1000 sharp icicles on the roofs ... ..

Icicles: Hung up!

Having fun, jumping around the SC

Runs out 1 Ice

Icicle 1: Your snowiness! Two people were spotted near the palace

suspicious children!

S.K .: Well, why can’t they all sit at home !! Spyglass for me!

Ice 1 runs away

S.K: I wonder who came to visit us?

Icicle 2: Again, probably, young tourists-naturalists

Icicle 3: with his scientific expeditions.

Icicle 4: Just sprinkle everything with snow, carefully level it. So no...

Together: they will come, they will trample, they will throw garbage.

An icicle is brought a huge spyglass to the queen.

S.K.: Yes, these are our old friends - Kai and Gerda! WHAT???? They have the keys of Santa Claus in their hands! Guard!!!

Icicles: Guard!

The queen walks around the stage, and the pieces of ice run after her, sometimes they collide.

The pipe is carried away - ice 1.

Icicle 2: There they are!

Ice pieces run up to the second one and look

Icicles: Sleeping again!

S.K.: Wake up! Now!

Ice pieces laugh evilly, take out icicles and begin to "throw" at the snowmen.

Snowmen (backstage): Oh! Ay! Hold them!

The ice pieces hide behind the Snow Queen, the Snowmen run out - they “stumble” on the Queen’s evil gaze.

Snowmen: Hold them!! ….. Your Snow Majesty.

S.K.: Listen to my command! Don't let boys and girls into the castle!

Icicles: Do not let!

S.K: Freeze and take away the keys!

Ice cubes: Take away!

S.K.: Stop repeating after me!

Ice cubes: repeat! Oh!

Ice cubes cover their mouths with their palms.

S.K .: (to the snowmen) Everything is clear ?!

Icicles: Clear?!

The Snow Queen looks angrily at the ice floes. They pretend it's not them.

Snowmen: (yawning) I see...

S.K.: They still can't find the third key!

S.K.: I'll hide it well! (Snowmen and Icicles again stretch their heads to find out the secret, S.K. hides the key in his pocket)

S.K: And in my kingdom I will spin the snow, I will blow the blizzard!!!

20. FNG - "Wind"

S.K: (to the snowmen) Are you frozen? Quickly find a girl and a boy!

(snowmen begin to rush around the stage)

S.K: (to ice floes) And you - follow me!

The Snow Queen and the ice floes run away

Snowmen 1 and 2 are hiding behind the Christmas tree.

Kai and Gerda appear on the scene.

Fng background with blizzard

Gerda: How cold it is here!

Kai: Don't you know? This is the realm of the Snow Queen!

Gerda: What a blizzard has risen!

Kai: If the ring led us here, then the third key is somewhere nearby.

Gerda: But there is snow all around, how can we find it. I'm very tired.

Snowmen come out from behind the Christmas tree and sneak towards Kai and Gerda.

The drifts are moving

Kai: Let's sit down and rest.

Gerda: Look! They are moving!

21. FNG - "Catch-up"

The snowmen get up and start chasing Kai and Gerda. The snowmen are tired, they stop, they can hardly keep on their feet - they are out of breath.

Kai: Well, shall we play catch-up again?

1 and 2 Snowmen: What are we going to play?

Kai and Gerda look at each other in surprise

Gerda: This is when everyone is having fun!

1 Snowman: Do you know a lot of these .... Well, how are they there ...

2 Snowman: Yes, yes ... when is fun?

Gerda: We know many different games! (freeze)

Kai: You come to us for the New Year's holiday! This is where it will be a lot of fun!

Gerda: Let's play different games, sing and dance! If we don't freeze...

1 Snowman: Great! We've been invited to the party!

2 Snowman: And the Snow Queen only screams at us and throws sharp icicles!

1 Snowman: That's right. We are better with you, we will have fun at the holiday!

2 Snowman: Here, take it.

(give them their scarves)

Kai, Gerda: Thank you!

Kai: Only the celebration will not take place if we do not find such a key!

snowmen look at each other

1 Snowman: We saw the Snow Queen always carry it with her.

Icicles run out, the Snow Queen comes out

S.K: Well done Snowmen! You quickly caught them. Where are the keys? Have you taken the keys?

1 Snowman: A..a.. we…

(shut down guys)

2 Snowman: And we will not offend them!

1 Snowman: Yes! They invited us to the party!

S.K: What? Well, snow-headed muddlers!

Ice pieces are laughing

S.K.: (points to Icicles) Well, grab them all!

Ice begins to attack the heroes. Snowmen 2 and 1 cover them.

Kai: Well, are we going to play catch-up again?

Icicles 1, 2: (stops in confusion) What does it mean to play?

Snowmen 1 and 2: This is really fun!!

Gerda: It's better to come to the holiday to us, there will be real fun! With gifts!

Snowmen nod their heads

Icicles: For a holiday? Present? We want!!!

S.K: (circling in place) Yes, I will arrange such a holiday for you now !!! I freeze everyone!!! I will notice with snow!!!

Kai: And we love your snow very much! True guys!

Gerda: You can make snowballs out of the snow!

Kai: Ride down the mountain!

Gerda: And also skating and skiing!

Kai: And also the most favorite holiday in winter ..

Kai and Gerda: New Year!

Gerda: And without you, Snow Queen, we can't do anything. You are so wonderful!

S.K: Me? Wonderful?

Kai: Of course! Do you remember how great we were sledding with you!

Gerda: And you have such a beautiful palace that we would gladly arrange it in it ....

Kai and Gerda: New Year's Carnival!

Gerda: If you, of course, invite us?

Ice and Snowmen: Please!!!

22. FNG - "The clock strikes"

Kai: 10,11,12.

Gerda: It's all gone! We don't have a third key...

23. FNG - "Exit Santa Claus"

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden come out.

Santa Claus: Hello, all honest people!

Hello, friends!

IN warm coat December the earth sleeps sweetly!

Snow Maiden: This means New Year

Not far off again

Me and Santa Claus

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden: We are glad to meet you!

Santa Claus: Hours run, days pass

It's the law of nature

And today we all must

To congratulate with new Year!

It's time to open my gift chest for all the guests.

Santa Claus: We open the first lock - let laughter, fun into the new year!

Where is the Snow Maiden magic yellow key?

Kai and Gerda take out the keys and choose the right key and give it to the Snow Maiden.

The Snow Maiden goes to the chest and “opens the lock”

24. FNG - "1 Lock opens" -

Kai and Gerda, Snowmen clap their hands

Santa Claus: So that the guys study well, I prepared fives and sixes for them. Where is the Snow Maiden the red key?

Kai gives the red key to the Snow Maiden - she opens the second lock.

24. FNG - "2 The lock opens"

Santa Claus: Well, my favorite gift - new year games, gifts, surprises. You need a multi-colored key.

The Snow Maiden runs up to Kai and Gerda, they shrug their hands - they don't have a key.

S.K.: Can I open the third lock myself and invite everyone to the party?

Santa Claus: thinks, looks at Kai and Gerda

Gerda and Kai: (run up to grandfather) Grandfather Frost, please allow me!!! Santa Claus: Well, if so - I ask you, Snow Queen!

The Snow Queen takes out a key, goes to the chest and opens the lock.

24.FNG - "3 The lock opens"

Kai and Gerda run up to the chest.

S.K: By the power of cold and ice,

Santa Claus: By the power of the night, by the power of the day,

Snow Maiden: By the power of the north and south

Together: Let a miracle happen now.

Kai and Gerda open the chest - balls fly out of it. Everyone clap their hands.

25.FNG - Dramatization of the song "Happy New Year"

All Heroes Exit - Announcement

Santa Claus: Happy holiday to you guys!

All: Happy New Year!

Let's put the chairs back into the pyramids.

The heroes descend into the hall and help to build a round dance.

If 3-4 cells.

Guys, in the classroom you will find refreshments and gifts, and here the New Year's disco with contests and gifts will soon begin. We are waiting for you in 20 minutes.

Scenario new year holiday for older children preschool age

"Christmas clock"

Characters: Musketeers, Robbers, gypsies, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowflakes
Attributes:Big clocks, carnival masks, hero costumes
The course of the holiday
There is a big clock in front of the tree,

Children in carnival masks they enter the hall, perform a dance to enter the music "New Year's Rhyme". Become in a checkerboard pattern.
1.Child :

leaving old year,
His last page rustles.
Let the best that was not go away
And the worst cannot happen again.
2.Child :

May the new year be generous
Let him not skimp on happiness
Let the stars light up on time
To make all wishes come true.
3.Child :

Let the frost play more fun
Let it freeze your cheeks.
Happy New Year to you,
With a year of joy, happiness, love!

Hours go by, days go by
Such is the law of nature.
And we want you today
To congratulate with new Year!

It's time for fun and laughter

And we all gathered here

And the tree here will be lit for us,

Let's just tell her...

All . Light up!

6th child.

flags and toys,

Gifts on her

Silver frost hung;

Let the tree burn in millions of lights

Let's tell her:

All . Light up!

Our Christmas tree - burn! (Christmas tree lights up)

7th child.

Christmas tree, hello, our beauty.

A year since we didn't see each other.

It seems that you are even brighter and more beautiful

Has been since last winter.

8th child.

You dressed up wonderfully

So pretty, so pretty!

All in toys, lanterns,

Gilding and lights!
9.Child .

We will sing a lot of songs for you

Let's celebrate your holiday!

Let it remain in our memory

Beautiful Christmas tree.


Hurry to the round dance

Let everyone sing!

A wonderful Christmas tree is waiting for everyone.

the more guests

The more friends

That will be more fun for us


We have a happy holiday

Winter has brought

green tree

She came to visit us.

Branches strewn with fluffy snow,

Around in a round dance we go with a song.

The song "In the spacious bright hall" is performed. And muz. A. Stern
Singing a carnival song

Snow Maiden.:

Ah, today is a holiday.

Girl Snow Maiden

Everyone calls me

And on the holiday tree

Waiting impatiently.

That's the tree, the miracle tree!

All toys are great!

Near the Christmas tree elegant

Did you dance kids?

Children (in chorus). Yes!

Leading. Snow Maiden, it's very good that you came to us!

Take a look

The kids' eyes are on fire.

The guests all came to our garden,

Elka is here! But here's the question:

Where is Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden.

He asked me to give you

What will arrive soon itself!

He loads a cart of gifts,

Good Santa Claus!
Robbers come out in front of the Christmas tree!
Rogue1:I heard that today is a holiday

A real holiday!
Rogue:Yes, because today is the new year
And all the people have fun

Rogue:We fooled Santa Claus

Closed on a big castle

Rogue:Look what a big clock
They must be made of gold!

Rogue1:Let's steal them

There will be no holiday without a clock!
And notthe new year will come
They take the watch and leave. Sound effect "break glass". Music sounds, musketeers come out in front of the Christmas tree
Musketeer:What happened here?
What happened in the palace?

Snow Maiden:

Dear Musketeers, you understand
Musketeers dear help!
There was a terrible misfortune
The magic clock is gone
It must have been stolen by thieves!

Musketeers, dear, help!
Return our magic clock
Musketeer: That's the way things are...!
Snow Maiden:These hours are difficult
Not only are they gold.
Without them, the new year will not come.
Without them, the new year will not come!

Presenter:If this watch gets to the villain
That time they will turn everything upside down!
Musketeers get ready to go
Go find our watches!
Musketeers go around the Christmas tree.

Musketeer:What to do? How to be?
Which way to go?

Musketeer:See, some strange object! (takes up a globe)
He will show us the way!

Music sounds. Spin the globe. The gypsies come out. A gypsy dance is being performed.
Gypsy:Hey, how did you get here?
How did you find the way?

Gypsy:Gild our hand
Or away you go!

Musketeer:You Gypsies are not angry!
You better help us!
And give us your answer:
Lost magic clock
Didn't you see them!

Gypsy:No, we didn't see the clock!
Nothing was stolen anywhere!
Ask the robbers
They are easy to find in the forest!
Musketeers, hurry!
Soon it will be completely dark!

Spin the globe. The robbers are out!
Rogue:Why did you come to the forest?
You won't find anything!

Musketeer:You robbers don't get mad!
You better help us!
Here, hold the gold!
And give us your answer:
Lost magic clock
Didn't you see them!

Rogues:We didn't steal watches
We have taken them temporarily!

Musketeer:You are dashing robbers
You have done this!
Time has changed
Everything turned upside down!
Where is the clock, answer us!
Give us back the watch!

Rogues:(In turn, frightened):
- I sold!
- I exchanged!
- I gave a million!

Musketeer:What are we to do now?
Can't find us a watch

Rogue:Musketeers, don't get mad
Come dance with us!
And then the magic globe
And show you the way!

A dance is performed around the Christmas tree. Everyone sits on chairs, the musketeers spin the globe to the music.
Spin the globe.

snowflakes appear
Musketeer:It's very interesting here
What is this wonderful place?

Musketeer:We didn't just show up
We've come to you for help!
Didn't meet your eyes
Magic vintage clock?

Snowflakes:Dear Musketeers,
We are glad to see you, gentlemen!
Why have you come here?

Musketeer:We didn't just come to you
Did you suddenly find an old clock?
They were shamelessly stolen

Snowflakes: Musketeers, don't get mad
Come dance with us!
And then the magic globe
And show you the way!
Musketeer:We have almost traveled the whole world!
And we never found the clock

Musketeer:What are we to do? How to be?
How can we find Santa Claus and can he find a watch find a watch?

Musketeer:There will be no holiday without a clock and Santa Claus!
How can we start the holiday?

Musketeer:How will the New Year
Who will give us time back?

Musketeer:We shouldn't give up. Chiming clock. Santa Claus comes and brings a clock

Father Frost.

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,

Your New Year's guest!

Don't hide your nose from me

I am good today!

I remember exactly one year ago

I saw these guys!

The year has flown by like an hour

I didn't even notice...

Here I am again among you

Dear children!

Hello kids,

Girls and boys

Stand up guys

Everything is more like a round dance.

Song, dance and fun

We will meet the New Year with you and now I found a magic clock in the forest among the snowdrifts.

Together with the children, Santa Claus becomes a circle, a song is performed.

Leading. Father Frost! And the guys and I will not let you out of the circle.

Father Frost.

How not to let go?

And I'll go through here.

(He heads to the children, they hold hands, and Santa Claus cannot leave the circle)

Well, then I'll jump out here.

(She runs up to other children and tries to jump over her clasped hands, but the children lift them up.)

Ah, pranksters, ah, rascals! But I'll outsmart you and crawl through here like a mouse.

(Runs to the next group of children and tries to crawl under the arms. The children sit down, lowering their arms.)

Yes, how can I get out?

Leading. Grandfather! And you sleep for us!

Santa Claus asks the children to make room for a fun dance. Children sit on chairs, and Santa Claus dances slowly at first to the music of the Russian folk song "Polyanka", with the acceleration of the tempo of the music faster and faster. Unable to keep pace, he asks for a chair to give him a rest and listen to the verses that the children have learned for the holiday. One, two, three - poets come out!


Hello dear grandfather!

You are a wizard - not easy,

You are the kindest in the world

The best on the planet!


You love kids very much

Even the little bastards.

You surprise everyone, everyone, everyone,

Happy New Year!

14.Child .

Dad chose a Christmas tree

The fluffiest. The most fragrant ... The Christmas tree smells like that - Mom will immediately gasp!

15.Child .

Children lead a round dance,

They clap their hands.

Hello hello.

New Year! You are so good!

16.Child .

Outside the window, a flock of snowflakes, Also leads a round dance.

Saying goodbye to the old year, We celebrate the New Year.

17.Child .

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree

He lit the fires on her.

And the needles shine on it,

And on the branches - snow!

18.Child .

Winter before the holiday

For the green tree

Dress white herself

Sewn without a needle.


In our hall there is noise and laughter,

The singing doesn't stop.

Our tree is the best!

There's no doubt about it


Brought home to us by dad
real tree,
Mom got the balloons
Shiny tinsel.
This is what the New Year is like
Colorful and joyful.


Very bright and beautiful

Our Christmas tree is on fire

A star shining from above

And the kids have fun.


Together with Santa Claus

Everyone dances and sings

New Year - fun party,

Laughter and happiness will come to us!

And now it's time to go.

Goodbye, kids.

It's very hot for me here.

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, where are the gifts? Where is your bag? …. No right and no left.

Father Frost.

And on the tree, too.

Children: no.

. Father Frost.

And under the tree, too, no? On about the cat no?

Children: no!

Santa Claus: Are there no mom and dad?

Children: no!

The Snow Maiden finds a bag, carries it on a sled.

Hooray! I found your bag.

Santa Claus (trying to untie the knot):

That's the knot, uh-huh!

I cannot untie.

Come on, together we all clap (everyone clap),

Let's stomp our feet smartly (everyone stomps).

The knot immediately untied

And it was in the bag.

Symbol of next year!

And he needs freedom!

From a toy bag.)

We release the rooster

And with all our hearts we wish

All health and love.

Happiness, peace for the family,

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus distributes gifts to all the children,

So that the whole year is sweet, so that the year is bright!

He takes out gifts from the bag, distributes
