Sections and circles of tourism at school and out-of-school organizations. Tourist circle program calendar and thematic planning on the topic Tourist circle program for elementary school


travel mug


Lesson time: Friday at 16:00

The aim of the program is:

Drawing the attention of students to

Tourist and excursion business.


  1. development of mass types of tourism: hiking, skiing, water;
  2. improving the skills of young tourists;
  3. attracting students of all ages to active tourism.
  4. preparing students for practical skills of orientation and survival in nature.

Explanatory note.

Tourism as a form of active recreation and additional education useful for every child. It is not enough to say useful - it is necessary for every developing personality, because, as Goethe said, "Without wandering, not a single individuality is created."

Hence the imperative arises: for each student, regardless of his inclinations, desires, hobbies, the school must give a certain portion of tourism over the years of study.

The program is designed for three years of study and is divided into three courses.

Cognitive and sports tourism opportunities create favorable conditions for interesting and educationally useful leisure activities for schoolchildren.

Therefore, tourism should occupy a significant place in the free time of schoolchildren, during the holidays, on Sundays and holidays and to be one of the main directions of out-of-school educational work.

School tourism is closely connected with local history. Most of the tourist trips, excursions and trips of schoolchildren have a local history content.

aim of the developed course is to attract the attention of schoolchildren to the tourist and excursion business. It is an integral part social development and improving the standard of living of the population and further improving health and recreation, provides a real opportunity for successful self-realization of a teenager in future profession, pre-oriented in related fields of activity.


Determination of the importance of tourism in the leisure of schoolchildren.

Identification of the main types of tourism.

Development of the general outlook of students.

Preparing students for practical skills of orientation and survival in nature.

Identification of the basic rules of behavior in nature.

The first course includes elements of topography, orienteering and hiking techniques, laying the foundations of knowledge in this area.

The second course of study gives specialization in orienteering. While studying, students expand and deepen their knowledge of the basics of topography and orientation, preparing to become instructors in this area. A large role here is given to the guide’s internship, exercises, training and practical exercises on the ground, the purpose of which is to develop certain skills and abilities that are necessary for the instructor-guide.

Studying under the third-year program, young guides specialize in tourist orientation in the area, in the technique and tactics of hiking. great attention is given to the study of nature and the structure of the relief, topography, features of orientation in the forest. The program of the third year provides for the judicial training of young tourism instructors - the study of the rules of tourist competitions, the organization and conduct of hiking competitions among schoolchildren, and the evaluation of their results.

Thematic plan of the first year of classes 34 hours



Number of hours





Introductory lesson








Distance measurement



Orientation by celestial bodies and features of local objects



Topographic signs





Topographic map



tourist equipment



Organization and technique of movement on a hike





Hygiene rules for tourists



Our edge. Protection of nature, monuments of history and culture



First training cycle




Second training cycle








Thematic plan of the second year of classes 34 hours



Number of hours





Introductory lesson





24.09, 01.10

Topographic map

08.10, 15.10

Orientation on a hike

22.10, 29.10

Orientation without a map

(motion in azimuth)

12.11, 19.11

26.11, 03.12

Orientation with a map



Types and nature of orienteering competitions



Preparation hiking trip

21.01, 28.01

04.02, 11.02





18.03, 01.04


Submission of tests




Thematic plan of the third year of classes 34 hours



Number of hours





Introductory lesson

Summing up the results of summer trips

Compass, topographic map

Orientation on a hikeMethods for measuring distance on the ground. The meaning and methods of training the eye. Average step, its measurements. Measurement of distances by steps and by time of movement.

Physical and technical training of young tourists - guides.

The use of various knots and special equipment.

Preparation of a tourist trip.Features of the organization of lodging for the night near settlements.

Organization of the movement on a hiking trip

Tourist hygiene and first aid

A set of practical exercises

Submission of tests


Sports tourism is a kind of sport, the basis of which is the holding of competitions on routes that include overcoming natural obstacles at distances located in the natural environment or on artificially created terrain. Sports tourism sections offer routes of different complexity and length, so that everyone can choose the most optimal for themselves.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in Sports tourism and orienteering for teenagers in Moscow

Here are sections of sports tourism and orienteering, tourist clubs and schools for teenagers 11 - 18 years old, boys and girls. The search for a suitable place for sports tourism and orienteering can be carried out directly on the map or according to the list of sports organizations represented. You can choose a suitable sports section near your home and work, or near the school where your teenager is studying. For each of the sports sections, there are available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions for the subsequent enrollment of a teenager in sports tourism and orienteering in Moscow.

Irina Savchenko
The program of the tourist and local history circle "Young Tourist"

Explanatory note

The tourist circle occupies an important place in the system of the institution's activities. It contributes to the solution of the most important tasks of educating children and adolescents: it develops cognition, introduces children to various types of socially useful work, and strengthens the health of adolescents. Movement, clean air, physical exercise, informal communication is exactly what is needed to strengthen and form a healthy child's body.

Childhood is characterized by a desire for unusualness, adventure and romance. Tourism is a great tool that naturally satisfies the needs of children. In the campaign, children open up from a completely different side than in the center. In this regard, the hike is especially valuable for the teacher, as it allows you to better understand the nature of each of the children and find an approach to it. Promotes real mutual understanding and establishing relationships among children.

The tourist circle conducts its work based on local history material. Tourism and local history in the work of the tourist circle are mutually intertwined and complement each other.

An obligatory requirement for the work of the circle is the education of children and adolescents in the spirit of respect for nature, the desire to protect and increase natural wealth.

The attention of the circle members is drawn to how best to choose a place for setting up a tent, how to preserve the grass cover when making a fire. Which branches can be used for making a fire, and which ones cannot, what kind of clearing should be after removing the bivouac, etc. These rules for using a forest, meadow, etc. are studied by children in a tourist circle.

In the circle, classes are held on personal hygiene during the campaign, on mastering the skills of providing first aid to the victims.

In the classes of the circle, on hikes, travels, excursions, young tourists learn:

Make a travel plan and develop a route;

Record observations;

Carry out simple research;

Conduct weather observations and forecasts;

Navigate unfamiliar terrain with

maps, compass and various features of local items;

Make pedestrian crossings with cargo, provide first aid;

Put up a tent, make a fire, cook food, make the simplest tourist equipment.

Purpose of the circle:

Create an active group in the center for vibrant propaganda healthy lifestyle life.


Teach yourself, find a solution in extreme situations,

adapt, develop skills of behavior in nature;

Expanding children's knowledge about their native land, instilling love for the environment

Instilling elementary tourism skills;

Education of love for the small Motherland;

Education of spiritual and moral culture;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards the place where he was born;

Improving the health of children;

Requirements for the functional characteristics of the program: Classes are recommended to be held in a comfortable, friendly environment.

Form of study: full-time, theoretical and practical knowledge.

Material support, technical means: a cozy-equipped room for conducting classes, a tape recorder, CDs, illustrations, audio recordings.

Tourist equipment: tents; backpacks; campfire equipment; first aid kit; main and auxiliary rope (30 m each)

Expected Result:

1. Children will be able to navigate the terrain using the sun, compass, map.

2. Will be able to independently make decisions in non-standard situations.

3. They will study the history of their native land, they will know memorable places, dates and events. Meet the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

4. Health will get stronger, children will be more resilient.

5. The team of children will become more united, they will help each other.

6. Learn the basics of human behavior in interaction with nature

at different times of the year.

7. Learn to identify medicinal and poisonous plants of our region.

8. Learn to take care of nature.

9. Learn to provide first aid.

Young tourist

Conversation. What is tourism?

Acquaintance with types of tourism. Riddles, reading poetry. Tourist equipment. Rules of conduct in nature.

Conversation. Nature and human security.

Natural disasters. Rules of conduct in the forest in time of danger. Edible and non-edible mushrooms.

The benefits of the forest. Causes of fires. Rules of behavior in nature during the outbreak of fires.

Conversation. Hiking safety. Tourist first aid kit.

Safe hikes. The behavior of tourists in the forest, on the water. Contents of the first-aid kit of the tourist.

Excursion to nature. Trail of young tourists.

Nature of the Otradnensky district.

Conversation. Take care of natural resources.

The benefits of the forest. Protection and protection of nature. Plants and animals listed in the Red Book.

Excursion to nature. Where the river Urup flows.

Preparing for a hike. Rules for organizing and conducting a tourist trip. Rules of conduct in nature. Watch for seasonal changes. Riddles, proverbs and sayings.

Conversation. We will be worthy of the memory of the fallen.

Heroes who defended our Motherland. Listening to a song. Looking at photographs. Laying flowers at the Motherland Monument.

Hike in nature.

Tourist equipment. Ways of orientation on the ground. Introduction to the compass. Campfire rules. Types of fires and their purpose. Campfire equipment. Selection and procurement of fuel. Fire prevention measures.

Excursion to nature. The picturesque Urup valley.

Rules of conduct near water bodies. Deployment of the bivouac. Setting up a tent. Campfire rules.

Excursion to nature. Otradnensky district is a land of miracles.

Attractions x. Ilyich. Passage of the route. Monuments of nature. The beauty of the native land.

Conversation. My native land.

Inhabitants of the Kuban. Plants and animals of our region. Minerals.

Excursion to nature. "Secret of the Forest" The benefits of the forest. Watch for seasonal changes.

Related publications:

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MDOU Pilninsky kindergarten No. 3 "Pinocchio" r. p. Pilna, Nizhny Novgorod Region From the experience of the ecological circle "Young Ecologist" Educator.

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The forms of organization of educational work are different - these are classroom, school-wide, extracurricular (at DTES, Pioneer Houses) sections and circles. Their. the task is to organize year-round classes, excursions, rallies and tourist competitions, one-day and multi-day trips, expeditions, compiling reports on tourist events, reporting evenings, participating in the creation and replenishment of school museums. When creating a circle in one class for better management it should be divided into tourist groups, 12-15 students each. School-wide sections are formed according to age groups of students in grades IV-V, VI-VII, VIII-X.

It is easier to start work with technically simple types of tourism (hiking, skiing), cognitive work - with the general foundations of tourism, and local history - with the knowledge of the native land. Maintain the interest and emotional attitude of students to the romance of hiking during the period summer holidays remote in time is difficult, so the tasks should be close and distant, and the work should be systematic and year-round.

A long experience of work and a special study by A. A. Ostapts-Sveshnikov * made it possible to establish the expediency of cyclicality and continuity in tourism activities. To maintain interest, tourists should be given more and more new tasks. In the annual calendar, it is advisable to plan and hold no more than two tourist events per month in the form of excursions, competitions, organization of exhibitions and evenings, games on the ground and no more than one hike or local history expedition per quarter. Their duration is determined by holidays.

Where the basis of a tourist event is a short-term thematic trip or a weekend trip, games on the ground, competitions, etc., the cycle is called small. The period of preparation for a multi-day trip, the expedition is called a big cycle. Small and large cycles, connected in a certain sequence, create a continuous year-round system.

Each large and small cycle has three periods: preparation of a tourist event, holding a tourist event, summing up.

The first period includes the following types of work: collection of materials about the travel area, local history training; physical training and pre-trek training; household work, preparation of personal and group equipment.

The second period is the passage of the route, the collection of local history materials, different kinds socially useful activity. The cycle concludes with a summing up and a report, processing of diaries and local history materials, preparation and holding of a reporting evening.

To maintain a steady interest in tourism activities, to ensure thorough preparation for the main trip, self-management of a group or detachment, a clear distribution of responsibilities are of great importance. The main responsibilities in the group are as follows: commander of a group or detachment, Komsomol organizer, cult organiser, fizorg, chief local historian, treasurer, mechanic, photographer, food manager, equipment manager, diary editor, medical instructor, correspondent.

One teacher leads the group during the training in the section. Teachers of geography, history, biology, as well as climbers and local historians from among the chefs and parents can be invited to conduct classes on certain topics.

The content of the classes is determined by the program for various age groups. Model programs were approved by the Main Directorate of Schools of the USSR Ministry of Education. The standard program provides for the possibility of making changes and additions, taking into account the specifics of the school and out-of-school institution. The content of the program of circles for young tourists becomes more complicated with age.

The program for students of grades IV-V is designed for 144 hours. At this stage, the members of the circle get acquainted with the tourist opportunities of the region, with the rules for organizing amateur hikes, study the physical-geographical and economic characteristics of the area, historical and cultural monuments. They get acquainted with the personal and group equipment of the tourist, go through elementary topography, practice orientation in the area, measure distances, conduct simple observations of the weather, vegetation, small water bodies, receive information on nature protection, sanitation, hygiene, first aid.

The program for students of grades VI-VII is designed for one year of classes, it also provides for 144 hours. During this period, students receive a set of knowledge and practical skills necessary to participate in weekend hikes and multi-day hiking trips not higher than the first category of complexity, knowledge of the rules competitions in tourist technique and orienteering. The direction of local history is determined by the head, based on the specific conditions of the school or the all-Union expedition of schoolchildren. Students get to know their native land more widely, study topography more deeply - maps and their characteristics, ways of orientation. Orienting, find a standing point. They practice in choosing places for orienteering competitions, in developing routes for hiking on the map. They learn to choose the right equipment, rational nutrition, and prepare travel documents. They train in the technique of movement, overcoming slopes, ravines, forest areas, wetlands, water barriers. Deepen knowledge of the rules of competitions in tourist technique and orienteering.

In senior classes, on the basis of previous experience of participating in hiking, sports interests are developed, the desire to go through difficult routes of hiking, mountain, skiing, cycling, and water tourism. Clear directions in local history work are determined. Types of tourism by the school and out-of-school institution are selected depending on local conditions: the proximity of the mountains - for mountain tourism, the presence of reservoirs and boats - for water, climatic conditions - for skiing, the possibility of purchasing bicycles - for cycling - and the presence of a leader for organizing and conducting trips to one form or another of tourism. Typical programs for the listed types of tourism for high school students are also designed for 144 hours. educational material compiled taking into account the specifics of the type of tourism. So, for example, the topics “Soviet mass tourism”, “Tourist opportunities of the region” are considered in relation to the chosen type of tourism, the topic “Peculiarities of organizing and conducting hikes in mountain, ski, bicycle or water tourism”, etc. and overcoming obstacles is also studied depending on the type of tourism, and in order to master and consolidate the topic, different quantity time. Below are sample thematic plans.

* See: Tourist activity as a means of overcoming the pedagogical neglect of adolescents. Cand. thesis. M., 1974.
