How to celebrate Valentine's Day. How fun it is to celebrate Valentine's Day with your soul mate

This wonderful holiday is another reason to express sincere feeling love for your soul mate. For those who are just going to confess it to their lover, this day will do. the best way. How to celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14 so that it will be remembered for a long time? For Valentine's Day to be fabulous and unforgettable, you need to translate all your ideas into reality. And if you can’t come up with anything original, it is recommended to use existing ideas.

Idea #1
You can give the celebration of the bottom of St. Valentine a little official. In the event that the feelings are strong, mutual and time-tested, you can safely offer your soulmate a hand and a heart. This version of this holiday is unlikely to be forgotten.

Idea #2
If you met your beloved on the Internet, you can also register a marriage virtually. Today, without any problems, you can seal your union with the knot of marriage online. To add weight to the celebration, you can purchase the same wedding rings. In addition, guests can be invited to visit, who, for sure, will share the feelings of joy with pleasure. From this day on, we can assume that the guy and the girl are engaged.

Idea #3
Holidays arranged in retro style are extremely popular today. Agree that paper letters have long sunk into oblivion. But how, nevertheless, it is pleasant to receive such a letter, to smell the fresh mail and eagerly open it. Having written a letter to your soulmate, be sure that she will keep it for many years, indulging in magnificent sensual memories.

Idea #4
If the relationship between a guy and a girl has long gone through the candy-bouquet stage, you can safely arrange bed rest on Valentine's Day. It will only be necessary to stock up on everything you need in advance - drinks, light snacks, as well as disks with romantic films.

Idea #5
If you have friends who can't decide how to spend Valentine's Day, you can get together and celebrate this holiday with fun. For example, several couples in love can come up with a scenario for holding a holiday, contests and symbolic gifts to present to the winners. At the end of the celebration, you can collectively visit the skating rink or the cinema.

Idea #6
People who love to travel will like the idea of ​​going on an exciting trip with their significant other. There are many wonderful cities! Imagine how romantic it will be to wander through the streets of an unfamiliar city, go to a cozy cafe and confess your feelings right on the platform of the station. This journey will leave indelible impressions in the soul for a lifetime.

Idea #7
The essence of the holiday is that the guy and the girl go to the store where they sell toys. They need to disperse on different sides of the store and not see each other. If the store is small, then you can visit different stores and arrange a meeting in advance in a certain place. After that, everyone will have to purchase a toy or a souvenir that he associates with his beloved. After the meeting, everyone will tell their soulmate why he bought this particular toy or souvenir. Thus, you can learn a lot about what your lover thinks of you and have a wonderful holiday. You can finish the celebration in any cafe.

Whatever version of the celebration of Valentine's Day the lovers choose, the main thing is that they have fun together. And when two hearts "sing" in unison, then the emotions will be able to spin the couple in love in a whirlwind of passion, which will certainly delight and give indelible impressions!

On February 14, many will go to a restaurant, give/receive flowers and chocolate, then kiss in the transport, and have sex in the evening. All this, of course, is great, but why not arrange more original dates? Our scripts will be useful to you not only on Valentine's Day, but also on any other day of love.

PLOT: you give your beloved a ticket (lucky and winning) to the "Museum of Love". Today the apartment has been converted into an exhibition, and you are its curator. Exhibits - general photos, notes, postcards and various things that concern only the two of you. It is possible that by the end of the tour the museum will receive a new gift.

ENTOURAGE: pleasant music, soft light, explanatory exhibits, poster program.

SURPRISE: edit a film about you (from a photo or video).

YOUR ACTIONS: tell the visitor of the exhibition about the most highlights your relationship. Arrange a surprise film presentation. A light buffet is welcome.

AFTER PARTY: walk around the night city holding hands. You can end the evening with a “magic” ritual (traditions strengthen relationships!) - whisper a common spell at any intersection.

PROVIDE: tickets, poster, exhibits, gift, buffet.


PLOT: The hunt for hearts is open! Don't worry, no piercing. When hunting, you and your loved one will need to complete three tasks each (as in folk tales- apparently, their writers were not indifferent to quests). Well, in the final - a feast by the mountain. At your favorite cozy restaurant.

YOUR ACTIONS: prepare three tasks for each other: for example, a love crossword puzzle, a puzzle, a treasure map. Develop a route and hint system that will lead you from one puzzle to the next. The arena of the game can be an apartment, house, street, shopping center. The scale is up to your imagination. Having received a charge of fun, go celebrate. Tonight's dinner will definitely not be left without topics for discussion.

ENTOURAGE: all details are kept strictly secret until X-day.

SURPRISE: Let a present be attached to each task. For example, wish coupons (which can be played on other days) or a letter (for something unique).

AFTER PARTY: if finances allow, book a honeymoon room at the hotel. Well, or just a room for two.

PROVIDE: riddles and tasks, surprises and gifts.

History in faces

PLOT: joint shots, especially successful ones, do not happen much. So go to a photo studio to capture your love story. You can even act out scenes: the beginning of a relationship, the first kiss, a declaration of love ... A few hours in the spotlight will fly by unnoticed.

YOUR ACTIONS: conduct a marketing research of photo services, choose a studio.

ENTOURAGE: Grab props or shoot in iconic locations.

SURPRISE: remember some interesting moment from your love story and beat it. Or find in the closet the outfit in which you were on your first date - unexpectedly and so touching.

AFTER PARTY: posing in front of the camera is not easy - energy, nerves, emotions are wasted. So, when you hear: “Stop! Filmed!”, go home, order a pizza and relax with your favorite comedy.

PROVIDE: photo studio, costumes, props.

two in a boat

PLOT: in your youth, did you read Scarlet Sails and dreamed that one day a ship would come for you? Dreams should come true! But you have to take care of the magic yourself. Fill the bath with water, add special salt. You can even turn on the fan to simulate a light breeze. Now invite your Gray to swim in a safe harbor ...

YOUR ACTIONS: if the bathroom area allows, put a stool there, and on it a candle, glasses, champagne and light snacks.

ENTOURAGE: decorate the room with a red cloth or hang a scarlet bath curtain - the "sails" are ready. If there is a fuse left, make an anchor out of cardboard and glue your general photos on it. It is very symbolic (we are talking about stability, not about the fact that your couple is sinking!).

SURPRISE: give your favorite vest with a cheerful print like "Give me Assol!".

AFTER PARTY: from the "ship" smoothly move into the bedroom.

PROVIDE: scarlet cloth (curtain), everything for serving, drinks and snacks, a gift and fluffy towels.

First time on screen

PLOT: Today, marriages are made not only in heaven, but also on the World Wide Web. Submit an application to the Palace of Virtual Marriages and turn on the computer on the appointed day and hour - each to your own. All questions must be answered in the affirmative. Bitterly!

YOUR ACTIONS: schedule your registration ( or After the procedure, you will receive a marriage certificate. Alas, it has no legal force, but you can invite witnesses and guests to the wedding. Online, of course.

ENTOURAGE: the bride's bouquet and the groom's boutonniere can come in handy. A wedding cake Same. At home with tea...

SURPRISE: they will be a marriage certificate, which must be printed from the site, and then inserted into the frame.

AFTER PARTY: ahead of you first the wedding night

PROVIDE: Top up your account with your ISP.

And further…

7 date ideas:

  • AUTOMOBILE: Take a ride together through the night city. Don't forget the thermos of tea.
  • BY TRAIN OR ELECTRIC: Buy tickets for any train, take a walk in unfamiliar places.
  • ATTRACTIONS: Test all the slides in the indoor water park. Take pictures of each other on camera.
  • KARAOKE CLUB: Dedicate love songs to each other.
  • STREETS: Camera in hand - and run out into the street, trace your traces - with chalk, gouache, and at least shaving foam! And they say it's hard to leave a trace in history...
  • DANCING SCHOOL: Go to a trial class of pair dances - let the passion spill out.
  • MOVIE: Simulate the beginning of your relationship: let everyone get to the cinema on their own.

How touching...

“I gave my beloved 25 tickets for a massage - in my performance, of course. On some sheets of paper she wrote “neck massage”, “back”, “legs”, and on others she left a dash. Let him enter that part of the body that needs to be “crumpled”. The leaves were stapled together and wrapped in a cardboard cover. He has already used one blank form. True, he, the cunning one, entered "massage of the whole body."

It would seem that quite recently in European countries it has become a tradition to celebrate Valentine's Day, and has already received the widest recognition and fame, and its second name - "Valentine's Day" - is just as popular as that associated with the name of the famous saint. In our country, perhaps only the younger generation celebrates this holiday with joy and enthusiasm, while older Russians reserve romance until March 8 and Defender of the Fatherland Day. And absolutely in vain! There is so little space in our life for touching and exciting moments that one more day as an occasion to celebrate the triumph of love and romance does not hurt at all!

How to celebrate Valentine's Day? We are sure that many couples already have their little ones. family traditions, rituals and it's wonderful. But what about those lovers whose experience of joint communication is not very long? Do you and your chosen one treat just them and puzzle over how to do everything in the best way? Everything is very simple: you need to read our page and choose the tips that you like best. Then you just have to bring some personal details, call on your imagination and ... stock up on a photo or video camera - it's so nice to remember romantic moments in years to come!

The very first spring holiday

Yes, yes, this is the most real holiday spring! And even if there is snow on the street in some places, it still becomes clear every day that the hours of winter are numbered. The length of the day is getting longer, the sun is warming more and more, and a romantic mood is simply palpably in the air. Everything is imbued with a premonition of the awakening of nature, the air itself becomes simply filled with a love mood. And how can one not succumb to the general positive wave and start preparing for the celebration of Valentine's Day?

Since this holiday is international, thoughts involuntarily come up: how is it celebrated in other countries, and is it celebrated at all? Of course they do, and how! Moreover, the traditions are so different and often bizarre that you should definitely get acquainted with them!

  • The French, as real connoisseurs of love, consider this concept to be comprehensive, therefore they congratulate not only their beloved, but also all other loved ones - relatives, friends. The traditional gift on this day is jewelry. Well, a very good tradition! By the way, it is the French who are credited with the custom of exchanging valentine cards, on which short declarations of love are written.
  • The Italians also call Valentine's Day Sweet Day, because all kinds of sweets serve as traditional gifts here.
  • The British, famous adherents of centuries-old traditions, do not deviate from this on Valentine's Day either - like many centuries ago, on this day they hand their betrothed cards in the form of hearts, and the girls guess the name of the future groom, looking out the window. Doesn't this remind you of anything?

By the way, it was the British who started the tradition at parties dedicated to Valentine's Day, putting notes with the names of girls in a hat or vase, and young people had to take them out one by one. The couples that formed as a result of this simple win-win lottery called each other “Valentine” and “Valentina” for a whole year and thus got a chance to start a real relationship.

In addition to romantic and sensual congratulations for your halves, in England on this day you can see and hear congratulations for your beloved pets. Isn't it just wonderful that this day of universal love, our little brothers are not forgotten and surrounded by care!

As you can see different nations celebrate this beautiful day in different ways. Something you can take on board!

Unusual ideas for a small holiday

Truly Russian holiday summer, and this is not soon, while Valentine's Day is just around the corner, so let's figure out together how we can celebrate it in an unusual, interesting, and most importantly - romantic way!

Girls, do not be shy on the eve of the holiday of all lovers to take the initiative to prepare in their fragile hands. It is well known that men are not very romantic natures, but many of them do not object to the presence of romance in their lives. The main thing is that someone organizes everything! These are what we're going to do now.

Picnic in nature

“Yes, what nature! It's February!" - you object, but this is the whole point: you can arrange a wonderful outing to the nearest park or square to drink hot tea or coffee in a snowy clearing (you can take it with you in a thermos), sitting comfortably together on a bench covered with a warm blanket, and eat a couple of valentine cakes. A snowy evening spent together in a quiet and secluded place will be hard for you to forget. However, “evening” is a loud word, you should not linger in the cold for too long. Even though they say that real love warms, it is better to move the further celebration of Valentine's Day from a snow-covered public garden to where it is warmer!

glacial evening

It can be spent on a skating rink or an ice slide, where you can invite your friends who are happy in their love in advance. And let there be little intimate mood there, but funny jokes, hugs, tender looks and kisses - all the attributes of passionate feelings - will give this evening a romantic mood. You can continue the celebration in a cafe, with a cup of coffee or a glass of mulled wine, after which each couple can go home and end Valentine's Day in their own way.

Joint trip

Oh, it's a pity that wonderful holiday falls on a normal weekday, if it were a weekend ... However, what's stopping you from taking a couple of days off from work and giving yourself and your lover a little vacation? There are many options for doing it:

– a bus tour for two or three days to the nearest city, which is famous for some sights;

- country trip to a boarding house or hotel,

- a small trip abroad - to hot countries or, conversely, to snowy peaks, the choice is yours!

During a joint trip, you will have more opportunities to get to know each other better (for those who have recently met), or to add variety to your usual life (for couples with experience).

Romantic evening at home

And really, why rush somewhere, fly, run when you can calmly, in a cozy home environment prepare a gourmet dinner, set the table with candles, and talk about feelings at dinner? If you have been together for a long time, on Valentine's Day you can remember the most beautiful moments of your life, look at photos from thick albums or videos from your home archive.

For those couples whose feelings have just begun to acquire real outlines, Valentine's Day is best time say about it. And when to talk about it, if not during a romantic dinner, with a glass of good wine? According to statistics, a marriage proposal made on Valentine's Day is accepted by 99 percent out of a hundred!

You foresee that today they can do the most to you Best offer in your life? Then it is worth trying and preparing the house accordingly, so that, having seen the romantic interior and all the attributes of Valentine's Day, your beloved has nothing left to do but to get the treasured box with a ring out of his pocket!

1) The interior must have candles, and they may not necessarily be red or pink, that is, traditional "Valentine" colors. A romantic atmosphere can be created, for example, by Air Wick scented candles with the Multicolor system, which change color smoothly and very beautifully when burned.

2) Arrange flowers in vases and planters, it can be traditional roses, of course, in red and pink shades, as well as ranunculi that are very relevant today, which have very delicate and elegant inflorescences. Hyacinths, which also have a wonderful aroma, as well as pink hydrangea, will look great in your apartment. Spring mood and a positive mood will help you create tulips that can be placed throughout the apartment - they look great both on the table with a festive dinner and on the bedside table.

3) Prepare an unusual and gourmet dinner, during which you can invite your beloved to taste dishes with real aphrodisiacs, such as truffles or seafood. Serve something chocolate for dessert, because chocolate is also known as a powerful aphrodisiac.

4) Your clothes and makeup should be simply charming on this day, maximum sexuality and femininity! And if during the “official” part at the table you can afford to show off a luxurious evening dress, then the phase of the evening, turning into the “bedroom” one, is the best occasion to demonstrate seductive lingerie. By the way, a chic peignoir, consisting of solid pink lace, and a frank set, donated by friends for a “special” occasion, will also come in handy for this evening. Here it is, that very special case!

Still wonderful person there was this Valentine, because everyone probably knows his story. Well, judge for yourself - he helped lovers get married when the medieval tyrant ruler forbade it, and he was a doctor, alleviating human suffering. His whole life is an example of kindness and mercy!

“If only such a Saint Valentine would appear in our days and unite the hearts of lovers when unforeseen obstacles arise in their path!” - such a dream was once expressed by a young girl on the page of one of social networks, and she was immediately supported by numerous friends, putting a lot of "likes".

But indeed, how often does it happen that a fragile young love develops against the stones of difficulties carefully planted by objecting relatives! Valentine's Day is a great occasion to give lovers a chance to be together and, perhaps together, go through all the difficulties. life together. Help them organize and spend this day alone, so that later, after many years, memories can only evoke happy smiles!

Video: cooking a romantic dinner with aphrodisiacs

If you arrange a romantic evening for yourself and your companion, remember that no luxurious accessories and expensive wines will help make this evening unforgettable if you are not tuned in to the right romantic wave. A quivering, gentle mood, a desire to make your loved one happy - and you are guaranteed a great holiday! Good luck!

It is difficult to find a more suitable holiday for those who want to fully feel lonely. February 14 from everywhere comes: "Flowers, valentines, a romantic dinner." And it seems like you want to be sincerely happy for others, but you can only think about your hard lot: “Well, another Valentine's Day without a soulmate. I guess I'll always be lonely and die surrounded by ten cats… Stop, blues! Let's stop being sad and look at this holiday positively. Believe me, you have a lot of opportunities to make it perfect, because you don’t have to coordinate plans with anyone but yourself.

Your mood on this day directly depends on what you yourself want. Agree to feel sorry for yourself and envy perfect relationship other people? Then buy a pack of disposable handkerchiefs in advance and get ready to cry, smearing mascara on your cheeks. Well, for those who do not want to simply shed tears and feel that even Valentine's Day can be ideal for singles, we advise you to pay attention to our advice. In the end, today you are left alone with the dearest and most beloved person in the world, it is worth making him happy. Which one, you ask? Just look in the mirror.

Give yourself a gift

Of course, if you had a lover, then you would definitely give him something like that. But since there is no lover, you bypass all the shops. And why? Isn't it possible to make a gift to yourself? For example, look into a seductive lingerie boutique and purchase a stunning set that you will wear tonight to feel like a cover girl.

Go to the nearest flower shop and choose the most beautiful bouquet for your loved one.

Put flowers at home

February 14 is winter holiday with spring spirit. Men all over the world buy bouquets for their loved ones and give them by saying the most important words in the world. Flowers stand in vases in almost every apartment and delight beautiful girls its appearance and aroma. Yes, we remember that there is no person who could present you with a bouquet on this day, but, believe me, not only men are able to buy flowers. They are also sold to women. Therefore, go to the nearest flower shop and choose the most beautiful bouquet for your beloved.

Send yourself a Valentine

Do you think this is definitely a cry for help from a desperate loner? Then at the moment of choosing the mood, you settled on sadness and blues. Why not look at such a gesture differently? February 14 is Valentine's Day. Do you love yourself? For sure. So confess to the dearest person in love! Is it worth it to deviate from established traditions and deprive yourself of the opportunity to receive a neatly signed postcard with beautiful words? Just take care of this "surprise" in advance.


... attitude to the holiday. If you still perceive Valentine's Day as a mockery of single people, then urgently change your attitude to the holiday! Do something that will please your colleagues, friends, relatives and neighbors. Buy a bunch of cards and sweets in the shape of hearts and give to every friend you meet that day. It seems that this is nothing special, but in fact, with the help of valentines and ordinary chocolates, you will cheer up others and yourself.

Just because you don't have a pair right now doesn't mean you won't have one anytime soon. So why not create the right mood in advance by switching from films about unhappy love to films that show funny stories of two lovers, which certainly end in a happy ending? Today is more than a good day for such film screenings.

Call everyone who celebrates February 14 alone and make each other an excellent company.

throw a party

It can be a simple party for your friends or a themed meeting of single acquaintances (for sure, all friends in a relationship will be busy that day). Call everyone who celebrates February 14 alone and make each other an excellent company. By the way, it’s not at all necessary to gather in someone’s apartment: winter outside the window allows you to go to the skating rink or arrange a snow fight in the courtyard of the house. Today you will have fun, and tomorrow, who knows, you may accept the invitation of someone you know to meet for a cup of coffee in private.

Surely most singles will simply ignore this holiday, pretending that it does not exist. But such an approach is unlikely to save you from sad thoughts and certainly will not help create a cheerful mood. Perhaps it is worth recognizing that a good half of humanity today is set to romance, and you simply cannot close your eyes to the myriad of valentines, flowers and passionate confessions. Instead of denying everyone's joy, celebrate with others. And it does not matter - next to your loved one or alone with yourself.
