How to assess the development of a child at six months, and what should be alerted. How to assess the development of a child at six months, and what should alert the Emotional and social development of the child

A naughty child at 6 years old is a problematic topic in many families. Each parent is trying to find an approach to his child, wanting respect, obedience and love for the baby. I would like to see the child purposeful and cheerful, so that conflicts do not arise in the family. According to the psychologist, this is all real, if you take up education correctly.

As they say, a good upbringing is the obedience of a child, and a bad upbringing is the wrong approach. It does not just happen that the little man does not obey himself, as the parents say. There is no fire without a spark. It is not profitable for a child at the age of 6 to just hysteria, show his “I”, be rude, etc. Only proven methods will help to properly educate the baby.


According to the psychologist, there are several reasons that bring children's obedience out of action:

  • Lack of attention. When a child lacks attention, he does everything to fix it. Good intentions on his part can not be expected.
  • Revenge. Anything can happen in families: more attention to a sister or brother, divorce of parents, constant quarrels between the father and mother of the baby. The child is increasingly filled with negative emotions. If he feels bad, he does everything to take revenge on his relatives. He suffers, so you should too.
  • Self-assertion. Do you like the appeal in the order form? No? Children too. The child begins to be stubborn and argue. By this he shows that he is a person, not a slave. Even if his decision is not at all correct, he has his own opinion.
  • Loss of self-confidence. When a baby does not succeed in something, and negative criticism is heard in his direction, his self-esteem decreases. He's still small. Remember yourself as a child, did everything work out for you?

Parental behavior - an example of imitation

From birth, when babies learn to speak, listening to their parents, they repeat their words. Over time, a vocabulary accumulates, the brain is actively developing, and the little one begins to compose whole sentences. But the speech of the child is a separate issue.

First of all, a child at the age of 6 looks at the behavior of his mother and father. He observes the relationship of parents, remembers their emotions in any life situations. All this is debugged in the memory of the crumbs. Of course, he will not repeat all your behavior. After all, every person, even Small child- it is, first of all, an individual personality with a certain character. If your family has more than one toddler, each of the children will act and behave differently.

Parents are the only people who can help to adapt in a completely foreign world. While the baby's brain is not yet fully developed, it copies the gestures, behavior and mannerisms of the guardians. Mother and father are role models.

If you bring up a baby with screams and violence, then his vocabulary is absorbed only by a third of the prescribed amount. At this point, he is able to learn the behavior of the parent. There is a memorization of gestures, intonation and volume of the parental voice. The baby is watching all this so carefully, so that later everything will be thrown out. The child believes that since the parents act this way, it means that he should do the same.

It is better to show the baby how to act in this or that situation, how to behave, how to communicate with people.


Emotions in children at the age of 6 are still expressed spontaneously. They show it at the moment of some incident. For example, the baby felt that the parent did not act fairly, the baby would be offended. He will start crying loudly. Compared to adults, children are very emotional individuals. When emotions overwhelm them, they are unable to control themselves. On a conscious level, as we would not like, children cannot master feelings. Although, not every adult can control emotions. He only gives the appearance, but he keeps everything in himself.

When you punish a child by being negative, bad things happen.

To negative emotions, the baby reacts with even greater aggression. A crumb can be seized not only by the emotion of resentment, but also by anger and hatred. He will begin to think that you do not need.

Think back to your childhood. You did not obey, your parents punished you, but you again stepped on the same rake. Punishment for negative emotions will not wean the baby from stamping his feet, being offended and crying. This is his usual reaction to the event.

If you put your child in a corner with anger and screams, desired result obedience will crumble to smithereens. Remember, aggression breeds more anger. Only you can drive away negative emotions from the baby without generating them.


Many parents use violence as a pill for obedience. It can be both emotional and physical. Strong man puts pressure on the weak, depriving him of his will. Often parents raise their hands on their crumbs, put pressure on them with deeds and words. They forcefully suppress the baby's emotions through punishment. When a child goes against parental rules, that's when his opinion is ignored. No matter how old the little man is, he will be punished physically or emotionally if he does not obey.

Why is all this being done? For an educated person to grow up? Using violence, the child begins to be afraid to express his opinion, to refuse the elder. In the future, the crumbs will have a hard life. He will be afraid to be special or make a mistake in choosing the meaning of his whole life. Thus, you are raising a slave who will obey, falling under bad influence, to do whatever he is ordered to do. Everyone who misses will wipe their feet on it. When a child does not obey, no matter how angry you are, but violence should not be included in the plans of education.

Parenting Mistakes

Many inexperienced mothers and fathers do not even suspect how their words and actions affect the upbringing of a child. As they say, learn from mistakes, but the saying is not in this case.

If you do not realize your mistakes in upbringing in time, it will be even harder in the future. Just imagine, your child is 6 years old, he doesn’t listen to you at all, and what will he do in adolescence? He will start taking alcohol and drugs, smoking, leaving home. You must not allow this.

  • When a child becomes out of control, some mothers say that they will no longer love him. Of course, this is just a threat, one might even say a lie. The kid feels it. Having deceived at least once, you will lose confidence in him. He will think that you lie all the time. It's better to say that you love him, but you don't like his behavior.
  • They say that children should be strictly behaved. It does not matter the age of your child - it can be six or more years old, but he must obey the elders, understand what, how and why he does it. Children can do everything unquestioningly, but when you are not at home, all prohibitions are instantly forgotten. To do this, you do not need to be strict with the baby, you just have to explain to him why and why he does what you asked.
  • Some teach children independence from the age of 6. The child is still small to be prepared for adulthood, arguing that arguments and evidence are useless. The kid needs to see that you are not indifferent to his actions and deeds. Otherwise, in his thoughts thoughts about the accomplishment of bad deeds will continue, which materialize at this very moment. You need to show your friendly intentions. And it doesn't matter if you like the child's behavior or not. When you do not agree with the baby, say it, but at the same time explain how much you love him, if necessary, help.
  • Children are like rays of light. They fill our lives with care and warmth. Some mothers spoil their little one greatly, allowing him to do whatever his heart desires. It is not right. Certainly childhood is best years life, they must be remembered. If you are one of those educators, understand that a spoiled child will not be sweet in life. When you constantly blow off dust particles from him, he will increasingly begin to experience a feeling of helplessness and loneliness. It is difficult for him to create his own family in the future, feeling under the wing of his parents. You yourself know that mother's daughters and sons are not in demand when looking for a second half.
  • Not every family has enough finances to buy the baby everything he wants. Parents deny their child a lot. The mother blames herself that she cannot pamper the baby, buy new things. She suggests that having money can make her a better mother. Everyone knows the banal expression - "Money can't buy love." No matter how much money you have, the baby will never love you if you do not pay attention, do not play together. Money can not buy happiness!
  • If, as a child, you dreamed of doing music or something else, but for some reason this did not happen, forget it, as horrible dream. Do not force your child to do what you did not receive at the time. Why force him? He is a person and must decide for himself what he wants to do. So far, the child is small, he will be reluctant to go to the hated circle, and when he becomes a teenager, you will start clutching at your head. As a protest, it can reach disastrous consequences. When planning a child's schedule, give him time for personal affairs.
  • Not giving your child time is the biggest mistake. When the baby hears from his parents that he does not have time for attention to him, he will begin to look for him from others. If the parent's work schedule is scheduled for the whole day, it will not be difficult to pay attention to the baby. When a mother thinks that washing children's things, cooking, buying toys and sweets is included in the “attention” item, she is deeply mistaken. The main thing is not how much to communicate with the child, but how. He wants to be read a fairy tale, sit with him, play.

If you were treated this way as a child, this does not mean that you should also raise your crumbs this way. When you stop making such mistakes, it will become much easier to find a common language with the baby.

What should be an obedient child?

Parents can not get enough when the baby is obedient. But is it too early to rejoice? Where is the guarantee that it will grow good man? Obedience can only be a mask of true guise. Children love praise. After all, no one will be punished for obedience.

Adults should think not only about the future of their child, but also about their own. Think, if you punish a child, will he communicate with you in the future? Care and attention in a baby can only come from proper upbringing. The child needs family comfort and proper development. He himself must be aware of his actions, be able to explain the cause of the incident.

In the terminology of a psychologist, there is an expression - "basic trust in the world." Trust is built from an early age. It is the foundation for the positive qualities of the child. If the crumbs have a foundation of trust, they develop optimism, love for their parents, and an interest in the environment. Unfortunately, with the help of screaming and violence, some adults destroy the positive worldview of the child.

At the age of 6, the child acquires the status of a preschooler, and you gradually begin to prepare him for school. If there are behavioral problems, it's time to give them a little more attention. By correcting problem areas, you will greatly facilitate the adaptation of the child in a new society.

How to raise a child at 6

Think back to when you were 6 years old. What were you fond of, what did you feel, how did you react to criticism, punishments and instructions from adults? It was not in vain that we started with this question - often the parents of six-year-old kids completely forgot how a child perceives and feels at this age. After all, this is a wonderful, carefree time, full of uncertainty and curious discoveries! Do not turn this bright and rainbow period of your child into an endless stream of “you must”, “that you are so small”, “because you are already big”, etc. Of course, this is no longer one year old baby, but not a small copy of an adult. And therefore he has every right to his own opinion and personal mistakes.
Keeping in mind that six-year-olds are very attentive and have a tendency to imitate, enter into the habit of monitoring your speech and actions. The child unconsciously takes an example from his parents and, subsequently, will broadcast the experience gained in childhood in adulthood. Your task is to give the baby the right direction. How to do it?

We list the important nuances in raising little men:

  • Be equal;
  • Give freedom of choice, naming the consequences of each decision (we teach responsibility);
  • Do not limit physical activity;
  • Involve father in business, spend more time in the male company of dad, grandfather, uncle;
  • To instill correct norms of behavior in accordance with gender: give way to elders and women, offer help, protect the younger and weak;
  • Avoid teachings and phrases like “men don’t cry”, “sissy”, “rag”, “nurses dismissed” and similar humiliating barbs;
  • Parents said - parents did. Remember this formula and never break it. Then the son will know that there are always actions behind your words, and in the future he will repeat this chain;
  • Sincerely praise and thank your boy, sometimes it will be useful even to do it "on credit";
  • Express your understanding and sympathy when required;
  • Feel free to show your feelings towards your son and encourage him not to dwell on your negative and positive experiences.

Raising a six year old boy is not an easy task. Ideally, you should already have a solid base of warm friendly relations. If you systematically follow the recommendations listed above, the climate in the family is guaranteed to improve.

How to get a 6 year old to obey

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear such a question is to use physical force or threat. But this is fundamentally the wrong tactic. The key to obedience is well-built parental authority, which is confirmed constantly, and not from time to time. This means that your words should not diverge from deeds, you can be trusted with your secrets, you will not betray and support at any time. Authority is something that the child feels unconsciously, but which encourages him to listen to your words and not doubt them. If screams, threats and crying are regularly heard in your house, it's time to work on yourself and your position in the family, and not on naughty child(which, by the way, lives according to the rules that you, adults, have established).

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The development of a child at the age of 6 is closely related to his intensive growth, socialization, and improvement of intellectual skills. Children at this age are extremely mobile, their body is stretched upwards, the proportions change. They have already formed as individuals, have their own views on the world. The difference in the behavior of boys and girls is more and more noticeable. In his cognitive activity babies are relentless. The task of parents is to direct their abilities in the right direction and prepare children for school.

Physical development of a child at 6 years old

In order to assess the physical development of a six-year-old, various tests are used. At this age, the difference between the body structure of a boy and a girl is clearly visible. The following factors affect the height and weight of children:

  • Nutrition
  • Heredity
  • Hormonal features of the body
  • Physical exercise
  • Sleep duration
  • Psychological situation in the family
  • Gender of the child
  • Climatic and geographical conditions of residence
  • Ethnicity.

Growth rates accelerate at 6 years old, children grow by about 5-6 cm, their weight increases by 2.5-3 kg. Throughout the year, they grow unevenly, faster in spring and summer, slower in autumn and winter. This trend continues until puberty. Boys can stretch a little faster than girls. Noticeable difference physical development and in children's activities. Boys are more mobile and love sports. Girls tend to be persevering better development fine motor skills, they are more creative.

Six-year-olds have great control over their bodies. They run and jump fast, even on toes and tiptoes. They ride a two-wheeled bicycle, easily overcome obstacles, climb hills and climb a gymnastic wall. Able to perform complex exercises, show perseverance in mastering new tricks.

It's time to give the baby to the sports section or dancing. This will strengthen his health before school, help him achieve physical perfection. Children willingly attend circles, where they can move freely, communicate with their peers. After all, now they are beginning to move away from their parents and actively integrate into society.

Fine motor skills of the hands in the sixth year of life are significantly improved. A preschooler puts together complex constructors, puzzles, draws well. He can create interesting crafts paper, fabric and other materials. Sculpts figures from plasticine, as close as possible in shape and appearance to the real ones. He knows how to put beads on a string, tries to sew on buttons.

Mental development of children at 6 years old

Six-year-old children continue to be interested in everything in a row, ask a lot of questions, actively study the world around them. Their memory improves, they retain the information received longer. The vocabulary of a child at the age of 6 is 3-3.5 thousand. They pronounce all letters and sounds, speak correctly, correctly coordinate all parts of speech with each other. Able to produce simple sound analysis of words. Most often, sentences contain concepts denoting objects and actions. Adjectives six-year-olds use less often.

The speech development of a child at the age of 6 allows him to communicate freely with adults. He can have meaningful dialogues and long monologues. Retells the content of the book read, describes the pictures. So far, children pay attention to the main details, omitting the secondary ones. But over time, they will be able to make longer descriptions of drawings and retellings of the stories they have read. Among themselves, preschoolers also talk a lot, which helps them build more complex social bonds. They fantasize together, invent new games, improve the rules of the old ones. It is necessary to develop in the child an interest in communication, to read to him more, even when he himself knows how to do it. After all, reading by syllables does not yet allow the baby to fully grasp the content of the book.

In the sixth year of life, children have a well-developed memory. It is longer than that of five years. Children can tell a rhyme or the content of a fairy tale even after 2-3 weeks. Learning is much easier than before. The main type of thinking at this age remains visual-figurative and visual-effective. The verbal-logical type is just beginning to develop. Therefore, classes should be conducted using specific visual materials. They help in improving logical thinking. The development of creative and mathematical abilities in children is different. By the age of six, certain inclinations are already more clearly manifested. The task of the parents is to recognize his talents in the child and direct them in the right direction.

Emotional and social development of the child

The sixth year of life is an important period for children in terms of psychological development. They have already fully realized themselves as independent individuals, clearly understand their gender. Feelings and thoughts can be expressed in words. Children want to feel like adults, so you need to communicate with them in the same way. It is important to develop a sense of responsibility in the child, to give him specific instructions, demanding their correct implementation. At the same time, one should not forget about creative development personality. Leave the child the right to choose, do not drive him into a strict framework. Otherwise, by the age of eight, his imagination, personal initiative will fade away. He will grow up to be an excellent performer, but will not be able to independently generate ideas, look for solutions to a difficult problem.

The sensorimotor and emotional development of children always go hand in hand. They perceive the world by touch, with the help of visual and auditory analyzers. All information at the age of six is ​​perceived with emotional overtones. That is why it is so important to arouse in the child an interest in certain activities. Without it they won't remember new material, they will develop a persistent aversion to learning. Praise children more often, even for minimal achievements. Set realistic plans for them, give only those tasks that they are able to complete to the end.

The sixth year is a time of active building of social bonds between children. They have friends with whom they communicate willingly, and enemies. Girls and boys form their own separate companies, which are often hostile or dismissive towards each other. There are clear gender differences in the features of the game, children begin to realize their roles in society. At 6 years old, the baby is no longer so attached to his parents. He can go about his business for a long time, does not require constant attention, as before. Shyness disappears in children, many show artistic ability. They can in public, even in front of strangers, recite poems, dance, sing songs.

Child's readiness for school

In a few months the baby will go to school. How do parents know if a child is ready for school? What should a preschooler know and be able to do at 6 years old? Personal readiness manifests itself in a child in various ways. Children become more responsible, they are able to carry out complex assignments, show greater attention in the classroom. Preschoolers want to take a new social step among their peers and slightly younger children. After all, going to first grade makes them special, more mature and important.

One of the signs of school readiness is self-esteem. It shouldn't be too low or too high. For the normal development of self-esteem in a child, parents should praise him for a job well done, gently point out mistakes, and ask him to correct them on his own. Equally important is the ability to find a common language with other children and adults, to build relationships with new people. A six-year-old must be able to overcome difficulties, be persistent in fulfilling difficult tasks be able to maintain order in the workplace. Here are the basic skills that a preschooler should have at 6 years old:

  • Summarize objects according to their main features, exclude unnecessary ones from logical series
  • Distinguish the main geometric figures(circle, square, rectangle, ball, cube, pyramid)
  • Distinguish and name up to a dozen colors
  • Know the alphabet (desirable)
  • Draw some block letters
  • Coloring pages without going beyond the outlines
  • Be able to briefly retell the content of the tale
  • Describe the picture in words
  • Distinguish directions - up and down, right and left, know where the right and left hand(leg)
  • Know the days of the week, seasons, be able to tell the time by the clock
  • Know your first name, last name, home address.

Before school, all children must undergo a consultation with a psychologist. There are special tests with the help of which a specialist determines how ready a preschooler is for learning, diagnoses signs of developmental delay. If his readiness is low, the psychologist may recommend additional classes to help improve skills. Features of age development in each baby are different. Therefore, do not worry, you have another year ahead of you. If the child's developmental norm is not violated, he will have time to catch up with his peers.

How to prepare your child for school the right way

Children in their sixth year of life continue to perceive the world through play. Therefore, training should take place in this form. Lessons should be interesting but short. The concentration of attention in children is still weak, therefore they cannot study for a long time. Classes should alternate with rest. Here are the main skills that should be developed in a child before school

  • Grammatically correct speech
  • Mathematics and counting
  • Musical and creative perception of the world
  • Development of logic

Parents should talk to the child correctly, build simple literate sentences. His speech largely depends on what they hear from mom and dad. The baby's mistakes need to be corrected, done gently and unobtrusively, otherwise complexes may develop in the child. Books, educational films develop speech skills well. Ask the preschooler to retell the content of the story they read or the video they watched. Try to ask him questions, find out what he liked about this or that fairy tale, where the action took place in the film, how he would act in the place of the protagonist. Play with him role-playing games encourage communication with other children. Answer numerous questions “why?”, “what?”, “where?” and “how?” that arise in the baby.


Development of children at the age of 6 years. What should a child be able to do at six years old? | Child development

Before school six year old child must have a certain set of skills. What abilities and skills does a child need at 6 years old for full development? The presence of certain knowledge helps children quickly adapt to school life and the ability to apply them in practice will contribute to comfortable communication with peers.

Formation of personality in a child at 6 years old

By the age of six, a child is no longer a baby, but not yet an adult. The turning point that comes after kindergarten before school, often worries parents.

They are concerned about what their child should already be able to do.

By the age of 6, a child should have an idea of ​​himself and his family.

Know your first name, patronymic and surname, first names, patronymics and surnames of parents, their professions, home address.

At this age, children are taught to self-service.


Parents' worries about how the child will dress, open and close the front door, get to school and back, how he will warm up dinner, can harm the formation of his independence.

A child at 6 years old should be socially adapted to such things. There is no need to be afraid of its independence and prevent its development and emergence.

Six-year-olds willingly help their parents, thereby feeling their importance. It is important to show gratitude and allow the child to participate in household chores. If the baby does something wrong - do not scold, but delicately correct.

Remember, mom and dad are the authorities for the baby. He repeats everything and tries to do the best, even if it doesn’t always work out. You can ask your child to take out the trash, vacuum, wash the dishes, wipe the dust, water the flowers, go for bread.

The kid will fulfill all these instructions with joy and special pride.

Physiological development of a child at 6 years old

  • Height within 110-121 cm;
  • Weight within 18-23 kg;
  • The presence of 20 teeth (milk);
  • Clothing size - 30; shoes- from 28 to 30.

A 6-year-old child should be able to:

  • Maintain balance when walking on logs;
  • Go down and up stairs;
  • Pull up on the horizontal bar a couple of times;
  • Play ball with hands and feet;
  • Jump rope, jump over obstacles;
  • Correctly hold a pen, pencil, felt-tip pen;
  • Cut paper shapes with scissors;
  • Possess the skills of plasticine modeling and salt dough;
  • Paint lines, waves and color drawings.

At this age, it is important to develop fine motor skills. Exercises such as jigsaw puzzles, picking up small objects with tweezers, threading a needle, etc. will help build perseverance and the ability to focus.

According to psychologists, six-year-old children develop correctly intellectually if they have one or two friends, do not have complexes in a circle of strangers, and do not hesitate to answer strangers' questions. It is worth paying attention to whether the child can copy facial expressions, find differences in objects, correctly name the color, shape, size of the object.

In addition, by the age of 6, children should be able to concentrate for at least 15 minutes, memorize short poems, songs, and put together pictures from puzzles. Riding a bicycle, scooter also contributes to the development of the child.

It should be noted that all children are different and develop individually. It is important to teach the child elementary things and actions that will help him adapt to school.

Simple rules of cultural communication, a neat appearance, perseverance during lessons, respect and reverence for adults will help the child feel comfortable in a social environment. Our children are a reflection of ourselves.

Therefore, what we invest in them before school is what we will face in the period of growing up. Love your children, hug, support and understand.

What a boy and a girl should be able to do at 6 years old: the basic skills and abilities of children at this age

By the age of 6, a child turns from a baby into a person who is able to consciously perform actions and explain his actions. By this time, parents begin to choose their heir educational institution and intensively prepare the future student for the upcoming education. What should a child be able to do at 6 years old so that he does not have problems at school?

Required knowledge

During this period, children easily learn new skills and improve previously acquired ones. Some of the information they receive in a preschool institution, but the basic skills are acquired in everyday communication with relatives. The best result of learning is given by lessons in the form of a game. The table describes what a child should be able to do at 6 full years.

Level Knowledge, skills
Personal data Place of residence household skills Orientation in the surrounding world Communication rules Animal and plant world Spatial orientation
Minimum Name, surname, names of parents, brothers, sisters, age, gender City name, address Confident use of cutlery, ability to dress and undress (from underwear to outerwear), putting toys and things in their places, washing hands, bathing, brushing teeth Components of the day (day, night, morning, evening), seasons, days of the week, names of the seasons and their differences Greeting phrases (good afternoon, goodbye), appeal to elders (to you) Names of at least 5 animals and birds, differences between domestic and wild animals, the concept of plants, show fruits and vegetables Right - left, forward - back, far - close
Available for this age Patronymic, names of grandparents, aunts and uncles, educators, professions of dad and mom Name of the country, region or district, capital, nearest water bodies Washing your plate and cup, dusting, watering flowers, heating food in the microwave, sorting clothes for washing, taking out the trash Names of the months of the year Address by name and patronymic The concept of migratory birds, insects Knowledge of the corners of the world

Children under 7 years of age should learn to confidently hold a pen and pencil in their hands. They can draw simple images(little man, sun, flower), decorate pictures, can outline the contours along the lines. Preschoolers should know all the basic colors, distinguish their shades.

Physical activity

At this age, the child cannot sit in one place for a long time. He is very active and loves to run and jump.

Boys at this age prefer outdoor collective games, girls get acquainted with the "classics" and skipping ropes. In the warm season, children love to ride a bike.

The physiological development of a preschooler can be assessed by his physical activity. During this period, the child is easily able to do the following:

  • maintain balance when walking on a log;
  • run around an obstacle without touching it;
  • jump over low curbs;
  • confidently jump on one leg;
  • catch the ball;
  • throw objects with one hand;
  • 2-3 times pull up on the horizontal bar;
  • play ball with your feet;
  • run up the stairs, moving your legs through 1 step.

By this time, the child has a well-developed fine motor skills. He draws straight and wavy lines, makes applications on his own, cuts out figures with scissors, sculpts from plasticine and dough. During this period, the level of physical activity is inextricably linked with brain activity. Active movements improve the blood supply to the brain.

Math skills

A six-year-old child should have a number of basic math skills. Some of them, for example, the ability to distinguish between geometric shapes, are taught from the age of 4. However, by the age of 6, the amount of knowledge increases significantly. The development of the child assumes the presence of the following mathematical knowledge at 6 years old:

  • Count from 1 to 10 and back. A child is able to master numbers up to 20. Also, preschoolers often know how to add and subtract single digits.
  • Comparing the number of items within 5.
  • Awareness of the meanings of "greater than", "less than", "equal to".
  • Drawing a square, circle, triangle.
  • Visual perception of various numerical signs. Not all children can write numbers at the age of 6, but they should be able to find them in the text.
  • Solving simple problems on the example of visual material. When dividing the cubes into two parts, the child will be able to calculate how many items are in each of them.

Speech development

By this age, children should pronounce all letters. If there are problems with the pronunciation of sounds, you should contact a speech therapist. The child's speech is coherent, he can express his thoughts using complex sentences. A preschooler can take an active part in the dialogue, his ability to pronounce monologues develops. Children can also:

  • retell what he heard, describe what he saw;
  • make up stories from 5 sentences;
  • find words that are opposite in meaning (light - dark, soft - hard);
  • memorize and tell tongue twisters;
  • express emotions through intonation;
  • to name objects in singular and plural meaning;
  • form diminutive forms of words;
  • divide words into syllables;
  • find synonyms.

For the development of the child's speech, parents need to read fairy tales to him and tell stories. After hearing, you need to ask the baby to retell the most liked moments. Ask your child to come up with a different ending to the story.

memory and attention

Preschoolers should easily memorize verses of 8 lines or more. If during the game an adult hides one of the toys, the child will be able to name which object disappeared and where it was before. Also, the child is able to distinguish sounds from memory. For example, he remembers how the refrigerator hums, distinguishes the sound of a doorbell from an ordinary bell. During this period, the baby is able to recognize songs.

To develop memory and attention, you can play "words" with children. You need to name 10 words and ask the baby to say what he remembered. In total, the child is given 5 attempts, before each of which they should repeat what was said. A good indicator is the ability to repeat what they heard without errors from 4 attempts.

social skills

A six-year-old kid should be able to answer questions from adults clearly and without hesitation. Normally, by this age, he has 1-2 permanent friends. However, the normal social circle of the child is much wider. Please note that children attending preschool adapt faster to the new environment. Basic social skills of a preschooler:

  • the ability to participate in collective games;
  • desire to help peers, younger children, adults;
  • showing respect for others;
  • self-service (gets dressed, cleans up after itself).

Reading 10 min.

What is disobedience in the eyes of a parent? It so happened that parents want their children to be obedient, that is: to do everything that the parents say, without arguing, quickly and efficiently. Parents suppress in children not only independence with their desires, but also emotionality. It often happens that children are forbidden to be angry, and anger is one of the emotions, the same as joy.

By suppressing the emotions of anger, the child ceases to experience other emotions, such as happiness, joy or love.

A naughty child at 6 years old is a common occurrence.

In fact, disobedience is different. For example, a child is told to brush his teeth. The child refuses, as a result of which, if the parents do not insist, the child's teeth, after a few more such refusals, will begin to deteriorate. But, if the child is told to eat, but he does not want to. Parents scold him, force him, but the child is not hungry. If you give the child will, then when he feels hungry, he himself will ask for food. Then why scold him and is it really possible to achieve obedience here, mocking the child's body.

Obedient children, from the point of view of psychologists, are a suspicious phenomenon, unlike children who do not obey from time to time.

Therefore, before looking for the reasons for disobedience, you can look at your actions and evaluate them. Are all parents doing the right thing, is it really necessary in this or that situation to achieve absolute obedience from the child?

Why children do not obey - it is necessary to identify the reason

parenting styles

Often among parents there is an authoritarian style inherent in both mothers and fathers. Parents who raise children in this style simply train them, suppressing the will of the child. For example, a child was asked to learn a verse at school, and he tries to understand it before teaching. But it is important for such educators that the child does not reason, but memorizes a verse or gets an excellent grade at school.

Authoritarian upbringing forms a dependent personality type

But there are also democratic methods of education. In this case, children also take part in decision-making. And you should not rely on the number of years here, independence can be brought up at any age. Only there are some things that are not negotiable.

If a child is indulged in all whims, he will become uncontrollable

There is also a mixed style of upbringing, where, according to the mood of the parents, everything is forbidden, then everything is allowed. Children adapt to this style too, rushing from “carrot” to “stick”.

Reasons for disobedience

A child at the age of 6 does not obey his parents for a variety of reasons. Here are some of them:

  • Children do not understand what they are told or how it is presented to them. They especially don't realize why their parents are yelling at them. The child is lost and does not know what to do to make the parent calm down. Causes misunderstanding screaming because of not neatly folded clothes in the closet or something like that.
  • From constant screams and threats, there is an intuitive “struggle” for freedom of action. Children from birth have different temperaments. Someone was born a melancholic and unquestioningly obeys not only relatives, but also hooligan children in the yard, a stupid boss at work, a grumpy cashier in a store, etc. Other babies are born with a strong leader temperament and are not ready to suppress innate dignity. These children require communication without screaming, in fact, like all others. They need to explain, seek a compromise. At first it will not be easy to find profitable solution for all - a difficult task, but comprehensible. Not only children should learn, parents also have to do it.

The main reasons for disobedience
  • Absolute obedience is inherent in children with weak nervous system. They are unable to cope with tasks on their own, so they wait for orders and obediently carry them out. Growing up, they will look for a strong-willed person who will tell them what to do. No wonder people are divided into followers and leaders. All this starts from childhood.
  • Some kids are so cunning that they pretend to obey. They try to quickly do everything they want from them in order to free themselves and go about their business. They quickly figure out that by cunning they can deceive their own parents. In adulthood, they will try to minimize contact with their parents, because they could not find a common language with him.
  • Children do not obey even when their parents humiliate them by comparing them with classmates, friends or children from the yard. You can pay attention to how quickly they deteriorate a good relationship between brothers and sisters, when parents begin to cite them as an example to each other, praising one and insulting the other.

How to achieve obedience from a child?

In fact, the question is not how to make the child obey, but rather how to establish contact with him so that there are no quarrels, screams and misunderstandings. If contact is established, then requests for help around the house, diligent study, and the like, will be heard and fulfilled. You need to understand that a child of 6 years old is no longer the same as in 2 or 3 years. If at the age of 2 his psyche was still unstable, he often did not know what he wanted. On the basis of hunger, small children are also very capricious.

Peculiarities preschool age 6-7 years old

But at the age of 6, these are already formed little personalities who have their own inner world, peculiar thinking and perception of the environment. The child has his own opinion, and if it is wrong, then this can be discussed with him without shouting, threatening or using force. It is possible that the parents will not be heard the first time, but if you have patience, show your case by example, repeat several times, but in a firm, confident tone, then you will definitely succeed.

Some children become isolated at the age of 6-7 “withdraw” into themselves

It is worth considering the main points that will help achieve obedience in a child:

  1. It is necessary to establish trusting relationships in the family. Children are not stupid, especially at 6 years old, so they can be explained what, how, why. Eliminate anger from communication, although it is not easy. If mom or dad Bad mood, fatigue or problems at work are exhausted, then you can tell the child about this that now there is no mood, and there is a risk of losing your temper, getting angry, postponing the conversation and teachings for a time when you feel better, but do not delay it.
  2. Personal requests should not be asked in a demanding tone. Imagine that something is required of you. This attitude irritates and infuriates not only children, but also adults. So you have to ask softly. If this does not help, then without leading to screams, add firmness to the voice and physical contact: take the child by the hands, look resolutely into the eyes, achieve full attention to your words. All this should take place in a friendly manner, and not in the form of a threat or an ultimatum.
  3. Don't forget about praise. Let there be things that each person has to do, personal duties and the like. But family relationships were better if the father was thanked for getting up every morning for work, if the mother were thanked for cleaning, cooking and caring for the family, and the children were thanked for their help, obedience, and good studies.
  4. The child needs to be told that there are emergency situations when bickering is unacceptable. Give some examples. To teach a child to obey, show it by your own example, because children look at their parents and learn from them.

The child needs to be explained when it is impossible to be capricious

Crisis or another transitional age

All of the above tips are valid in normal Everyday life, but people in different ages there are crises when it is very difficult for them, they need help. Most often, crises occur in childhood. There is a crisis at the age of 6, when the child categorically does not obey. This does not mean that all children go through this crisis. Sometimes it can take only a few days, sometimes it can take months. How more correct attitude parents to the rebellion of the child, the faster it will be possible to survive the crisis. It is necessary to learn how to survive crises and get out of them in such a way. early age child, because in adolescence it will be much more difficult to do. Children do not develop gradually, but in leaps and bounds. It is difficult for him to rebuild himself from yesterday's baby, into today's mature know-it-all.

Manifestations of the crisis of 6 years

Tip: The ability to resist the parental word is a sign of a strong temperament, a skill of self-defense, but it is difficult to amuse yourself with this when the child protests absolutely against everything.

The task of parents in some matters is to support the denials of the child, to look for an alternative if it is impossible to agree for some reason, but not to indulge in every child's "rebellion". If the child is given complete independence, as he demands, that is, give him access to the refrigerator, do not wash his clothes, do not clean up after him in the room, do not buy him sweets, give him the opportunity to plunge into adult everyday life, then he will quickly get bored and everything will return to its place. Your son or daughter cannot read minds, so they need to voice what you hear them, but cannot do as they want for reasons such and such.

Causes of the crisis in children 6 years old

This age in a child's life is associated with the end of kindergarten and entering school. So milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones. This period is difficult for children. New values, skills appear, the world around us changes a lot.

Lack of attention

Any changes in the lives of children leave a residue in their souls. Perhaps a new family member has appeared in the family, parents work a lot, and so on. Children, even at 6 years old, need attention. Not as much as a baby, but still. An attempt to get attention results in disobedience, screaming and tantrums.

The main neoplasm at the age of 6 years

Tip: To fix this, you need to carve out at least 15 minutes every couple of hours to caress the child, play with him, talk about something.

No matter how busy the parents are, it is quite possible to carve out a few minutes when the child is in a good or normal mood. It doesn't matter how old your child is. Children who know they are loved don't throw tantrums and grow up more emotionally stable and obedient.

Desire for power

There are also situations when children are loved, they are regularly reminded of this, but the children still begin to ignore any requests, and even demands. They are relentless, and parents are horrified at not understanding “where their child has gone.” The reason for this behavior may lie in the fact that the child is trying to find out who is in charge in the family and “pulls the blanket over himself”.

Tip: Negativity in a child's behavior is also necessary and important in his life.


If it is difficult to immediately navigate the situation with the child, try to take a “pause” for a minute or two. Leave your screaming child, analyze his behavior and try to pick up the best option to remedy the situation. You should not hope that everything will quickly work out and the child will become kind and good again.

Physical punishment is not allowed

Especially if the cause of bad behavior lies in a crisis of 6-7 years, then it can drag on for 2-3 months.

You need to be patient and the result will not be long in coming. If you are reading this article, then you no longer care. You are a wise parent, you will not let any crisis or misunderstanding between you and your children upset your relationship.
