Is the title of labor veteran retained when moving. Rules for calculating the northern pension when moving to another region

No, it will not work, because according to
Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 (as amended on July 3, 2016) "On Veterans"
Article 7. Veterans of labor

1. Labor veterans are persons:
1) having a certificate "Veteran of Labor";
ConsultantPlus: note.
Citizens who, as of June 30, 2016, were awarded departmental insignia in labor, retain the right to be awarded the title "Veteran of Labor" if they have a work (insurance) length of service taken into account for determining a pension of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women or the length of service required for the appointment of a retirement pension in calendar terms (Federal Law of December 29, 2015 N 388-FZ).
2) awarded orders or medals of the USSR or Russian Federation, or awarded honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or awarded diplomas of the President of the Russian Federation or awarded the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation, or awarded departmental insignia for merit in labor (service) and continuous work (service) for at least 15 years in the relevant field of activity (sectors of the economy) and having a work (insurance) length of service taken into account for the appointment of a pension of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women or the length of service necessary for the appointment of a pension for long service in calendar terms; persons who started labor activity underage during the Great Patriotic War and having a labor (insurance) record of at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women.
(clause 2 as amended by the Federal Law of December 29, 2015 N 388-FZ)

(Clause 1 as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004)
(see text in previous edition)
1.1. The procedure for establishing departmental insignia giving the right to confer the title of "Veteran of Labour" by federal executive bodies, which are managed by the Government of the Russian Federation, and for awarding the said insignia is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The procedure for establishing departmental insignia giving the right to confer the title "Veteran of Labour" by other federal state bodies, state corporations and awarding the said insignia is determined by the said bodies, organizations, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
(Clause 1.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 388-FZ of December 29, 2015)
2 - 3. Lost their power. - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ.
(see text in previous edition)
4. The procedure and conditions for conferring the title "Veteran of Labor" are determined by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

State aid in Russia has a different structure and content. In relation to different factors, there are options for titles and the corresponding set of privileges.

A labor veteran in Russia has several preferential areas in which it is possible to reduce payments and support on an ongoing basis. But such a status is not always possible.

Necessary information

Obtaining any status involves passing confirmation. During this procedure, a person performs a series of actions and fulfills all the requirements of the state.

This is necessary in order to avoid fraud. Since there are many fraudulent operations with this kind of titles. For example, on the Internet you can buy any medal with a certificate.

But all these papers will not be recognized by the state. After all, a separate commission is being created that checks the documents and the authenticity of the medals.

Photo: what is needed to obtain the title of Veteran of Labor

The title itself gives a person the right to various privileges in the social sphere of life. And the citizen needs confirmation, after which all these items will be available for use. Although in this case there are restrictions that relate to the validity of the certificate in the country.

Important Concepts

In the course of such an operation, several legal terms must be taken into account. Because the understanding of the general structure of this process depends on them.

The main indicators will be:

concept Meaning
Veteran State rank, which is issued in order to single out a person for a large number of service to the state. This kind of status applies in different areas. Most often these are military personnel, but there may also be people who have suffered from hostilities or workers in a certain area.
Social support A set of services that the state provides to certain categories of citizens. This list includes assistance that relates to daily expenses for the purchase of items or services that are related to the immediate needs of a person - utilities, medicines, and so on.
Indexing Increase rate government payments, which is calculated based on inflation data in the country. This payment is an annual allowance. But to a greater extent, the frequency of the increase depends on the filling of the state budget.
Seniority The number of years that a citizen spent performing labor activity on an official basis and with all deductions. Each country has its own minimum length of service for receiving pension benefits.

Length of service to obtain this status (women, men)

In this area, there are certain indicators that affect the amount of experience for obtaining a title. Two factors must be taken into account:

Legislative aspects

In this area, there is one main regulatory legal act - Federal Law No. 5-FZ “On Veterans”. Citizens who can receive the status of a labor veteran are referred to in article 7. This provision regulates the categories for which the title is awarded.

The fourth paragraph talks about how this procedure is carried out. And it is this provision that places all obligations on the subjects of the Russian Federation. Such a decision greatly affects the procedure itself - a study of local legislation is required. And you should always do this, because frequent changes are possible.

The main list of possible benefits for veterans of various categories is described in Article 13. This is a complete set of social services. But for labor veterans, it is possible to provide the set that is determined by the local authorities in each individual region. This provision is established by Article 22 of this federal law.

With regards to local legislation, here each locality may have its own options. Law No. 70 “On measures of social support for certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow” is in force in Moscow. There you can find a list of support provided by the region. The city cannot lower the federal rates, but it has the right to raise these rates.

Photo: the procedure for awarding the title of Veteran

Questions you are interested in

The topic of labor veterans in Russia has several directions. In this area, there are such issues, the solution of which depends on a complete understanding of the integral system of status.

On the one hand, registration requires the provision of papers and confirmations. On the other hand, not always awards and medals can be recognized in the state.

The documentation that a citizen submits also requires attention. If there are errors in it, the full package of documents may not be accepted. And then the registration process will be delayed. Although the standard indicators for the terms of consideration of applications are no more than 10 days in large cities and 15 days in the regions.

Social support measures

In terms of state support, there are several areas of legislation. There are those norms that are adopted by federal law and those that are implemented at the regional level. Thus, the federal norms are characterized by general indicators.

And they apply to the entire territory of the country without exception. Financing of such projects is also carried out at the expense of the state budget.

A different system applies to regional benefits. Each territory has the right to apply its own set of benefits for this category of veterans. And their financing will be carried out at the expense of the funds that are in the local budget.

federal significance

Most of the benefits and payments are in the area of ​​this area of ​​benefits. But for labor veterans, the main part is financed from local budgets.

Federal benefits relate to monetary support in the following areas:

  • pension supplements;
  • indexing.

Also general rule is the provision of labor benefits to this category of citizens. So, for veterans, it is planned to arrange a vacation at any time convenient for them. But this applies only to those vacation days that are taken at your own expense.

regional importance

This area includes many more benefits that a veteran can expect. But the range of services depends on the region of residence:

Scope of provision Types of help

Monthly payment of 300 rubles.

Muscovite social card.

Free travel on public transport of the railway - within the city and suburbs

Saint Petersburg Reduced travel card for one month - for all types of land transport within the city.

Subway pass at a reduced cost for one month - the cost can be exchanged for monthly assistance

Novosibirsk Monthly payment in the amount of 358 rubles.

One-time payment of 600 rubles.

Subsidy for housing and communal services in the amount of half the cost of the check, compensation for renting housing

When moving to another region, are the benefits preserved?

Preferential set is valid only within a certain place of residence. This applies to many programs, both federal and regional. Local benefits when moving will need to be re-registered.

To do this, they also apply to the department of social protection of the population and go through the procedure for obtaining benefits again. At the same time, the veteran's certificate will be valid throughout Russia.

Can a Communist Labor Shock Worker Become a Labor Veteran?

Based on the materials of the legislation, such a badge of distinction is not included in the list of awards that can be taken into account when applying for the title of labor veteran.

The fact is that only badges issued by departmental bodies of the enterprise, honorary level awards and diplomas received from the President of the country have the right to participate.

The shock worker of communist labor does not belong to any of these categories. Therefore, the design of such a document as a veteran of labor is unlikely. Although there are exceptions.

Actual problems

The issue of obtaining the title of a labor veteran is the moment that there are significant restrictions in terms of the set of statuses and awards that are suitable for the law.

In this area, you need to rely on a specific list. And citizens cannot always find their medals and insignia in such a list.

Therefore, a situation often turns out when a person does not have enough grounds for registering a status. Cases are considered successful when a citizen does not lose hope and, with a refusal from social service, goes to challenge this decision in court.

Positive decisions were made for contenders for the title with various kinds of medals, and it all depends on how professional the legal support of the candidate will be.

Registration of titles in Russia gives the possibility of obtaining a number of privileges. They can be both federal and regional.

And in each individual case, you can apply for different variants sets of public services. The procedure itself is simple to carry out, but the insignia of the USSR is not always recognized in modern Russia as sufficient to obtain the high rank of labor veteran.

This must be taken into account and count on your strength to fight or retreat from the registration of status.

Video: who can receive the title of "Veteran of Labor"

Veterans of labor are those persons who have worked for quite a long time and are marked by the state with certain regalia. In the article we will tell you about the benefits for labor veterans in 2019 in Moscow, what is the amount of payments and how to get them.

Who belongs to the category of labor veteran

Citizens of the Russian Federation who meet the following criteria can be classified as labor veterans:

  • they began to work during the Second World War, without reaching the age of majority;
  • in men seniority at least 40 years old, for women - at least 35;
  • there is an order, a medal, a badge of distinction in labor, or honorary titles of the RSFSR, the USSR and the Russian Federation.

Upon reaching retirement age, these persons are entitled to enjoy the benefits and receive payments provided for at the federal and regional levels. Read also the article: → "".

Benefits for federal labor veterans

At the state level, a labor veteran is entitled to the following list of benefits:

  • travel in city, intercity and suburban transport free of charge;
  • free services when visiting public clinics and medical institutions;
  • annual leave is available at will at any time, in the event that the veteran works;
  • a working veteran is entitled to additional unpaid leave of up to 30 days at a convenient time for him;
  • payment of only half of the ticket for railway and water transport from September 1 to May 15;
  • 50% discount on utilities;
  • tax incentives for property, land and transport tax.

It must be borne in mind that all benefits, including tax ones, are regulated at the regional level and only local authorities decide on the appointment of these benefits. For example, in Moscow, labor veterans are not provided with tax benefits.

Benefits for labor veterans in Moscow

Upon reaching the age of the insurance pension, Moscow legislation provides labor veterans with the following benefits for labor veterans:

  • monthly city payment;
  • free treatment in a sanatorium for the purpose of a medical institution, with compensation for travel in two directions to the place of treatment;
  • prosthetics of teeth is free of charge, except for the cost of metal ceramics, etc.;
  • travel in urban or railway suburban transport, when a veteran is issued a social card, is not paid;
  • a 50% refund of the cost of housing and communal services, the amount of compensation is transferred to the veteran’s account, either to the post office, or in cash in person. Read also the article: → "".
  • compensation of 190 rubles for telephone services in Moscow every month;
  • A veteran can purchase a metro ticket at the price of a monthly payment.

The procedure for applying for benefits for labor veterans

  1. In order for a labor veteran to enjoy all the benefits due to him, he must have the appropriate rank and receive a certificate. You can apply for such a title by contacting the authorities social protection at the place of its registration and submitting the following documents:
  • statement;
  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • Veteran's ID;
  • Pensioner's ID;
  • Personal account data for transferring payments;
  • Data from the veteran's place of work (if he is employed) on deductions for him to the pension fund;
  • a certificate from the archive confirming the veteran's work experience, or a work book;
  • Documents on medals, certificates, orders, etc.;
  • Photo of a veteran 3x4 in the amount of 2 pieces.
  1. All documents submitted by the veteran are transferred to a special commission, which, within 10 days (meaning working days), decides to issue the appropriate certificate to the veteran. Once a decision is made, the veteran will be notified within five days.
  2. The veteran receives a certificate and finds out the list of benefits due to him in accordance with the status. Having chosen the benefits he needs, you can write the appropriate applications for each of them to receive them. You can do this in the same place in the Social Security at your place of residence.

Payments to veterans of labor

Until 2005, the payments due to labor veterans were regulated by federal legislation, and then the social protection of labor veterans was transferred to the regional authorities. Now the amount of payment to veterans is set by local authorities, they can index this amount annually, or they can leave it at the same level.

Payments to labor veterans are a monthly addition to the city's pension in monetary terms.

Monthly city cash payment

Moscow legislation provides for a monthly city payment (EGDV) to labor veterans. The amount is 495 rubles for 2017. You need to apply for it to the social security authority at the place of residence, the payment can be made together with the main pension, or other social payments in one way that the veteran uses to receive the insurance pension, that is, either to the post office or to a personal account in bank branch.

A labor veteran can become the recipient of this payment only after the labor pension is assigned to the veteran.

The following documents are required for its registration:

  • Statement;
  • Veteran's ID;
  • Passport;
  • Pensioner's ID;
  • Questionnaire;
  • Help stating that a one-time cash payment the pensioner does not receive, is provided by the FIU.

How to apply for the EGDV

An application form for the payment of the CFD must be taken from your social security department. You can fill it out directly when submitting all documents. The form of this application is currently in force, approved by the Order of the Department of Social Protection dated 03/23/2017. The assignment of this payment occurs from the month that follows the month in which the veteran submitted the application.

The cost of city welfare measures

Simultaneously with the application for the CFD, a labor veteran also applies for city social services, such as:

  • travel in public transport on a social card;
  • preferential medications prescribed by a doctor and prescribed in a prescription;
  • preferential travel in railway suburban transport.

By decision of a labor veteran, social benefits can be received in the form of services or in cash. The table shows the cost of compensation in case of refusal of any service for 2017:

You can refuse all social benefits, or one or two. For example, a veteran does not need to buy a ticket for a commuter train, then the veteran will receive compensation for this benefit in cash. To do this, it is necessary to write an application to social security for receiving city social benefits in monetary terms. It must be submitted within a certain period, namely before October 1. At the same time, if the application is submitted before October 1, 2016, then from January 1, 2017 the veteran will already receive services in the form of money.

It must be remembered that the same veterans who receive CFDs have the right to receive city social benefits. In the event that a veteran becomes a recipient of a federal NSI, the right to city benefits is lost.

Who is not eligible for the CFD payment

This type of payment is not available to individuals, these include:

  • veterans who do not have a place of residence in Moscow;
  • those veterans who are serving sentences in correctional facilities;
  • those veterans who receive federal EVD.

Under certain circumstances, payments to the CFD may be terminated, for example, if:

  • receiving a personal statement from a veteran stating that he refuses the CFD;
  • the veteran has lost the right to receive this payment.

The loss of the right occurs when a veteran changes his place of residence, or when a federal-format EDV is issued in pension fund.

Legislative basis for registration

Legislative act Content
Law of the city of Moscow No. 70 dated 03.11.2004 "On measures of social support for certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow"
Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 816-PP dated 06.12.2016 "On establishing the amount of individual social and other payments for 2017"
Appendix to the Order of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of Moscow dated March 23, 2017 No. 211 Application form for EGDV
Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 443-PP dated 06/27/2006 "On conferring the title of "Veteran of Labor" and issuing a certificate of a labor veteran in the city of Moscow"

Answers to common questions

Question number 1. I am a labor veteran and home front worker, I live in Moscow. Am I eligible for a monthly payment on two IDs?

Unfortunately no. You are only entitled to a payment under one status, but you can choose and receive according to the status, the payout amount for which is greater.

Question number 2. Can Social Security or other authorities overturn a decision to issue a veteran labor certificate?

No, if you have been issued a labor veteran's certificate, then it is no longer possible to cancel it. They can only make a decision on non-extradition if the required documents are not provided in the proper form. But this decision can also be appealed.

Question number 3. The widow of a labor veteran can count on inheriting benefits?

All benefits and payments to labor veterans are regulated at the local level. To find out about the existence of this right, you should contact the social security authorities at the place of residence. For example, Law No. 70 in Moscow does not provide for this right, but provides for the right to monthly payments to the widow of the Hero of Labor.

Question number 4. I am a veteran of labor, I live in the city of Sochi, I have issued all the benefits that are due to me here. But I plan to move to live in Moscow. Will my benefits continue when I move?

The fact is that the benefits provided to you were of a local, regional nature. And you lose the right to them in connection with the change of residence. When moving to Moscow, benefits will need to be reissued. To do this, contact the social protection authority at your new registration address.

Video tips. What benefits will be provided to labor veterans in 2019?

The video reveals what benefits will be provided to labor veterans in 2019 in different regions⇓
