What are the payments to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. State assistance to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

What benefits are due to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019 - this question worries many elderly people who have completed their service in law enforcement agencies and are about to apply for a pension.

Each person, going on a well-deserved rest, has the right to additional benefits and benefits from the state.

The priority position for receiving social payments is given to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who retire on a seniority basis. Their service carries a danger to life and health.

Going on a well-deserved vacation, such pensioners can count on an increased preferential package.

When can an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs go on a seniority pension?

A person who worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and ceased his activity due to reduction, length of service, state of health, age, receives pension benefit through the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the following cases:

  1. A person has worked in the organs for 20 years, regardless of age;
  2. The person has worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 12.5 years, has a total work experience of 25 years, and his age is 45 years.

The amount of benefits and allowances depends on the rank of the employee and his length of service.

In other cases, former employees law enforcement are provided with pension payments on an equal basis with ordinary citizens and are not entitled to additional benefits.

Is there a one-time payment for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

When resigning from law enforcement agencies, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has the right to one-time financial assistance:

  • For those who have worked for 20 years - a material payment in the amount of seven salaries;
  • If a person has worked for less than 20 years, 2 salaries are paid;
  • If an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received an honorary title or a state award, then he is entitled to the payment of one salary.

How is the pension calculated for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have retired on a seniority basis?

The pension benefit of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot be less than that established by law 166-FZ and is indexed on a par with other benefits.

Rely on persons who have retired due to seniority and additional allowances:

      1. A person has the first group of disability, or his age is over 80 years old - he is entitled to a 100% allowance;
      2. The person is not employed, but he is supported by:
      3. 1 dependent - 32% supplement;
      4. 2 dependents - 64% supplement;
      5. 3 or more dependents - 100% supplement.

If dependents receive pension payments, no such allowance will be paid.
Veterans of the Second World War are assigned a 32% bonus, which doubles when they reach the age of 80.

tax incentives

      1. This category of pensioners is exempt from paying taxes on one of the real estate objects. If a pensioner owns several such objects, then he has the right to choose which object will not be taxed.
      2. Pension income tax is also not paid by such citizens. At the same time, the pensioner is deprived of the right to receive a deduction for the purchase of real estate.
      3. Land tax compensation is also available to this category of pensioners.
      4. The vehicle tax exemption should be clarified in the region of residence.

To receive such relief, the pensioner must contact the tax authorities at the place of residence and provide the required list of documents:

      • Identity document;
      • pension certificate;
      • Documents confirming the ownership of real estate or transport.

If the pensioner did not provide timely necessary papers to the tax authorities, then recalculation of payments will be made for a three-year period.

Health Benefits

If a pensioner needs medical assistance, then it will be provided to him completely free of charge when undergoing treatment in medical institutions belonging to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When applying to other medical organizations, medical care is provided on a general basis.

Once a year, a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can visit a sanatorium belonging to this department for 25% of the total cost of the ticket. Travel to the resort and back is paid. If a pensioner needs to visit a sanatorium for rehabilitation, then the ticket is completely free.

Housing Benefits

Retired pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to the provision of municipal housing under a social contract of employment or to receive a subsidy for the purchase of a house.

When participating in the state mortgage program, all obligations for its payment fall on the shoulders of the pensioner. The state pays only part of the funds (no more than 50%).

The provision of housing under the terms of social employment occurs if a person has been put on the waiting list for improvement living conditions no later than March 1, 2003.

Easy access to transport

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the right to preferential travel in local and suburban public transport, with the exception of ordinary and fixed-route taxis.

What benefits are not available to senior citizens?

Utilities and other housing services are paid by the pensioner in full. There are no discounts for compensation for telephone communications.

Discounts on payment for housing services will only be received by family members of law enforcement officers in the event of their death in the line of duty.

Benefits for next of kin of retired law enforcement officers as of January 1, 2019:

      1. Family members of pensioners are entitled to free medical care in medical institutions under the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
      2. Relatives of such pensioners are entitled to a ticket to a sanatorium with a 50% discount;
      3. In the event of the death of a pensioner due to an illness received during service in the authorities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs makes payments for the upbringing of his minor children;
      4. A one-time financial benefit in the event of the death of a pensioner from a disease acquired during service.

What benefits are provided to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have the title of Veteran of Labor of Russia or the USSR?

As a rule, their list does not differ much in the regions of the country:

      • Free travel in urban and suburban public transport, excluding fixed-route and regular taxis;
      • 50% discount on utility bills;
      • Free medical procedures and prosthetics (except teeth);
      • Increased pension.

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have increased social guarantees. It all depends on their experience and rank. You should find out about the relaxations due to such pensioners in local governments and social services.

Video: Disabled pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

All citizens who have worked for the prescribed period in various structures, after retirement, can count on certain benefits provided at the expense of the state. Depending on the place of work or service, these benefits can vary significantly.

A number of advantages compared to other categories of persons have military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies, in particular the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is due to more complex and stressful conditions of service.

Who is supposed to

According to the current legislation, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs include citizens who served in the following structures:

  • police;
  • investigative committee;
  • federal service of the National Guard Troops (for employees who have begun their service in the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs);
  • other units subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The presence and significance of the benefits that are due to retired employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depend on the length of service, the special ranks assigned and the total length of service of the citizen.

Law No. 4468-1 "On pension provision persons who have passed military service, service in the internal affairs bodies ... ”conditions are established, in the presence of one of which, a citizen has the right to a seniority pension.

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The conditions are as follows:

  • more than 20 years of service in the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • reaching the age of 45 years with a total work experience of more than 25 years, of which 12.5 years the citizen served in the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This option is possible only in case of dismissal for health reasons or due to personnel changes.

Retirement due to disability is also regulated by the above law. So, citizens who have received injuries, injuries and diseases that prevent further service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the right to a disability pension.

What benefits do pensioners receive?

All benefits provided to retired employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be divided into several categories:

  • financial;
  • tax;
  • medical;
  • housing;
  • regional;
  • benefits for family members of the employee.


The main benefit is early exit pension, the grounds and conditions of which were discussed above. An important point is the ability of an employee to continue working after achieving retirement age, which allows you to receive an additional insurance pension.

The amount of the pension is affected by the length of service and the salary of the employee, which depends on the position and rank earned while serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The amount of salaries is multiplied by a special coefficient, the value of which is constantly reviewed by law.

With a service life in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 20 years or more, this coefficient is 50%, and also increases by 3% for each additional year seniority.

If a citizen has a mixed length of service (25 years in general and half of this period in the Ministry of Internal Affairs), then the coefficient will be 50% and will increase by only 1% for each year of service over 25 years.

Additional allowances, ranging from 15% to 100% of the pension, are awarded to some state awards, champions of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, pensioners over 80, disabled people of the 1st group and non-working pensioners having disabled dependent family members.

Another significant financial benefit is a one-time cash payment upon dismissal of an employee to the reserve, the amount of which also depends on the salary and length of service of the employee. With a term of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 20 years or more, the employee is entitled to a payment equal to seven salaries for the position and rank.

An additional payment equal to two million rubles, according to the current legislation, is encouraged by employees who left the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs due to health problems or injuries received during their service.


In the field of taxation, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also have certain preferences:

  1. In the field of property tax, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are exempt from paying tax on real estate, but this applies only to ONE typical object (apartment, cottage, garage). For each subsequent object in excess of the norm, pensioners are not exempt from paying tax.
  2. All pension and compensation lump-sum payments (including payments for the improvement of housing conditions) are exempt from tax.
  3. Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can receive compensation for the paid land tax.
  4. According to the transport tax, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are also entitled to compensation, BUT only in certain regions of the Russian Federation. The solution of this issue is referred by the legislator to the competence of the local authorities.

All of these benefits are only available to retirees who leave the service after reaching retirement age, as a result of staff reductions or for health reasons.


Retired employees also retain the right to free and full-fledged medical care in departmental medical institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

They have the opportunity, at the expense of the Ministry, not only to receive general medical care, but also to undergo full-fledged dental treatment, including prosthetics.

Medicines and others medicines and goods included in the list of subsidized medicines are also free for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with prescriptions from attending physicians.

Another nice addition to medical benefits is the opportunity to get a ticket to spa facilities with a significant reduction in cost:

  1. For pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the ticket will cost 75% less than its real cost.
  2. Close relatives of former employees have the right to go to health facilities at a discount of half the cost of the voucher.
  3. Pensioners, as well as an accompanying person, are guaranteed free travel to the health facility and back

This benefit can only be used once at a time. calendar year. To do this, you need to write an application and stand in line. When an affordable voucher appears, special authorities are required to notify the citizen about this at least two weeks before the start of the race.


Improving the living conditions of current and former employees is the most important issue and the main item of expenditure for benefits in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. More than 4 billion rubles are annually allocated from the budget to solve this problem.

A one-time payment for the purchase or construction of their own housing is due to an employee once for the entire period of service or after retirement.

There are a number of conditions for receiving this payment:

  • non-compliance of housing with the norms established by the housing code.
  • the impossibility of cohabitation with a specific person due to his state of health.
  • housing under a social tenancy agreement with an average area per family member of 15 sq. meters or less.
  • other unsatisfactory living conditions.

The amount of social payment for the purchase or construction of housing depends on several factors, such as:

  • the average cost of housing in the region where the beneficiary lives;
  • the number of family members;
  • life time;
  • awards and special merit.


A certain set of benefits is available to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, depending on the region of residence. This issue is referred to the competence of local authorities and is regulated by the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Pensioners living in the capital have the right to travel on public transport for free, while in St. Petersburg only preferential fares are provided for former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In some regions, reduced housing and communal services costs and other benefits are possible at the discretion of regional authorities.

For family members

In addition to the benefits directly due to pensioners, a certain set of preferences is available to close relatives of a retired employee.

These include:

  • medical care in departmental medical institutions;
  • preferential vouchers to departmental sanatoriums and rest homes;
  • regular payments in case of loss of a breadwinner, in case of death of an employee during service;
  • a one-time cash payment to the family of an employee in the event of death from a disease acquired during the period of service.

How to issue

The process of obtaining all the above benefits and payments is not difficult, but the pensioner needs to independently, through the preparation of documents and applications to specialized authorities.

Behind Various types certain authorities are responsible for benefits:

  • taxation issues are resolved in the Federal Tax Service;
  • problems with medical care in departmental medical institutions;
  • polls for receiving payments for the purchase (construction) of housing, as well as vouchers to health-improving institutions are administered by the personnel department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The rapidly developing system of Multifunctional Centers helps pensioners to significantly facilitate the collection of documents and the submission of the necessary applications.

Despite this, a certain procedure must be followed:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to determine the very possibility and legitimacy of obtaining benefits.
  2. Next, you should determine the authority responsible for this type of benefit and prepare all Required documents.
  3. With the help of the MFC, or by contacting the authorities directly, draw up an application for benefits and provide the collected set of documents.

An example of filling out an application:

You can provide a set of documents and applications both personally and through a legal representative who has a notarized power of attorney to perform the above actions.

It also provides for the possibility of remote filing of an application using registered mail or official portals of authorities.

Required documents

The list of documents required to apply for most of the benefits provided to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Pensioner's ID.
  3. Military ID.
  4. Certificate of residence.

When applying for tax exemption, it is necessary to submit documents confirming the ownership of the object of taxation.

To consider an application for referral to institutions of the sanatorium and health fund of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a medical basis for referral to a specific institution, as well as a certificate of disability, if any, is attached.

When applying for housing benefits, it is necessary to officially confirm one or more grounds for obtaining housing, certificates of the absence of other real estate from the employee and close relatives, as well as documents confirming the term of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have significant privileges in the number and amount of benefits due to them after the end of their service. This is due to the difficulties and deprivations that employees overcome over the years in the guard of law and order.

But it must be remembered that the provision of benefits to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in most cases is declarative in nature, and the volume and quality of the benefits they receive depend on the competent actions of the pensioners themselves.

I am a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (more than 20 years of service), dismissed in 2004 due to limited health, group 2 ( military injury while on duty). Not in combat operations. In 2009 he was transferred to the 3rd group, military injury, indefinitely. Before...

Benefits for a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs when paying tax

Hello. I am a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by length of service and age. I am 51. I live in the Moscow region. Do I have a privilege for transport tax and taxes on real estate and land

Benefits for the payment of property tax to the pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Good afternoon. I have been a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs since November 2011. He served in the organs for 17 years and 4 months. General seniority 32 years. Dismissed for health reasons, disabled group III. Do I have property tax benefits if the owner of the apartment or ...

16 November 2016, 12:11, question #1442883 Yuri Ivanovich, Krasnodar

Taxes for transport to the pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Lives in the Kemerovo region, 48 years old. Is the husband a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs exempt from paying transport tax?

Benefit for a dependent pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

I am a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs .. Disabled due to illness, a disabled person of the 2nd group, my son was born, am I entitled to an additional payment to the pension for a minor child and in what amount .. the child is already 2.5 years old.

389 price

issue resolved

Are pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs exempt from property tax and transport tax?

Are pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs exempt from property tax and transport tax. What are the required documents

The tax authorities refused to provide a transport tax exemption for a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is this legal?

Hello. I am a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I received a car tax of 1400 rubles. Machine 102 l. With. The tax office said that the benefits were removed. Is it so. I live in the Kemerovo region.

What benefits are pensioners entitled to?

Hello! I am a pensioner (Vkteran of Labour) of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region. I am 49 years old. What benefits (mainly transport and taxation) am I entitled to in this moment and how to arrange them. Thank you.

Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for property tax

Usachev Valery Aleksandrovich, I am a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 21 years of service. I applied to the tax service for a benefit on property tax. They answered that you have such a benefit, but this tax is a local tax, and if in our city ...

October 26, 2016, 11:27, question #1420567 Valery, Alekseevskaya

What tax benefits do pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow have?

Hello! I am a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I live in Moscow, I own 1/5 of the apartment (equal property) and a car. From the tax sent a notice of payment of taxes. What benefits can I expect and how to apply for them, ...

What are the tax benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a calendar experience of 33 years, colonel. Are there any benefits for the payment of transport tax and real estate tax, what are the allowances, compensations and reimbursements. Kemerovo region. Thank you.

It is believed that police officers have many privileges along with their duties, but is this really the case and what benefits will be provided to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as working employees, in 2019?

What can military pensioners expect?

Today in Russia there are benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs according to the length of service, which can be obtained by working in the bodies for 20 or more years or by retiring at the age of 45 with a total length of service of 25 years and a service life of at least 12.5 years.

Benefits are provided to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for taxes:

    exemption from income tax on pensions, compensations and one-time housing payments (Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

    exemption from property duty for natural persons one (!) from each type of real estate (Article 407, clause 10 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

    compensation for paid duties on property;

    land tax benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the amounts are set by municipalities);

    preferential payment of transport tax (each region has its own amount of benefits).

Important! Compensation and tax benefits to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are paid only upon seniority or retirement for health reasons, reduction or age.

Some of the existing benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 2019 will also be preserved. These include:

    purchase of vouchers in a sanatorium for 25% of the total cost (only in sanatorium-and-spa institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs);

    payment to the place of treatment (rehabilitation) and back is compensated by the department;

    disabled people are provided with free medicines and dental services, including prosthetics without the use of expensive materials.

If a voucher is purchased to a health resort, which is not included in the system of sanatorium-resort treatment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then the pensioner pays for its cost and travel from personal funds.

Compensation for housing and communal services for military pensioners is not provided. Such state assistance can only be received by the closest relatives of a deceased pensioner if the cause of death was an injury or illness received during service.

On a note! From October 2019, the pensions of military personnel and persons equivalent to them will increase by 6.3%. Such amendments to the current law on pensions were adopted at the end of 2018 at a plenary session by the Federation Council. In 2019, it is planned to index the monetary allowance of military personnel from October 1 by 4.3%, and military pensions will be simultaneously increased in the same amount. In addition, at a meeting with the President of the Russian Federation, it was decided to further increase the allowance by 2%. Thus, in total, from October 1, 2019, the increase in military pensions will be 6.3%.

Spouses and children of military pensioners also have privileges:

    they can be treated in specialized medical institutions belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

    can purchase vouchers to departmental sanatoriums at half price;

    receive compensation for travel to the place of treatment for one family member (optional);

    in the event of the death of a retired police officer, they are entitled to lump sum, monthly child allowance and a number of other benefits (the full list is presented in Article 12 of the Federal Law-247).

For existing employees - housing, free travel and kindergarten

All guarantees of social protection of police officers are prescribed in Chapter 8 of the Law "On Police". In particular, Article 46 defines privileges during service. So, the policeman can expect:

    on a service pass for travel on urban and suburban transport, the only exception is taxi rides, which will have to be paid out of your own pocket;

    for free travel on the modes of transport and baggage transportation indicated in the first paragraph in cases where a police officer is trying to stop a crime or administrative violation, detain or deliver a suspect (a taxi is again not included in the list of free means of transportation);

    for free travel by railway, water transport, airplanes only when performing official duties;

    for an extraordinary reservation of a hotel room and the purchase of tickets for all types of transport when traveling to a new duty station or during a business trip.

Article 46 also reflects the right to receive an extraordinary place in a preschool children's institution children of a Russian policeman, as well as:

    orphans whose parent died or died as a result of injury or harm to health during the service;

    children of a retiree who was dismissed from service as a result of an injury or other bodily harm that prevented him from continuing to work, including those who died within a year after the dismissal;

    children who were / are dependent on former and current employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the above categories.

Article 44 states that it is also possible to receive housing benefits for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which are very difficult to achieve in practice. At the expense of the federal budget and from the specialized fund of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, if there are real opportunities, the following is provided:

    service housing;

    housing allowance;

    a one-time payment for the purchase of a home.

On a note! A district police officer without his own housing must be provided with office space within six months from the date of taking office.

Benefits are also provided for an honorary officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

    provision of annual leave at a convenient time of choice;

    advantages in solving the housing problem;

    extraordinary receipt of vouchers to sanatoriums for themselves and family members, as well as places in kindergartens for children.

A few years ago, free travel to a holiday destination outside of Russia was canceled (only the road to the airport or train station, from where the flight departs abroad, is paid). Today, only expenses for holidays within the country are compensated. What other surcharges the police will lose in 2019 and subsequent years, time will tell.

Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - social measures taken by the government in the form of pension supplements, taxation, medical care, housing.

Financial benefits

Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the financial part are lump sum upon dismissal in the amount of:

  • 7 salary salaries for employees with 20 years of experience;
  • 2 salaries for employees with less than 20 years of experience;
  • 1 salary, if the citizen was awarded an honorary title or a state award.

The size of the pension for long service through the Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot be less than 100% of the amount of pensions specified in the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ, taking into account indexations.

There are also pension benefits in the form of allowances for those who retired after seniority, and:

  • - the I group of disability is established or whose age is more than 80 years - a 100% allowance is set;
  • - unemployed, but having:
    • 1 dependent - 32% supplement;
    • 2 dependents - 64% surcharge;
    • 3 and more - 100% surcharge;
    if dependents receive a pension, the supplement is not paid;
  • - WWII participants are given a 32% bonus, which increases to 64% when they reach the age of 80.

tax incentives

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are exempt from paying personal income tax, but for this they are required to appear at the tax office with a passport and pension certificate and submit an application. Recalculation of taxes for past periods is possible within 3 years. This benefit deprives pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the right to a property deduction when buying a home - there are no transfers of personal income tax, and there is no refund.

Transport tax benefits are granted to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by decision of the regional authorities. More often, this benefit is granted for other reasons: disabled people, large families, participants in the Second World War.

Medical service

Social benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs represent the right to use departmental medical institutions after their dismissal from the service on the basis of the direction of the relevant pension authority and the purchase of a voucher to the sanatorium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs once a year. The cost of sanatorium treatment will be 25% of the cost of a voucher for a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and 50% for his family members. Duration of stay in the sanatorium - not less than 14 days, maximum 45 days by decision of the medical commission. If the purpose of the referral to a medical preventive institution is rehabilitation, then the ticket for a pensioner is free.

These rights apply to dependents of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and to their family members, if the former police officer has a length of service of 20 years or more.

Public utilities

Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for paying utility bills are not provided. Compensation is provided only to the families of employees who died in the line of duty or died from injuries and injuries received during service.


The police have their own housing program, separate from the military mortgage.

Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are that those citizens who are recognized as in need of better housing conditions and registered as such before 03/01/2005 are entitled to obtaining an apartment under a social contract. Such housing can be re-registered as a property.

Instead of housing, you can get a one-time social payment for its purchase, as well as receive a targeted loan, but all the costs of servicing it will be borne by the borrower, and the state's share in the purchase will not exceed 50% of the property value.
