Social payments to pensioners - pensions and additional benefits. What payments are due to pensioners in addition to the monthly pension What cash payments are due to pensioners

The pension plan is designed to disabled citizen able to live with dignity and satisfy their basic necessities of life. Many pensioners do not know that they are entitled to other payments besides the basic pension, and therefore do not use their rights. In this article, we will tell you what other benefits they are entitled to and how you can get paid. lump sum.

Pension provision in Russia: pension and other benefits

More than 42 million Russians receive pensions. In most cases, this is an old-age benefit, it is a material support from the state - a pension. It is paid every month. In Russia on this moment The following types of retirement benefits or pensions are provided for:

  • insurance - for the loss of a breadwinner, disability or old age;
  • on state security (such benefits are provided to persons who have reached the age established by law, who have lost their breadwinner and other socially unprotected categories of citizens);
  • accumulative - payment of pension savings;
  • voluntary (non-state) - formed in the NPF at the request of the citizen himself.

The first is a compensation of wages or other payments in monetary terms, which is paid to an insured citizen who needs material support. It is assigned to a disabled person who has lost a breadwinner, recognized as disabled or who has reached retirement age currently installed in the country. The second is paid to persons who do not receive pension payments insurance type. Also, certain categories of the military, pilots, astronauts, and civil servants are entitled to apply for such payments. In addition, the law gives citizens the right to independently form pension savings in a state or non-state pension fund.

Monthly payments to pensioners (EDV, DEMO, additional payment to the subsistence level)

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation also makes other payments to persons entitled to receive them in accordance with applicable law. So, the pensioner has the right to apply for additional social benefits.

The state provides for such an opportunity that a citizen can satisfy his vital needs and exist in decent conditions:

  • Social allowance up to living wage. Such a payment can be received by a pensioner whose total income is less than the established subsistence level. A citizen can apply for a regional or federal surcharge. When calculating total income, all cash receipts officially received by a pensioner, and not just the monthly pension payment itself, should be taken into account.
  • DEMO. Citizens belonging to certain categories established by law can receive this small payment. The amount of additional monthly material security is five hundred or one thousand rubles.
  • EDV, or monthly cash payment. It is appointed if a citizen was injured during hostilities (including the Great Patriotic War), the Chernobyl accident. The recipients of the UDV also include persons with special merits to the country, Heroes of Russia or the Soviet Union, the disabled, labor veterans. One and the same citizen may be entitled to a UDV for several reasons, then the payment is assigned only for one - they choose the one for which a large amount is due. The exception is citizens who suffered during the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - they can be paid for two reasons.

Lump sum payment of pension savings

Many have heard about the lump sum payment of pension savings, but the mechanism of its action is far from clear to everyone, since it was introduced recently. Certain categories of pensioners are entitled to apply for such payments, and not everyone who wishes. To exercise your right, you will need to collect documents and submit an application to the authorized body.

Who is entitled to a lump sum payment from the funded part of the pension?

The pensioner who continues his labor activity are not entitled to a lump sum payment. The source is his pension savings. A citizen who has reached the legal age can apply for it only when he retires if he belongs to one of the categories listed in the list below:

  • Participants of the state co-financing program. It was possible to become a member of the program by submitting an appropriate application before 12/31/2014. To confirm participation, it was required to make at least 1 contribution before the end of January 2015.
  • Citizens who receive payments for the loss of a breadwinner or in connection with an established disability.
  • A citizen whose experience is insufficient, or who has not scored enough points by the time he reaches retirement age, that is, a person who is not entitled to claim provision in old age, can also apply for such a payment.
  • Men born in 1953 or younger and women born in 1957 and younger, if contributions to the funded part were paid for them in 2002-2004.
  • If the funded part is five percent or less of the total old-age pension benefit.

Where to apply for an appointment?

Federal and regional divisions of the PFR (or non-state pension funds) have the right to accept applications for the purpose of payment. It is not necessary to come there with papers in person. If this is not possible, it is permissible to issue a power of attorney to a third party. The pensioner is allowed to print the application, attach copies of the required documents to it and send the entire documentation package by mail.

A citizen has the right to apply to a pension fund, even if he is outside the country. In such a situation, you will also have to use postal services. An important nuance: before sending the application and the attached copies of documents, they will need to be certified by the Russian embassy or a notary.

List of required documents

A citizen who has the right to claim the payment in question and wishes to exercise his right before going to the pension fund must prepare a package of documents. It should be borne in mind that the list below is open, that is, if necessary, a pension fund employee has the right to require the provision of additional documents. Indicative list:

  1. an application in the prescribed form (the form will be issued at the branch of the pension fund);
  2. copies of the main pages of the pensioner's passport;
  3. a power of attorney and a copy of the passport of the citizen's legal representative (if a pensioner is not able to apply to the fund on his own, he can issue an appropriate power of attorney with a notary);
  4. SNILS card;
  5. confirmation of the fact of receipt of pension payments by the applicant (the relevant document can be obtained from the PF department).

From this article you will learn:

    Who is entitled to a lump sum payment to pensioners from the funded part of the pension

    How to get a lump sum payment from savings

    What is the lump-sum payment for pensioners

    Who will receive a lump sum payment of 5000 rubles

    When will pensioners receive a lump sum payment?

Any Russian has the right to state support after a well-deserved retirement. However, this often happens: for some reason, this money is not enough for life. Therefore, there is a clause in the legislation according to which you can receive additional funds, in addition to pensions. However, it is important to remember that not everyone can receive a lump sum payment to pensioners.

What is a lump sum payment from the funded pension to pensioners

According to the procedure for issuing pension savings funds dated February 8, 2012, some categories of people have the opportunity to receive them in the form of a whole amount, and not in parts during the year. This format of disbursement of funds is carried out by the Pension Fund of Russia and non-state pension funds in accordance with the Federal Law "On Compulsory Pension Insurance". In accordance with it, a one-time payment to pensioners is a mandatory insurance coverage, that is, a pension insurance insurer is obliged to transfer it to a citizen on time. In addition, it is possible to receive an urgent payment formed with the help of additional deposits. That is, if you are wondering whether lump sum payments pensioners, the answer is yes.

You can check the current amount of your pension savings (PN) at the PFR office located at the place of residence, having come with a passport and SNILS, or check it through the Public Services Portal.

Who is entitled to a lump sum payment to pensioners from the funded part of the pension

This procedure can be carried out exclusively from the PN after retirement. Now let's look at which pensioners have the opportunity to receive a lump sum payment:

    Persons born in 1967 and younger.

    Persons whose funded pension does not exceed 5% of the old-age pension. This takes into account the fixed payment, the funded part, calculated as of the date of appointment of the latter.

    Disability and Survivor Pensioners and Public Security Pensioners if they are not eligible for Old Age Security due to insufficient service or points at the time they reach the appropriate age.

    Members of the state co-financing program for the formation of pension savings. It was possible to join the program until December 31, 2014. In the event that from October 1, 2008 to December 31, 2014 you managed to apply and made at least one contribution before January 31, 2015, you are considered a participant.

    People who were paid in 2002-2004 insurance premiums into the storage section. Note that since 2005, such actions have ceased to be carried out due to changes in legislation. These are men born in 1953-1966, and women born in 1957-1966 in the case when they still have pension funds.

In addition, a one-time payment is due to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also, this benefit is given to persons who have lost their jobs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs while maintaining their pension. A one-time payment to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is issued if they are registered for the appointment of such benefits while still in service.

Usually, a lump sum payment is not issued to working pensioners. Upon dismissal due to a reduction in staff, the employer must simply assign severance pay.

How much is a lump-sum payment paid to pensioners from the funded part of the pension

The volume of the lump-sum payment to pensioners is directly related to the amount accumulated in the pension fund. That is, the larger it is, the larger the payout will be. Therefore, if you have just started receiving a pension, you do not need to immediately seek to collect the payment. The funded part is still small, which means that it will also affect the amount of your lump sum payment to pensioners.

Are you applying for a one-time payment from the funded pension to pensioners? Make sure that the accumulated amount does not exceed 5% of the money issued each month. The amount paid for this period is calculated in accordance with the planned duration of accruals, which is equal to 234 months. Divide the amount by this figure, then calculate what funds will be credited to you along with the funded part. Divide the funds paid out of savings every month by the number received so far, then multiply by one hundred.

Here's an example:

Let's say the insurance benefit is 6000 rubles. 150,000 accumulated during the work. Then it is necessary to carry out the following operations:

The amount of the monthly deduction from the total accumulated amount: 150,000 / 234 = 641 rubles.

As a percentage, this will be: 641 / (6000 + 641) * 100 = 9.7%.

Result: You are not entitled to a lump sum payment to retirees.

What needs to be done so that the lump sum payment to pensioners from the funded part of the pension is paid

Step 1. Prepare Required documents. This includes the following papers:

    Photocopies of the main pages of the identity document of the applicant;

  • A paper confirming that you receive a pension (issued by the pension fund department);

    Power of attorney, if the principal applies;

    A photocopy of the trustee's passport.

The list may increase at the request of the FIU specialist.

Step 2 Send documents to the FIU

When you are unable to come in person, send the papers by mail. Then you need to print the application form and attach photocopies of documents to it. They will have to be pre-certified by a notary or a representative of the Russian embassy if you are outside the country.

In addition, your legal representative has the right to submit documents for a lump sum payment to pensioners if he has a notarized power of attorney for such operations.

After the death of the owner of pension savings, they pass to one of the successors. The main condition: the latter must have a power of attorney certified by a notary for savings, signed during his lifetime by the pensioner himself.

Step 3 To write an application

An application for a lump sum payment to pensioners is submitted exclusively in the prescribed form. The form must be taken from a specialist in the fund's branch in your city or district.

Step 4 Wait for an answer

One month is allotted for a written response. It happens that PF employees return to the pensioner his application for the accrual of this payment. This happens for several reasons:

    The citizen did not attach at least one of the above documents to the application;

    The application is written illegibly or contains many grammatical errors.

In case of a positive decision, no more than 60 days are given for the issuance of funds from the funded part from the date of the decision on the application.

Recall that it is possible to receive a lump sum payment to pensioners from the savings in the Pension Fund only once in 5 years.

What is the lump sum payment for pensioners in 2017

A bill on a one-time payment to pensioners of 5000 rubles. signed in October 2016.

By the end of 2016, all stages must be completed, and pensioners will receive a lump sum payment in January 2017, along with this month's pension from the PFR. Lump sum payments to pensioners should be issued to everyone who issued before December 31, 2016 and received a pension once or more.

This amount should replace indexation in the second half of the year. Additional funds will be a one-time support and will not affect the size of the pension, since the amount is recognized not as part of the pension, but as a means of social assistance from the state.

This change is due to the difficult economic situation - there are no funds for indexation. And the pensioners still need help.

Lump sum payment to pensioners in 2017: who is entitled and who will not receive

One-time payment to pensioners 5000 r. is accrued to everyone who, while living in the Russian Federation, has different pension payments from the PFR. It will be issued to everyone who receives an insurance pension and funds under the state pension program.

Let us turn in more detail to the one-time payment to pensioners of 5000 rubles, namely to whom it is due. This includes the following categories of pensioners:

    Citizens with an old-age pension;

    Persons who have lost their breadwinner;

    Disabled children and other persons with a disability pension.

It is important that working and military pensioners can receive a lump sum payment.

Let's discuss those who are not given additional one-time assistance from the state. These include pensioners living outside of Russia. By decision of the Constitutional Court, they can receive a pension earned here. However, they are not affected by this payment, which is designed to mitigate the burden of sanctions and other financial hardships affecting residents of the Russian Federation. In other words, they are in the care of another state, so Russia does not see the need for this step.

One-time payment of 5000 r. was not assigned to military pensioners, since they receive money not through the FIU, but from the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other power structures. There is also another way to calculate. But changes have been made, and such pensioners can now also receive this payment.

Lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners: advantages and disadvantages in comparison with indexation


    Allows you to ease the burden on the state budget.

    The FIU does not pay interest for the accrual of money from the budget. They are paid by the budget, bypassing the fund.

    The benefit also applies to pensioners who continue to work - before they were not affected by indexation.

    The support is intended for all pensioners. This is especially important for those who receive small pensions.

    The pension increases with indexation by a smaller amount than in this case.

There are also disadvantages:

    The amount does not offset the current rate of inflation.

    It has a fixed amount, regardless of the size of the pension.

    A lump sum payment to pensioners is not considered for further indexation. The latter is made based on the amounts for the spring of 2016.

Indexation or a lump sum payment to pensioners: which is more profitable

So, we have determined that a one-time payment to pensioners of 5000 r. designed to replace indexing. Let's see how it will affect the budget of citizens who are no longer working. Consider two conditional options (we will take into account the interval: January 2016-January 2017):

    The allowance was fully indexed twice in 2016.

    Instead of re-indexing, a payment of 5000 rubles is made.

Option 1. Carrying out two-time indexation for inflation.

Suppose, at the beginning of 2016, a pensioner is charged 12,000 rubles. In February 2016, indexation took place and 4% was added to the amount. Then she began to write:

12 480 rubles × 7 months = 87 360 rubles.

After that, another indexation takes place in September, increasing the pension by 8.9%. Since inflation in 2015 was 12.9%, and in February pensions rose by 4%, the value of re-indexation will be 8.9%:

12 480 rubles + 1,110.72 rubles (8.9% of 12480 rubles) = 13,590.72 rubles.

These funds are issued for 5 months, until the next indexation in February 2017 (September 2016 - January 2017):

$13,590.72 × 5 months = 67,953.6 rubles

It turns out that for the current year the citizen was issued:

12 000 rubles + 87 360 rubles. + 67,953.6 rubles = 167,313.6 rubles

Option 2. Lump sum payment to pensioners instead of another indexation.

As in the situation discussed above, during the indexation in February 2016, the pension changed upwards by 4%:

12 000 rubles + 480 rubles (4% of 12,000 rubles) = 12,480 rubles.

This is how it is calculated for 12 months, until indexation is carried out in February 2017 (February 2016 - January 2017):

12 480 rubles × 12 months = 149 760 rubles.

At the beginning of 2017, 5,000 rubles are added to it.

For the year, the pensioner will be paid:

12 000 rubles + 149 760 rubles. + 5 000 rub. = 166 760 rubles.

When analyzing the final amounts, it can be seen that the difference is not large: in the second variant, the pension is lower by 553.6 rubles.

But note that if the pension is larger than in the example, the difference will be more significant. This is due to the fact that indexation, in contrast to the lump sum payment to pensioners, gives an increase in percentage. The advantage of additional indexation in 2016 and the revision of pensions in 2017 is that the calculation would take place based on the amount of already increased benefits.

The topic was formulated as follows: “5,000 rubles: is this a sufficient replacement before pension indexation in 2016?”. The voting results were as follows:

    “No, not worthy. Promises must be kept! - 50.5%.

    “This is better than a small increase in pension” - 16.5%.

    "This is the most reasonable measure in the current conditions" - 14.3%.

    “I don’t see much difference” - 9.9%.

    “Yes, for me worthy. I am a working pensioner!” - 8.8%.

Lump sum payment to pensioners in 2017: frequently asked questions of recipients

Question 1. Funds come to the post office, but the pensioner left the region for a short time. Can he get them later?

Answer: if the payment did not take place in January 2017, it will be repeated the next month along with the pension.

Question 2. I receive two pensions: one from the Pension Fund is an insurance pension without a fixed payment, and the other is based on years of service in law enforcement agencies. Where can I expect a lump sum payment of 5000 rubles to pensioners?

Answer: if a citizen is entitled to two pensions from two organizations and one of them goes through Pension Fund RF, then the FIU issues a lump sum payment to him. At this point, the reconciliation of the recipients of the two benefits has already been completed.

Question 3. I will be 55 years old on December 31, 2016. I sent an application for a pension to the PFR department at the place of residence. I have worked out my insurance and northern experience. Can I count on a lump sum payment to pensioners in January?

Answer: Of course, you are entitled to a lump sum payment, because from December 31, 2016. you are officially considered a pensioner - you will receive old-age insurance benefits.

Question 4. I get one survivor's pension for 2 children and the second for care. What is the amount of the lump sum payment?

Answer: a one-time payment to pensioners in 5000 rubles. paid to each beneficiary on the loss of a breadwinner. A benefit is also required as a person caring for a citizen under the age of 14, that is, plus five thousand rubles.

Question 5. I am a disabled person of the 3rd group, and re-examination by the previous ITU commission must be completed before December 2016. I am currently in the hospital. If I pass the ITU commission at the beginning of 2017, will I be able to qualify for a lump sum payment to retirees?

Answer: It depends on the date set by the ITU commission. If disability is recognized from 12.2016. and the reason for the delay is considered valid, then a lump-sum allowance is issued.

Question 6. Is the appointment of a lump sum payment to a citizen taken into account when considering the possibility of assigning social support?

Answer: in no case. This payment of 5000 r. is not calculated when determining the right to other support options from the state under the legislation of the Russian Federation and the subject of the Russian Federation.

Lump sum payment to pensioners: what else to expect for pensioners in 2017

Increase in pension payments

In 2017, the indexation of pensions will again follow the same pattern. That is insurance pensions will increase by the level of actual inflation, and state, including social, will rise, taking into account the increase in the subsistence minimum for a pensioner.

From February, there will be an increase in the insurance pensions of non-working pensioners to the inflation rate for 2016, or by 5.8%. In addition to the insurance pension, up to 4,823.35 rubles. the size of the fixed payment to it will also increase, and the cost of the pension point - up to 78.58 rubles. In 2016, this figure was 74.27 rubles.

From April 1, state pension benefits, including social benefits, will be increased by 2.6%. The procedure will affect both working and non-working pensioners.

From February 1 monthly payment issued to federal beneficiaries will be indexed by 5.8%.

Citizens who were still working in 2016 will see an increase in insurance pensions in August 2017. The largest increase in monetary terms is three pension points.

Features of the appointment of pensions

According to the pension formula applied in Russia since 2015, in order to qualify for insurance part pensions in 2017, you must have 8 years of service and 11.4 pension points.

In 2017, the maximum possible number of pension points is 8.26.

The payment period for calculating the funded pension in 2017 is 240 months. This figure is used solely to determine the amount of the funded part of the pension. The very same issuance of a pension is for life.

Any person has the opportunity to apply for the appointment of each type of pension, while remaining at home. This is easy to do by submitting an application on the PFR website in the "Personal Account" column. Here, if necessary, it will be possible to change the pension provider.

Extension of the moratorium on the formation of pension savings

The moratorium on the formation of pension savings has been officially extended to 2017. This is by no means a “pension freeze” or “withdrawal of pension savings”. This concept suggests that 6% of insurance premiums that could go to the funded part are redirected to the insurance. That is, the insurance premiums paid by the employer are fully involved in the formation of the employee's pension.

The moratorium does not prevent the transfer of savings to management companies or between pension funds if a person wishes. However, it is important not to forget that it is unprofitable to transfer savings from one insurer to another more than once every 5 years, since this action reduces the accumulated investment income.

Recalculation of social supplement to pension

The Russian government has created a measure to strengthen the financial situation of pensioners and people with disabilities. This is the so-called state social assistance. It is carried out in the format of an additional payment to the pension in the amount necessary to achieve the subsistence minimum. This support option exists in the Russian Federation since 01/01/2010.

This support can be received by pensioners living within Russia and not working anywhere. Their funds should not exceed the subsistence level determined in this region of the Russian Federation.

When calculating the level of material security, a pension, additional material security issued every month, a monthly cash payment along with the cost of social services and other measures of financial support under the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are considered. This may include regional pension supplements transferred every month from the local budget. Lump-sum payments to pensioners and compensation for housing and communal services payments to certain groups of people are excluded.

The cost of living is needed to accurately determine the required co-payment. It is measured once a year and is not subject to change until the next official revision.

It happens that when the cost of living increases, some people are given the opportunity to receive a federal copayment, even if they have not previously applied for such a payment. Then they must send an application to the nearest FIU. Then this surcharge will be assigned from the 1st day of the month following the month of sending the application.

In 2017, the living wage for a pensioner in the country is 8540 rubles. But to improve the quality of life of low-income pensioners, a separate law was adopted. According to it, the federal surcharge is calculated in such a way that the amount of the security, together with this surcharge, is not lower than the pensioner's subsistence level as of December 31 of the previous year. In other words, non-working pensioners who are already receiving a social supplement to their pension, and those to whom benefits will begin to be paid from 2017, will have an additional payment according to the indicators of 2016 - 8803 rubles.

In our boarding houses we are ready to offer only the best:

    Round-the-clock care for the elderly by professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).

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At any time of the day or night, the elderly will always come to the rescue, no matter what problem worries them. In this house, all relatives and friends. An atmosphere of love and friendship reigns here.

According to information published by the Federal Statistics Service, the average pension in Russian Federation today is 13,700 rubles, the minimum is 4,800 rubles. This is a rather small amount, more precisely, a very small amount. It is hard to even imagine how hard it is for lonely people of retirement age with such a penny payment. And most of them do not even assume that their material condition can be improved at the expense of the state. You will learn how to remedy the situation, what benefits are provided to pensioners in Moscow and not only by reading the article.

Types of social assistance and benefits

Before moving on to a discussion of the benefits due to pensioners, it should be noted that the following types of benefits are distinguished:

  1. Federal (mandatory for payment throughout Russia).
  2. Regional (determined by the authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation).
  3. District (established in accordance with the place of residence of a citizen).

There are not so many privileges that pensioners are entitled to, these include:

  1. tax incentives.
  2. Material rewards, allowances and payments to both pensioners and citizens caring for them.
  3. Social privileges and service.

tax incentives

Citizens of retirement age do not pay income tax on pension accruals, additional social payments and benefits, in addition, they may not pay property tax for one of the objects of their choice. These rights are enshrined in the relevant chapters of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and operate throughout Russia.

In some areas, old-age pensioners are allowed not to pay land tax on one of their plots, as well as a contribution for a car manufactured by a Russian manufacturer and having an installed capacity.

These benefits apply only to certain regions and are subject to local laws.

Guaranteed payouts

Do not know what benefits are provided to pensioners in Moscow? With regard to guaranteed support, at the government level, pensioners are entitled to the following payments:

  1. Increase in the fixed part of the pension provision by 2 times upon reaching the age of 80.
  2. In the case when the total income of a pensioner (pension, monthly allowance, additional benefits, etc.) is less than the subsistence minimum for the region of residence, an additional payment is made to him from the state budget.
  3. Additional accruals to the established part of the pension, if there are disabled dependents in care. For each person, the fixed part increases by a third, but not more than 100%.
  4. Persons operating in the North are also entitled to additional payments to their pensions - the amount depends on the regional coefficient and output.
  5. Rural workers with more than 30 years of experience are entitled to an additional payment to the fixed part in the amount of ¼ of the amount.
  6. For a separate category of older people (disabled people, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, Heroes of the Soviet Union and others), additional monthly payments are provided. cash payments.
  7. Able-bodied family members who take care of persons of retirement age who need care due to age or health conditions are paid compensation in the amount of 1-2 thousand rubles every month.

Social benefits

Elderly people who are unable to serve themselves, move and perform other activities required for normal life due to old age, health, disability, may apply for the appointment of personal public assistance to the authorized territorial body. So, what benefits are provided to pensioners in Moscow?

  1. Additional emergency payments.
  2. Maintenance services.
  3. Provision of medical services at home.
  4. Help with housekeeping (cleaning, cooking, etc.).
  5. Other services on an individual basis.

The decision on the options and scope of social services for pensioners is made by authorized services based on the results of a personal appeal.

Benefits for working pensioners

Benefits for pensioners in Moscow who continue to work in organizations of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the established Labor Code the following are in order:

  1. Deductions from personal income tax due to other categories of residents, including when acquiring / selling real estate.
  2. Extraordinary gratuitous leave upon request.
  3. Recalculation of already accrued pension every year.
  4. In case of refusal of pension payments for some time, additional pension points are accrued to a citizen.

Benefits for labor veterans

Persons of retirement age, recognized as labor veterans, deserve special attention. Their benefits and rights are controlled by local law and may change accordingly. So, let's consider what benefits are provided to pensioners in Moscow:

  1. Free travel in the municipal transport of the city.
  2. Free travel on trains and trains in the Moscow region.
  3. Payment for housing and communal services in the amount of 50%.
  4. Financial compensation for the use of a landline phone.
  5. Free dentures.

Labor veterans in St. Petersburg also have some benefits:

  1. 50% discount on the calculation of housing and communal services.
  2. Travel in urban and suburban transport at a reduced cost.
  3. Right to a lump sum payment.
  4. Similar privileges are available to pensioners living in other regions of Russia.

To find out about the benefits that are due to labor veterans and use them, you need to contact the service social protection residents and submit all necessary documents.

Tax benefits for pensioners in Moscow

Moscow is a city of federal importance, where there is its own charter and legislation. Tax benefits for people of retirement age in Moscow largely depend on the decision of the local authorities. So, for example, articles No. 51, 33, 74 combine the provisions of the Tax Code regarding motor transport, property and land fees.

Property tax for Muscovite pensioners

So, what benefits will Moscow pensioners have in 2018 in terms of property? Ownership is the main criterion by which the tax system of the Russian Federation evaluates the possibility of accruing contributions.

Obligations to pay taxes on a pensioner lie if he owns the following objects:

  1. Vehicle.
  2. Land area.
  3. real estate.

For each of the listed objects, the Tax Code provides for separate types of fees, principles of accrual and parameters for establishing taxable objects.

Transport tax

Taxpayers are the persons in whose name the vehicle is registered. Privileges regarding pensioners are not provided by the Federal Law, however, there are exceptions. Moscow pensioners receive transport benefits in the following cases:

  1. If they own a special car equipped for the transportation of disabled people.
  2. The transport was purchased through the social security service, and its capacity is less than 100 hp. With.
  3. Owners of the specified vehicles are exempted from payment of fees.

In addition, in accordance with Law No. 33 of the city of Moscow, pensioners receive a 100% discount for vehicles up to 200 liters. With. if they have:

  1. Title of Hero of the Soviet Union/Russian Federation.
  2. Order of Glory.
  3. Certificate of a veteran or disabled veteran of the Great Patriotic War / participant in hostilities.
  4. Disability of the 1st, 2nd group.
  5. The status of a prisoner of concentration camps or a liquidator of the results of nuclear disasters.
  6. Personal transport, the power of which is up to 70 liters. With.
  7. They have a disabled child in their care.

If a citizen old age does not belong to any of the listed categories, then he pays the transport tax in full.

Land tax

Law No. 74 of the city of Moscow, as well as the Federal Law, does not provide for concessions on land tax, respectively, they need to pay receipts according to the coefficients established for the capital.

A differentiated approach is adopted only for certain categories of citizens, such as veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people, etc. For example, disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups living in Moscow are provided with a benefit of 1 million rubles from the while the federal legislation provides for only 10 thousand rubles. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, persons who received radiation exposure or had radiation sickness have similar benefits.

Heroes of the Soviet Union / Russian Federation and holders of the Order of Glory are exempt from payment.

These benefits can only be applied to one land plot.

Contributions for real estate

Law No. 51 of the city of Moscow does not provide for preferences on contributions for real estate for pensioners. However, those who have reached retirement age have a 100% discount on 1 property of each type due to federal concessions.

At the initiative of the taxpayer, the tax service is obliged to apply the exemption for one of the objects:

  1. Apartment.
  2. Garage.
  3. Economic building.

Other types of tax privileges for pensioners

What other benefits do pensioners have in Moscow? Retirees are entitled to the following deductions:

  1. Acquisition / sale of residential real estate, land for construction.
  2. The cost of individual housing construction.
  3. Paying mortgage interest.
  4. Medical treatment and purchase medical preparations on prescription.
  5. Getting additional education.

Benefits-2018 for retired Muscovites

What benefits can pensioners expect in Moscow in 2018? The government of the city of Moscow, in addition to the main pension benefits provides a number of other benefits that can significantly improve the quality of life of pensioners, especially for those who are not going to reduce their activity. So, Muscovites are entitled to the following privileges:

  1. What benefits are provided non-working pensioners in Moscow? For example, undergoing treatment in sanatoriums and resorts, if there are medical indications. The trip can be granted no more than once a year. In addition, 100% return travel reimbursement is provided.
  2. Subsidies for utility bills. The discount is provided if the amount of payment is higher than 10% of the monthly earnings of all family members.
  3. What benefits are provided to single pensioners in Moscow? 50% discount on fees for TV broadcasts in urban networks. This opportunity is available only to single elderly people, as well as those who pay for housing and communal services at a discount.
  4. Free dental prosthetics, except for the cost of cermets and precious metals.
  5. Are there transport benefits for Moscow pensioners? Yes, pensioners are provided with preferential travel on public transport in the city. In order to take advantage of the benefit, it is enough to have a social card of a Muscovite.
  6. Supply of food and clothing. This assistance can be used by pensioners who find themselves in a difficult situation.
  7. Reimbursement of expenses for telephone services. This benefit is provided to pensioners in Moscow when they have no relatives or dependent children who have not reached the age of majority.

How to apply for pension benefits

To start receiving the listed benefits and privileges, you will have to run a lot and be mentally prepared for the fact that you will need to prove your rights.

After receiving a pensioner's certificate, you must contact the district social protection service with an application and a set of documents, which includes:

  1. Identity card (you must have a photocopy of your own passport and other family members with whom the pensioner lives).
  2. A copy of the document on the ownership of the apartment / house.
  3. Certificate of personal income (issued by the FIU) and income of other family members living with the citizen submitting documents.
  4. Information about the composition of the family.
  5. A copy of the receipt for payment of housing and communal services to prove the absence of debts.
  6. Information about the bank account for the transfer of subsidies.

In case of refusal, it is necessary to demand a written opinion indicating the reasons and references to the relevant regulations.

When receiving a subsidy, you need to know and remember that it must be renewed every six months. This rule does not apply only to benefits, they are issued once and do not require renewal.

Every person who goes on a well-deserved vacation over the long working years of his life has the legal right to pension provision. Often the amount of pension payments is insufficient for a comfortable existence. Therefore, the state assumes the obligation to pay lump-sum benefits to pensioners in addition to basic income from the amount of pension contributions.

Pension savings funds (SPN): the essence of the concept

Retirement savings is the amount Money, which is on the personal pension account of a citizen who participates in the mandatory pension insurance system in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (or in a non-state Pension Fund). These include:

  • the amount of insurance premiums that were transferred by the employer throughout the entire working life in accordance with the rules of compulsory pension insurance for the funded share of the citizen's pension;
  • for persons participating in the State Pension Co-financing Program - the amount of insurance premiums additionally paid on account of the funded part labor pension; the amount of contributions of employers who participate in the Co-financing Program as a third party; the amount of contributions transferred from the state budget to co-finance the accumulated part of the pension;
  • (or the entire amount) of family (maternity) capital, which was directed to the formation of SIT;
  • income from the investment of the above funds.

Who has SPN

SITs are formed for citizens born before 1967 if they are members of the mandatory pension insurance system, and also worked / are working in any period of time after 2001. These include the category of persons in whose favor insurance contributions were regularly made for funded pension employer from 2001 to 2004. These are men born between 1953 and 1966 and women born between 1957 and 1966.

The funded pension is available to mothers who have allocated maternity capital for the formation of SIT, as well as to participants in the Program for State Co-financing of Pensions.

Key innovations in the field of SIT payments

IN Lately The Government of the Russian Federation is developing a Law according to which every citizen has the opportunity not only to receive a labor pension for life at the expense of pension savings, but also to count on a lump sum social benefit. In addition, each pensioner is granted the right to receive urgent SIT pension payments, which were formed at the expense of insurance voluntary contributions.

The possibilities for the transfer of SIT by successors have also expanded. A few years ago, successors were only able to receive SIT if the insured citizen died before being assigned According to adopted Law if, after the death of the insured citizen, a part of the urgent pension payment remains unpaid, successors may apply for it. Innovations touched upon the issues of succession of SITs formed at the expense of maternity (family) capital.

Types of pension payments

According to the law, every citizen, in addition to life-long payments of pension funds, can count on lump-sum payments to pensioners.

Pension payments are:

  • urgent pension payment;
  • SIT, which are accrued upon reaching retirement age;
  • payment of funds of the insured pensioner to his successors.

Lump sum allowance for pensioners

A one-time social payment to pensioners is an opportunity to receive a share of a labor pension throughout life, not only in the form of monthly payments, but also as a lump-sum payment (if you have certain rights). Citizens can also receive an urgent pension payment, which was formed at the expense of additional deposits.

Who is entitled to a one-time payment

One-time cash payments to pensioners are made to the following categories of insured persons:

  1. Citizens applying for pension payments in connection with the loss of a breadwinner.
  2. Persons receiving and disabled pensioners due to illness.
  3. Citizens who do not have the right to pension provision due to the lack of work experience, but who fall under the state pension provision in the form of a social pension.

Lump sum payment to pensioners: who provides

A one-time payment of SIT funds is carried out by the PFR or NPF, depending on where the insured person made insurance premiums. The payment of a one-time allowance to pensioners is regulated

List of required documents

Lump sum payment to pensioners has a declarative form. To obtain it, you must personally contact the territorial office of the PFR or the non-state Pension Fund, by submitting a written application, and provide the following documents:

  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • a certificate issued by the inspector of the territorial branch of the PFR, about insurance experience and the size of the labor pension;
  • bank details for the transfer of a one-time payment at the expense of SIT.

When will the money be available

According to the legislation, the decision on the payment of a lump-sum allowance is made within a month, starting from the date of submission of a written application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with the provision of the necessary package of documents. With a positive result, a lump sum payment to pensioners is carried out within a period not exceeding 2 months from the date of the decision. In case of refusal to assign payments, the Pension Fund notifies the citizen in writing about decision, indicating the reason.

The amount of the lump sum

The amount of a lump sum payment to pensioners depends on the amount of SIT in their pension account at the time of the assignment of a labor pension. Citizens born before pension savings were formed over three years (2002-2004), so the amount of payments ranges from 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

One-time payment to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Citizens of the Russian Federation who were dismissed from service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the right to pensions, and registered for receiving a lump-sum allowance during their service, are entitled to a one-time social allowance.

Lump-sum payments to pensioners can be provided at their request if they were registered before March 1, 2005 as those in need of housing by the relevant body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Thus, there are no legal grounds for providing a citizen with a one-time social benefit if the pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not in the queue for receiving housing for hire or a lump-sum payment in the internal affairs bodies.

Allowance for pensioners who continue their labor activity

Every third citizen of the Russian Federation, consisting of pension provision, continues his career. Naturally, many are interested in the question of whether a lump sum payment is due to working pensioners.

As a rule, one-time benefits are not received. In the event of dismissal due to a reduction in staff, the employer is obliged to pay the usual severance pay.

Considering the above, each Russian pensioner can apply for an SPE. For those who are just going to apply to the PFRF for the purpose of assigning a pension, lump-sum payments from the SIT will be made upon their written application simultaneously with the appointment of an old-age pension.

To receive a lump-sum benefit, two conditions must be met: a citizen must have the right to receive an old-age pension (or already be a pensioner) and have pension savings. Then the PFRF will have no grounds for refusing to pay a lump-sum allowance. The Government of the Russian Federation takes care of pensioners and regularly introduces innovations in legislative framework so that citizens who have retired on a well-deserved rest do not need anything.

It is worth noting that each pensioner can dispose of it at his own discretion - you can receive it as an allowance for labor, or specify a specific payment period (the entire amount will be issued within a year, two or even five), or you can receive it at a time. The latter option will be more beneficial in cases where the SPN is small.
