Statuses about sister in prose. Statuses about sister

Soul mates

From birth, the sisters have quivering feelings and sincere affection for each other. Of course, quarrels and disputes often arise between them, offensive misunderstandings, perhaps even personal conflicts. Be that as it may, sisters, like parents, are not chosen, and you have no one closer than a sister, so it is very important to behave towards her politely and delicately, to love her for who she is. You will see, she will answer you in the same way and will be a reliable support and support for you all your life. Give a touching verse to your sister, pamper her with your attention, even if there seems to be no official reason for such a manifestation of feelings.

A sister, like no one else, knows your character, your strengths and weaknesses will not hide from her gaze, therefore it is to your sister that you go for advice when you or your parents cannot trust your secret. Support, listen, help in any situation - Native sister will never leave in trouble and will not leave to the mercy of fate. And it does not matter that in childhood you fought and could not share common toys, quarreled over love attachments. Thank your blood for understanding, help, patience in poetic form! Sincere words, built into a beautiful and not devoid of grace poetic rhyme, will become the best gift for dear sister!

Poems about sister from the best authors of the Internet

Unfortunately, not all of us are equally talented in writing poems. Muse is a very capricious girl, and does not want to serve everyone indiscriminately. Therefore, when we want to write a poem about a person dear to our hearts, we do not always find the right words and capacious expressions to accurately convey the feelings and emotions experienced by loved ones.

Fortunately, today on the Internet you can find funny and touching, comic and sincere poems about your sister, which are suitable for any occasion, will allow you to convey your most pure and sincere feelings. The best author's poems will not leave indifferent any female soul, they will help to find the key to the heart native person, which for some reason suddenly became more distant and alien, melt the ice of misunderstanding, brighten up separation.

On our site you will find poems to your sister that can convey warmth, devotion, pride in the success of a loved one. In this section, there are short and long, funny and with a slight tinge of sadness, encouraging action or, on the contrary, calming, healing emotional wounds of the poem, which will allow you to get the desired effect, give your sister pleasant impressions and unforgettable moments.

Cities separate us...

Sisters and brothers do not always live next door to each other. Very often, flying away from the parental nest, relatives find themselves in different cities, or even in different countries, on different continents. It becomes so difficult to maintain family ties, but without this, no way, because no one will understand and give useful advice like a sister.

Even if your loved one is far away, you can find a lot of ways to send poems to your beloved sister. It is very important to provide close person signs of attention not only on holidays, but also just to show their emotional affection. Especially if twin sisters are far from each other, who will be connected by an invisible thread of spiritual connection all their lives, whether they want it or not.

Technologies today have gone far ahead, if earlier only letters helped to contact relatives, and even those went for weeks, or even months, today the inhabitants of our country have many ways to send a message: by landline or mobile phone, by email, via social media, via Skype, etc. Just think, because you can recite beautiful poems about your sister in real time, even if the culprit of this significant event is thousands of kilometers away! Do not forget to pamper your loved ones with attention and often look at the pages of our website to find new poetic lines to express your feelings!

Family relationships are an endless source of feelings and situations that you want to share with others. The article proposes statuses about younger sister. After all, these relationships are one of the most multifaceted.

Statuses about a younger sister with meaning

  • "It wasn't until my sister started dating a guy that I realized how my parents felt looking at me at her age."
  • "In order to stop constantly quarreling with the younger sister, you need to talk heart to heart with her more often."
  • "We have different genders, ages and interests. But blood relationship is not the main thing that unites us. Love is what really matters."
  • "Trust in a relationship with a sister is expressed even without words."
  • "There are friends whom we do not choose. God did it for us. Thank Him for such happiness, for my little sister."
  • "No one likes their copies. I do."
  • "We not only have common parents. We have a bond with her that no circumstance can destroy."
  • "My little sister is the embodiment of joy, tenderness and warmth."

Sister birth statuses

  • "An angel has appeared in our family: parents now have one more child."
  • "Before her birth, I had no idea that a girl could be so friendly."
  • "Parents often want to choose friends for their child. But the best thing is to give birth to him."
  • "With younger brothers and sisters, you can share a room, sweets or a TV remote control. The only thing you can't share is the love of your parents. It's enough for everyone."
  • "Rivalry between sisters is possible only in childhood. In adulthood, they become best friends."
  • "With the birth of this girl in our house, it became noisy, worries and responsibility were added. But her joyful laughter is the best gratitude."
  • "She had not yet had time to be born, and I already imagined how she showed off her older brother to her friends."
  • "No statuses about the younger sister can fit all the joy that her life gives."
  • "While you are still very small. But very soon you will secretly take my lipstick and try on jeans. I will pretend to grumble, but in my heart I will be very glad that I have you."

Funny statuses about sister

  • "With the birth of my sister, I had the opportunity to look after someone, care for and ... experiment."
  • "My sister and I manage to share one room. During the day, she walks while I sleep. At night, it's the other way around."
  • "I'm not afraid that my youngest will tell someone about my secrets. After all, I also collected dirt on her."
  • "It's funny and enjoyable to watch your little sister try to be like you."
  • "My dream is to live to see the day my sister learns to cook."
  • "It's pointless to quarrel with your sister for a long time. Sooner or later, one of us will run out of ink and will have to share. Reconciliation is inevitable."
  • "Rule for brothers: always help your sister when she has painted her nails. Then you won't have to darn your own socks."
  • "Communicating with your sister is like walking on minefield. All the time you think: "Surrender or not surrender?".
  • "There will come a time when children at school will no longer be called by the names of their older brothers and sisters who also studied there."
  • "Do you want your house dance in a dressing gown to become the property of the Internet? Give your sister a phone!".

Statuses about the relationship of brothers and sisters

  • "We can not talk for a long time or make fun of each other. But I will always stand up for her. After all, she is my little sister."
  • "Friends can betray one day, spouses can leave. And only a sister will remain dear and closest to you forever."
  • "Only one girl can a brother forgive Bad mood, whims and anger. And only for her will always be ready to stand up. For my sister."
  • "When a little sister meets a guy, the task of the parents is to bless them. The task of the older brother is to check on him."
  • "Mom's care and sister's friendship - that's what guys look for in future wives."
  • "There is no greater joy for parents than mutual understanding between their children."
  • "An older brother has a responsible task: to be an example of how men should behave. In this way, he will help his sister make the right choice."

Little sister: touching statuses

  • "I love to communicate with my little sister. She still has such a pure and spontaneous soul."
  • "No matter how harmful, restless and clinging little sister is, it is impossible to be offended by her."
  • "She is still very tiny. You feel strong next to her, you want to be a protector. You are an older brother, you are a hero for her."
  • "When a little sister looks at you, you want to be better."
  • "We can teach our younger brothers and sisters how to use a spoon and how to tie shoelaces. They teach us something more important - to truly enjoy the little things."
  • "Even a young guy can raise a woman. If he is an older brother."
  • "Our connection is beyond time and circumstances. We are relatives, although very different. We can talk nonsense to each other, but we will not allow anyone to speak badly about one of us. Sister, thank you for having me!"

Native people are not only common DNA. It’s not even living together that makes them close. These are emotions that are shared. It is an experience that is passed on. Let the statuses about the younger sister help express all the variety of relationships and, most importantly, love.

If the sisters were free to say what they really think, parents would hear from them: "Give me all your attention and all the toys, and let Rebecca live with her grandmother."

How great it is when there are sisters with whom you are connected not by family ties, but by friends who have become your sisters in life ...

If it is difficult for you to accept your own sister with all her shortcomings, in the future you will be dissatisfied with everyone.

An older sister is such a special punishment from God. She always turns out to be right.

A sister is an indispensable support and support for life, which will only help you move forward ...

I adore you! You are the queen of bores, you are more stubborn than a donkey, but you are my sister, and I would not exchange you for any other sister in the world.

My sister's modesty is my greatest wealth!

The ability to get along with your own sister is an excellent school of relationships with people for the future.

Older sisters wipe, of course, younger brothers noses, but crying in a vest run to someone else.

A sister for a brother is always a small, cute, harmful creature that you can’t help but love, even if you are offended by him.

If you constantly quarrel with your sister, then you need to communicate with her more often.

If your sister is terribly in a hurry, then she will definitely wear your favorite sweater.

Quotes about a sister with meaning - Sisters hardly forgive each other the insults experienced at the age of five.

A brother without a sister is like a wedding without a bride, and a sister without a brother is like a body without a soul...

You don't have to have the same parents to be sisters...

You are obliged to understand and forgive her all your life, your sister.

A sister does not always bring joy to a sister, sometimes grief. - Alexandra Deville.

There is no rivalry in the family more acute than between sisters, and there is no friendship stronger than the friendship between adult sisters.

Can a grown man treat an attractive woman like a brother treats a sister?

Do not treat your sister by faith in a way that you would not like to be treated by your sister by blood.

My sister is my true friend and companion in life ...

Sister is best friend from which it is impossible to get rid of.

You can fool the whole world, but not your sister.

My sister is my best friend, who is faithful in happiness and in trouble ...

I can fool everyone, but my sister can't.

A sister's heart is a diamond of purity, an abyss of tenderness. - Honore de Balzac.

When you are alone in this world, will anyone care for you better and with the same love as your sister?

My sister sometimes not only constantly asks me to listen to her, but also demands that I explain to her what she wanted to say.

Everything I really need to know was taught to me by my sister when she was a sixth grader.

A sister is a person who makes your problems her own so you don't have to go through it alone...

The older sister always torments me, and she has one excuse: “I want you well!”

If a girl is beautiful, knows how to cook, understands cars and technology, then she is your sister!

The younger sister is the only woman that can be brought up.

If you constantly quarrel with your sister, then you need to communicate with her more often ...

It’s just that a sister is such an infection that you seem to love the most, but for some reason she rages terribly!

A sister is capable of being best friend which is not easy to get rid of.

It's good that a person lives at the address I know, whom you can call at any time and answer the question "Do you love me?" hear "Of course, sister!".

It happens that a sister does not become a best friend, but a friend, on the contrary, becomes a sister.

The conflict between sisters can be compared to a disease. To be cured, you need to fight not with the symptoms, but with the disease itself.

With age, a sister becomes like a mother who has long been gone. She is like a reminder of her strong love to me.

Statuses about the younger sister - Yesterday my sister (she is 11 years old, I'm 26) asks "Yul, do you believe in miracles?" I answer "Of course Yes!" She - "Then why are you still not married? ... and in general I would not believe in them on yours!" ...))

It's very nice when your little sister comes to your room and says: I'm dad's assistant, mom's princess and your little one!

The younger sister is the only woman that can be brought up.

One day a little sister asked her older brother, "What is love?"
He replied: This is when you steal chocolate from my briefcase every day ... And I continue to put it in the same place ...

Many simply do not notice how quickly time flies, today my beloved sister turned three years old, but it seems that she was born only recently.

Little sisters are only attracted to those who don't have them.

It's so unusual to watch when your sister, who seems to be so small, is already dating a guy. Suddenly you realize how your parents looked at you and what they were afraid of.

Sisters are divided into two types: older and snitch.

It's such a strange feeling when you marry your little sister. May he love her as much as I do.

Do you also have little sisters emptying your closet until you can see, trying on all your clothes, putting on high heels and walking around copying you?

Let the sister choose her husband, the parents bless them, but I, as an older brother, will check him.

I’m growing up ... I solve all the problems myself ... Nobody rushes with me ... And elder sister does not take with him, because now he sees me as a rival ... Damn, I don’t want to be an adult!

A sister for a brother is always a small, cute, harmful creature that you can’t help but love, even if you are offended by him.

I have been loving the only one for almost a year, I love it like I have never loved anyone before ... How can you not love a little happiness, your little sister ?!

Forgive me sister for offending me sometimes, but know that no one in the world loves you like an older brother.

The sister is small, beautiful, of course, sometimes harmful, but still dear and very beloved for her brother ...

Little sisters are strange creatures. No matter how cute they are, you feel absolutely nothing for them. For me, my sister's underwear is just a piece of fabric. She is definitely beautiful, but I just think that she really looks like me. That's how it is with real little sisters.

When the younger sister falls, the older sister helps her to get up; if the older sister falls, the younger one laughs.

My little sister said she wants to be a nettle. I asked why. She replied: "So that they do not touch me."

The greatest happiness in my life is my younger sisters. Every time I'm upset, I run up to me, hug, squeeze, shout: we love you, don't be sad, we are with you. At such moments, the desire to live flares up with renewed vigor.

I am lucky in this life that I have a sister like that! You give joy and warmth, warming the soul with a smile. I wish you health and eternally young beauty. May all those whom you love so much look at you with love.

Today, my mother bought her little sister a plant with some kind of talking shnyaga. Small, so joyful runs up to dad: “Dad! Look! My mom bought me a talking plant!” Dad: “Well, go to the market with her!”

A sister is a timeless bond. We remember each other as we have always been, we have common jokes that only we can understand, we know all the secrets, sorrows and joys of each other ... A sister is a friend forever!

A sister is like your mirror and your opposite.

The biggest happiness for me is my sister!!! we live soul to soul, fist to eye, heel to ear!!!

Today I'm talking to a friend on the phone and I say, "My cat flew in along the way." A small sister shouts, "Don't lie to Lena, cats don't fly!"

A sister is the best friend you can't get rid of.

Dear, what is that sheep in the photo next to you??!?!? - Sister! - She's so sweet

Why do I have so many left-wing people in VKontakte friends? - I thought for a long time and deleted them until I realized that I was sitting on my sister's page.

And yet, it's cool when there is an older sister!

Didn't they call you by your sister's name at school, just because she once studied there??

Chelyabinsk nurses are so severe that no one knows if they are sisters or brothers.

I found a letter from my younger sister (7 years old) ... It says: "Santa Claus, help my sister pass her exams. She is good with me" I love her!

Sister always feels what's on your mind!

The sisters hardly forgive each other the grievances experienced at the age of five.

"I CAN, I'M NOT MARRIED," my sister shouted at a bachelorette party the day before the wedding.

Of the two sisters, one will always be an observer and the other a dancer.

Sister annealed ... She came from her birthday and, to her mother's question, "Did you drink?" answered: "Champagne glass."

Sister, I love you very very very very much ... You are my best!

There is no rivalry in the family more acute than between sisters, and there is no friendship stronger than the friendship between adult sisters.

I saw him with an arc ... went to the hairdresser, bought new clothes, changed makeup, came to visit him ... and this is his sister.

I know who is the happiest person! This is my sister, she records her laughter on a recorder, and then listens to all this and even more laughs!

A sister is the person you must understand and forgive.

Tell me, is your sister cute, or does she look like you?

Sister is going to swim, looks in the mirror. - Naaast, but what do you think, when I grow up, my prince will recognize me?

