Entrance on February 23, middle group. Sports holiday dedicated to the day of defenders of the fatherland in the middle group

Consultation for parents in the younger group of kindergarten Topic: The role of adults in the life of a child 2-3 years old

In the world of a child of the third year of life, the main figure is an adult. It depends on the appearance of the baby's feeling of security or anxiety, warmth or abandonment, joy or despondency. Children are largely dependent, and therefore it is important for them to be sure that adults are people who will come to the rescue at any moment, support, comfort and find a way to overcome any problem.

Without the help of an adult, a child cannot cope with many everyday problems. For example, he is already able to undress on his own, but dressing is not possible for everyone and not always. Many people can already eat with a spoon on their own, but they still don’t know how to divide the cutlet into parts. Just as difficult are some moments of the toilet. Help your child solve everyday problems. Thus, you will create a sense of security in him - the basis of psychological comfort.

In his little deeds, the child often finds himself in difficult and unpleasant situations: either his knee hurts, the ball rolled up - he couldn’t get it, then his peer took the spatula and didn’t give it back, or an angry dog ​​runs towards him. In all cases, the child seeks from an adult not only help and protection, but also sympathy.

A child, like any person, needs support and approval of his little undertakings and accomplishments. Psychologists have shown that the need for attention and benevolence of an adult that already arises in an infant does not disappear with age.

If adults really treat children with respect and express it clearly and consistently, toddlers quickly learn the boundaries of desirable and undesirable behavior. Be clear about what you want from your child. Don't go into explanations, give clear instructions about the desired behavior.

The role of adults in

child's speech development

A child acquires speech only thanks to the efforts of adults and in the course of communication with them. At the same time, the baby perceives the speech of an adult if it is addressed personally to him and the adult looks at him at the moment of speech. Talk more face to face with your child.

Small children cannot cognize the world if adults do not explain to them the meaning of what they see, hear, etc. It is necessary to accompany everything that happens with clear verbal comments that explain to the child the meaning of events. Name objects, describe events, sensations to help your child learn new words.

Encourage the child to use speech, wait for an answer, even if his speech is still limited. The voice of an adult should not dominate. At the same time, remember that the child's speech is just being formed and he does not yet understand much of what you say. Use simpler constructions and short sentences.

In the world of culture - songs, fairy tales, stories, paintings - the child is also introduced by adults. Read and tell your child as much as possible, do not spare time for this.

Children love repetition: they listen to the same fairy tale many times with pleasure, like to sing familiar songs, repeat familiar actions. This gives them the opportunity to master the material well and feel confident. Repeat poems and nursery rhymes, fairy tales and stories many times.

Lisping and using "children's" words (bibika, yum-yum) in communication with children 2-3 years old is already superfluous.

The role of adults in the knowledge of the world around the child 2-3 years old

The thinking of a child of this age is visual and effective in nature, the knowledge of the surrounding world occurs in the process of subject manipulations. Adults should provide the child with a variety of subject environment, which allows you to actively explore not only the external properties of various objects, but also their internal structure.

The kid carefully examines with the help of all his senses, including taste and smell, the outer shell of each object. Now comes the time of interest in what this object has inside. The most attractive are objects that have holes and cavities in which you can put something in and then take it out. For a long time, a thing that he can disassemble into parts will capture the attention of the baby. And of great interest are the details from which you can design something yourself. So, the child uses three types of actions: take apart, construct something, fill and empty the cavity in the object.

A child of two or three years old may not understand the difference between living and non-living and “take apart” a living butterfly, just as he does with a plastic machine. At this age, such behavior is not a manifestation of cruelty. The child learns the difference between the living and the inanimate from observations of the attitude of an adult to various objects. Respond adequately to such behavior of the child, not blaming him, but explaining that the butterfly is alive and cannot be “taken apart” - it will not be able to live, it will die, and it hurts. Systematically show patterns of different behavior towards living and non-living objects.

Provide your child with a variety of containers that can be filled and emptied: jars, boxes, purses and purses, empty bottles. Make sounding toys with your child - “noise makers” and “rattlers” from empty bottles, filling them with various seeds, metal objects, sand, etc.

Toys for 2-3 year old child

Children are interested in all toys and objects that move. Therefore, they need moving rolling toys on a stick, with a rope, clockwork, with a remote control, battery-powered, as well as mechanical toys such as "Bogorodsky" cubs-smiths and pecking chickens.

Sounded toys give an idea of ​​different ways of obtaining sound effects: the child tries to press the keys, pull the strings, blow the whistle, hit the drum with his palm or a special stick.

It is desirable that through toys the child can get acquainted with a wide variety of materials: fabrics of different textures (silk, plush, corduroy, wool, linen), wood, clay, metal, plastic, rubber.

Also provide children with a variety of visual materials (paints, crayons, felt-tip pens, plasticine, paper of various textures, brushes, stamps, etc.).

By the age of three, the child masters the operation of seriation at the level of practical action - ordering by size. Provide children with enough cone-based pyramids, nesting dolls, liners.

The formation of ideas about the color, shape, size of objects requires the use of special didactic toys (inserts, mosaics), which can give children so-called reference ideas.

Planning work with parents in the second junior group for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Natalia Popova

Plan of work with parents second junior group for the 2017-2018 academic year.


1. Parent meeting "Let's get acquainted!", "The game is the main activity of a preschool child."

2. Consultation "Crisis of 3 years and how to overcome it".

3. Reminders for parents "Age features 3-4 years old," Daily routine ".

4. Conversation: "Spare things for children."

5. Individualwork with parents, newly enrolledchildren: "Adaptation of the child to kindergarten".


1. Consultation "How to cultivate independence"

2. IndividualJob "Children's clothes in the autumn for a walk."

3. Conversation"Education of cultural and hygienic skills".

4. "Gold autumn"(involve parents in joint creativity and holding a matinee).

5. Competition "Crafts from natural material."


1. Visual information "Caution - the flu."

2. IndividualJob "The health of the child is in our hands."

3. Visual information "What to do with a child on weekends"(a selection of board, didactic and outdoor games).

4. Entertainment dedicated"Mother's Day".


1. Parent meeting "Movement is life".

2. Consultation "Outdoor walks and their importance for improving the health of the child"

3. Consultation "Whims and stubbornness".

4. Forlenie folder-slider: "Soon, soon, New Year!".

5. Consultation "What to give children for the holiday?".

6. Competition "Gift for the Christmas tree."

7. Attractparents to decorate the group for the New Year.

8. New Year's party.


1. Consultation "How to choose clothes in winter".

2. Photo exhibition "Winter Fun".

3. Memo for parents "Outdoor games in the air."

4. Visual information "Education of attention and perseverance in children."

5. Conversation"Sweets and baby".

6. The action "Let's feed the birds in winter!" (exhibition of feeders).

7. Decorating the site with snow crafts together with parents.


1. Consultation "We train the child's memory and attention."

2. Conversation"Formation of the child's ability to distinguish and name primary colors."

3. Individual conversations at the request of parents.

4. Wall newspaper "My dad is the best!".

5. Photo exhibition "Family Album" (with stories about their dads).

6. Sports entertainment (group).

6. Seeing off winter: "Visiting Shrove Tuesday."


1. Parent meeting "Roleparentsin the development of children's speech.

2. Making a folder-slider "Spring is coming, spring is on the way."

3. Exhibition of drawings: "Mommy, my love".

4. Holiday for mothers.

5. Consultation of a speech therapist "Characteristics of the speech of children 3-4 years old"

6. Consultation "The role of vitamins in children's nutrition".

7. Conversation"What to read to a child at home?"


1. Consultation "The importance of daily routine in a child's life".

2. Conducting a subbotnik at the site together with parents.

3. Consultation "The role of finger games for children 3-4 years old."

4. Memo for parents "Sport is the basis of health."

5. Individual conversations with parents.


1. Consultations "Development of the creative abilities of the child", "Summer vacation".

2. Conversation "Games with sand".

3. Laying flowers at the monument to the unknown soldier.

4. Memo for parents "Safe behavior of children on the road."

5. Visual information "Ensuring the safety of children during summer walks."

6. Parent meeting "The success of ourgroups"to express gratitudeparents who took an active part in the life of the group.

Advice for parents

"Clothes for walking"

This must not be forgotten

Clothes and footwear for kindergarten, for walks.

Clothes for walks should be selected in such a way that the child can dress with minimal help from the caregiver or on his own.

Shoes should be without laces - for example, with zippers or Velcro.

The jacket must be buttonless. The best fasteners are Velcro or zippers.

It is better to buy a hat without ties - for example, with Velcro.

Instead of a scarf, it is more convenient to use a "shirt-front", which is put on over the head.

For small children, it is better to buy not gloves, but mittens. Toddlers of older groups, on the contrary, are more comfortable in gloves. In spring and autumn, the fabric from which the mittens are sewn should be waterproof. To mittens you need to sew a ribbon or elastic band. Don't sew elastic on your jacket! It is enough to pass it through the hanger loop so that it can be removed and dried on a radiator.

Children are equally harmful as overheating and hypothermia. The number of layers of clothing depends on the air temperature. Additionally, you need to take into account the strength of the wind. At the same negative air temperature, a person freezes the more, the greater the wind speed.

Of great importance are the individual characteristics of the child. A sedentary, constantly chilling child should be dressed warmer than an active one. Too wrapped up babies can be found much more often than not warmly dressed.
Many mothers, going for a walk, try to dress their child warmer than they dress themselves. But if this is a walk, during which the child is constantly moving, and the mother is watching him, then this is wrong. A sweaty child is much more likely to get sick than one dressed for the weather. In addition, sweat can cause irritation and rashes in the child.

Children should be dressed no warmer than adults, and perhaps even lighter. (We are not talking about children "walking" in strollers, they need additional protection.)
When dressing a child, remember that children are less cold than adults and move more.

The "right" shoes

Distinguish between home, street and sports shoes. Shoes for kindergarten - an option home shoes. Toddlers should not wear slippers of any kind, soft, loose rag slippers. Home slippers should resemble shoes - tight-fitting, open, with good ventilation.

In summer, when it is warm enough and
there is no danger of injuring or splintering the leg, it is necessary and useful for children to walk barefoot on the ground, grass, wet sand, pebbles.

Street shoes are more closed than indoor shoes. In the warm season, textile shoes are comfortable - light, breathable and hygroscopic. If you buy sandals, the child's foot must be tightly fixed with straps. It is better to choose a closed toe of street shoes for the prevention of injuries.
Rubber boots with insoles or covers made of a fabric that absorbs moisture well are worn in relatively warm weather while walking on wet ground and grass. Do not wear to a child (at least until 3-4 years of age) rubber boots too often or for a long time - the feet sweat a lot in them. At low air temperatures, it is better for children to wear leather boots.

In winter, insulated leather boots should be worn for walks, and in very very coldy- felt boots with galoshes. Upon returning from walks, shoes must be cleaned of snow and dried. Pay close attention to winter shoes was not small for a child. Boots or boots that are a little big can be worn with two pairs of socks.
Sports shoes should support the foot during active movements. Non-smooth, shock-absorbing soles and tight fixation are important for injury prevention. "Velcro" allows you to achieve the perfect fit of the legs, taking into account their anatomical features. Czech children wear only for music lessons, they are not suitable for physical education. The thin leather sole slips and does not cushion, the Czechs also do not provide fixation and support for the foot.

Orthopedists do not recommend wearing someone else's used shoes. Worn-in shoes will not tightly fix the foot in the correct position, and if the previous owner had a deformity of the foot, then the defects that arose during wearing will have an adverse effect. "Inheritance" can only be passed on rubber boots or shoes that have hardly been worn.

It is equally important to choose the right socks. They should be the right size - small ones squeeze the legs, and large ones gather in folds and contribute to the formation of scuffs. Socks with heels are much more comfortable than socks without. Quality socks have thicker material at the heels and toes than elsewhere, making them more durable.

Socks made of natural fibers (cotton and wool) absorb moisture better and allow the feet to “breathe”

Advice for parents

"Speech of young children"

The main tasks of toddlers and young children (up to the fourth year of life) are the general development of speech, vocabulary enrichment, the formation of grammatically correct speech, the development of coherent speech, familiarization with fiction, preparation for the correct articulation of sounds (except for whistling, hissing and sonorous). Let's consider each task.

The enrichment of the dictionary is carried out by expanding the horizons: going to the park, forest, zoo, cinema and circus, reading books, guessing and guessing riddles, observing nature and the work of adults.

Two-year-olds can have between 45 and 1,000+ words in their vocabulary. It is important that the child's speech does not contain jargon and truncated words (great, telly).

The formation of grammatically correct speech means the coordination of words in a sentence, the change of words in cases, numbers, tenses.

The child may incorrectly use prepositions or not use them, incorrectly change the endings by analogy with other objects (eat with a spoon, dig with a shovel, a lot of pencils).

These phenomena should disappear by the age of four if adults pay attention to word endings, agreement, and tactfully correct the mistakes of their children.

As for the development of coherent speech, the first phrases normally appear by one and a half to two years. In order for speech to be sufficiently developed, adults should:

To teach children to compose a descriptive story, naming the characteristic features of the subject (according to the model);

Learn to make simple sentences on the picture;

Learn to retell familiar fairy tales, stories;

Memorize simple poems with children;

Dialogue – talking with parents and other adults, asking and answering questions.

In the course of getting acquainted with fiction, parents need to read as many Russian folk tales as possible, fairy tales of Soviet and modern writers, be sure to ask questions about the text after reading, let the child answer them.

In parallel with other tasks on the general development of speech, tasks are solved on the formation of the correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants (except for [s], [s], [c], [w], [g], [h], [u], [l ], [p] - these sounds appear between three, six and seven years).

At the age of two years, the child masters the pronunciation of only the simplest sounds in terms of articulation - vowels [a], [o], [e] and consonants [p], [b], [m]. At the age of two to three years, vowels [i], [s], [y] and consonants [f], [c], [t], [d], [n], [k], [g], [x], [d].

All other sounds are more complex in terms of articulation and are replaced by all of the above - simpler ones.

Sounds [r] and [l] appear at the age of five to seven years.

Most importantly: the child must hear phonetically correct speech from others and, comparing with his own, try to correct inconsistencies.

Speech development in toddlers and toddlers will be helped by the development fine motor skills fingers. Therefore, it is necessary to teach children how to use a spoon, dress, fasten buttons, zippers, put together puzzles and mosaics, lace up shoes and perform other actions to develop hand muscle coordination and visual control.

Advice for parents

"Adaptation of children early age to kindergarten"

Adaptation of young children

Ended up nursery patronage. And now the baby crosses the threshold of kindergarten. In the life of a child, the most difficult period begins for his entire stay in kindergarten - the period of adaptation.

Adaptation is usually called the process of a child entering a new environment and getting used to its conditions.

In children during the adaptation period, appetite, sleep, and emotional state may be disturbed. Some toddlers experience a loss of already established positive habits and skills. For example, at home he asked for a potty - he does not do this in kindergarten, he ate at home on his own, but refuses in kindergarten. Decrease in appetite, sleep, emotional state leads to a decrease in immunity, to a deterioration in physical development, weight loss, and sometimes to a disease.

There are three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe.

With easy adaptation, the negative emotional state does not last long. At this time, the baby does not sleep well, loses appetite, and is reluctant to play with children. But within the first month after entering kindergarten, as you get used to the new conditions, everything returns to normal. The child usually does not get sick during the adaptation period.

With moderate adaptation, the emotional state of the child returns to normal more slowly, and during the first month after admission, he usually suffers from acute respiratory infections. The disease lasts 7-10 days and ends without any complications.

The most undesirable is a difficult adaptation, when the emotional state of the child returns to normal very slowly (sometimes this process lasts several months). During this period, the child either suffers from repeated illnesses, often with complications, or exhibits persistent behavioral disorders. Severe adaptation negatively affects both the health and development of children.

What determines the nature and duration of the adaptation period?

Studies of teachers and doctors show that the nature of adaptation depends on the following factors:

the age of the child. It is more difficult for children aged 10-11 months to 2 years to adapt to new conditions. After 2 years, children can adapt to new living conditions much easier. This is explained by the fact that by this age they become more inquisitive, they understand the speech of an adult well, they have a richer experience of behavior in different conditions.

The health and developmental status of the child. A healthy, well-developed child is more likely to endure the difficulties of social adaptation.

Formation of objective activity. Such a child can be interested in a new toy, activities.

individual features. Children of the same age behave differently in the first days of their stay in kindergarten. Some children cry, refuse to eat, sleep, they react to every suggestion of an adult with a violent protest. But a few days pass, and the child's behavior changes: appetite, sleep are restored, the child follows the game of his comrades with interest. Others, on the contrary, are outwardly calm on the first day. Without objection, they fulfill the requirements of the educator, and in the following days they part with their parents with tears, eat poorly, sleep, and do not take part in games. This behavior can continue for several weeks.

living conditions in the family. This is the creation of a daily routine in accordance with age and individual characteristics, the formation of children's skills and abilities, as well as personal qualities (the ability to play with toys, communicate with adults and children, take care of themselves, etc.). If a child comes from a family where the conditions for his proper development were not created, then, naturally, it will be very difficult for him to get used to the conditions preschool.

The level of fitness of adaptive mechanisms, experience of communication with peers and adults. The training of mechanisms does not happen by itself. It is necessary to create conditions that require new forms of behavior from the child. Toddlers who, before entering kindergarten, repeatedly found themselves in different conditions (visited relatives, acquaintances, went to the country, etc.), get used to a preschool institution more easily. It is important that in the family the child develops a trusting relationship with adults, the ability to positively relate to the requirements of adults.

Objective indicators of the end of the period of adaptation in children are:

· deep dream;

· a good appetite;

a cheerful emotional state;

Complete restoration of existing habits and skills, active behavior;

age-appropriate weight gain.

Games during the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten

To reduce stress, it is necessary to switch the baby's attention to activities that bring him pleasure. It is, first of all, a game.

The game "Pour, pour, compare"

Toys, foam rubber sponges, tubes, bottles with holes are lowered into the basin with water. You can fill a bowl of water with buttons, small cubes, etc. and play with them:

take as many items as possible in one hand and pour them into the other;

collect with one hand, for example, beads, and with the other - pebbles;

Raise as many objects as possible on the palms.

After completing each task, the child relaxes the hands, holding them in the water. The duration of the exercise is about five minutes, until the water cools down. At the end of the game, the child's hands should be rubbed with a towel for one minute.

The game "Drawings in the sand"

Scatter the semolina on a tray. You can pour it in a slide or smooth it out. Bunnies will jump on the tray, elephants will stomp, it will rain. The sun's rays will warm it, and a pattern will appear on it. And what kind of drawing, a child will tell you, who will be happy to join this game. It is useful to perform movements with two hands.

The game "Talk to the toy"

Put on a glove toy. There is also a glove toy on the child's hand. You touch her, you can stroke and tickle her, while asking: “Why is my ... sad, his eyes are wet; who he made friends with in kindergarten, what are the names of his friends, what games did they play”, etc. Talk to each other, say hello with your fingers. Using the image of a toy, transferring his feelings and moods to it, the child will tell you what worries him, share what is difficult to express.

Dear parents, play with your children more often! They will be surrounded by love, care and will be easier to adapt to kindergarten!

Hardening of young children

Target: Increasing the competence of parents in promoting the health of young children.
Tasks: To acquaint parents with a set of measures for hardening young children.
Maintain a positive emotional state of the child through the use of tempering procedures.
Cultivate the habit of healthy lifestyle life in young children.

Tempering a young child

In young children, there is a rapid increase in mobility, they begin to crawl and move around the room, exploring everything that comes their way. Sensory develops - the child interacts with objects: turns over, throws, overturns them, tries to feel and taste everything.
At this age, it is very important to give the child a sense of care and warmth.
It is especially important during this period to monitor the health of the child, since at an early age the formation of all body functions occurs.
In order for your child to get stronger, so that the balance of the baby’s nervous processes is consolidated, you should maintain a positive emotional state of your child, because you probably noticed that the deterioration of the baby’s health affects the attitude to the environment: susceptibility to impressions, speech and motor skills decrease.
- "What to do?" you say.
To increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental conditions, it is recommended to harden the body.
Hardening is a proven means of improving health!
The hardening procedures are based on the gradual accustoming of the body to a change in different temperatures. At the same time, a person gradually develops adaptation to the external environment. In the process of hardening, the work of the body is improved: the physico-chemical state of cells, the activity of all organs and their systems are improved. As a result of hardening, working capacity increases, morbidity decreases, especially colds, and well-being improves.
A common type of hardening - walking barefoot.
It will not be difficult if you and your baby walk barefoot together. Walking barefoot can be an interesting game for your baby if he walks not just on a flat surface, but on massage mats that can be purchased in children's stores. It will be doubly pleasant for you and your baby to walk barefoot on a do-it-yourself rug.
Dear parents, we offer you examples of making massage mats.
1. From a dense fabric, sew a bag in the form of a pillowcase, sew plastic bottle caps in a checkerboard pattern inside the bag and sew up the last side. It turns out a pillow with a "stuffing" of plastic covers, on which you can walk barefoot.
2. From the bologna material, cut out a rug of arbitrary shape, for example, the shape of a berry or any fruit, overcast the edges. Sew on buttons of different sizes in the form of various patterns on the upper side of the rug.
3. Cut out a rug from a dense material, overcast the edges. Sew on the surface on which your child will walk, pieces of material of different textures: flannel, woolen fabric, knitted fabric etc., whatever is at hand.
The attention of the child will be concentrated on such rugs, because it is interesting to know what is sewn on the rug.
Well, the well-known expression: "The sun, air and water are our best friends!" more important than ever when hardening the body of a young child.
hardening air baths should be carried out continuously. Be sure to ventilate the room where your child is. This should be done during the absence of the baby and prevent hypothermia by more than 1-2 degrees. Transoms should be closed 30 minutes before the arrival of the child.
Air baths your baby can get by staying for a few minutes in the same panties, for example, when changing clothes. The air temperature should be 18-19 degrees.
Air baths are good to combine with physical exercises.
Ask the child to raise his hands up, then lower them down. Try to massage the child's abdomen, ask him to stroke his own tummy. Jump with your child like bunnies, walk like a clumsy bear.
And, of course, daily walks with the child should be done twice a day: before lunch and in the evening before bedtime.
Intensive hardening method are water procedures: general dousing and rubbing the feet.
Pouring feet
It is important to know that dousing the feet has a good effect in the prevention of colds.
Washing the feet is carried out daily at bedtime for a year.
Start pouring feet with water, the temperature of which does not exceed 28 degrees.
Gradually, the water temperature is reduced to 15-14 C (every 3-5 days by 1 degree).
After washing the foot, rub it thoroughly with a towel.
Baby takes a bath- the most common and loved by all procedures. In order to improve and treat children, temperature baths (34-37 C) and warm baths (38-39 C) are actively used.

Shared fresh baths indifferent temperature (34-37 C) and warm baths (38-39) have a sedative effect, reduce irritability, normalize sleep, have an analgesic and vasodilating effect.
Coniferous baths beneficial effect on the health of your baby. Such a bath for a child can be prepared by adding needles, which are better to stock up yourself, or buy at a pharmacy. A child should take such a bath at a water temperature of 34-36 degrees. The duration of the reception is 10-15 minutes.
Chamomile baths
0.5-1.0 kg of chamomile flowers are poured into 5 liters of boiling water, allowed to stand for 30 minutes. Note the infusion must be filtered and added to the bath. Such a bath should be taken at a water temperature of 34-36 degrees for 10-15 minutes.
Finally, mustard baths that are used for acute respiratory infections in children.
To prepare a mustard bath, dry mustard (at the rate of 10-15 g of mustard per 10-15 liters of fresh water) is preliminarily diluted in warm (38-39 degrees) water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Then the resulting portion of mustard is poured into a container with the required volume of water, further stirring. The duration of taking such a bath is also 10-15 minutes at a water temperature of 39-40 degrees.
It should be remembered that mustard baths are contraindicated in case of hyperthermia (fever) in a child!
Hardening also includes: compliance with the daily routine and a balanced diet.

May your baby grow up strong and be always healthy!!!

Memo for parents when a child enters kindergarten

Hello baby!

Dear parents!

An important event has happened in the life of your family: your baby is going to kindergarten! Congratulations!
All worries about choosing a kindergarten, getting a ticket are over. But the question arises, how is your Small child Will he get used to his new surroundings? How can I make this period easier for him?

Separation from home, relatives, meeting new adults and children can be a serious stress factor. It is very important that this transition be smooth, soft.
The duration of the adaptation period is individual. Getting used to preschool is also a test for parents, an indicator of how ready they are to support the child, to help him overcome difficulties.

In our kindergarten, children receive physical and musical development, act with didactic and building materials, get acquainted with the world around them, expand their passive vocabulary and improve active speech.

To avoid injuries, parents need to check the contents of the pockets in the child's clothing for the presence of dangerous objects (sharp, cutting, glass, small objects, pills, lollipops, chewing gum ...).

A child who does not attend kindergarten for more than five days must have a certificate from a doctor.

Your child should be weaned off breasts, nipples, bottles and diapers by the time they visit kindergarten.

To create comfortable conditions for a child to stay in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary:

At least three sets of changeable underwear (for boys - panties, tights, shorts; for girls - panties, tights). In warm weather - socks or golfs).
a sufficient number of handkerchiefs (a handkerchief is also necessary for a child on a walk: please put the handkerchief in the pocket of outerwear).
laundry bag.
all clothing must be marked (write the full name).
neat appearance, clothes and shoes fastened to all buttons;
washed face;
clean nose, hands, trimmed nails;
trimmed and carefully combed hair (if girls have long hair, then it is necessary to collect them);
clean underwear;
clothes should be true to size (not too big and even more so small);
ties and fasteners on clothes should be located so that the child can serve himself;
it is undesirable to wear overalls (this interferes with the formation of independent cultural and hygienic skills);
shoes should be light, fit the child's foot, easy to put on and take off, have a fixed heel, a low heel, preferably with a clasp.

Adaptation- this is a complex process of adaptation of the body, which occurs at different levels: physiological, socio-psychological.

To make the first weeks of your stay in kindergarten as stress-free as possible, take into account the following recommendations:
- tell the child what kindergarten is, why children go there;
- try to establish the correct daily routine (bring it closer to the kindergarten regimen).
- get to know the kindergarten regime in advance and bring the conditions of upbringing in the family as close as possible to it (earlier rise, time for daytime sleep and meals ...)
- instill in the child the necessary self-service skills in advance;
- get the necessary vaccinations in advance;
- try to rid the child of bad habits (sucking fingers and biting nails, eating from a bottle, constantly sucking on a pacifier, sleeping with obligatory motion sickness);
- in the first days the child stays in kindergarten for 1-2 hours, then his stay is brought to a full day for 2-3 weeks;
- it is advisable to give the child a couple of days of rest if he categorically refuses to go to kindergarten;
- if it is very difficult for the child and mother to part, then the father or someone else from relatives can take the child to kindergarten;
- get to know the teachers of the group in advance, tell us about the individual characteristics of your child;
- never scare a child with a kindergarten;
- do not drag out the moment of parting with the child in kindergarten, but do not leave secretly (think up and rehearse several different ways farewells: an air kiss, a pat on the back…);
- maintain a calm environment at home;
- do not overload the child with new information, do not visit crowded places and do not take noisy companies at home;
- do not show your excitement and anxiety in front of the child;
- be patient;
Show your child your love and care.
Most likely, if you try to fulfill all these conditions, then your baby will be fine to cope with the changes in his life. The task of parents at this time is to be calm, patient, attentive and caring.

Typical mistakes of parents (during the period of adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution)

1. On weekends, you should adhere to the daily routine adopted in the preschool educational institution, repeat all the activities that the baby has already learned.
2. Blaming and punishing a child for crying.
Parents' unpreparedness for the child's negative reaction to the preschool educational institution (remember that for the baby this is the first social experience, tearfulness, some hysteria during the period of adaptation to the preschool educational institution is normal).
3. Early return to work (when your first working week after the decree coincides with the first week of the child's stay in kindergarten). Remember the possible frequent illnesses of the child in the initial period of visiting the preschool educational institution.
4. Being in a state of anxiety, anxiety (do not think about public opinion when your child screams in the locker room in the morning, all parents go through this, and this does not mean at all that you are not good enough in the role of "mom" or "dad") .
5. Reduced attention to the child (satisfied with the work of the preschool educational institution, some mothers sigh with relief and no longer pay as much attention to the baby as before). On the contrary, spend as much time as possible with your child during the adjustment period.
6. In the first year of attending a kindergarten, we do not recommend enrolling a child in additional classes, circles or sections.

Good luck! We are next to you! We can do this!

How to prepare your child for sleep

How many hours does a child need to sleep preschool age?

There is no single answer, it all depends on the individual child - his temperament, state of health and the characteristics of the day spent.

A mobile, frisky child of choleric temperament in the evening either cannot calm down from overexcitation for a long time, or, conversely, instantly falls asleep as soon as his head touches the pillow. Such a child needs less time to sleep than others, however, parents need to ensure that in the daily routine of a moving baby, time must be allocated for an afternoon nap. This will allow nimble children to moderate their ardor a little and calm down.

Calm, sluggish children need both daytime and full night sleep no less necessary. It is hard for a balanced child to be in the company of noisy, scurrying choleric people, and he just needs a saving outlet in the form of daytime sleep.

Also, events or situations occur in the life of preschoolers that have an incredibly strong influence on the psyche of the child, but, from the point of view of an adult, are not so significant: moving to another apartment, moving to another group or kindergarten, losing a pet, etc. This can have such a strong impact on fragile souls that their owners can lose sleep for a long time. It is necessary to be attentive to changes in the behavior of a son or daughter and take the necessary measures in time.

Finally, a few tips for parents on preparing babies for bed:
Avoid noisy outdoor games a few hours before bedtime.
If possible, take the whole family for a walk near the house so that the body receives as much oxygen as possible.
In the warm season, the window in the bedroom can be left open all night, in winter it is enough to ventilate the room before going to bed.
Create a calm, soothing evening environment.

By following these simple tips, it will not be difficult for you to allow your child to enjoy healthy, healthy and enjoyable sleep.

Advice for parents

"Health is in order - thanks in charging"

Target: to develop the interest of children (2-3 years old) and parents in morning exercises, to maintain and strengthen the health of children. To form moral and volitional qualities in children (restraint, organization, independence, perseverance). Encourage parents to actively participate in the child's sports life.
The need for movement is inherent in the baby from birth. And the task of parents is not only to help the child develop harmoniously, to master new skills and abilities, but also not to discourage the desire to play sports in the future. The kid only through his own sensations learns a huge and attractive world. And to consolidate the innate love for movement, to make the baby more dexterous and resilient, to direct irrepressible energy into a “peaceful” channel, games and exercises that kids will enjoy will help.
Every mom and dad is well aware that physical exercise affects the functioning of all organs and systems. Sports activities improve metabolism, blood composition, train the cardiovascular system, increase immunity. But not all parents know that physical development the baby is also inseparably linked with his intellectual development. The better a child can run, jump, climb, the faster and more harmoniously his brain develops. Movement is the only activity that makes both the left and right hemispheres of the brain work at the same time. Therefore, it is important to introduce the baby to physical exercises as early as possible and strive for sports activities to be a source of joy and pleasure for the child, and in no case - coercion. It is necessary to accustom the baby to daily morning exercises. It's no secret that not all of us do it in the morning. But it is necessary to devote only 7-10 minutes to morning exercises with the baby and do it regularly, such a daily load will become familiar and natural for the child. He just can't do without her. Just like without morning washing and brushing your teeth. Any sports activities with the baby should be carried out in a fun and game form and add something new every time. After all, doing with the baby, adults themselves will receive a charge of vivacity and fun for the whole day. It's great to do any exercises with the kids with suitable rhymes, you can also attach your favorite toys for this important matter:
The animals went out to charge,
Calculated in order.
Children next to them
Both girls and boys.
The exercises begin
Legs rise to the top.
Well, we'll raise our hands
High, to the very cloud!
Here comes the furry bear,
The tramp stomps loudly.
Let's help the clubfoot
We'll pass like a bear, too.
Top yes top, top yes top
And clap and clap!
Bunny jumping on the lawn
We'll jump like a bunny.
Legs together, jump, jump!
Have fun buddy!
The bees flap their wings,
Dancing together over the flowers.
Let's put our hands to the sides,
Like spreading wings.
Waved, flew
And how the bees buzzed:
Here the hooves flickered -
These horses are galloping.
Let's run like horses
On the toes, then on the heels.
That's it for charging!
Goodbye guys!
If you really want
Come again tomorrow.
Captivate the baby with your example, for this, do all the exercises with fun, with passion. Very soon, your baby will remember the simple rhymes and the movements that need to be performed under them. And this means that we also develop memory. Try it, it's not only a log, but also a lot of fun!

Advice for parents

How can you help your child grow up? A crisis three years

Description: This consultation will help parents of babies understand the the concept of the "crisis of three years", as well as what to do, how to behave, how to respond to some antics of a changed child, and most importantly, how to help the baby cope with himself.
The little angel you had about two and a half years ago is gone. A small monster has appeared, a despot, an egoist, he scoffs, tests his nerves for strength and admires you with interest when you are beside yourself. This is the crisis of three years. The first two - the crisis of the newborn and the year - passed unnoticed and safely, but what to do about it? It is impossible not to pay attention, to live as before. What's up with the baby? Everything is okay. The child lived enough time, focusing on you: your mood, behavior, actions, manners were perceived by the child as his own. And suddenly such a find - "I". “I am a person”, there is the world, and there is “I”. But this find cannot be touched, tasted, disassembled, it can be fun only by showing in behavior what the child willingly does: whines, throws tantrums, expresses obstinacy.

In the common people, such children are called differently. Developmental psychologists say that a developmental crisis is necessary for the formation of a child's personality. But how this crisis will pass and what the child will become after depends on adults. So here is your guide to action. Be patient. Stubbornness, obstinacy, negativism, self-will, rebellion, despotism, depreciation of human norms of behavior are the characteristic features of this period. Do not think that "you got" an obnoxious child, he just has not yet learned how to behave. He does not know how to "play" with his discovery of "I".
- The kid has discovered his personality, but does not know whether it is good or bad. It is during this period that self-esteem is laid, which means that the task of parents is not to skimp on approval, not to criticize without good reason.
- It is important for a child to do everything himself, and this is not only eating, dressing, brushing his teeth - this is how his independence develops; independence is now being formed, which means that it is important to make decisions yourself. Give in to the child, build communication in such a way that he has the opportunity to convince you, at least in small things, because the “trifle” is for you, but for the child everything is essential.

- Stubbornness is a kind of will-trainer, do not harass it in the bud, make reasonable compromises.

- Knowing about the peculiarities of the period, change tactics. The child likes to be stubborn, mischievous, play with him so that he can realize these traits of his, let off steam in the game. For example, I feed my daughter, forbidding her to eat from my plate. I am glad when Alice does not put on slippers, and I put them on the top shelf of the closet, the shoes immediately become in demand. Take the child “weakly” (you can’t eat it all!). Forbidding anything pretend, do not be too serious, have fun together, laugh at childish disobedience. The main thing here is that the baby understands exactly where the game is and where the real requirements are.

- It should also be noted that all the negative of the crisis is poured out on the person who is closest in communication. Mom can often hear during this period from her father, grandmothers, nannies, educators: “He (the child) doesn’t behave like that with us!”. And it’s understandable, because all the previous time the baby lived precisely with his mother (or those who replace her), so now he opposes himself this person with special diligence.
- Often during this period, children become impossible whiners. Go to the trick again: pretend that you do not understand unintelligible speech, but really want to know what its essence is. She whines that she wants juice, ask again: “Do you want a cook? Aching side? Ochu oook? Stocking!" Say it right and get it.
- Worse than whining only tantrums. Gather your will into a fist and do not pay attention, let him yell, roll on the ground, the main thing is that without injuries, let the rest. There should be no emotions from you: neither positive nor negative. Do not discuss this incident. The simulator must know: you can't get through with this, you DO NOT, you DIDN'T notice what happened. If the situation does not allow you to “leave the hysteria unattended”, try to distract (just do not give out what you want); it didn’t work out - take pity, hug, “switch the arrows” to a fabulous, fictional character. (I am very sorry, but Baba Yaga forbade my aunt to sell this toy to us.) But pity and distraction is an extreme measure, hysteria should be ignored! And remember, everything will be fine. The result of the passage of the crisis is the formation of will, independence, pride in one's achievements. I wish you success!

Advice for parents

"How to boost immunity: spring rules for parents"

Immunity is the body's response to external stimuli: microbes, viruses, infections, and even lifestyle. Strong immunity is important at any age, but for children it is not so much important as vital. The body grows, develops, it needs strength in order to explore the world, to adapt to adult life, without being distracted by colds and flu.

By the way, immunologists divide immunity into 2 groups: natural and artificial.

Natural immunity is the “mirror” of the body. It is he who is responsible for how the body behaves in response to contact with the carrier of the virus and infection.

Artificial immunity is “acquired” after vaccination.

Why is immunity weakened?

In fact, there are no hidden and unknown causes of weakened children's immunity.

Everything is simple. Violation of the regimen, poor sleep, unbalanced nutrition, neglected infectious diseases, even an unhealed tooth - all this negatively affects the baby's immunity. Do not forget about the environmental situation, and the stresses that a growing organism is exposed to.

Signs of a weakened immune system :

Child gets sick more than 5 times a year

The disease progresses without fever.

The kid is always tired, pale, naughty

Enlarged lymph nodes


Weakened immunity most often "gives itself out" in the spring.

How to help a child strengthen immunity, recuperate after a long winter and meet the spring warmth cheerful and healthy?

Several well-known, simple, but very effective factors will help to gain strength and strengthen the child’s immunity:

vitamin supplement,

Active walks in the fresh air

complete sleep,

Positive emotions.

Let's talk in more detail about each of the points.

Vitamin Army.

The main assistants in maintaining and strengthening children's immunity after winter are vitamins, the presence of which is mandatory in the child's diet.

Vitamin CAscorbic acid, familiar and familiar from childhood, is extremely important for the child's body.

Important: ascorbic acid is not synthesized by the human body and does not accumulate in it, its reserves must be constantly replenished.

With a lack of vitamin C, the child becomes pale, quickly gets tired, his appetite worsens, and resistance to infectious diseases decreases. A familiar picture? Let's start the process of vitaminization!

The largest amount of vitamin C is found in rose hips, black currants, sea buckthorn, kiwi, sweet peppers, citrus fruits. Traditionally, add lemon to tea, give your child rosehip and blackcurrant decoctions, if there is no allergy, offer citrus fruits and kiwi, and sweet peppers are an excellent ingredient for light spring salads.

Vitamin A (retinol) - helps metabolism, plays an important role in the formation of bones and teeth, has a beneficial effect on vision, is necessary for the growth of new cells and fight infection.

Foods containing vitamin A can help support children's immunity - beef liver, milk, butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, egg yolk. Spring sources of vitamin A for those guys who love fruits and vegetables are: carrots, spinach, broccoli, green onions, parsley, apples, grapes.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) - is necessary for all tissues of the body, protects red blood cells, improves oxygen transport, nutrition of the skin and mucous membranes, takes an active part in the work of the muscular system, so the weakness of the child, apathy and sudden mood swings are among the first symptoms of its deficiency.

Fight weakness bad mood and a lack of vitamin E will help sunflower, linseed and olive oil, Brussels sprouts, nuts, seeds, oatmeal, leafy greens, whole grains and eggs.

B vitamins . There are a lot of important vitamins in this group and each has its own number: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, B13, B15 - a whole army to protect our health!

Signs of a lack of B vitamins can be anemia, lack of appetite, reduced body resistance to infectious diseases, peeling of the skin, brittle nails, constant fatigue, weakness.

We actively introduce buckwheat and wheat groats, bread, red meat, fish, liver, eggs, legumes, brown rice, yeast, milk, cheese, peas, cabbage, potatoes and nuts into the family diet.

Freshly squeezed juices are irreplaceable in baby food, and they are of particular importance for strengthening immunity. Vegetable juices will help in the construction and restoration of cells and tissues of the body, and fruit juices are indispensable in the fight against microbes, enhance the body's defense against infections.

Fermented milk products will help in maintaining normal intestinal microflora, which is one of the most important organs of the immune system, because about 80% of all immune cells of the body are located in its mucous membrane.

It is important to remember that to strengthen the immunity of a child, it is not individual products that are important, but a complete balanced diet. It is necessary for the normal functioning of all systems in the body, including the immune system.

However, do not forget that in the spring, during the period of weakened immunity after the cold weather, it is walks in the fresh air, when the first sun warms and replenishes the supply of vitamin D in our body, that will give the child strength, help in the fight against the residual effects of colds, increase appetite, strengthen the nervous system.

Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D in the body. Under their influence, it is formed on the surface of the skin, absorbed, penetrates into the blood, and then into the liver, from where its activation begins. An important nuance: our body can accumulate vitamin D and store it in reserve, so it is very important that in sunny days we got enough of it.

Spring is the time to remember the daily routine and go to bed on time, because the children's body is tired and it absolutely needs additional support. Enter at least a temporary moratorium on watching TV.

A short evening walk, a light vitamin dinner and an early bedtime - these simple principles will help not only children, but also us adults to feel full of energy, fresh and healthy.

If your child complains of being unwell, perhaps not only his body lacks vitamins, he asks for your participation, affection and care. Try to pay more attention to the child, be interested in his problems, talk to him, and his condition will improve. And hug even more often, because during hugs, the amount of the hormone oxytocin increases in the blood, which is responsible for our well-being and good mood and the amount of cortisol, the stress hormone, decreases.

At least 6-8 hugs a day are necessary for a child to feel loved, needed, important, confident, energetic, courageous and happy. Do happy and energetic people get sick? Of course not, they just don't have a reason to. So hug to your health!

So, we remember and use four whales to strengthen children's immunity: a balanced fortified diet, fresh air, good sleep and positive.

Experienced immunologists say that as a person behaves as a whole, so does every cell of his body. This means that an active, happy and independent child will charmingly have strong immunity and good health!

Advice for parents: "Productive ways of education: encouragement or punishment?"

In order for a child to successfully socialize in society and develop into a full-fledged personality, he must obey adults. However, not all children readily follow the rules and obey the requirements. In the arsenal of adults, there are several ways to control the behavior of a child:

Negative ways: punishments, prohibitions, shouts, orders, remarks;

Positive ways: request, praise, encouragement, behavior modification.

Which of these methods of education is more effective?

The most democratic way of education are requests. However, they are not always effective, especially when interacting with young children. For example, it makes no sense to persuade a child not to touch the iron at the moment when his hand has almost touched the hot surface.

Without application prohibitions and remarks Raising a child is almost impossible. The meaning of the remark is to effectively stop unacceptable behavior and offer the child more constructive ways out of the current situation. But in order for the prohibitions, demands and remarks of adults to fully affect the child, they must be heard and taken to action. How to put forward your demands and prohibitions? Psychologist Sheila Eiberg suggests following these guidelines:

1. Requirements and prohibitions should not be too much. Availability a large number restrictions and prohibitions that apply to all spheres of life, leads to the development of lack of will and indecision in a child.

2. The requirements must not be in clear conflict with the essential needs of the child. For example, we should not restrict a child's need for movement or his research interests just because we are afraid that he will break something. Better create for him safe conditions. You can explore puddles, but only in rubber boots. You can even throw stones at a target, if you take care that no one gets hurt.

3. Do not give vague, obscure or evasive instructions. All requirements addressed to the child must be specific. This will allow him to better understand what they want from him. Example: vague request - behave decently, specific - please, speak more quietly. Evasive demand - go sit down, specific - sit next to me.

4. Give short and clear directions. It is easier for a child to follow short than huge requirements that may seem impossible. Example: a short requirement - put the books on the shelf, a complex one - clean the room.

5. Give positive directions. Tell your child what to do, not what not to do. Children have a negative attitude towards demands that begin with the words “stop”, “don’t”. Example: negative demand - stop rocking in a chair, positive - get off the chair and come to me.

6. Show respect, do not humiliate the child. Speak the requirements in a neutral tone. Don't beg or scream. This makes communication between you and your child more enjoyable. Demands and prohibitions given in an angry or imperious manner are perceived doubly hard. Example: Stand next to me immediately!!! To the question: "Why not?" - you should not answer: "Because I say so!", "It is impossible, that's all!". It is necessary to briefly explain: "It's already late", "It's dangerous."

7. Give your child only those instructions that he can follow. It will not be fair to punish disobedience if the child is not able to comply with your demand. Example: impossible instruction - draw a stop sign, feasible instruction - draw a picture.

8. Rules (restrictions, requirements, prohibitions) must be agreed upon by the parents among themselves.

Punishments help to achieve the desired and discipline the child. But they should not be abused. Since any punishment causes negative emotional experiences and anger in the child, or the constant suppression of this anger. Suppressed anger can develop into passive-aggressive behaviors. In this case, the child may begin to act on the sly, on purpose to do something "out of spite."

What can this lead to? Firstly, to the deterioration of the relationship between parents and the child, and, secondly, the constant expectation of punishment can suppress the manifestation of initiative in the child. He will be afraid to make decisions on his own and take on a new business, as his motivation for “avoiding failure” and not “achieving success” will prevail. All this can greatly complicate his life in the future.

Therefore, it is possible to punish a child only in extreme cases, using constructive forms of punishment:

1. Use "Natural Punishment". It represents a refusal to help a child in a situation of disobedience. For example, when a child, sitting at the table, indulges in a glass of juice, and, in the end, spills it, do not rush to help. Suggest that he take a rag and wipe the juice himself, and then change clothes. Thus, he is on personal example will learn why it makes sense to handle cups, plates and their contents with care. Gradually, the child himself will learn to establish causal relationships between his actions and their results.

2. Punishment must be fair. In this case, the child's self-esteem will not suffer, and the punishment will bring real benefits. For example, if he spilled water on the floor because he wanted to water the flowers, but did not hold a heavy bottle in his hands, this is not a reason for punishment, but for buying a small watering can. But if a child deliberately performs some action that is forbidden to him, then this can be considered as a reason for punishment.

3. Follow the sequence. Punishment will benefit and cause no harm in the case when it is regular, and not accidental. Therefore, it is important that prohibitions and punishments are stipulated in advance, and not when the offense has already been committed. The child must know how and for what he can be punished. He will feel more confident knowing what he can and cannot do. But punishing a child for breaking a rule unknown to him is pointless and unfair. It is necessary to explain to him that he did wrong, and to warn that next time he will be punished for it.

4. Punishment should be applied immediately after the misconduct, and not some time after it. The child must see and evaluate the results of his misconduct immediately, otherwise the current situation will lose its meaning and no useful conclusions he won't.

5. The approach to punishment must be reasonable. Punishment should contain some opportunities for learning, mastering positive skills. It is desirable that it be logically connected with the misconduct. For example, it makes no sense to leave a child without a walk as a punishment if he scatters toys instead.

6. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. For example, if you have a hyperactive child, then disciplinary measures in the form of constant punishments, remarks, shouting and lectures will not lead to an improvement in behavior, but, on the contrary, will worsen it. With such children, you need to communicate gently and calmly.

7. It is better to punish a child by depriving him of something good than by making him feel bad.

The child should never be punished.:

When he is sick;

Before sleep and immediately after sleep;

While eating (the child literally "swallows" negative signals, this can lead to the development of psychosomatic diseases);

Immediately after a mental or physical injury;

When a child sincerely tries to do something, but he does not succeed;

When the teacher himself is in a bad mood.

In no case should physical punishment be used, since they adversely affect the personality of the child, contributing to the emergence of undesirable character traits. The systematic use of physical punishment can break the will of the child, turn him into a submissive and incapable of making independent decisions.

In the process of raising a child, it is necessary to use praise and encouragement. Psychologists have proven that positive reinforcement is much more effective than negative reinforcement, since it immediately forms the necessary behavior, and praise helps the child gain self-confidence. As a positive reinforcement for a child, there can be: attention and affection from the educator, praise, positive emotions that the baby receives when he reaches his goal.

Praise is made up of two components - our words and the conclusions of children. Our words should express a clear positive assessment of children's actions, intentions and achievements, so that the child can draw from them a realistic conclusion about himself and his abilities.

However, not all praise is beneficial. How to praise a child?

1) You should not praise the child for what is given to him easily (for what is given to him by nature). Praise not for effort and achievement, but for the presence of ability, does not give any incentive to development.

2) It is harmful, to praise a child unnecessarily and insincerely. It devalues ​​the praise. Repeating praise unnecessarily acts like a drug: the child gets used to it and waits for it. This can lead to the development of selfishness and feelings of superiority over others.

3) Praise and encouragement should be done on time. They should neither be late nor be given too quickly. Praise given at the right time will lead to concentration of effort, and belated reinforcement will not have the desired effect.

4) It is important to praise a specific act of the child, and not his personality as a whole. Otherwise, you can form an overestimated self-esteem and selfishness in him. If in later life the child is faced with the fact that the people around him do not value him as highly as he imagines himself, then this can lead to neurosis.

For example: Proper praise: "Thank you for putting away all the toys." Wrong praise: "You're just great!". Correct praise: "You drew such a beautiful picture." Wrong praise: "You are a real artist."

5) You can not put one child as an example to another. Scolding one and praising the other, you thereby impose his example on the first, opposing them to each other. This does not in any way cause a desire to "take an example" from the one who is (unfairly) praised. Contrasting children with each other can cause them negativism, unhealthy rivalry, and the rejection of those activities that do not guarantee success.

The most effective way to educate preschoolers is behavior modification technique. Its essence is that good behavior the child receives encouragement, and for bad - punishment or deprivation of privileges.

Advice for parents

"Play with the kids"

Parents know that children love to play, encourage their independent play, buy toys. But not everyone thinks about the educational value of children's games. They believe that the game is for fun, for the entertainment of the child. Others see in it one of the means of distracting the baby from pranks, whims, filling his free time so that he is in business. The same parents who constantly play with children, watch the game, appreciate it as one of the important means of education. For a preschool child, the game is the leading activity in which his mental development takes place, the personality as a whole is formed. The life of adults interests children not only with its external side. They are attracted by the inner world of people, the relationship between them, the attitude of parents to each other, to friends, to other relatives, to the child himself. Their attitude to work, to surrounding objects. Children imitate their parents: the manner of dealing with others, their actions, labor actions. And they transfer all this into their games, thus consolidating the accumulated experience of behavior, forms of attitude. With the accumulation of life experience, under the influence of training, education - children's games become more meaningful, diverse in plots, themes, in the number of roles played, participants in the game. In games, the child begins to reflect not only the life of the family, the facts that are directly perceived by him. But also the images of the heroes of fairy tales read to him, stories that he needs to create according to the idea.

However, without guidance from adults, children even of older preschool age do not always know how to play. Some have little ability to apply their knowledge, they do not know how to fantasize, others, being able to play on their own, do not have organizational skills. It is difficult for them to negotiate with partners, to act together. One of the older members of the family, joining the game, can become a link between the children, teach them to play together. Host partners can also play together. Usually, each imposes his theme of the game on the other, striving to be in the lead role. In this case, you can not do without the help of an adult. You can play the main role in turn, an adult can take a secondary role. Joint games of parents with children spiritually and emotionally enrich children, satisfy the need for communication with loved ones, strengthen faith in their own strength.
The authority of the father and mother, who know and can do everything, grows in the eyes of children, and with it, love and devotion to loved ones grow. It’s good if a preschooler knows how to start a game on his own, pick up the right game material, mentally build a game plan, negotiate with his game partners, or be able to accept his plan and jointly carry out his plan. Then we can talk about the ability of a preschooler to play. But these children also require attention and a serious attitude to their games. They sometimes need to consult with their mother, father, grandmother, older brother, sister. In the course of the game, ask, clarify, get approval of their actions, actions, thus affirming themselves in the forms of behavior.
Younger preschoolers 2-4 years old not only can't play together, they can't play on their own. The kid usually aimlessly carries the car back and forth, not finding a greater use for it, he quickly abandons it, demands a new toy. Independence in the game is formed gradually, in the process of playing communication with adults, with older children, with peers. The development of independence largely depends on how the child's life is organized in the game. To wait until he begins to play on his own means deliberately inhibiting the development of a child's personality.
One of the important pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development of the game of a small child is the selection of toys by age. For a baby, a toy is the center of the game, a material support. She pushes him to the topic of the game, gives rise to new connections, causes a desire to act with her, enriches sensory experience. But toys that adults like do not always have educational value for children. Sometimes simple box from under shoes is more valuable than any clockwork toy. The box can be a trailer for a car in which you can transport cubes, soldiers, bricks, or arrange a stroller for dolls in the box.
senior preschoolers appreciate toys made by the hands of parents. Children constantly need to have pieces of fur, fabric, cardboard, wire, wood on hand. From them, children make the missing toys, rebuild, supplement, etc., which, undoubtedly, expands the playing possibilities of children, fantasy, and forms labor skills.
In the play area of ​​the child should be different toys: plot-shaped (depicting people, animals, objects of labor, everyday life, transport, etc.), motor (various wheelchairs, strollers, balls, skipping ropes, sports toys), building sets, didactic (various turrets, nesting dolls, board games).
When purchasing a toy, it is important to pay attention not only to novelty, attractiveness, cost, but also to pedagogical expediency. Before you make another purchase, it's a good idea to talk to your son or daughter about what kind of toy he needs and for what game.
Often girls play only with dolls, so they are often deprived of the joy of playing such games in which ingenuity, resourcefulness, and creativity are formed. Girls play with dolls either alone or only with girls. With boys, they have no common interests and no prerequisites for the emergence of friendly relationships between children. Boys usually play with cars, with children's weapons. Such toys also limit the circle of communication with girls. It is better when we are adults, we will not divide toys into “girls” and “boys”.
If a boy does not play with a doll, he can buy a bear, a doll in the form of a boy, a baby, a sailor, Pinocchio, Cheburashka, etc. It is important that the baby gets the opportunity to take care of someone. Soft toys depicting people and animals delight children with their attractive appearance, evoke positive emotions, a desire to play with them, especially if adults from an early age are taught to take care of toys and keep them neat. These toys turn out to be the first helpers of children in acquiring the experience of communicating with the surrounding children and adults. If a child does not have sisters and brothers, then toys are in fact his partners in games, with whom he shares his sorrows and joys. Games with building materials develop in children a sense of form, space, color, imagination, constructive abilities.
Sometimes adults need to help build this or that building, think together what parts are needed, what color, how to fix it, how to supplement the missing structures, how to use the building in the game.
Games: lotto, dominoes, paired pictures, open up the opportunity for children to enjoy the game, develop memory, attention, observation, eye, small muscles of the hands, learn endurance, patience. Such games have an organizing effect, since they offer to strictly follow the rules. It is interesting to play such games with the whole family so that all partners are equal in the rules of the game. The little one also gets used to the fact that he needs to play, observing the rules, comprehending their meaning. Very valuable are the games of children with theatrical toys. They are attractive with their external bright appearance, the ability to "talk". The production of flat figures from cardboard and other materials by the whole family enables children to play out familiar works of fiction on their own, to invent fairy tales.
The participation of adults in children's games can be different. If a child has just bought a toy and knows how to play with it, it is best to let him act on his own. But soon the experience of the child is depleted. The toy becomes uninteresting. Here the help of the elders is needed, to suggest a new game action, to show them, to offer additional game material to the existing game. When playing with a child, it is important for parents to follow their plan. The even, calm, friendly tone of an equal partner in the game inspires the child with confidence that they understand him, they want to play with him.
If a preschooler, especially a small one, has a play corner, then from time to time he should be allowed to play in the room where the family gathers in the evenings, in the kitchen, in the grandmother's room, where there is a new environment, where everything is interesting. The new environment gives rise to new game actions, plots.
The child is very happy with the minutes given to him by his parents in the game. Communication in the game is not fruitless for the baby. The more precious minutes fall in the company of people close to him, the greater the relationship, common interests, love between them in the future.

Advice for parents

"Visual activity of children

from 2 to 3 years"

Start of development figurative thinking, refinement of ideas about the properties and relationships of objects and their spatial arrangement and dynamic properties. By 2.5 years - a higher level of comparisons and generalizations, there is an interest in the purpose, cause and effect of the situation of interest.
The emergence of object-constructive, situational-game actions with game material.
At this stage, the drawing is an object - a substitute with which the child wants to act (play). The kid discovers the functions of objects.
Actions become generalized (transfers actions to a new similar item). Drawing according to the “plan” appears (the child himself sets a goal, a visual task).
The main motivating motive is the “discovery” made by the child: anything can be depicted in a drawing, on paper.
The original idea is poor in content, not clear. Drawing is poor in graphic, and modeling in plastic image. The child accompanies the process of scribbling on a piece of paper with a speech: he comments, supplements the graphic image with a word, makes it seem more meaningful, complete.
The leading type of relationship to the world - orientation to objects - is already realized not only in the usual subject-tool activity, but also in figurative reflection, that is, it finds expression in the content of games and visual activity (mainly objects of interest to the child, natural phenomena).
Interest in the pictorial material and ways of acting with it remains, since these materials are part of the objective world that is interesting for the baby.
Do not miss the sensitive period for the development of the operational and technical side of the activity (the baby is focused on the objective world). To acquaint with artistic techniques and materials, to involve in playing an artistic plot.

Adult Tasks:

- enrich the baby with vivid impressions when introducing him to the world of things, natural phenomena, people and their actions.
If the life of a child is interesting, full of vivid impressions, he has a desire to tell about it in drawing, modeling, and the topics of the image in this case are diverse.
The child draws only what is interesting for him, significant, what worries him.
- develop interest in fine art objects (illustrations in books, small sculptures - figurines, artistically made toys).
- notice, understand images of familiar objects, phenomena; the ability to respond emotionally not only to the content of the image (the baby is happy: he “recognized” the bird, bear, etc.), but also to the artistic form: bright color, shiny, smooth surface of clay, stone (it is necessary that he admire, stroke his palm, express attitude in a smile, a word).
- introducing the baby to the perception of accessible fine art, helping him not only to better understand and feel the world, but also to understand the meaning of his own fine art.

Materials for artistic research:

dough, snow, wet sand, clay, plasticine, finger paints, gouache, cereals or pasta, colored water, yogurt, crayons, pieces of coloring vegetables (beets, carrots ...), milk or semolina with food coloring, cotton wool, soap foam, sand, paper, Actions: drawing rhythmic strokes, spots, lines, dough, plain paper, colored, corrugated paper, cardboard, wallpaper, colored adhesive film, candy wrappers, foil, fabric scraps, threads of different colors, thicknesses and textures, clothespins, large buttons, boxes from kinder surprises, egg packaging, boxes, PVA glue, paste, natural materials(cones, acorns, nut shells, tree seeds, etc.), various constructor, building kits, mosaic.

Advice for parents on creating a home play corner for preschool children

Each child should have a certain place for games and activities, storage of toys, which would be a cozy corner for him.
The child should know where his toys or board games are. Mechanical toys should be placed separately, especially from board games and books. Constructors and building materials can be stored together with tools and various materials for work. figurative toys (dolls, Stuffed Toys) can be kept in a closet, but it is even better if they are located in a place familiar to the child, somewhere on the floor. Here you can arrange puppet furniture, arrange a puppet kitchen, kindergarten, clinic, zoo, garage, depot or station, depending on the mood and imagination of the player.
Adults should check from time to time whether everything is in order in the corner, but in exactly the order that is necessary for the child to play. Sometimes you need to check whether all the toys are required for the child's games, maybe some of them have not been involved in the game for a long time. Then they can be hidden for a while, making room for the most necessary, beloved, new toys. Cleaning, of course, feasible, the child in his corner should do it himself, so he will get used to cleanliness and neatness.
Proper storage of toys is the key to their long life! Nothing spoils toys so much as from improper storage, when after playing they are simply dumped in a heap. Cleaning toys can easily be turned into a continuation of the game or preparation for new games to keep the child interested.
However, many toys are not durable, they can break even with the most careful attitude towards them. Toys should not be thrown away if they can be repaired. And this work must be done together with the child. Of course, at first the baby will be able to perform only the simplest work. But the older the child, the greater his participation in this useful work. If such care for toys becomes a constant duty for a child, this will be a good school of diligence and accuracy. Repairing toys, the child learns many useful skills, gains knowledge about working with materials and tools. He learns what the objects are made of, what their properties are, what tools are needed in order to restore the former appearance of the toy, and then any object.
The habit of order in the toy farm will certainly affect the general attitude to order, the subsequent handling of books and school supplies.
Games and toys are not a personal matter of the child, this is a common family affair, where the elders teach the younger ones, and the younger ones help the elders, where everyone lives by common interests. It is also a matter of great social importance, since games are of great importance in shaping the personality of a child.

Advice for parents

“Road to dinner spoon or…..”

We must always remember that health is laid at an early age, especially in the digestive system.

1. When cooking, the taste preferences of the child are not taken into account. Sometimes the baby loves buckwheat, and the mother, tired from work, cooked borscht for the whole family and did not have the strength to cook more separate dishes. But in fact, it will not take much time to cook something separately for the baby, and most importantly, it will be a real pleasure to watch how your beloved child eats his dinner on both cheeks.

2. The child snacks between meals. It is very difficult to refuse a baby if he asks for candy or cookies. But, the result of the weakness shown by the parents will necessarily be the refusal of the child to eat.

3. Poor appetite after illness. It is very important after an illness not to force food on a child, let him eat often, but little by little, and try to cook his favorite dishes.

4. The child is forced to eat. It is impossible to force a child to eat something, it is impossible to achieve a positive result with threats, this will only cause rejection and disgust from food.

5. Increased requirements and prohibition. Parents try tricks to get the child to eat, offering either a candy, or watching a cartoon, or going to the zoo. But, unfortunately, it will not be possible to achieve a great effect in this way either. Eating in front of the TV, the child, without chewing food at all, will swallow it, and sweets and the zoo will also not lead to the desired result.

6. Influence of seasons on appetite. It is clear that in the hot season, not so much want to eat as drink. Therefore, it would be advisable to offer the child a non-hot liquid dish, juices, etc.

And of course, the design of the children's dish plays an important role, but here you already need to rely on the mother's imagination. Sandwiches in the form of a sleeping bear cub under a blanket, sausage; smeshariki sovunya with big eyes from egg yolks; wagons made of slices of loaf with wheels made of carrot circles and so on ...

Be sure to involve your child in cooking, let him help you as much as possible: serve a plate, a towel, hold a blender with his mother. Your baby will be especially happy to create a fairy tale from products together with his mother, and there, at work, his appetite will play out. The visual appeal of a dish, especially for young children, is of great importance, so parents need to use it one hundred percent.

Be attentive to your children, love them, and they will definitely respond to you with excellent appetite! And remember, the road is still a spoon for dinner, bon appetit!

On the role of fairy tales in the upbringing of children

A fairy tale is a great spiritual culture of the people, which we collect
bit by bit, and through a fairy tale, a thousand-year history of the people is revealed to us.
(Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy)

A fairy tale is always present in our lives: we heard it in childhood, we tell it to our children and grandchildren. For as long as we can remember, next to us are “Gingerbread Man”, “Turnip”, “Fox and Wolf” ... Russian folk, fairy tales of the peoples of the world, author's: everyday, magical, about animals. A child of any age will definitely say that fairy tales are Pushkin. There is no doubt that Alexander Sergeevich is first remembered as the author of the most famous and beloved fairy tales: “The Tale of the Pope and his worker Balda”, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “ The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "The Bridegroom". Love for fairy tales was instilled in little Sasha by his nanny, Arina Rodionovna, for whom the poet carried love and affection all his life. He had the warmest memories of her. Fading with delight, little Pushkin eagerly absorbed every word of wonderful fairy tales. The nanny brightened up his loneliness in exile in Mikhailovsky, on long winter evenings, continuing to captivate the poet with fairy tales, sayings, proverbs, songs.
“I listen to the tales of my nanny, the original nanny Tatyana; she is my only friend, and it’s only with her that I’m not bored ...” Pushkin wrote to his brother from Mikhailovsky.
Pushkin transferred many images from his nanny's fairy tales to his works. He always remembered Arina Rodionovna with great warmth and dedicated poems to her.

I myself am not happy with my talkativeness,
But I love remembering my childhood.
Oh! I will keep silent about my mother,
About the charms of mysterious nights,
When in a cap, in an old robe,
She, evading the spirits with a prayer,
Cross me with zeal,
And in a whisper it will tell me
About the dead, about the exploits of Bova...
I won’t move from horror, it happened,
Barely breathing, I snuggle up under the covers.
Feeling neither legs nor head.

No one knows exactly when the first fairy tale appeared. She has lived among people since ancient times. It is known from history that it was customary for our ancestors not to punish those who obeyed, but to set them on the right path through a fairy tale, a story, an instructive story. Reading a fairy tale is considered the most ancient method of knowledge and education. Communicating with our children through a fairy tale, we convey to them knowledge about the spiritual world, about the purpose of a person in society, educate them, develop their inner world, heal them from fears and experiences. A fairy tale gives knowledge about life, the laws of being, awakens creativity, fantasy, brings up love for the Motherland, work, teaches to respect elders, protect the weak, help the sick and infirm. Definitely folk tale contributes to the formation of certain moral values, the ideal. The girls are aimed at the “red girl”, who is necessarily a needlewoman, both with a mind and a beautiful face, for boys - a good fellow (necessarily brave, brave, strong, honest, kind, hardworking, ready to defend his homeland at any moment). Such perfection for a child is a distant prospect, to which he will strive, comparing his deeds and actions with him. The highest goal set at a young age will largely determine him as a person. Adults need to know the baby's dream in order to correct and eliminate negative aspects in time.
It is considered good form in education to read a bedtime story to a child. With the dimmed light of a night lamp, the soft sound of a native voice, a magical story will lull the baby to sleep, give him good healthy dreams. In addition, the feeling that next to him there is close person positively affects the formation of the child's psyche. This helps him calm down, feel safe. The child feels that he is loved and taken care of. Obviously, the benefits of bedtime stories are indeed undeniable.
Scientists have long been talking about the therapeutic role of fairy tales, using them in psychological training, in the form of treating the state of mind of a small patient. Unfortunately, modern television is loaded to a greater extent with foreign cartoons, often aggressive, with violent fights, with obscure characters, and children imitate their favorite characters, adopt their behavior, manner of speaking. That is why parents and teachers need to be very strict in choosing fairy tales and watching cartoons.
Both scientifically and life proved that children different ages they are very fond of listening to fairy tales and extraordinary stories that expand the range of their knowledge and horizons, help to gain the necessary knowledge about a person, about life's problems, and ways to solve them. They give the idea that in addition to the real world, there is also a magical one, filled with miracles and adventures, that good always triumphs over evil.
The usefulness of fairy tales is undeniable. Using their example, you can “correct” “wrong” character traits. So, for greedy and selfish kids, it’s useful to read the tales “About the Fisherman and the Fish”, “About the Three Greedy Bears”, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “Frost”, “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves”, timid and shy, - “ About the cowardly bunny”, “Cowardly Vanya”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “The Snow Queen” is suitable for disobedient and gullible.
Each of us had a favorite fairy tale that we listened to, read an incredible number of times. What is the secret of this literary genre? Why do our children, and we, adults, love fairy tales so much, what is their role, what is the use?
Recall that in the old, ancient times, our ancestors were in no hurry to punish children, but told an instructive story so that the delinquent could comprehend his behavior, draw conclusions and not repeat mistakes. A fairy tale is a very good method of educating and educating children. Telling fairy tales, we pass on the experience of our ancestors, supplementing it with our own, no less rich. Through a fairy tale, a child enriches the inner spiritual world, gets rid of experiences and fears, gains knowledge about life and its laws, develops imagination and creativity, learns to empathize and anticipate events. Thanks to a fairy tale, a child can play negative roles and feelings, while he will not be punished. Life stories very well share the idea of ​​male and female behavior.
Every fairy tale has main character. More often it is active, brave, able to survive in difficult situations character. Even if at first he looked negative, then the story ends with his correction, understanding the negative aspects of his character. Each fairy tale teaches that good conquers evil, which is important in the formation of character.
The role of fairy tales in shaping the personality of a child has been proven by centuries of experience. These instructive stories teach kindness, forgiveness, tolerance, understanding what is good and what is bad. They stimulate concentration of attention, develop positive qualities, encourage reflection, encourage questions, search for answers. It is fairy tales that begin the child's acquaintance with literature, instill in him a love of reading. A fairy tale is a game necessary for the development of a personality.
Raising children through a fairy tale is undeniable, because it carries a huge stock of knowledge of previous generations. It is she who has an unobtrusive influence on the formation of the child's thinking, absorbing information through folk art. Through a fairy tale, it is easier to explain common truths to kids than moralizing. A fairy tale is a powerful tool for teaching toddlers and preschoolers. It is on the example of the heroes of fairy tales that important life information is best absorbed. Striking examples of modeling correct behavior are such fairy tales as "Gingerbread Man", "Grey Goat", "Teremok", "Wolf and Seven Kids", "Turnip". They very clearly show different oppositions: courage and cowardice, wealth and poverty, industriousness and laziness, ingenuity and stupidity, the success of collectivism and the difficulty of loneliness. On the example of fairy-tale characters, children learn to distinguish between good and evil, empathize with positive characters, mentally overcome difficulties and obstacles with them. Having believed in the simple truth that good conquers evil, the child will learn to overcome life's hardships more steadfastly. We can safely say from the first minutes of acquaintance with the fairy tale, the character of the baby begins to be tempered.
It is a well-known fact that many in childhood experience a feeling of fear: doctors, darkness, being alone in a room. Again, fairy tales can help in this situation. A child from the outside observes a seemingly hopeless situation, and now a way is found to successfully resolve it. The heroes are happy, healthy, evil is defeated. Knowing about the positive outcome of the case, the baby gradually conquers his fears.
Many experienced teachers note that children of the 21st century are characterized by a decrease in mental performance, excessive excitability, irritability, emotional exhaustion, and unstable mood. There is inhibition, or vice versa - irritability, aggressiveness. Children are often left alone at home, experiencing a lack of communication with their parents, peers, locking themselves on a TV or computer. With the help of modern technologies, a flurry of information fell on them, and often negative. Children have become less sensitive, responsive, do not have communication skills. Therefore, work aimed at the development of the emotional sphere is extremely relevant and important. And the main assistant is a fairy tale. Even K. D. Ushinsky called the fairy tales of the Russian people the first brilliant attempts at folk pedagogy. Admiring fairy tales as monuments of folk pedagogy, he wrote that no one is able to compete with the pedagogical genius of the people.
Remember Armenian fairy tale in the verses "Greedy Vartan", for whom the furrier sewed as many as seven hats from sheep's skin, but none of them can be put on? Moral: greed and envy will not lead to good. And "Porridge from an ax"? About the resourcefulness and ingenuity of the Russian soldier? These instructive stories are a vivid example of folk pedagogy.
Fairy tales are an important educational tool, worked out and tested by the people over the centuries. Teachers know different forms of working with a fairy tale: reading, retelling, discussion, theatrical performance of fairy tales, watching fairy tale films, holding a connoisseur competition, exhibitions of drawings, etc. Life, folk practice of education convincingly proved the pedagogical value of fairy tales. Children and a fairy tale are inseparable, and therefore adults should acquaint their children with the great spiritual culture of the people from an early age.
A few tips for young parents and novice teachers: read a fairy tale,
1. concentrating the attention of the child on it;
2. with expression, highlighting intonation climaxes;
3. clearly pronouncing the words;
4. only one, for deeper understanding;
5. chosen by the child (even if for the hundredth time!);
6. analyzing;
7. ask to retell;
8. preferably at bedtime.
"There are no fairy tales better than those created by life itself."
(Hans Christian Andersen)

Advice for parents :
"Games and game exercises for teaching proper breathing"

Why Teaching Children to Breathe Properly

Many children, due to certain diseases (adenoids, heart disease, weakness of the body), cannot speak long sentences, quite clearly, with logical pauses. It looks like the child is suffocating. And all in all, the baby is not enough in this moment air, during a conversation he has a weak breath and a short exhalation.
A child who does not know how to breathe properly can be recognized immediately: narrow shoulders, weak chest, open mouth, nervous movements.
During classes with a child, you should teach the baby to breathe correctly, to take each breath and each exhalation consciously, and not as you have to. It is necessary to explain in simple words that for a beautiful speech you will need to take care of your breathing, that is, be able to take a strong breath and exhale smoothly through your mouth while pronouncing the words.
Thus, adults who want to teach a child to speak beautifully and clearly should teach the baby to breathe properly.
Exercises breathing exercises can be used like:
- as physical education minutes in the process of speech therapy classes;
- as part of the lesson;
- How special exercises in the form of gaming activities;
- like games;

The development of speech breathing

For the education of speech, work on proper breathing is necessary. Well-placed speech breathing ensures the correct pronunciation of sounds, words and phrases.
For example, in order to correctly learn how to pronounce sounds - З, С, Ш, Ж, Р - a child must exhale strongly enough through his mouth.
So, speech breathing is the correct combination of inhalation and exhalation during the pronunciation of words and phrases. Speech breathing training is teaching the smooth pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words and phrases on the exhale.
It is possible to start training speech breathing proper only after the child has formed a strong, smooth exhalation (that is, physiological breathing is sufficiently developed). At the same time, it is necessary to teach the child to control the time of expiration, to use air sparingly. Additionally, the child develops the ability to direct the air stream in the right direction.
A gradual development is supposed, a movement from simple to complex.

Parameters of correct speech exhalation

1. Exhalation is preceded by a strong inhalation through the nose or mouth -
"gaining a full chest of air"
2. Exhalation occurs smoothly, not in jerks.
3. During exhalation, the lips fold into a tube, do not
purse your lips, puff out your cheeks.
4. During exhalation, air exits through the mouth, air should not be allowed to exit through the nose (if the child exhales through the nose, you can pinch his nostrils so that he feels like he should
air out).
5. Exhale should be until the air runs out.
6. While singing or talking, you can not get air when
the help of frequent short breaths.
Games and exercises for the development of smooth speech exhalation
Purpose: - development of a long continuous oral exhalation
- activation of the lip muscles

1. Games with individual items.
- Inflate the balloon.
- Bulky, Rusty, foam. (with straw)
- Whistles. Whistles - "Police". Blow into the pipe.
- "Music bubble".

2. Games with objects that do not have an individual purpose.
- Fly, butterfly. Autumn leaves. It is snowing. Fly birds. (pictures on threads)
- Wind (sultans, panicles)
- Dandelion, turntables (on a walk)
-Football (gates, fruits)
- "Bubble".
- Roll, pencil.
-Funny balls ( tennis ball, a table with a drawn line)
-Sail the boat. Swim duck. "Sailing Regatta"
- Blow out the candle.
It is possible to start training the actual speech breathing only after the child has formed a strong smooth exhalation. Speech breathing training is learning to smoothly pronounce sounds, syllables, words and phrases on the exhale. We offer the following stages in the development of speech breathing:

Stages of development of speech breathing
- singing vowel sounds - A, O, U, I, E;
- prolonged pronunciation of some consonant sounds
W, F, F, X;
- pronunciation of syllables on one exhalation;
- pronunciation of words on one exhalation;
- pronouncing phrases of various lengths on one exhalation;
- reading poems;
- singing songs;
Games for the development of speech breathing.
Purpose: - practicing correct speech breathing.
To the music:
- Sing with me (vowels A, O, U, I, E). (to the music)
- Cheerful nesting doll (with a doll or nesting doll with the pronunciation of the syllables N: LA-LA)
- Sounds around us. (With subject pictures). Girls sing (singing faces)
- Birds are singing. (KO-KO-KO, KU-KU, CHIRIK-CHIRIK, GA-GA-GA)
Without music:
- Blow off the balloon (on the carpet, arms wide apart in front of you with the sound F)
- Pump (pronouncing the sound C on one exhale)

Advice for parents
"The role of educational games for children 3 - 4 years old"

What does it take for a child to grow up inquisitive, intelligent, quick-witted? Try to listen to the baby, understand the peculiarities of his age, evaluate his own, individual capabilities.

Three years is the milestone at which early childhood ends and preschool age begins. The child begins to separate himself from the world of surrounding adults, he enters into a more independent life. The kid already understands a lot, knows and knows how and strives to learn even more. Your task is to help him in this. In the mental development of a preschooler, the main thing is acquaintance with the objects around him. Their shape, size, color, location in space, movement - this is what attracts the child.

Games-activities that are offered to children of this age are based mainly on the actions of the child with a variety of objects. For the development of perception, games are useful in which the child will need to compare objects by color, shape, size and find the same among them. Sometimes this requires not paying attention to other important features of objects, for example, their purpose. If this causes difficulty for the baby, help him.

Games aimed at developing attention will require careful consideration and comparison of objects, identifying their similarities and differences. It is recommended to develop verbal memory in a role-playing game, where the memorization of words will become a necessary condition for the child to fulfill his role. Other games are aimed at training visual memory. A large group of didactic games is aimed at developing the child's thinking. For a three-year-old child, it is most expedient to solve mental problems that require disclosure of the structure of objects and their relative spatial arrangement. The next group of games is focused on the development of the child's creative abilities, stimulating his imagination. The kid will strive to notice different qualities of objects at the same time, look for various options for seeing the same thing or picture. And finally, mathematical task games will help teach the child to identify quantitative relationships between objects.

When organizing games with a child, take a closer look at him, evaluate his individual characteristics. If he quickly and easily copes with tasks, you can offer him more complex ones and, conversely, in case of difficulties, it is better to stay longer on simple ones. In no case should you force the completion of tasks, reproach the baby for not being able to do something, even if his peers easily do it.

It is important not only to teach the child something, but also to instill self-confidence in him, to form the ability to defend his idea, his decision. This is especially true for the performance of creative tasks, which usually have several solutions and which do not require a strict assessment: “true - false”. It is necessary to teach the child to accept criticism without offense and put forward new ideas.

And again, the individual traits of the child are important here. If he is bold and confident, you can begin to teach him to critically evaluate his answers. If he is shy, indecisive, it is better to first cheer him up and support any initiative. If the kid tends to quickly change tasks, getting off with the first answer that comes across, then it would be good to interest him in the task, teach him to find new details in it, saturating the familiar with new content. And vice versa, if, while performing a game task, the child “gets bogged down” in endless details, which prevents him from moving forward, it is better to help him choose one option, leaving everything superfluous aside, to practice the ability to move from one idea to another, which is especially important when performing creative tasks.

When working with a child, remember that his actions are only just beginning to become purposeful. It is still very difficult for the kid to follow the intended goal, he is easily distracted and moves from one activity to another. Fatigue sets in quickly. A child's attention can only be focused on a small number of objects at the same time. Interest easily arises(especially when the child sees new and bright objects) but also disappears easily. Therefore, if you want to organize educational games, classes, remember three rules:

Rule one: do not give the baby toys for constant use with which you will play games so that he does not lose interest in them.

Rule two: during the game, the child should not be distracted by foreign objects. Everything superfluous must be removed from the field of view of the baby.

Rule three: keep the games simple and short enough. Even 5 minutes is enough! But always strive for the child to finish what he started. And after that, change the game to a new one - and you will see that the child's attention will come to life again.

Each game is a communication of a child with an adult, with other children; it is a school of cooperation in which he learns and rejoices in the success of his peers, and endures his failures. Goodwill, support, joyful atmosphere of fiction and fantasy - only in this case our games will be useful for the development of the child.

Each game can be played with one baby, or with several. And it’s even better to play with the whole family, at least for a few minutes postponing your business. The joy that you bring to your child will also become your joy, and the pleasant moments spent together will help you make your life together kinder and more fun.So play along with your baby!

Consultation for parents "Whims and stubbornness"

Before proceeding to the topic "Whims, stubbornness and ways to overcome them", it is necessary to determine the scope of this topic, i.e. put it within certain limits. Capriciousness and stubbornness are seen as components of deviant behavior, along with:

    Disobedience, expressed in disobedience and mischief

    Children's negativism, i.e. not accepting something for no particular reason.



All of the above forms of deviant behavior differ only in the degree of social danger, and also depend on the age and individual characteristics of the child's personality.

The concepts of "whims and stubbornness" are very related and it is impossible to draw a clear line between them. And the ways to overcome whims and stubbornness are the same, but more on that later.

stubbornness - it is a psychological state very close to negativism. This is a negative feature of human behavior, expressed in unreasonable and irrational opposition to the requests, advice, demands of other people. A kind of stubborn disobedience for which there is no apparent motive.

Manifestations of stubbornness:

    acts as a psychological defense and has a selective character, i.e. the child realized that he had made a mistake, but did not want to admit it, and therefore "stands on his own."

Stubbornness can become a character trait if steps are not taken to overcome it. Over time, it breeds childish deceit, can lead to frustration nervous system, neuroses, irritability. If such manifestations, even at preschool age, pass from reactive states to chronic ones, then the initial stage of pedagogical neglect occurs.

We will not talk much about whims, because. All information is largely intersected with the above.

WHIM - these are actions that are devoid of a reasonable basis, i.e. "I so want and all!!!". They are caused by the weakness of the child and, to a certain extent, also act as a form of self-defense.

Manifestations of whims:

    in the desire to continue the action begun, even in cases where it is clear that it is meaningless, does not bring benefits.

    in discontent, irritability, crying.

    in motor excitement.

The development of whims is facilitated by a weak nervous system.

What parents need to know about children's stubbornness and capriciousness:

    The period of stubbornness and capriciousness begins at about 18 months.

    As a rule, this phase ends by 3.5-4 years. Random seizures

    stubbornness at an older age is also a completely normal thing.

    The peak of stubbornness falls on 2.5-3 years of life.

    Boys are more stubborn than girls.

    Girls are naughty more often than boys.

    During the crisis period, attacks of stubbornness and capriciousness occur in children 5 times a day. Some children have up to 19 times!

    If children, upon reaching 4 years old, still often continue to be stubborn and capricious, then most likely we are talking about "fixed stubbornness", hysteria, as convenient ways to manipulate the child with their parents. Most often this is the result of conciliatory behavior of parents who succumbed to pressure from the child, often for the sake of their peace of mind.

What parents can do to overcome stubbornness and moodiness in children:

    Do not betray great importance to stubbornness and capriciousness. Take note of the attack, but do not worry too much about the child.

    During the attack, stay close, let him feel that you understand him.

    Do not try to inspire anything to your child at this time - it is useless. Swearing does not make sense, spanking excites him even more.

    Be persistent in behavior with the child, if you said "no", stay on this opinion.

    Don't give up even when a child's seizure is public place. Most often, only one thing helps - to take him by the hand and lead him away.

    Hysteria and capriciousness requires the audience, do not resort to the help of strangers: "Look, what a bad girl, ay-yai-yai!". This is all the child needs.

    Try to cheat: "Oh, what I have interesting toy(book, little thing)!". Such distracting maneuvers will interest the capricious and he will calm down.

    Exclude from the arsenal of a rude tone, harshness, the desire to "break the power of authority."

    Calm tone of communication, without irritability.

    Concessions take place if they are pedagogically expedient, justified by the logic of the educational process.

The following points are very important in the prevention and in the fight against stubbornness and whims. We will talk about the humanization of relations between parents and children, namely, in which cases a child cannot be punished and scolded, when it is possible and necessary to praise:


    not achieved through hard work.

    not to be praised (beauty, strength, dexterity, intelligence).

    out of pity or a desire to please.


    for an action, for an action that has taken place.

    to begin to cooperate with the child is always with praise, approval.

    it is very important to praise the child in the morning, as early as possible and at night too.

    be able to praise without praising (example: ask for help, advice, like an adult). It is necessary to dwell on punishments in more detail.


    the child is sick, unwell, or has recovered from an illness. at this time, the child's psyche is vulnerable and the reaction is unpredictable.

    when the child eats, immediately after sleep and before bedtime.

    in all cases when something fails (example: when you're in a hurry and your child can't tie their shoelaces).

    following a physical or mental injuryexample: the child fell, you scold for it, believing that he is to blame).

    when the child did not cope with fear, inattention, mobility, etc., but tried very hard.

    when the inner motives of his act are not clear to you.

    when you are not yourself.


    punishment should not harm health.

    if in doubt, it is better not to punish (example: you are not sure that it was your child who committed the misconduct, or you doubt that the committed action is generally worthy of punishment, i.e. you cannot punish "just in case".

    for 1 offense - one punishment (you can not recall old sins).

    It is better not to punish than to punish late.

    should be punished and soon forgiven.

    if the child believes that you are unfair, then there will be no effect, so it is important to explain to the child why and for what he is punished.

    The child should not be afraid of punishment.

Of course, it is very difficult to use all the rules and necessary conditions in your family upbringing, but probably each parent will choose the missing part from all of the above, thereby supplementing the already developed upbringing strategy in your family.

Consultation "First aid for frostbite"


As a result of prolonged exposure to low ambient temperature in a child chills occur. Damaged areas of the skin externally are red or bluish-purple seals. Chilling is accompanied by itching, burning, pain, which intensifies if this area is quickly warmed. The legs and arms are often supercooled.

The teacher, gathering the children for a walk, makes sure that they have dry shoes and mittens. Weak children who have had illnesses need special attention.

A sharp drop in body temperature leads to freezing.

The child in this state loses consciousness, the skin turns pale, the pulse is rare. After taking first aid in the frozen, drowsiness, memory loss, and mental disorder are noted. A frequent complication of freezing is inflammation of the lungs, kidneys, and acute indigestion.

First aid a frozen child consists in warming him in a hot bath, at the same time a massage is performed. As soon as the child regains consciousness, he must be given a hot drink, food, put to bed, urgently call a doctor or take him to a medical facility.


It is more often observed in children who are weakened, in those who wear too tight shoes. It can even be at 0 temperature. Children freeze their fingers and toes, ears, nose tip.

There are three degrees of frostbite:

Frostbite of the 1st degree occurs with short-term exposure to cold. After warming, the affected areas of the skin turn red and swell, there is a slight pain, burning sensation. After 2-3 days, redness and swelling disappear and no traces of frostbite remain on the skin.

Frostbite 2 degrees occurs with prolonged exposure to cold. Frostbite causes the skin to turn pale. Bubbles appear later. Filled with clear or bloody liquid.

Frostbite of the 3rd degree and 4th degree is possible with prolonged exposure to low temperatures, and not only soft tissues but also bones, gangrene develops. Characterized by fever, general intoxication, restless behavior and chills.

First aid for frostbite is to restore blood circulation to the affected area as soon as possible.

Frostbitten hands or feet are warmed in warm water. The damaged area is carefully exposed, immersed in a basin of water 18-20º and a light massage is performed. Massage starts with fingers up. During the massage, it is necessary to force the child to move his fingers in order to quickly restore blood circulation. When fully warmed, the skin becomes bright pink and pain appears. Then the frostbitten place is carefully wiped, wiped with alcohol, a dry sterile bandage is applied and wrapped warmly.

In case of frostbite of the cheeks and nose, they warm them right on the street, rubbing the affected area in a circular motion. You should not rub the frostbitten place with snow, as small pieces of ice can scratch the skin, and you can also cause an infection. it is better to rub with a soft woolen mitten or a hand until blood circulation is fully restored. In more severe forms, urgent hospitalization.

Advice for parents

"Fostering Friendships in Play"

Creative games are created by children themselves. The themes of these games are varied. Children depict the life of the family, the construction of new houses, our holidays. In these games, most often their attention is attracted by the relationships between people - the cares of the mother, the affectionate treatment of the grandmother and other family members, the behavior of children. Here are two girls playing mother-daughter. One of them treats her "daughter" affectionately, attentively, patiently. Another "mother" shows excessive severity to the "daughter": she strictly reprimands for disobedience, often punishes. It is clear that the behavior of these two girls in the game is inspired by different impressions, which, like in a mirror, reflect the relationship between parents and children in one and the other family. Often, by the games of children, one can judge the relationship not only of children and parents, but also of other family members: grandmothers, grandfathers, etc. A large place in creative games is occupied by the display of the work of adults: children play a train, a steamboat, and with great love depict brave warriors. However, parents should always remember that without getting to know the environment, without reading books, stories, fairy tales, poems accessible to children, without attention and care for the correct and reasonable development of children, their games will be poor in content.

Such games cannot move the physical forward. Moral and mental development of the child. Borrowing the content of games from the surrounding reality, children, however, do not mechanically copy this life, but process the impressions of life in their minds, reveal their character in games, and reveal their attitude to the depicted. Family, kindergarten show children an example of love for work, for their city. Friendly relations to each other. All these qualities are manifested in the games of children. For children, games occupy the largest place. Thematic games, in most cases, are prompted by the available toys, which are the primary organizing principle in children's games. Children quickly move from one role to another. Parents should be concerned not so much with buying as much as possible more toys, how much about a careful selection so that they are accessible, bright, capable of inducing a child to a useful game. Give the child promptly the right toy means to support and revive his game. Already in younger age Children love simple fairy tales accompanied by action.

Katya's grandmother played a lot with her four-year-old granddaughter. Their favorite game was called "Turnip". “Grandma planted a turnip,” grandmother began thoughtfully, and said: “Grow, grow, turnip, sweet, strong, big, big.” A large, sweet, strong, round, yellow turnip has grown. The grandmother went to tear the turnip: she pulls, she pulls, she can’t pull it out ... (Here the grandmother showed how she pulls a stubborn turnip.) The grandmother called her granddaughter Katya (Here Katya grabbed her grandmother’s skirt): Katya for the grandmother, the grandmother for the turnip - pull, pull, can't pull out. Katya called her brother, and he was just waiting for that to cling to Katya. Brother for Katya, Katya for grandmother, grandmother for turnip - pull, pull ... pulled the turnip. And then an apple, or a pie, or a real turnip appeared in the grandmother’s hands. The guys with a squeal and delight hung on their grandmother. And she gave them gifts. The children liked this dramatization fairy tale so much that, as soon as they crossed grandmother's threshold, Katya asked: “Grandma, grandmother, let's pull a turnip!”

Children show great interest in building materials. Sometimes during the game the child needs to build a ship or a car. Parents help the child to realize his plans and show how to build. The use of building material in games develops the child's imagination, as this material can be used in a variety of ways. Children build all kinds of buildings, often this is done in connection with the intended game: a house for dolls, a crib; to the pilot - an airplane, etc.
In children 4-5 years old, the content of creative games is enriched under the influence of education, in connection with the growth of their independence and the expansion of the range of ideas. They are no longer satisfied with the depiction of individual episodes, but come up with different plots. If earlier, for example, a train was depicted with movements and sounds reminiscent of the horns and noise of a steam locomotive, now the roles of a driver, a conductor appear, and the train does not just go, but carries passengers and goods. Children of five years old know how to make the necessary building, they find a variety of uses for toys. Their speech is so developed that they can depict various scenes, speaking for the characters. They easily turn into a father and mother, a passenger and a driver.

To fulfill the role assumed, the child uses toys and various objects that contribute to the creation of images. Plot toys (doll, bear, horse, car, etc.) push the child to certain games. For example: you can ride a horse, carry loads, water it. In a dish - cook dinner or treat a doll with tea, etc. As for objects and materials, children use them in games in different ways. Cubes and bricks - depict bread, cake or a table, chair. Adults should be attentive to the conceived game plan of the child and not destroy his game just because it seems funny to them that a twig in a game can also be a horse. In creative games, children not only reflect the accumulated experience, but also deepen their ideas about the events depicted, about life. A child, like adults, learns the world in the process of activity. In specific actions related to the fulfillment of the role, the child pays attention to many aspects of life that he would not have noticed without play. During the game, he must act as the role requires, which also enriches his ideas, makes them more alive.

A child, for example, has repeatedly observed how a janitor operates, but when he portrayed a janitor, his ideas become brighter and more meaningful, especially in collective games, when the actions of his comrades tell him what to do next, to agree amicably on further actions. Under the influence of parents and educators, the interests of children become more stable and purposeful, their games last much longer, enriched with episodes and giving room for the development of imagination. And the more meaningful and interesting the game, the more stable the rules in the game, the more children talk to each other, understand each other better, are able to quickly find common interests and requests. Their speech improves, becomes brighter. In their speech, thoughts are formed about those aspects of life that they depict in the game.

In the game, the child experiences complex and high feelings of collective responsibility, friendship and camaraderie, he learns to coordinate his actions with the actions of other children, to subordinate his aspirations to the course of the game, to the will of his comrades.

Advice for parents

The influence of parental attitudes on the development of children.

The spiritual life of a person is extremely complex, because The psyche consists of two mutually defining components: the conscious and the unconscious - the conscious and the subconscious.

In the unconscious realm, a fixed attitude towards oneself, towards others, and towards life in general is very important. This is determined by attitudes and psychological protection. It is especially important for parents to understand what role parental attitudes play in the emotional and personal development of the child. Undoubtedly, parents are the most significant and beloved people for a child. Authority, especially at the earliest stages of psycho-emotional development, is indisputable and absolute. Belief in the infallibility, rightness and justice of the parents of the child is unshakable: "Mom said ....", "Dad ordered ...", etc.

Unlike a mature personality, a child of 3-4 years old does not have psychological defense mechanisms, is not able to be guided by conscious motives and desires. Parents should be careful and attentive to their verbal appeals to the child, assessments of the child's actions, avoid attitudes that may subsequently manifest themselves negatively in the child's behavior, making his life stereotypical and emotionally limited.

Installations come up every day. They are random, weak, others are principled, constant and strong, formed from early childhood, and the sooner they are learned, the stronger their effect. Once it has arisen, the attitude does not disappear, and at a favorable moment in the child's life, it affects his behavior and feelings. A weapon against a negative attitude can only be a counter-attitude, moreover, constantly reinforced by positive manifestations from parents and others. For example, the counter-setting "You can do anything" will defeat the setting "You're incompetent, you can't do anything," but only if the child really receives confirmation of his abilities in real activities (drawing, modeling, singing, etc.).

Undoubtedly, most of the parental attitudes are positive and contribute to the favorable development of the child's personal path. And since they help and do not interfere, then it is not necessary to be aware of them. These are a kind of psychological defense tools that help the child save himself and survive in the world around him. Proverbs and sayings, fairy tales and fables with a wise adaptive meaning, where good conquers evil, where stamina, faith in oneself and one's strength are important, are an example of historically developed and passed down from generation to generation of positive attitudes that protect a person.

Below is a table of the most common negative parental attitudes. Pay attention to the consequences they can have on the child's personality, and learn to put forward counter-attitudes. Remember if you heard something similar from your parents? Have some of them become dragging signs on your life path?

Analyze what directives, assessments and attitudes you give to your children. Make sure that there are very few negative ones, learn how to transform them into positive ones, developing self-confidence, richness and brightness of the emotional world in the child.



Having said this:

think about the consequences

and fix it in time

"If you don't obey, no one will be friends with you..."

Closedness, aloofness, obsequiousness, lack of initiative, subordination, adherence to stereotypical behavior.

"Be yourself, everyone will have friends in life!".

"Woe is mine!"

Feelings of guilt, low self-esteem, hostility towards others, alienation, conflicts with parents.

"You are my happiness, my joy!"

"Crybaby Wax, whiner, squeaky!"

Restraint of emotions, internal anger, anxiety, deep experience of even minor problems, fears, increased emotional stress.

"Cry, it will be easier ...".

"Here's a fool, everything is ready to distribute ...".

Low self-esteem, greed, hoarding, difficulty communicating with peers, selfishness.

"Well done for sharing with others!"

"None of your business!"

Low self-esteem, mental retardation, lack of opinion, shyness, alienation, conflicts with parents.

"What do you think?".

"You are just like your dad (mum) ...".

Difficulties in communicating with parents, identification with parental behavior, inadequate self-esteem, stubbornness, repetition of parental behavior

"Dad is a wonderful person!" "Mom is smart!"

"You don't know how to do anything, you idiot!"

Self-doubt, low self-esteem, fears, mental retardation, lack of initiative, low motivation to achieve.

"Try again, you will definitely succeed!".

"Don't scream like that, you'll go deaf!"

Hidden aggressiveness, increased psycho-emotional stress, throat and ear diseases, conflict.

"Tell me in my ear, let's whisper...!"

"Sleazy, dirty!"

Feelings of guilt, fears, absent-mindedness, inattention to oneself and one's appearance, promiscuity in choosing friends.

"How nice to look at you when you are clean and tidy!"

" Nasty girl, they are all capricious!" (to a boy about a girl). "Scoundrel, all boys are bullies and fighters!" (to a girl about a boy).

Violations in psychosexual development, complications in intersexual communication, difficulties in choosing a friend of the opposite sex.

"All people are equal, but at the same time, no one is like the other."

" You are bad, offend your mother, I will leave you for another child!

Feelings of guilt, fears, anxiety, feelings of loneliness, sleep disturbance, alienation from parents, "withdrawal" or "withdrawal" from parents.

"I will never leave you, you are the most beloved!".

" Life is very difficult: you will grow up and you will know...!"

Distrust, cowardice, lack of will, resignation to fate, inability to overcome obstacles, propensity for accidents, suspicion, pessimism.

"Life is interesting and beautiful! Everything will be fine!".

"Get out of my sight, stand in the corner!"

Violations of relationships with parents, "leaving" them, secrecy, distrust, anger, aggressiveness.

"Come to me, let's figure it all out together!"

"Do not eat a lot of sweets, otherwise your teeth will hurt, and you will be so-o-ol-pack!".

Weight problems, bad teeth, self-restraint, low self-esteem, self-loathing.

"Let's leave a little for dad (mom), etc."

"All around are deceivers, rely only on yourself!"

Difficulties in communication, suspicion, high self-esteem, fears, problems of overcontrol, feelings of loneliness and anxiety.

"There are many in the world good people ready to help you..."

"Oh, you ugly duckling! And why are you so ugly!".

Dissatisfaction with their appearance, shyness, communication disorders, a sense of defenselessness, problems with parents, low self-esteem, lack of confidence in their abilities and capabilities.

"How I like you!".

"You can't do anything yourself, ask permission from the elders!".

Shyness, fears, self-doubt, lack of initiative, fear of elders, lack of independence, indecision, dependence on the opinions of others, anxiety.

"Be braver, you can do everything yourself!".

"You're always out of time, wait..."

Alienation, secrecy, excessive independence, a feeling of defenselessness, uselessness, "withdrawal" into oneself, increased psycho-emotional stress.

"Let me help you!"

"Don't be afraid of anyone, don't yield to anyone, surrender to everyone!"

Lack of self-control, aggressiveness, lack of behavioral flexibility, difficulties in communication, problems with peers, feeling of permissiveness.

"Keep yourself in hand, respect people!".

Naturally, the list of settings can be much longer. Make up your own and try to find counter-settings, this is a very useful activity, because what was said, seemingly by chance and not from evil, can “emerge” in the future and negatively affect the child’s psycho-emotional well-being, his behavior, and often his life scenario.

How often do you tell children:

    I'm busy right now)…

    Look what you've done!!!

    As always wrong!

    When will you learn!

    How many times can you repeat!

    You drive me crazy!

    What would you do without me!

    You always get into everything!

    Go away from me!

    Get in the corner!

All these "words" are firmly hooked in the subconscious of the child, and then do not be surprised if you do not like that the child has moved away from you, has become secretive, lazy, distrustful, unsure of himself.

And these words caress the soul of a child:

    You're the most loved one!

    You can do a lot!

    What would we do without you?!

    Come to me!

    Sit down with us...!

    I will help you…

    I rejoice in your success!

    No matter what happens, our home is our fortress.

    Tell me what's wrong with you...

Feelings of guilt and shame will in no way help a child become healthy and happy. You should not make his life dull, sometimes a child does not need an assessment of his behavior and actions at all, he just needs to be reassured. The child himself is not a helpless "straw in the wind", not a timid blade of grass on the pavement, which is afraid that it will be stepped on. Children are naturally endowed with a huge store of instincts, feelings and behaviors that will help them to be active, energetic and resilient. Much in the process of raising children depends not only on the experience and knowledge of parents, but also on their ability to feel and guess!

Advice for parents

"Games to play at home"

"Journey to the cottage"

You can pass the time on the road in the following way. One of the parents is driving a car, the other is counting, for example, red cars overtaking them, and the child is the same, going towards them. You can count cars of a certain brand, a certain size.

"Find a toy"

Hide a small toy. Let the child look for it, and having found it, be sure to locate it: on ..., behind ..., between ..., in ..., at ... etc. Then switch roles.

"What's gone?"

Place ten toys in a row on the table. Invite the child to count them and memorize the location. Then ask him to close his eyes. Remove any two toys. After that, the child opens his eyes and answers the questions:

Are there more or less toys?

What toys are missing?

What were their numbers?

"Name the Neighbors"

An adult calls a number, asks the child to name the neighbors of this number(previous and next) and explain your answer. You can complicate the game: an adult calls two numbers and invites the child to say what number is between them. Then the players change roles.

The adult calls the number, and the child must name the next three. Other options: name the next three numbers and increase(decrease) each number by one. Change roles.

"Find the Same"

An adult holds cards with numbers in a fan in his hands so that the child does not see them. Offers him to pull out one of them. The child chooses one card and, remembering the number, finds the corresponding number of identical(for any indication) objects in the room, then as many different ones.

Put the same

The game can be played everywhere. An adult lays out pebbles in a row(chestnuts) . The child must put the same amount, not counting(one below the other) . Make the game more difficult, offer to put more pebbles or less in a row too.

« Miraculous Pouch»

There is a bag of counting material on the table.(small toys or buttons, beans, beads, chestnuts) and numbers. The adult claps his hands several times, asks the child to count as many toys as he hears the clapping, and put the corresponding card next to it with a number or the required number of circles. Then you can switch roles.

"Guess the Number"

Leading(adult) thinks of a number and says that it is less than 20. The child, asking questions with the words "more" or "less", guesses the intended number.

"Let's count!"

They play together. The adult counts to himself. After a while, the child says “stop” and tries to guess the number to which, in his opinion, the adult has counted. They change roles.

"Who is bigger?"

In front of the players on the table are two piles of small buttons(beans) . On command, the players, for a certain time, set aside buttons from a pile one at a time. Then they consider who postponed more. You can complicate the game: put off the buttons with your left hand.


They play together. Put pebbles on the ground. Each in turn throws one pebble up, trying to catch it, and at the same time collects the pebbles lying on the ground in the other hand. If this succeeds, then the number of stones caught is counted as points won. Whoever scores 20 points first wins.

Advice for parents

"Discipline on the street is the key to safety"

The most common causes of traffic accidents: entering the roadway in an unspecified place in front of nearby traffic: few of our children have the habit of stopping before crossing the roadway, carefully inspecting it before crossing the roadway, carefully inspecting it with a turn of the head and control the situation left and right while driving.

Leaving the roadway due to a bus, trolleybus, or other obstacle: Our children are not used to walking to a pedestrian crossing after getting out of a vehicle or looking around the roadway before exiting through bushes or snowdrifts.

Playing on the roadway: our children are used to the fact that the entire free area is a place to play.

Walking on the roadway: even if there is a sidewalk nearby, most children have a habit of walking on the roadway, most often with all sorts of violations.

For the most part, there is no malice. The behavior of children on the road is influenced by a number of factors, of which it is necessary to emphasize the special significance of the age characteristics of children:


A child under 8 years old still poorly recognizes the source of sounds(he can't always determine the direction the noise is coming from) , and hears only those sounds that are of interest to him.

The field of view of a child is much narrower than that of an adult, the field of view of a child is much smaller. At the age of 5, the child is oriented at a distance of up to 5 meters. At the age of 6, it becomes possible to evaluate events in a 10-meter zone, which is approximately 1/10 of the field of view of an adult. The rest of the cars on the left and right remain unnoticed behind him. He sees only what is opposite. The reaction in a child compared to adults is much slower. Much more time is needed to respond to danger. It takes about 1 second for an adult pedestrian to perceive the situation, think it over, make a decision and act. The child needs 3-4 seconds for this. The child is not able to stop immediately on the run, so he reacts to the signal of the car with a significant delay. Even to distinguish a moving car from a standing one, a seven-year-old child needs up to 4 seconds, while an adult needs only a quarter of a second. Reliable orientation "left - right" is acquired no earlier than at the age of seven.


Preschoolers do not have knowledge and ideas about the types forward movement vehicles, i.e. the child is convinced, based on similar movements from the microcosm of toys, that real vehicles can stop just as instantly as toy ones. Separation of gaming and real conditions occurs in the child already at school gradually.

The attention of the child is focused on what he is doing. Having noticed an object or a person that attracts his attention, the child can rush to them, forgetting about everything in the world. Catching up with a friend who has already crossed the road, or picking up a ball that has already rolled away is much more important for a child than an oncoming car.

The child is not aware of the responsibility for their own behavior on the road. He does not predict what consequences his act will lead to for other road users and for him personally. Their own safety in traffic, especially at pedestrian crossings, is often underestimated by them.

Advice for parents

What Parents Should Know About FHT

We already know that the introduction of FGT is due to the need to standardize the content preschool education in order to ensure that every child has an equal starting opportunity to succeed in school.

However, the standardization of preschool education does not provide for the presentation of strict requirements for children of preschool age, does not consider them in a rigid "standard" framework.

The specificity of preschool age is such that the achievements of preschool children are determined not by the sum of specific knowledge, skills and abilities, but by a combination of personal qualities, including those that ensure the child's psychological readiness for school. It should be noted that the most significant difference between preschool education and general education lies in the fact that in kindergarten there is no rigid objectivity. The development of the child is carried out in the game, and not in educational activities. The standard of preschool education differs from the standard of primary education in that there are no strict requirements for the results of mastering the program for preschool education.

Here it is necessary to understand that if requirements for results are set for preschool education, similar to those that are present in the standard of primary education, then we will deprive children of childhood, not taking into account the inherent value of the preschool period of life and the specifics of the mental development of preschool children. The preparation of children for school will be persistently carried out, where the level of subject knowledge, skills and abilities will be constantly checked. And to everything to this, the educational process will be built in the likeness of school lesson, and this contradicts the specifics of the development of preschool children.

Therefore, two groups of requirements are defined in preschool education, and not three, as in the standard of primary general education. These are the requirements for the structure of the preschool education program and the requirements for the conditions for its implementation.

At the same time, teachers are given a guideline for the ultimate goal of their activities. The FGT states that one of the mandatory sections of the program of any preschool educational institution is the section "Planned results of mastering the main general educational program of preschool education by children." It describes such integrative qualities(qualities! and not ZUNs: knowledge, skills, skills) which a child can acquire as a result of mastering the program: for example, physically developed, inquisitive, active, emotionally responsive, sociable, etc.

The main general education program helps the child master the basic level of preschool education. It is designed to provide the preschooler with the level of development that will allow him to be successful in further education, that is, at school, and must be carried out by every preschool institution.

The text of the FGT does not use the word "occupation", but this does not mean a transition to the position of "free education" of preschoolers. Adults will not stop working with children in Russian kindergartens. But such a form of educational activity as an occupation does not correspond to age characteristics preschool children. In modern theory and practice, the concept of "occupation" is considered as an entertaining business, without identifying it with the lesson as a didactic form of educational activity.

The new document prioritizes an individual approach to the child and the game, where the preservation of the inherent value of preschool childhood takes place and where the very nature of the preschooler is preserved. The fact of increasing the role of the game as the leading type of activity of the preschooler and assigning it the leading place is certainly positive, since at present the lesson is in the first place. The need to abandon the educational and disciplinary model of the educational process - the rejection of specifically organized activities has long been overdue. The leading types of children's activities will be: play, communication, motor, cognitive research, productive, etc. It should be noted that certain forms of work with children correspond to each type of children's activity.

The content of the main program includes a set of educational areas that will ensure the versatile development of children, taking into account their age, in the main areas - physical, social and personal, cognitive-speech and artistic and aesthetic. The program does not contain the usual subject areas - the development of speech, the development of elementary mathematical representations, drawing, modeling, etc. All this is embedded in the educational field.

Educational areas were introduced to maintain a balance between all areas of the kindergarten - all of them should be equally represented in the educational program of preschool education.

If we talk about a fundamentally new in the content of preschool education, then this is the obligation of its compliance with the principles stated in the FGT:

The principle of developmental education, the purpose of which is the development of the child;

The principle of necessity and sufficiency(compliance with the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (to allow solving the set goals and objectives only on the necessary and sufficient material, as close as possible to a reasonable "minimum")

The principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of pupils, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas;

The program is built taking into account the integration of educational areas in accordance with the age of the children. The integration of different educational areas is an important shift in the structuring of the program material.

All educational areas are connected with each other: by reading, the child learns; knowing, talks about what he learned; interacts with peers and adults in research and discussion. Thus, the interpenetration and interconnection of educational areas ensure the formation of a complete picture of the world around the child. Undoubtedly, in the new conditions, the role of interconnection in the work of narrow specialists and educators will increase. For example, a physical education instructor will participate in walking, organizing outdoor games, relay races on the topic. Musical director will carry out the selection of musical accompaniment for workshops, relaxation, warm-ups, gymnastics, etc.

Complex-thematic principle of building the educational process;

In accordance with the complex-thematic principle of constructing the educational process, FGT is proposed to motivate educational activities not as a set of individual game techniques, but assimilation of educational material in the process of preparing and conducting any significant and interesting events for preschoolers. Education through the system of classes will be restructured to work with children according to the "event" principle. Such events will be Russian holidays(New Year, Family Day, etc.) , international holidays(Kindness Day, Earth Day, etc.) . Holidays are joy, tribute, memory. Holidays are events for which you can prepare, which you can look forward to. Project activities will be a priority. The criterion that this principle will work will be the active, interested participation of the child in a particular project, and not a chain of actions at the direction of an adult. After all, only an active person can become successful.

Solving program educational problems in the joint activities of an adult and children(educational activities carried out in the process of organization various kinds children's activities and educational activities carried out during regime moments) and independent activities of children;

The way children's activities are organized is changing: not adult guidance, but joint(affiliate) The activity of an adult and a child is the most natural and effective context of development in preschool childhood.

Interaction with parents;

The document focuses on interaction with parents: parents should participate in the implementation of the program, in creating conditions for the full and timely development of the child at preschool age, so as not to miss the most important period in the development of his personality. Parents should be active participants in the educational process, participants in all projects, regardless of what activity dominates in them, and not just outside observers.

And more importantly, the core pre-school education program provides continuity with exemplary core primary education programs, which was not the case before.

The prospect of reforming preschool education inspires hope for qualitative changes in this area. An attempt is being made to transform the once unified system of "public preschool education" into a genuine system of preschool education as a full and integral stage of general education. This means the actual recognition that a child of preschool age needs not only guardianship and care, but also education, training, and development.

Thus, new strategic guidelines in the development of the education system should be taken positively. Firstly, the system of preschool education must develop in accordance with the demands of society and the state, which are promulgated in this order. Secondly, there are many positive things in the order:

    The desire to make life in kindergarten more meaningful and interesting.

    Creation of conditions for the educator to take into account the peculiarities of development, the interests of his group, the specifics of the national-cultural and natural geographical conditions in which the educational process is carried out, and much more.

    An attempt to influence the reduction and simplification of the content of education for preschool children by setting targets for each educational area.

    The desire to form an initiative, active and independent child.

    Refusal to copy school technologies and forms of organization of education.

    Orientation to promote the development of the child in interaction with parents.

In the first junior group of the kindergarten, the child learns the world of social relations in which he grows up. The baby lays the norms and foundations of communication skills, speech develops at a rapid pace. There is a difficult process of adaptation to kindergarten. Properly structured work with the parent community allows the educator to get to know their wards better, get feedback from moms and dads, and, in general, organize the educational process more effectively in the younger group of the preschool educational institution.

Important aspects of the theory

The main features of children attending the first junior group (aged 1.5–3 years) are increased sensitivity to separation from their mother and fear of the new. Often, the adaptation of kids to the preschool educational institution is painful, both children and parents experience stress. In addition, parents often lack high-quality information about the life of a preschool institution, the optimal conditions for the development of babies.

Goals and objectives of working with parents in the first junior group

The main goal of working with parents of children under 3 years old is to combine the efforts of the family and the kindergarten for the successful adaptation of preschoolers to the preschool educational institution, their upbringing and development.

In the first junior group, work with parents is aimed at providing the child with education and the most comfortable conditions for staying in kindergarten.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

  • increase the pedagogical competence of parents by disseminating up-to-date information;
  • provide practical assistance in the upbringing and development of children;
  • to promote a trusting attitude of parents to the group educators: take into account the recommendations of specialists, be open to dialogue.

Parent activities for the first junior group of the kindergarten have their own characteristics, but are generally similar to meetings in any kindergarten group. The purpose of a particular event for parents can be anything, but in general it will lead to the achievement of the main goal. An increase in the number of goals leads to an automatic increase in the number of tasks with which the goals will be achieved. To avoid negativity and wasted time and effort, it should be remembered that there is one goal, and there are several tasks that implement it (it is advisable not to set more than 10 tasks).

The following factors influence the setting of goals and objectives:

  • The time when the event is held (before the school year, the beginning school year, middle or end).
  • The actual situation in the group (successes and achievements of children, difficulties encountered).
  • The needs of parents for information about the characteristics of the age of children and the process of adapting the child to the preschool educational institution (designing a stand, a story with examples, issuing leaflets and memos, etc.).

At the beginning of the school year, the following goals will be relevant:

  • Ensuring the successful adaptation of children and parents to the preschool educational institution.
  • Establishing psychological contact with the family.

Mid year:

  • The development of speech abilities of a young child in the family and in preschool.
  • Building a system for raising a healthy child.
  • Consolidation and development of new skills and abilities of the child.

Trust and active interaction between the parents of the child and the kindergarten form a morally and mentally healthy person

At the end of the year:

  • Focusing on the achievements of children during the school year, give recommendations for the summer on further development.
  • Using the joint experience gained over the past year, help parents prepare and prepare the baby for the next year of study (it is important to focus on the psychological crisis of a 3-year-old child).

Forms of work

All forms of work with parents in the first junior group can be divided into 3 groups:

Separately, one should consider such a form of work as leisure time with parents. It may consist of holding a holiday in a kindergarten or a joint walk in the forest. It is important to remember that this form of work with the parent community requires long and competent planning, as well as painstaking preparation. Indeed, for children, such events are not a vacation at all, but a non-standard form of education, an opportunity to gain new knowledge and emotions. Therefore, it is better to discuss all possible details and nuances with parents even at the stage of preparing the event.

Table: topics and forms of activities for parents in the first junior group

Datesparent meeting themeConduct formExplanations
SeptemberLet's get acquainted!interview, surveyAcquaintance with parents, informing about the norms and rules adopted by the preschool educational institution.
OctoberBaby emotionsConversation
  • Adaptation of children to the preschool educational institution.
  • Establishment of the psychological situation in the group.
DecemberGood healthOutdoor exercise with parentsA visual demonstration of the correct useful exercises to improve the health of babies.
FebruaryI am myself!tea drinkingLaying the foundations of self-service and education of independence.
MarchLearn numbersRound tableFormation of elementary mathematical representations.
AprilTransport is a friend! Transport is the enemy!business gameBefore summer holidays It is necessary to teach children about the rules of the road.
May JuneFarewell, junior group!Conversation, didactic game, tea partyPresentation of the results of work in the group for the year, recommendations on the development of the child's abilities and on preparation for the next academic year.

Parent meeting in the first junior group

Parent meetings for children in the first junior group are the beginning of the interaction between parents and an educational institution. Even if the child is far from the first in the family, his path in kindergarten will be different from what his brothers and sisters have done. Therefore, for the parents of the baby, not everything will be repeated, something will be the first time. It is important that the very first year of being in kindergarten is successful, joyful and educational for the child. For this, both parents and educators will have to make a lot of effort. Parent meeting - key moment when it is checked how effective the interaction is, and tasks are set for the near future. At least 3 meetings are held during the year - at the beginning of the school year, in the middle and at the end.

Establishing contact with the family

When working with parents, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of each individual family. Therefore, the educator needs to establish friendly and trusting relationships with the parent community. To achieve such cooperation, the following plan should be followed:

  1. Conduct a preliminary survey of parents to identify their needs and needs.
  2. Based on the data obtained during the survey, select the topic and form of the upcoming parent meeting. Create a summary for yourself, in which to paint the main points of the meeting.

    It is important. Be sure to check with parents for contact information.

  3. Timely inform parents about the peculiarities of the child's behavior and his achievements. This will allow moms and dads to form the most complete image of the child.
  4. Conduct correct individual conversations with parents in order to understand the situation in the family. Find out the difficulties and problems in raising a child.

Non-traditional forms of work help to establish contact with parents

The information obtained is necessary for the educator to find individual approach for each child and for planning the direction of group classes.

Requirements for organizing a parent meeting

The theme of the parent meeting is a combination of the needs of parents and the goal set by the teacher. Therefore, the topic for the most part is selected by the educator, taking into account the characteristics of the parent community. The form of holding a parent meeting should most fully disclose the topic, and the principles and ways of life adopted in the families of pupils should also be taken into account.

The educator has a great responsibility for preparing the parent meeting. It is better to start preparing for the event in advance and adhere to the basic rules:

  1. Everything that is planned should be aimed at realizing a specific goal and correspond to the chosen topic.
  2. Items to be considered at the meeting (agenda) are written in detail. To do this, they check with the parent committee whether they need to give the floor, how long it will take. It happens that parents offer to consider an issue that is already included in the topic of the meeting. Then you need to discuss which part, how and who will report.
  3. The agenda and the general time of the meeting are regulated in advance. Parents are people who have limited time and hope to make the most of it. If the meeting drags on and starts to exceed 1.5 hours, then you can forget about a positive attitude.
  4. Items are put on the agenda according to their importance and the way they are presented. So, at the tea party, you can submit a video report on the holiday, but you should not organize the tea party itself before the announcement of official information or the resolution of topical issues of the parent committee.
  5. Carefully check how the form of presentation of information corresponds to the selected material. It would be a big mistake to provide official information on the internal regulations of the preschool educational institution in the form of a conversation.
  6. In the total time allotted for the parent meeting, only those issues that relate to the entire group as a whole are discussed. You should not discuss one particular child in front of everyone. For these purposes, the time of individual consultations is planned.
  7. The meeting plan must include an item - a message about achievements or important events in the group. It is not necessary to make a detailed report on this topic. Here you can use other forms: create a short video with photos or arrange a stand with works, or use other forms.
  8. Each parent meeting is an event that should be remembered. There is a place for creativity and creativity. The main thing is to remember the golden mean rule. There needs to be a balance between formal and informal content, quantity and the real need for variety and additional material. For example, if a didactic game is planned, then role-playing game no longer carried out.
  9. It is important to complete the accompanying documentation in a timely manner. Filling out the documents, the educator not only prescribes all the above points, but also helps himself in further activities. The better the agenda of the meeting is thought out, the more successful it will be. In addition, six months later it is difficult to remember what really happened at the parent meeting. This is where developments, agenda, protocol, Additional materials. It is advisable to add personal notes about the meeting to the total number of documents.
  10. Specialists - speech therapist, psychologist, teacher of music or physical education, swimming coach - assistants. They are invited as needed. The speech of a specialist should be organically included in the parent meeting or taken out of it in individual consultations.

When preparing a parent-teacher meeting, it is important to adhere to a clear scheme.

How to hold the first parent meeting in the younger group

The purpose of the first parent meeting in the younger group is to establish contact with the parents of pupils, co-creation plans for the coming academic year.

  • Conduct a short survey of the parent community in order to find out contact details and basic family priorities.
  • Tell your parents about educational institution in which their children will study. About the rules and requirements adopted in the preschool educational institution.
  • Outline the prospects for further joint work on the education and upbringing of children.

Work with parents should be built, adhering to the following steps:

Tips for parents to help them build trust with their child

Table: an example summary of the meeting in the younger group

AuthorGerasimova Ya.E., educator MBDOU CRR No. 25, pos. Sibirtsevo, Primorsky Krai
Name"Let's get acquainted"
  • Meet the parents, introduce the parents to each other.
  • Choice of parent committee.
  • Tell parents about the adaptation of children in kindergarten.
Proceedings of the meetingV: Good evening. We are glad to see you at our first meeting. Today we have the first parent meeting, where we will get to know each other, get to know each other better, I will tell you about what our children have already learned during the period of adaptation to kindergarten and what they still have to learn.
Pens and pieces of paper are in front of you, you can write down questions that arose during the meeting.
I want to start our meeting today with a comic poem "They took the butuz to the garden." (The teacher reads the poem.)
So, you brought your children to kindergarten and we have one common goal, to make their stay here comfortable, safe, interesting, exciting, educational, etc.
During the child's stay in kindergarten, we (children, teachers, parents) form a triangle. At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. What do you think will happen to a three-legged stool if one leg breaks? (Falls) That's right, it's going to fall! Remember Krylov’s fable “The Swan, Cancer and Pike”, which says: “When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not work out, it will not work out for him, only flour!”. Therefore, you and I need to join forces to ensure that children are interested and comfortable in kindergarten, and here it is very important to have mutual understanding and support. You and I will live as one, I hope, friendly family. And first you need to get to know each other better.
Children love to play Magic Wand. Now we will try to plunge into childhood and also play. Rules of the game: The one who has a magic wand in his hands calls himself the way he would like to be called by others.
My name is Yana Evgenievna. I am the teacher of the first junior group.
(Each parent introduces himself.)
That's where we met. Thank you!
Now I will tell you what we have already learned. And we have learned a lot. Our group has 10 classes per week. These are drawing, modeling, musical, physical education, familiarization with the outside world, artistic reading, speech development - in this area we see particularly striking achievements. All classes are held in the form of a game. Every day there are 2 classes of 10 minutes each. During the day, various outdoor games are held, finger games and nursery rhymes, individual conversations with children are held.
During the adaptation period, children:
  • become more sociable;
  • begin to learn to play together, share toys;
  • all children know where their locker, towel, potty, crib are;
  • learned some rules of behavior in the group;
  • they know that after washing their hands, they need to squeeze out some water and only then go to their towel;
  • almost all children eat on their own, with a little help from adults;
  • undress;
  • learn to dress;
  • learned to perform elementary errands, clean up toys.

As you can see, we have learned a lot, but we still have to learn more, and most importantly, to teach children self-service. And in this process you must take an active part. It often happens that a child in the garden eats on his own, undresses and partially dresses, but after some stay at home he comes to kindergarten and we again teach him to eat, dress, etc. And when communicating with parents, it turns out that you did everything at home for him, because it's faster, more convenient, more accurate, etc.
Give children the opportunity to be independent, of course, according to their age.
Summary of the meeting.
In conclusion, I would like to say that together we will lay the foundation for friendly relations in kindergarten and in parent groups. It is necessary to make sure that the child in kindergarten is fun, good, interesting, so that he is happy to go to kindergarten, make friends with the guys and return home happy.
We have done a good job.
Choose a parent committee consisting of:

Chairman of the parent committee:
Thank you! See you soon!

Meeting minutes

Minutes are a written document detailing the course of the meeting. It is necessary to fix all decisions taken which must then be put into practice. The minutes of parent meetings should be accompanied by texts of speeches, consultations of group educators and other specialists who spoke at the event. Unfortunately, not all teachers consider it mandatory to maintain, design and store such documentation.

It is important. The protocol is a kind of insurance for the educator, confirming the legitimacy of his actions and the administration of the preschool educational institution if troubles or controversial issues arise.

Correct and timely completion of the protocol helps in resolving contentious issues and preparing for the next parent meeting

Most often, the minutes of parent meetings are internal documents, therefore, when creating them, they do not use a form and do not indicate the full name of the institution. It is important to draw up protocols in a timely manner, within 3 working days. The sample below shows the most commonly used form of the protocol (abbreviated).

Protocol No. ____

parent meeting group №______ Subject:_____________________________________________________________

from "" _____________ 201 _______.
In attendance: ______ people.
Absent: _______ people.

Each group of participants in an open session has different goals.

You can not violate the requirements for open classes in kindergarten:

It is important. The duration of continuous GCD in the first junior group does not exceed 10 minutes.

Usually, open classes are held without a rehearsal, so they require long and painstaking preparation. There may be a rehearsal of only individual elements, such as poems, songs, that is, what children must learn (prepare) in advance. But it is possible with children of the middle group. In the younger group, only psychological, moral preparation of children for the event is possible.

Theoretical part of preparation for an open lesson

The teacher must clearly articulate the purpose of the open lesson, as well as the skills and knowledge of the children that it will have to consolidate. Once the goal is defined, the topic can be formulated. It is important to make sure that the open lesson fits into the curriculum and has a connection with subsequent classes. When you already have a goal and a topic, you need to make a list of tasks to be implemented in an open lesson.

Then you can proceed to the selection of literature, which should most quickly and simply solve the tasks. You need to choose tasks for children (best of all from the selected literature), which will:

Using the standard scheme, the teacher draws up his plan for an open lesson

After the tasks are selected, a clear lesson plan should be drawn up. To do this, you need to work out a sequence of actions and think over moments of activity and calmness. Young children cannot sit in one place for a long time, they definitely need to switch from one type of activity to another.

If some new technique or technology is used, it is advisable to try it out in other classes. And the last thing that needs to be considered is the control and safety of children's activities.

The practical part of preparing for an open lesson

Any event is first prescribed in the scheduling of the entire institution, as it requires the involvement of other employees (for example, a psychologist, speech therapist, etc.). Then an order is prepared throughout the institution. You will need a list of all visual aids and devices that will be needed for conducting an open lesson. If you need to do some visual aids with your own hands, then you need to prepare everything in advance. Each item should be prepared and checked, preferably more than once.

Not less than 2 weeks, and preferably a month, you must invite the parents. Parents are warned that they are only observers, so do not prompt or help the child. You can not interfere in the lesson, prompt, jump out with a camera or a camera. It is very important to convey to everyone invited the fact that no matter what happens, you should not interfere. In children aged 1.5-3 years, the concentration of attention is very small, and they quickly react to changes in the situation and are distracted.

The correct behavior of parents in an open lesson will help children

Working with parents in kindergarten is of great importance for the formation of a healthy personality for each child. Each event with the parent community requires preparation and step-by-step planning. Events with parents of toddlers of the first younger group are designed to facilitate the process of adaptation of children to an educational institution and contribute to successful socialization.
