Wall newspaper of the final elementary school with hands. Graduation wall newspaper

In advance (about a month before last call) gather the creative team and determine the amount to purchase the necessary materials. Most often, a wall newspaper is drawn, so you will need a large format paper, paints and brushes, a glue stick, and more.

Material: photographs, clippings from newspapers and magazines (suddenly there was an article about one of the students or teachers) are put in a separate folder. To fill in the text blocks, you need a student with beautiful calligraphic handwriting.

The wall newspaper can be presented in different types. It can be a collage of photographs, poems of gratitude to teachers, illustrations from the life of the class or humorous sketches of the approximate future of each graduate.

Take a drawing paper and divide it into semantic parts with a pencil. The title should be at the top. The font sizes for the title are chosen as large as possible so that it can be seen from afar. Designate locations for photographs, poems, etc.

It is not necessary to leave whatman paper square. You can round the edges, cut them into a wave shape, or even make a Whatman paper in the form of a bus, for example, and title the creation: “Forward, to the future!”.

A wall newspaper in the form of a school building with opening windows will look spectacular. To do this, you need two sheets of whatman paper. On one are glued photographs depicting open lessons or plots from recess, and the second is cut out in the form of a building with window slits and shutters. Everyone will be able to look out the window and see what has been happening within the walls of the school all these years.

You can make a wall newspaper in the form of a comparison: before and after. The left side will be occupied by photographs of past years and a description of impressions from elementary school, and the right one - the achievements of the present (who showed himself how at the Olympiads, on campaigns, etc.).

A drawn collage with carved from different photos the heads of the students. The bodies and the background are drawn according to the theme. For example, you can show who will become who professionally. The sketch does not have to be drawn, you can take ready theme on the Internet and supplement it.

Decorating a wall newspaper with three-dimensional figures

Volumetric flowers made of colored paper can become an unusual decoration. Since the school bell is the symbol of the holiday, you can make something similar and place it in the center or at the top of the wall newspaper.

Suitable as a supplement Mailbox from cardboard, fixed on a wall newspaper in the center, bottom or side. Any student or teacher can leave a note with wishes and thanks, and it will be allowed to open the box only at the holiday itself.

Wall newspaper for graduation kindergarten- a task for creative and active parents. This is also an opportunity to remember the glorious moments of preschool pastime, and to give parting words to future schoolchildren, and to thank our beloved teachers.

In the article, we share ideas that will help make the wall newspaper interesting and memorable.

Classic wall newspaper

Classic is a white sheet of drawing paper, on which photographs of the group taken in different years. Photocards take up most of the space and are pasted by hand. The wall newspaper is supplemented with poems in which children say goodbye to kindergarten and rush to meet school life full of discoveries.

The wall newspaper was made by Ksenia Kholodova.

Fairytale wall newspaper

The wall newspaper can be designed using pictures associated with the baby period: strollers, nipples, bottles. interesting idea Yulia Balkanskaya suggested. She “placed” all the girls in a pink envelope for newborns, and the boys in an envelope of blue tones. The composition is complemented by painted fairies, scrapbooking elements are used. For example, strollers are decorated with small pearls, bows, braid and beads.

Poems for educators are printed on plain white paper and written in black. Separately, such clippings would have seemed rude and inappropriate for the festive design of a wall newspaper, but in the context of “cute” images, they give the whole idea a finished look and a slightly adult mood - after all, serious studies at school await the guys ahead.

Wall newspaper handbag

An unusual idea was brought to life by Svetlana Ustinova. Her graduation wall newspaper is not just a poster, but a real handbag, which is very functional. Wall newspaper is convenient to collect and store.

How it all started...

Page size - 20x20, total size - 60x60 cm.

Each graduate is assigned a part of the newspaper, and photographs of educators are placed in the very center. And this is right, because for several years they have been trying to make their stay in kindergarten comfortable for children and gave them the feeling of a “second home”.

Opposite each graduate is a personal poem. For example:

Nastya is our laughter
Cheerful and nice girl
Can read, draw and sculpt
The school will love her very much.

Grisha, you're a daredevil!
And in everything you are great!
Feel free to go to school
And learn science.

The background is decorated with quilling flowers and additional accessories. Moreover, it is best to stick them on glue or ordinary double-sided tape. Bulk tape is not quite suitable, as it can interfere with folding the newspaper in your purse.

The photographs were cut with curly scissors.

The material was prepared by Maria Danilenko.

The hall where the ceremony of farewell to the school takes place is always decorated with balloons and flowers. A mandatory attribute of the event is a school wall newspaper to graduation party drawn by students going into adulthood. It is no secret that graduates have absolutely no time to prepare for the holiday - all free hours are spent preparing for exams. So that the decoration of the hall does not negatively affect the grades, we suggest you download a ready-made wall newspaper template from our website, which will only be colorized and filled with holiday poems.

The prom wall newspaper is a sketch of a festive poster, consisting of 8 fragments. The painted picture is no different from the author's artistic work and looks much more attractive than the factory poster.

Download wall newspaper fragments

The wall newspaper template consists of 8 fragments that need to be combined into one and colored.

How to do congratulatory wall newspaper for graduation
A large picture consists of 8 separate fragments - each of them should be printed on a black and white printer using regular A4 office paper.
Using the hint on the site, the fragments must be folded in such an order as to obtain the image conceived by the author, and glue the components with glue or tape.
The resulting picture is carefully painted, leaving the places reserved for inscriptions intact, and inscribing holiday poems and congratulations on graduation.
To make the poster more durable, thick paper can be glued to the back or strips of adhesive tape can be glued close to each other.

From our writings...

…. Everyone jumped together into the Oka River.

…. Waves rushed across the Gulf of Finland.

…. Everything I know, I love. (Romi)

…. A soldier got into the service of Suvorov, was delighted and thought: “Don’t

Marriage early!

…. This owl dragged on with its song.

…. There was silence all around, only the reeds swayed quietly with the river.

…. hello (Macedon)

…. A pipe swam up to the ship, the pilot boarded the ship from the pipe.

(Sasha A.)

…. The sun was shining, but the girl stubbornly played ball.

…. Leaves flew and the wind tried to blow them away.

…. In woodland, skates were made of leather.


…. The sun was shining, but the moon never came out.

…. It reminded me of a horse's head.

....golden antelope (Igor)

  1. …. Around the clearing, in the shade, a dense birch and wild rose swirled.

(Margarita Masloboynikova)

…. They often clattered their hooves and ran under the clearing

(Margarita Abramenko).

…. The boar realized that his head might fall off.


…. The fox watched over the bush. (Achilles)

…. The squirrel flew into danger. (radik)

…. Mugs were sown in the fields. (Ilya)

... That's midnight. We quickly saddled the hut. (Kate)

Znaykiny things

Grade 4 is:

Large friendly team

Lovers to talk with a neighbor;

Footprints on the ceiling after a squeal of joy;

Kindergarten "Malyshok", middle age -

11 years old, and the total is well over 200;

  1. team whose zodiac sign is Virgo

Loves to write notes in class;

Favorite day of the week is Sunday;

Favorite poet - Pushkin A.S.

Favorite writers - from Tolstoy to


Favorite subject is mathematics;

Favorite program - "The smartest";

Favorite adjective - good-natured;

favorite wish - "Do not push


Statistical report

We went through four classes -

Everything counted, everything was taken into account!

For four years we have had 3400 lessons.

We turned over to them5796 pages of textbooks.


We wrote and gnawed 320.5 pens;

Lost half a dozen erasers;

Ate 3 tons of buns;

We drank 45 barrels of compote;

They grew up by 1520 centimeters;

We have grown fat by 227 kg and now we weigh more than half a ton;

If you put in one line all the books and textbooks that

Read, studied for 4 years, then its length will be equal to

The distance from the Moon and the way back to Earth!

We quarreled and fought a couple of times;

Fall in love again, again, many, many more times!

They gave more than 40 professional and not very professional concerts;

We staged 250 theatrical productions;

Visited the library 7182 times, read a lot of books and


Were vaccinated against all diseases except laziness (the vaccine is not


Participated in 30 sports competitions, at 17 won;

Saved the property of the gymnasium: the windows are intact, the tables are almost

Scribbled and in place, the chairs are repaired, the door to the classroom

It closes, but there is no toilet, as the latch has disappeared

under unclear circumstances.

Bulletin board

I'll rent a place next to an excellent student. Romi

Let's compose extraordinary stories on the topic: "Why didn't I learn my lessons."

Nastya Kandlina

and Nastya Vidovskaya

I organize recreational activities before lessons, during lessons and after lessons.

Contact Radico

I will teach you to give a "rebuff" (verbal and forceful).


I teach all sorts of techniques "How to cheer everyone up with a smile." Achilles.

I give reading lessons. Comic book lovers please stay away. Arina

I dream in your company.


The private school "Malvina" is recruiting students for courses: "Speech and culture of communication", "Education and diligence for boys who are not interested in these issues." Alina,

Alexandra Aslanidi

and Margarita Abramenko

We accept orders for the performance of control and verification work in all subjects of elementary school. ("excellent" guaranteed)

Alexandra Bulavina

Yana Aleinik.

I am looking for a friend to remind me, collect my portfolio and write down my homework.

Speak to

Maskaikin Maxim


We teach the techniques of winking, whispering, throwing notes and other little things during the lesson.

Nastya Gudenko, Katya,

Margarita Masloboynikova,

Emma, ​​Anya Popadius

and Anya Dzyuba

Is your head busy with something? Is there a lot of thoughts in it? Do you want to talk about it? Reception is conducted by parapsychologists

Galchev Makedon from 12.00 - -20.00

Rubtsov Vlad from 8.00 - 12.00 daily, seven days a week.

I will make a guide "How to find lost things."

Maxim Kucheryavy

We teach modern dance.

Dziuba Anna

Popadius Anna

I teach ballroom dancing.


The request of the one who found my diary not to return for a fee


Let's bring the boys' team to the world level in football.

Zhorik and Vadim

Is your child not eating well? Doesn't listen?! Then we go to you!

Igor and Valera

Masters of the artistic word, the soul of the company, spend entertaining evenings, holidays, lessons and breaks.

Kolya, Achilles, Amal

I will teach the art of seduction for further comfortable life.


We will accept as a gift: pens (of all colors), simple pencils, and other school supplies.

Amal and Achilles


The hall where the ceremony of farewell to the school takes place is always decorated with balloons and flowers. A mandatory attribute of the event is a school wall newspaper for the graduation party, which is drawn by students going into adulthood. It is no secret that graduates have absolutely no time to prepare for the holiday - all free hours are spent preparing for exams. So that the decoration of the hall does not negatively affect the grades, we suggest you download a ready-made wall newspaper template from our website, which will only be colorized and filled with holiday poems.

The prom wall newspaper is a sketch of a festive poster, consisting of 8 fragments. The painted picture is no different from the author's artwork and looks much more attractive than a factory poster.

Download wall newspaper fragments

The wall newspaper template consists of 8 fragments that need to be combined into one and colored.

How to make a congratulatory wall newspaper for graduation
A large picture consists of 8 separate fragments - each of them should be printed on a black and white printer using regular A4 office paper.
Using the hint on the site, the fragments must be folded in such an order as to obtain the image conceived by the author, and glue the components with glue or tape.
The resulting picture is carefully painted, leaving the places reserved for inscriptions intact, and inscribing holiday poems and congratulations on graduation.
To make the poster more durable, thick paper can be glued to the back or strips of adhesive tape can be glued close to each other.
