Ready-made presentation on the theme of the new year. Presentation on the topic: "About the New Year"

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Success in life and work, What more could you wish for? Oh yes! Smiles and fun, And do not lose heart for a whole year!

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New Year- a holiday celebrated by many peoples in accordance with the accepted calendar, coming at the time of transition from last day year on the first day of the next year. The custom of celebrating the New Year already existed in Mesopotamia in the third millennium BC. e. The beginning of the year on January 1 was established by the Roman ruler Julius Caesar in 46 BC. e.

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One of calendar holidays. Until the 15th century (perhaps also before the adoption of Christianity) in Rus', the new year began on March 1 according to the Julian calendar. In 1348, a Council was held in Moscow, at which it was supposed to start the year from September, and not from March. From the 15th century, the new year began on September 1, information about the celebration of the New Year appears from the end of the 15th century. The Paris Dictionary of the Muscovites (XVI century) retained the Russian name for the New Year's holiday: the first day of the year. Since 1700, by decree of Peter I, the New Year in Russia is celebrated, as in other European countries, on January 1 (according to the Julian calendar).

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In China, the traditional New Year is timed to coincide with the winter new moon at the end of the full lunar cycle, which took place after winter solstice. In the Gregorian calendar, this corresponds to one of the days between January 21st and February 21st. However, the traditional calendar is rarely used, and the country first celebrates the New Year on January 1, and then the traditional one. Chinese New Year 2012 occurs at midnight on the day that falls on the second, not the first, new moon after the winter solstice.

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The Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew ראש השנה) - (head of the year) is celebrated 163 days after Pesach (not earlier than September 5 and not later than October 5). On this day, a ten-day period of spiritual self-deepening and repentance begins. The next 10 days until the Day of Judgment (Yom Kippur - Hebrew יום כיפור) are called the "days of teshuva" ("return" - meaning return to God). They are also called "days of remorse" or "days of trembling." .

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Congratulations on the New Year And with all my heart I wish Laughter, a joke, without worries Meet this New Year. Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy. For a whole year you do not get sick, Every day you sing songs.

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Name, guys, The month in this riddle: Its days are shorter than all days, All nights longer than the night. On the fields and on the meadows Until spring, snow fell. Only our month will pass, We celebrate the New Year. Pinches ears, pinches nose, Frost crawls into felt boots. If you splash water, it will fall. Not water already, but ice. Even the bird does not fly, The bird freezes from the frost. The sun turned to summer. What, say, for a month is this?

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The time of the New Year holidays is the time of a beautiful, kind fairy tale that comes to every home at the end of each year with the onset of winter cold. But we also want to believe in Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, who will definitely, someday, come to our house.

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The tradition of celebrating the New Year with a Christmas tree appeared in Russia under Peter I. In 1699, he issued a decree by which he introduced a new chronology - from the Nativity of Christ, and ordered the New Year to be celebrated in a European way - on January 1. By royal decree, all residents of Moscow were ordered to celebrate the New Year: to light in new year's eve bonfires, fireworks, congratulate each other, decorate houses with coniferous trees.

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Santa Claus is a fairy tale character in Russian folklore. IN Slavic mythology- personification winter frosts, a blacksmith who binds water. The collective image of Santa Claus is based on the hagiography of St. Nicholas, as well as descriptions of the ancient Slavic deities Pozvizd, Zimnik and Korochun. In the new year, Santa Claus allegedly comes and gives children gifts that he brings in a bag behind his back.

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It is difficult to find a person who would not love the New Year. From early childhood, the New Year is the most beloved, homely and warm holiday for each of us. Meanwhile, everything has its beginning.

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Where did the custom of celebrating the New Year come from? History of this wonderful holiday has at least 25 centuries. This custom was first born in Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia). Here, as well as in the lower valley of the Nile, at the end of the 4th millennium BC, civilization was first born. It was here, according to scientists, for the first time (in the third millennium) they began to celebrate the New Year.

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During excavations of the ancient Egyptian pyramids, archaeologists found a vessel on which it was written: "The beginning of a new year." In ancient Egypt, the New Year was celebrated during the flood of the Nile River (around the end of September). The flood of the Nile was very important, because. it was only thanks to him that grain grew in the dry desert. On New Year's Eve, the statues of the god Amon, his wife, the sky goddess Mut, and their son, the moon god Khonsu, were placed in a boat. The boat sailed on the Nile for a month, which was accompanied by singing, dancing and fun. Then the statues were brought back to the temple. Amon Khonsu Mut Ancient Egypt

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Ancient Rome For a long time, the Romans celebrated the New Year in early March, until Julius Caesar introduced a new calendar (now called the Julian). Thus, the date of the meeting of the New Year was the first day of January. The month of January was named after the Roman god Janus (two-faced). One face of Janus was allegedly turned back to the previous year, the other forward to the new one. The celebration of the meeting of the new year was called "kalends". During the holiday, people decorated houses and gave each other gifts and coins with the image of two-faced Janus; slaves and their owners ate and rejoiced together. The Romans made gifts to the emperor. At first, this happened voluntarily, but over time, the emperors began to demand gifts for the New Year. Two-faced Janus

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The Celts, the inhabitants of Gaul (the territory of modern France and part of England) celebrated the new year at the end of October. The holiday was called Samhain from "summer" s end "(end of summer). On New Year's Eve, the Celts decorated their homes with mistletoe to exorcise ghosts. They believed that it was on the New Year that the spirits of the dead were alive. New Year of the Celts The Celts inherited many Roman traditions, in including the requirement New Year's gifts from subjects. Usually they gave jewelry and gold. Several centuries later, thanks to this tradition, Queen Elizabeth I amassed a huge collection of embroidered and jeweled gloves.

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New Year in Rus' In Rus', the New Year was celebrated on March 1st. In the XIV century, the Moscow Church Council decided to consider September 1 as the beginning of the New Year according to the Greek calendar. The last time the New Year on September 1 was celebrated in Rus' with royal splendor was in 1698. Dressing everyone with an apple, the king calling everyone a brother, congratulated everyone on the New Year, on new happiness. In 1699, Peter I, returning from a trip to Europe, by a special decree, ordered “from now on to count the summer” from January 1: “Since the New Year is considered differently in Russia, from now on stop fooling people’s heads and count the New Year everywhere from the first January.

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... And as a sign of a good undertaking and fun, congratulate each other on the New Year, wishing well-being in business and prosperity in the family. In honor of the New Year, make decorations from fir trees, amuse children, ride sleds from the mountains. And for adults, drunkenness and massacre should not be committed - other days are enough for that. ”

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This is how the New Year came to us, with Christmas decorations, fires, bonfires (which Peter ordered to arrange at night from January 1 to January 7 by lighting tar barrels), creaking snow in the cold, winter children's fun - sleds, skis, skates, snowmen, Santa Claus, gifts ...

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I must say that the new New Year's customs took root among the Slavs quite quickly, because earlier at that time there was another Christmas holiday. And many old rituals - funny carnivals, tricks of mummers, sleigh rides, midnight fortune-telling and round dances around the Christmas tree - fit well into the New Year's ritual.

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STORY CHRISTMAS TREE Christmas tree - essential attribute winter holidays - also arrived in Russia along with Peter's reforms. However, the “foreigner” who arrived, although not immediately, took root in Russian land firmly - as if she had always grown here: from the branches that decorated the houses, a luxurious tree grew in a festive dress.

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By the middle of the 19th century, the winter beauty had become familiar to the townspeople, although in the villages of such an “ancient folk custom' didn't know yet. But this tree was not yet a New Year's tree - it was called Christmas and was decorated with toys, delicacies intended as gifts for guests, and candles, and an eight-pointed Christmas star - silver or gold - crowned its top. In Russian Orthodoxy, a tradition arose to decorate temples with coniferous branches during Christmas time (from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany), the tree itself became a prototype of the tree of paradise with the fruits of knowledge and the Tree of the Cross, and evergreen needles - a symbol of immortality. However, not everyone remembered the symbolic side, and adults at Christmastime entertainment sometimes behaved worse than children ...

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The prototype of the modern Santa Claus was quite a real man. In the 4th century, Archbishop Nicholas lived in the Turkish city of Mira. It was very a kind person, and for the good deeds of Nicholas, after his death, he was declared a saint. But in the 11th century, the church where he was buried was robbed by pirates. They stole the remains of the saint and took them to their homeland. The parishioners of the Church of St. Nicholas were outraged. History made so much noise that Nicholas became the object of veneration and worship of Christians from different countries peace. In the Middle Ages, a custom was established: On Nicholas Day, December 19, to give gifts to children, just as the Saint did. After the introduction of the new calendar, the Saint began to come to the children at Christmas, and only then on the New Year. In England and America, this kind Saint is called Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas). Father Frost

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The ancestor of our native Santa Claus is the East Slavic spirit of cold Treskun, Moroz, Studenets. More often, Frost preferred to have fun, crunching a snowball, tapping on the walls of houses, making travelers shiver from the cold (he especially liked to freeze those who were sitting in a sleigh wrapped in a fur coat, and those who ran on foot or waved an ax were not given to Frost so easily) . Frost appears in the same way in the literature of the 19th century. - Frost the Red Nose by Nekrasov and the old man Frost in Ostrovsky's The Snow Maiden. When the New Year began to be celebrated in Russia, people began to appear in houses old grandfather with a beard and boots. But then Santa Claus was not cheerful and good-natured. He had a bag in one hand and a stick in the other. Of course, he gave gifts, but only to smart and obedient children, the rest got a good blow with a stick. But the years went by, and Santa Claus grew kinder and aged, stopped giving out cuffs, but simply intimidated naughty children with scary tales.

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traditional costume Santa Claus also did not appear immediately. At first he was depicted in a raincoat. Santa Claus skillfully cleaned the chimneys through which he threw gifts to the children.

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But at the end of the 19th century, he was dressed in a red fur coat trimmed with fur. What is he now? A little rough looking. He wears a long fur coat and a high hat, with a beard, in his hands he has a staff and a bag with gifts. Yes, and "grandfather" is called not just like that, but because he has a granddaughter. Only our Grandfather Frost has a granddaughter Snegurochka and she was born in Russia. The Snow Maiden is a literary character. She appeared in 1873 and at first was called not the granddaughter of Santa Claus, but the daughter. This happened thanks to the play by Alexander Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden", which he created on the basis of folk tale about a girl fashioned from snow and melted by the warm rays of the sun. Later, writers and poets turned her into a granddaughter. The image of the Snow Maiden is a symbol of frozen waters. This is a girl (not a girl) dressed only in white clothes. No other color in the traditional symbolism is allowed. Her headdress is an eight-pointed crown, embroidered with silver and pearls.

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New Year is one of the most beloved children's holidays celebrated in every school and kindergarten. Teachers with children prepare concerts, skits, scripts for evenings, decorate classrooms, and make crafts.

Features of the New Year's presentation

To create New Year's presentations, we suggest using thematic templates depicting Christmas trees, lights, gifts, candles, as well as New Year's characters: Father Frost, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Do not be afraid to make your presentation bright, full of clipart, lights, animation, because the purpose of a festive presentation is to create a festive mood.

In creating a presentation for the New Year and Christmas, they are usually used as a background or frame. colors: dark green and dark blue, bright red, and gold, silver, white are used in the design.

Festive presentations will create a joyful mood in children and expect a miracle. Christmas backgrounds can be used to create slide shows, presentations for classroom hours, parent meetings and even for graduation.

New Year presentation template

As you know, the PowerPoint program was created to illustrate reports on the topic of science or business. But now the scope of PowerPoint presentations is much wider; they are also loved by teachers. After all, a colorful presentation attracts and holds the attention of the child, helps to create the right mood and allows you to use a variety of illustrative material.

Presentations are also appropriate during the event extracurricular activities. For example, during a New Year's party, a lively, bright presentation will cheer you up, and you can put New Year's songs on the slides (you can suggest guessing them by the "backing track" or sing in chorus), riddles, contests, New Year's quiz questions and fragments of cartoons.

This section contains beautiful templates with Christmas design. This development will help you quickly prepare festive presentation without spending extra time on layout design. You can download templates at any time; it's fast, easy and free. Happy New Year and Happy Creativity!

Download templates, share with colleagues and delight your students.

Winter is here and that means Christmas is coming soon! What is the new year for the baby? This is an elegant Christmas tree, matinee, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, gifts, sweets!

Does your child know what to expect? Show him a colorful, musical, animated children's presentation about the new year.

Presentation about the new year for children Created by me for kids aged one year and older. In my opinion, this is exactly the age when the child is already beginning to understand a lot, but not everything can be asked yet. Beautiful pictures in a presentation about the New Year, children will be helped to understand what the New Year holiday is and what happens on New Year's days.

The text of the children's presentation about the New Year is read to the children by an adult, and the kid listens, watches and remembers. Read what you think is appropriate for your child, depending on their age and developmental level.

You can download presentation about new year children in two formats:

1. children in the automatic display mode, but at the same time with the ability to switch slides with a mouse click. Don't forget to turn on the sound!

2. children - a project in which you can make any changes. Don't forget to turn on the sound!

Story about the new year for children:

Hello baby! Do you know that the new year is coming soon?

And this means that there will be a big and fun party- New Year's Eve!

Before the New Year, in every house, in every city and in every family, a green spruce is decorated with beautiful balls, toys, tinsel and garlands. That's how beautiful she can be. Have you already helped your parents decorate the Christmas tree? And what did you put on it?

And they decorate a beautiful Christmas tree on the streets of the city. The largest and beautiful Christmas trees people will have a celebration. You can also go with your family to a fun holiday, they say so - go to the Christmas tree. There you can listen to music, dance, eat goodies, and if you're lucky, you'll meet a real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus is a kind grandfather who comes from a distant land. He carries with him huge bags of gifts for children, which he prepares for a whole year.

Santa Claus comes to the children's home and gives gifts. But since there are a lot of kids, he, unfortunately, will not have time to come to everyone. But do not worry, if Santa Claus does not come to you during the day, then he will definitely come at night and put gifts under the Christmas tree.

His granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, also comes with his grandfather. She comes to all holidays along with frost and also congratulates the kids. In addition to the Snow Maiden, snowmen help grandfather. They participate in all preparations for the holiday.

Just before the new year, your parents will cover beautiful table, which will have a lot of food. You will also choose something tasty for yourself. By the way, do you like tangerines? This fruit is in every home for the new year. Mandarin is a delicious symbol of the new year.

On December 31, at exactly 12 o'clock in the morning, the chimes will strike - these are the big clocks that are shown on TV for every new year. The ringing of this clock indicates the coming of the New Year. If you are still awake at this time - make a wish - it will come true!

Happy holiday, baby! Happy New Year!

I hope you enjoyed children's presentation about the new year! I'd love to hear comments! And I beg you, share the presentation with your friends - click on the buttons of social networks.
