Summary of the Origami lesson on the topic: "Making an origami-type frog." Summary of the Origami class on the topic: “Making an origami-type frog” Origami technique frog open lesson

The first lesson was introductory and was called "Wonderful Origami". At the lesson, I introduced the children to the type of origami arts and crafts, told when and where this type of art appeared. She showed the children finished paper products, and also showed the children the basic basic forms of origami (see appendix No. 2). At the lesson, the children learned how to perform the basic basic forms and practiced their knowledge in independent work, which was accompanied by my help. The children were interested in the lesson, the children asked questions and participated in the conversation.

A summary of the lesson is attached (see appendix No. 3).

The second lesson was practical and was called "The Jumping Frog".

At the lesson, I introduced the children to the technique of making paper toys.

In the lesson, an artistic word was used, a swamp panel was used, made to interest children in work. From the goals and objectives set, in the lesson, the children got acquainted with the sequence of performing the frog, thereby reinforcing the techniques of folding paper. Was individual approach to the child. At the end of the lesson, the children created a collective composition of frogs in a swamp (see appendix No. 4), and at the end of the lesson, a collective analysis of the work was carried out through questions to the children. The abstract is attached to the lesson.

The third lesson is practical, the topic of the lesson is "Bouquet of tulips". The lesson was to consolidate the past material, with new elements. The children did more difficult work than in the previous lesson, they learned how to fold paper tulips and work with glue carefully. At the end of the lesson, the children, just like in the previous lesson, created a collective composition called "Bouquet of Tulips" (see appendix No. 6).

The behavior of children in the classroom is interest, activity, independence. A summary of the lesson is attached (see appendix No. 7).

The fourth lesson was called "Butterfly" practical. At the lesson, the children learned how to fold a butterfly using the origami technique, consolidated the techniques for folding paper figures and the accuracy of working with glue. The lesson used the artistic word, showing illustrations. The children developed fine motor skills hands, accuracy of work with glue, independence of work. At the end of the lesson, the children created a collective composition of butterflies sitting on a flower (see Proposition No. 8). At the lesson, there was an increase in the amount of knowledge. The abstract is attached to the lesson.

The fifth lesson was the final one and was called "Kusudama - magic ball"The purpose of the lesson was to teach children how to make a decorative ball using the origami technique. The work was collective, the children created one common figure (see proposition No. 10). The content of the work is difficult, since the last lesson, the children consolidated their knowledge and skills on it, received in the circle.Visual material was used, illustrations were shown, a phased demonstration of work.Children actively participated in the work, the lesson was successful.The result of the work of the children was successful.A summary of the lesson is attached (see Appendix No. 10).

Thus, the content of the work of the circle corresponded to the program of this age group. The result of the work of the circle "Wonderful origami is good and allows you to confirm the conclusions made in the theoretical part on the basis of the studied literature.

Purpose of the lesson:

- continue to form children's interest in the art of origami;

- to form the ability to design crafts "Frog";

- to form the ability to work according to schemes;

- continue to consolidate the ability to fold paper in different directions;

- continue to improve fine motor skills of the fingers;

- continue to develop constructive, logical and spatial thinking, attention, accuracy;

- continue to instill love for the animal world and respect for nature; cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other;

- continue to positively influence the emotional sphere of children.

Equipment: a large sample of a frog - origami with a crown on its head; disk with sounds of the forest; "swamp" with water lilies; 3 cardboard sheets with craft assembly diagrams drawn on them; 3 envelopes with tasks enclosed in them; blanks "eyes" from shiny self-adhesive paper for each frog - origami in a box; 3 tablets with the names of the kingdoms ("Triangle", "Book", "Kite"); 4 crafts - origami (" Ladybug”, “Dove”, “Boat”, “Eight-pointed star”); "Magic wand".

Course progress.

The children and the teacher are sitting at the table.

V. - Guys, now you have an origami lesson. We have been doing origami for a long time and have already done a lot of crafts. Today I will show you how to make interesting toy- origami. You know that there are 12 basic shapes in origami, and we have already met some of them in our classes. The entire fairy-tale country of Origamia is divided into 12 kingdoms, each of which is named after one or another basic form. It is to this magical country that we will now go on a journey, and a “magic wand” and a magic spell will help us get there:

"Origami, origami,

Give us miracles!”

(Children repeat the spell in chorus and the magic wand begins to glow).

V. - Guys, now close your eyes.

(Children close their eyes and the disk with the sounds of the forest turns on. Everyone opens their eyes)

V. - Guys, you and I found ourselves in the forest, which is located in the magical land of Origamia. Listen to forest sounds. What do you hear? (Answers of children). Guys, can you hear someone crying? Crying is heard from the side of the forest swamp, let's go there soon! Someone is in trouble and needs our help!

(Children, together with the teacher, approach the "swamp", where the "frog with a crown on its head" sits)

V. - This is a crying frog, but not a simple one, but the Queen of all the frogs of the country of Origamia. What happened to her, what's wrong? How can we find out?

(There is a note near the "frog").

V. - Guys, the frog left a note, let's read it!

Note: "The evil forest witch turned my little frogs into green paper squares. Please disenchant them! But I warn you, this is not easy to do - you need to solve all the riddles of the forest sorceress in order. You will find the first task in the kingdom "Triangle", and the "Ladybug" that arrived from this kingdom will show you the way there. Please, please help!

V. - Well, guys, let's help the Frog Queen? Can we disenchant the little frogs? (Answers of children). Then good luck! Dear resident of the kingdom "Triangle", "Ladybug", please show us the way!

(“Ladybug” in the teacher’s hand shows the way to the table - the kingdom of the “Triangle”. Children approach it)

V. - Thank you, Ladybug, for your help. Guys, we are in the realm "Triangle", where origam inhabitants live, made from the basic form "Triangle".

(There is an overturned sheet of cardboard on the table, on the back of which is attached an envelope in which the task is written)

Task: Guess the name of a fairy-tale character from 10 clues. 1) The fairy tale in which this character participates was written by Alexei Tolstoy. 2) The image of this hero is taken from the image of Pinnochio. 3) The father of this fairy-tale hero was called Carlo. 4) He dreamed of buying a puppet theater. 5) In this fairy tale there is a Country of Fools. 6) This character is made of wood. 7) He has the longest nose. 8) He had 5 gold coins. 9) His friends are Piero, Malvina and Artemon. 10) The enemy of this fairy-tale character and his friends is the villain Karabas - Barabas.

(After the children have guessed Pinocchio, they open the first diagram drawn on the front side of the cardboard. The teacher shows what and how to do, and the children repeat)

(Fold the square in half diagonally and bend the corners of the triangle along the marked lines)

Q. - And now the resident of the kingdom "Triangle" - "Dove" will show the way to the kingdom, where the second task of the evil forest sorceress is located.

(The dove in the hand of the teacher shows the way to the kingdom "Book", the children follow him)

V. - Guys, this is the “Book” kingdom, origami made from the basic “Book” form lives here.

(There is also an envelope with the task on the table)

Task: collect puzzles and name the name of the fairy-tale character in the picture.

(After the children have correctly connected all the puzzles and named Leopold the Cat, the second scheme opens up for them. The teacher and the children work together on it)

(Bend up the corners of the triangles along the marked lines and turn the craft over)

Physical education minute

(The teacher pronounces a poem, the children depict the animals that it speaks of)

with origami, with origami

We have become wizards.

And a piece of thin paper (draw a square in the air with your hands)

We can turn into a wolf, (depict a wolf)

And in a fox or in a bear, (depict a fox and a bear)

Even in a bunny - a coward. (depict a hare)

We waved our hands - (make smooth movements with our hands to the left - to the right)

Taught a crocodile. (depict a crocodile)

Made slowly

We are a puppy - a baby, (depict a dog)

Mustachioed cat, (depict a cat)

Horned goat. (depicts a goat)

Like this with origami

We have become wizards! (make a hand gesture with a raise thumb hands)

V. - And now on a boat - origami we will sail to the kingdom, where the new task of the evil forest sorceress is hidden.

(The boat in the hand of the teacher shows the way to the kingdom "Kite", the children follow the teacher)

Q. - Guys, we sailed to the realm "Kite", and here you can see the inhabitants made of their basic form "Kite".

(On the table, the children also find an envelope with the next task)

Task: solve a fairy-tale crossword puzzle, and by the first letters you will find out the name of another fairy-tale hero.






1) The name of a round, edible and unauthorized hero from a Russian folk tale who left home.

2) The name of the kindest doctor - a veterinarian from a fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky.

3) The beauty living in the sea, from the fairy tale by G. H. Andersen.

4) The most cunning red animal from Russians folk tales.

5) A winter fairy tale character who comes to us in New Year along with Santa Claus.

6) An animal from B. Zakhoder's fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh with a strange name Eeyore.

7) The name of the princess who never laughed, from the fairy tale "At the command of the pike."

(After the children have guessed all the words of the crossword puzzle and named the name of the fairy-tale character encrypted in it, the third scheme opens. The children, together with the teacher, continue to design the craft).

(Bend the corner of only one layer of paper along the marked line)

V. - Guys, the frogs are almost ready. What do you think is missing for our frogs to come to life? (Children's answers). That's right, they lack eyes. After all, as folk wisdom says, the eyes are the mirror of the soul. And it means that by returning the eyes to our frogs, we will thereby breathe soul, life into them, that is, we will revive them! And the most dazzling inhabitant of the kingdom "Kite" - the Eight-pointed Star with its bright light will show us the way to the place where the eyes of the frogs are hidden.

(Children with a teacher, in whose hand the Eight-pointed Star, approach the "swamp" and under the "water lily" find a box in which they find "eyes" for frogs. Children take out these blanks from self-adhesive paper and stick them to their frogs)

V. - Guys, a miracle happened! Our frogs are alive! Rather, bring them to your mother, the Frog Queen, she missed her children very much!

(Children plant their frogs near the big frog)

V. - Look, the Queen - the frog left a note for you, let's read it!

A note. "Dear Guys! Thank you very much you for not being afraid of the Evil Forest Witch and, having overcome all the difficulties on your way, you were able to cast a spell on my frog babies.

V. - Well, that's all, guys, our adventures in the magical land of Origamia are over. It's time for us to return. And the “magic wand” and the spell will help us in this.


"Origami, be a friend,

Show me the way back!"

(Children, together with the teacher, cast a spell, close and open their eyes again)

V. - Guys, well, here we are back. This journey showed everyone that you are kind, sympathetic, sensitive, brave, smart and hardworking children. Thanks to you, the Frog Queen has a big holiday today. Today you have become a little magician, because from a simple square sheet of paper you were able to make an origami “Frog”.

Municipal educational institution additional education children

Cherdaklinsky Center for Additional Education for Children


open class in the association "Origami"

on the topicmaking a frogByorigami type.

The course was developed and conducted

Dmitrieva Marina Alexandrovna

teacheradditional education

1 qualification category


Objectives: - to change the traditionally hostile attitude towards frogs in children, to explain how useful and necessary frogs are in nature; - emphasize on appearance, structure of a frog;


Learn how to fold a frog step by step.

Continue acquaintance with the art of paper design - origami;

Build a culture of work and improve work skills. Contribute to the creation game situations, enhance children's communication skills.

Enrich the child's vocabulary with special terms.

To introduce children to basic geometric concepts and basic forms origami.

Instill artistic taste.

Develop spatial thinking, creative and logical abilities.

Expand the horizons of students.


Demonstration material - presentation.

Handout - colored paper, scissors, markers,

glue, wet wipes, oilcloths.

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations in

albums and encyclopedias.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

3. Learning new things using presentation.

5 . Product sample display on slide in presentation .

6 . Practical work.

7. The result of the lesson.

8. Reflection.

Lesson progress:


Teacher: Hello guys.

- Today we have an unusual lesson: there are guests. Let's give each other a good mood.

- I smile at you, and you smile at each other and our

“So, let’s start our lesson.

« Every day, always, everywhere:

In the classroom, in the game

That's right, we say clearly

We are not in a hurry m.

- Guys, see if everything is ready for class.

2. Introduction to the topicclasses.

Teacher: You will learn the topic of our lesson by guessing the riddle:


Sitting with bulging eyes

He doesn't speak Russian.

Po - flea jumps,

Floats like a human.

Born in water

And he lives on earth...

Children: Frog.

Teacher: Right. What color is the frog? Children: Green.

Teacher: Right. Listen to a poem about a frog.

Frog frogSmile from ear to ear! Cheerful girlfriend And fish and mice. Jumps on land - Floats in the water, Cheerful frog Will not disappear anywhere! And here and there she has her own, She is an amphibian, I love her for this, Although she is cold.

Teacher: And today I want to tell you a little about frogs.

3 . Learning new things with presentation.

Teacher: Guys, do you know that in nature there are more than 3500 species

frogs, let's look at a frog and describe it.

Children: The body shape of the frog is oval, the skin is green, slippery, wet, smooth. Head: nostrils, mouth - in the mouth long, sticky and wide tongue. The eyes are large, the front legs are short, the back legs are long.

Teacher: Tell me, children, where do frogs live?

Children: On the land. In water. In a swamp.

Teacher: Guys, do you know what these frogs are called? The frog that lives on land is grassy, ​​it is brown in color. A frog that lives in water - water, pond, lake - Green colour. Did you know that the frog changes its skin color four times a year.

Teacher: What is the name of the baby frog, please?

Children: frog

Teacher: Quite right. (show presentation). Look how many frogs. And now let's see what frogs are: (the teacher points to slides in a presentation ): frog, pond frog, glass frog, leopard, orange, blue.

Teacher: What do you think frogs eat (children's answers)

Children: Mosquitoes.

Teacher: That's right, and not only. They also feed on flies and insects.

4. Experience.

Teacher: Children, what does it take for a frog to live in water?

Children: Air.

Teacher: Right. Now let's take a deep breath. What are we breathing?

Children: By air.

Teacher: Quite right, air, but what kind of air (children's answers)

Children: Transparent, invisible, it surrounds us.

Teacher: And in the water we can see the air, what do you think?

Children: Yes.

(Teacher conducts experiments with air with children:He puts jars of water, offers to blow through a tube.Lots of air bubbles appear.

Teacher: Well, here we are with you and saw the air!

Children: Yes, we saw.

Teacher: Well done! Now let's rest a little.

Fizminutka: "There are 2 frogs in the swamp."

2 frogs in the swamp

Washed early in the morning

Rubbed with a towel

Hands clapped, feet stomped,

Leaning left and right

And they returned back.

Here is the secret of health!

To all friendsfizkultprivet!

5. Show product sample on slide in presentation.

teacher: Today we will make such a frog in the style

"origami". Choose a paper color. (The choice is predictable - everyone chooses solid green).

6. Practical work.

(teacherreminds you of the rules , safety precautionsand draws attention to them throughout the work).

Teacher: 1. Take a sheet of paper.

2. Bend diagonally.

3. We bend the upper corner of the scarf towards us.

4. We bend the corners of the scarf to the middle of the triangle.

5. Glue the eyes and tongue, the frog can be painted

colored pens or markers .

Teacher: The frog likes words that have 3 letters - TOB A.

Guys, let's say in unison 3 times "Kwa - kva-kva!" .

7 . Summary of the lesson:

Teacher: We did not waste time in vain. We completed all the tasks. How did you manage to do it? What did you have to do? (Children's answers.)

Teacher: What new did you learn today? (Children's answers.) Who did you learn to make?

Children: Frog.

Teacher: That's right, now you can make a fun frog yourself and teach your friends and loved ones. And when you feel sad, remember the frog, fold it yourself and you will become happier.

8 . Reflection.



BLUE- did not like With b

Teacher: On this, our lesson is over, thank you everyone !!!

Abstract of the lesson on manual labor V middle group children's


Theme: Frog (origami technique)

Goals: - formation of a holistic picture of the world

Engage in verbal art

Enrichment and activation of the dictionary.

To form the ability to understand the causal - investigative links in the read text

To form a steady interest in the process of reading, memorizing what has been read.

Promote respect for wildlife

We continue our acquaintance with the technique of folding paper origami.

Development of fine motor skills

Material: text of N. Sladkov's story "Zhaleikin and the Frog", illustrations for the story

dispensing: green origami sheet, felt-tip pens.
Preliminary work: looking at pictures of frogs; Didactic games "Who lives in the water", "The fourth extra"; Reading fiction: about mammals living in the water; mobile game "Frogs".

Program content:
Guys, listen to one very interesting story written by Nikolai Sladkov.

This story is called "Zhaleikin and the Frog"
Under a bump in a damp swamp, Zhaleikin noticed a small, weak frog. - Poor, unfortunate baby! Zhaleikin exclaimed. - How bad you are, poor thing, in this dirty swamp! Dark, damp, cold! But don't be discouraged! I will save you, you will feel good and comfortable at my house. At home, Zhaleikin put the frog in the most beautiful painted box, laid soft dry cotton wool on the bottom, put the box in the warm sun and laughed merrily with joy. - Remember, frog, my worries! You will now live in warmth, dryness and cleanliness. Not like in your dirty swamp! And the frog is not happy. And the frog is not up to fun. He is very ill, he is barely alive. He overheated in the sun, withered and tangled in cotton wool. As Zhaleikin saw him, he roared. He poured tears all over the frog, and in time: a little more - and the frog would have died. Zhaleikin rushed with the frog to the swamp. The very one where it is damp, dirty and cold, but where the frog is just as happy as Zhaleikin in his warm and clean room.

Guys, what is the name of the story you just listened to? (Zhaleikin and the frog)

What did Zhaleikin do? (took a frog from the swamp to his home)

Was the frog happy? What happened to him? (the frog overheated in the sun, dried up and almost died. The frog is ill at Zhaleikin's house)

What did Zhaleikin do? (carried the frog back to the swamp)

Why can't frogs be taken from the swamp? (because the swamp is the home of frogs, they feel good and comfortable there)
Guys, let's make a frog that will be good at our house. We will make it out of paper using the origami technique. But first, we will introduce ourselves as frogs:
Physical education "Frogs"

Here is a frog on the path
Jumps, legs outstretched.
I saw a mosquito
She screamed ... Kwa-Kwa-Kwa!
Now come to your tables - let's start designing.

Now you need to draw a frog's eyes. To do this, take felt-tip pens.

Here are some beautiful frogs we got. And most importantly, such frogs will be very good at our house. You did a very good job, well done guys.

Theme: Katya doll bed
Areas: Artistic creativity, Communication, Cognition, Health, Reading fiction

Goals:- to learn to understand the generalizing word "furniture".

Fixing the formation of diminutive forms of nouns.

Improve your ability to solve riddles.

Continue to learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

To teach to perform morally oriented actions (to help Katya Doll).

To form the ability to design according to the plan, taking into account the characteristics of the material.

Encourage and reinforce the desire to work.

Teach children to be happy with the result.

Material: ball, doll Katya (small), pictures depicting pieces of doll furniture;

Dispensing: matchboxes(4 pieces each), colored cardboard, pieces of fabric to size

cots, scissors, glue, glue brush, wet wipes, oilcloths.

Preliminary work: conversation on the topic "Furniture", "What is in our group"; guessing

riddles on the theme "Furniture", "Toys"; role-playing game"Family",

"Daughters-mothers"; job assignment: clean up the doll house

Program content:
Guys, let's play a game called "Call it affectionately" with you. I will throw the ball to you and say the word, and you will say the same word, but kindly and throw the ball back to me. For example, a carpet is a rug.

What good fellows you are. Everyone knows kind words.

Guys, I'll tell you a secret that a guest should come to us today. But for now, this guest is delayed. Let's guess who should come to us:
I'm a good toy
I'll be the girl's friend.
I can sit in a wheelchair
I can close my eyes.
I ask you to love me
Don't drop me, don't hit me.

Yes, guys, it's a doll.

(There is a knock on the door.)

Educator: And here is our little guest (brings in a doll). Let's say hello to her.

This is Katya doll. She has wanted to meet you for a long time. Let's ask where Katya lives.

Katya lives in a toy country in her dollhouse.

Katya, tell us about your house.

(The doll shows pictures of furniture. Only the bed is missing. Children name all pieces of furniture.)

Well done boys. Now name in one word what you saw in the pictures. That's right, guys, it's furniture.

Have you noticed that one piece of furniture is missing from Katya's house? What? (if the children find it difficult, the teacher prompts).

There is no bed in Katya's house and she has nothing to sleep on. Let's help Katya and make a good bed for her.

First we need to load:

Physical education "Furniture"

Chair and table, sofa, chest of drawers -

We bend our fingers, listing the furniture.

People call furniture!

Show palms.

Our closet is for

Extend your arms to the sides.

To put clothes in there!

Arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest
(upward movement).

What is the bed for?

Extend your arms to the sides.

To make it comfortable to sleep!

Place your palms under your cheek.

Furniture creates comfort

Hands on the belt, turns with half squats
right - left (4 times).

And in the country, in the house, here!

Extend your arms to the sides.

Charging done, now you can start designing furniture. Katya will choose the most beautiful bed and will sleep on it in her house.

We will make a bed for Katya from matchboxes, cardboard and a piece of fabric. Come to your workplaces and let's get started.

To begin with, we will glue the matchboxes, so that we get a mattress. Take the cardboard and cut it along the line into two unequal parts. Glue them at the two narrow ends. These are the headboards. Then glue a piece of fabric to make the bed beautiful. Whose bed is ready, put it next to Katya. Let her love it.

Well, all the beds are ready. Katya looked at them, and cannot choose the most beautiful one. She loved all the beds. Let's give Katya and her girlfriends - dolls everything that we made.

Look how happy Katya is. She says thank you. She can't wait to show her cribs to her friends. And we will say goodbye to her, and we will wait for her to visit again.

Synopsis of manual labor in the middle group kindergarten
Theme: "Funny cooks"
Areas: Artistic creativity, Communication, Cognition, Health, Reading fiction


Goals:- To acquaint children with the work of a pastry chef, with the characteristic features of the external

To form an idea of ​​a number of more complex professions aimed at

meeting the needs of man and society.

Expand the horizons and vocabulary of children.

Improve your ability to solve riddles

Cultivate interest in labor activity cook - confectioner.

To form the ability to design according to the plan, taking into account the characteristics of the material.

Acquaintance of children with salt dough and its properties.

Encourage and reinforce the desire to work.

Teach children to be happy with the result.

Continue to learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Development creative imagination.

Material: A picture depicting a cook, pastry chef;

Musical accompaniment of "Gingerbread" (arranged by A. E. Frunze)

Dispensing: colored salty dough, beans, various pasta, modeling boards,

wet wipes, cardboard coasters.

Preliminary work:

Didactic game“Name the profession”, “Who does what”, “What does the cook need?”;
- an excursion to the kitchen of the kindergarten, a conversation with the cook;

Conversation on the topic "All professions are important"

Program content:
Guys, today we will talk about a very important profession. But which one do you guess:

Tell me who's so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup

smelly meatballs,

salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches?

Answer: cook
That's right, today we'll talk with you about the chef. Look at the picture and say who the chef is. Yes, guys, a cook is a person who cooks food: salads, soups, borscht, pasta, mashed potatoes, fries cutlets, makes dumplings, cooks porridge.
But today we will get acquainted with the profession of a pastry chef.

A pastry chef is a person who cooks, bakes, and then decorates pastries, cakes, cookies, and gingerbread.
The profession of a confectioner is very difficult, and at the same time very interesting, creative and… delicious.
Each of you, probably, was in a cafe, or bought delicious pastries and cakes in a store. How beautifully they are decorated: with flowers, and mushrooms, and various balls, and hearts. So many sold in stores different types cookies and gingerbread. It's all prepared by the pastry chef!

I'll bake pies

And rugs and horns.

This is the gift I have:

I am a pastry chef.

The pastry chef has special clothes that he puts on when he comes to work. This is a dressing gown, apron, cap or scarf. And he does this in order not to stain his clothes, and so that the villi, hair do not get into the food.

Guys, tell me, what is the name of the person who bakes cakes and cakes? That's right, pastry chef.

What clothes does he wear when he comes to work?

And now I want to invite you to become confectioners and make beautiful cakes. We will sculpt cakes from colored, salty dough. You can’t eat them, but you can play with them when they dry out, in the Cafe, in the Shop, treat dolls or just give them.

Let's do exercises for our pens:
Finger gymnastics

We remember the dough with our hands. (squeeze and unclench fingers).
Let's bake a sweet cake (clap your hands).
Lubricate the middle with jam, ( circular motions palm fingers).
And the top, sweet cream. (circular movements of the fingers on the palm).
And coconut crumbs (sprinkle "crumbs" with the fingers of both hands).
We'll sprinkle a little on the cake.
And then we will make tea, (fingers with a “pinch”, circular movements with the hands of both hands).
Invite a friend over! (palms up, clench and unclench fingers).
Now take your jobs. Take your salt dough. Tell me what it feels like. That's right, soft, elastic, resilient, viscous. First we roll a ball from a lump salt dough. Let's flatten it. This is the foundation. We put it on a stand. Now we need to decorate our “cake” with pasta, beans, giving the product a finished look. We try to make the "cake" as beautiful as possible. Whoever has the cake ready, put it to dry. Here are some beautiful, mouth-watering products. Each one has a unique pattern. Guys, you are real chefs - confectioners.

And yet, we must make a promise of "Merry Cooks"!
And now we smile
Let's hold hands tightly.
And goodbye to each other
We will make a promise.
We will be friends with the test,
And sculpt! Sculpt! Sculpt!

Abstract of the lesson on designing from natural material in the middle group.


Areas: Artistic creativity, Communication, Cognition, Health, Reading fiction.

Introduce children to natural material (walnut shell, tree leaves).

To teach children to design crafts from natural material, connecting the parts with pieces of plasticine.

To form the ability to design according to the plan, taking into account the characteristics of the material.

Learn to follow the instructions of an adult when performing work activities with dangerous tools

and materials (scissors, glue).

Teaches to perform morally directed actions (to help the frog).

Develop imagination, auditory and visual attention.

Teach children to be happy with the result.

Continue familiarity with animals.

Continue to learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Activation and enrichment of the vocabulary on the topic.


Outdoor trees for fairy forest; toys - hare, hedgehog, wolf, bear, frog; audio recording - sounds of the forest and animal voices (wolf, bear, frog); canvas of blue fabric (river).

Half a walnut shell; a leaf of any tree; wand; flag cut out of colored paper; plasticine; modeling boards; glue; glue brush; napkins; craft sample.

Preliminary work:
Reading the fairy tale "Teremok", a conversation on its content.

Considering illustrations of different types of transport.

Didactic game "What will we ride, what will we swim?".

The game for the development of auditory attention "Whose voice is this?" (animal voices)
Program content:

The teacher gathers the children around him.

Guys, do you want to be in a fairy tale?

But this story is going to be different. In it, we will learn how to construct something very interesting from natural material. You are ready? Then close your eyes and listen carefully (the teacher's assistant arranges trees and toys, music sounds).

Guys, open your eyes and see where we are. Yes, this is a magical forest. Let's take a walk in this forest. Look who's sitting here by the tree.

Educator: Let's remember how our hedgehog talks?

Children: Puff.

The howl of a wolf sounds.

Educator: Oh, who is that howling like that? Listen carefully.

Children: wolf.

Teacher: Yes, it's a wolf.

Look who's hiding under the tree here?

Children: Hare.

Educator: Yes, guys, this is a hare. Who do you think he was hiding from?

Children: from the wolf.

Children: Bear.

Educator: And here is the bear. Look guys, he's already sleeping. Let's walk quietly on tiptoes so as not to wake him up (we walk on tiptoes past the Christmas tree with a bear).

(A frog croaks.)

Educator: Guys, come here quickly, there is such a big river.

The teacher shows the children a toy frog: Look, who came to visit us?
Children: Frog, frog frog ...
Educator: A frog jumped up to us from a fairy tale. Which one do you think?
Children: "Teremok".

Educator: That's right, our guest jumped to us from the fairy tale "Teremok". Let's remember the heroes of this fairy tale.
Children: frog, mouse, bunny, spinning top, fox, bear.

Educator: The frog missed them very much and wants to go on a trip along the river to visit his friends, the heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok". Guys, tell me, what do you need to swim on the river?

Children: On a boat, a boat.
The boat floats on the river

The sail is inflated

The mischievous wind is blowing,

The boat is rocking.
Educator: Right on the boat. And let's help her build a boat with a sail?

The children agree.

Educator: But before we get to work, let's train our fingers. Let's do finger exercises.

Finger gymnastics "Ship"
A boat is sailing on the river, it is sailing from afar.
(rock the boat from side to side)
There are four very brave sailors on the boat.
(show four fingers)
They have ears on top of their head (hand to head)
They have long tails(show the tail with your hand below)
And only cats are afraid of them, only cats and cats.
(hand make muzzles of cats).
Educator: Now go to your places and let's see what parts our boat consists of. Hull and mast with sail.

What is the body of the boat made of? (from half a nut shell);

What is a sail made of? (from a leaflet);

What is the wand for? (to make a mast).

Now let's make frog boats.

First we take a piece of plasticine, knead it and fill it with a nut shell.

Then we stick a stick into the plasticine and attach a leaflet to it. This is our sail.

And so that our boat is smart, we will make a flag on the mast. Take a glue brush and glue the flag to the very top of the mast.

Here are our boats and ready.

See how many beautiful boats have turned out, so not only the frog, but all her friends will be able to go on a trip.

Abstract of a manual labor lesson in the middle group of kindergarten
Theme: Snowman
Areas: Artistic creativity, Communication, Cognition, Health, Reading fiction

Goals: - Clarify children's knowledge about winter natural phenomena, their relationship with human life.

Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Continue to learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Learn to perform morally oriented actions (help the Snowman).

To form elementary perceptual (exploratory) actions.

To form the ability to design according to the plan, taking into account the characteristics of the material.

To form the ability to design according to the plan, taking into account the characteristics of the material.

Improve your scissor skills.

Learn to follow the instructions of an adult when performing work activities with dangerous

tools and materials (scissors, glue).

Encourage and reinforce the desire to work.

Teach children to be happy with the result.

Development of creative imagination.
Material: cardboard of blue color, which depicts the outline of a snowman, a small white egg

shell in boxes, cardboard Brown(for bucket and snowman hands), red

cardboard for a carrot and a snowman's mouth, a brush, glue, napkins, scissors.

Preliminary work:- Looking at illustrations.

Reading stories about the winter of M. Zoshchenko "Yolka", V. Odoevsky

“Moroz Ivanovich”, “First Snow” by S. Gorodetsky, “Old Man-Year-Old Man”

V. Dal, "Winter" I. Surinov, "Winter is angry for a reason" F. Tyutchev,

"Birch" S. Yesenin.

Learning poems by E. Trutneva and A. Barto, riddles.

Making snowmen out of snow for a walk.

Modeling from plasticine, drawing snowmen.

Program content:

Guys, what time of year is it? That's right, it's winter now. Tell me, how did you know that it was winter outside? (it's cold, it's snowing, people are dressed in warm clothes etc.)

Listen to a poem written by Ekaterina Sedova:
White snow is falling all around -
Snow covered the ground.
From fluffy snow
I'm making a snowman
With a long, long nose
I'll call it Frost.

Made a huge
And another one later
Eyes - corners,
white cheeks,
And then a carrot
Attached cleverly -
This will be the red nose.

Here comes my Frost.
I will give him a broom in his hand,
Will not freeze in the wind.
my good snowman
I immediately got used to winter.
(The teacher shows a picture with a snowman outline)

Guys, here is our snowman. He's just very sad. Why do you think? (he is not decorated, not beautiful, there is no bucket on his head, no broom, etc.) What do you think should be done? (children offer to help the snowman and decorate it)

What good fellows you are! Of course, you need to help the snowman. Come to your workplaces and see how we will decorate the snowman.

See what's in the box? Take it in your hands, feel it well. What do you think it is? That's right, it's an eggshell. What does she feel like? (brittle, dry, hard). Today we will decorate a snowman with eggshells, we will make a bucket and hands out of cardboard. We will draw the eyes and nose with paints.

But first, let's do the charging:
Finger gymnastics "Snowman"

Come on, my friend, be bold, my friend, "They're making snow."
Roll your snowball in the snow - "Katyat".
It will turn into a thick ball, They show the ball with their hands.
And it will become a snowman. "Draw" with the hands of a snowman.
His smile is so bright! They show a smile.
Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom. Show.
But the sun will bake a little - Hand at forehead, looking at the sun.
Alas, there is no snowman. They shrug their shoulders, arms out to the sides.
Now let's get to work. Take a brush and spread the glue on the snowman. Just be careful, do not go beyond the outline of the picture. Glue must be applied eggshell and squeeze her. To make sure it sticks well. While the glue dries, we will cut out the bucket and hands from cardboard. Let's glue them.

Now you can draw the eyes, mouth and carrot nose.

Here are some wonderful snowmen we got. They smile so happily. Come on, and we will smile at our snowmen.

Abstract of a manual labor lesson in the middle group of kindergarten

Lesson 41

Theme: "Fish"

Goals: Teach children various techniques for working with paper, such as folding, folding, cutting, gluing. To develop in children the ability to work with their hands, teaches them to precise finger movements, they improve fine motor skills of the hands, and the eye develops.

Lesson progress

1. Safety briefing.

2. Conversation.

Wildlife often confuses researchers, presenting them with various "technical" riddles. One of them, over which more than one generation of scientists puzzle over, is how many marine animals, fish and dolphins manage to move in dense water at speeds that are sometimes inaccessible even for flying in the air. swordfish, for example, swims at a speed of 130 km / h; tuna - 90 km / h. Calculations show that in order to overcome the resistance of water and gain such speed, the fish needs to develop the power of an automobile motor - about 100 horsepower. Living beings draw energy from oxidative processes. But fish are cold-blooded creatures, their temperature is not much higher than the temperature of water, in which oxygen, by the way, is dissolved in a very small amount. Such power is unattainable for them! One thing remains to be seen: the fish somehow thus "know how" to greatly reduce the resistance of water. The hypothesis explaining this phenomenon was put forward by the professor of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Merkulov (Novosibirsk city).

3. Puzzles

4. Poems about fish.

Children read a poem

Fish swim in the pond
And they play leapfrog.
On a warm day they frolic
Have fun together.

Sunbeams catch,
From spring they have keys,
To always be warm
Snow is not white,

Lilies bloomed, water lilies ...
Fish don't need ice.
Summer needs water
Our fish in the cold.

Summer fun to play
And chase each other.
Circles rush through the water.
Fish, catch the fish!

Scales glisten like sparks
The fins take off quickly.
Left, right, down and up -
Soundless laughter in the pond.

5. Riddles about river fish.

Here is a flock of fish froze,

Little things have one science, -

Flashing her eyes, she swam ...

More like silence! This is ... (pike).

Lies under the snag

On a hot summer afternoon, he sleeps.

Lover of springs, depths,

Dodgy ... (burbot).

Golden scales, red fins,

Butterflies, grasshoppers eats out of melancholy.

Dressed like a prince

You are good, fish ... (ide)!

Krasnoper, striped, thunderstorm of any river,

In fear, fry scatter from him.

Oh, don't like the bowler hat

This nimble ... (perch).

He loves to dig in the mud

And feed on the larvae

Smack in duckweed at night

And peck in the evenings.

The fish does not care about dirt,

And his name is ... (carp).

Crawls along the bottom, threatens with claws.

Save yourself, little thing and a worm!

Hiding in burrows behind stumps.

Boiled - red. This is ... (cancer).

3. Explanations of the teacher.

Scheme for making origami

    Prepare a square of thick paper. Bend about straighten the square diagonally.

    Cut out the tail of the fish as shown in the picture.

    Glue or draw eyes and scales.

4.Practical work. Making fish.

5 Summary of the lesson.

6. Exhibition of works.
