Bright Week - what not to do? Is it possible to get a haircut on the Saturday before Easter and during Holy Week? Is it possible to cut hair on Easter.

In connection with the celebration of Easter, not only religious, but also everyday, domestic issues arise. For example, is it possible on Saturday before Easter to get a haircut, cut and dye hair, and in general, as they say, bring beauty?

A detailed answer to it, as well as a commentary by an Orthodox priest, can be found in the article.

For several centuries and, of course, today, services have been held in churches on Holy Week. On Saturday, every believer can go to confession to free himself from unnecessary doubts and painful thoughts. It is clear that such an atmosphere, rather, disposes a person to some kind of spiritual reflection, a desire to stop his everyday rhythm for a second, and maybe even be alone.

Therefore, from this point of view, the question of whether it is possible to cut hair on Saturday before Easter should be answered as follows: this is undesirable, because all our usual affairs do not seem to fit into the general state of the day.

However, undesirability does not mean a categorical ban. For example, suddenly a situation arises when, due to the hustle and bustle, there is no time left to put oneself in order at all? What then to choose - whether to put yourself in order or meet the Easter holiday in a not the best way?

Of course, you need to make every effort to appear in front of friends, relatives and relatives in best form. And besides, there is no sin in it.

Representatives of the Orthodox Church agree with this point of view. Priests say that a person can go about his usual business and in holidays and even on the tragic Good Saturday.

But the main condition is that this does not distract from spiritual affairs - for example, from worship, reading the Bible or prayers, help, in a word - everything that our conscience requires of us. And of course, if we assume that someone just went shopping and beauty salons instead of paying at least a little attention to God, this would already be considered a violation.

Moreover, this logic can be extended to all holidays and memorable dates- here, for example, is the priest's answer to a similar question about the Candlemas (a holiday when believers celebrate the blessing of the baby Christ, whom parents once brought to the local Jerusalem temple).

Atmosphere of Good Saturday: the most tragic day of the year

This answer becomes clear if you immerse yourself a little in the situation. last day before the onset of the main Christian holiday. What happened on Saturday and why is it called Passion, i.e. scary? Moreover, this is what they call the whole week preceding Bright Sunday, but it is Friday and Saturday that are especially dramatic.

The reason is very simple. On Friday, according to Christian tradition and the biblical description, Christ was handed over to the court, which decided to execute him as a criminal - on the cross. On the same day, the sentence was executed, and at about 3 pm the Savior died. On the same day, the disciples removed the body from the cross and laid it in the tomb.

But on Saturday, a stone was placed at the grave, which, according to the plan of the Pharisees who betrayed Christ, was supposed to, as it were, prevent the deceased from leaving it. After all, they remembered the prophecy of the Lord himself that in 3 days he would rise again, therefore, obviously, they were afraid of this even despite his physical death.

Thus, on Holy Saturday, grief for the late Savior spread among all his disciples. Now it is difficult to say who at that moment truly believed in his resurrection, but one thing is certain: Jesus died, and this news alarmed people unusually. That is why the atmosphere of the Sabbath before Easter is not conducive to fuss and everyday affairs, but, on the contrary, in order to think about spiritual matters, visit the temple, and pray.

Is it possible to get a haircut on Holy Week before Easter

This question can be answered in the same way. It is quite possible to get a haircut, to put oneself in order, but not to the detriment of spiritual affairs. Moreover, Holy Week is the whole 6 days before Easter, which became the last in the earthly life of Christ. On the one hand, this is a rather dramatic time, but on the other hand, all believers are preparing to meet the main celebration.

Incidentally, according to folk beliefs, it is best to get a haircut in and you can do it right at dawn. It is believed that then the girl's hair will grow much faster and be healthy. From ancient times, a bunch of hair was cut off for babies and stored in a secluded place. Such a bundle became a kind of amulet that protected the baby throughout his life.

Is it possible to cut hair in fasting before Easter

Fasting before Easter is called Great, because it lasts 7 weeks and is not only the largest, but also the most strict. And at this time there are not only restrictions on food, but also in certain actions. For example, Orthodox priests recommend refraining from various amusements, romantic dates and other life pleasures.

However, such recommendations should not be taken as a categorical prohibition. This is simply advice to believers, which can be followed as far as possible. Of course, you can get a haircut on any of these days. And one can hardly imagine a girl who has never paid attention to her hair or even appearance for a full 7 weeks.

Therefore, you can perform any action, but not to the detriment of spiritual deeds. As for the Saturday before Easter (and Good Friday), these days it is better to really refrain from haircuts and other similar procedures.

People often ask if it is possible to get a haircut on Maundy Thursday before Easter (this year it will be celebrated on April 5, 2018). The short answer is yes, it is possible, and in some sense it is even necessary. And why - we will tell about it right now.

Put things in order at home, in the head and on the head

Maundy Thursday is called the day on Holy Week, when Christ celebrated the supper and washed the feet of each of the 12 disciples, it became known to Wordyou. Since then, for several centuries it has been customary to bathe and restore complete order in one's house, that by Easter everything was shining clean.

Of course, if we talk about whether it is possible to cut hair, then yes, this is not forbidden. And even more than that - in Rus', all people tried to tidy up their hair so that at Easter the hairstyle looked neat and beautiful.

This is quite consistent with those special sensations that you can get on Maundy Thursday. After all, if it is necessary to restore complete order in the house, and also to swim properly, why not dye your hair, cut your hair or visit a beautician? Get ready for the great spring holiday Easter is better in advance.

When is the best time to cut your hair and cut your baby's hair?

And on Maundy Thursday there were such interesting signs and customs:

  1. Often, ladies specially cut off at least a symbolic tuft of hair on Maundy Thursday. Why? - there was a belief that after that the hair would grow much faster and become thicker.
  2. Is it possible to cut and trim a child on Maundy Thursday? If the baby was not yet a year old, then for the first time they tried to cut their hair on Maundy Thursday before Easter. This gave strength and health to the baby and pleased his parents.
  3. By the way, there are still signs among the people that if you get a haircut or cut your hair on this particular day, then they will certainly be thick and beautiful. So girls can take note of this fact.


There is another interesting belief: if you want your skin to be young and your hair to become lush and silky, just put a silver coin in the water for the night, which you will wash your face in the morning. And you can also take it out on Wednesday evening and leave soap or shampoo outside for the night (or you can just put it outside the window) - so that it recharges and can transfer its energy.

Can you dye your hair and cut your nails?

Along with the question of whether it is possible to have a haircut and cut hair on Maundy Thursday, the ladies are also interested in whether it is possible to dye their hair or cut their nails on this day. Such actions are not prohibited - any cosmetic procedures, trips to a beauty salon and other pleasant chores can be planned for this day.

True, there is one delicate point here, which it is better to keep in mind for believers. To create earthly beauty is very good, but you should not forget about heavenly beauty either.

It is interesting to know what the church thinks about this, and to hear the priest's answer to these subtle questions:

The fact is that after Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Saturday are coming. And these are the most mournful days - after all, then the Savior was betrayed and crucified, and then his lifeless body was in the tomb until the resurrection on Easter. It is clear that if we plan to visit the temple these days, then we should take care of our soul to a greater extent - put our thoughts in order, pray and go to the service.

Well, on the day of the Bright Resurrection, as they say, God himself ordered to look beautiful and radiate festive emotions. As always, we are talking about harmony and a sound approach - values ​​that are intuitively understandable to almost every person.

In 2018, the Resurrection of Christ is celebrated by Orthodox believers on April 8. The whole week before Easter is preparatory. People always hear Clean Thursday, Good Friday, Good Saturday. On Great Holidays, it is usually forbidden to do any business, get a haircut, and more. Many people wonder if it is possible to cut hair on Maundy Thursday. The Orthodox Church does not forbid it. On the contrary, since ancient times it was believed that if you cut your hair on this day, your hair will grow faster, be thicker and more beautiful.

Is it possible to get a haircut on Clean Thursday before Easter: the history of the holiday

Many centuries ago, it was on Thursday that the Last Supper took place. The twelve apostles and Jesus Christ gathered there. That evening Jesus washed the feet of the apostles. He wanted to teach a lesson to his disciples - this was the expression of his brotherly love and obedience. From that day on, Thursday began to be called Clean.

In ancient Rus', on such a day, everyone began active preparations for the Great Holiday - the Resurrection of Christ. It was believed that on Clean Thursday a person achieves not only physical, but also spiritual purification.

Is it possible to get a haircut on Maundy Thursday before Easter: traditions and signs of Orthodox believers

An important event was precisely on Maundy Thursday to cut the first curls for one-year-old children. According to this tradition, children will then have a long and happy life. The female representatives also tried to cut off at least a little hair. It was believed that then the woman's hair would become thick, strong and would grow rapidly.

On the Thursday before the Resurrection of Christ, people began cleaning their homes. Believers carefully cleaned and washed everything in the house. It was believed that in this way they rid their house of evil spirits.

They began to clean up from the shelves where the icons stood. Thoroughly washed windows and window sills. Everything was cleaned from dust and dirt. People often found lost things. They said that it was God himself who was helping to find them.

On Maundy Thursday, it is customary to wash all clothes and linens. In ancient times, believers slept even without bedding, as it was washed and dried.

People believed that on this day you can try to attract wealth. It was necessary to count the coins three times during the day. Only it had to be done so that no one saw.

In the old days, Orthodox believers prepared a special "Maundy Thursday salt". They believed that such salt could cure any ailment if consumed with food or drink. There were two options for its preparation:

- the first way was to visit three neighbors, and they had to give a handful of salt in return. Then this salt was mixed and set aside for painful times;

The second method was to roast the salt in a frying pan. During roasting, people read prayers, then poured it into a special bowl and saved it.

So bright holiday Easter, which in 2019 is celebrated on April 28, is associated with many customs and beliefs. “Is it possible to get a haircut on Easter?” some people ask. In the old days, most of the rites related to Easter were performed on Holy Week.

On Maundy Thursday, they cleaned houses and washed windows. On Thursday, they tried to wash themselves early in the morning, before sunrise. Girls who wanted to meet their betrothed performed magical rituals.

Collecting water in their palms, they made a request to meet their beloved, then washed their faces. Then you need to fill your hands a second time, say the words again and pour water on your chest. It is believed that this helps to attract love.

A girl who wants to get married within a year needs to dry herself with a clean towel after bathing on Maundy Thursday. Then, together with the consecrated Easter and colored eggs it is given to the beggars near the church.

Can you get a haircut on Easter?

When can and cannot be cut before Easter and after Easter? According to the established tradition, these days, Orthodox believers observed certain rules.

The girls cut the ends of their hair to make it grow faster. It is believed that hair cut off on Maundy Thursday takes diseases with it, and new ones after that grow strong, healthy and thick.

People of mature age on Easter week, combing their hair, said: “Send me, Lord, as many grandchildren as there are hairs on a comb.”

In the old days, on Maundy Thursday, babies had their hair cut for the first time. The cut hair was not thrown away, but placed in a cloth bag. It was believed that such a charm brought the baby health and happiness.

By the way, there used to be a belief that children under the age of one year cannot cut their hair at all. Now this tradition is also being followed in many families.

When can and cannot be cut before Easter and after Easter?

There are no precise guidelines for this. However, it is known that priests take their hair before Great Lent so that they do not have to do this for seven weeks. So you can take an example from them.

So, is it possible to cut and dye your hair on Easter? If you are a believer and try to keep traditions, you should not get your hair cut on Easter day. It is believed that this is best done after Bright Week, but you can visit the hairdresser during Easter week - there is no big sin in this.

As the priests themselves say, an absolute ban on cutting hair on days Orthodox holidays does not exist. But of course, if possible Orthodox Christian will try to do other things on holiday.

First of all, you need to attend a solemn service in the temple, show attention and care towards your loved ones and do other good deeds.

Good afternoon, Father, I’ll try again to ask a question that I was waiting for, but didn’t get an answer. Is it a sin to cut your hair, an ordinary haircut, not a man’s, but a haircut. After all, the MOTHER OF GOD did not cut her hair, but do we sin when we cut it or not? Please answer, it torments me very much every time I come to the hairdresser.

Good day! And where did you get that Holy Mother of God never cut your hair? There is no reliable confirmation of this anywhere. Another thing is that the haircut should be a good-looking, and not a tribute to fashion. After all, our external often affects the internal. Therefore, cutting and decorating hair can adversely affect internal state souls. Which does not oblige everyone to look sloppy. If your hairstyle is modest, good-looking, then this does not at all exclude the fact that scissors should not touch your hair. In everything you need a measure and reasoning. God bless you!

Hello! Please tell me I want to be baptized on Clean Thursday (April 16). Is it allowed to be baptized during Holy Week?

Good day! I have not seen any canonical prohibitions on performing the sacrament. On Great Saturday at the Liturgy, the troparion “Elitsy baptized into Christ…” is sung, which speaks of the tradition of baptism on this day. Another thing is that the priests these days are very busy and not every church may have time to perform baptism. Therefore, it is better to pre-arrange the possibility of baptism on these days. God bless you!

Hello, Father Andrey! In the prayer book it is written that on Easter week, instead of the morning and evening rules, the Easter hours are read. it is also written that from Easter to the Ascension and from the Ascension to the Trinity, instead of some prayers, other prayers should be read. Please tell me how to properly fulfill the morning and evening rule.

Good day! In Bright Week, instead of morning and evening prayers, Easter hours are read (there are in most prayer books). Until the Trinity, "King of Heaven" is not read. Before the Ascension, at the beginning of the prayers (before the trisagion), “Christ is risen ...” is read three times, it is worthy to be replaced by the refrain and irmos of the 9th song (before the Ascension - “Angel crying ...” and “Shine, shine ...”, from Ascension to the Trinity - “Magnify my soul ... "and" You are more than crazy ... "God bless you!

Never had a night shift. If there is a chance to enter the church, there will probably be a lot of people and you will not go into the Church. Do I need to take a flashlight with me? (Candle). Thank you. And 25 more will distribute artos. Can I get it if I have critical days? (I can’t touch the shrine) and can I be at the service on such days? Or do you need a blessing? Thank you.

In each church on Easter in different ways, somewhere you really can’t enter, but somewhere there is a place. But you need to grab a flashlight, it will come in handy. Different priests have different attitudes towards critical days. My personal opinion - modern facilities hygiene make the former unimportant strict attitude to impurity. I don't see any spiritual impurity in this. But my opinion is not the position of the Church, which has not yet been expressed by the conciliar mind of the Church. Therefore, out of reverence for the shrine, you can limit yourself these days from touching the shrine. God bless you!

You can’t eat anything this Friday, but what if you work? Or can you drink? Or if I last up to 5 hours, then then you can intercept something? Thank you.

Fasting is for man, but not man for fasting. Abstinence is good for the soul, but there must be a measure in this. Therefore, taking into account your load, determine for yourself the measure and severity of abstinence. Nothing wrong with that. God bless you!

Good afternoon I am very concerned about my sister. She is 17 years old. She walks with the company, I won’t say that she’s bad, but drunk she comes almost every day, comes home late at night, is rude to her mother, and the most offensive thing is that she constantly lies. She even began to lie to me, although we were not only sisters, but also as friends. I live in another city and don't know what to do. Mom constantly cries, worries, but I can’t help. I talk to my sister like an adult, without any attacks and curses, but she does everything in her own way. Help us, please explain how to communicate with her? Thank in advance.

Good day! Your situation, unfortunately, is typical for most families where young people are growing up. And it's too late to do anything. It is hardly possible to stop a girl of 17 who has tasted the devilish fruit of freedom. It remains only to pray for her and show her maximum love, which can be appreciated by her in the future. Of course, one should not remain silent, one should speak about the inadmissibility of such behavior, but this is unlikely to help. You just need to wait a few years, not to push her away from you, but also to accustom you to responsibility for your behavior. God bless you!

Hello! Father, please explain with whom a man will meet in eternal life if he was divorced from his first wife, then he met a girl, but she fell in love with him unrequitedly, he is just friends with her; and then he met another girl and married her. Who will he meet in eternity: with his first wife, with this girl whom he did not reciprocate, or with his second wife?
Good day! "In the Kingdom of God they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but abide as angels of God" (Matthew 22:23-32). If you mean it. And the meeting ... I think that everyone will meet with everyone in eternity, the question is, who wants to stay with whom in eternity? Here, I think, it all depends on personal preferences, which are also influenced by earthly life. God bless you!

Hello Father! Please tell me, will I meet after death with a loved one whom I love unrequitedly? And if he does not want to meet with me in eternity?
Good day! I have already answered this question above.

Hello, father. Thanks for taking the time to answer my previous question. I have diabetes. Cereals, potatoes, bread, fruits - everything that people eat in fasting - I either can’t, or it’s very limited. If I eat only vegetables, sugar drops sharply and I can lose consciousness. I can stand it for three days, but I would like to go through the entire post. Are there any tips for diabetics or relief? Where to read about it? Or is it decided individually with the confessor

Good day! The issue of abstinence in diabetes should be resolved not only with the confessor, but also with the attending physician. Only knowing your illness, everything possible consequences lean diet, the doctor can advise the optimal abstinence, which will not affect health. Of course, we must remember that the most important thing in fasting is the abstinence of feelings, and not dry eating. Food is only an assistant in fasting, and not an end in itself. God bless you!

Bless, Father! I have a very important question for you: can I go to Gym(in the classroom, strength exercises are combined with cardio loads, and these are movements to music, dances) or is it not worth it? Sorry for the possibly stupid question. Thank you in advance!

God's blessing on you! I think that, if possible, such events should be avoided these days. All the same, Holy Week is a special day, and they should be spent accordingly, in prayer, repentance, remembrance of the Passion of the Lord. God bless you!

Father, good health to you! Please bless me, I will bake pastries today! Please, I'm very worried, I'm baking almost for the first time.

Thank you very much for your well wishes! God's blessing on you! Help the Lord!

Good day! ya hotel uznat a kak mne samomu mojno uznat kakogo u menya imenini? ili imya Angela moego takoe je kak i moe .. izvinite za mojet glupii vopros no ya nikogda daje etogo ne znal.. esli vam tak je nujen den rojdeniya to eto 1983 13 April. ili vi mojete skazat kak mne eto vichislit. Ogromnoe Spasibo..

Good day! On May 13, the memory of the Apostle James of Zevedeev is celebrated, if you are baptized with the name Jacob, then this is your saint. God bless you!

Hello Father Andrew! I would like to ask you why God the Father sent His God the Son to an Israeli city, and not, for example, to Great Britain, Germany, France or any other country?

Good day! At the time of the Nativity of Christ, only in Israel was the doctrine of the One God the Creator preserved, therefore it was to this people that the promise was given that from their midst the Savior of the world would come into the world. God bless you!
