Spring folk holidays in Rus' presentation. Presentation on the topic: Russian holidays

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Trinity festivities Holy Trinity Day is celebrated by the church on the fiftieth day after Easter, which is why it is also called Pentecost. On this day, the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles is remembered. The Holy Spirit descended on the apostles as they all gathered together in the Zion Upper Room in Jerusalem. Suddenly there was a loud noise from the sky, as if from a rushing strong wind, and this noise filled the whole house in which they were. Then they all saw, as it were, tongues of fire separating, and one fiery tongue rested on each of the apostles.

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The Old Testament Trinity (hospitality of Abraham) The Holy Spirit descended from heaven gave the apostles the grace of the priesthood to build the Church on earth, strength and intelligence to preach the Word of God throughout the world. This day is considered the birthday of the New Testament Church and has been solemnly celebrated since ancient times.

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Dormition Holy Mother of God Dormition - one of the twelve great church holidays- celebrated on August 15 according to the old style, August 28 in a new way. From August 1, according to the old style, or August 14, according to the new one, a two-week strict Assumption fast begins. Why do we not grieve on the day of the death of the Mother of God, but celebrate this event? Because the word “assumption” alone shows that the death of the Mother of God was extraordinary. It was like a short sleep, followed by a birth into eternal life.

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The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos This feast in honor of the Virgin is truly adorned with many and great gifts and rightly revered as the day of the salvation of the whole world, wrote St. Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople, in the 9th century. The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos is the result and crown of the Old Testament, all the hopes and aspirations of pre-Christian mankind. The feast of the Nativity of the Virgin introduces a person into a very special circle of ideas and reflections. Through a long series of generations, the Providence of God prepared for itself on earth this vessel of the Divine. “Blessed Mary, descending in a straight line from Abraham and David, considers the Old Testament patriarchs, many high priests, leaders and kings of the Jews among her ancestors. Thus, if worthy of respect for valor, spiritual qualities and merits are assimilated and bring respect to the name of their descendants in the world; then faith, meekness, courage, patience and other virtues of the kind of Abraham and David adorned Her name at the very birth of the Virgin Mary.

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Maslenitsa Maslenitsa is an old Russian folk holiday, which originates from the time of ancient, pagan Rus'. The holiday intertwined both pagan and Christian customs. The holiday does not have a fixed calendar date, it is celebrated according to the church calendar at the end of winter - the beginning of spring. Shrovetide is an ancient Slavic holiday that we inherited from pagan culture. This is a cheerful farewell to winter, illuminated by the joyful expectation of close warmth, spring renewal of nature. For seven whole days folk festivities continue with songs, dances, Russian folk games, horseback riding, ditties. On the most cheerful last day of Maslenitsa - Forgiveness Sunday- an effigy is burned and everyone asks each other for forgiveness, being freed from sins before Great Lent. Since ancient times, round, ruddy, hot pancakes have been considered an indispensable and most important attribute of Maslenitsa since ancient times - a symbol of the sun, which flared up brighter, lengthening the days. With butter, sour cream, caviar, mushrooms or sturgeon - for every taste! The holiday is celebrated on a special scale in Suzdal. Many people come here to have fun in the winter, to meet the long-awaited spring. Maslenitsa in Suzdal - bright and unforgettable holiday, which is accompanied by games, fun, theatrical folklore performances, horseback riding, burning scarecrows, delicious pancakes and Russian cuisine. Celebrate Maslenitsa in Suzdal, meet spring cheerfully, brightly and noisily!

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Epiphany Another Orthodox holiday is celebrated annually in Suzdal - Epiphany. The Feast of the Epiphany is very significant holiday for the Orthodox. The rite of Baptism is a special sacrament of the Orthodox Church, during which the person being baptized is cleansed of the sins of a past life. The history of the feast of Baptism is interesting. The holiday commemorates the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. It is believed that by celebrating this holiday according to all the rules, the believer gets rid of all diseases and ailments.

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Baptism The rite of Baptism is a special sacrament of the Orthodox Church, during which the person being baptized is cleansed of the sins of a past life. In Rus', on the day of Orthodox baptism, it is customary to dive into the hole. It is believed that water on the night of Epiphany acquires supernatural properties, has an extraordinary healing power, cures all kinds of ailments, heals both the body and the spirit. For many Orthodox, the feast of Epiphany is becoming a good tradition of strengthening faith, spirit and body. For these purposes, a special bath is cut through, where everyone who wants to perform the rite of Baptism can get. Swimming in the hole takes place in a civilized manner, under the supervision of rescuers and doctors. Swimming in the ice hole is a wonderful hardening and cleansing of the body, good spirits and a lot of impressions and enthusiastic stories.

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Easter In the spring, after a long harsh winter, after a strict fast, the Orthodox celebrate Holy holiday Easter. Easter is the greatest, great holiday for all believing Christians. On Easter, the entire Orthodox world sings of the deliverance of all mankind from the slavery of the devil. But for this, you must first go through a strict long fast, thereby proving your readiness and desire to free yourself from filth. This period is full of prayers, services, church hymns. We must forgive everyone and ask for forgiveness from others. Orthodox Easter is the brightest, most beautiful, touching, instructive, kind Orthodox holiday. On Easter, it is customary to paint eggs as a symbol of resurrection, bake Easter cakes, cook Easter cottage cheese. On Easter, it is customary to exchange colored eggs with the words "Christ is Risen." Holiday Orthodox Easter starts at midnight between Holy Saturday and Sunday. The service begins at midnight with beautiful hymns, then all the faithful go to the procession. The significance of the Easter holiday is very great for the Orthodox, this is the greatest holiday of purification and forgiveness.

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Night of Ivan Kupala July 9 to July 10 (at night) For a day summer solstice the holiday of Ivan Kupala is the holiday of water and fire. Our ancestors called Ivan Kupala the pagan god of fertility. Kupalo was portrayed as a brave young man with curly hair and beard. Kostroma, a young woman in white clothes with an oak branch in her hands, was considered a symbol of fertility. Our ancestors regularly celebrated this holiday, believing in the mercy of the gods and hoping for a rich harvest. But modern reality has placed its accents - the holiday of Ivan Kupala is a time for relaxation, entertainment and fun. The holiday of Ivan Kupala is distinguished by mystery. By folk beliefs This night the herbs have the greatest healing power. The dew was removed from the grass with a white tablecloth and washed - it was believed that diseases go away with the dew. The celebrants bathed in the rivers to relieve their illnesses. One of the traditions was to lower the set fire to the river: a symbol of the turning of the sun towards winter. Bonfires were lit on the banks of the river, round dances were held, ritual games were arranged, they were waiting for the meeting of the month with the sun. There is a beautiful legend that ferns bloom once a year on this night. And with the help of this flower, buried treasures are opened.

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Christmas Christmas is a bright, pure religious holiday. Even our ancestors praised Kolyada. Kolyada is the pagan god of feasts and peace. Here mixed Christian and pagan customs. The mummers entered the houses, on the windows of which candles were burning, arranged dances, sang carols, and amused the owners with jokes. For this, the hospitable hosts treated the mummers with sweets and gave gifts. Today, Christmas has not lost its relevance. It's family home holiday that brings different generations together. Sledding, songs, dances, theatrical performances, competitions and invariable gifts.

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Easter - Light Christ's Resurrection- most great holiday in the Russian Orthodox Church.
On Easter, all Christians must do good, merciful deeds.
On Easter everyone gives each other colored eggs, are eating Easter cakes and curd Easter.
Apple Spas (August 19)
According to a long tradition in Rus', apples were picked on this day and carried to the church for consecration. Also on this day they continue to consecrate honey, cherries, plums, other fruits and even vegetables.
The most active harvesting of apples for the winter begins with Apple Spas; It was customary to pick apples early in the morning.
Veil (October 14)
Intercession is one of the most beloved Russian autumn holidays (Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos). On this day they said: "Father Pokrov, cover the hut with warmth, and the hostess with kindness."
On this day, the girls always prayed for the appearance of a good groom for them - Pokrov was considered the patron saint of weddings.
From the day of the Intercession, they began to regularly heat stoves in the huts.
Maslenitsa (seeing off Winter and meeting Spring) has always been one of the most happy Holidays in Rus'. The people called Maslenitsa the noblewoman, cheerful, wide, riotous, honest.
Shrovetide is the time for pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes, pies, donuts and all kinds of other delicacies.
Pancakes are an obligatory treat for the Maslenitsa holiday. Many Russian proverbs and sayings speak about this: “Like pancakes flew to the ceiling on Maslenitsa”, “Ride on the slides on Maslenitsa, roll in pancakes”, “Not life, but Maslenitsa”.
Honey Spas(August 14)
It was believed that it was from this day that the bees cease to bring honey. On this day, it was customary to take all the collected honey to the church and consecrate it.
Not only honey was harvested on this day. There was an active collection of berries - raspberries, bird cherry, medicinal herbs.
Holidays in Rus'
teacher primary school MBOU secondary school No.
182 Novosibirsk
Vera Vladimirovna
Epiphany (January 19)
A feature of this holiday are two great blessings of water, in contrast to the "small" ones, which can be performed on any other days.
In some provinces, it was believed that on the night of Epiphany, the angels themselves descend to earth and bless the water in all sources and reservoirs.
The priest consecrated the water by reciting the appropriate prayers and plunging the cross into the hole three times. After that, everyone tried to scoop up the consecrated baptismal water. Then many people jumped into the icy water and bathed.
Ilyin's day (August 2)
On this day (August 2, according to a new style), the Russian Orthodox Church remembers Elijah the prophet. In Rus', Elijah the prophet was universally referred to as "terrible", and this day was considered the most dangerous day of the year. The people believed that there was rarely a thunderstorm on Ilya. If on that day there is not a cloud in the sky, then bread will not be born.
After Ilyin’s day, it was no longer supposed to swim in the river, because “Ilya cooled the water”, and the water does not rejoice at those who go across Ilya.
Christmas time
It's two weeks winter holidays, starting on Christmas Eve and continuing until Epiphany (January 19), they were the main Russian winter holiday.
According to Russian beliefs, with the beginning of Christmas time, the souls of the dead return to earth from the other world, as well as all sorts of evil spirits, which is why fun begins on earth. evil spirits and witches. The Christmas customs of pagan Rus' were spells for well-being for the whole next year and divination about the future.
Working at Christmas time was considered a sin.
the occupation at Christmas time was walking in mummers, fortune-telling and the so-called pampering (the three main Christmas customs).
Thank you for your attention!
Ivan Kupala (July 7)
Kupala is the oldest Slavic holiday of thanksgiving to the sun and the generosity of the forest. All Slavs on this day wove wreaths of flowers and put them on their heads, and also girded themselves with a belt of flowers and herbs. On this day, dances were performed and songs were sung.
"Love" Kupala was called because only on this day (and only once a year), according to popular belief, a fern blooms, with the help of which "a girl's heart is lit with fires for love." And whoever finds such a flower will be loved and happy.
Most of the rituals performed on the eve of the day of Ivan Kupala were associated with protection from possible evil spirits.
Christmas (January 7)
This is one of the biggest Christian holidays. On the night before Christmas, many went to church; if the church was not nearby, women usually engaged in divination.
From Christmas to Epiphany, hunting animals and birds was considered a sin.
The people believed that snow at Christmas - for the harvest year, a blizzard - the bees will swarm well, frost - for the harvest of bread, the starry sky - for the harvest of peas.
Trinity Day (Trinity or Pentecost) - takes place on the seventh Sunday after Easter. This is the fiftieth day after Easter, a holiday in honor of the Triune God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles.
On this day, everyone came to church with birch branches or bouquets of wildflowers. Wildflowers that visited the Trinity in the church were dried and kept behind the icons on the shrine. Or they were placed in the beds so that there were no mice, and in the attic so that there would be no fire in the house.
Sign of the Trinity: it will rain on Trinity
many mushrooms in the forests.
Nut Savior (August 29)
On this day, in Central Russia and in the southern provinces, they began to harvest nuts.
On the third Savior, people watched the departure of cranes. If the cranes flew south to the third Spas, then there will be frost on Pokrov (October 14), if not, then winter will begin later.

Compiled by: Batueva S.A, primary school teacher, MBOU "Secondary School" No. 25, Balakovo They say that lovers get married in heaven ... Weddings held in the Russian Tradition are filled with meaning, fun, valiant prowess, girlish beauty and the power of a new Life. Summer Solstice Festival. The boys are cutting down the tree. It is installed on a place chosen for the festivities - a clean, flat field, a mound, a river bank, a lake. The girls decorate the tree with flowers and colored scraps of fabric. The tree is popularly called "madder" or "kupala". Under the tree they fit the image of Yarila - a doll. "Yarila" is dressed in clothes, decorated with a wreath, flowers and ribbons. They kindle a fire. Near this fire and the most fun will go. Protective herbs and wreaths are distributed to all participants. The celebration starts around 4:00 pm. The girls start a round dance around the birch and sing. There is fun, they make riddles, they go dressed up, they arrange games: “lizard”, “brook”, “horses”. Well done fights for fun show. The girls are on the sidelines, they are watching the betrothed. When the fire burns out and settles down, the choice of the betrothed begins. The girl pats the guy on the shoulder and runs away, and he runs to catch up with her. Having caught her, he leads her to the fire, over which they jump ... Christmas is one of the main Orthodox holidays. According to church tradition, Jesus Christ was born on the night of January 7th. It is from this day that the so-called Christmas time begins, which lasts for two weeks. For Orthodox Christians, this holiday is associated great amount traditions and rituals. One of them is Christmas carols. The word carol comes from the Latin calendae, which means the first day of the month. Previously, the Slavs used the word carol to call Christmas, but over time, the meaning of the word changed, and ritual songs that were treated at home on Christmas Eve began to be called carols. The carol squad (mostly children and youth) went out into the street with a star and a nativity scene (an old folk puppet theater) as soon as dusk fell. Carolers dressed up in costumes and masks so that they could not be recognized. They dressed up as bears, goats, horses, gypsies. The main meaning of the carols is the praise of the house in which the carolers came, its families, as well as various wishes for wealth and a good harvest. Carol came On the eve of Christmas, Give me a cow, Maslyan's head. And God bless the one who is in this house. The rye is thick for him, the rye is stingy. He has an octopus from an ear, A carpet made of grain for him, A pie made of half-grain. The Lord would give you And life, and being, And wealth. And create for you, Lord, Even better than that! And at that time, the girls also arranged Christmas fortune-telling, wanting to see the betrothed - the mummers ... Traditional pysanka A living egg is the embryo of a future life. Now eggs are painted only on Clean Thursday - Easter, and in ancient times it was a whole cycle of rituals associated with the fertility of nature and man. These ceremonies were conducted mainly by women, secretly and carefully storing and transmitting the protective magic of the symbols inscribed on a living egg - the embryo of a future bird. But the bird in our ancient symbolism did not mean anything, but the human soul, embodied or not embodied in the body. And these symbols worked, healed both the bodies and souls of both the craftswomen themselves and those to whom the Easter eggs were intended. It was huge world symbols, sometimes showing the arrangement of the universe and the path of the soul through the divine worlds, sometimes keeping health or attracting wealth, sometimes giving strength to warriors for battle or women in childbirth in the birth of a child. A huge colorful world, where rage, and love, and tenderness, and the desire to go up were written out with hands ... Throughout the spring, eggs "pysanka", "krashenok" are painted - and various games are played with them. The church Easter calendar has largely obscured the essence of the rituals associated with eggs, but the content of the painting of Easter eggs takes us into deep antiquity. There are also heavenly deer, and pictures of the world, and many ancient symbols of life and fertility. In ethnographic museums, thousands of Easter eggs are stored, which are the most massive heritage of Slavic ideas. Eggs, both colored and white, play an important role in spring rituals: departure for the first plowing is done “with salt, with bread, with a white egg”; an egg is broken on the head of a horse or a plowing ox; an egg and a biscuit - a cross is an obligatory accessory of the rites when sowing. Often, eggs are buried in the ground, rolled across a sown field. Eggs are laid under the feet of cattle during pasture on St. George's day and lelnik, they are placed at the gate of the barn so that the cattle step over them; they go around the cattle with eggs and give them to the shepherd. So, to summarize: Slavic pysanka is an ancient folk view art, and at the same time - a message to the gods who protect the human race. Christ is risen! Everywhere the blessing is buzzing, From all the churches people are pouring down. The dawn is already looking from heaven ... Christ is risen! Christ is risen! The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields, And the rivers are torn from the shackles, And the nearby forest is turning green ... Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Here the earth is waking up, And the fields are dressing, Spring is coming, full of miracles! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Here and round dances and quadrilles by all the people And children's games, and valiant fun. If you want to lift a weight, if you want to play with children, if you have the strength - to a pole, or to a bathhouse, so that. And to cope with the mountain, first go through a wall fight. With Baba Maslyana, send misfortune and ailment to the fire. Gaining strength for a whole year, will give flight through the fire. Shrovetide is an ancient Slavic holiday that we inherited from pagan culture. This is a cheerful farewell to winter, illuminated by the joyful expectation of close warmth, spring renewal of nature. Even pancakes, an indispensable attribute of Maslenitsa, had a ritual meaning: round, ruddy, hot, they were a symbol of the sun, which flared up brighter, lengthening the days. It is possible that pancakes were also part of the funeral rite, since Shrovetide was preceded by a “parents' day”, when the Slavs worshiped the souls of their deceased ancestors. Every day of Shrove Tuesday has its own name. Monday - meeting. By this day, mountains, swings, booths were being completed. Those who were richer began to bake pancakes. The first pancake was given to the poor in remembrance of the dead. Tuesday - games. In the morning, young people were invited to ride down the mountains and eat pancakes. They called relatives and friends: “We have de mountains ready, and pancakes are baked - please favor.” Wednesday - gourmets. On this day, the son-in-law came "to the mother-in-law for pancakes." In addition to the son-in-law, the mother-in-law invited other guests. Thursday - wide revelry. From that day on, Shrovetide unfolded in full breadth. The people indulged in all kinds of fun: ice mountains, booths, swings, horseback riding, carnivals, fist fights, noisy revels. Friday - mother-in-law evening. Sons-in-law invited their mother-in-laws to visit, treated them to pancakes. Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings. Young daughters-in-law invited their sister-in-laws to visit. The newlywed daughter-in-law had to give her sister-in-law some gift. The last day of Maslenitsa is Forgiveness Sunday. Everyone asks each other for forgiveness, bows at their feet, and in response they hear: "God will forgive." In the Orthodox Church, it is believed that the meaning of Maslenitsa is reconciliation with neighbors, forgiveness of offenses, preparation for Great Lent - a time that needs to be devoted to good communication with neighbors, relatives, friends, and doing good. Lenten services begin in churches. On Wednesday and Friday, the Divine Liturgy is not celebrated, the Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian is read. Walk around - one of the days of Shrovetide. Take a walk on a sunny day in the fresh air with songs, dances and the tradition of burning Shrovetide. On September 14, Osenins are celebrated - the first meeting of autumn according to the folk calendar. From that day on, Rus' began to celebrate autumn weddings, moved to new homes, carried out the ceremony of initiation of boys who had reached the age of seven, into youths, marking their new role in the community. September 14 - the beginning of the Indian summer, which lasts up to three weeks in some areas. September 14 is also called the day of Seeds of the Pilot in memory of Simeon the Stylite, who lived in the 5th century. This man became famous for his selfless way of life, laying the foundation for a new type of asceticism - pilgrimage, they learned from him to endure the difficulties of human existence in the name of a holy cause. When preparing the presentation, materials from the following sites were used: http://www.prazad.com; http://www.proshkolu.ru; http:// www.24open.ru ; http://ru.wikipedia.org

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Holidays in the Russian village of the past were an important part of the social and family life. The peasants even said: “We have been working for the holiday all year long.” The holiday was perceived by the religious consciousness of people as something sacred, the opposite of everyday life - Everyday life. If weekdays were interpreted as a time in which a person should be engaged in worldly affairs, earning their daily bread, then the holiday was understood as a time of merging with the divine and familiarizing with the sacred values ​​of the community, its sacred history.

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First of all, the holiday was considered obligatory for all members of the village community who had reached adulthood. Children, old people, cripples, old maidens, sick people were not allowed to the holiday, as some have not yet reached the age of understanding sacred values, while others are already on the verge between the world of the living and the world of the dead, others have not fulfilled their destiny on earth - they have not entered into marriage.

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The holiday also assumed complete freedom from any work. On this day, it was forbidden to plow, mow, reap, sew, clean the hut, chop wood, spin, weave, that is, perform all the daily peasant work. The holiday obligated people to dress smartly, to choose pleasant, joyful topics for conversation, to behave differently: to be cheerful, friendly, hospitable.

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A characteristic feature of the holiday was the crowd. A quiet village on weekdays was filled with invited and uninvited guests - beggars, wanderers, pilgrims, walkers, leaders with bears, booths, raeshniks, puppeteers, fair traders, peddlers. The holiday was perceived as a day of transformation of a village, a house, a person. To those who break the rules holiday, harsh measures were applied: from a monetary fine, whipping to complete expulsion from the village community.

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In the Russian village, all holidays were included in a single multi-stage sequence. They coped from year to year, from century to century, in a certain order established by tradition. Among them was main holiday, which, from the point of view of the peasants, had the greatest sacred power, is Easter. Great holidays: Christmas, Trinity, Maslenitsa, Ivanov and Petrov days and small holidays, they were also called semi-holidays, were associated with the beginning of various kinds of peasant work: the first day of sowing grain, harvesting cabbage for the winter and others.

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For holidays not related to church tradition, included Christmas time, Shrovetide, cherished holidays - in memory of some village event, often tragic, in the hope of propitiating nature, a deity, as well as various men's, women's and youth holidays.

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  • Christmas, Christmas time:
    • carols;
    • Mummers;
    • Christmas carols;
    • spiritual verses;
    • Christmas divination;
    • Subservient songs;
    • Rites;
    • Games.
  • Baptism:
    • gatherings;
    • Evenings;
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    • Wide Shrovetide;
    • Palm Sunday;
    • Easter;
    • Krasnaya Gorka (spring invocation; weddings);
    • Semik;
    • Trinity.
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    Summer Red

    • Ivan Kupala;
    • Petrov Day;
    • Ilyin Day;
    • Spas (honey, apple, nut);
    • Summer Mermaids
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    Autumn is golden

    • Osenins;
    • Dozhinki - a holiday of the last sheaf;
    • Skit;
    • Harvest Festival;
    • Autumn fair;
    • Halloween in Russian: ghouls, ghouls, goblin, mermen, kikimors, witches.
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    September 21 - Autumn

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    September 21

    • IN church calendar on this day there is a big holiday - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is believed that it was on September 21 that the daughter Mary was born in the family of the righteous Joachim and Anna. In Orthodoxy, the holiday is one of the twelve - that is, the main ones of the year.
    • On the Most Pure, on the day of the autumn equinox, the second meeting of autumn was celebrated.
    • Date according to the old style: 8 September.
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    Mother of God

    Very little is known about the birth of the Virgin. According to legend, the pious couple from Jerusalem did not have children for a long time. When Joachim retired to the desert to pray for the birth of a child, an angel appeared to both him and his wife, announcing that their offspring "would be spoken of throughout the world." Nine months later, Anna gave birth to a girl.

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    She was a Virgo not only in body, but also in soul: humble in heart, prudent in words, prudent, reticent, a lover of reading, industrious, chaste in speech, honoring not a person, but God as the judge of her thoughts. Her rule was to be kind to everyone, to honor elders , do not envy equals, avoid boasting, be sane, love virtue.

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    • The holiday is dedicated to the harvest, fertility and family well-being. By this time, field work is being completed: harvesting, exporting grain to barns, harvesting flax. The foundation for the well-being of the family for the coming year has been laid. On this day, they honored and thanked the Mother of God for the harvest. It is believed that she gives well-being, patronizes agriculture, family and especially mothers.
    • Harvest Festival, sometimes celebrated for a whole week - with games, songs, dances, feasts. Osenins were met by the water. Early in the morning, women went to the banks of rivers and lakes with bread. The older woman stood with the loaf, and the young ones sang songs to the glory of the Mother of God. After that, the bread was broken into pieces according to the number of those gathered: each woman took her piece home and fed the cattle with it.
    • The symbols of the holiday are oats, popular prints with grain and homemade bread.
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    In the people this day is called the Second Most Pure

    • Relatives came to the newlyweds on the Most Pure: they watched how they live, taught them the mind. The young hostess was supposed to feed the guests with a delicious dinner and give her parents round pies, and her husband was supposed to show the household: live in the barns, harness and tools in the sheds.
    • It's traditional women's holiday: a woman is revered as the successor of the family.
    • On this day, women turn their prayers to the Mother of God so that the Holy Intercessor sends a child. After the service, it is imperative to give alms or invite the destitute, orphans, and the sick to dinner.
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    Name day on this day George, Ivan

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    On the Most Pure, on the day of the autumn equinox, they celebrated the second meeting of autumn and observed signs. If the weather was good, then the whole autumn should have been like that.

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    Day of military glory of Russia

    This is significant and memorable date for any Russian person. On September 8 (September 21, according to the new style), 1380, a great battle took place on the Kulikovo field. The Russian regiments led by the Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir Dmitry Ivanovich (Dmitry Donskoy) gave a decisive battle, in the history of Russia at that time, to the Horde troops led by Khan Mamai. The battle was called Kulikovo and was a turning point in the struggle of the Russian people against the yoke of the Golden Horde. This is one of the days of military glory of Russia, celebrated annually on September 21

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    International Day of Peace

    For most people on planet Earth, peace is an everyday reality. Our streets are calm, our children go to school. Where the foundations of society are strong, the priceless gift of peace may not be noticed by anyone in particular. However, for too many people in today's world, this gift is nothing more than a dream. They live in chains, in an atmosphere of instability and fear. For them, basically, this day exists. In 1982, in its resolution, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the International Day of Peace (International Day of Peace) as a day of universal ceasefire and non-violence. Since then, the holiday, celebrated annually on September 21, has involved millions of people, covering many countries and regions. It is designed to make people not only think about the world, but also do something for it.

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