Thematic week “Parts of the human body”. Thematic week “Parts of the human body” Human organs coloring for children

Good morning, Dear friends!

Over the weekend, I made a small poster for my daughter with body parts using the example of a cute boy.

With it, you can clearly explain and show where a person has: head, hair, mouth, ears, eyes, forehead, neck, palm, finger, wrist, stomach, navel, chest, legs, knees, heels, feet, etc. d.

In addition, I also inserted an image of a hand and a listing of the names of all fingers here - thumb, index, middle, ring, little finger. The daughter looked at it with interest.

I recommend this educational material about parts of the human body for viewing by both the youngest children from 1 year old and older children. Show it several times a day, ask the baby to find in the picture where this or that part of the human body is. Or you can just hang it on the wall and from time to time come up and examine it.

Good luck to all.

poster in pictures

Mini poster: "Body Parts for Kids" can be downloaded here:

Cards and photos

Here you can download and print a selection of educational cards for your child on the subject of a person and the structure of his body. Cards are designed for ages 1 and up. They will introduce your baby to the main parts of the human body in an easy and accessible form, and they can also be included in developmental classes in kindergartens, schools early development, elementary school and just at home.

Parts of the body and human organs.

We are studying in the fourth week parts of the human body. This set is not ordinary, but in the form of a book. I competed with her. About the creation of the book, little tricks and our games with it.

Games are designed for kids from 1.5 years to 3 years. For classes with a small child (from 1.5 years old), you can print out not a complete set, but only those games that are more suitable and you like. We use some tasks of the set once (we color, cut, etc.), while others are hidden in a file in order to draw on top with a dry-erase marker and erase.

Game set aimed at: the development of speech, fine motor skills, logic, memory, attention, coordination of movements, preparing the hand for writing.

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Thematic set “Parts of the human body”

The kit includes the following worksheets for kids:

  1. Sheet-cover for coloring and application. You can stick hair from threads together with your child, decorate clothes, etc.
  2. Coloring book with signed body parts. It is necessary to color the boy and name the parts of the body. Mom can slide her finger over the inscriptions while reading them so that the child can see what mom is reading.
  3. Coloring book with and a verse about him. Read, color, name parts of the body, show wings and a halo.
  4. What to wear where? Task: draw lines from the object to the place where it is put on. For example, a bow is put on the head.
  5. Model the facial features of a person from dough and plasticine. Mom can give the child blanks that she will mold with her own hands, and the baby will simply stick them on: eyes, mouth, eyebrows. The baby can stick the hair himself from small pieces or one large piece.
  6. Connect the face and its shape. This task is for children closer to the age of 3 who know simple geometric shapes. Toddlers can follow their mother's instructions or hand in their mother's hand.
  7. Finger gymnastics “Finger, finger, where is your house?” You can read a poem, play with the baby's palm, draw a house on it. When asking a question to a finger, we gently pull for it, and when the finger answers, we bend it to the center of the palm into a house. We show fingers in the picture, call them.
  8. Color the dress. We dip our finger into the paint and try to paint only the dress.
  9. Draw a line. Task for the development of speech and preparation of the hand for writing. Let the kid draw a line with a marker, and mom will tell us what we see, hear, smell, taste and touch. Perhaps older kids will be able to answer these questions on their own.
  10. Book-game “Pick up the body to the head”. fun game to select the appropriate head and body.

P.S. As always, a deep bow and many thanks for the reposts and word of mouth!

Preschoolers need to get at least minimal information about anatomy, to be able to name parts of their body. This topic is included in the educational program for kids from 3 to 5 years old. Pictures for children “Parts of the human body” help teachers of kindergartens and educational centers to make such lessons not theoretical, but filled with examples, visualize new knowledge. How to build a lesson with kindergarteners, what exercises, games help memorize new material, we will tell in our article.

Didactic preparation of classes

The formation of ideas about the human body begins with an early preschool age. cognitive activities with the help of colorful pictures “Parts of the human body” is carried out in preschool educational institutions and at home with parents.

Moms and dads set tasks unconsciously, they simply seek to expand the circle of knowledge of the baby. Kindergarten teachers formulate goals and objectives for each lesson on the topic, based on the order of the lesson, the age of preschoolers and the novelty of the material.


Among the goals of developing and training classes, the following can be distinguished:

  1. To give an idea of ​​the human body, its parts and structure through the game.
  2. Expand your preschooler's vocabulary.
  3. Create a desire for healthy lifestyle life, caring for yourself and your health.

On a note! When planning classes on the topic “Parts of the human body for children in pictures”, choose clear, bright drawings, where all organs are shown separately. So the kids will better remember and understand the new information.


If the topic “Parts of the Human Body” is revealed to children for the first time, then pay special attention to introducing the kids to vocabulary, to activating attention and interest in anatomy. In subsequent lessons, reinforce the material, promote independent activity, use the creative potential of preschoolers. For one lesson, it is enough to choose 3-4 feasible tasks.

Educational tasks for classes:

  1. To give a concept of the human body, parts of the body, sensory organs and their functions (performed in lesson 1 on the topic).
  2. Learn to correctly name, show the main organs (a mandatory task for 2 and subsequent lessons on the topic).
  3. To give an idea of ​​the individuality and similarity of the body structure of different people.

Development tasks:

  1. Learn to match words and actions.
  2. Develop thinking, memory, imagination.
  3. Provoke and improve monologue, dialogic speech.
  4. Develop the ability to defend your opinion, use evidence in a dispute.
  5. Develop fine motor skills(as a warm-up, creative tasks).
  6. Develop articulation.

Educational tasks:

  1. Support the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others, interest in other pupils in the group.
  3. Learn to listen to others and not be afraid to make a mistake when answering questions.
  4. Develop independence.

Lesson progress

lesson in preschool can be built according to the following approximate plan:

Lesson stage What does it include Duration
1. Organizing time We activate the attention of the kids at the beginning of the lesson. We say hello, sit down, create silence. 1-2 minutes
2. Introduction We motivate interest in what is happening. You can ask a provocative question (Who knows how many body parts a person has? And others). Or tell interesting story about a fairy-tale character who could not find and list all the parts of his body. Offer to help the character. 3-4 minutes
3. Statement of the task and objectives of the lesson We discuss with the children what we will do in class today, what we will learn new and interesting things (with children 3-4 years old), create a problem situation with children 5-6 years old. 1-2 minutes
4. Games Choose games aimed at memorizing the names of organs and their functions. Games can be played in the form of a physical activity. 4 minutes
5. Warm-ups Finger gymnastics. Performs two tasks: developing motor skills and learning the names of each finger 3-4 minutes
6. Practical part We look at pictures. We find parts of our body, with a friend, on a doll. Coloring, drawing. 10 minutes
7. Reflection, summing up Evaluate the lesson: liked it - did not like it. What have you learned? Brief repetition of the main points (vocabulary). Riddles can be included in the reflection. 2-3 minutes

Children 2-3 years old finger gymnastics replaces the game and warm-up. It can be used at the stage of reflection. Learn memorable poems, show how to stretch your fingers, palms yourself.

This is a finger - grandfather,
This finger is a grandmother,
This is a finger - dad,
This is a finger - mom,
This finger is me
That's my whole family!

The kids bend their fingers on each handle separately, intensively shake their fists on the last lines.


Use at the practical stage of the lesson. You will need pictures “Parts of the body” for children for clarity and example.

  • We make up a person

Each child is given pictures of one part of the human body. The finished version is created in a group. Arrange competitions for the elders: who will quickly correctly assemble a person.

  • Where is the couple?

Mix the body parts for children in pictures. In one pile there should be paired parts and unpaired parts. Task: to separate images on the basis of pairing. Legs, ears, eyes, hands - in one, the rest - in another.

  • call me affectionately

I don’t have a hand, but a hand, not a head, but a little head ... It is advisable to combine lexical exercises with physical warm-up (stroke legs, arms, shake your head, stretch your body to height). Naming a word, preschoolers look at pictures or photos for children “Parts of the human body”.

Important! Images cannot be printed in black and white. Pictures for viewing should be bright.


Conduct game exercises in a group, actively. The main goal of games is to provide new information in a memorable way. Positive emotions simplify the process of assimilation and consolidation.

  • Why are they needed?

Game in the form of a question and answer. There are several options for answers: detailed or yes - no. For children 3-4 years fit next variant of questions: Do you need ears to hear? YES! Do you need legs to eat? No! And so on.

Preschoolers middle group ask a direct question: Why do we need legs, a head, etc. If possible, ask to justify the answer, to argue.

  • Robot

One child stands in the center of the group and performs several tasks from the children. For example, turn your head, wave your hand. The main thing is that in setting the task for the robot, preschoolers should use the names of body parts.

  • Guess how much

The teacher shows a selection of photos on the topic “Sense organs pictures for children” and asks. How many ears, nostrils, tongues, eyes does a person have? He asks to prove the correctness of the answer by showing himself.

Skeletal system

Digestive system

Respiratory system

Circulatory system


Lay out pictures or photos for children on the topic “Parts of the Body” on a large table. Gather the kids around him. Guess riddles, the answer will be a raised card with a picture of a riddle. Be sure to ask the respondent to name the correct organ, point to yourself or a neighbor.

  • Nobody sows them, nobody plants them, they grow by themselves! (Hair).
  • In two holes, air wanders, then goes out, then comes in. (Nose).
  • I will open my barn and show my friends the little white sheep. (Lips, mouth, teeth).
  • If it wasn't for him, no one would say anything. (Language).
  • Ten brothers live in different houses. (Fingers).
  • Do you need everything for dinner? (Mouth).
  • People have. The animals have. The person is smarter. (Head).
  • Do you hear the water gurgling? Wash more often.... (Faces).

On a note! Riddles about parts of the human body can be presented in a presentation, after which there will be a correct answer in pictures for children.

coloring pages

Black and white coloring books help kids understand what they look like, where they are and how many different organs. There are several options for helpers and pictures for children from one to 7 years old about parts of the human body:

  1. Application and coloring

Parents help the baby stick hair from threads, choose the color of the eyes.

  1. With signatures on body parts
  1. Connect the body parts and clothes with a line

The kid draws lines with a pen or pencil between the head and the hat, mittens and palm, ring and finger.

  1. Color and draw.

Pictures for children are incomplete, not all parts of the body are on the face and torso of a person. The child needs to understand which organ is missing, complete the image and decorate the card completely.

Anna Rovenskaya

Teacher of Russian language and literature, employee of the Educational Center for Early Development.
