Laying of paving slabs from a natural stone. How to build a stone path on a personal plot with your own hands

A garden plot with neatly paved paths always speaks of its owner's love for beautiful landscape design. For these purposes, it is often used natural stone. It harmonizes so well with any landscape that it has no equal among other materials for decorating paths. Natural stone - great way create a unique design, as well as a valuable decor element that helps to bring all the objects in the summer cottage into a single whole.

Pros and cons of natural stone walkways

Roads paved with natural stone always look great. They are able to transform the garden plot and emphasize the dignity of the surrounding landscape. But natural stone has other advantages, in addition to excellent decorative qualities:

U use natural stone There are, of course, some not particularly pleasant moments:

  • When buying material, you will have to spend a tidy sum;
  • natural stone pretty massive, therefore, its movement is possible only with the help of transport;
  • Before starting the laying of the stone, it is necessary to draw up small project, containing a sketch of the future track and specific calculations.

Features of natural stone: comparison with other materials

Natural stone is a unique material created by nature itself. Thanks to this, he has formed some features that noticeably distinguish this product from artificial analogues. You can compare natural stone with other materials by such criteria How:

The most discussed fact regarding natural stone as a building material is, perhaps, its price. The manufacturer estimates such a product is far from cheap. However, compared to other paving materials, natural stone is not so expensive, especially considering its many positive properties. Basically, the cost of such building materials always remains unchanged, which cannot be said about other products offered to developers.

As the name implies, natural stone is not created by chemical means at the enterprise. It is mined in small quarries, and then only sent for processing. This is another distinctive feature of natural stone - to obtain it, it is not necessary to pollute the environment with production waste. Plus, the process of its extraction is not at all complicated and therefore does not require the use of explosives. The natural origin of the stone ensures that this material environmentally friendly and does not pose a risk to human health. Even during operation, the material does not express absolutely any negative features.

Natural stone is so diverse and unique that this fact is simply amazing. No company can produce such a unique material. The possibilities of nature are endless - it has created millions of stones that are not similar to each other, and all of them are beautiful in their own way. Of course, before going on sale, natural stones undergo production processing in the form cutting and grinding however, that doesn't make them any less exclusive. The variety of material does not stop at the multitude of shapes and textures. In building stores you can find stones of various colors. In terms of the number of assortment, no material can be compared with natural stone.

Despite the high cost, natural stone is very economical way pave garden paths. main reason this paradox lies in the fact that natural material does not spoil and practically does not change over time, thereby saving the developer from the need to resume repair work.

Natural stone can actually be an ideal option for people who have the opportunity to invest a large amount in construction once in order to forget about road problems forever. Many materials differ decent service life, however, this creation of nature surpasses them several times.

As already mentioned, in the process of service, natural stone is almost does not change. That is why it is very convenient to use it as a material for paving paths. If we compare natural stone with any other building material in terms of stability and strength, then we can say with confidence that it has no equal.

Even with regular use, such a coating will remain in the same state even after several tens, or even hundreds, of years. It is important that natural stone does not react at all to impact. low or high temperatures. Under their influence, it does not deform or crack, which can happen with a material of artificial origin.

Natural stone paving

Paving garden paths natural stone can occur in one of two ways:

  • The method of applying a coating on a sand cushion;
  • The method of laying the material on the concrete mixture.

Both the first and second technologies are almost identical, however, they still have some distinctive features.

The sequence of laying natural stone on a sand cushion

The size of the trench, which breaks out at the initial stage of technology, is determined by the properties of the soil. The stronger and stronger the earth layer, the less the depth of the "blank" should be. For weak and light soils, this value can reach 50-60 cm. Otherwise, it is recommended not to make a trench deeper than 30 cm.

As for the formation of a sand cushion, it is better if this process takes place in two approaches. The total thickness of the laid layer should be about 10-15 cm. Each layer should be tamp well and sprinkle with water.

Laying on concrete

Laying "on concrete" is also carried out in several stages:

  • At the level of the boundaries of the future garden path is formed trench;
  • into her alternately layers of crushed stone and sand are laid;
  • Then a formwork is created into which concrete is poured;
  • After the mixture has dried, the formwork is removed;
  • Falls asleep in the received form sand;
  • Natural stone is laid on the sandy layer;
  • Performed seam processing in the form of filling them with sand;
  • The surface of the track is moistened.

Formwork should be removed only after complete drying of the concrete. In order to prevent cracks from appearing on the surface of the hardening mixture, it is necessary to water it periodically.

In the modern world, the field of production of building materials does not stand still. Increasingly, new technologies for the manufacture of artificial raw materials are emerging. Nevertheless, natural materials are considered very valuable, as no enterprise has yet succeeded in surpassing their quality. natural stone is enough expensive pleasure.

However, it is impossible to find a better material for paving paths. It is distinguished by high strength, durability, as well as remarkable decorative properties. Laying natural stone is not such a complicated process, especially if you study its technology in detail.

Every person who has a suburban area wants his dacha to be equipped and well-groomed.

The Internet is full of articles various options landscaping summer cottages with photos of beautiful garden paths, but it’s not clear how to do it all yourself.

The services of designers are quite expensive, but meanwhile I would like your garden to be somehow different from others. Original garden paths will give any garden an original look.

DIY garden paths

To equip the site with garden paths, you will not need to spend a lot of money, especially if there are materials suitable for this in the country house.

You just need to turn on your imagination and carefully study the contents of the attic and other places where suitable elements for making paths can be stored.

Exists great amount options for garden paths, the choice depends only on the taste and capabilities of the owner of the cottage.

How to make a garden path with your own hands

The easiest way is to make a gravel path. To make it, you will need:

  • Pebbles or expanded clay;
  • Geotextile or compacted film;
  • Sand;
  • Borders made of wood or concrete (sides) for paths.

First you need to think about the design of your garden paths. The path should be comfortable and harmoniously located.

To make a quality track, all actions must be performed step by step:

  • Make markings for your future path. If you plan to make it sinuous, then draw all the convolutions.
  • Dig in wooden blocks or concrete sides on both sides.
  • The top layer of turf should be removed along the entire length of the path with a depth of approximately 15-20 cm.
  • Geotextile or dense film is carefully laid along the path, the edges should be placed under the sides of the path.
  • The cleaned surface is covered with a 5 cm layer of sand. After that, the sand is leveled.
  • The prepared surface is covered with gravel.
  • Gravel is compacted with a roller or a conventional shovel.

Garden path made of natural stone

Natural stone is one of the best natural materials. It fits perfectly into the environment.

Paths made of stone are the most durable. This allows them to keep appearance long years. To make these tracks you will need:

  • Cobblestone chopped or but;
  • Some sand.

Garden paths made of natural stone

Laying out the track is the first thing to start with.

It is necessary to remove the sod from the entire area intended for the path. The depth depends on the size of the largest stone for the path.

Fill the area of ​​​​the path with sand, and then proceed to leveling. The thickness of the sand layer should be about 10 cm.

Stones are laid out on the sand. It is necessary to press the cobblestones into the thickness of the sand.

Between the stones, you can leave gaps in which the earth is poured. Many sow this land with fine grass.


If the stone is not very large, then intervals of 2-3 cm will be sufficient. In the future, these seams can be sealed with a cement mortar.

Concrete garden paths

In order to make a concrete garden path, you can use a garden path mold, which is a plastic frame. This is a very handy device that greatly simplifies the whole process.

Materials required for a concrete walkway:

  • Sand;
  • Crushed stone or gravel;
  • Water,
  • Cement.

How to prepare a place for a concrete path?

This path is prepared in the same way as a gravel path. But the trench for it should be wider in comparison with the dimensions of the finished track - by about 20 cm.

  • Remove excess soil from the trench and tamp the bottom.
  • To fix the formwork, use wooden pegs located along the length of the track on both sides.
  • Crushed stone 5-10 cm thick is poured into the bottom. These figures should not be exceeded.
  • To prevent the concrete from cracking in the future, the formwork is reinforced with slats. Rails are installed transversely after 2.5-3 meters.
  • Next, a form for concreting is superimposed on top.
  • The form must be poured as evenly as possible with a cement solution, leaving no empty spaces.
  • When you finish one section of the trench, move on to the next, covering the finished gap with plastic wrap to keep debris from getting on the fresh concrete.
  • After two weeks of waiting, the formwork must be removed.
  • The remaining areas between the plates can be covered with soil or planted with grass.
  • Those spaces that remain from the trench on the sides are covered with pebbles or laid out with bricks.

Wooden paths for the garden

Wood is the most readily available material for building garden paths. A rich variety of colors and textures of wood allows you to give free rein to your imagination.


Wooden garden paths can be created from processed boards or from simple tree cuts. The ways of laying such tracks are slightly different from each other.

Walkway of stumps

Saw cut wood or hemp can be used to create original paths for your garden. When making such tracks, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • The material for laying the garden path must be treated with an antiseptic, as the tree does not tolerate contact with damp earth. Wood treatment with 10% copper sulphate will increase the protective properties of wood. Bitumen is used for the same purposes. You can purchase material already treated with an antiseptic.
  • Mark the area of ​​the path and remove the top layer of earth.
  • Dig a trench 30 cm deep.
  • Spread the film or geotextile over the entire path.
  • Cover the film with a ten centimeter layer of rubble.
  • A layer of sand is applied to the crushed stone, which must be moistened and compacted.
  • Now you can lay out saw cuts. The remaining gaps between saw cuts can be covered with earth or gravel.

The path from the boards is prepared in the same way as the garden path from the saw cuts of trees, only the boards are laid vertically.

Whichever option you choose, it is important to carry out all work on the garden plot with good mood and inspiration.

After all, a cottage is a place to restore mental and physical strength. Every corner of its square should please the eye and inspire new ideas.


DIY photo of garden paths

When landscaping a summer cottage, each owner must make decisions on a whole range of issues: where and what configuration should the paths in the garden be; what material to choose for them; do it yourself or entrust it to specialists; which installation method is preferable; whether the tracks will require time-consuming maintenance during operation. In search of answers to these questions, it is worth taking a closer look at the use of natural stone for the construction of paths in the country.

Durability, beauty and environmental friendliness of natural stone determine its advantage over other materials for paving in the garden. Color palette, the textured variety of different breeds make it possible to make paving in accordance with your taste preferences. Properly selected natural stone for paths will create a stylistic unity of the house and garden, will serve as an element of landscape design.

See how easy and simple it is to arrange such a path with your own hands:

Location and calculation of track parameters

The construction of paths in the country begins with determining their configuration, location, layout of steps, platforms. The required paving width is selected, the total area is calculated. The standard width of paths in the country is 0.7 m, paths - 0.5 m. For comfortable movement and passage of small garden equipment (wheelbarrow, mower, etc.), a convenient width is 0.9 m.

The calculation is easy to do by hand. It is necessary to draw a plan on which to apply all the buildings and other structures that are in the country, in accordance with the scale. How the network of paths and paths will be organized largely depends on their location.

To calculate the number of steps, you need to know the elevation difference on the site. A simple topographic survey will help with this.

After collecting all the data and determining the total paving area, it will not be difficult to calculate how much material needs to be purchased.

The choice of stone for paving

Suppliers of natural stone for facing and paving, as a rule, ship in square meters. In this case, the calculation is simple - 10-15% is added to the paving area.

If the stone is sold in tons, it is difficult to convert it into square meters with your own hands, you have to trust the seller. This value varies greatly depending on the thickness of the rock.

The following method will help not to be mistaken with the amount of stone. A square with a side of 1 m is drawn on the trading floor and a conditional paving layout is laid out in it. Then they count how many rows were taken from the pallet and how many square meters of stone are in it. The required number of pallets is determined, not forgetting the waste factor of 1.1-1.15.

Some enthusiasts quarry stone for paths in the country with their own hands, finding rock outcrops or abandoned quarries in the vicinity. Most often it is sandstone, dolomite. Self-preparation of material greatly saves the budget for the improvement of the cottage.

It is only important not to make one serious mistake - you can not take a stone from the upper layers of an old quarry. Due to many years of weathering and temperature fluctuations, such a rock will exfoliate and crumble, and the stone path will not last long. You should not harvest and, moreover, buy soft rocks of shale, limestone and weak loose sandstone.

The most popular types for paving

Sandstone- the most common and affordable material for cladding and paving. If flagstone is of high quality, it is easy and pleasant to work with it, it is easy to cut it with your own hands using a grinder. Sandstones have a rich range of colors: beige, brown, yellow-ocher, cherry, gray-green. You can combine the color of the tracks with the decoration of other buildings in the country - houses, garages, fence posts. Paving is made of the same rock or in contrast (yellow - brown or beige - gray-green).

Quartzitespectacular material various shades - from white and pink to almost black. It has a beautiful surface that shines with sparks in the sun. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to cut due to its high strength, therefore it is used in its natural form.

Granite- Another very strong and hard breed. The color options of this stone with a granular structure depend on the presence of certain minerals in it. Granite is more often than others used in the landscape design of the garden in its processed form: chipped paving stones, sawn granite tiles. They use, however, much less often, even polished slabs for front paths and steps. Natural raw granite flagstone is used when laying paths in the garden with your own hands in the same way as other rocks.

Paving methods

Depending on the thickness of the stone choose the method of paving. Thin limestone (3-5 cm) is laid on a concrete base, for strong slabs, more than 6 cm thick, you can limit yourself to a crushed stone-sand cushion.

Paths made of stone on a concrete base are the most reliable and durable. The "pie" for them is made as follows:

  1. A layer of soil is removed from the marked area;
  2. Crushed stone 15-20 cm is laid at the bottom and rammed, preferably using a vibrating plate;
  3. A concrete mixture 10 cm thick is poured over the rubble, a stone is laid on it;
  4. In order for water to flow from the tracks, a slight slope is made from the central axis to the edges (1-2 cm per linear meter);

The surface of the stone slabs should rise 2 cm above ground level, but not interfere with the operation of the lawn mower.

When making a track on a concrete base, expansion joints are required to prevent cracking and tearing. They can be made by inserting cross planks into fresh concrete. After solidification, they are removed, the seam is sealed or covered with gravel.

Flagstone paths on a gravel-sand cushion are not difficult to do with your own hands:

  1. A pit-trough is dug under the marked path, 20 cm of rubble is poured into it and it is carefully rammed.
  2. Stone slabs are placed on a leveling layer of sand, at least 5 cm thick. Water from such paths leaves through the cracks between the stones.
  3. To prevent sand from being washed out of them, fine screenings of gravel or crushed stone are poured there.

Sometimes lawn grass is sown in the gap between the stones of such paths, which is regularly mowed along with the main lawn.

The edges of the paving can be left uneven, repeating the outlines of the side stones. But if the path runs past the lawn, mowing becomes inconvenient. In this case, it is better to make a smooth edge. The easiest way is to install the formwork from the boards during the pouring of the concrete base. The side of the stones adjacent to the edge is cut with a grinder. The second way is to use a ready-made sidewalk curb, with which paving stones are usually installed.

A more expensive, but reliable method is to get smooth edges and additionally strengthen the track - to install a metal corner when casting the base. It will serve as a kind of frame for laying the stone. On the curved sections of the track, the corner is bent using triangular cuts. Anchors are welded to the metal structure, creating an additional bond between the corner and the concrete pour.

Another, the easiest way to make a path in the country with your own hands is to create it from separate stone slabs laid at a step distance from each other. Such paths are arranged for passing through the lawn, near ornamental ponds, in large flower beds for the convenience of caring for them. Stones can be small in area (just over the size of a foot) but thick. A separate hole is dug under each, filled with a 20 cm layer of crushed stone and rammed. A solution is placed on the moistened gravel, and a slab is installed on it. The handle of the trowel or mallet is gently tapped on the stone, trimming its fit. Before the mortar dries (3-4 days), it is impossible to step on the path.

You can additionally decorate and diversify the masonry of the paths if their surface seems monotonous and monotonous. For example, do decorative inserts or patterns from other materials suitable for paving - pebbles, paving stones, clinker bricks.

To make the stone laying on the path look beautiful and natural, a pattern is selected on a separate site. They start with the location of large fragments, the space between them is filled with medium ones, fragments are inserted into small gaps. If, when laying with your own hands, you are not too lazy to rotate and try on each stone, you can get a dense beautiful drawing not inferior to the work of a professional.

Laying stone paths on a personal plot is no longer a novelty, but the right way to ennoble the territory for recreation with their own hands. A stone path will be a worthy frame for any highlight of your garden - a small pond, a gazebo or a fragrant rose garden. Surprisingly, a path made of paving stones or wild stone always looks like it has just stepped out of the pages of a fairy tale book. It is not at all difficult to give your garden a drop of magic - we will make a stone path with our own hands!

There are a lot of potential materials for laying an elegant garden alley today. The man-made path, paved with natural stones, looks, perhaps, more spectacular and more original than the others. To create a pretty path in your backyard, decide what material you like best. So, as a basis for a garden stone path, you can take:

  • gravel;
  • sandstone;
  • flagstone;
  • granite;
  • paving stones;
  • dolomite;
  • sea ​​pebble.

Chipped and tiled stones have it all necessary qualities to turn into a stylish garden path. But at the same time, the material has some disadvantages, the most obvious of which is the high cost. However, a long service life, a high percentage of strength, as well as an amazing decorative effect more than compensate for this nuance.

Benefits of natural stone walkways

Most often, such paths are built so that you can quickly and easily approach the house. However, given the beauty and unpretentiousness of the idea, stone alleys can be used to decorate a garden or a recreation area. Solid stones will make an excellent company for green lawns, flower beds, rock gardens and other objects of landscape art. It is difficult to find a competitive material for natural stone as the basis for a garden path, since stone is an unsurpassed beauty created as a result of centuries of painstaking work of natural forces.

In addition, there is no reason to doubt the high strength of this natural material. To create an alley in the garden, which will last more than one year, you can safely choose granite, sandstone, paving stones, pebbles. In general, there are many options and everyone will definitely find the material that will appeal to him. But a preliminary study of the characteristics of a particular stone will not hurt to conduct. For example, some natural materials are quite sensitive to regular changes in climatic conditions. So, shell rock and limestone left in the open will lose their strength after a while, which will significantly reduce their service life. But garden paths made of wild stone, or dolomite, can be called a model of practicality and durability. This natural multi-texture material is very durable, and is also known for its enviable resistance to frost and moisture.

But if you omit all the nuances, it is impossible not to admit that a garden alley paved with natural stone looks much more spectacular and attractive than a path made of artificial stone, for example, concrete.

Garden paths made of stone: where to stay?

It is no secret that the creation of a stone alley on the territory of a personal plot will require a solid financial investment, so the end result should demonstrate an unbroken look, good quality, reliability and potential for a long service life. This means that the choice of building material must be approached more than responsibly: to study, compare and evaluate the functional, qualitative and decorative properties of all available stones. For paving garden alleys, the following forms of natural material are considered the most popular:

  • chipped paving stone. The stone is a mixture of granite and shungite fragments and is notable for its characteristic chipped edges, due to which it has a shape as close as possible to a rectangular one. Working with such a tile is quick and easy;
  • flagstone. This material is fragments of various shapes and sizes, the use of which allows you to create a unique and very unusual track;
  • sawn stone. It does not reach the buyer immediately. Before it is sawn and polished: the result is a stone rectangular shape, which has an almost smooth front surface;
  • cobblestone and boulders. The stones are distinguished by size: the cobblestone is small, and the boulders are relatively large. These natural gifts are similar due to their rounded shape. The rich color palette of cobblestones and boulders opens up endless possibilities for creating unique compositions and original panels.

How to make a stone path with your own hands

The creation of a garden stone alley begins with the designation of its future contours. The size, shape and quirkiness of the path is determined by your needs and desires, so first try to mentally imagine what exactly you want to see in your backyard, and then start acting.

Sketching the curve and shape of a garden path can be done in a number of ways:

  • apply the contour to the ground with water from a watering hose;
  • sprinkle the soil with flour;
  • pull the rope over pegs dug into the ground.

When you have an approximate sketch of your future stone path in front of your eyes, start digging a trench - its minimum depth should be approximately equal to the bayonet of a shovel. Do not rush to throw aside the sod that you will have after the trench is dug. This land may be useful in future work.

Fill the hole in the ground with a layer of pebbles, slag, broken bricks or rubble - as a result, you will have a drainage layer. The drainage is well compacted, pressing the stones to the ground with force. The second layer, to create which you need wet sand, is also thoroughly tamped.

Methods for paving a garden path with stone

When the drainage pad is ready, it's time to move on to laying the main natural material. This can be done in three ways.

Method number 1

Lay the stones that you picked up for the path on a sand cushion. Now the fragments of the alley need to be pressed in with force - for this, use a rubber mallet (mallet). Once this task is done, take care of securing the stones. You will need a mortar of sand and cement, prepared at a rate of 3 to 1. Fill the cement bag with the cementing fluid, which will serve as a cone for you, and pour the mortar into the gaps between the fragments of the alley. This method of laying a garden path is considered less costly, and besides, you will not spend much time and physical effort.

Method number 2

Unlike the first method, the stones are not laid out on sand, but on concrete mortar. Here's how to do it: prepare a concrete solution and fill the trench around the perimeter with it. In this case, the layer thickness should not be less than 15 cm. Press the stone tiles for the path into the mortar with a mallet. After some time, when the stone and cement will adhere, it will be necessary to close up the gaps between the fragments of the alley. This is done in the same way as in the case of laying natural stone on sand - using a cone from a cement bag.

Method number 3

In specialized stores today you can purchase material, thanks to which you can refuse to lay a stone garden path on cement. This is geotextile. Dig a trench about 25 - 35 cm deep and remove all roots, pebbles and other debris from its bottom. Carefully compacted soil at the bottom of the trench is covered with crushed stone, and a piece of non-woven geotextile is laid on top of it. Please note that the edges of the material should remain outside the trench, extending for a length of less than 40 - 50 cm. Pour another layer of gravel on top and compact it well. Now take the edges of the geotextile and overlap the crushed stone layer in the trench with them. Everything - the drainage system for the garden path is ready.

Now, about 15 cm of wet sand is poured onto the geotextile sheet, and fragments of the garden path are laid on top, after which they are pressed into the sand using a mallet. The gaps between the stone slabs are filled with sand. Be prepared to wait - shrinkage of natural material can take about 2 weeks, during which you need to carefully monitor the condition of the track. When individual elements of the path sink into the ground more than the rest, they are raised to add the required amount of sand. Then the fragment is returned to its place and compacted with a rubber mallet.

When starting to lay a garden path made of natural material, you should know or remember some of the nuances regarding this simple but time-consuming process. There is no need to hurry: otherwise, you will not get the result that you expected, and you will be sorry for the time and money spent. So, what you need to consider when laying a garden path made of natural stone:

  1. The path you created should end up slightly above ground level. Compliance with this condition will not allow the slabs of the track to “sour” in the water - excess liquid will freely pass through the drainage layer of gravel and sand, being absorbed by the ground. High-quality drainage is the key to a solid and indestructible structure for many years.
  2. It is advised to equip the finished path with a curb made of the same natural stone - you can find blanks in a specialized store. This device will protect stone slabs from spreading and preserve the original appearance of the alley for a long time.
  3. Give up the idea of ​​pave the garden path with marble, as moisture and low temperatures make this material extremely slippery.

Pebbles - natural stone for paths

Smooth pebbles kissed by the sea are considered one of the most successful materials for creating a stone path in the garden. The results of self-paving the path with pebbles will exceed all your expectations! Non-triviality and originality are the fundamental features of the garden pebble alley.

Pebble is a versatile material. It will cost you less than other natural stone, and will serve as a decoration for your garden for a long time, regardless of the climate. In addition, the features of the soil and relief do not matter when creating a pebble path. In any case, you will get a path of incredible coloring and workmanship that is comfortable for walking. The union of pebbles of black and white shades looks especially impressive.

For work, you can stock up on pebbles mined in a river or sea. sea ​​stone to create a track is attractive for its round shape and smoothness, but it is more convenient to pave the path with river pebbles. Medium and large pebbles are suitable, but if you are distinguished by enviable patience and perseverance, you can also use small stones. Usually, ornaments of amazing beauty are obtained from pebbles, since the tint palette of this natural material is quite wide: you can pave the alley with white, coffee, cream, black, gray, terracotta and bluish-blue fragments.

Tools and materials for creating a pebble path

  1. Pebbles, selected in accordance with the desired parameters.
  2. Sand and cement for mixing concrete.
  3. Boards for creating a template for a future track (height - 5 cm, width - 30 cm).
  4. Reinforced metal mesh, the dimensions of which are 1 cm smaller than that of the template.
  5. Pegs, rope.
  6. Geotextile.
  7. Tarpaulin.

Technology for creating a path from pebbles

A straight path is the best option for those who learn the intricacies of working with stone for the first time.

  1. Mark the contours of the future path with wooden pegs with a rope stretched between them.
  2. Be sure to remove 25 - 40 cm of turf from the soil, otherwise the grass will grow through the pebbles and violate the integrity of the ornament. Pour stone chips at the bottom of the trench, put 2 - 3 layers of geotextile on top to prevent weeds from sprouting. Geotextiles can be replaced with roofing felt or roofing material.
  3. Pour several layers of sifted sand into the recess (a total of 10 cm), carefully tamping each of them. From above, fill the sand with a dry concrete mixture with a thickness of at least 5 cm (the mixture is prepared from 1 bucket of cement and 3-4 buckets of sand). Then pour a little water on top so that the top layer acquires a loose consistency.
  4. We proceed to the direct laying of pebbles. First of all, pick up stones, the color and size of which corresponds to the general idea. What the track will turn out depends solely on your imagination and desire to create. For the first practical experience, a simple geometric pattern combined from 2-3 colors of pebbles is suitable. Apply a schematic representation of the future pattern of stones to wet concrete. The recess in the trench should not be less than 15 cm. Remember, however, that the laid pebbles should be located slightly above ground level, which will allow water to drain freely and not accumulate on a stone path.
  5. The pebbles are laid close to each other vertically, deepening it almost halfway into the concrete layer. When the conceived drawing is ready, tamp and level the level of the pebbles with a rubber mallet.
  6. The gaps between the pebbles must be filled with concrete up to 2/3 of its height. Now moisten the stone sheet with water and cover the top with a piece of tarpaulin. This protective cover can be removed after 2 days to re-moisten the concrete pavement between the pebbles for greater saturation. After 1 hour, use a stiff brush to finalize the gaps between the stones.
  7. Install curb stones along the edges of the path, leveling them with a building level. Fill the space between the stone edge and the trench walls with concrete.
  8. In order for your handmade creation to dry completely, cover it with a tarp for another 3 days. After 2 weeks, you can safely wipe the stones of the pebble path with a wet rag to remove traces of concrete mortar from them.

This is interesting! There is another way of laying pebbles, which will simplify the process of collecting a garden stone path as much as possible. To do this, make separate parts of the path from pebbles and separately transfer them to the place reserved for the future alley. To assemble a fragment of the track, build a formwork - this is a container of 4 knocked together bars. At the bottom of the formwork, fix dense polyethylene and reinforced metal mesh. Fill part of the container with some cement mortar, and then lay out the pebbles there. Pebbles are set on edge, and not laid flat. For better adhesion of materials, wet the pebbles. When the finished fragment of the pebble mosaic hardens, remove it from the container and lay it on the place in the garden allotted for the path.

For inspiration, we offer you a selection of photo paths made of stone.

Paths for giving from pebbles. Video

Most developers, in suburban areas, prefer natural materials when creating. In these cases, there is no better alternative than the use of natural, natural stone.

When creating landscape design on a suburban area, most developers prefer the construction of garden paths using natural materials. It has natural beauty, naturalness and high strength characteristics.

Natural beauty, high strength characteristics and naturalness are the main advantages of this material.

When used various materials, for example, flat natural stone or wild natural flagstone. Such natural material, if done correctly, is distinguished by reliability, quality and durability.

List of required materials and tools

In the construction of a stone garden path, the following materials are used:

  • sand;
  • cement;
  • crushed stone;
  • special glue for stones;
  • screening.

Tools for laying natural stone: shovel; mallet; Bulgarian; Master OK; building level; cord; brush.

List of required tools:

  • shovel;
  • mallet;
  • concrete mixer;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Master OK;
  • hard brush for special glue;
  • special trowel for gluing stone;
  • cutting wheels for stone;
  • building level.

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Garden paths made of flat natural stone

To determine the size of the garden path, take four wooden pegs and mark the two sides with them. Pull the rope and every one and a half meters hammer in wooden pegs necessary for further fastening of the guides.

The construction of the track in this case includes two stages. The first stage is the designation of the contour of the future track. Its tortuosity and shape are determined only taste preferences and fantasy of the owners of the suburban area. Then, with the help of shovels, a ditch is cut off exactly along the contour. Its depth must be no less than the length equal to the metal part of the bayonet shovel. After removing the sod, a layer of coarse material is filled along the entire length of the ditch. It can be crushed stone, pebbles, slag or brick fight. Any material used must be compacted. Then, along the entire length of the ditch, a layer of sand is poured, which, in turn, is also compacted with the obligatory use of water.

The second stage is the immediate one, which can consist of two options. The first is a flat natural stone laid out on the sand. This option is much simpler, both in terms of financial and time costs, and in terms of the complexity of the process. The second option - natural stone is laid on a concrete solution. This option is more expensive and more difficult, but it is much more reliable.

The construction of paths, coated with natural stones, the seams between which are filled with mortar (a), vegetable soil with sown grass (b) and roads for the passage of vehicles (c): 1 - natural stone; 2 - solution; 3 - sand; 4 - vegetable soil; 5 - monolithic concrete; 6 - crushed stone; 7 - rubble stone.

If the developers decide to use the first option, then when laying on the sand, it is necessary to press it harder, for this they sometimes use a rubber mallet. Then, in order to fix the laid material, it is necessary to dilute the sand and cement slurry in a ratio of 3: 1 and fill the gaps between the stones.

If the second option is used, then the prepared concrete solution, on a small area of ​​​​the prepared base, is distributed around the entire perimeter with a layer of 10-12 cm. The material, as in the first case, must be laid evenly over the area, while slightly pressing down. After the adhesion of the stone to concrete, as in the case described above, the gaps should be filled with cement mortar.

- a fairly simple process, but it still has its own tricks that you need to pay attention to. Firstly, the path must be correctly edged with a curb so that it does not spread in width. Secondly, so that rainwater does not accumulate, the path should protrude slightly above the ground.

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Garden paths made of wild natural flagstone

Flagstone - layers of natural stone, having strength and natural pattern.

The ideal building material for the construction of garden paths is ragged unedged stone, in other words flagstone. It is easy to process, relatively inexpensive, resistant to external environment. It is absolutely environmentally friendly material. From this natural stone, you can make not only garden paths, but also lay out entire areas. To properly make a garden path, you need to know the laying technology, which, by and large, is not difficult at all.

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Substrate preparation for laying

The preparation of the base for laying flagstone consists in the fact that the entire contour of the marked one is poured with concrete in advance, i.e. concrete screed is being made. While the concrete hardens, you can proceed directly to the preparation of the stones themselves, in our case flagstone.
