How to make desire. How to make a wish come true: The surest way

() - accumulation of gases in the intestines due to indigestion. This process is most often accompanied by swelling, an increase in the volume of the abdomen and an unpleasant feeling of fullness from the inside.

Without a doubt, we have all experienced it ourselves to one degree or another, and we know perfectly well what inconvenience this ailment can cause. Gas-filled intestines create a feeling of a full stomach, and the resulting colic brings a lot of trouble, making us feel uncomfortable.

Flatulence also occurs in healthy people, but most often it serves as a manifestation of other, more serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Gases in the intestines can accumulate in pathologies such as:

  • Symptoms of bloating

    Most often, bloating is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of other, more serious diseases of the digestive system.

    Excessive gas formation in the intestines is possible with chronic pancreatitis, a disease in which the body lacks enzymes produced by the pancreas. In this case, bloating usually occurs after eating, regardless of its composition.

    Flatulence can also be caused by irritable bowel syndrome. In this case, the motor function of an anatomically healthy intestine is disturbed, and bloating is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, and in some cases also diarrhea or constipation.

    The cause of bloating may be intestinal obstruction caused by a tumor or polyps. In this case, the passage of gases from the intestine is difficult and leads to flatulence.

    Excessive gas formation can be a consequence of intestinal dysbacteriosis. Due to the decrease in the protective properties of the body in the large intestine, a violation of the microflora occurs. Harmful microbes that get there produce gases in large quantities (mainly ammonia, methane and hydrogen sulfide). This process leads to swelling, accompanied by a fetid odor.

    Also, flatulence often accompanies individual lactose intolerance - a condition in which the body lacks the enzymes that allow a person to absorb dairy products.

    Bloating and pain in the abdomen. Pain is usually short-lived but painful. Unpleasant sensations pass when the gas passes through the intestines. Pain can occur at various points in the abdominal cavity and, passing through the intestines, change location. If you feel prolonged and intense pain for a long time, then this may be a signal that the cause is not bloating, but some more serious illness.

    Bloating after eating

    In most cases, flatulence is associated with malnutrition. In a healthy person, bloating can be caused by accidentally swallowing a large portion of air with food, or by drinking highly carbonated drinks. Also, discomfort can occur if one or another food is poorly absorbed by the body. Therefore, instead of being digested, it begins to form gases.

    Another cause of bloating can be dairy foods. For the digestion of this kind of food, the enzyme lactose is needed. If it is not enough, milk and similar products can cause discomfort. The cause may also be products from coarse fiber or starch, for example, seeds, cabbage, potatoes, nuts, oats. With the frequent occurrence of flatulence, such products should be excluded. And, in the case of their use, it should be remembered that such products must be chewed very carefully, otherwise discomfort may occur.

    What to do with bloating?

    One day after bloating, the intestines should be allowed to rest. Only boiled rice should be consumed and washed down with herbal teas. Subsequently, you should reconsider your diet. From meat, preference should be given to chicken, turkey and veal, from cereals - rice. should be replaced with fermented milk products (cheese, yogurt). You need to drink teas from, St. John's wort and. It is good to add spices and herbs to dishes that reduce gas formation: cumin, parsley, fennel.

    To understand which specific foods cause bloating, you should focus on your feelings. Follow the sensations that you experience while taking this or that product, and draw conclusions. Medical intervention, in most cases, is limited to taking enzyme preparations. And if you suspect an infection or bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, antibiotics are prescribed.

    Treatment for bloating

    Treatment should begin with conventional enterosorbents, which quickly absorb excess gases in the intestines and remove them. The most common way to combat bloating is the use of activated charcoal (1 g three times a day). However, enterosorbents also remove useful substances from the body, so it is not recommended to use them for a long time.

    Other enterosorbents include:




      White coal


    Defoamers. Defoamers do not remove gases, but accelerate their removal in a natural way. The drugs are not toxic and they are prescribed even to small children. The most popular remedy is Espumizan (Simetikon, Simikol), Pepsan-R.

    Enzymes. In case digestion is disturbed due to a weak pancreas, enzyme preparations are prescribed: Mezim forte, Creon, Pancreatin, Micrasim.

    Probiotics. Probiotics are products that contain a large number of useful microflora for our intestines. Increasing their number, improving immunity, putrefactive microflora and gas formation are suppressed. The most popular probiotics: Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform, Hilak forte, Normoflorin B, Yogulakt, Bifilis, Primadophilus.

    Herbal remedies. The most popular remedy is dill fruit or dill water, which is often given to newborns.

    Additional measures. You should also exclude foods that promote fermentation from the diet. Such provocateurs can be muffins, sweets, milk, fresh vegetables, and.

    Physical exercises aimed at normalizing bowel function can also improve overall well-being and relieve discomfort. To do this, you should do morning exercises every day, including squats and raising your legs. Swimming, walking or jogging will also be useful.

    If bloating is not caused by malnutrition, but is a consequence of any disease, then the very cause of flatulence should be treated by consulting a doctor.

    Education: Diploma in the specialty "Medicine" received at the Russian State Medical University. N. I. Pirogova (2005). Postgraduate studies in the specialty "Gastroenterology" - educational and scientific medical center.


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Severe bloating is a very unpleasant state of discomfort, which is accompanied by numerous symptoms.

It can be pain, heaviness in the abdomen, accumulation of gases, nausea. What causes this discomfort? What needs to be done in order to forget about it once and for all?

What happens inside the body

The process of food processing begins already in the oral cavity and ends in the rectum. But the most important areas are the upper intestine.

A person eats food in order to be replenished with energy and essential trace elements. The process of processing food is accompanied by the appearance of a number of waste products that are not needed for the body.

They are excreted from the body along with feces. In this regard, the feces have a certain color and an unpleasant odor.

If this process does not occur in a timely manner, then the process of fermentation and bloating occurs.

In a healthy person, the amount of gases emitted is insignificant and does not appear on his health.

But with any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, an abundant amount of gases is formed.

Reasons for bloating

First of all, before treating such a disorder as bloating, it is necessary to determine what cause can lead to this condition.

  • The use of certain foods. For example, legumes, mushrooms, black and white bread, dairy products, apples, carbonated drinks can become the reason why bloating appears.
  • Dysbacteriosis. In most cases, this disease occurs due to antibiotic treatment. They disrupt the intestinal microflora. As a result, the process of food processing takes place already in the intestines, through fermentation and decay.

This is accompanied by the presence of bloating. In this case, you should consult a doctor. He will diagnose and determine the necessary treatment measures.

Bloating occurs in parallel with other symptoms. For example, intense pain may additionally occur. With gastroduodenitis, pain appears in the lower abdomen on the left side.

This is due to the fact that the intestines begin to put pressure on others. internal organs. For example, on the ovaries in women.

Therefore, women turn first to the gynecologist, and only then to the gastroenterologist.

Even if a person consumes a small amount of food, due to flatulence, the opposite impression is created.

Additionally, intoxication of the body can occur and, accordingly, nausea, headache, and vomiting appear. The body is poisoned by its own poisons.

Side effects on the body due to bloating

Bloating is reflected in physical health person. But there are also emotional changes. In this case, the load on the body increases significantly.

The body spends in this case an abundant amount of energy for the processing of food.

A significant disadvantage is that despite the huge expenditure of energy, the body does not receive the right amount of trace elements and vitamins.

Due to an insufficient amount of energy, a person experiences a constant desire to eat something especially tasty.

But, unfortunately, this only aggravates the situation and leads to even greater problems with the digestive organs. There is excess weight.

But, due to constant intoxication and bloating, increased irritability and chronic fatigue may appear.

Skin rashes may occur. Additionally, there is a weakening of the protective properties of the body and the occurrence of chronic diseases.

In what cases it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor

Most people do not pay attention to such a condition as bloating. But in addition, there are such manifestations, due to which it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

For example, it may be a disease such as intestinal obstruction.

  • The abdomen becomes very hard to the touch.
  • Sudden and intense weight loss.
  • Painful sensations in the chest.
  • Nausea and sometimes even vomiting.
  • The appearance of blood droplets in the stool.


If the patient has swelling, you must first determine the causes of this violation. First of all, the doctor determines which foods could cause this condition.

How to treat bloating

What should be done to treat bloating? Such a question arises when this discomfort begins to disturb quite often.

If a chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract was not previously established, and bloating still occurs after eating, then it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment.

In the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive tract, it is necessary to systematically undergo treatment. It is advisable to do this every spring and autumn to avoid seasonal exacerbations.

Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the causes, and to defeat the manifestations of the symptoms themselves.

First of all, you should adjust your diet. If a person eats foods that are the cause of a disease such as bloating.

For example, carbonated drinks, legumes, dairy products, beer. Also, a person may have an individual reaction to certain foods.

Only a doctor can determine the necessary course of treatment. You must first determine the cause. There are several points to solve this problem.

You need to adjust your diet medications, eliminate gases and solve the problem of bloating.

Proper nutrition against flatulence

In the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to eat often, but the portions should be small.

During the day, the patient should not feel hungry. Each serving must be chewed thoroughly.

Foods such as pears, apples, bread, milk, grapes, raisins, bananas, pearl barley should be completely excluded from your diet.

Digestive problems can also arise from eating foods that negatively affect the functioning of the pancreas.

For example, it can be freshly baked flour products, fried, fatty or smoked dishes.


Bloating can be treated with medication.

  • It helps well to cleanse the body of toxins and gases with the help of drugs such as Smecta or Polyphepan.
  • If bloating is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then Espumizan will help the body to function very well.
  • Toxins and slags can be removed from the body with the help of activated charcoal. Dissolve the tablets in a glass of water. One tablet accounts for 10 kg of human weight. You can replace activated charcoal with white. It is also able to effectively cleanse the body and eliminate bloating.
  • Sometimes flatulence of the abdomen appears due to insufficient amounts of pancreatic enzymes. For example, Mezim or Festal. These are artificial hormones.
  • Often a companion of flatulence is the presence of painful sensations. For example, Spazmalgon or No-shpa.
  • With dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to replenish the body with the necessary beneficial bacteria. In this case, drugs such as Lactobacterin or Linex will help.

You can also improve the intestinal microflora if you take a glass of kefir or yogurt with lactobacilli before going to bed.


Charging and walking in the fresh air have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.

It is much easier to prevent the occurrence of this disease than to treat it for a long time.

Before proceeding with these exercises, it is necessary to completely exclude the presence of acute and serious diseases of the organs with the help of diagnostics.

Exercise one. You should get down on all fours. It is necessary to take a deep breath and at this time bend your back down, and bend your head and pelvis in the opposite direction. Slowly and gradually, you should exhale, while bending your back in the opposite direction.

Exercise two. It is necessary to lie on the right side and group, that is, pull the bent knees to the chest, the back should be rounded. It is necessary to lie down in this way for as long as possible, but not less than a minute. Repeat the exercise on the right side. Repeat the exercise on each side 8 times.

Exercise three. You need to get on all fours and draw a semicircle with one foot.

Exercise four. Good help to eliminate flatulence of the abdomen is an exercise such as slopes. Tilt forward, backward, left and right.

The last exercise that everyone has known since childhood is the “bicycle”. To do this, you need to take a horizontal position, raise your legs and bend them at the knees. It is necessary to repeat the movements, as if you were riding a bicycle.

How to quickly defeat very strong swelling

The minimum amount of gases that is in the stomach is 3 liters. It must be remembered that this is a natural process in the body and if it is not possible to take medications, then the following tips should be used.

  • Warm compress. You can eliminate flatulence with the help of a compress, which can eliminate pain and relieve spasm.
  • The easiest way to eliminate the abundant accumulation of gases is by walking. If this does not help, then it is advisable to find a bathroom.

Folk methods of treatment

Every year there are more and more people who refuse to use drugs and use traditional methods for treatment.

A coltsfoot has a positive effect on the work of the intestines. It is this plant that can eliminate the inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa, helps to eliminate the symptoms of abdominal flatulence.

To do this, take 50 grams of dry leaves and pour 200 grams of hot boiled water. For treatment, take 1 tablespoon 20-30 minutes before eating.

The most effective remedy for the treatment of bloating is dill. It is he who helps to improve digestion, eliminate heaviness in the stomach and pain.

Dill is taken not only for treatment, but also for the purpose of prevention.

For treatment, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of dill seeds hot boiled water and leave for several hours in a warm dark place. This medicine must be taken during the day.

For prevention, dill must be used as a seasoning.

Plantain leaves must be taken to enhance the production of enzymes, and also helps to improve the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, increases the production of enzymes and accelerates intestinal motility.

With frequent diarrhea, additional bloating occurs. These can be manifestations of diseases such as gastroduodenitis, disorders of the pancreas and liver.

Willow and oak will be good helpers for such diseases. But taking them for a long time is not recommended, as side effects may occur.

For prevention, you can take a mixture of herbs. These are St. John's wort, chamomile and peppermint. They help to eliminate the inflammatory process and well eliminate pain.

Each ingredient must be taken in equal quantities and pour 1 liter of hot boiled water. You need to drink it in the morning and evening before meals.

How to eliminate bloating during pregnancy

During this period, every woman tries to use drugs as little as possible. What to do if bloating occurs frequently?

It is necessary to consult not only a gynecologist, but also a gastroenterologist. Only a specialist can prescribe medications that do not have side effects.

Useful video

Constant flatulence occurs under the influence of various conditions that may not be terrible for the body or they may indicate illness. In certain situations, the accumulation of gases may become excessive, there may be pain and other signs that indicate the presence of flatulence.

Increased formation of gases in the intestinal tract, provoking bloating, in medicine is called flatulence. This symptom is quite common and refers not only to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also to pathological difficulties in other organs. In addition, flatulence may appear due to malnutrition. It causes pain and discomfort.

The most common causes of persistent flatulence are:

There are also pathological conditions that can provoke increased flatulence:

These are just the key reasons due to which increased gas formation occurs. It can be concluded from this that flatulence appears due to disturbances in the digestive processes.

Constant flatulence from any food, no matter what you eat

With food flatulence, the difficulty of digestion processes is associated with the content of elements that are difficult for digestion in the products. As a result, unprocessed parts of food become excellent food for bacteria. Due to their vital activity, a lot of gases are formed that cause discomfort.

Among the unfavorable foods are:

  • Vegetables that cause gas formation: cabbage, radish, beans, grapes.
  • Milk products.
  • Black bread.
  • Fresh fruits (especially sweet ones).
  • Fatty meat and fish.
  • Products containing coarse fiber.

Fatty foods, especially when taken in large quantities, provoke severe flatulence after eating due to prolonged digestion in the stomach and accumulation of gases. Dairy products and its high-quality digestion can only be if a person has a sufficient amount of the lactase enzyme. In other embodiments, problems of gas formation are inevitable.

Food flatulence can appear due to overeating, swallowing a large amount of air while eating, if a person eats food on the go. In addition, puffiness after consuming any food can be due to the wrong combination of products. For example, you can not eat:

  • Fresh bread with kefir;
  • Dairy products and fruits.
  • Meat with milk.

It is preferable to consume fruit separately from the main meal, at least one hour before meals or a few hours after meals.

Persistent flatulence and bloating

Flatulence can be temporary or permanent. If such a problem occurs temporarily, then the causes are malnutrition, since with constant flatulence, a much more significant problem can become the cause.

Initially, when flatulence occurs, some foods should be removed from the diet:

  1. Cabbage;
  2. beans;
  3. Bread and other rich products;
  4. Milk;
  5. Grape;
  6. Apples.

To exclude flatulence, it is required to eat food measuredly, chewing food well. The environment itself should be comfortable. If even after the exclusion of products, the result has not changed and flatulence is constantly present, then it is necessary to look for other causes and methods of therapy.

If bloating and flatulence are provoked by diseases, then after eating the patient should have the following characteristic signs:

  1. Feeling of nausea.
  2. Defecation failure.
  3. Loss of appetite.
  4. Discomfort in the abdomen.
  5. Unpleasant taste in the mouth.

For therapy, various means are used that can be used and done at home or purchased ready-made drugs at a pharmacy.

Persistent flatulence in the intestines

A constant feeling of discomfort in the intestinal tract may appear due to an imbalance. If there are not enough bacteria to digest food, then the food begins to decompose and rot in the intestines. This provokes constant gas formation of a fetid quality.

Chronic diseases lead to disruption of the digestive process. The lack of enzymes leads to the accumulation of food in the intestinal tract and bloating. With irritable bowel syndrome, its motility is disturbed. There are repeated urge to defecate or constipation.

Blood stasis in the intestinal tract leads to unpleasant symptoms. The presence of adhesions and tumors leads to obstruction of food and provokes stagnation, gas formation and bloating. Diseases of the stomach (gastritis, ulcers) also provoke increased flatulence.

What to do

To eliminate unpleasant signs, you need to follow certain rules:

  • More time to walk in the fresh air;
  • Engage in physical exercise;
  • Take medications to help reduce gas.
  • You can use decoctions of dill, chamomile, activated charcoal.
  • It is required to properly combine foods in the diet.
  • When eating food, do not rush, chew it thoroughly.

To eliminate the signs of flatulence, it is important to treat the underlying disease, which provokes increased gas formation. It is necessary to consult a doctor to identify the causes and prescribe treatment.

Treatment for adults

For people who suffer from such a problem, it is necessary to contact a specialist in a timely manner. He will determine the exact diagnostic conclusion and help you choose a remedy that will effectively help against flatulence and bloating. Means are assigned depending on the origin of the disease.

To determine the origin of the disease, the doctor will prescribe the following diagnostic tests:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. General urine analysis.
  3. Coprogram for the determination of blood impurities in feces.
  4. Biochemical analysis for the determination of enzymes.
  5. Blood sugar level.
  6. electrolytes in the blood.
  7. Sowing feces.

A similar range of procedures will make it possible to determine the exact cause. Given this reason, the doctor will prescribe treatment. It aims to address some issues:

  • Release from accumulated gases in the intestinal tract.
  • Restoration of microflora.
  • elimination of the underlying disease.

Increased flatulence is easily treated with the following drugs:

Treatment will not be effective without a special diet. For this reason, doctors prescribe diet food for patients. From own menu, it is necessary to remove all the product that is difficult to digest, fatty, spicy foods, vegetables and fruits, smoked foods. In addition, you need to forget about dry snacks. You can not eat food on the run, and fast food is also excluded.

You need to eat 4-5 times a day, in small portions. Chew food well, it should not be excessively hot or cold. To cook food, you need to use the method of stewing or steaming. Do not overload the digestive system before going to bed. To better food digested, an hour after eating, you can do a few simple exercises.

People's secrets

Herbal recipes do not lose their relevance and are used quite often. They are affordable, safe and easy to prepare.

Dill seed drink

A popular and common method of treatment, which is allowed to be taken even among infants. To prepare it, you need to take 2 tsp. Dill seeds and pour 400 ml of boiling water over them. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes and refrigerate. Drink 100 ml three times a day half an hour before meals.

Lovage root tincture

A good remedy that improves the activity of the intestinal tract and stomach, eliminates inconvenience inside and a feeling of heaviness. For cooking, take 1 tbsp. Crushed lovage root and put it in an enamel bowl. Pour a glass of water there, put on fire and bring to a boil. After 10 minutes, remove from the stove, cool and strain. Tincture should be taken in 1 tbsp. 4 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Calming Collection

It is prepared from mint leaves, chamomile and fennel fruits. Such a collection perfectly soothes, eliminates heaviness, and improves the activity of the digestive system. The ingredients must be taken in the same proportions (1-2 tablespoons), pour boiling water. The collection is infused for 30 minutes. It is used in a glass in the morning and evening before meals.

carrot seeds

Simple carrot seeds are excellent for gas formation, which you need to use in powder form or prepare a drink from seeds, as with dill seeds. Take before meals. Seeds eliminate heaviness and bloating.

Signs of gas formation can be eliminated by a simple sugar cube with 5 drops of anise oil. Such a tool is allowed to be given even to children. It is sweet and has a fast action.


Compliance with preventive measures makes it possible to forget about the problem of constant flatulence. In order not to encounter such a problem often, it is necessary to go for a walk every evening. It should last at least an hour. It is also necessary to carry out regular physical exercises. They are considered good preventive measures and improve the activity of the abdominal muscles.

For prevention, it is recommended to take a decoction of dill. It is required to minimize foods in the diet that increase gas formation. To remove the signs, it is important to achieve a comfortable environment. If a certain disease has led to gas formation, then it is necessary to adhere to the doctor's instructions. So you will be freed from the basic cause of your own unpleasant state.

Features of nutrition with flatulence

Therapy of flatulence must be accompanied by dietary nutrition. It is intended to achieve the following goals:

  1. Ensure the supply of substances required for the life of the microflora.
  2. Restore the motor function of the intestine, eliminate constipation that causes gas formation.
  3. Remove the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines.
  4. Restore the usual composition of the intestinal microflora.

The dietary table for flatulence corresponds to the treatment table No. 5. However, each case needs individual approach and therefore it is correct when the diet of each person is developed by a specialist who has the results of tests and a diagnostic report from a doctor, which indicates the reasons that provoked flatulence and current illnesses.

What not to eat when the patient suffers from flatulence:

  • Eat foods that increase the formation of gases: beans, cabbage, potatoes - everyone can continue the list personally for themselves.
  • Wash down food with carbonated drinks.
  • Apply a heating pad or cold compress to the abdominal area.
  • Conduct enemas.

Food must be consumed in a calm environment. You can not eat food in excess of the norm, overeat, portions must be small, but sufficient to eliminate the feeling of hunger. Food is prepared using steam, boiling, stewing or baking. It is necessary to have an idea about the combination of products.

Non-compliance with the diet leads to the fact that gas formation increases, part of the gases from the intestinal tract is absorbed into the blood, and the body is in chronic intoxication.

Flatulence during pregnancy

Gassing in moderation is normal. However, if gas formation in a pregnant woman is accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, excessive discomfort and even pain, as well as constipation, this is a reason to contact a specialist for an additional examination.

Is there a cure for gas during pregnancy? There is and it is definitely required. The doctor selects it, taking into account the exact causes of such a disorder. If future mother there is an exacerbation of the disease of the digestive system, then the specialist will select special means that will not harm the health of the woman and the fetus. With the appearance of dysbacteriosis, as a rule, a course of probiotics and prebiotics is prescribed.

To serious therapy medicines Specialists turn only when absolutely necessary. Numerous drugs cannot be taken in the first trimester and therapy has to be delayed. Often, specialists prescribe the same drugs for women that are usually prescribed for infants, as they are the safest. For light digestion processes, Smecta is prescribed, for relieving colic - Bebinos.

Nowadays, bloating is so common in people different ages, which has something similar to "epidemic". And this is not surprising, because from the wrong diet, high levels of stress, taking various medications and daily interaction with toxic emissions in the environment, a person is increasingly faced with this problem face to face.

When the stomach swells, a person feels uncomfortable, sometimes embarrassed, as the stomach suddenly begins to seethe or suddenly rush to the toilet, but everything can be much more serious than you think. This may be due to some serious disease that is hiding under the guise of flatulence. Bloating is one of the most common symptoms of candidiasis and has also been linked to digestive disorders, an autoimmune reaction, allergies, and even cancer in some cases.

Simply put, "bloating" means the feeling of gas buildup in the digestive system, this buildup bloats the stomach to an unpleasant large sizes. Some jokingly call such a swollen tummy "pregnant", but there is nothing to laugh at. Bloating is different from belly fat because it is temporary and is mainly caused by accumulated gas that stretches the walls of the abdomen, causing it to puff up and stick out.

Fortunately, in most cases, you don't have to worry about bloating. You can get rid of it with small changes in diet and lifestyle, although not always. There may be something big behind the feeling of fullness in the stomach, flatulence and abdominal pain. If it was possible to find the cause of bloating, then you need to decide whether it is good enough to see a doctor.

For bloating, check for other symptoms such as:

  • heat
  • skin rash or hives
  • watery eyes, a scratchy throat, or other allergy symptoms
  • constipation or diarrhea
  • nausea or vomiting
  • blood in urine or stool
  • unexplained weight loss
  • problems with going to the toilet
  • pain during palpation of the lymph nodes in the groin, throat or armpits
  • fatigue
  • attention problems and brain fog
  • irregular critical days
  • haemorrhoids

What causes bloating and gas?

You are probably wondering what causes bloating. There are dozens of different causes of flatulence — allergic reactions, hormonal imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, bowel problems, and more. The number of causes is many, but by gathering more information about the body's reaction to different foods and circumstances, it will be easier to choose the one that causes bloating symptoms for you.

In itself, bloating is a consequence of problems with digestion. What's even more confusing is that many different factors affect the health of the gut, its ability to digest food properly, and the body's ability to get rid of waste. So many different factors can lead to bloating, including those seemingly unrelated to flatulence problems such as sleep quality and stress, for example. This problem can affect anyone at any time.

Most people confuse bloating with excess fatty tissue or swelling, but they are not the same thing. Fluid does not stay in your stomach unless you have swelling in your face, ankles and legs and bloating at the same time.

In most cases, the causes of increased gas formation in the intestines are: improper digestion of protein (protein foods are not digested properly and the fermentation process begins), the inability to completely break down sugar and carbohydrates (enzymes are needed to digest some complex sugar compounds, which may not be enough) and intestinal imbalance microflora. There are trillions of good and bad bacteria in the digestive tract that are constantly fighting, and when there are too many “bad bacteria” for one reason or another, a temporary imbalance sets in, which can lead to bloating due to excessive gas production.

If your stomach is constantly swollen and gases, the reasons you need to look for first and determine the very health problem that can cause bloating.

From what the stomach swells in an adult: 10 possible reasons

1. Digestive disorders

In people with functional gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, gluten-sensitive celiac disease, and ulcerative colitis, the most common symptom is bloating, gas, and a large belly. Studies have shown that bloating occurs in 23-96% of people with irritable bowel syndrome, 50% of people with functional dyspepsia, and 56% of people with chronic constipation.

2. Fluid retention (called edema or ascites)

It happens that bodily fluids begin to accumulate throughout the body, including the abdomen and pelvis, which causes excess bloating and weight gain. You may notice that some jewelry and clothes are too small for you, or you start to sweat more, your joints hurt, your skin feels tight to the touch. It can be associated with liver disease or even, in rare cases, cancer, it can also be a sign of liver failure or hepatitis, the symptoms of which are yellowing of the skin (jaundice), the whites of the eyes, and abdominal pain.

3. Dehydration

Have you ever noticed that if yesterday you overate salty foods and drank alcohol, today you have symptoms of dehydration and bloating as a result? But the more water you drink, the less likely you are to experience bloating. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalances slow down digestion and lead to flatulence.

When the body tries to cope with the effects of dehydration, it begins to store water in case the situation happens again, plus you may become constipated. This means that as soon as you start drinking normally, all the liquid begins to accumulate in the abdomen and thighs, and you look slightly swollen.

4. Constipation

This is probably the most obvious cause of bloating - you need to go to the bathroom! Irregular stools can often cause stomach heaviness, pain, discomfort, and bloating. Causes of constipation include poor diet, low fiber diet, low fluid intake, sedentary or inactive lifestyle, and stress.

5. Food allergies

Often, food allergies, sensitivities or intolerances (lactose, for example) are the main causes of gas and bloating. Foods that cause gas include dairy products, foods that contain gluten (bread, pasta, rolls, cereals, etc.) and certain types of carbohydrates called FODMAPs ( f fermentable O ligo-, d And-, m onosaccharides and P oliols).

There are dozens of other possible food allergies (shellfish, nuts, eggs) and if your body doesn't accept one of them, it will let you know. FODMAP carbohydrates are difficult to eliminate from the diet because there are so many of them and each one is unique in terms of tolerance. An elimination diet will help you determine which foods cause bloating (apples, avocados, for example) because they are not completely broken down and absorbed.

6. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Syndrome

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth syndrome is caused by high levels of abnormal bacteria in the digestive tract that normally live in the intestines (dysbacteriosis), where they can accumulate due to antibiotics, digestive disorders, or inflammation. As a rule, various strains of bacteria live in a strict balance in the large intestine, which helps the absorption of necessary nutrients, but when bad bacteria increase, various small damage to the intestinal walls and other unpleasant symptoms occur. Some foods can cause an overgrowth of bad bacteria, which, in turn, multiply and throw their waste directly into the intestines, leading to indigestion and excessive gas formation.

7. Infection

Bloating and swelling can occur due to various kinds of infections that cause inflammation in the digestive tract and pelvic organs and the production of a large number of white blood cells. Other symptoms of infection may also be present, such as fever, redness and pain, enlarged lymph nodes, which signal the presence of a serious infection in the body.

8. Intestinal obstruction

Sometimes severe bloating, along with constipation, nausea, and vomiting, can indicate bowel obstruction due to scar tissue or swelling. When they grow and begin to put pressure on the intestines, “congestion” occurs, and fluid and stool do not find a natural outlet. If you have experienced this, then you will not confuse this ailment with anything, because every trip to the toilet turns into torture.

9. Hormonal changes

PMS is known to cause bloating and digestive problems as the chances of constipation and fluid retention increase during this period. This is common and not a problem until other serious symptoms appear, such as irregular menstruation, fibroids, or severe cramps. Bloating before or during a cycle is very common, as is water retention about two weeks before.

What causes bloating in women before, during or after critical days? In the first days of the female cycle, the so-called follicular stage, estrogen levels increase and the walls of the uterus thicken. During ovulation, bloating can become even worse, as the amount of blood and fluid in the body increases. If everything functions normally in the reproductive system of a woman, then along with excess accumulated fluid, blood and dead tissues, bloating will also pass.

10 Cancer

Cancer is far from the main cause of bloating, but flatulence is one of the signs of uterine and colon cancer. That is why it is extremely important to talk to your doctor if you have tried dozens of ways to get rid of bloating and digestive problems, but still have not achieved a tangible result and have not found the reason why your stomach swells.

Food that causes flatulence

Diet plays a huge role in regulating how much air and food gets inside your digestive tract. What to do with bloating? In order for everything to run smoothly, the diet should consist of foods rich in fiber, 25-30 grams of which should be present in the diet daily. This is easy if you include whole foods in your diet, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes. So it will be easier to track the body's reaction to a particular product and find exactly the one that causes flatulence. Remember that bloating depends on your lifestyle in general, and not just on the food on your plate, if you thought that only after eating your stomach bloated.

Products to help fight bloating:

  • Probiotics: The “good bacteria” called probiotics live in the human digestive tract and fight off the “bad bacteria” that can cause digestive problems and all sorts of unwanted reactions. They can be taken in the form of food supplements, but the best source of probiotics is considered to be food rich in them, namely: kefir, yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha.
  • Natural dairy products: I always recommend eating all natural, this also applies to dairy products. Of course, it is more customary to go and buy everything in the supermarket, but everything is pasteurized and homogenized there. During the production process, the enzymes necessary for proper digestion die, even people with lactose intolerance are recommended natural dairy products. It is better not to buy yogurt with artificial ingredients, choose mature cheeses and cottage cheese instead of cream cheese, kefir and natural yogurt instead of milk, as they contain less lactose.
  • Watery fruits and vegetables: Vegetables and fruits contain water, important electrolytes, and beneficial enzymes that can help fight bloating naturally. Eat more fresh and cooked leafy greens, cucumbers, celery, dill, artichokes, watermelons and melons, berries and steamed vegetables.
  • Herbs, spices and teas: Natural, soothing and aiding digestion herbs and medicinal plants such as ginger, dandelion, aloe vera and fennel have been used for thousands of years to soothe a raging stomach. Some medicinal plants work as diuretics and help the body get rid of excess fluid, while others, like ginger, for example, relax the muscles in the digestive tract and promote the natural release of waste, that is, they help with constipation. Eat fresh herbs of all kinds: parsley, oregano, rosemary, peeled ginger root, aloe vera juice, herbal teas and essential oils. Don't forget about this folk method treatment not only for the common cold, but also for the intestines, like pitted broth and green tea.

Now that you've learned about what to do if your stomach swells, and got acquainted with the list of foods that you need to eat to overcome flatulence, let's talk about those foods that can aggravate the situation. Let's start with the fact that each person's reaction to a particular product may be different, and there is no such list in which all of them are included. However, the following foods are most likely to cause bloating in most people:

  • sugar and sweets: sugar easily ferments in the intestines, which can promote the growth of yeast-like candida and cause inflammatory processes.
  • Most dairy products: including flavored yoghurts with sugar and artificial ingredients, and many other dairy products that lose beneficial enzymes and microorganisms during the manufacturing process.
  • Refined grains and grain products: Gluten is difficult for most people to digest, as is corn, oats, and other grains in some cases.
  • among vegetables, it is not easy to digest broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, onions and even garlic: they contain sulfur and some types of FODMAP carbohydrates
  • legumes promote gas formation.
  • carbonated drinks.
  • chewing gum.
  • in some cases, fermentative fruits such as apples, peaches and other fruits with pits, avocados.
  • artificial sweeteners and sweet alcohols containing aspartame, sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol.

A few more tips to help deal with flatulence:

1. Talk to a doctor

If you can’t find the main cause of bloating, contact a doctor who will conduct all the necessary examinations to identify the right one from hundreds of factors, diseases and disorders. How to treat bloating and gas? There are many different diagnostic tests that a doctor can prescribe to get a complete picture of what is happening: analysis of feces, blood, ultrasonography for "congestion", a study on the patency of the intestines, stomach, enema, manometry of the esophagus, breath test, endoscopy or colonoscopy with biopsy. Knowing the causes and treatment there!

2. Go in for sports

An active lifestyle helps the digestive system work optimally, as it helps fight bloating, increases the metabolic rate, blood circulation and lymphatic fluid circulation throughout the body, which helps to quickly cleanse the body of waste products. Enjoy the full benefits of exercise and exercise about 3-4 times a week for 30-60 minutes. Don't drink sugary sports drinks after your workout!

Can exercise make the condition worse? In some cases, it can, especially if you overtrain. Overtraining puts the body into a stressful state, in which the adrenal glands actively produce the stress hormone cortisol. Training should serve to promote overall health and improve well-being, and not worsen the general condition, the functioning of the digestive system and add more stress.

3. Drink enough fluids

In order for fiber to do its job properly, you also need to drink plenty of fluids to deal with flatulence. For each person, the amount of liquid drunk per day is different, but it is worth starting at least with 6-8 glasses per day. Adequate fluid intake is important for effective control of bloating, and drinks should be chosen with care.

Carbonated drinks with artificial colors, flavors, and additives can exacerbate bloating symptoms. Alcohol also leads to flatulence, as well as drinks containing caffeine. It is better to drink plain water, tinctures with fresh pieces of fruit or herbs (lemon, grapefruit, basil) or herbal teas.

4. Reduce stress

Everyone knows that when a person is irritated, tired, sad or overworked, malfunctions appear in the body, including malfunctions of the digestive system. Stress and fatigue have a huge impact on digestion. This is because the work of the intestines and the brain is closely connected with each other by the vagus nerve. In the walls of the gastrointestinal tract there is a whole network of receptors that collect, analyze hormonal and chemical changes and send reports to the central nervous system person, or rather in that part of it that is responsible for the intestines. The brain receives these messages, processes them and starts the work of the intestines, which in turn produces enzymes, saliva and secretions necessary for a normal digestive process, it also controls the production of hormones responsible for appetite.

Irritation and stressful situations can cause changes in this network of communications and distract the brain from the process of digestion in order to save energy and direct it in another direction. Stress raises cortisol levels, changes blood sugar levels, and affects the production of other hormones, which can lead to constant hunger, constipation, or swelling.

Bloating is an unpleasant symptom that brings a lot of discomfort. Basically, flatulence is periodic or short-term. The cause of this condition is malnutrition. With constant swelling or frequent long-term manifestation of such symptoms, it is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist and check for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Bloating is a condition characterized by the formation and accumulation of an excessive amount of gas in the gastrointestinal tract. Often rumbling, spasms, colic, bloating, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen occur in healthy people. Such manifestations can be observed for various reasons.

The abdomen is swollen intermittently or constantly. Persistent bloating may indicate an increase in organs in size, obesity, a tumor, or the accumulation of a large amount of fluid. When flatulence, rumbling manifests itself once, the cause of the malaise is improper digestion.

Regular rumbling in the stomach occurs under the influence of the following factors:

Flatulence after a meal

When a person consumes food, air is swallowed. During snacks, rush, eating on the go, much more air enters the stomach than it should be, which is why in most people. This provokes a feeling of fullness in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, flatulence can be a consequence of the use of certain provoking products. Gas is accompanied by pain, nausea and other symptoms.

Food rich in fiber

When fiber-rich foods predominate in the diet, gas is formed. Carbohydrates provoke fermentation, which is a provocateur of bloating, heaviness. With frequent flatulence, it is recommended to minimize the consumption of foods such as black bread, legumes, eggs, cabbage, kvass.

Large amounts of food consumed

Overeating is the main provoking factor of flatulence. Especially if a large amount of salty, fatty, fried foods is consumed. This is due to the fact that products containing sodium retain water in the body, provoke swelling and flatulence.

Irritable stomach syndrome

When there are disturbances in the motility of the stomach, the movements of the organ become chaotic, not lined up, as a result, irritable stomach syndrome occurs. In the structure of the intestine, no disturbances or changes are observed. The clinical picture is accompanied by flatulence, constipation or diarrhea, pain.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis

The most common factor is intestinal dysbiosis. It is accompanied by increased gas formation in the colon. The large intestine contains many beneficial microbes that protect the body from the influence of harmful flora. If immunity weakens, harmful microorganisms are activated in the intestinal cavity, provoking fermentation and decay, which occurs against the background of excretion huge amount fetid gas. The composition of the gas contains substances such as hydrogen sulfide, methane, ammonia.

Pathologies of the digestive system

Flatulence accompanies many pathologies of the digestive system. These include pancreatitis, ulcers, gastritis, enteritis, colitis.


During pregnancy, women often complain of flatulence and associated symptoms. Bloating is often seen in early dates bearing a child. In this case, the provocateur is an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood. This hormone relaxes the uterus, as well as the gastrointestinal tract. For more later dates increased gas formation can occur due to an increase in the size of the uterus and its pressure on the internal organs.


Flatulence occurs due to prolonged constipation, which is the result of a lack of fiber and fluid in the diet.

In addition to these factors, various pathologies can provoke flatulence: appendicitis, cholelithiasis, ulcers, diverticulitis, blockage of the genitourinary system, lack of enzymes. In order for the treatment of pathology to be effective, it is important to eliminate the provoking factor. You can determine the cause with the help of competent diagnostics under the supervision of a gastroenterologist.

The pathogenesis of flatulence

If symptoms of pathology are found, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. This will help to exclude a serious pathology from suspicion or start therapy on time. Characteristic signs of permanent bloating in an adult:

  • colic;
  • heaviness and bursting;
  • the presence of aching pain in different parts of the abdomen.

You can get rid of intestinal colic naturally, they subside after the gases leave. At the same time, the accompanying symptoms subside: diarrhea or constipation, nausea, the presence of an unpleasant aftertaste in the oral cavity, belching and lack of appetite, fetid breath.

If flatulence occurs against the background of the following symptoms, urgently consult a gastroenterologist or therapist:

  • soreness in the chest;
  • the presence of blood in the stool;
  • weight loss
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • recurring and severe pain in the abdomen;
  • elevated body temperature.

If the disorder of the digestive system occurs over a long period of time, it may be accompanied by such signs as: shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, intoxication of the body, malaise, insomnia, heart rhythm disturbance.

The specifics of therapeutic therapy

In order to, it is important to eliminate the factor that provokes this painful condition. First of all, it is necessary to take measures to stop active gas formation: correct nutrition, cure the underlying ailment, restore the motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract with the help of prokinetics, normalize the intestinal microflora, and also free the intestinal lumen from a large accumulation of gases.

In addition to diet therapy, it is important to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle life. You should stop smoking, abuse of alcoholic beverages, exercise daily, walk more often.

As for pharmacology, the following medications help with bloating:

  • Activated charcoal. The drug is released in the form of tablets. It is recommended to drink 3 pieces before each meal. For children under seven years of age, give one tablet, drink big amount water.
  • Espumizan is one of the most effective safe means from bloating. It can even be used in the treatment of newborns. Helps with constipation and in the postoperative period.
  • White coal. These tablets are based on dietary fiber. When the fibers swell, they begin to absorb gases and toxins. Take one tablet before meals.

With flatulence, you must adhere to a strict diet. It is also important to lead an active lifestyle. Gastroenterologists prescribe special absorbents that absorb gases and that's it. harmful substances and then remove them from the body. Before embarking on treatment, undergo an examination and determine the cause of the ailment.
