How can you increase your pension? How to increase your future pension

There aren't many options for this, unfortunately. The pension policy of the country is aimed at not paying pensions over living wage, for the bulk of future pensioners. The only window in it is pensions for the military, the pension policy for them meets all the norms and standards, even European ones. So, the first easiest way to get a high pension is contract service, if you are not a certified military man, but a civilian. The second way is to keep working after reaching retirement age, you won’t get much there, three points for each year (230 rubles today) and recalculation when you stop working, it’s interesting that many men live out retirement age. The third option is to move to live in the region where pensions are the highest. The fourth, not bad option, is to save money in dollars for old age.

5 secrets: how to increase your own pension

First, make inquiries about the management company or non-state pension fund where you are going to place your funds. Information about management companies is presented on the websites of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.


The activities of management companies are controlled by the Pension Fund, so you do not risk anything by trusting them with your funded part (in the event of bankruptcy of the management company cash returned to PF). 4 Participate in the funded part co-financing program. The State Pension Fund offers to double (no more than 12 thousand per year) your voluntary contributions, in addition to what your employer pays for you.

5 Form your own funded part. It will not depend on age, or on the amount of wages, or on the base part state pension but only on how much you yourself are willing to invest additionally.

How can I legally increase my old age pension?

In Russia, it is not customary to please pensioners with a high pension - the average payments for the elderly are today about 14-15 thousand rubles. Every year they are promised an increase, but it rarely exceeds 3-10%.
This will also be the case in 2018: only a select few, former prosecutors and investigators, will receive a good increase of 6-7 thousand rubles, while the rest are promised only 555 rubles each (those who have a pension close to the national average, those who have less and increase will be smaller). Agree, very scarce funds by today's standards, which is even more depressing for today's working people: the prospects for a well-deserved rest seem rather vague.


How to take care of a happy old age in such conditions? And in general, is it possible to somehow influence the size of your future pension provision. will talk about the 6 surest ways that exist on this moment.

How to multiply your pension

Way #3: Earn a Big Salary As we have already identified above, the amount of your pension depends on the number of pension points generated, and they, in turn, on the amount of deductions made by the employer. Recall that they make up 22% of the wage fund, that is, 22% of the salary of each employee.
The higher your salary, the more, therefore, there will be deductions, and the greater the pension will be - the logic is elementary. So if you want a good retirement, take care of your today's salary.
This, by the way, is the problem of millions of current pensioners. In Soviet times, the labor market had a slightly different format. It was customary to work all your life at one enterprise, often with a fairly modest salary. Therefore, it turned out that many who today have 40-55 years of experience worked all their lives for a small salary, and now they receive a meager pension.

How to increase the size of the future pension?

Important! A military pensioner working in civilian life receives the assigned payments in full, with the exception of additional payments that are relevant for those who prefer a well-deserved rest. Ways to increase pensions: a summary Everything described above is summarized in the table.

How to increase the pension Comment 1. Increase the length of service Work after the right to retire 2. Recalculate the length of service This is safe, because in case of a decrease in the amount of the pension, you can continue to receive the previously assigned 3.

Receive only official salary Relevant for working pensioners and those who have several years left before they become eligible for payment. Read also the article: → "The procedure for hiring pensioners." 4.

Strive for the salary to exceed the average for the country 5. Form a funded part Its size depends on the results of investing savings.

And they are not always profitable, losses are possible.

Legal ways to increase the size of the pension

Then the length of service is adjusted taking into account the coefficient 0.8: 240/360 = 0.8. Important! The periods indicated above are taken into account in the length of service, provided that the person worked officially both before and after them.

If the insurance and non-insurance intervals coincide in time, the pensioner has the right to choose which of them should be taken into account. If non-insurance periods intersect, you can stop at only one.

Social supplements when receiving a pension You can increase your pension by receiving a social supplement. It is paid to those whose income is less than the subsistence level (for the region of residence). There is a surcharge:

  • regional;
  • federal.

Its size depends on such factors:

  1. The subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation as a whole and in the corresponding federal district and region.
  2. Location of the pensioner.
  3. The amount of his financial support.

Example #2.

Five ways to increase your future pension

The scheme is quite simple - for several years you regularly make contributions to the cash fund of a certain insurance company, which at this time has the right to dispose of your savings. When a person reaches retirement age, the insurance fund undertakes to return all the money received from savings (taking into account the percentage of profit from investment specified in the agreement).

The amount of the increase may be paid in instalments. The guaranteed yield in banks is approximately 4%. In addition, it is worth noting that such deposits also imply life insurance, so the client receives two services at the same time.

  • Bank security deposit. In this case, we are talking about a deposit, which is concluded for a period of up to 15 years. The interest rate, which banks have repeatedly increased, ranges from 7% to 10%, depending on the chosen financial institution.

6 ways to increase your future pension

How to increase your pension, you are interested in how active pensioners and ordinary citizens who care about securing their future. All possible solutions are in this article. Content

  • 1 Pension rights
  • 2 Current pensioners
    • 2.1 Non-working pensioners
    • 2.2 Working pensioners
    • 2.3 For citizens who have not reached retirement age
  • 3 Accumulation of pension in the bank

Pension rights After the introduction of the pension reform, citizens of the Russian Federation, after entering a well-deserved rest, can receive insurance and funded pension. If the first is guaranteed by the state, then the second is charged by non-state pension funds. Pension payments are formed on the basis of the average salary for a certain period and the total insurance experience faces. The average salary can be taken into account for any five years labor activity until 2002.
Method number 4: Work in retirement Of course, a well-deserved rest for that and rest to rest. Indeed, work in old age very hard, however, this does not stop 12-15 million Russian pensioners who continue to work despite their age.

These are the realities of Russian life - the elderly have to work, because it is really difficult to live in the Russian Federation on a pension alone. But there is another plus in working in retirement - with official employment, being retired, the pensioner continues to form his pension rights.

His pension increases accordingly - the revision takes place annually in August. True, the amount of such an increase for pensioners is not so big - in 2017, the amount of the increase was limited to 2 pension points, that is, most working pensioners received an increase of only 222 rubles.

In August, the Russian government announced that there would be no planned indexation of pensions in 2016. Instead, pensioners will receive a fixed payment of 5,000 rubles in January next year.

The freezing of the funded part for another three years (in 2017–19) is also being discussed. Can I somehow influence the size of my future pension? In what ways can it be increased? You can calculate the amount of the pension that threatens you today.

A special calculator is installed on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. But the changes in our legislation, which we periodically observe, and the unstable economic situation indicate that it is more reliable to keep your future in your hands.

It is unlikely that pensions will suddenly be canceled in 20-30 years. But the order of their accruals and the amount of payments can undergo significant changes. However, today you can take care of your future pension yourself.

How to legally increase your pension

The broker's commission is small - just a fraction of a percent. But it is more profitable to transfer bonds not to a regular brokerage account, but to an investment account (IIA). On such an account, you can buy any securities, as well as currencies traded on Russian exchanges.

In this case, you can receive a tax deduction on the deposited amount. But for the deduction to apply, money from the account cannot be withdrawn for three years. What are risky investments If you have gained experience, then you can take a risk, invest part of your savings in riskier stocks - directly or through funds. On the international market, such stocks give a return twice as high as inflation. But they will have to pay taxes.

How to legally increase your pension

How to increase your pension non-working pensioner If a person is already retired, then he is not able to change the length of service and the amount of wages received earlier. But the amount of payments to increase really. Possible options:

  1. Contact the FIU and change the method of calculating the length of service. After all, according to the old legislation, many periods, for example, maternity leave, were not included in it. The pensioner has nothing to lose. If, as a result of the recalculation, the pension decreases, then he will receive the amount that was calculated earlier.
  2. Do not retire immediately after becoming eligible. If you do not apply to the FIU for several years after the execution of 55 or 60, then the points and fixed payments will increase significantly. Read also the article: → “How is the dismissal due to old-age or disability pension”.

Every year the pension is increased by a percentage of price increases.

Popular section materials

Deputy Manager of the PFR Branch for the Khabarovsk Territory M.Ya. On April 2, Zakatova took part in the television program of the ITA "Gubernia" "Free Time".

Presenter Sofya Epifanova suggested that viewers figure out if it is possible to save up for a secure old age? During live broadcast A discussion ensued, the opinions of the participants of which were ambiguous.

M.Ya. Zakatova spoke about the mechanisms that operate in the modern pension system and make it possible to form a future pension at the level of global standards. Ways to increase your pension are simple and accessible to everyone.

Maria Yakovlevna stressed that the future pension depends on us. You only need to know and use the 5 main ways to increase your future pension.

Firstly, to work in a company that pays official wages, and not “salary in envelopes”, secondly, to competently manage the funded part of your future pension, thirdly, to participate in the State Pension Co-financing Program, and fourthly, to participate in non-state pension programs, fifthly, to strive to earn a long record of service, which means not to rush to retire. How do these methods work in practice, and how to apply them?

The modern pension system is based on insurance principles. Therefore, the amount of the pension directly depends on the amount of insurance premiums recorded on your individual personal account for the entire period of your employment.

If you receive an official salary, your future pension is formed from mandatory payments that employers make for you in the FIU.

But you can form your own pension by transferring additional insurance premiums to the funded part, as a participant in the State Pension Co-financing Program and on parity with the state, you will increase your future pension.

The state pension co-financing program also encourages the employer to act as a third party and make additional insurance contributions for their employees.

All citizens, regardless of age, can join the Program. If you put aside from 2 thousand to 12 thousand rubles for the funded part of your future pension. per year, the state doubles this money. In general, according to the results of three years of the Program of state co-financing of pensions (2009-2011), 104.8 million rubles were received from the state budget to individual personal accounts of the inhabitants of the region. As a result, the pension rights of the Program participants increased by 214 million rubles.

You can join the program until October 1, 2013. The program runs for 10 years, starting from the year following the first year of payment. To participate in the program, you must personally apply to the FIU at the place of residence or through your employer, or through an organization with which the FIU has entered into an appropriate agreement (for example, banks or private pension funds).

Additional contributions to the funded part of the pension are also invested by the management company or NPF, thus increasing the pension capital.

The funded part of the pension today is formed for working citizens born in 1967 and younger, as well as for citizens of any age - participants in the State Pension Co-financing Program.

From July 1 of this year, the first payments of pension savings will begin. Moreover, participants in the Program for State Co-financing of Pensions have the right to appoint an urgent payment, which will be carried out for a period of at least 10 years.

You can form your pension savings through the Pension Fund Russian Federation or through a non-state pension fund (NPF). When forming through the PFR, you can choose one of the management companies: the state management company (GUK) - Vnesheconombank or a private management company (UK). Since November 1, 2009, the SMC has two portfolios for investing pension savings: an investment portfolio of government securities and an extended investment portfolio, in which the savings of the so-called "silent people" are formed (citizens who did not write an application for choosing the investment portfolio of the SMC).

When forming through an NPF, it is necessary to conclude an agreement on compulsory pension insurance with the selected NPF.

In order to transfer your pension savings to a UK or NPF, you must submit a corresponding application to any territorial body of the PFR or an organization with which the PFR has entered into an agreement on mutual certification of signatures. In this case, all funds of pension savings will be transferred to the PFR upon application.

Of the 730 thousand residents of the Khabarovsk Territory with pension savings, more than 100 thousand submitted applications to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the transfer of their pension savings to non-state pension funds(NPF) and management companies. And only in 2011 - 43,051 people. This is 53% more than in 2010.

The list of MCs and NPFs, application forms and samples of their completion are available on the PFR website:

Non-state pension funds provide additional voluntary pension programs. Full information about them can be obtained at the offices and on the websites of non-state pension funds.

The insurance period affects the size of the labor pension. How longer man works after reaching the generally established retirement age (60 years for men and 55 years for women), the higher his pension will be. The standard of the International Labor Organization - 30 years of insurance experience for men and 25 years for women - was adopted as a "starting point". For a year of processing in excess of this length of service, the size of the fixed basic component of the insurance part of the pension will increase by 6%. For a year of "flaws" - to decrease by 3%. Calculation with an increase according to this principle can be done only once when assigning a pension. Therefore, if a person has already acquired the right to a pension and has the necessary insurance experience, but continues to work, it will be beneficial for him to postpone the appointment of a pension for the duration of his work. This rule will take effect from 2015, so that people have the opportunity to understand all the nuances in detail.

What will be our future pension depends on each of us. The state gave everyone the opportunity to take an active part in its formation, the main thing is not to miss the time and take care of the pension as early as possible, while young and healthy.

How to increase the pension is of interest to both current pensioners and ordinary citizens who care about securing their future. All possible solutions are in this article.

After the introduction of the pension reform, citizens of the Russian Federation, after entering a well-deserved rest, can receive an insurance and funded pension. If the first is guaranteed by the state, then the second is charged by non-state pension funds.

Pension payments are formed on the basis of the average salary for a certain period and the total insurance period of the person. The average salary can be taken into account for any five years of employment before 2002. After 2002, a system of insurance contributions to the CSO was introduced. Therefore, the number of contributions that the employer pays also increases the total amount state aid that is due to a citizen. The specific amount of payments depends on the number of pension points, as well as on the individual pension coefficient.

Current pensioners

Non-working pensioners

Unemployed pensioners can legally exercise their right to increase their pension through a recalculation, which they can use once a year. It is important to remember that the employees of your territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation have no legal grounds to refuse to recalculate them, so their illegal actions can be appealed to a higher authority.

The recalculation process is governed by the provisions of Federal Law No. 400. According to this law, the choice of a method for calculating the length of service is a priority for a pensioner. If, as a result of the recalculation, it turns out that new pension is less, then the pensioner will simply be paid the old old-age pension, therefore, if it is impossible to receive increased pension, the face does not lose anything.

Working pensioners

Working pensioners have certain advantages, because they can get large quantity pension points by continuing to work. Consequently, they increase the number of pension points due to the high amount of total insurance premiums, it does not matter whether the increased pension payments are accrued or not.

Important! Pensioners have the right to refuse to receive an insurance pension after reaching retirement age by increasing the fixed payments, as well as the number of pension points, which are subsequently converted into Russian rubles. (FZ No. 400).

For citizens who have not reached retirement age

Below are legal ways to increase your pension for those who have not yet retired.

  1. Accumulative part pension payments. Persons who were born after 1967 may receive a funded part of the pension, which will act as a supplement to the regular insurance pension. If a citizen refuses the funded part, then the number of pension points increases, but at the same time, he loses the opportunity to invest. You can invest money both in a non-state pension fund and in private companies.
  2. Insurance company services. The scheme is quite simple - for several years you regularly make contributions to the cash fund of a certain insurance company, which at this time has the right to dispose of your savings. When a person reaches retirement age, the insurance fund undertakes to return all the money received from savings (taking into account the percentage of profit from investment specified in the agreement). The amount of the increase may be paid in instalments. The guaranteed yield in banks is approximately 4%. In addition, it is worth noting that such deposits also imply life insurance, so the client receives two services at the same time.
  3. Bank security deposit. In this case, we are talking about a deposit, which is concluded for a period of up to 15 years. The interest rate, which banks have repeatedly increased, ranges from 7% to 10%, depending on the chosen financial institution. Before you increase your pension in this way, it is worth remembering that amounts of more than 800 thousand rubles are usually not insured by financial institutions against possible inflation.
  4. Pension contribution. Such deposits differ from standard deposits by a high interest rate - up to 10% per annum. All details of this method will be discussed below.

Saving a pension in a bank

To influence how to increase your future pension with a deposit, it is worth considering specific example. It should be noted right away that keeping money on a deposit in a bank not only implies certain risks, but also requires constant efforts from the depositor.

For example, in a month you have accumulated 4,000 rubles. This is 48,000 rubles per year. At the same time, after 15 years it is already 720,000 rubles. Taking into account the ten percent interest rate, in 15 years the total amount of savings will reach 3,256,000 rubles. Thus, the 35th employees in fifteen years can create a fairly large pension account, which will ensure a real increase in pension payments.

Of course, the deposit is the most accessible way increase your future pension, but at the same time, there are some pitfalls:

  • daily replenishment of the account for impressive amounts of funds;
  • constant search for new banks and conclusion of agreements (no bank will conclude a long-term agreement with you, so this is a reality for all pensioners);
  • low profitability of deposits (in some Western countries, the increase can reach zero);
  • devaluation of the currency, which can lead not only to a low profitability of the deposit, but also to the loss of a significant amount of money from your capital.
  • the need for constant indexing (since you can increase your pension only taking into account indexing of income, the monthly amount of deposits will constantly change).

Thus, we can conclude that the deposit can be effectively used only for a certain period of time. It is recommended to increase pension payments in this way when it comes to small amounts and favorable interest rates. Otherwise, it is necessary to resort to a combined method.

You can generate a really stable income with the help of an individual pension portfolio. For example, over the course of five years, deposits are made on a diversified foreign currency deposit. When the amount becomes more than 500,000 rubles, the future pensioner invests in bonds. Then you can invest real money in real estate in order to be able to rent it out, while the person continues to deduct 5% of his income to the deposit.

In Russia, it is not customary to please pensioners with a high pension - the average payments for the elderly are today about 14-15 thousand rubles. Every year they are promised an increase, but it rarely exceeds 3-10%. : only a select few - former prosecutors and investigators - will receive a good increase of 6-7 thousand rubles, while the rest are promised only 555 rubles each (those who have a pension close to the national average, those who have less and the increase will be less). Agree, very scarce funds by today's standards, which is even more depressing for today's working people: the prospects for a well-deserved rest seem rather vague.

How to take care of a happy old age in such conditions? And in general, is it possible to somehow influence the size of your future pension provision. will tell you about the 6 surest ways that exist at the moment. But first, let's figure out what a "pension" is and where it comes from.

What and how

The most common type of pension payments in Russia is insurance pension, the right to which all persons insured in accordance with the Federal Law "On Compulsory Pension Insurance" are entitled. Without going into details and other aspects, we note that all those who managed to earn it receive an insurance pension. It is formed primarily due to insurance contributions that our employers make for us - about they pay to the Pension Fund for each OFFICIALLY employed employee 22% of his salary. The more they deduct, the more insurance points can be accumulated, however, only within the established maximum (in 2017, for example, the maximum could be accumulated 8.26 points, and by 2021 the maximum will increase to 10 points per year).

Following this logic, the higher the salary, the more pension points will be accumulated. The more points, the higher the pension. The insurance experience in this formula is a secondary matter. It is clear that without a minimum length of service it will not be possible to apply for an insurance pension (from 2024 it will be 15 years) - due to the lack of it, many people already receive payments today. However, in fact, it only affects the period during which pension rights are formed. That is, the longer you OFFICIALLY work, the longer you accumulate points, and therefore, you apply for a larger pension. To find out exactly what kind of pension you are currently applying for, the Pension Fund Pension Calculator will help.

Many, however, are very skeptical about their future pension, looking at it only as a "beautiful far away." And in vain, if you deal with this issue in time, there are a lot of options for how to secure an acceptable pension. Here are some obvious and most sure ways.

Method number 1:

Non-state pension provision

For many, this will be a revelation, but the first non-state pension funds appeared after 1992. Much has changed since then, and now NPFs are an integral part of the pension system, and their abundance is amazing. Their key difference from the PFR is that they are joint-stock companies that form the funds of citizens' pension reserves on a voluntary basis. If you want to secure a pension more than your neighbor's, bring money to the NPF. But the bottom line is that they do not just accumulate depositors' money - they form an investment portfolio from them, that is, they invest depositors' money in securities and other investment instruments.

Often very risky. Therefore, investing in NPFs has certain risks. However, this method for 10-15-20 years of deductions allows you to accumulate a very worthy additional non-state pension, which, moreover, can be increased due to profitable investments. True, whether non-state funds will exist by that time is a question of a completely different nature.

Method number 2:

Work only officially

In fact, official employment is the only opportunity (apart from private entrepreneurship and independent deduction of insurance premiums, of course) to form insurance pension rights for oneself. No matter how much you work, if it is informal, the employer will not make insurance contributions to the FIU. And if he does not make pension contributions, he will not be formed pension rights, and therefore, it is not worth counting on a labor pension.

In this case, the only thing that citizens can claim is a social pension, which can be assigned 5 years later than the insurance one (60 and 65 years for men and women, respectively), and its size leaves much to be desired. So, with an average insurance pension of 15 thousand rubles, the size of the social pension barely reaches 9 thousand rubles.

By the way, it is worth paying the attention of readers that the signing of an employment contract is only one of the elements of official employment, but not as it is. To make it clearer, let us explain: in our practice, there have been cases when an employer signed an employment contract with employees, but did not register them with the Pension Fund and did not pay insurance premiums. So don't forget to control this process too.

Method number 3:

Get a big salary

As we have already determined above, the amount of your pension depends on the number of pension points generated, and they, in turn, on the amount of contributions made by the employer. Recall that they make up 22% of the wage fund, that is, 22% of the salary of each employee. The higher your salary, the more, therefore, there will be deductions, and the greater will be the pension- the logic is elementary. So if you want a good retirement, take care of your today's salary.

This, by the way, is the problem of millions of current pensioners. In Soviet times, the labor market had a slightly different format. It was customary to work all your life at one enterprise, often with a fairly modest salary. Therefore, it turned out that many who today have 40-55 years of experience worked all their lives for a small salary, and now they receive a meager pension.

Method number 4:

work in retirement

Of course, a well-deserved rest for that and rest to rest. Indeed, it is very difficult to work in old age; however, this does not stop the 12-15 million Russian pensioners who, despite their age, continue to work. These are the realities of Russian life - the elderly have to work, because it is really difficult to live in the Russian Federation on a pension alone. But there is another plus in working in retirement - with official employment, being retired, the pensioner continues to form his pension rights. His pension increases accordingly - the revision takes place annually in August. True, the amount of such an increase for pensioners is not so big - in 2017, the amount of the increase was limited to 2 pension points, that is, the majority of working pensioners.

Method number 5:

Postpone retirement age

The retirement age in Russia is one of the lowest in the world: 55 and 60 years for men and women, respectively. Lately the issue of its increase is being actively discussed, but no active actions have yet been reached. However, many people forget that you can postpone the retirement age on your own - simply without contacting the FIU for its appointment.

So, for each deferred year of retirement, the PFR promises to apply additional premium coefficients that will increase payments upon application. So, in general cases, for one year of deferment, the pension will increase by 7%, for 2 years - by 15%, for 3 years - by 24%, and so on. The law allows you to postpone retirement within 1-10 years. The maximum increase, subject to a 10-year delay, will be 232%. You can learn more about the applied coefficients on the FIU website.

Method number 6:

Save for old age

Probably the most the right way is to rely on yourself and systematically save money for old age. As they say, prepare your pension from a young age. You can save in the traditional way - transfer to a deposit in a bank, or you can use the folk way - by putting it in a bank. The main thing in this method is to convert funds into foreign currency, since keeping money in rubles is not only dangerous, but also unprofitable. Obviously, inflation can destroy the purchasing power of all your savings in an instant. And then, the ruble is far from the most reliable currency.

The Pension Fund reminded citizens that the later they apply for a pension after the right to receive it, the more money they will receive.

The increase mechanism works by accruing to those who applied late for a pension, premium coefficients to the insurance pension and a fixed payment to it. After 5 years from the moment when a citizen can retire, but does not do this, the size of his pension will increase by 45%, and the fixed payment to it - by 36%. Let's talk in more detail.

How to retire later than the due date?

In order to start processing a pension after the moment the right to it arises, you do not need to perform any special actions. It is enough not to apply for a pension upon reaching the age of 55 for women and 60 for men. For civil servants, this age is gradually increasing in accordance with Appendix 5 to the Law "On Insurance Pensions", and the retirement age of persons entitled to early appointment pensions, is determined in accordance with Art. 30-34 of the Law.

Late retirement affects the size of the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension and the size of the individual pension coefficient (IPC). In case of non-use of the right to a pension, a multiplying coefficient is applied, the amount of which depends on the number of months of work after the retirement age. It is calculated differently for persons entitled to a pension upon reaching the general retirement age for men and women on the basis of Art. 8 of the Law and persons entitled to receive a pension ahead of schedule in force under Art. 30-34 of the Law (see part 5 of article 16 and part 17 of article 15, annexes 1 and 2 to the Law "On insurance pensions").

How is the value of the multiplication factor determined?

To calculate the coefficient for increasing the amount of a fixed payment, the coefficient for increasing the IPC, the number of full months (from 1 to 120 months) that have elapsed from the date of the emergence of the right to an old-age insurance pension, including ahead of schedule, but not earlier than January 1, 2015, is important, until the date of her appointment. In case of refusal of a pension, the value of the increasing coefficient depends on the number of months that have passed since the moment of refusal to pay an old-age pension, but not earlier than from January 1, 2015, until the day of its restoration or a new appointment.

The multiplying coefficient differs for persons to whom the insurance pension is assigned in the general manner, and for those who can receive it ahead of schedule. For the first, after 120 months from the moment the right to a pension arises until it is issued, the value of the increase in the fixed payment amount will be 2.11, the amount of the IPC - 2.32, and for early retirement under the same conditions, the increase in the amount of the fixed payment will be 1.53, the amount of the IPC - 1.68.

When is it good to not retire?

Increasing the pension by waiving it for the duration of work continuing after retirement age is not always beneficial. At big size salary, this is a suitable option, while otherwise not receiving a pension is not always justified by increasing its size in the future. The risk of death must also be considered. The PFR website provides an example of calculating the old-age insurance pension depending on the retirement age:

A man born on March 15, 1955 became eligible for an old-age insurance pension in 2015. By this time, the term of his insurance experience was 38 years, of which the term of the general seniority until January 1, 2002 - 20 years, of which until January 1, 1991 - 10 years. The ratio of earnings for 2000-2001. - 1.2. The amount of contributions to the insurance part of the pension as of January 1, 2015 is 950,300 rubles. He also cared for a disabled person of group 1 for 2 years, 3 months and 15 days (until 2015). The value of the IPC on the date of reaching the age of 60, i.e. on March 15, 2015, is 128.210. The amount of the old-age insurance pension is 9,155.48 rubles. (128.210 x 71.41 rubles). A fixed payment in the amount of 4,383.59 rubles is established for the old-age insurance pension. The total amount of pension and payments is 13,539.07 rubles.

If retirement is postponed for 5 years, until March 15, 2020, then under the specified conditions, the amount of the old-age insurance pension will be increased by a multiplying factor of 1.45 and will amount to 13,275.44 (9,155.48 rubles x 1.45) . A multiplying factor of 1.36 will be applied to the amount of the fixed payment, it will increase to 5,961.68 rubles. (4383, 59 rubles x 1.36). The estimated total amount of the insurance old-age pension and fixed payment will be 19,237.12 rubles. In this example, the values ​​of the IPC and the fixed payment as of March 15, 2015 are used, when calculating the pension in 2020, they will take into account the values ​​of the IPC and the fixed payment as of March 15, 2020

In this example, you can also calculate how much this man did not receive for 5 years without starting to draw up a pension - 13,539.07 * 12 * 5 = 812,344.2 rubles, and the benefit from late retirement per month was 5698.05 rub. (19,237.12 rubles - 13,539.07 rubles). Thus, in order to compensate for the pension not received for 5 years, you need to live 143 months (812,344.2 / 5,698.05) after receiving it. And only after that you can feel the benefits of the surcharge. From April 1, 2017, the cost of the IPC is 78.58 rubles (Federal Law of December 19, 2016 N 416-FZ), the amount of the fixed payment from February 1, 2017 (excluding increases in Article 17 of the Law) - 4,805.11 rubles per month (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2017 N 36).
