Spring crafts in the garden. Presentation on theme: "Spring is Coming! Spring way!”

Nadezhda Grigorievna Evtushenko

Presentation on theme: "Spring is Coming! Spring way!”


1. continue to introduce children to spring events, deepen children's knowledge of the signs of spring;

2. continue to work in the collage technique;

3. arouse interest in the image of nature against the background of an imprint of paint from glass using a monotype;

4. to consolidate the ability to cut an object along the contour;

5. develop imagination, sense of composition;

6. to cultivate interest in the knowledge of nature and the reflection of ideas in art.

Preliminary work:

Observation in nature of spring phenomena;

Considering illustrations about spring;

Reading poetry, guessing about spring;

Preparing an ink print from glass using a monotype.

Vocabulary work:

primroses, snowdrop, coltsfoot.


sheets tinted with monotype, magazine clippings, newspapers, scissors, glue, napkins, brushes.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, guess who will come to visit us today?

Here the leaves have hatched

Grass is the first to be seen.

It's in a sun shawl

Coming… (SPRING)

(The fairy "Spring" enters)

Fairy: Hello guys, I am Fairy Spring, sweet to everyone, red to everyone. I want to invite you to visit. It is not yet too warm in my house, not very comfortable. But you can already see a lot of interesting things (illustrations, landscapes of spring are hung on easels).

Look, guys, there is still a lot of snow around, but the presence of spring is becoming more and more noticeable. Eyes, look and find spring (children name the signs of spring: thawed patches are visible, the sun is bright, the birds have arrived).

Here, I have a magic basket, let's collect spring miracles in it. I'll put a snowdrop, and you? (children call: icicle, thaw, rain, clouds, stream, boat, etc.).

Well, here, my basket is full, I’ll take it to other guys, and I’ll give it to you, here are such beautiful sheets of paper and I want spring to be depicted.

Educator: Thank you Spring!

(Spring is leaving)

Educator: Guys, certain colors are suitable for every season. What colors did you notice? (blue, white, light green, pink). Today we will depict spring using the collage technique. See what and who you want to depict in spring (trees, flowers, birds, sun, clouds). Think about how best to arrange the pictures, who you want to finish drawing, which objects will be located in front, which ones - in the distance.

I wish you spring mood at work!

(beautiful melody sounds)

Children take necessary materials and create a collage. In the end, we all rejoice at the arrival of spring and a spring collage.

1. lesson for children in the preparatory group.

2. Show the monotype technique in your free time.

3. the educator performs independently (puts glass on the table, moistening it, applies gouache paints that are associated with the season on the entire sheet of glass with a little water, then applies a sheet of paper to the glass, you can press it in some places, carefully removes the sheet. The background is ready).

Educator of the highest qualification category Evtushenko N. G.

MADOU Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 31

Today there are many fresh ideas what can make spring crafts for kindergarten. Spring is the time to wake up bright colors, inspirations and creative ideas, so spend your leisure time interestingly with the whole family. We offer you a photo selection of simple children's crafts that you can make at home and take to kindergarten.

What spring crafts can be done with children under 7 years old

Children 5-6 years old will already be able to draw a spiral on colored paper. After that, you need to carefully cut the part along the line. If you twist the spiral, you get a rosebud. It can be fixed on a skewer or tube with glue or tape. You will get a spring bouquet of flowers that will decorate the interior of the group in kindergarten.

Master class with a photo of spring crafts

develops well fine motor skills hands making crafts from plasticine with their own hands. Children of the older group in kindergarten will be able to make a beautiful lilac branch on cardboard. The master class for this spring craft is quite simple:

  1. Draw lilac branches on the cardboard with a pencil.
  2. Roll into small balls of plasticine.
  3. Start pressing the balls to make petals.
  4. Glue the petals of each flower, and insert a small plasticine ball or bead into the center.

One of the easiest children's crafts is paper appliqué. You can ask your child to cut paper flowers and stick them on cardboard. It will turn out quite a funny card for a gift.

Spring postcards with three-dimensional flowers are popular. To make them, you will need to carefully consider the scheme so that when you open the craft it looks spectacular. You can also make voluminous flowers on top of this postcard.

- This is one of the most popular areas of needlework that children in kindergarten and even adults can do. Try to make a spring voluminous tree branch or a regular postcard.

From disposable paper utensils, you can get a bright spring sun, which then the children will happily decorate with paints.

Make it fun, simple and interesting. Use improvised materials, then you can come up with new crafts and spend an unforgettable time with children.

flowers from different materials- This is the most common type of DIY crafts. Needlewomen use not only paper, but also plastic bottles, buttons, caps, and more to turn a flower into a real work of art. If a child needs to bring crafts on the theme of spring to a kindergarten or school, then try to make flowers with him. Step by step master classes with a photo will help to make beautiful spring flowers with minimal time and money.

Flowers from plastic bottles

Do not rush to throw away the bottle itself, as its upper part can turn into a convenient stand. To do this, make holes in two covers into which to insert the stem. Put the second cover on the stem from below so that the flower does not bend or fall. Cut out the leaves from the bottle and glue them with hot glue.

Spring flowers from corks look creative. For their manufacture, you will have to pick up corks of different diameters. Make holes in each of them so that you can thread the wire. Collect a few covers, thread the wire, which then begin to twist in half. Attach green leaflets to the bottom of the wire. You can use the large lid as a stand.

Master class: tulips from plastic cups

All children love yogurt, however, cups are most often thrown away, as drinking from them is not very convenient. We suggest you make flowers out of these cups.

You will need:

- three cups different color

air balloons different colors

- scissors

- wooden stick

- glass jar.

Do not forget to make a hole in the bottom of the cups so that you can insert a skewer stem into them. Leaflets can also be made from a plastic cup or from some other material.

Insert your tulip bouquet from plastic cups in a vase and present to your mother or grandmother.

How to make snowdrops from improvised materials

Paper or green plastic bottle you can cut snowdrop leaves. Stick them together with the wire into a large plasticine ball, which is then inserted into the cap of a plastic bottle. Similarly, you can make an application with a snowdrop from pumpkin seeds.

spring pom pom flowers

Mimosa is one of the common spring flowers that are usually given for the holidays. If you make small pompoms from threads, you will get an original bouquet. For this you will need the following materials:

- wire

– green corrugated and office paper

- Bamboo skewers

- scissors

Original spring crafts - flowers from buttons

You can make flowers of different heights and combine them into one bouquet. Still such flowers are often used to decorate indoor plants.

Spring flowers easy to do with your own hands from improvised materials. Fantasy, then you will succeed creative bouquets, which can be presented to mom, teacher or educator. Simple master classes- a great opportunity to teach a child to make flowers and combine bouquets. Spend interesting leisure time with the site, because crafts self made will always be more valuable than store souvenirs.

On the theme "Spring" for kindergarten. We went all over the Internet and found 20 unhackneyed, but at the same time simple spring crafts that children can do with their own hands.

Not only for kindergarten, ideas for crafts on a spring theme are needed. Children who do not go to kindergarten also love to make crafts, and they will probably be interested in doing something new and unusual with their own hands, for example, a spring cloud, a voluminous paper rainbow or

Many of these crafts can become a wonderful gift mother or grandmother on March 8, 2019 or Mother's Day. After all, there is nothing nicer than a craft that the baby makes with his own hands with the thought of how her mother or grandmother will be delighted with her. Needless to say, some of us even wear them outside to show off what a wonderful gift a child has made.

20 ideas for crafts on the theme "Spring" for kindergarten

Hooray, the snow is over. And we have three months of rain, thunderstorms, colorful rainbows and gorgeous flowers ahead of us. Which we will display in crafts on the theme "Spring", which children will make with their own hands in kindergarten.

To get started, we suggest you make a cloud with rainbow rain. Execution and details depend on your imagination and on age features children. For example, offer younger children to make a cloud with rain from ribbons (thinner or thicker), but in senior group you can try to make volumetric drops from colored paper.

And here are some ideas with a three-dimensional rainbow made of multi-colored paper for crafts on the theme of "Spring". Instructions on how to make them are in the photo.

A simple craft for children, even children from junior group, provided that educators prepare blanks in advance.

Such a bouquet of paper hyacinths can be made with your own hands as a gift for mom on March 8 or Mother's Day.

Spring craft for the younger and middle group kindergarten - flowers from ribbons, paper and ice cream sticks. Instead of textile tapes you can use paper serpentine, which was left after the New Year.

Everything is simple here: cut out hearts from colored paper (three for a flower, one for a leaf), pierce a hole in the middle of each of them and string them on a drinking straw. Voila, and crafts on the theme of "Spring" is ready. It remains only to bring more straws to the kindergarten.

For this craft, you must first draw and cut flowers from paper. Then we fold a fan out of green paper and glue the prepared flowers on it.

And with such flowers from wooden sticks, perhaps even the kids from the nursery group can handle it. They just have to help them a little with glue.

We will close the theme of paper flowers with origami. Follow the link for a diagram of origami tulips.

When the children get tired of creating, get dirty from head to toe with glue and cut with scissors even what was impossible to cut, invite them to draw spring flowers. Here are some examples of simple drawings, and dandelions and hyacinths should be drawn with your fingers. If you wish, you can turn these drawings into applications by cutting out some elements from colored paper for them.

And finally - spring tree with birds that have returned from warmer climes. Tree trunk - cardboard sleeve from toilet paper or paper towels. We cut out the crown, leaves and birds from colored cardboard, and “sculpt” the nests and flowers from corrugated paper, crumpling it.

Now you have a sea of ​​ideas for crafts on the theme of "Spring" in kindergarten, which any child can handle. Good luck and inspiration!

Master class with teachers of MB preschool educational institution d / s OV No. 6 in the technique of collage "Spring mood".

Teacher Epatko Alena Anatolyevna.

Program content:

  • continue to teach the technique of making a collage, a landscape that displays an image, the state of a natural phenomenon;
  • expand ideas about early spring;
  • develop imagination, supporting manifestations of fantasy, courage in presenting one's own ideas, helping to show one's artistic abilities;
  • create an emotionally positive mood, develop aesthetic feelings.
  • continue to acquaint children with the features of color, make up color shades;
  • improve the motor activity of children;
  • teach to create teamwork in the collage technique.

Lesson progress:

Hello! Let's join hands and smile and share our good mood together.

When I was walking down the street, I met, and who, you yourself guess:

She opens her buds into green leaves,

Clothes the trees, waters the crops,

The movement is full, but her name is ... (spring)

That's right, spring. How sweet and tender word- spring!Spring is an amazing time of the year. From the spring warmth, everything becomes very good. People are happy to expose their faces to the gentle spring sun. The image of spring is many-sided. This is beautiful nature, and the arrival of birds, and flowering, and delicate green foliage. Spring brings all the joy of life, the joy of creativity! This feeling embraces all people, and poets write poetry, composers write music, artists write their paintings. Now we will listen to a poem by the Russian poet Viktor Lunin.


Waking up from a dream

With a soft spring brush

Draws buds on the branches

In the fields - rook chains,

Over the revived foliage

The first stroke of thunder

And in the shade of a transparent garden

Lilac bush near the fence.

How did you see spring? What mood did the poets convey? (Cheerful, joyful, beautiful, young).

Spring is coming. The sun shines brighter. There are thawed patches, the first snowdrops. The birds return from the south and sing their cheerful songs.


Remember how Russian poets call spring? (Russian poets call spring a beauty, ruddy, young, beautiful child.)

Spring comes with its own palette of colors. Here, look how the famous Italian artist Sandro Botticelli depicted the spring image.. In the painting "Spring" he depicted a girl in the image of spring. From the picture breathes beauty, love, tenderness and kindness. What are the colors on it?

Let's depict the many-sided image of spring using the "Collage" technique.

Collage - a combination of pieces various materials and media such as newspapers, magazines, product packaging, fabrics, paints and photographs combined in one composition. The term itself comes from the French "coller", which means "glue".
Viewing paintings in the "Collage" technique.

So let's depict with me such a many-sided image of Spring. The first table cuts out flowers from pieces of magazines and decorates the spring, you can make a wreath, decorate a dress with flowers. The second table from pieces of fabric makes a stream with boats and trees, a spring forest, a cheerful rain.

Creative work sounds the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons".

Fizminutka video.
